How to turn your creative passion into a business

How to turn your creative passion into a business

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cool all right hi everybody welcome to our virtual  career day series my name is Lynn Nguyen and i am   the young adult librarian from chinatown  branch library welcome everybody and then   i'm also here with my co-host Jessica Levy from  Palisades you'll see her in the camera right here   yeah there you go the chat box is there so  please feel free to use it we're so excited   to have you here for our weekly virtual career  day series where we introduce amazing careers to   you to do we ha today we have two amazing guest  speakers from the business industry and they're   here to share some tips and tricks and provide you  from some with some insight on how they got into   their profession we would like to extend our  deepest things to all of you our participants   our guest speakers the library foundation and  the friends of the chinatown branch library   for their generous support before we begin i  would like to go over some housekeeping rules   your microphones are already muted and you  do not need to have your cameras turned on   recording is in progress and if you do wish to ask  questions at any time during this session please   do feel free to use the chat box um if you end  of course at the very end there is going to be   q a so you are welcome to unmute yourself and  ask your questions directly to our guest speakers   and you know so please don't be shy we're here to  help we hope you enjoyed today's career day and   please remember to complete our very short survey  at the end of the program so with that being said   i would like to ask all of you to open up your  chat box we're going to start with our popcorn   question and the popcorn question for all of  you is what is your favorite flower or plant   we would love to learn more about what what  everybody loves all right i see two lip and rose oh boy so you know i have we have a professional  florist here Jackie and then a professional   photographer named Zha Zha from the bay area and  they are experts at different roses and plants so   what do you guys think of all these names that  our guests are our guests are coming up with   i think it's good that there's such a  variety of flowers that people know about   um i saw someone put anemones  so there's anemones right here   i did see a lot of roses lilies sunflowers  which are all super beautiful and long-lasting   so it's exciting that people know  all these names gems use all flowers   this is amazing yes so so the list goes on and on  so um let's let's go ahead so while everybody is   still typing in their um answers i would like to  first introduce our first guest speaker Zha Zha   Liang is a wedding and lifestyle photographer  from San Francisco bay area she was able to   successfully launch her photography business after  pursuing a bachelor's degree in graphic design she   takes an honest approach to wedding photography  and earns her couple's trust to capture their love   story so i would like to go ahead and share a few  slides with you a slide deck with you right now   or a slideshow with you right now and this does  include both Zha Zha and Jackie's work okay so   everybody um and just a reminder the sound might  be a little loud so please feel free to turn   down your volume if it's too loud all right i'm  going to go ahead and share the screen real quick i a circle somewhere else is wow so beautiful i hope you guys enjoyed that so Zha Zha please tell us your uh  please tell us the name of your   business and what does your job entail  oh boy hi everyone thanks for joining in   um my wedding photography business is  basically using my name Zha Zha photography   i do wedding and lifestyle photography in the  bay area but i do some traveling beyond too   that's awesome when did you realize that you  had a craft for taking beautiful pictures one   moment um i think i was very lucky to grow up with  my father as a wedding photographer so i was his   assistant for a while but once i started high  school i still photograph with him but i want to   try something different so i study graphic design  and then study graphic design college but after   that i still found photography as my calling  and so um pick that up as my full-time work now   when you said that you went to school for graphic  design what was your initial purpose for studying   graphic design oh i just want to become a  graphic designer you know working for design firm   designing mostly visual designs too um but after  college i did have full-time work with graphic   design but i was still freelancing photography on  the side and it got so overwhelming to the point   where i was just happier doing photos and it was  hard to admit but um it was definitely eye-opening   once i decided on that that's beautiful and what  was it that inspired you to choose this career   path when you shifted to photography um i think  it's just how rewarding um working with couples because they trust so much for you to document  their special day and being part of that is   such an honor and then having them see their  beautiful photos that you've taken afterwards   and then loving it is what makes it so rewarding  um and then what keeps me going too just like   being there for my couples and making sure they  have um a wonderful wedding day and also beautiful   photos after that's awesome uh would you be able  to walk us through um like your day-to-day life   as a wedding photographer like from the moment  somebody reaches out to you and says hey i'd love   to you know for you to take our pictures like what  are the steps that you go to ensure that they have   this whole entire life of their life  moments documented in such a beautiful way   um so there's a lot of admin work when it comes to  working for so as a photographer there's a lot of   there's a few meetings you know  discussing all the little details   to make sure you know they feel comfortable  or at least they have better grasp how the   wedding day is going to be versus someone  like me who's you know been to many weddings   it's easy for me to help them on  that um and then there's the booking   dates on their wedding day sometimes engagement  session too which is a very nice way to bond with   them but it's mostly um communication and you  have to be very self-driven to work for yourself   what are some of the challenges as a wedding  photographer and running this type of business um i think it's hard because you can't help but to  compare yourself to there's so many photographers   out there now um especially with um digital  cameras it makes a lot easier um and also figure   out you know what style you are and what kind  of service you want to do in photography because   like early i was talking to a  wedding photographer friend and we   we both do weight photography  but we attract different couples   um so it's just like it's such a huge um  variety of photography in within weddings too   but i think it's just like you know really  putting yourself out there and discover that do you have any career highlights or stories  that you can share about your wedding or your   i mean your wedding business um i think the  one point was um seeking criticism or critiques   on my work because um there's always room for  improvements as a photographer and i would reach   out to photographers to second shoot for them  and have them look over my work with them um it's   always nice to have like a second eye to check on  your work and you learn new things along the way   as long as you open yourself to it and it's hard  to hear because it's all you know there's some   good parts and there's negative parts but i think  that's what makes you a stronger photographer do you have any tips for our teams that  are interested in you know start becoming   a photographer if like what are the first  steps that you did or that you took when   when you started out as a photographer um first  it was um i surround myself with good friends   as my practice subjects like jackie here who's a  florist we've known each other since high school   um so you know and like um reaching out to  photographers to assist them versus second   shooting for them i think you learn a lot just by  like being by their side and seeing how they work   and eventually um gradually get to second  photography becoming a second photographer   to make photographer you will learn a lot  that way too but it is a small it's a bit   of sacrifice in the beginning in order to gain  experience what are some skills or attributes you   feel that are necessary for anyone interested  in turning their passion such as photography   into a business um i think it has to do with a  lot of um self-belief um because you have to be um   like a self-starter and be confident in order to  start a business and keep it running right um and   also be okay that you will be making  mistakes along the way that's what happens to   any business when you're starting off but  if you keep striving it does get better   how do you hone in on your skills to  keep your competitive edge since there   are many photographers out there um it is  competitive but lately what's been nice about   social media we've been discovering um community  over competition so it's really nice to   connect with other photographers and actually  be inspired by their work or inspire each other   um that way you know it's it just  helps you keep moving forward versus   being yourself down that you're not getting any  better or you don't have some sort of support   but i think definitely you know connect with  others are like you versus looking at competition   that's great advice um has the pandemic affected  your job in any in any way oh it's effective um since there's weddings i shoot  weddings and a lot of weddings the   past year were cancelled or postponed  or rescheduled um it did teach me to be   more reasonable with my clients and more  understanding and sometimes you kind of   have to push this business side aside  and treat your clients like a friend but i think things will be getting better but  to keep myself busy i was fortunate to take like   lifestyle or family photos which i  didn't have time to focus on before   so it's always nice to like branch  out and try something different um i know you touched on this a bit but are  there uh any type of internship opportunities   out there available for uh in students or  teens who want to become a photographer um   i think the first step is to invest on a camera  with a good lens but it doesn't have to be like   a super expensive camera or the latest greatest  camera i think cameras from like even fun five six   years ago are still wonderful cameras to start  with um and it's definitely a lot of practice   and offering free photo shoots in order for you to  practice and then get better but yeah definitely   find some photographers that you admire that are  local that you can probably reach out and see they   would like um looking for an assistant for any of  the events they have that's great advice um would   you be able to share with us what type of camera  you use and some of the tools that has helped you   elevate your business along the way um so my dad  has always shot with canon so i grew up with canon   camera so all my cameras are canon um but i do  have two camera bodies always have one as a backup   especially for weddings um because you never  know what can happen um and then i would have   multiple lenses for different scenarios but there  are some lenses that you can get as a good start   i would start with that and practice with that  really understand how to use the camera and also   you will need to learn all the rules  before you can break them for sure d what type of um editing software or websites  or resources do you use to edit your your photos   um i use lightroom and photoshop so  lightroom makes a lot easier to process   multiple photos of a wedding day and then  a photoshop is great for detailed touch-ups   are there any type of conferences or  websites where photographers can gather to   discuss their craft oh my gosh there's so many um  one of my favorite is called slr lounge website   there's a lot of like free tutorials and  information available um what's great about   youtube there's so many videos too that can teach  you like how to properly light things or what um   settings you should be shooting with and different  settings um there's so much resource out there   for photography i mean photos are everywhere  so it's um it's really easy access to get to   that's awesome um what are some of the best  tips or advice that you can give to teens that   want to become a photographer let's  say in the middle of this pandemic   and um you know what are some other uh  advice that you can give them uh if they   want to let's say let's say they don't they  don't start off as a wedding photographer but   they start off as a lifestyle photographer or  any type of photographer like what is like the   ultimate advice that has helped you that you  want to pass on to them um i definitely think   it's important to find joy in sharing your work  because when you're taking pictures of photos of   your subjects um you're also bringing joy to them  to have these beautiful photos too definitely like   you know don't be afraid to try new things or  different for example like some people are only   comfortable saying during the daylight um don't  be afraid to go to like sunset or um what we call   twilight which is like right after sunset time  for photos it's just like finding creative ways   to really um branch out your skills and i think  that would bring more confidence in your work too   so since uh there is just so much work that you do  especially when you know back before this pandemic   began and you were going to many different  weddings i'm sure every weekend uh what were some   of the things that you did to uh for self-care  oh my gosh um well i invested on a massage chair   because it's so exhausting taking weddings because  you're on your feet for about 10 hours a day uh   and non-stop it's just like you know photographers  spend so much time with the wedding couple   and we're just right by the side but yeah um  i think it's um also once you get to a point   where you get really busy you kind of have  to learn how to have work and life balance   and also learn to say no to some clients  because you can only do so much and   um i feel like doing less i'm able to give  more to my clients that's great advice   and my last question for you is if you  could turn back time what is one advice   that you would tell yourself to your teenage  self that just barely got out of high school   um i think don't be afraid to jump in to  something what feels right like for me i was   afraid to pursue photography after seeing my dad  went through because it was a lot of hard work   and um and the way that technology changed  also really affects our work too um   and i feel like if i had a chance i would  tell myself just go to photography full-on   early on if i could have versus waiting  two years after college to figure that out   we have one question here  from the audience that asked   have you encountered any bridezillas um i try  to interview my couples in advance to make sure   we're a good match um if i sense of  some bridezilla i try to turn them down   but sometimes they don't come out until later i  have grimzillas more than bridezillas actually so   would you be able to share like a quick snippet or  story of this groomzilla oh i had this groom who   was usually i have brides who interview me but  once now i have a groom who's into photography   as well uh will be the one who has the um who has  to contribute to the wedding plan as picking their   wedding photographer and he would tell me that  he interviewed 30 photographers and we would   go through this long process of like how many  photos they're gonna get how do i edit my photos   down to like the littlest details and then his  bride his back then his fiancee wasn't available   so and then i had to go through that again  with her um separately because they were doing   long distance in the beginning and um after the  wedding they counted every single photos i took and just backing from questions how  do you advertise your company um so it's very important to invest on yourself  right so spending money on marketing um for   me i advertise with the knot which is a pretty  well-known wedding magazine also online website   it's expensive but if you book few weddings it  will cover the cost so i think that's um one   way to look at it um yeah that's how i advertise  myself that's a great question oh all right i'll   just oh this is a very good lions question  based on word of mouth versus advertisements   um that's a very good question so after  a few years into the business i started   getting clients like a bride's bridesmaids  got engaged and then she would want to hire   me or someone their guests would hire me and i  think i'm at the point where about half of my   clients are word of mouth but lately have been  getting more wedding planners for amy clients these are all great questions all right  well you know guys we can definitely have   more q a at the very end i'm going to turn this  over to jessica jazza thank you it was so great   interviewing you and getting to know you guys  hi everybody thank you jaja so our next guest is   jackie ching and let me just introduce her she  is a florist based in the bay area as well she   began her career in floral over 12 years ago at  a local market and followed her love of flowers   to las vegas where she worked for six years  as a floral designer at wynn resorts executing   large-scale events weddings and galas after moving  back home to the bay area she continued her career   as lead floral designer for an established event  company and is now independently operating as a   small business welcome jackie thank you for  being here thank you so tell us um do you   have a company name or do you go by your name i  actually also go by my name uh jacqueline design   very nice um so tell us more about what your job  entails if if at the moment you're able to do work   or what kind of projects that you're typically  involved with um okay so as a floral designer   um you actually go through a lot of steps so i go  through everything from you know initial concept   creation to sourcing flowers and materials  to um budgeting and then eventually creation   and then processing prepping cleaning so it's  actually a lot more than most people think of   when they think of a floral designer but it's cool  to be able to do all those different aspects of   design and what kind of venues do you typically  work with as far as being a floral designer   um so i actually also do like i do home deliveries  i do weddings i also do large-scale galas such as   san francisco symphony which takes place in san  francisco city hall um so it really takes you   everywhere actually a little bit of travel to los  angeles um pretty much anywhere anyone wants to   host an event and how so we know that you started  work in a floral shop so do you want to tell us   more about that what was your start with flowers  were you always interested in plants as a child   um actually it's funny because i wasn't that  interested in floral design to start out   it was a summer job when i was in college so it's  funny because jazza was actually a floral designer   for a little bit so she taught me some basics when  she found out that i was planning on applying to a   floral design job and because i have a background  in art um i just took the little tips that she   taught me and i applied for this job and then i  eventually just ended up falling in love with it   which was super unexpected it wasn't something i  planned at all that's great um so what had did you   go to college did you study something else you  just mentioned art so tell us more about that   so i went to college for studio art so i studied  um painting and sculpture which i actually think   is a very helpful floral design because it gives  you that background and you know color theory um   just making things sculpturally just building and  painting so that helped a lot and i'm actually   very grateful to be you know there's not a lot of  art majors who actually get to practice art after   they graduate so i feel very lucky that i'm still  in that kind of field that kind of creative feel   yeah that's great to hear so  after that first job that you   that josh i encouraged you to go for how did you  progress from that job and then tell us maybe   more about that particular job and then how did  you get from there to starting your own business   uh so my job at the local market um it was really  good to learn the basics of floral design i   learned a lot about each different type of flower  because i spent a lot of time processing flowers   and by processing i mean like you receive them in  bunches and you take off all the leaves and you   clean them and make sure they're um they're ready  for like bunch sales so learning that kind of uh   basics and i don't want to call it dirty work but  because like it's kind of you still have to do   that as a florist all the time but learning those  basics really set me up to um have a really good   background in floral design plus my just interest  in learning all the names and the different   varieties of flowers you really just have  to kind of learn that on your own as well so   after that i had a regular desk job and i found  myself you know bringing flowers to my desk job   kind of like a like crazy flower girl and then i  ended up missing flowers so much that um i had a   friend who said that there was an opening at wynn  resorts where she worked so i applied for that   on a whim and they hired me right away and i just  flew out to vegas and started working there and um   ended up there for six years so it was a really  really great writing experience because you don't   get to learn those kind of large events um at like  a lot of smaller areas so vegas there's those huge   galas huge events so i learned a lot of design  and speed and uh was lucky to encounter so many   beautiful types of flowers and expensive flowers  that uh like your local shop might not carry   so sorry it's like really long no that's  okay and so what whatever before we even   get to my question my first question what  are um what was like some of the other big   differences between working for a smaller  flower shop versus or a market versus um   a hotel or resort chain so working at a  hotel you definitely there's a larger team   so you end up working with about  you know 18 to 20 other florists   so you really learn that kind of teamwork and i  eventually became a supervisor so you learn how to   like teach other people skills work with others  because you can't really accomplish large galas by   yourself i mean one person can't make a hundred  arrangements so you have to learn to delegate   those kind of responsibilities to other people  and also just the budgeting was a big difference   um i was looking to work about a place where  at the time budget wasn't really a concern so   we didn't have to count like every single stem  but we were able to you know uh just make really   beautiful beautiful large scale things that  you just wouldn't be able to add a smaller   right smaller company so you spent about six  years with wynn you said and then you is after   that did you branch out on your own so actually  after that i always had a full-time floral job   but i did freelance flowers on the side so i did  a lot of weddings on the side um but after that   i moved back to the bay area and i worked as a  lead floral designer for an event company up here   which also does those kind of large scale  galas and then i was pretty much working   as a florist like seven days a week so after my  regular job i'd go home and work on more floral   and like joshua said it does eventually get a  little overwhelming because you have to choose   how to balance your work in life um so actually  once the pandemic hit um obviously there's no   more large events so i was able to branch out on  my own and it kind of gave me the push to really   really do my own business full time oh wow wow  um so what as far as going into business on your   own what has been maybe has it been the pandemic  what has been like the biggest challenge for you   um the biggest challenge overall in my own  business is kind of uh budgeting is a huge   challenge um because instead of you know uh basing  it on a large-scale company budget you have to   think about your own expenses uh your own overhead  and as a florist i think most lawyers will agree   that you want to buy everything you see that you  love but you have to really hold back and that's   a huge challenge and just accounting and marketing  it's like you're your own one-stop shop so that's   different from working for a larger company yeah  so i'm i'm keeping distracted by the beautiful   um arrangements you have kind of peeking out on  either side would you be able to share those with   us and kind of explain to for some of us like  myself who need some help in putting together   a nice arrangement like what we should be looking  for and how to determine what colors might go well   together um sure so a lot of times for beginners  i do like to go with like a monochromatic palette   um so like you'll see here there's like a light  pink these are pretty much various shades of pink   which i think creates like a very elegant  kind of arrangement um so as for beginners   i recommend that versus just like going all  in with a ton of different colors um also   for me i like a lot of movement so you want to  make sure that each flower has a space to breathe   um but they're not just like side by side and  clustered unless you like that style that's up   to you but for me personally i like a little bit  of movement and um a little bit of bounce and you   want to make sure that you don't see a lot of open  space at the bottom so for me i cover the edge of   the vase and just i don't know a lot of it is kind  of just how you feel and what you love see why do   florists and designers always say those things as  though it's you know everyone knows but we don't   you know it's just like an intuition  that's what a lot of designers will say   we don't all have your intuition but  it's lovely and your other um bouquet   is that are those roses we see yes actually  this is just like a small little guy um   accent one a lot of times i like to pair a larger  arrangement with a smaller one down a table   to give it like different height and different  depth um so you can kind of we would like to   call these satellite arrangements or bud vases so  it just adds a little something cute to the side   so cute and i imagine being a floor a professional  florist it's not something that maybe a lot of   kids think about oh i'm going to go into this how  would you encourage or what about this industry   do you think would be worthwhile why would you  encourage other young people to pursue this   as a career um i think it's a really  great creative outlet as a career um   it's really amazing to be able to kind of  conceptualize something in your head and   see it come to life and what i like about floral  compared to a lot of different mediums um is that   it is sort of like a temporary uh temporary  craft because of course flowers will die   so the turnaround is really fast and you  get to make a lot of really pretty things   and it's sort of like a ultimate luxury in a way  but um i don't know i personally think it's really   rewarding because not a lot of people are angry to  receive flowers so it's like a very positive kind   of field like oh man i really didn't want that  arrangement to get back so that has happened one   time oh yeah well that actually brings me to  my next question i did want to know obviously   you work in a in a industry where reviews are  really important so what how do you handle uh   difficult customers have you can you describe  a particular scenario i don't mean for this to   sound like a job interview question but i think  that will be interesting to know like how do you   maintain um your business and you know deal with  the people who make life a bit more difficult   um so luckily i haven't had a lot of times  where people have hated what i provided um   i think the only time that someone  wanted me to take something back   was when they were angry at the person  that delivered it but i think as long as   you do your own kind of quality control and  then you do whatever you can to like let's   say a customer is really unhappy i would go  back and try to fix it as soon as possible   or offer you know additional products or just go  back and figure out how you can fix the problem that's really important i would never just  like walk away if a customer didn't like   something i would you know change the design  or just figure out what i could do thanks   as far as personal achievements what do you think  your uh what projects either when you worked   with a company like win or on your own have been  your greatest successes or are you most proud of   um it's funny because it almost feels like every  new project you're like super excited about you're   like oh my gosh that was the best one yet um  but working for a larger company we did do these   new year's events that were really  elaborate um and there was always a really   you know big headliner so there's a lot of events  that we did for like katy perry usher and it was   just super cool to know that they were in the  presence of my flowers when they were performing   and that was really exciting um in the bay area i  mentioned before i did the san francisco symphony   gala so that's actually over 400 arrangements  in like seven parties going on at the same time   and that logistically was the most challenging  but also super rewarding because um you look   at all the pictures after and you just see how  much you accomplish in that short amount of time   and uh it's just like just really rewarding to  see the final product and everyone having a good   time do you have any tips for teens who might  be interested in pursuing a career in floral   arrangement or design yes well um i know we've  talked about internships i think any florist   would be happy to have an intern because there  really is so much work but i think um teens say   or anyone starting on a fall design they should  really realize that it's about 20 design the rest   of it is preparation and cleaning so you really  have to uh be willing to put in the work first to   be able to reach like a level of success in global  design and also practice is super important um i really recommend just taking whatever materials  you can find even in your backyard i love going   in my backyard just seeing what is inspiring or  foraging in the neighborhood i mean don't cut   your neighbor's flowers but like just find things  that inspire you and just start playing around i   think that's the best way to learn and also just  looking at other people's arrangements that you   like and kind of not copying but just you know  taking that as inspiration is always good as well   i almost forgot but i understand that you both you  and zsa are friends good friends from high school   and have been business partners on occasion  would either of you want to comment on that   how is it working with a friend and um has  that how has that worked out for you guys   oh um i think it's been nice to be able to  help each other out like say i book a wedding   i'm doing the photos and sometimes i do offer  flowers too it's an intimate wedding but most   now ever since jackie moved back to the area i  was able to just guide my clients to their her   and then when they book her that's when i know i  have to help her make these flowers too so it's a   really good support system on each other for sure  so i can make sure that we will have beautiful   flowers at the wedding day and um just having  the opportunity to work together wedding is just   it's any best friend's dream come true yeah it's  really awesome to be able to have that kind of   support and someone that understands what you're  going through on a day-to-day basis because not   everyone understands the event industry and the  struggles that you sometimes might go through   so it's good to have someone that you can talk  to about that and also someone you can trust um   in business because of course you want to  be able to trust everyone you work with   and it's been really helpful having a photographer  friend as well to capture all the flowers   because you know flowers are temporary so a photo  is really the lasting keepsake that you have of   them and john's is a great photographer so lots  of beautiful photos yeah you guys have really   emphasized how important having a support system  is and people to encourage you and support you   in your small business efforts so even better that  you as good friends were able to join or have been   able to join forces i see some questions popping  up but before we get to that i just want to ask   you jackie if you could go back in time and give  your teenage self some advice about career or life   what would you what would that advice be um much  like joshua said uh to just jump into it i think   a lot of times people go into careers that they're  not super passionate about because they think that   it's uh it's the right thing to do or  they think that that's the only way   but i think following your heart is usually  turns out with better results and it makes me   happier in the long run because i'm super happy  and fortunate to be able to do something that i   really love to do every everyday and i really wish  that uh like josh i'd have spent a couple years   but just waiting trying to do  like a normal job i guess so just   jump into something you really love and go all  in that's great advice thank you so much jackie   um so you guys are more anybody in the audience  you're more than welcome to put your questions   in we'll share the survey link in a minute  too so in case you have to leave early we   do ask that you fill that out to give us  your feedback but i see here a question   aldrick is asking a very specific question about  the process of starting a business uh i guess he   wants to or they want to know about acquiring an  llc hiring a business advisor how involved um were   you with this process for each respectively for  each of you um for me i did everything on my own   i applied for an llc on my own as well  i just did a lot of internet research um   it's mostly it because i don't have a lot of  full-time employees the process is a little   different for me i think it's a little simpler  because i am a sole proprietorship or you know   like a single business owner um i didn't  feel like it was necessary to pay another another website to do it for me it was actually  fairly simple once you do a lot of internet   research thanks and jaja was it similar for  you uh also very similar i think what helped me   was um talking to other photographer friends  who i was fortunate to have some mentor friends   who basically share what they went through some  did sole proprietor some did llc but also based on   how vast you want to do photography on and i  don't think you need to hire a business advisor   there's definitely plenty of workshops available  online that you can find actually are very helpful thank you there's another question for you  jackie from jenna is there any flower that   you have an allergic reaction to oh yes there  are um i'm fortunate to not be allergic to you   a lot that most people are um i'm allergic to  a flower called amarillis it comes out in the   winter time normally around christmas the pollen  actually makes me rash and also another flower   called hanging amaranthus which is like a fuzzy  kind of draping flower uh touching that also   gives me rush but luckily i don't sneeze a lot  i don't have that kind of reaction to pollen   that a lot of people would which i imagine  would be super hard if you were a florist   so the flowers that you do have a reaction to do  you avoid working with those or um you just wear   gloves since you don't have a pollen reaction uh  sometimes i wear gloves luckily sunflowers a lot   of the pollen doesn't come out until later on  in the flower's life so if you use it when it's   still closed in a blood form before it blooms  then you won't really have to touch the pollen   okay oh and let's uh okay there's  another question here from francia   do flower symbolizations or meanings  contribute to the arrangement of a bouquet   uh yes it also depends on the client as well um  the thing i've encountered most is you know a   lot of asians don't like um like white flowers  symbolize death so i usually have to avoid that   when um when i know that it's the asian client um  just things like that uh but as far as like just   you know symbolization like a rose for love it's  just basically up to the client's preference   okay from sunny is finding the balance between the   point flowers and filler flowers  really as difficult as people say   do they say that i think they do say that um uh  i don't think it's as difficult as people say   but you definitely want to have a good balance  of like larger focal flowers and smaller accent   flowers and you know wispy bits depending on  the type of arrangement you're trying to do   um yeah but as i keep on saying it is personal  preference and if if you want to do an entire   arrangement of filler flowers that's up to  you as well everyone likes a different style   and i have a question too do you have any personal  favorite flowers or types of flowers to arrange   together and or favorite color palettes  um i do gravitate towards a lot of pinks   i wouldn't say that's my favorite color you know  in real life but i think in flowers there's a lot   of different shades of pink so you have everything  from like mauve to you know fuchsia to like a   blush there's just so many options for pink so i  really like using that in a lot of my arrangements   for in terms of flowers i like anything that's  very roughly and delicate because it just i   don't know just gives it that little cute touch my  favorite flower personally is butterfly ranunculus   you can't really find them every time of the year  but they're delicate and they last a long time   and where do you source most of your flowers  from and is that kind of a difficult process   finding good um growers um i usually go to the  san francisco flower market so i'm lucky to   be only 30 minutes away from a large market uh  there's not i mean some people don't have that   that nearby um so the san francisco flower market  has probably i don't know how many vendors but   it seems like at least 30 or 40 vendors and  with that you get a really large selection um   but of course you know there's price variation  so it gets time consuming because you're trying   to find the best price and the best quality  and that's easily be able to uh navigate that   um lately though i've been going to more local  smaller wholesalers which also have a lot of good   product just a smaller selection and sometimes  trader joe's trader joe's actually those really   great flowers for anyone wanting to start out and  for those of us who are just maybe looking up to   have a nice maybe we're not designing our own  arrangement but want something nice for our home   what um what do you have any tips for what we  should look for when we go to you know just a   grocery store or floral shop as far as picking out  bouquets what should we be keeping an eye out for   um actually a lot of times um people want  to buy the the open blooms because they look   more beautiful at the time but you want  to look for something that's closed um   because it'll last a lot longer it might  not look as beautiful at the time but   it'll eventually bloom so it gets that big  like for example um in this arrangement   like this is what it would look like if it was  not open yet a little the petals are tight and   that's good because eventually it'll open into  something like this so you definitely want to   buy it when it's at this stage and it'll last a  lot longer also changing the water pretty often   and cutting the stems maybe every two days  is super helpful um having clean water yeah that's pretty much it thank you okay i  see um one another question from ed and again   lynn put in the chat but if anybody  has any more questions feel free to   you can turn on your mic if you'd like to  but edsa asks for both of you how long did   it take you to realize you could  turn your passion into your career   was there a moment or experience that convinced  you to go all in i know you kind of both addressed   this in a way but if there's anything you  else you want to share about that please uh i think the moment i felt truly successful  is when a stranger started reaching out for   arrangements uh versus you know just your friends it's like that  acknowledgement that people like your work um it's hard nowadays with social media because  you know there is a lot of competition but   you really just have to believe in  your own style and your own work um but i think there's not just like one moment  where you're just like oh my gosh this is it   it's just kind of just over time you  realize that you can do it on your own um for me it was based on how many bookings  i was getting um like first year maybe i'll   get five bookings a wedding in the following  year i'll start getting 15 bookings of wedding   and if i start getting booked more the following  year after that already set that was when i felt   comfortable enough to quit my full-time work and  also leaving the benefits now it's a hard part   money is a lot to feeling comfortable with the  amount of business you're receiving right it   just shows like how far you've come and like you  the ball is rolling right and um you have projects   lined up which gives you the confidence knowing  that people are hiring for you they love your work   and um that's when i realized that it was  okay and felt right to pursue it completely   thank you so much would you be able to give  us an idea a rough estimate of how much   each event would cost or how much you would charge  like let's say a wedding uh depending let's say a   small scale wedding how much would you charge them  for photography and for flowers i'll start with   you Zha Zha for me it varies if it's like they're  looking for one photographer would just be just me   or if it's a larger event i say if it's more than  60 people i always have a second photographer um   my i have a starting minimum of what  my couple's investing which is 5 000   and then the packages can go up to 7 000. so i  can able to focus maybe like 15 couples a year   um that way i'm able to give really good  service versus overwhelmed with so many   couples and making less or something that's great  how old are you Jackie thank you for me it's kind   of hard to provide a single quote because it  really depends on what they're looking for   um if it's like a full wedding including  centerpieces um i usually start at around   three thousand dollars it depends on the number  of course too so that's for a smaller wedding   um arrangements usually start at around you  know it could be anything to be honest from   like a tiny bed race to a huge centerpiece and  it really depends on what kind of flowers people   want as well um because you know there's things  like exotic orchids which can cost a lot more um   so it's actually really hard to give estimate it's  really depending on the type of flowers you used that's good thank you uh do you  guys have any upcoming projects   you can share with us or any any events that  you'll be doing in the next like few weeks   um so i'm lucky enough to have a lot of home  deliveries right now it actually seems like   during the pandemic people picked up on home  deliveries because they can't be there in person   so a lot of people have been using  flowers to you know celebrate birthdays   and just special occasions so i  do have a lot of home deliveries   um josh and i have been working on this styled  shoot which we ran like run into a couple snags   so hopefully that'll be coming up soon as  well um a style shoe is pretty much where   a bunch of creatives collaborate together to  come up with a concept and execute that together   wonderful how about for you Zha Zha is that  the next project you're working on it or   do you have anything else on the side that  you're working on um i would be i have one   special engagement session that requires traveling  um so i'm going to be at salt lake city for the   bonneville salt flat coming up so that'll  be really cool scenario for photos versus   me going to San Francisco all the time for  photos with my couple so it's a nice change   it makes it definitely more exciting and to  change it up but other than that i think it's   just preparing for all my spring weddings that  are coming up too great great that's wonderful   well hopefully with this whole you know pandemic  now that it's you know getting a little better   and we'll see the light of day that everybody  everything will hopefully get back to normal   and the weddings will be up and ready so um yeah  i you know everybody thank you so much for being   here today i know we're running towards the end of  our program but if there are any other last minute   questions that you'd like to ask now's your chance   and you can ask anything um relating to business  flowers or photography anything else no and   also um jessica linked a survey in the chat box  please please do take a moment to fill that out   so that way we know you know what you really  enjoyed during career day and how we can do   better next time or what are some things that we  can uh do to make your career day fun and exciting all right jessica anything else i think that's  it but who do we have next week lynn do you wanna   all right so next week i have a two friends one  where is a designer at netflix and the other is   a designer at tick tock so if you're interested  in learning what it takes to become a tech   designer please please do come to our career  day event uh if you've already signed up at   bitly slash lapl career day i will be sure  to send you the zoom link for that event   so yeah thank you so much everybody for being here  with us today if you're a team and you're part of   teen council please take a moment to fill out the  form uh for thank you so much guys the form for   uh the survey as well as your um volunteer form so  that way you can get your community service hours   yes thank you jaja and jackie and thank you  jackie thank you everyone and thanks to everyone   yeah thanks to everyone who came today and take  care everybody we'll hope to see you next week   yeah you guys are thanks roberta thank you so  much roberta thank you guys i'm gonna go ahead and

2021-03-05 06:24

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