How to Use YouTube as a Marketing Strategy for Your Business | Step-by-Step

How to Use YouTube as a Marketing Strategy for Your Business | Step-by-Step

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what's up how you doing if you have heard me say it once you've heard me say it a million times marketing has got to be at the core of your business strategy if you expect to get from zero to freedom anytime soon in your entrepreneurial journey and honestly one of my favorite marketing strategies that i've been talking about and i'm going to dive even deeper into today is youtube that's right using youtube as a core piece of your marketing strategy so if you're sitting there thinking i like youtube i could do youtube i can do youtube just as good as some of these youtubers can do youtube and you specifically want to do youtube in order to grow and scale your empire then keep watching because today i'm going to teach you the three steps that you have to implement into your marketing strategy with youtube at the core in order to convert people from absolute strangers into real life paying customers so i'm gonna head inside get into some better lighting and let's get to work [Music] [Music] all right guys so let's talk about this first step in a marketing strategy using youtube at the core and one of the biggest things that you're going to face is that youtube is huge right there's tons of videos on youtube and so everybody just kind of roaming around is initially a stranger to you so how do you get those strangers from being strangers into actually being visitors to your youtube channel and being subscribers and that in essence is step one attracting strangers so that they actually become visitors and how do you do that well first we have to identify what strangers i'm actually talking about because i'm not talking about just any old stranger i'm talking about the right strangers attracting the right strangers into your youtube channel so that they will ultimately become customers and that means and i'm sure you've heard this before that you really do have to niche down what do i mean by niching down well first you want to start with your product or service that product or service that you were trying to launch that you are trying to sell that you're getting your business started with or that you're actually expanding your business into is the first step in attracting strangers and turning them into actual visitors because you don't just want to put any kind of content on your youtube channel that's not strategic a lot of people do and it might work for you if you're just trying to be a youtuber and grow your youtube channel for the sake of growing your youtube channel if it's something more fun or you're kind of playing with it or testing it out it's okay but if you really want to get youtube and use it as a marketing strategy to grow your business then you've got to be specific and you've got to niche down otherwise if you put all kinds of content on youtube you're going to attract all kinds of strangers to your channel and not every single one of them should be or will become customers for you so niching down being very specific about what content you're putting what videos you're actually putting on your youtube channel is critical to this first step now how do you niche down well like i said you want to start with your product or your service whether it's your overall business product or service whether you are starting and launching a particular product or service in order to get your business off the ground or whether you are expanding or just want to sell more of a particular product or service you want to start there once you've got that product or service identified you want to begin to ask yourself some questions questions like who will pay for this who needs this what problems for whom is this particular product or service going to solve and then you want to dive into researching specifically what are all the questions that that particular person that who that you've been asking yourself about are looking to get solved i usually focus a lot on identifying who that person is and doing a lot of research on social media surrounding what that person is looking for how do i find that out well i just read they ask questions they make comments they provide reviews they're in facebook groups those folks will tell you exactly what their pain points are and what their difficulties are and that is where you begin to come up with your content calendar what your content is actually going to include so for the first couple of weeks when i was trying to figure out you know what the marketing strategy was going to be in our business i knew that youtube was going to be that route and i actually already talked about that in a previous video actually when we got to 10 000 subscribers so i'll go ahead and link to that video right now so that you can learn how i kind of came up with the whole idea of using youtube as my marketing strategy but once i did i knew that the primary focus of this particular marketing strategy was going to be to attract a new kind of a customer into my business my consulting side of the business is doing well it always had been it has its own leads it has its own marketing strategy and that really wasn't the side of the business that i wanted to market i wanted to market the next side the coaching side the consulting side the digital product online courses and membership side and i knew that in that particular product or service remember i said start with the product or service i wanted to start with startup entrepreneurs and scaling entrepreneurs entrepreneurs who really needed step-by-step handholding and guidance from someone who has been there and done that in helping them navigate this entire complex world of becoming an entrepreneur and the entire complex world doesn't have to be so complex if you've got somebody who's already been doing it that can actually show you how to get it done faster easier more effectively and better and that is who i wanted to attract so i signed up for a ton of facebook groups with those target people in it for startup entrepreneurs for scaling entrepreneurs i read um comments in those facebook groups i would put post questions to do some market research i would read the questions that everybody was posting and i just began keeping a list of all those difficulties and pain points and questions that people had and i said to myself can you answer these questions yes will you answering these questions and giving people the free training that they need to get these questions answered lead them into your business is it going to attract them and ultimately will your in product or in service really help provide them with the results the answers were all yes so that is where my strategy began i knew that the strangers that i wanted to bring in were startup entrepreneurs and scaling entrepreneurs i also knew that the product at the end initially was my startup membership academy that would really get people to that next level so i knew that my content had to be niched down so specifically enough to attract that right stranger and that is critical in this first step of using youtube so don't just put any old kind of video up there unless you want to attract any old kind of stranger niching down also helps the youtube algorithm understand who you are a lot of times people get confused as to you know how is it that i'm able to get my video in front of more people how do how does a youtube algorithm even even know and a big part of all algorithms is it's able to detect based upon what kind of content you produce what kind of a visitor or stranger it should put your content in front of and if you're all over the place doing videos it's never going to be able to identify who it should put your content in front of that's a big part of the reason why you hear people who teach you how to grow on youtube and all that kind of stuff tell you that you it's ideal to be able to niche down and that's what i'm telling you as well when it comes to attracting them into your business and using youtube as a marketing niching down helps your channel but it also ultimately helps your strangers become customers step number two once these strangers have become visitors they're gonna get to your channel they are going to watch several of your videos because you're going to be consistent and you're going to put videos up every single week and you're going to make sure that those videos are good videos that people can actually see results from that free content right right yes cp put yes cp down in the comments if you let me know that you have gotten this far and you hear what i am saying right you want to make sure that you're giving them that good content because once they're visitors they're going to continue to binge they're going to watch two videos they're going to watch three videos they're going to watch four videos and then you're going to turn those visitors who've been binging and who have come back and they've now ultimately subscribed into leads that is step number two turning your visitors into leads converting them and that is critical so this marketing strategy will not be a marketing strategy if you can't get these folks off of youtube off of being visitors actually into your business and the best way to do that is using opt-ins or freebies now you guys know how i feel about giving away tools worksheets workbooks pdfs things that you can actually use to go along your entrepreneurial journey almost every single video that i put on cptv has some type of free tool that you can use now some of those tools i've created specifically for that video but a lot of them are in my paid products or there are things that i've actually used in my business regardless of what you do you want to get your visitor into your business and that means you've got to follow a freebie or opt-in process so what do i mean well you provide them with something free you put it on a landing page that landing page has a link you include that link in your description or the comments underneath your video once they've watched it and they've loved it they go they click that link it takes them to that landing page and then they're able to give you their name give you their email address and boom you have converted those visitors into leads still don't know what i'm saying all right let me walk you through it let's head over to my computer in my office and i'll walk you through a really quick step by step on what that sale sequence looks like for me all right so let's head on over and i'll see you there all right guys so what do i mean when i say call to action giving away a freebie or an opt-in so here we are on my youtube channel um cptv as you can see i'm just going to go in because the majority of my videos actually have some type of freebie or opt-in i love to provide tools for people to walk away with and have immediate impact so you can probably click on any of these and find an opt-in so i'm just going to go ahead and click on this one this is one of my more popular videos um before i start talking i'm just gonna walk you through kind of what i mean so as you can see down here in the description i include a link grab my free gift today if you want a step-by-step roadmap on how to set your business up in six easy steps so when someone clicks on this link it's going to then take them to a landing page this is a landing page and that landing page actually says absolutely here you go here's the free gift that i mentioned all you gotta do is click this button here when someone clicks it it asks for their email addresses they're gonna go ahead and enter in their email and then they're gonna you know click on this and then ultimately boom now they have been converted from a um visitor from my youtube channel into an actual lead because they are automatically in my business it takes them to a thank you page and it says check your email box because now what's happened is that they've been emailed that freebie um and it's gonna automatically plug them into what i am going to teach you coming up here in step three it's that simple give them a link to something free that they can get value out of takes them out to a landing page they enter in their name and email address it emails them that freebie from you and boom now they are from just a visitor on your youtube channel to an actual lead in your business that you can continue to move through the rest of the steps and get this done okay you get it awesome now let's talk about step number three step number three and using youtube as a key piece of marketing your business is converting your leads into customers now you just saw in the opt-in process that now you have that person's email they are a lead in your business well you don't just want to leave it there you want to proceed through my three favorite email automations and sequences in order to get them from just being a lead or an email address in your system to actually making a purchase and buying a product from your business my three favorite email automations and funnels is how you're going to do that so what do i mean well first things first my very first favorite email automation sequence or funnel is the freebie delivery sequence that is the email sequence that actually delivers the free product to your potential customer or now to your lead as you saw in step number two when i just walked you through over the computer they're going to go to a thank you page and then they're going to actually be sent an email well that email is a part of a complete email sequence that's automatically set and scheduled to do different things based upon what that lead does the first email delivers the freebie to them and it says hey here it is click the link and download it if they don't do that i've taken my sequences to kind of the next level and i've learned over time that if you just send that one email they may or may not actually download the freebie if they don't download the freebie then they're not using the freebie and if they don't use the freebie then they're less likely to actually convert into a customer because they haven't gotten the opportunity to actually see results from your assistants that is why i've created an entire email sequence surrounding the freebie delivery my email sequence for freebie delivery is usually four to five emails two or three of them are follow-ups and they're only triggered if the person receives the actual delivery email that first email and doesn't click the link to download the tool i do that because a lot of emails can end up in spam and they don't even know that it's been delivered to them or they haven't had a chance to actually download it and then it kind of sits in their email box and they forget that they actually even wanted it the goal is to not only get the email address but to get them to use the freebie you want them to experience the transformation you want them to get used to using your tools because you want to show them how you can really help them and that's why mine is a complete sequence so if someone doesn't click the link from the initial email and download the tool an automatic follow-up email will come a couple of days later hey i noticed that you didn't download your tool you need something from us did you check your spam you know do you need help technical help were you unable to utilize it and another one follows up and says hey how'd you like it did you use it give me some feedback send me an email message so there's an entire video that i can do on email sequences and speaking of that if that's something that you want go ahead and put email sequences in the comments below cp and i will get on that that lets me know that you want to get that content i'd be happy to walk you through more in detail these three email sequences but that's my favorite first one the actual delivery one my second favorite email automation and funnel is the nurture sequence and this is a very important nurture email sequence it is designed to do exactly what the name says to nurture the relationship between you and this lead people buy from folks that they know like and trust you've heard me say this before and i'm gonna say it again know like and trust that's who people buy from and the only way that you're going to get them to know you to like you and to trust you is to nurture that relationship think about it like you know if you just start dating somebody when you're dating if you want to go on a second date or if you want to take that relationship to the next level and actually seal the deal or go to dinner or whatever the case may be you're going to want to nurture that relationship so you text and you talk and you talk on the phone and you get to know each other over time and slowly but surely that no like and trust grows it is no different in your business so my nurture sequence includes two key components the first is a get to know me video email sequence that automatically goes to those so that they can hear my story so that we can connect so that they know that i understand where you're coming from that i understand what they've been through and then ultimately those leads can get an idea of what my journey has been the second piece to that nurture sequence is real intense 7 to 14 days of additional specific content geared directly towards them i continue to give them more free tips and tools if you join my cp insiders list you're going to go through a lot get a lot of emails from you that gives you additional workbooks and worksheets and tips and tools it's almost like you're going to go through your own like little course you know what i'm saying that you're actually going to be able to walk away with some real true strategies around getting your business set up and scaling it and that's a big part of that nurture i give you lots of free content because i want you to use it i want you to see the transformation and i want you to experience the benefits because if you can actually see transformation and results from what i give you from free honey you are gonna wonder to yourself this what i get from cp when i do stuff with her for free what's gonna happen if i actually pay for something and drop those coins and that is the goal not only do i love giving away the free stuff and hearing the results because it helps me grow in my business and come up with different ideas but it also kind of solidifies that relationship so that we can go on a second date or a third date or ultimately eventually maybe even get you to pay for one of them dates okay the third email nurture or sequence in step number three that i like to convert my leads into customers with is the sales funnel sequence now this is an art form i have tried so many different types of sales related emails to go into this sequence but in essence it is the hard close it is the closing sequence it's the one that says hey you started out on my youtube channel watching some free videos you thought enough of what i was teaching you to click a link and ask and request one of my freebies or opt-ins you gave me your email address i got i sent you a nurture sequence so that you could get to know me i gave you a bunch of free stuff over the last one to two weeks and now is your opportunity to pull the trigger and buy that's what the sales sequence does it actually plops your lead into an opportunity to pay and become a customer if you do this well you will convert very well those folks will actually automatically become customers of yours now sales sequences are its own beast and i could actually do an entire video on how to perfect and what types of emails and what you want to do in an actual sales sequence so i'm not going to get into that today because that's not what this is about but it is it is the or get off the pot one and like i said not every stranger is going to become a visitor or subscriber not every visitor is going to become a lead and not every lead is going to become a customer right away but if you do a good job in that nurture those who don't pull the trigger and that initial sales sequence will still be leads in your business they'll still want that content and you continually cyclically give them opportunities to buy different things from you if the first product that you offered wasn't a good fit maybe it wasn't great timing or maybe it wasn't the right product for them then go ahead and make sure that you're continually offering them different opportunities to work with you and to ultimately become paying customers and that's what the sales funnel sequence is all about so yes youtube can be its own driver of an entire marketing strategy for your business a very effective driver i might add i can tell you that the majority of leads that come into my business today are organic leads through youtube and the best thing about that is that youtube is free i've done the paid ads i've done advertisement back in the day i actually bought magazine ads and even some television ads and they can be astronomically priced youtube has opened up our world as entrepreneurs to the opportunities of getting that basic marketing foundation it is definitely work it does require some blood sweat and tears but it is totally totally worth it the majority of the leads that come into my business like i said are due to youtube thank you so much for every single one of you out there that have been with us since the beginning and don't worry i'm going to continue to bring you that value i'm going to continue to talk about how youtube has changed the game for my business and my game wasn't too bad when i first got started so the future is bright okay all right so if you like this video please make sure that you share it make sure that you grab the freebie that's included under here an entire marketing strategy for you i think i forgot to mention that a little earlier but make sure that you grab it and it's free for you to use like how i did that right you know what i'm saying you visit her to elite in any case it's it's a paid piece that i use all the time that actually people in my coursework use i'm giving it to you guys for free it's a complete marketing strategy workbook as well as a marketing plan so make sure that you grab it and until next time my love i will see you soon alright bye-bye [Music]

2022-04-17 23:01

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