How to Start A Business | Best business ideas for Growth 2021

How to Start A Business | Best business ideas for Growth 2021

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The biggest problem faced by a lot of good businessmen is... Marketing their business They cant comeup with dont business ideas to promote their products and serviecs They have a wide range of amazing products, their customer service is impeccable But they cant figure out how to attract customers Their competitors with bad products and poor customer care do very well and get a ton of customers They have a hardtime figuring out the secret sauce of their competitors who are crushing it They feel terrible about their business results and worry about the future of their business They wonder why their customers never refer them to their friends even though the product is truly amazing They keep asking these questions and feel stuck If you feel this pain, Watch this video completely. I will share with you a few business ideas, that will help you grow I know what you are thinking You want to sell without selling or creating hype about your products and service. You want word of mouth... MARK MY WORDS - If you leave your business growth for chance, you will continue to suffer. You should get comfortable with the idea of selling and promoting your services without hesitation There are many ways to promote a business One of the most effective methods is Pamplets I understand if you find this idea a bit outdated Pamphlets? Really ? They crumble pamphlets without even looking at the contents People hate Pamphlets! Yes, You are right. If not done properly people will hate pamphlets. But if you do it right ?? I will show you an idea way to make pamphlets work for you If you create a pamphlet using my method, people will save your pamphlet and store it in their important folders People will keep buzzing you, after they read your pamphlet We are going to learn a lot more today Today I am going to share with a you some important ideas to grow your business First business idea for growth RIGHT TIME RIGHT PLACE RIGHT PERSON Let's look at an example A Student is going to an internet cafe to take a few xerox copies of his study material There are three people who are promoting various businesses First business is about a fertility center The student took the paper, felt its not relevant to him Second business promotion was about benefits of wheatgrass The student felt, even this is not relevant to him. He crumbled it and threw it aside

Third business is about a Furniture sale. He threw this last one too and reached the cafe He went to the cafe and got his photo copies After he walked out of the cafe, he found a small chair with a few pamphlets and a paper weight on top of it There was a very strange sign on the chair. Please take this only if it is important to you This felt really strange as pamphlets are usually thrown away on the streets with no care. He carefully picked one from the small stack Here is the message on the pamphlet Are you a student who want make quick cash ? He was pleasantly surprised with this message, this was exactly what he is looking for He then took a snap on his smart phone, he doesnt want to lose it He saved the pamphlet twice, once on his phone and also took the pamphlet What just happened here ? What made the difference ? RRR IDEA - Right Time, Right Place, Right Person We have to find the right place, right time and right person to give our pamphlet. It should not be handed out to the right person. Most people who distribute pamphlets treat them like trash Neither business owners nor customers take pamphlets take them seriously If you give pamphlets to the right person in right place they are more likely to work Lets take a look at a practical example What I was working in Kolkata One of my friend use to take Calligraphy classes in his free time Calligraphy is an art form that will teach you how to write beautiful letters My friend trains students in calligraphy. He was looking for students who is interested in taking his class

He bought several newspaper ads, distributed pamphlets... But no Luck We started brainstorming There are 10 famous stationary shops in Kolkata. A lot of artists, art enthusiasts and art students shop in these stores We went to these stores, paid them a small fees and requested to put a small board there It was a very simple board with just one line. Want to Learn Calligraphy? Get in touch with us - Our Phone Number All we did was to place our poster in the right place A lot of people visited the store, and within no time my friend's class was full :D If you use the RRR idea to promote your business, it will move like an unstoppable missile Now lets talk about second Idea People dont read information, they scan it When you scan, you will see Headlines, Sub Headlines and Bullet Points When they scan your Pamphlet if they find something that relevant, they are likely to read the rest of the pamphlet Now lets talk about the third Idea. Understand your Customers Frustrations and pains Lets take a look at an example I was terrible at math in my childhood Everyone used to give me unsolicited advice about How math is easy if we know the logic Everyone talks about math logic, but no one told me what that logic is and how to improve my math I deseperately wanted to know what logic, whatever that is This happens even today And it irritates every student who struggles with math If you run a math coaching business, try writing a headline like this EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT MATH LOGIC But nobody explains it clearly In my math coaching center, Iam going to reveal the MATH LOGIC You dont have to hesitate to ask questions, you can ask as many questions as you want Infact if you ask a really silly question you will be rewarded with a candybar This works for almost all age groups We feel really shy to ask such questions No one encourages to ask silly questions these days

2021-09-14 21:32

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