How Using a Bookkeeper Can Help Grow Your Business

How Using a Bookkeeper Can Help Grow Your Business

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look i get it you're running a successful business  but you're constantly stressed about where the   money is going or where it should be going  so should you hire a bookkeeper as one of my   clients puts it colin i love working with numbers  but working with my dollars makes me nauseous   wow business owners we wear many hats the owner  the manager sales person administrator customer   service benefits manager and bookkeeper wait  bookkeeper are you running a successful business   but you're doing your own books are you doing your  own books because you're a solo entrepreneur stop   right now what about your cpa is your cpa also  your bookkeeper i would think twice about that   this week i got the chance to catch up with  parker stevenson parker is a managing partner   and the chief business officer at evolve finance  a bookkeeping firm in california specializing   in helping online entrepreneurs build a  more profitable and stable online business   stick around as we discuss how to handle  bookkeeping as a small business owner   colin exelby certified financial planner here  and i own the virtual advisory practice celestial   wealth management where we provide financial  planning to business owners and our families   that just makes sense and today we're talking  about bookkeeping and small business now we all   hear from politicians all the time that small  business is the lifeblood of america and you   know why according to this data this data is from  the bureau of labor statistics small businesses   created 10 and a half million net new jobs between  2000 and 2019 and that accounts for 65 of net new   jobs created since 2000 sometimes that's just  mind-blowing stat 19.9 of businesses are owned   by women and that number is growing but 20 percent  of new businesses close within a year and while   many businesses will find short-term success  only a handful have long-term staying power   just 34 percent of businesses make it to their  10th anniversary and many times it isn't the lack   of sales that's causing businesses to close it's  managing the cash flow of the business properly   that's why today i'm bringing you an expert on how  small business owners should handle bookkeeping mr   parker stevenson welcome parker colin thank you so  much for having me that's the applause i love it   yeah well i'm glad that you're here um parker is  the managing partner and chief business officer   at evolve finance which is a bookkeeping firm  specializing in helping online entrepreneurs   to build more profitable and financially stable  online businesses for over seven years i can't   believe it's that long already seven years  parker's been advising some of the top coaches   course creators influencers and thought leaders  on how to make more sound business decisions using   their data and before evolved parker spent five  years at adidas america where he became the us   product manager for golf footwear so with that  being said parker why don't you give us just a   little overview of what it is that you guys do  at evolve finance and who you serve best yeah so   uh colin thank you for the great intro um for for  evolve finance we really niched down to uh serving   online businesses i give all the credit to my  business partner corey on doing that 11 years ago   when he started um this little bookkeeping firm  but he was serving online businesses before anyone   else really was the reason we kind of focused  on that niche is because like any business model   there's kind of nuances to it and what we found  is a lot of bookkeepers didn't really understand   what to do with the merchant accounts and the crms  and how to categorize certain expenses for these   new businesses that were kind of popping up in the  online space and you know like you had mentioned   now we've been you know we work with some of  the top people who are course creators and   influencers and thought leaders and coaches and  consultants and these sort of online service   or online information based businesses and we've  just watched the industry absolutely blow up over   the at least the last seven years that i've been  involved in the business and have just been blown   away by the amount of money and and just the the  quality of businesses that these people are able   to build when just seven years ago most people  would be like you can make money on the internet   so it's come a long way and that is correct  i can't believe now we think about that like   wow this is really possible and you have so many  people like you said that have just outstanding   businesses that are all virtual that are built off  of the internet but along with that when you start   growing and you get the successful business right  you're as a business owner you've got so many   different things that you're doing um often times  we can we can divide ourselves too thin right and   so you become kind of this jack of all trades  and a master of none and that's not a good   formula for success so i would ask you how can a  competent bookkeeper add value to a business owner   very few people start businesses because  they're pumped to work in spreadsheets and   like get to know quickbooks online or get to  know xero or whatever bookkeeping software right   i think a lot of business owners do it because  uh maybe they don't trust someone else to do it   or maybe they can't afford to do it in the early  stages of their business but they at least know   someone's got to be tracking what's going on with  cash flow in my business and usually i think most   business owners are just thinking about it from a  tax perspective they're just going well we got to   put the books together so that way the accountant  can file the taxes and i don't go to jail for tax   fraud and that's a great goal don't go to jail  over your business definitely a great thing to   uh want to uh try to achieve in your business  but um what we found is that bookkeeping it's   so much more important than just getting  you ready for taxes it's meant to show you   what is the financial health of my business how  is money flowing through the business how much   money have we made how much money have we spent  and that takes some some skill like you have to   have an a real kind of understanding and knowledge  around bookkeeping that maybe in the early stages   of your business your business is just getting  going that uh maybe you can do that yourself   in a spreadsheet i never recommend anyone try to  use bookkeeping software or business owners don't   try to use bookkeeping software because they'll  probably screw up their books more than if they   just did it in a spreadsheet but especially once  your business starts to get into that six figure   realm and especially beyond that's where it's like  getting a bookkeeper in especially a bookkeeper   who knows your business model like if you have  a restaurant i'm gonna go find a bookkeeper that   actually has done the books for a bunch of other  restaurants so that they can use their expertise   to really put the data together in a way that's  going to help you understand the business better   but also make sure they're they're thinking about  the things financially that a restaurant owner   needs to be aware of that maybe just a general  bookkeeper wouldn't be able to think about because   they maybe they're just working with any business  that comes their way they're kind of going to do   a crappy job of doing the books for every one of  their clients instead of doing a really good job   for one specific type of client so that's where i  think as your business grows and you're thinking   about well what are you spending your time on  should you really be the one spending time doing   your bookkeeping when you don't really know how  to do it that well and then what's the value a   bookkeeper really can be providing you aside from  saving you time with with our service we um really   are trying to not just get the books ready for  for their you know our clients taxes we want   them to understand their numbers so they can make  better business decisions be more profitable and   you just can't do that if you don't have a good  bookkeeping system in place i mean that's spot on   and i think your point of having a bookkeeper that  works with the type of business that you're in   is is really good because we talk about  that with with financial advisory firms and   wealth management firms is you know you can have  firms that specialize in working with corporate   executives and or retirees or sales professionals  or college planning or business owners and you   can't be really really good at all of those you  can be okay but you can't be really really good so   um you know i think that is a really good  point of finding a bookkeeper that you know   works with businesses that are like yours and  i always say i like i don't know if you believe   this or not but kind of if you are starting off  and you are doing the books yourself you know   getting a little bit of experience around that  is important too so you understand kind of what   reports would be good to have what numbers are  good to track and you do it a little bit yourself   but as soon as you can get moving to having  a professional helping you i think the better   yeah i just think as business owners our time  is so valuable especially as your business grows   and in the early stages of a business again  you have to do all the things unless you're   getting funding or you have money saved up  and you're just going to start hiring people   and building out the business a little faster  than maybe your revenue is growing at because   you can afford to do that great but for everyone  else especially our clients in the online space   you don't need a lot of money up front to get a  business going because you don't need an office   space you don't need to buy inventory it's just  get your website up get some software going and   you can start serving clients and or selling  digital offers um but i think for you know our   clients um they can it's actually an easy trap to  fall into when you don't have a lot of overhead   to start doing all of the things but eventually  as your business starts to generate more revenue   that revenue is probably coming in because you as  the business owner have figured out how to drive   revenue and so the more you can free up your time  to focus on those revenue generating activities   the faster your business is going to grow and  likely the more profitable it's going to be   but again a bookkeeper that actually knows your  business model and is really competent is going   to be worth their weight in gold because again  it's not just about saving you time the more money   your business makes the more important it becomes  that you have clarity on how is money moving in   and out of this business are the decisions that  i'm making in my business actually helping this   business to become more profitable and make sure  it's taking care of my team but also making sure   this business is taking care of myself as the  business owner and i think a lot of the times   people will just look at a bookkeeper and go oh  we'll just pay the cheapest and you get what you   pay for right whether it's your accountant your  lawyer your bookkeeper if you just look for the   cheapest they're not going to really add value  but i think especially as your business grows   a good bookkeeper almost becomes an insurance  policy because we we can trust the data we're   looking at we can trust that when we're making  decisions from these numbers that it's not   put together by someone who doesn't get our  business model or is taking shortcuts with   how they're organizing that data and so that's  where you know as your business grows it becomes   more and more and more important that we can  trust that data and that the books are actually   getting done in a reasonable amount of time that  we're not waiting for you as the business owner   four months later to start reconciling your  books because you just didn't have time to do it   i think if you are going to be making really smart  prudent um sort of data driven decisions in your   business which i think we all have to as business  owners do more of that as our businesses grow   um having someone who really knows what's  going on in your business and is experienced   um as a bookkeeper again i think it's worth their  weight in gold and i think entrepreneurs overall   in general sometimes look at bookkeeping as as  commodity instead of looking at as an actual   value add to your business that's actually  going to help you make more money and keep more   the money that you're bringing in i mean that's  those are all great points as well and you know   at my firm we're always about trying to figure out  how we can keep more money for our clients and i   remember when i first started this company and i  was running the books myself one of the things i   was thinking about was am i doing this right and  i'm in finance and i'm like am i doing this right   i need somebody else to bounce these ideas off of  and make sure that i'm doing this stuff correctly   and you know sometimes that's when people  reach out to try to find a wealth manager   is they're doing things on their own but they  have questions about like what else is out   there what am i missing what am i not seeing  that's you know you're spot on of like where   a competent bookkeeper that knows your industry  can really help so um you know well done there uh   you mentioned something that as a business  approaches or gets into six figures um   you know i kind of wanted to ask you what  level of revenue or complexity of a business   should somebody say we need to look into hiring  a bookkeeper or is it right out of the gate   like let's just hire it and be done with it  you know as soon as we start the business   it's probably it's not a great sales strategy  for us as a bookkeeping company but i think an   accountant is is usually the first place like if  you're starting a business the accountant just do   you hire first because we all have to pay taxes  and we've seen not great things happen for people   who try to do taxes on their own and think oh i'll  figure it out or i can do this and then it's like   there's a very high likelihood that if you  are not a trained tax preparer you will mess   something up and it'll come back to bite you in  the butt so i think making sure we understand   the responsibility we have as business owners to  pay our taxes getting a tax professional involved   in your business as early as possible is always  smart i i think there's not maybe a number from a   bookkeeping perspective but i think once you're  relying on your business as a full-time income   like this is how you pay your bills is is through  your business that you have more to lose versus   someone who's like hey i got a business it's a  side hustle i do it while i'm still working my   full-time job i'll do the books myself yeah maybe  it's not as as important because you still have   a full-time income and you're just kind of like  bootstrapping this the side business but i think   as soon as you're in your business full-time and  you're relying on it for your income then again   that's where we have to like really i think take  ownership of the responsibility we have for our   businesses which is is this business financially  uh responsible do we have the systems in place for   this business legally financially to make sure  that we're playing the game by the rules that   the irs and the government wants to play by  because we don't want to be breaking rules   that we aren't aware of because again you can't be  an expert at everything in your business when this   is a business that literally it's how you you feed  your family or how you pay your bills that number   typically for our clients it's around when they  get to that hundred thousand dollar mark where   a lot of our clients are going to be moving out of  part-time jobs or full-time jobs and really diving   into their businesses uh full-time and it's at  that point that we're like it's for sure going   to be beneficial and valuable to have a bookkeeper  because you will have to get more strategic with   your decision making if you want your business  to be able to continue to grow um and sometimes   that's not just going out and making more money  it is it's sometimes it is making more money and   generating more revenue but making sure we have  the information we need to make sure we're making   that money efficiently we're making that money  profitably and that's definitely something that um   a lot of business owners don't realize until it's  too late that sometimes the solution isn't just   go make more sales um i think when you're making  a full-time income from your business you owe it   to yourself to make sure that you're clear  that making more sales will actually drive   the bottom line as well and that we're not  just spinning our wheels making more sales   but not really keeping anything for ourselves  from that if that makes sense i mean it completely   makes sense and unfortunately that's what happens  with a lot of business owners because we all get   brought into this hustle hustle hustle hustle sell  sell sell sell and if you are only focused on that   you forget a lot of the reasons why you got into  the business for yourself whether it was the the   freedom to do what you want when you want or the  freedom to control the where how the money is   flowing through things and you know the business  can end up controlling you and not in a good way   um so that that does make a lot of sense and you  know rather than just saying then the number is   100 000 of revenue and then you need to go to  a bookkeeper it's a little bit more complex   you know than that but i think both of us are kind  of saying sooner rather than later is probably   the way to think about it um you know if you're  really serious about running a successful business   so yeah and i think and i think that's a key piece  just like being like how serious about are you   about this business growing like how serious are  you about serving more people making more income   for yourself being able to hire the team and  support that you need for this business to be   able to scale you need financial visibility for  that and if you don't have good bookkeeping you   can't do that again if this is my full-time income  and my family's livelihood is reliant on this   i want my ducks in a row i want to do these  things right so i have the visibility into what   uh we're doing as a company to make sure we are  moving the business in a good direction we're   not like three four years down the road and then  going ah crap we didn't see that i wish we had   understood that or known that whether it's a  legal thing a financial thing that comes back to   bite you in the butt later on and i'm not trying  to scare the heck out of everyone listening like   something's going to get you you better be ready  but i think again just taking that responsibility   seriously as a business owner that yeah you got to  go out and generate sales and that's your biggest   responsibility but making sure we're clear that  like there's the other parts of running a business   that we don't always we're not always aware  we're signing up for when we start our businesses   uh that we just want to make sure we're jumping on  as soon as the business is financially ready ready   to do that makes a lot of sense that's what we're  trying to do is make sense we're doing it here so one of the things you were you you mentioned  there i was thinking about because you said you   know one of the first places people go  is the cpa that you're working with and   a lot of times that could be a cpa you used  to work for a corporation as a w-2 employee   nine-to-five and that was your cpa and they're  great with that kind of stuff and then you started   your side hustle you created this business it's  growing it's becoming successful you leave that   nine to five job you're you're with that same cpa  who maybe was really good with w-2 employees but   maybe not as much so with business owners you  know some are very good at a lot of different some   are not but uh you know the the first thought  is like you said let's go to a cpa and my cpa   and have them do our books for us but a lot of  times what i think is that the the cpa's job is   tax planning and tax prep not so much running  the books can you talk a little bit about   whether really the cpa should be your bookkeeper  or maybe you should keep those separate   oh i could talk for a long time about  that column but um i i think what   if there's like kind of an underlying  theme here that's coming up right it's like   you want people involved in your business that  understand your business model right like even you   as a financial planner you work with a lot of  small business owners like that's something you   focus on so you can bring a level of expertise and  understanding to your clients that again like you   said maybe a financial planner who works and it  just kind of does it for generally for whoever   they're going to miss things they're going to  miss opportunities because they don't understand   the full complexity of someone who's building  their wealth from a business versus someone who's   an executive or just thinking about retirement  and is even working anymore or whatever it may be   so with accountants i think again just as  important that your accountant understands   your business model and actually knows what's  going on from a tax standpoint but again your   your cpa your account that is their goal is to do  tax planning that is their focus is to prepare you   for your taxes and hopefully if your it just  depends on the level of service you're paying   for with your accountant they're kind of putting  strategies in place to make sure that they are   legally limiting the amount of taxes you're  paying and setting yourself up to keep as much   of the money that you earn as possible but that  being said when we found that cpas do bookkeeping   their goal is to just get the books done  well enough for them to file your taxes   most accountants and that's changing  a little bit but most accountants   roles are not to be your cfo or to do financial  planning or to help you understand your numbers   their goal is just to go okay what do we  here's what we owe in taxes let's make sure   we pay this and let's put some strategies in  place to make that tax bill as low as we can   so a lot of the times people or business owners  i think like the idea of their accountanted   bookkeeper all being in one place but right  accountants make their money filing taxes they   don't really typically make their money from doing  bookkeeping so they don't really have the systems   the processes the checks and balance in place to  make sure that the bookkeeping team that works for   them is actually doing the bookkeeping in a way  that is going to help you as the business owner to   understand your your numbers and make sure that  you're getting your reports on time every month   making sure that if you have questions about  what's going on with your business financially   they can answer those because they're not  just thinking about taxes they're thinking   about well yeah here's your your profit and  loss statement this is typically what we see   is your profitability should be here or your  labor cost should be here and so that's why   we're usually big and i know this sounds super  biased but we're usually big fans of having   your bookkeeper and accounting firm being separate  because a bookkeeper's goal is to make sure your   data is accurate and it's organized in a way that  actually makes sense for your business so that   doesn't mean there's not cpas out there that have  great bookkeeping services and do those things   but our experience has been their focus is on  tax returns they make their money filing taxes   and doing tax strategy so their bookkeeping  services tend to not have the intention behind   them to actually deliver a great experience for  their customers so um i think it's worth a little   bit of inconvenience a lot of the time to have  your bookkeeper be separate from your cpa so your   bookkeeper is actually delivering on what they're  promising and then the account can focus on their   zone of expertise which is tax prep smart people  smart business owners surround themselves with   other smart people in their network on their team  and you know we're on both coasts here as we're   having this interview and last weekend i went  up to new york for the army navy game um it's   a football game that i've gone to every single  year my father is a west point alum go army navy   we didn't do it this past year but uh and i'm in  maryland which is a huge you know navy area uh so   i'm kind of caught in the middle there but i was  there a little bit early i got up on like a 45   foot navy boat uh speed boat and the the guy  who was up there he was like you know i have any   questions and i was like yeah you got all the nav  equipment over here you have the steering wheel   in the center and then you have the throttles over  here on the right like you know what do you do and   and you know are you doing all these things and  he said no we have specialists so the the first   year guy is on the nav system the second year guy  i believe is what he said is on the steering wheel   and the the second or third year guy is on  the throttle and i i said to him so you're   saying that the guy who is running the throttle  doesn't have his hand on the steering wheel   at all and he was like no i'm like i can't  imagine driving like you're driving a car   and like somebody else would be putting the gas  pedal while you're steering but the whole idea   there is the specialization of one task know that  task inside and out how to do it and he said once   you get going with it it's like peanut butter  and jelly it goes together it's nice and easy   and i'm probably never gonna forget that he said  that this you know well 19 year old telling me   if you're looking at ship size as like the  size of a business if you have a little   a little like fishing boat yeah you get to  steer and accelerate and do all that in one   place because it's small enough that you only need  one person but as the ship gets bigger then you do   need more of those specific areas of expertise so  i think that's actually a really perfect analogy   and i think business owners always love the idea  of all in one i actually did a whole podcast   on this um last year and it's like yes i just want  everything in one place i want one software that   does everything i want one accountant that does  everything i want one operations manager who does   everything because it feels like it's going to  simplify our business's complexity but what it   ends up doing is whatever that all-in-one service  all-in-one contractor is really doing for you   is again kind of doing a crappy job of doing a  lot of things instead of actually helping you to   have the pieces in your business where each piece  is being operated and managed as effectively and   expertly as it possibly can there's a balance here  i think again depends on the size of your business   and where you're at but i think as our businesses  grow the more like you said colin we can bring   experts into the different areas of your business  um i think the return on investment is just   way higher versus just getting generalists and all  in one sort of situations going in your business   um let's shift gears here a second as we kind  of move to the home stretch here and one of the   questions that i get a lot from business owners  that are expanding and we start talking about   payroll is you know do i just use quickbooks for  payroll you know should i use one of these other   services do you have any recommendations you know  since you work with so many different business   owners on payroll providers can you do any yeah  i mean i guess it does definitely depends on   the type of business you are running um for the  clients we serve we really like gusto um we found   gusto and we're not even like like i don't even  have like we should probably have an affiliate   thing or something going on with them but uh we  found like the big two which are adp and paychecks   um they're just i think they're they're a little  behind in terms of the customer service for small   businesses because paychecks and adp are also  doing the the payroll for like amazon right   that's true yeah you know you know they're so  they're more focused on their largest clients   um we actually just talked with an adp rep  recently um where they're kind of bringing   out more of a small business division to give more  focus and attention to um small businesses which   i think is really smart um especially with some  of the stats that you provided um at the start   of the podcast here or the video but gusto just in  terms of interface in terms of customer service uh   in terms of ease of use and cost we've just found  it to kind of be the the best option for smaller   businesses but obviously if you're like running  a huge manufacturing business adp or paychecks   may be a much better option most of our clients at  their biggest would have maybe 15 20 employees are   we have 16 or 17 people on payroll for our company  and gusto's been awesome it's been really really   great and their software is really intuitive can't  say the same for adp and paychecks trying to do   that yourself you end up having to really rely on  their customer service and if you've ever called   into a payroll provider's customer service it can  be a little bit of a frustrating experience so   um nobody's perfect uh and gusto is is not you  know necessarily perfect by any means but we've   dealt we've logged into so many different type of  payroll providers and gusto just is is i think uh   what we found to be the best for small businesses  okay great and you know we'll put a link to gusto   down in the notes so that anybody who's watching  this wants to check them out we can go ahead and   do that um we're it's about time now i mean i this  was great i'm glad we were finally able to connect   uh get together uh you know virtually talk about  this and thanks for dropping all your knowledge   for all the business owners out there if people  want to get more information about you guys and   your firm where should they go evolved finance dot  com e v o l v e d evolved finance dot com that's   the best place to start and we actually just  launched um on our website you'll see it under the   learn category a free audio course you download  it on your phone just like a podcast i believe   it's either 15 or 16 episodes and it literally  will just walk you through like how do you create   this financial foundation in your business  and how do you get better at the financial   side of your business it's probably something we  should be selling but we're giving away for free   because we just know how hard it is to get um i  think good financial advice on small businesses   on the internet so uh we're just trying to spread  the love on that so i highly recommend if anyone's   interested on well how does all bookkeeping  finance stuff work for a small business   especially for online businesses that that audio  course uh would be a great place to start and it's   just on our website  perfect people love free go get it   watch it over the weekend well hopefully you guys  like this um you know i would love to see in the   comments from business owners are you doing the  books yourself if you are let me know how you're   handling that and let us know down in the comments  and if you're contemplating hiring a bookkeeper   what is the number one thing that's holding you  back from doing it put it in the comments below   love to hear from that and if you enjoyed this  video make sure you give it a like and of course   gotta smash that subscribe button  baby smash the subscribe button hit   that little bell so you know whenever  i release a new financial planning   and investment video and hey if you  loved this interview got a lot out of it   make sure you check out this interview next and  these videos to learn more get clear be clear

2022-01-17 02:34

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