How To Start A Fishing Business (PROFITABLY)

How To Start A Fishing Business (PROFITABLY)

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Hey. This is an awesome video because, I go into the step-by-step, process of how you can, make money fishing, and selling, fishing, gear, like, I said it's step by step I've tested, millions of dollars with Facebook Ads selling. Fishing stuff selling other outdoor stuff and I, bring all of the working knowledge, to you for, free on YouTube, so go ahead and hit that like button in, exchange, for all this content, throw. A thumbs up and subscribe, if you want to see more and if you want some of my winning products, comment, ad chill, winners in the comment section that's add chill winners and hit. That like button and let's, start the show, what's. Going on guys so in this video I'm gonna give you the full strategy. For you to get to, $10,000. Per month selling. Fishing, gear on Shopify. So, if you don't know the process already it's finding, viral. Products, fishing, products in this video. On, Aliexpress. That sell for you know ten dollars or so then you sell them on your Shopify, store for, 30 dollars and you use Facebook ads to drive unlimited. Buyers, and you get the margin so let's say you're making 10 dollars per sale profit. That's how you're gonna get to 10k, per, month so, let. Me go ahead and show you this I know plenty of people they're absolutely, crushing, it right, now what, you're gonna do is you're gonna go into fishing. You're gonna Holley Express type in fishing something very broad broad, search, by orders, and then. You can see the most you. Know successful. Products. Here right these have six thousand, nine hundred orders, now when you see a lot of orders like this that means you can go into sub niches right four thousand, orders. You. Know four thousand orders so maybe I want to do fishing bait, or. I want, to do carp. Fishing or fly fishing, or feeder. Rod fishing whatever, it may be you can go to it's unlimited. How far you can go down this rabbit hole now, the key, here is most people are gonna say test three products a day the, problem is it takes an hour per product to test so, that's fine if, you have three hours a day but if you don't you. Know it's hard to test that many products and then you're not going to be successful with this system right you have to be able to test a lot products to find the product that makes you the most profit, while you kill the other ones before. You spend too much money so this system I'm gonna show you is how to test products in five minutes, so if you can test products in five minutes that's like 20 products, fifteen. Ten to fifteen products per hour right. Instead. Of spaying, an hour per product and you can launch ten in ten hours so this. Is the system I'm going to show you one time for one keyword but there you can use unlimited fishing, keywords fishing bait fishing hook fishing line. Fishing rod, and so on and so on so let's pick this product because I can see there's five thousand, orders this is a huge, niche here and this, is how you do this much faster so. The speed is everything and that's really what I'm showing you in this video so, ok, of course we can use a bare low if, you were doing this process already, you already know about bare low but I want to show you the next part where we actually make the videos and we make the ads and, all the targeting, in like.

No, Time opposed. To spending. An hour hour and a half right. So let's, call this. Six. Segment lure. Okay. Six. Segment lure, and. Then we'll change this price from two ninety five to fourteen, no, I think that's probably our twelve ninety-five and, let's. Make the, last face price, twenty nine 24.95. Okay. Perfect. Now we have some image we're going to push it to our store now this is where the, secret sauce is right, like I said if it takes your competitor an hour per product they can test brought ten products in ten hours if. It takes you five minutes starting. Now I click. Create ad show test more, actions create Joe if you don't have actual yet make sure to grab it with the link below you. Can get add chill access, to it and launch, products, super quick and it's, gonna make the video for me it's gonna find all the interest, targeting and launch, the ads for, me so you know anybody can do this let's call this. Lure. And. Let's. Click make video you could add image I mean text at the top at the bottom if you want I'm. Gonna click view to grab the link and while, this video is making being, created by add show it's more like you, know if you've done this process before you know making videos takes a long time right 20. 30 40, minutes maybe an hour or, Eid to pay somebody to make it alright so now add chill does it for you so you just save a ton of time or, a ton of money you, can see the video has. Been created it's gonna get the eyes of people people. Are going to click on it if they like the product awesome. Now. It's gonna do we're it's gonna do all your, if. You're loving this content, will you please do me a huge huge favor and hit that like button thank, you audience. Insights for you right, so you're finding the best targeting, to run your ads to so. You. Type in one interest, and then it goes and finds the the, best interest is are like that interest, high affinity interest, fish, trap fishing. Float fishing, reel. Jigging. Soft. Classic bait so many interests this, this. This. Niche. Is humongous. So. It's pretty exciting click, add and now you have six different interests, ranging. From a hundred thousand people to twenty five million people you're, gonna click next, step and. You're going to start writing your post this is your actual app this is what people are gonna see right I'm, gonna say grab yours. Need. A new, lure. Free. Shipping. Today. Only. And then, I'm gonna say say, yes, if you, want, this and. Boom. Just like. That. I've. Made. The post I've. Made. The video I found. My targeting, and now, I can launch this three dollar ad sets. Two. Males 25 plus call. It add chill, lure. And it's. Going to create the ads five. Ads just like that you made your video found all your targeting, and everything. Now you're gonna absolutely, your competition, when it comes to launching, more products, now how do you get to 10k per month well, if I sell a bunch of those you. Know a thousand, of those per month that's. 10k now, if I test a ton of other products, and find one that's $50 or another one that's $30. Or another one that's $100, you can do the math there but it's really about finding these winning products, and testing, so rapidly, that. You find winning, products faster than anybody else so you can get add show below, you can see the ads are being uploaded I can actually probably jump into my ad account I don't have it pulled up here but they're all being uploaded to my account the videos made and all, that good stuff so, just go ahead grab. It make, sure to jump. Into the mastermind, group as well there's a free link to that group where me, and everybody else are hanging out and then, subscribe, and, ask one, question you do have about Facebook ads in the comments below and I'll get that answer for you hope you have a great day and I'll catch you in the next video bye, I want to show you exactly how you can find the most, profitable. As. An audiences, in five minutes per day that will provide you a consistent, reliably. Low CPA, which, will enable you to scale, with an ROI like you've never seen before let's, face it Facebook. Ads are extremely. Competitive and the only ones that are actually, crushing it are those that can identify the perfect, audience to advertise to and not just the perfect audience but, the perfect creative, whether, that's image or video but. Also combined, with the perfect, copy for that perfect audience so a combination of all three enables, them to absolutely. Crush Facebook ads and if you're not able to do that you're not gonna see optimal. Results, so. What's awesome about this is it works for all Facebook ads whether you're doing e-commerce apps, SAS, lead gen coaching, consulting maybe. You're an affiliate, whatever.

You're, Running Facebook ads for this, is gonna help you save ninety-five percent of your time and double if not triple your. Conversions, and don't worry at the end of this short, presentation I'm, going to show you examples, proof all that good stuff of all of these niches so. Like I said these days in facebook ads the, only people really crushing it are the ones who have the combination, of the perfect audience the perfect creative and the perfect copy Facebook. Ads are getting more and more competitive by the day, so, if you can't identify those, three things and combine them your results are not gonna be as great as your competitors, and we, both know every. Single day ads are getting more expensive and, more competitive and the prices, are not going, to go down with. The surge of marketers just flocking. The Facebook ads because of the endless amounts of data it's just simple supply and demand right more, marketers that. The, ad costs are gonna go up right so, as marketers. Come in and they want to advertise on Facebook the, prices will continue to go up making, it harder for you to acquire, customers. Clients users, purchasers, whatever, for, the price that you want now. How do you find that perfect creative, copy and audience so you see results that you've never seen before and it's. Simple the same exact way that anybody. Who is great at anything does, it they, put in their 10,000 hours they test they practice they practice they practice you know Edison we all know that he failed a thousand, times before he, created the light bulb but, guess what he. Made. 999. Tests. Tweaking. Testing, and refining, his formula, before he created, light, bulb and we, all know Wayne Gretzky you know you. Miss 100% of. The shots you never take and that's so true and doesn't it hold kind of the same for testing, different images or different videos if, I test, one image or video am, I. Gonna see as good a results if as if I test 10 or 20 probably not if I test 20 I'm gonna see a couple huge, winners I'm gonna see a lot of losers but I'm gonna take those winners and combine, them with other elements and if. I never would have tested those 20 different videos then. I would have never seen those results, in Michael Jordan you know one of the best basketball players ever. He, said I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed and it's so true. Look. We all know that words sell if you test one, type of copy but. You don't go on and test 10 20 30 you're not gonna find which, words really relate to your audience but if you sit there even if you're not a good copywriter if, you sit there and you write 10 20 30 different types of copy you launch them to your ads one. Of them is gonna stand out maybe. Two three are gonna stand out they're gonna really, relate to your audience and you're gonna keep rolling with those boom you just doubled your conversions, now, whatever you think of Kobe Bryant you have to respect his his sickening, work ethic this. Is just a little quote he says you wake up at 3:00 you train at 4:00 4:00 to 6:00 come home eat breakfast relax now you're back at it and 9:00 to 11:00 relax, back at it again from 2:00 to 4:00 now you're back at it from 7:00 to 9:00 by, year five and six it doesn't matter what kind of work they do during the summer they, will never ever catch. Up and that is so true if, I am competing, with you and every, single day I'm testing ten 20 different look-alike audiences, you. Know I scale, the winners kill the losers every, single day I do that and I know that you're sitting there testing maybe five ten per week or per month what's. Gonna happen I'm gonna find so many audiences. I'm. Gonna crush it right so if you sit down and you test audience, after audience after audience and you, just have a sick work ethic, and just do it over and over again you're gonna find so many, profitable.

Audiences, And you combine them with your new creative and your new copy and you absolutely crush it right that's how it works if you test more you find more winners right the. More you shoot the more you score right now. You might be asking yourself but, how do I test all of these ad combinations. Every, single day I only have so much time right we have like 956. Other things so doing our business we can't just sit inside of Facebook ads all day, switching. Things out making, new tests duplicating. Fiddling with Facebook ads right so, let me introduce ad, show, to you ad. Show is, an ad crushing, machine, that will find highly profitable Facebook ads and audiences, in five, minutes per day so, you can get reliably. Low CPAs without, wasting your time Achille. Will constantly, test. Different audiences, and create, different audiences. Videos. Interests. And ads, so you can really figure out which ones are your winners while. Killing off your losers really quickly so you don't spend any money and it's gonna help you find profitable ads 24/7. 365. Without. You sitting there in your ads, manager all day, long, pretty, awesome right so. We've been using agile for the last couple years internally, to spend millions of dollars on Facebook Ads extremely. Profitably, now we open that show up a few months ago and now there are thousands, of top-tier, marketers, absolutely. Crushing it with ad show by using ad show you're going to double, if not triple your, Facebook, and Instagram conversions. While. Spending ninety five percent less. Time and, you. Won't be spending more money now it's gonna enable you to spend more money if you want to because you you will have winning ads that, you can spend more money on and become. Even more profitable, but the key here is you're gonna be getting better conversions. And spending. Less time pretty. Amazing right so. To go over a few things that you can do for you you, know it will create hundreds, if, not thousands. Of look-alikes in seconds, and then you can launch them to your ads we, all know the process right you find a custom audience and you make a US 1% and then a u.s. 2%, then a u.s. 3%, look-alike audience and you go four or five six seven and so on and so on and then you do that for every single custom. Audience you created why because it's extremely, profitable and you take all those custom audiences that you spent you know seven hours on and you put them onto your ads you, duplicate you test, this audience test this onions it's extremely, profitable but.

It Takes so much, time so, now with ad show what you can do is you can say hey for these ten custom audiences, I want to select these countries, and make one through seven percent look, like audiences, and then boom just in you, know three seconds, you make 400 500 different audiences and then launch them to past, winning ads now. This is a huge time saver as well we're able to manage multiple accounts and multiple. Campaigns, at the same time this. Saves at least a couple hours every single morning because, we can say hey anything. That is over. $5. Per purchase let's, turn it off anything. Is under let's see it let's scale them do whatever we want launch new ads new look-alikes and so on, so. It's pretty cool right you can say hey ad show I want to see all my losers I want to turn them off with one button okay. I wanna see all my winners I want to scale them up you know by 10 percent twenty percent or individually. Or. Hey I want to take some of these winners and launch a new look like ads based off of pretty. Awesome right you, can see how much time you're gonna save in every single morning now. If you're in the manual bidding same. Thing I can see say hey at you let me see all of my winners and then I can manual. Bid on him click click I want to increase the bid here I want to lower the bid here you know I want to turn this one on I want turn this one off across, multiple campaigns, across multiple accounts, at the same exact time but. What about new, campaigns, maybe new products, new services whatever. I need to find some new audiences, well instead, of going over to audience insights or stocking, your competitors, customers, pages, to see what their interests are how about typing, into ad show one interest, and a chill goes and finds, hundreds, of high-affinity. Extremely. Targeted interest, that you can just simply add to a folder save, it forever and your yoga, folder or whatever and then launch new ads to them over and over again and see which ones have the best cost, per click over time which ones had the best click-through, rate over time and you build these folders. Of different, interests that you can target over and over again and then you make different selections, of those interests and you actually, spits out more interests that were like those interests, so it's a you know it's an interest, building machine it's pretty awesome right so then you can take those ten interest or a hundred or a thousand, and create tens, or hundreds of ads just like that schedule them over time so you don't spend too much money kill the losers and scale, the winners you also, makes it super easy to build out ads or page posts whether that's dark posts or on your page instead, of filling with Facebook you can just create your you, know video or image ad right inside of AD show then, save it to a folder and take.

It And apply it to other ads so maybe you have five different, look-alike, audience there that are doing really well you want to test them against five new page posts with new copy on them right you want to see what resonates and you go click click boom 25 new ads schedule. Them over a couple days five, ten bucks apiece scale the winners kill, the losers so, isn't that pretty awesome like want to take those look, like audiences, that you just created and then. Apply them to brand new page posts where you have brand new copy maybe, hitting a different angle to see if it resonates with your you, know your client now. If your Shopify user I understand, not everybody is but we also released an app that'll allow you to do. The whole process of testing a new product you know finding aliexpress putting it on your store and then creating, the video and creating the ad campaign, targeting different interests, and launching the the ads that process used to take us an hour and a half now. With our Edgehill app it, takes three minutes so we can test ten products per hour and I'm talking the video the interest targeting the, whole campaign, launched, into my ads and three minutes you, can see if you're, launching different products you can absolutely crush, your competition now, that you can test ten to fifteen times faster, than they can you'll. Be able to get rid of your extra, ad buyer on your team or maybe you have an agency right now running your Facebook Ads doing these tests for you ahead, chil can be your new agency, because it will go harder than any agency, possibly. Can go and it will test more, ads find. More profitable, audiences. And save you so much time and money you'll, also be able to get rid of any outdated. Ad tools that you might be using look, you know we're a bunch of marketers building. Ad show to. Work for marketers, like, us right we're, not a huge corporation, that couldn't really care less about your success we have a mastermind group where if you ever have a question, a strategy, question, a problem, whatever we're there we want to see you succeed now, we all know videos are way. Better than images right so sometimes it just it's hard to make videos alright 30 minutes 45 minutes to make a video you have to pay somebody or you have to you know pay with your time we, also built a really cool you know really quick video maker inside of AD show that you can take a few images create, a video and then it's saved inside of your Facebook, ads and you can use it inside of agile to make new ads and then take that video that you just created in two seconds test, it against your your, look-alikes that you created test it against different interests, test it with different copy and, you're finding more and more winners so every single day your ads are improving, you're getting better you, have a sick work ethic without having, to, spend all day inside of Facebook ads you.

Spend Five ten minutes a day and every single day your. Ads will get better so. A chill is created simply because we saw this, huge problem right it. Was a good problem to have it was simply hey if we launch more ads testing, different things, you know definite different images different videos different, interests, different look-alike audiences different copy if we tested all these things every single day we were guaranteed, to see better results from the day before and we were able to continue to do that every single day and dwindle, down that our CPA was absolutely, crushing it and the. Only problem there was it just took a lot of time like. Myself and my team we were all sitting inside of Facebook ads eight hours a day like you know everything, else in the business took a backseat to Facebook ads because we knew if we spent the time there we, would get conversions, for so cheap so. We decided you know we've been building software for the last seven years why, not build out, something that will test, all of these elements for, us and that kind of brings us to ad show right it's all about finding these golden nuggets inside of your ads what copy works what, audiences, work what look-alikes what you know what, videos work best and then you combine them together and you're, starting to see how you're absolutely gonna crush it with a show right yeah. Of course so, I know I just threw a ton at you you know we went over look-alikes interest, you know managing, bulk accounts, or both campaigns, at the same time manual. Bidding creating. Ads really quickly page post dark posts the video maker the 3-minute campaign launch for Shopify how you can run this for your e-commerce, business your, app business your. Agency, your affiliate business and so on and so on I know there's a ton, so. I mean, really, I kind of want to invite you if if. You, are struggling, with scaling. Your Facebook ads because of time or, conversion, costs book, a demo below will show you inside, of AD show and exactly. How it's going to work with, your specific, business like.

I Said if you're running any Facebook Ads ad shows, absolutely gonna crush it for you so you know take 20 minutes jump, on a call with either me or somebody on my team and we'll, walk you through the exactly the full platform how, it's gonna work for your business and how you're absolutely gonna crush it so there should be a big button below to do that now and you can book that and. From. Here I just want to like show off some some, cool results, some little case, studies the people who are crushing it and all that good stuff so with AD show we were able to grow. Stores, Shopify, stores from a couple, hundred dollars a day so this, is one store and you can see you got up to 24,000. Dollars per day why because, we were able to find, the. Perfect audience and the. Perfect copy that resonated perfectly, with them and then, the, perfect video to go with that because we test it every single day new, element new element new island every single day we got two three percent better two three percent better over the course of 30 days you see what happens right so, absolutely. Crushing with the Shopify process, and AD show here's. Chris who's super pumped he's like day two of using that show I created a ton of different look-alikes I create a hundred different ad says just like that long, story short he said I am blown, away I have never seen an ROI like, this before, so. Don't you want to see an ROI that you've never seen before right like that's the whole goal here is to be able to test so quickly that, you absolutely crush it now a little example of mobile apps if you're running mobile apps like ad show helped us get over 25, million, downloads in the App Store published, on a bunch of blogs and. You, can see in the bottom right here I highlighted. This because this, is the cost per mobile app install and, we. Typically, you know clients, that come to and say hey when you run our mobile apps or can we use add chill they typically see two to three times better results, now the, reason I highlighted this below because that those. Screenshots 69, cents our iPad installs and 44, cents our iPhone. Installs now if you're in the industry you know iPad installs are more expensive iPhone. Installs are a little less expensive but, the point here is this is in a niche, where. Competitors are spending up to $10 upwards, of $10, per install. And we're paying 44 cents 69 cents, why. How because. We find the, perfect combination of the perfect, audience the perfect creative plus the perfect copy because every single day we're launching, new ads with AD chill so, make sure to book your demo below if you are you know running.

Facebook Ads and you want to absolutely crush it here's. Deon he. He jumped into the group - just the other day new. Ad show user and he said once this app catches on people will be buying it like ice cream in the summer, mark my words on this I'm rarely, wrong on apps take it from the laziest man in Econ. And I know Deon absolutely. Crushes the shopify, ecommerce game. So it's pretty cool to hear that I hear that from him but, uh you, know take it from him he's. Using it out absolutely crushing, you, can book a call below and yeah, let's get started now, like I said it's not just for EECOM, or apps you, know this is some lead gen so if you have an agency, or you, know you trying, to set up consulting, calls or coaching, calls whatever it might be like I said had show works, wonders for all Facebook Ads because it finds the perfect audience perfect. Creative and the perfect copy combines, them and you crush it right that's the element of any winning Facebook ad you. Can see this is one day of calls that, are set up all day, long and, this is what the calendars, look like every, single day so, if you need people to put calls or make appointments. You. Have to be using ad Joe for, your Facebook ads, so. There still should be a button below where you can book that free demo now, let's just check out some more success you know the guys over Jonathan, and Bridgette over a way of truths they said being a team of to time is always thin ad show solves, a bunch of problems we used to have with Facebook, ads it helps us create a ton of interest and look like audiences, that, we would have never, tested, before and that makes sense right then. Launches, them in seconds, which, used, to take us hours we've, been able to dramatically, drop. Our CPC, with these new audiences, we also love being able to create videos, quickly inside of AD so instead of having to create, them manually the only thing I wish that I I had. A drill during. The holiday season though the only thing I wish is that I had had children the holiday season so cool I chose a must for. Anyone running Facebook at school thanks to Jonathan and Bridget that's nice a little comment there I know they were absolutely crushing it with AD Joe and you know they're right on so I'm really excited to see all our clients just, dominate, during holiday season because they're gonna be able to find so many profitable, ads now, Robert also said you know I'll try not to read this whole thing but he. Said before I used to create weight I used to spend way too much time creating ads before the. Video creator has helped me from. Stealing videos, so if you have they're stealing videos you know you can use our video creator to launch ads really quickly and he said they'd find me the interests inside ads or extremely valuable as well and, then just some results from another client of ours it's using ancho to absolutely, crush it so you can see people are absolutely, dominating with ad showed you can book a call below and you. Know we'll stop here with Dean I could go on for hours if you have any questions we'll answer them in in the demo call but he said until we, started using at Joe we were having a problem we're having to use multiple, apps plus a lot of manual work to manage ads and we run a lot of them now, that we've gotten the hang of things took about an hour we've, cut, what. Took hours down to about 15 minutes so that's awesome you know I'd chill is changing, the way people run their businesses imagine you're spending a couple hours on Facebook ads or maybe more and you, can cut that down you know to 15 minutes 10 minutes whatever, you, know there is a little bit of a learning curve to add so of course it's, really, really in-depth piece of software but, Dean was able to learn it in one hour and the cool thing is as we walk you through everything we have onboarding, calls and. Like I said we're not a huge. We're. Not a huge company that you know we don't really listen to people we're there for you that anytime you do have a question we, answer, it you know whether it's making a video or text whatever we're there to help you crush it so guys.

If You are struggling with scaling, your ads because of, either time or conversion, costs you can book a demo below, we're gonna walk you through, the. Entire back-end of AD she'll show you exactly how it looks and all that good stuff you could have any questions you have we'll answer them for you. Are you exactly how odd Joe's gonna work for your specific, business as. I mentioned it doesn't matter what type of Facebook ad you're running ecommerce. People are crushing it drop shipping people are crushing it mobile apps people are questioning it you know online apps Shopify, apps all that good stuff consulting. Coaching Legion, agencies. Affiliates. If you're running Facebook Ads you will crush it with AD show please. Do let me know me, or my team know inside. Of the during the call if you have any questions we'll answer them all for you I'm gonna hop off here because I know this is getting a little long but thank you so much for, sticking. Around to, this point and and learning a little bit about ad show I hope you can see the value that it will bring to your business, like I said multiple times we're here to help if you have any questions, bring, them to the call ask him in the group and yeah I'll talk to you soon all right bye.

2019-05-04 11:40

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