How To Start An Online Business With Forums in 2021 [Free Course]

How To Start An Online Business With Forums in 2021 [Free Course]

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hi everyone how are you today we have a  special free course today i will show you step   by step how to build a real online business  something really special it's based on what   we call ugc or user generated content  i will show you how to build a business   where people will create content and you can  make money from i will show you everything   step by step how to set up things technically  set up the websites how to promote how to grow   how to start how to launch everything in this  free course and i will show you how this business   how this setup made me increase my earnings up to  30 to 40 percent in only three months stay tuned welcome again i'm hassan from each educate and  today i'm really so excited so happy to publish   this new free course without wasting time  let's go directly into our point let's open   our browser and i will show you now some  examples to understand what we are going to do   if you go here to this website  is simply an affiliate marketing forum if you go   here to you will see one of the top  affiliate marketing forums also online if you   go here to warrior forum you will see number one  digital marketing and online business forum online   so you see i'm talking about forums if you go here  to you will see h-educates forum   if you are following you know my forum where  you can ask questions i will be there to help   you you can post articles you can post topics  it's a forum and you can see today i have 13.8   000 members in this free forum so our course today  is about creating a forum promoting it setting up   the business how to make money from forums and the  power of forums in online business now you have to   know something very important which is forums can  be a stand-alone business like these websites like   affiliate lift like stm like warrior forum or you  can simply add a forum to your business like in   my case i created a forum inside my website as an  additional income source as an additional business   as an additional thing to my main business to  my main website so this is the power of forums   you can add it to your website or simply build  a business a full business based on forums now   what do we mean by u g c or user generated content  it's simply when you build a website or a business   where people will create the content and not  you so when you create a blog as an example or   an academy to sell courses or whatever you do like  in my case this is my blog here you will need to   create the articles or hire someone to do this in  the academy you need to create courses and sell it   while on the forum people will engage and create  content and you will be a user in this forum to   engage with people so if you think about it it's  somehow easier to manage a forum in terms of   creating content than a blog or an online  course or selling or operating an online   store or whatever now the main question before we  start in the setup and how to promote and so on   the main question will be hassan tell us how we  can make money out of this business how we can   build a successful online business based on forums  and make good amount of money every single month   the answer is simple let's go back to the  examples this example here if you want to   join the community you want to join the forum you  have to pay around 14 dollars i think so they have   a premium membership an stm also if you want to  join you have to pay around 99 per month you can   see here i want to join let's see it yes it's 99  each month so it's a membership website if you go   to warrior forum it's free to sign up it's free  to join and engage but you will see this is an ad   this is an ad this is an ad advertised  with us so mainly they make money out of   banner ads of ads in my forum again you will see  it's free you can i am adding here google adsense   ads i have here banner ads affiliate ads and  much more things you will learn in this course   on how you can make passive income from this  awesome business so i think the idea now is   clear the concept is clear let's go step by  step and start implementing setting up a forum   like my forum using wordpress which is the easiest  way using a free plug and by the way if you have   a wordpress website you can follow up directly  it's totally free if you don't have a wordpress   website don't worry i will show you how to set  up one you need a hosting and so on anyway let's   start together okay friends so the first step is  we need a web hosting you know we want to create   a website a website requires a web hosting service  now here on my channel if you are following me   and my other free courses you can check in the  playlist section my free courses you know i   covered a lot of hosting companies vps services  like contable like walter like digital ocean   like hostinger and much more today i want to share  a new service to give you some more ideas about   hosting services and so on now if you already  have a wordpress website you don't need to do   anything you can skip this part you see in the  play bar you will see time stamps you can skip   and go to any topic you want if you don't have  a website and you want to follow up with me   you can continue this section so in this course  in this free course i will be using  

i think you heard about bluehost it's one of the  top hosting companies worldwide so i will go here   to wordpress wordpress hosting go to view plans  to see the pricing you can see you can start with   four dollars per month and you can get a free  domain for one year three cdn free sl whatever   so i think it's a good option for beginners again  you are not obliged to use bluehost use whatever   company you want and by the way by the way in  the description below you will see some affiliate   links with discount codes so you can get discounts  on bluehost on hostinger on different companies   you can check them in description below and let  me make some money too anyway so i will go with   the bluehost for this course to set up things so  this is my account in a bluehost i will simply   click here on create a wordpress site let's  call it forum business anything the power of   ugc anything you want now and let's go to advanced  action enter your email address i will enter   my email address here the admin username and the  admin password super simple so enter your email   of course not my email your username whatever you  want and your password we will use these to log   into the press later on so sign up to bluehost and  create a wordpress website next now it will tell   you to select a domain i will go with this default  domain for now we will talk about how to map a new   domain and the name of the form the name of the  website later on now just continue it will tell   you to install some helpful plugins i will remove  all these now say next just wait for few minutes   bluehost will set up everything for you the  site will be ready you just need to log in   and start working congratulations the wordpress  installed successfully these are the website   address username password i will go and log in  to the press you can see this is our domain here   my weird domain from bluehost directory whatever  whatever blah blah and this is my dashboard   very nice so this is a wordpress website i will go  to visit my site and here we are this is our empty   new wordpress website from now on please focus  very well we have a lot of details things tips   tricks that i want to show you that will help  you be successful with this business before i   continue i have three small tiny points i want to  share with you number one is the motivation let's   go back to my website if i go  to similar web extension i will open it and you   will see here my traffic you see in december  it was 140 000 views on my site in january it   pumped up 264 000 views do you see this jump  here one of the main reasons is the forum is   i added the forum to my website you may tell me  now how why what happened i will share with you   everything you will see in this course the power  of forums to get more traffic to get more sales   to promote anything to work with affiliate  marketing with google adsense and a lot more   please stick with me to the end of this free  course it's full of value the second point i   want to tell you is please if you like this video  if you enjoyed watching if you got some benefit   help my channel by hitting the subscribe button  subscribe to my channel turn on notifications   and please like the video this will help me reach  more people and grow my youtube channel the third   point which is also very important if you are  facing any problems with this free course or any   other video on my channel you can go always  anytime to my forum here again to the forum   and submit your questions i will be almost  every single day to communicate with you   to help you to answer your questions  and don't forget to join our telegram   channel like one month ago i created a telegram  channel where we can live chat together after   every single video discussed together if you have  any problems so we can chat and help each other so   let's continue our work this is our wordpress  website and now we need to set up a forum   we need to add a forum in this website here we  have mainly two strategies please focus very well   two strategies number one is to go here to code this is the paid method and then we'll   go with the three method in this course just to  give you this example maybe you are interested in   go here to web themes and templates and then go  to wordpress section here and simply search for   forum now code canyon will give you a lot  of ready-made templates for wordpress that   is special for forums if you are following me  you know before i had this forum old it was   a full website that has only a forum you can see  here it's a forum this is my old forum by the way   now last month i decided to merge the forum  to move the forum into my main website here   and add it inside my website now you may ask me  why simply to centralize management i don't want   multiple websites so i merged things together  i added things together for central management   that's it but maybe you are interested in building  such forums such websites that's only a forum like   affiliate lift like stm like warrior forum and so  on so you can see this is only a forum we don't   have anything else it's a forum we can search here  for this photo forum we have a lot of forums here   themes you can check if you want now to help you i  already bought this template so what i will do now   is i will run a giveaway on this template it  costs around 49 so we have a small giveaway today   for this theme if you want to join you  can check the link in the description   below this is the first strategy is going  with a paid theme specialized for forums   now in my case i want to use a free method so this  is what we are going to go with in this course   let's close code canyon and what we are going  to do is to set up a forum like my forum which   is using a free plug-in by the way it's  really an awesome plugin that will that   you will see now in this course so let's set  up things i will go here back to the dashboard   i will go here to plugins add a new  plugin i will simply search for wp   f-o-r-o this is how it's called wp-4 forum  you can see 30 000 active installations   5 star reviews it's a very good compatible with  wordpress everything is awesome install now and   activate so this is the plugin that i am using  in my website and in my experience it's really   very good you can see here the forum section  now we can manage your forum very nice i think   very simple just one small point if you go again  to add a new plugins and you search for forums   here in the plugins you will see we have different  plugins like one's very popular bb press it's very   popular plugin to create forums and by the way my  old forum was built with bb press so it's up to   you you can go with this plug-in but today in this  free course i want to share with you my experience   with this plug-in which is really very good in  terms of managing in terms of tools settings   add-ons and many other stuff that you will see  right now on the screen so we created the website   we installed the plug and let's go back here to  my website and refresh to see if anything happened   you can see nothing happened here so how we can  access the forum let's try this i will go here and   write forums we don't have anything here forum  nothing here so how we can access the forum let's   go back and continue our work so the first step is  to go with the basic configuration and configure   the forums plugin go to forums go to settings  section please follow up here we have a lot of   details that will help you manage the forum later  on grow it and be successful with this business   so this is the forum title this is the forum  description you can add whatever you want here   if you want to see my examples let's go back here  to my website i will go to the dashboard i will   show you my back end and let's see what do we have  in the settings section in my forum let's go here   to forums settings you can see it's called h-educate forum h-educate discussion board whatever you want now   let's go back to our work here you can change this  title you can see description it's up to you it's   based on the niche of the forum we'll talk about  niches in a little bit how to select the niche of   the forum in minutes please stick with me here we  have an important option the forum base url which   is by default it's called slash community and not  slash forums also if you here we have a checkbox   which is very important i mentioned before that  you can build a website that is fully a forum   and not a part of the website if you want to do  this you can turn wordpress to wp4 in this way   the full website will be a forum we don't have  pages posts and so on now i will keep this off   i will keep it as a part of the website and not  turn the full website into our forum so here is   a slash community i will go and set it to forums  and that said this is the main general section   update options and here we are this is the basic  configuration the forum title the forum url and so   on let's change this weird url and use a custom  domain name so we can access our website with a   simple clean domain name so simply i  will copy this domain name now go to my   site again manage site go to settings and simply i  will change the site url http update save it here   and click on save updates i think it's somehow  simple now if you go here to eat and   you will see that our website will open and it  will show you coming soon simply because here in   your dashboard there is an activate plugin called  a coming soon active plugin let's log in again to show you this wp dash admin i will leave here  close all this let's log in with my credentials   so you can see that coming soon active plugin  here this is why it will show you coming soon   in the front and anyway let's visit the site now  and let's see if we can access the forums so i   will say here slash forums enter and very nice  is the forum page and you can see here is our   forum it looks really bad it's empty now but the  design is very bad because of the theme so i will   pick up a different theme to make things somehow  clean let's go back to the dashboard appearance   themes we will use a free theme also let's  see what do we have themes   and let's see what do we have here something  simple and clean let's search for neve i think   it is a free yes this one let's install it  to see how things will be with this theme   install activate okay so i installed a free  theme called nev n-e-v-e let's refresh now   this page to see how things will be now  and very nice you can see it's simple clean   and a professional website with a widgets area  here and this is the forum and everything is   perfect so till this step we configured the  hosting we set up the plugins the domain   and the forum is now ready the empty forum is now  ready now from now on we will start the real work   how to fill up the forum how to launch it how  to promote it how to grow how to monetize how   to make money and much more this is the main  part so please focus very well and stay tuned   and follow up with me now you can see this is  the forum the main page and we have this message   here it will appear only for administrators it  will tell you set up google recaptcha security   settings anti-spam settings and so on we'll  configure all this in a little bit but for now   just to take a look we have this is the menu here  we have the main categories or the main forums   section which is now empty we refer it now and  we have the admin control panel which is really   very nice so in this plugin you can configure  forums add forums directly from the front end   which is really very good for administrators here  we have the statistics like we have one forum zero   topics everything is zero one online which is  me so we already know to start configuring this   forum let's go back and configure security in the  back end section go to forums here go to tools and   you will see here we can install akismet plugin  for anti-spam and you can configure some settings   like google recaptcha and so on let's configure  them because it's very important to configure   these options for protecting your form from  spammers and those people who fill your forum with   trash content and maybe they will make you fail  with this business so it's really very important   it's crucial to configure security tools so the  first thing is to enable wp4 spam control and show   its yes it's yes by default anyway the second  option it tells you if you want to ban a user   if he suspected that he's spamming it's by default  though and i prefer to set it as no because   all spam content will be in the moderation  section so you can moderate it you can delete it   or whatever and if a user always publish spam  he can ban him manually i prefer this method so   again it will tell you to install the axismet  plugin so let's go here to plugins add a new   i will open a new tab and go here to akismet  or by default you can see it in the first page   akismet plug-in spam protection five million  active installations activate the plugin   and then you need to enter an api key let's set  up the accusment account it will go now to the   website i will go now for personnel i'll go with  it for free now just for the sake of this course   you can start with for free and this  is the domain name here very nice   continue with personnel i will open my gmail  account to get the code akismet support this   is the code very nice paste it here continue of  course later on you scale up you have a business   you need to buy this plug-in to get a subscription  really it's very important for forums you will   rely on it to filter spammers and protect your  forum let's wait a little bit now now let's go   back to my email again you will see i have now  an api key i will copy it go back to my akismet   dashboard enter the api manually this is the api  key connect and here we are just save changes   and now it's active if we go back here and refresh  this will this app be very nice whenever aki smith   is con is enabled with this plugin and now  you are protected from spammers from spam   content from spam comments from spam topics from  spam engagements and much more so let's go down   here we have google recaptcha which is also very  important if you want to protect from fake sign   ups from bot sign ups and so on so with a side key  and a secret key simply click on this link here   and you will go to the captcha admin click on  this plus icon enter your domain here i will   copy my domain paste it here and go here with  recaptcha v2 which is i am not a robot checkbox   and then enter a domain name again  here very nice accept the terms submit   and here we are copy side key paste it here copy  secret key paste it here super simple now it will   tell you where you want to show this on the guest  topic editor say yes if a guest is publishing you   need a captcha and the login form i would say no  on the login form on the registration form say yes   on the recent password say yes and that's it  update options and now we protected our forum from   fake sign ups and from spammers this is a very  important step and we have completed successfully   okay friends so now we finished the technical  part we are ready to move on and see how we can   monetize the forum make money out of the forum  fill the form find questions find topics find   ideas and much much more so stay tuned if you  are tired just sit down relax pause the video   drink some water drink some coffee whatever you  want and then come back and follow up with me welcome again everyone i hope you are enjoying  this free course before we continue i just   remembered that we have a running giveaway 2  000 for 20 winners if you like to join check   the link in description below and join us  anyway so now we have finished our forum   i think in my experience the first step to do now  is to fill the forum with some content why simply   because when someone visits your forum he or she  must see some content some questions some answers   some valuable content to engage in the forum  now your forum is empty so you have to fill it   at least with 10 to 15 questions and answers  some topics and so on so how to fill the forum   let's see together so this is our forum and  we need to add some topics some questions   some answers and so on of course you  have to select topics and things and   questions related to your niche now in my case  you know my forum is about digital marketing   and online business now your niche may be  about cooking about dog training maybe about   fitness about health i don't know it's up to you  it's up to your niche now if you want to know   how to select the best niche for your business i  have here a full video with a free ebook you can   download a lot of ideas you can get totally for  free i will keep the link in description below   this will help you choose your niche very nice now  in my case i will stick to digital marketing and   online business because it's my field i know how  things work and so on and i can give you the best   in this topic so what you are going to do is  to utilize mainly for resources or websites   number one is go to if you don't know h-supertools is a free   seo digital marketing platform that i developed  to help you and me grow online so in this tool   go here to seo and then questions explorer  so in my case it is about digital marketing   and online business so we have email marketing  we have facebook ads youtube ads google ads   all these are topics in digital marketing and  online business so as an example i will say here   digital marketing and say search now this  awesome tool will give you a lot of questions   topics questions that people are asking on the  web what questions when questions where questions   who why how will is which all these questions are  questions people are asking on the web you can use   them as an example let's go here why digital  marketing is important for a small business   this a question idea can get it publish it in  your forum and answer it let's say you are talking   about dogs whatever i don't know go ride dogs  and you get a lot of questions about dogs let's   say about fitness it will get a lot of questions  related to fitness and so on now what we can do   also in age super tools is to go here to youtube  keyword tool this tool will help you explore   some topics and ideas new ideas example if you  say here dog training and search you will see   now you will get related keywords and topics up  to 300 keywords and topics related to this niche   so you get a lot of new ideas and keywords to  get and then you can search it in the questions   explore and get and explore more questions more  topics and ideas and they create a list of topics   to add to your forum so this is the first tool  the age super tools free tool totally free the   second tool is called answer the public answer the  public is a question explorer also they have also   a free version you can use it totally for free  an example if you say here digital marketing   sorry marketing search and you will see now it  will let's say data here view again it will show   you all these phrase any questions what when where  it's like a super tools but somehow more advanced   so you get a lot of maybe pre positions also a lot  of things people are searching writing on the web   topics and ideas you can use to add to your forum  so in this way you are brainstorming collecting   ideas collecting topics to add to your forum  write them down use microsoft excel maybe in ocean   whatever application maybe your paper your  ipad anywhere you can add your topics list them   to add to your forum later okay i think the idea  is somehow simple the third website is called quora is one of the best websites to  collect content ideas i talked about quora a  

lot before on how to get traffic from quora how to  collect ideas and much more here on quora again you   can search for digital marketing or whatever niche  you are writing about and you will find also a lot   of questions also you can see here topics you will  find a lot of topics and spaces and groups related   to digital marketing an awesome website to collect  also ideas and content ideas for your forum   website number four is reddit  is one of the best websites on the internet   to also collect ideas engage get traffic and  much more here you can search for what we call   subreddits like groups small groups about certain  topics example let's say digital marketing again   to make things simple and here you can find people  talking about digital marketing questions topics   things trends everything about digital marketing  refined android also in these sub reddits and   at last i advise you to go and search for similar  forums you can go to a website called find a forum   dotnet click on this website open this website and  here you can search for forums in any niche you   want let's say here form niches let's say weight  loss click on weight loss and you'll find here a   lot of forums that are talking about weight loss  we can open any of these forums and see what they   are talking about what topics they include let's  say this form here let's open it this one about   building muscles whatever i don't know so all  these are topics you can see topics related to   muscle building to health i don't know about  this stuff anyway you can search for forums in   this website awesome website find a forum dot net  find similar forums and collect topics and ideas   now after you create a list of questions and  answers and topics you want to add to your forum   you have to go here and start creating your forums  and adding your topics and your questions let's   do a small example to see how things work inside  wordpress inside this plugin so i'll go back to my   dashboard and here in the forums plugin i will go  here to forums and you will see now that forums is   now empty we don't have any category anything what  we are going to do is simply add a new category   so i will simply click on this plus icon and add a  forum title add a category in the forum i will say   here digital marketing whatever you want let's  give you an example from my own forum just to   see how things work so you can see in  now we have a lot of topics we have the getting   started i share announcements and forum rules and  so on affiliate marketing email marketing online   business all these are sub topics in the forum  are sub forums in the forum you got my point   so here we are adding these forums these topics  so people can click and engage in a certain topic   so again i will go here and say digital marketing  you can add a description whatever you want   and add to the main forum say publish and now if  you go here and refresh you will see now that we   have a topic in the main forum here we have  digital marketing why digital marketing came   under main forum if you go here back you will  see digital marketing is here we will drag this   here and then i will simply add a topic in digital  marketing let's say i want to add email marketing   and the parent forum is digital marketing you have  to add a child so to show it in the main form you   can see here if a category doesn't have a forum it  will not be displayed so now we have main category   main forum digital marketing and under it we have  email marketing let's go now and refresh our forum   to see how it looks now we can see now we have  digital marketing in the forums you can see   in the for digital marketing we have email  marketing and so on so you can add whatever topics   you want here do whatever you want and it will  appear in the main forum here anyway i don't want   to waste more time on this let's do an example how  to add a topic inside email marketing let's say   click on email marketing and here you can simply  add a topic the topic may be a question or simply   a small article anything you want to share in  the forum so let's say i picked up a question   from answer the public let's say what digital  marketing means let's say this question and i want   to add it here question mark and simply you answer  it here so it's like a small topic you are adding   it to your forum and this way you can fill up  the forum now one trick to do that i did when   i started the forum as i created some temp users  i went here to members in the forum and simply i   created some members sorry here in the wordpress  users i click add user and i create a user for me   another user let's say user one anything you want  you create the user and let this user you publish   the questions with this user and you answer it as  the admin in this way are filling the forum from   different users just to show that there is some  engagement in your forum just at the beginning   it's like a silly trick but we can use it to fill  up the forum and add more content to our forum so   after you find the topics the ideas your job now  is to fill the form at least add like 20 questions   20 comment questions and answers like 20 mini  articles topics add to your forum so it can be   r shift in search engines and whenever someone  comes to your forum they will see some content   i hope the idea is somehow simple another  important tip or trick to do in your forums   i do always is what we call content syndication  or content repurposing now if you have a youtube   channel if you have a blog any type of content  social media whatever you have like in my example   i have a youtube channel that you are watching  now this course on and i hope you are enjoying it   so i have now a video any video like this  one what i do is i get this video and   i write a small article about it in the forum  and link back to my youtube video in this way   i have i have some ideas i can repurpose  in the forum if you go now to quora again   i want to show you this how i repurpose  the content an example real life example   if you go to my space here make money online here  it's a space for h-educate on quora you will see that   example we have this five three traffic sources  whatever you will notice that this is a small   article at linking back to our video on youtube so  this video which is how to get traffic from google   i am promoting it in a small article in this  space you can do the same in the forum create a   small article about a video on youtube about other  blog posts about anything you want repurposing the   content in your forum so you can fill it up with  a lot of content fresh content new content always   and don't run out of ideas a small tip for you  to fill up the form i hope you got my point and   as i tell you always if you have any questions  anything unclear please be with us after this   course after this video in our telegram channel  ask any question you want i will be live with you   to answer your questions in the telegram group so  make sure to join us the description below also   it's free just join and let's talk to each other  and help each other now it's time to make money   out of the forum our main goal to build a business  from this forum i will show you now mainly   four strategies to make money online out of  your forum and later on at the end of this video   we have a bonus tip how to scale up and make more  money and grow this business from your forum so   mainly we have four strategies that we can utilize  now directly in your forum to make money number   one is simply affiliate marketing if you go back  here to my forum and let's say i will open this   forum here anything you want first of all you  will see that i have here a banner ad at the right   in the widget here i am promoting an affiliate  service bluehost this is an affiliate banner ad   i will show you now a little bit how to add this  banner ad please stick with me so number one is   promoting affiliate products with banner ads also  you can promote affiliate with what we call auto   affiliate linking i thought about this before if  you go here an example example you can see this   blue bold link these are auto linking i  talked about this before if you go here to my   dashboard i am using a plugin called pretty links  if you go to pretty links click on pretty links   here you will see now that almost 90 of these are  affiliate links if you click on any of these let's   say this one edit what's nice about this plugin in  the pro version you can go here to the pro section   and add keywords so whenever we have this keyword  in the forum in your website wherever it comes   it will automatically add the affiliate link to  it so people are engaging adding questions adding   answers and affiliate links are automatically your  affiliate links are automatically being added to   the forum so anyone who clicks on the link you  may have a chance to earn from the commission   this is really awesome please focus very well  you got my point it's about all to affiliate   linking you automatically automate this whenever a  keyword is mentioned related to a service you have   this will automatically be linked to your  affiliate link using pretty links plug-in it's an   awesome plug-in by the way and please please go  now to my youtube channel after this video and   watch my video about how i do affiliate marketing  exactly i mentioned a lot of tips and tricks   it helps me promote affiliate links what  are service i'm using how i manage things   everything how i do like couple of thousands of  dollars every month from affiliate marketing go   now it's really a treasure a superb video please  watch it after this video directly i will keep   the link also in description below or somewhere  here on the screen so the first strategy is using   affiliate marketing banner ads and other affiliate  links inside the forum to promote affiliate links   let's go back here to forums and strategy number  two is simply monetizing with ads like google   adsense or whatever alternative network in my  case i use google adsense if you go here to google   adsense home if you go here to ads inside google  adsense and simply here go to buy ad unit you   can click on display ads after you of course  after you submit the website and get approval   you can get a horizontal banner ad whatever you  want get the code and publish it in your forum   now there's a plugin that we can add or an ad on  we go here to add manager this add-on which is   a paid add-on like 20 dollars i think will help  you to automate adding banner ads in your forum   it will help you a lot if you want to add maybe  sell banner ads or add google ads whatever you   want inside the form you can see here in my phone  i have this ad this one so all these are added   using this add-on that costs like one time twenty  dollars if you go here to add-ons to this plug-in   the plugin is free if you want an extra add-ons  you can go here and see some add-ons like the   ad manager you can i installed it i installed also  advanced attachments we have all these add-ons you   can check by yourself and see if it helps you like  adding polls like if you are a programming forum   you can add this syntax highlighter embeds we can  add micro integration we have a lot of add-ons you   can add to your forum using these special add-ons  anyway so strategy number two is to monetize with   google adsense number three again with ads  you can sell banner ads you see this ad here   this one this is an ad space i am  selling if you go here to   services you know if you are following me i sell a  service called this one promote your business with   cpm based native ads if you open it you know  this is a service i said where anyone can buy   it and publish a banner in my forum in my  other websites i will promote his or her   business so what i do is i use a service this  one this service called ad server if you go into   campaigns you will see i am running now this  campaign 190 000 impressions let's open this   open the ads let's see it you will see this is the  ad here you can see it if you go here to report this has got till now 185 impressions and  1 000 clicks so i manage and i sell ads   using this server it's called add server dot  online i will keep all the link in description   below anyway don't worry about this but you can  also use this service or anything also we have   other plug and inward press i'm using also it's  called advanced ads if you go here to my wordpress   website advanced ads you will see here advanced  ads pro version let's go here to settings i think   we have something called selling where you can  sell ads on your wordpress website directly   from this plugin also you can use it to sell ad  spaces in your forum okay so all this is about ads   google adsense affiliate ads or selling ads spaces  strategy number four is simply promoting any paid   product so in the form again you can use pretty  links or you can add links manually promoting   whatever you are selling online if you have online  courses if you have digital products whatever you   are selling like in my case i promote my courses  you know if you are following i have my academy   and course on udemy so i can promote my courses  from the forum if you have an application you are   selling whatever you are selling maybe selling  your services on fiverr on freelancer whatever   you are selling you can promote it in the forum so  these are the four main strategies to make money   online out of the forum to sum up things we have  google adsense ads affiliate marketing with banner   ads and auto linking we have selling ad spaces  with advanced ads or ad server online and getting   traffic and promoting your paid services make sure  to utilize all of these inside your forum to grow   your business and make more money before i move on  and show you how we can grow this forum business   and get some traffic the forum and make it somehow  popular i want to show you how to add a banner ad   to the forum in the widget or whatever you want  how to get the affiliate banners if you go here   let's say to cj one of the affiliate networks i am  working with cj go here to log in we have impact   we have clickbank we have should i say we have  a lot of affiliate networks the idea is almost   the same i will log into my account here you can  see this is my balance is my commission yesterday   119 dollars it's performing very well anyway i  will go to advertisers and i want to get a banner   an advertiser inside cj don't worry about cj how  to join now and so on soon i will publish a full   video on how to join cj networks impact network  should a sale how to get approval how to get the   links how to promote them how to track them it's  like a full advanced affiliate marketing course   that we published soon on my channel so please  don't forget to subscribe to my channel turn   notifications and like the video to get every new  update so let's say i want to promote this service   enter service web hosting i'll click here on  get links and what's nice you will have a lot of   banner ads and codes you can get directly from cj  and those affiliate networks so let's say i wanna   get this banner here this one simply i click here  on get code and you will have this code here this   banner add code just copy it i go back here to my  website to my dashboard here advanced ads go to   ads here and simply create a new ad with this  free plugin advanced ads by the way is a free   without add ons you can download for free so so  what i'm doing here is free click on plain text   code let's say add test whatever you want say  next and paste and paste the code here that's   super simple and save it and then you can publish  it on your website so get the code from cj from   impact whatever every network you are using add  it to advanced ads and then it will appear on your   forum like this one here in the widget area or  inside the forum whatever you whatever you want to   put inside the forum or in your website in general  so this is how you can add a banner ad to your   website let's now move on and see the final step  how we can promote this forum business how we can   grow it how we can get more people to engage and  join us in this form you can see my forum today   has around 17 000 members we have 6 000  posts it's really growing so how you can   attract more people to sign up and engage in your  forum this is what we are going to see right now   so stay tuned but before this please listen very  well to these couple of words a lot of people   have a misconception in their minds in their  brains they think that the word make money online   is that you go to a website and you work for one  hour and wow we have 20 dollars it's not like this   if you are thinking planning to change your life  to build a real business online you really need to   work you need to set a plan work every day maybe  for two hours but every day be consistent you need   to have some discipline some patience to build  a real business so if you just build the forum   now add some questions and just sit down even if  you add some advertisements google asses whatever   you will maybe make a couple of cents some dollars  whatever it's not a real business if you are   thinking about building a real business you have  to work on promoting it every single day until   it reaches a point like in my case i worked hard  for maybe more than two years to publish a website   to have a website like h-educate today with around 300  000 visitors i have more than 400 000 followers on   different social profiles and so on i worked hard  to reach this point but when you reach this you   will have a strong online business you will have  a fixed online revenue every single month profit   you can scale up you can think about growing  and so on you will have real business so please   get rid of this silly ideas about making money  online those scammy videos that waste your time   and build a real business i always share with you  real experience real case studies something that   really works please go ahead watch learn and apply  learning alone is nothing it's not the key if you   have the knowledge without applying you are not  doing anything you have to apply it test it you   may fail then try again you may fail you then try  again and again until you will be successful at   that point you will feel that you have something  real now anyway let's go back to our work we have   to work on promoting this forum to reach more  people how to promote mainly we have two methods   we have paid methods paid advertising paid ads or  free methods of course paid advertising is faster   but requires a budget simple while free methods  are totally free requires some more work from   you even though even though here on my channel i  have a full free course about getting traffic to   your website and growing your website and i don't  know why maybe eighty percent of you didn't watch   the course even though i'm sharing with you real  stuff that helped me grow my business but i don't   know why you don't watch and i don't know why you  don't apply anyway i will sum up this free course   on my channel now in a couple of minutes you have  to use mainly start with if you want free methods   you have to utilize answer questions  create a space and publish content on quora   quora gets millions of views every single month  so you have a huge chance you can go here to my   profile you will see i have around 500 000 content  views 20 000 this month you have to be active   on for on quora to get traffic from quora other  website is pinterest who doesn't know pinterest   i showed you how pinterest really helps you in  getting traffic you can see today i have 88 000   views not a big deal but really it helps me to  get some clicks to get some traffic to my website   some passive traffic i just published my pins  here and i get and start getting traffic if you   go here to my profile let's go here to my  profile you will see i have a lot of pins   to my services to my forum to my website to my  whatever getting traffic from pinterest third   website is reddit red is really a treasure if you  can utilize it you have to give value on reddit   not be blocked but later on you can really get a  huge amount of traffic from reddit again you can   go to forums find a form related to your niche and  start engaging giving value and getting back some   clicks and traffic to your forum to your website  these are the three methods there is no other way   free methods mean giving value in forums and quora  and pinterest and social media and getting back   some traffic to your website even on youtube you  can start a youtube channel and get some traffic   youtube my youtube channel gets me around thirty  percent or forty percent of the traffic so siri a   great also place to get traffic from you have to  work if you want free stuff free methods you have   to work if you want to go with paid advertising  like google ads let's see go here to google ads   you can promote your website your forum let's sign  in and by the way i showed you also different case   studies in google ads you are not watching i  showed you how i create campaigns here are some   of my campaigns you can run a campaign on google  ads facebook ads maybe cover ads you can see here   in quora also we have ads manager i showed you  also how we can run ads on cora in a full video   here laser targeting with core ads you can run  pinterest ads whatever types of ads facebook ads   instagram ads to promote your forum you can  run a giveaway you know here on my channel i   always run giveaway one of the best things that  i get from giveaways is simply traffic if you go   to this plugin raffle press giveaway you see i am  giving you these giveaways i'm helping you at the   same time i can utilize the these giveaways to  get traffic to my social profiles to my website   giveaways are really also a great way to grow your  business if you have a budget to run a giveaway   maybe you can give a gift like your course it  doesn't need to be money your courses your tools   anything you can give for free and i give away and  also other way is to tell people if you engage in   the forum you can make money maybe you can give  them money you can give them some gifts as i did   if you go here to back to my youtube channel  to this video and one thousand dollar online   answering questions i told you in this video that  if you reach level 10 in my forum you will earn   1 000 if you missed this video go and watch it  now so again i am promoting my forum now again   if you engage in the forum and read level 10  badge you will earn 1 000 this will motivate   people to engage and grow my forum and so on we  have a lot of methods to grow for free and paid   methods as i promised you i told you i want  to share with you a small tip to scale up   your forum and scale up this business after  we monetized with ads with affiliate marketing   and maybe selling at spaces whatever you  did after you got some members you got some   engagement you got some traffic you can go to  level two and scale up with premium memberships   again i want to remind you that stm foreign for  example which i am a member and it by the way   if you're going to which is number  one affiliate marketing community worldwide   if you go here and you want to sign up join now  you will see it costs around 99 dollars to join   let's see here join it costs 99 dollars  so you can go with a premium membership   also we have affiliate also it's around  14 maybe per month so you can go with a premium  

membership you can use plugins like pro membership  or whatever and your wordpress website to scale up   your business and go with a monthly membership  to build really a big huge business online   from your forum now in my case i don't have  any plan for this my forum for now will be   free maybe from now till this next five years  i don't have any plans for this right now but   in your case maybe are giving real value something  special you can get paid for a membership monthly   membership maybe yearly membership in your forum  okay now it's time for the last couple of minutes   in my video where i will share with you a small  advice that i hope it may change your life   in some way so what do we have today let's  see scheduling and planning and especially   scheduling and writing down what you want to do  is really super important if you want to achieve   anything in life in business or whatever you are  doing in life in the last video if you remember we   talked about an application called tictic and how  this application helps you track your daily habits   and helps you to achieve everyday habits  according to the atomic habits book   if you remember if you didn't watch go now and  watch it it's really interesting only two minutes   at the end of the video go and watch it download  the application and start tracking your daily   habits what you have to know that we have mainly  three phases or three steps or three stages for   implementing anything the first step is that you  get this into your brain it's the knowledge phase   learning phase you learn something with your brain  you have the information the second step is making   this information come down into your heart is  believing in this knowledge is transforming it   into emotions believing feeling this knowledge and  the third step is doing taking action implementing   it because if it sticks in your brain nothing  will happen if it sticks in your heart nothing   will happen you have to pass to phase three which  is implementing and taking action so this is how   you reach the last step knowledge hard emotions  taking action and what helps you in taking action   is simply planning and writing down if you go  here to notion you will see i have a page for   this week tasks you can see here we have a to-do  list then we have in the personal section here we   have the yearly plans where we have the plans  yearly plan you can see for 2021 all these   plans for this year i talked about this at the  beginning of this year and today i am checking   every goal i reached in this year so planning  writing down and scheduling will help you a lot   in phase 3 in implementing anything in life so  again to sum up knowledge brain emotions heart   implementing and taking action what helps you is  writing down and scheduling and planning what you   are going to do i hope this helps you see you in  the upcoming videos please don't forget subscribe   comment like do everything and see you  later maybe in a couple of days bye bye you

2021-06-15 00:18

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