How to Social Insights can boost your online business with Jon Ferrara, CEO & Founder of Nimble

How to Social Insights can boost your online business with Jon Ferrara, CEO & Founder of Nimble

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Hey. Guys we have John. Ferreira here the CEO at nimble. CRM, and, expert. On social. Selling influencer. And a. Fellow drone enthusiast, have. You seen the new DJI Mavic have you had a chance I'm. As. Such a cool, drone. And. Yeah, we follow, each other on Instagram. We've, met some time ago an, engine, - you're one. Of the webinars from nimble, eye, I love. The product I thought that we could talk about the social, selling and, how. You can leverage, a, senior. And these days how how. Much more serums offer these, days to companies. Both small and large. And. Yeah but but really happy to have you here thank you for finding, it I'm especially so in such an early hour you, know my guy I love, to teach and preach I think that's how do we grow I think that's why we are on this planet we're. On this planet to grow our souls by helping other people grow there so any opportunity, that I have to get, up on my soapbox to inspire and educate other, people about how they might be able to achieve their dreams is a great day for me because I'm powered, by that in fact I'll tell you a really brief story, which is an aside have. You ever heard of this guy named Mick Jagger. Yeah. I think so yeah, the. Rolling Stone I hope so obviously. Mick Jagger lead singer the Rolling Stones and the guy is like a huge. Present, in the music industry but. I bumped into him in my doctor's office not that long ago and I looked down at him because he's he's, short and he's old and he's wrinkled, and I. Thought, to myself why, does this guy get, up on stage you. Know. What at 50 a hundred times a year he's, not doing it for the money so he does it for the dance, he does it because he loves to dance with other people, and I think that's why we're on this planet Mike is to dance with other people, and ideally. Be present, enough to find ways to add value even. If it's simply given them a smile yeah, I couldn't agree more and I think that even if. I don't. Know maybe you. Do have a, 20. Million or 100, million on, your bank account I. Certainly. Don't but. Even. If we did I don't think, that we, would be doing anything else, we. Would probably still be doing the same things, at. Least I. So. Yeah. Yeah. Can you share a little more information, about your product, you're yourself huh what's. Your journey, into. Yeah online, business so so, I build, tools to help power people's, relationships. I think, that people buy from people they like know and trust and, that for, you to connect, with other people at scale you, need a platform.

You Need a tool because. In today's over, connected over communicated, in a world that's getting harder and harder to build relevant, authentic, one-to-one, relationships. At scale. Right because our networks are too big there's, a dunbar, limit that says you can only manage a hundred people in your head and each, of us have thousands, of connections, so how do you determine which. Person to connect with today, and how, you might connect and why you might connect, and what you should be connecting about and have, the ability to follow up and follow through I think it's the basics, that wins games and we, as humans, fail in the basics, because. It's just too many conversations, and too many people and actually. I I got started with. Nimble, before, with a platform called gold mine and, so gold mine was the world's first, networkable. Team. Relationship. Platform, really the, foundation, of contact management in CRM before Outlook or Salesforce, existed, so, imagine there was no Outlook there was no Salesforce, there was no term when. I invented, this category, of the, first part of an integrated email contact, calendar and sales of mark animation, this, is in. 1989. Started. That company on $5,000. Never took a dime adventure grew it to a hundred million dollars in revenue and sold it when I was 40 and I retired and. I. Got. Back in the business when I was 50 after raising three kids because. I saw how social, media was gonna change the way we work play buy and sell and I. Looked for a relationship, platform, integrated contacts and social I saw, that contact management was broken, because Google, contacts, or Gmail jeast lead has email. Contact, and calendars three separate programs and when, you go to a contact record you don't have the contacts. The history interactions, on email calendar, and social, and you have insights who is Michael what is 24. About I have to Google you and so, contact, management was broken, and then I looked at CRM, and saw it wasn't about relationships. It was about reporting, and basically.

The. Reason I called Salesforce, you have to force salespeople to use it nobody in their right mind would buyer serum if they didn't weren't forced to use it but, honestly we, all need a personal, crm because, we all have a brand in a network that we should be building and nurturing but, we don't do it well because our contacts, are spread in seven, different places so, I decided to build nimble, the first CRM, that works for you by building it south from the data in and around you and your business, your, gelt, sweet office 365, in your sales marketing, customer service and accounting, applications. There's, contacts, in all those places but, they're siloed. They're, separate, and nimble. Brings them together and rinses them with people and company data and then, works back where you work so that anytime, you're interacting with anyone you. Know who they are you, know what their business is about you know the history of interactions that you and the team have had so, you can be more effective, at that one-to-one, communication but. Most importantly the follow up and follow through because, again that's, what we fail as human beings Mike, how many times if somebody said I'm gonna, do this during a conversation and, nothing. Happens I mean. Yeah I I couldn't, agree more it's. Fascinating. That it started, as a. Completely. Different angle I mean that. Typically, the the. CRM, the. Majority of them started because the. As you said the, the, managers, wanted to track that the efforts from sales reps from the. Team members while. Your, CRM started, because you saw that there's a huge. Gap in, an. Personalization. Of the, messages. In. And, you, decided to bring information, about. Clients. Into the CRM itself, so. So. There's. No more emails that are, detached. From the reality where, we see then, even. If the people are using our names or, sometimes. They that they, did. They tried them for. The email to look like it's like, it's personal they fail because you can see right through it that, there's an automation.

It's. A it's a machine right, but, what you just said there I think goes the heart of what nimble, is, at. The heart of nimble, is a bitch and contact, manager, because. That is what relationships. Are about is building connections and conversations, that drive results in. Fact, that. Is really the heart of what goldmine, was and that's why people loved it because everybody, in the company lived in goldmine not just the salespeople, and, so, today a CRM. Is used for prospects, and customers but. Everybody. May company participates, in the community around your business and, you're. Building brand24 not, by just connecting to prospects, and customers but ideally, their influence as well in fact at brand24. You, connect to editors analysts bloggers, influencers, third-party, developers, investors, advisers and prospects and customers right, and it's not just your sales people doing, that it's you, it's magdalena it's your whole crew, right it's your whole team so, and so what's, missing from your company, and all the company's listening. Is that team relationship, manager, and today. CRM. Systems, aren't about relationships. Are about reporting, and every, CRM is designed. For putting. Leads and tracking, activities, against pipeline, so, I'm talking about Salesforce, and dynamics, I'm talking about all the SMB, mid-market, ones that are up and coming right, what, makes us different is that we are at a heart the relationship, manager the power is you but, then beyond that we do the basics of CRM, pipeline, reporting, etc mm-hmm, so, this is the major thing. That makes, you stand out in terms of T. Around industry, right, any. Other. Significant. Features, any, the. You know philosophies. Of philosophy. Or the, approach that makes. You stand, out because. Let's. Say it's a crowded, space obviously, yeah. Yeah. So so there's a few other things beyond, the fact that we're, about relationships. And contacts right I think. The key thing is we're the first serum that works for you by building itself and that's the hardest thing that salespeople have to do is googling. Somebody then go login who that person is, and what they did and what, they need to do right, and you have to go to the suit do it so, what makes nimble, unique in its platform is, we automagically build, records so you if you put my name or your name and nimble will map out your background. Across all your identities bring the data down and, synchronize. It for interaction, that you and the team have had but. More importantly, than the work where you work because. You, just don't work inside your CRM you, work inside of Twitter Facebook Linkedin, Pinterest Instagram Foursquare, Google+, CrunchBase, Forbes, articles, whatever. And so, wherever, you are whatever, tool you're in nimble. Works in that tool to provide you the context and insights in fact. Magdaleno. Did a post a, couple, days ago where she thanked us for including, her as a thought leader in, influencer. Marketing right. And as. A side note I just posted in there that I I loved the brand that she's creating, for herself because I think it helps create the brand 24 brand and I, told her that I loved, I loved, the work she does and also. I loved her as a person, because, that's what makes her stand out is her personality. But nimble. Is able to work with me as I saw that post in LinkedIn, and then we based that a conversation, of Facebook where, she messaged, me and asked me to put those words in her, identity. As a recommendation. Which I'm gonna do after this call and toss that most, serums, don't follow you in all those places that you're working you. Go to Salesforce. You go to all the serums and you work there, and I think the future of CRM, is it's gonna build itself and then work with you wherever you're working because. Then, it's, more usable, and if, it builds itself, it saves you 60% of your time so you can spend your time listening, and following. Up so, essentially, there's a lot of cases where using, the traditionals, here and the, sales, reps are. Pretty. Much destined, at a contact, from a customer, within, the channel that were, the. They were not. Expecting. In, a way right so, the clients talking to them on Facebook or. Lengthen, a while, they contact, and then on email and and they, have, a little knowledge about the, or, it's, it's hard for them to combine, the information and the continued conversation, across different channels and today.

The. Connection. With client, is there's. So many touch points right, there's there's. Life chapter confidence. Marketing, automation an. Example. Of that might so, I build. My brand by, sharing, content that's inspirational educational. In around the errors have promised my product, right so I share content, that about sales, and marketing, and social and startups, and what, that does is it builds my brand, and builds the nimble brand and the. Other day somebody, was. From. Salesforce, an. Analyst, was saying how Salesforce, is about, customer, engagement and, empowering customer facing business team members and somebody. Reacted. That post from the Salesforce, person said no, it's, about command and control and winner sales managers gonna loosen the grip and this is what, John's been teaching and building with nimble though, nimble. Listens, to people talking aboutyou enriches. Them with a DNA. Of their areas of influence and then, maps out or solar to you when people of interest, talk about you so, nimble alerted, me I went, and looked, at that person, i nibbled. Them and nimble told me they were the head of serum and data at Disney so. I was, able to more effectively respond, to the Twitter engagement, but before because Nimmo gave me their email as well and, because, of the way he talked about me gave me permission to, communicate. To him on that channel, yelled. Him and I I. Invited. Him for conversation. He, sent me a LinkedIn, connection, which led to a LinkedIn conversation. And messaging, where, I learned that his daughter goes to my school and, and. He lives in my city so, I think you need to take digital relationships. In the human face too so I invited him to breakfast, where, I then, listen. During breakfast, and learned about him and his business, at Disney and we, not only became friends but Disney became a customer and that, is the natural cycle, of the future and a perfect example of social selling that. Serums. Don't work in because they don't work in those places then it worked for you by building the records and give, you the data you need to connect, you, have to buy a CRM. Like Salesforce, sales. Intelligence. Tool like, headhunter. Or some. Other enrichment, tool and then outreach tool like sales loft or, Tao down or something and, for most people listen, to this they can't buy five tools and put. Them together and. He afford, them or use them and that's basically, why we build nimble you mentioned that the perfect example, and I, feel like it's, a good segue towards. As. A social, song that's you. This. Is originally. How I learn. More. About you I saw one of your keynotes, one of your webinars about social, selling can you share, a little more about this you bad you bad so. I think, if you go back a hundred years Mike we all lived in a small village and, your. Brand is built on the promises, that you make and the experiences, that you deliver and. Everybody. Knew everybody. What. Happened was manufacturing. Mass manufacturing. Hit the cities and the, villages moved, to the cities and they, started to make all this product, and they had to sell it so what happened, is we, hire door-to-door, sales people you probably never heard of a Fuller Brush sales person but basically, they, sell think door-to-door, and they, developed Madison, Avenue, mass advertising. To basically. Yell. At people about how great products and services were to, line them up like lemmings and from Slick Willy salespeople and that's, where sales became a four-letter, word where. The Oracle bag him and tag him sales mentality, of I. Got a I got a crush my quota and I got a kill that customer, and basically, nothing's gonna stand between me I think that's where sales, became, a dirty word and I. Think that social has. In the way that customers, buy. And the way that we need to sell, and they don't want to talk to your salespeople they don't want to read your marketing materials they do their own research and then, they yell out at you as a customer on whatever it you count on they want to whatever department, they want and expect you to respond and, that is sort of the environment that we're in today and so, as a salesperson, for you to stand out from the crowd you need to set yourself up as a trusted advisor not.

As A salesperson, but somebody who can help other people grow and so, if you're listening to this today if you want to practice, modern. Selling, because I think the word social, is gonna go away if you think about it when the internet first came out there. Were companies like eToys and eye contact, and everything was about the internet now the Internet, is just plumbing, social. Will be the same we're, not gonna talk about social, CRM and social selling it's just gonna be sales and CRM, and, really, it's the modern way to do it in fact Microsoft, is now calling it modern selling, but, I'm gonna break it down really simply, before. You go and connect. With another human being, you. Should do your homework to, figure out who they are what. They're about and determine. Areas of commonality, to, build a connection to develop intimacy and Trust to get them to open up to you about their businesses which is a professional you can then solve in the, old days we did that by going somebody's, office and looking, at their walls looking. At the books they read they've degree the schools they went to the knickknacks they collect Mike, you, and I connect, on our areas of commonalities. I call that the five FS of life family. Friend food fun and fellowship you. I both, love drones. Outdoors. Photography. And, we connect on that the, fact that we're both CEOs, of SAP startups. Is. What. Part of that but, you and I rarely talk about our startups, you and I talk about our commonalities. Right right and and and it's what's gonna maintain our relationship so for. You to stay top of mind with your prospects, today you, need to set up an identity across, all the places where your prospects, have conversations. And for me mainly. That's Twitter Facebook, LinkedIn. And, Instagram. And, I, share content, there on a regular basis, to not. Just on my persona. But my personal persona as well so, I shared content, about sales and marketing and startups, and social but, also share content, about philosophy, about, family. About food about the. Mountains, about photography, and what, happens is then people then connect with me like, that person, from Disney, that, connected. With me that I would have never known but. He saw, my brand felt it was relevant and authentic, and basically. Talked about me in conjunction with CRM. Where. I was then able to then connect, and start a conversation. That, resulted, in a business opportunity and that, is what social selling is all about is building. Your brand, building. A network and community around, you and finding. Ways to continually, add value, that community, sets, that you become a trusted adviser and that, people not only pick up the phone and they call you but, they drag their friends with them so do you think that this is something for. Any, type, of business any size of business or should. It be or. From. Your experience, or from your your clientele, it's more a product, reserved for enterprise. Level, clients. Enterprise level sales, teams. I, actually, believe. That people. Buy from people and. It's, not b2b, or b2c it's, p2p, in age to age people, human. Human in, any business and. So. Any size, any. Kind. It's, the. Relationship.

You. Could, you get your hair cut from. Depends. But I I do have a hairdresser. Cord called, David. Yeah. And you, have a relationship with David you you feel comfortable going today but David knows you he, takes care of you and you've built a connection. Right. Yeah that's correct it. Goes, along all the different businesses, that you that, you that you do business with and so, this. Idea of people, buying from people and for you to build a relationship, goes. Across every, single one and you know Mike this is the way the business has always been done, back. In the day people, used to take people to their home for dinner too ball game to a to. Lunch and that's, to build the personal connection, and so, this is nothing new in fact if, you were to read the Great's Zig, Ziglar Dale Carnegie, Napoleon, Hill Brian, Tracy all, these, people teach the same thing and today. Social, selling gurus, are just, regurgitating. The words of the grades Zig. Ziglar said you, can get more out of life by helping other people get, what they want, you. Can get anything that you want in life by helping simply helping others get what they want and that is the basis, of social selling is. Services. The new sales pay people forward, and the. World will give you abundance, I couldn't. Agree more and there's. A also, great recommendation, here from you for. Books. And others I recommend, that they apparently have. Been friends and influence people, many. Many many many occasions I. Feel like this is a it's. A book from. 1936. Or so, but it's, actually. Example, as ever not, poly that book and I'm looking to see in my bookshelf, where am I, where, those inspirational. Books are this. Is the Bible that helped me retire at 40. All. Right mm-hmm. So. Thinking Grow Rich Napoleon, Hill you. Guys can google this but I'll probably link in the description, as. Well yeah and. You, know the. The, the book was. Written in. Nineteen. Where. He could look at the guy the guy the guy's old right yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's. Been old for a long time it was written in. You. Know what it's old. 1937. Okay but. The thing is it's really, simple formula the. Three P's of life, passion. Plan and purpose you got to figure out what your passion is build a plan to achieve it and make it your purpose on a daily basis that's, it and so, when. We were building goldmine, we, had our. Our. Plan on the refrigerator, and we, looked at it every day in our, apartment as we started that business and. The. Secret to life is basically figure out what your passion is building that plan and then putting your foot in front of each other every day and keep moving and there, are times when. You may feel. I can't do this right. There's like I can't, I don't see, a way out but, you know the funny thing is is that if you put your plans out to the universe the, universe will, deliver but you just need to be present and aware enough to hear it. Knock, on the door and then. Be and then open the door and go through that but. Ultimately. Bringing. Us all back around in the kumbaya I think.

That. What. Makes nimble, different, is our philosophy, our, philosophy is, that we're, on this planet to help other people and serve them and help them grow so the software is designed for, people to people communications. Not, for putting. People on, a phone. With sdrs, and basically pounding, the phone and tracking how many calls they made and, looking at the pipeline there's, tools for that but, ultimately I think that the, work that Magdalena. Does at scaled to build the brand 24, brand has, more effect sometimes then. How, many STR, is that you have on the phone and how many phone calls they made that day yeah what do you think yeah well. We, don't have a Z arson and we don't do phone calls but but. I I couldn't, agree more that the large-scale. Building. Relationships, with you. Know companies. That are. That. That have expensive, products, that have. Significance. Average, revenue per user, the. Outbound, sales that, the, building, relationships, one to one is crucial. For but, for the products, that seem, to be. Like. You said b2c him III. Also. Agreed that it's human to human but at with. Some of the products. The product is designed so. So there's. No kind of a, true, connection with most, of the customers so our, product is a product like this we don't talk to most of our clients. We try to obviously. But we don't have the connection it's fully automated so clients can just, click through but there's. Number. Of partners, influencers. And masters, number. Connection. At any business, that you have to keep track of to to. To so. The conversations. Across many platforms are related oh, yeah. Regardless, if it's a. High. Average revenue, user or, low, average revenue per user I believe. There is a need for a product like this and and even, with a, large. Scale, products. You. Would expect that at the early, stage and most. Of the people watching this will probably are the startup founders, that are trying. To get the first sales trying, to get their first customers, this. Is specifically. The, right time to use the tools like this because then. You. Because. You. Have to make. The quality connection, especially at the beginning of of, your business to learn more about your clients, to to have a strong. Relationship so, they can share their, insights. So so so they can so, you can challenge your vision of the product with their vision and they are not afraid to tell you that the truth or or. They're. Dishonest, so so, couldn't agree more, so the, I. Mentioned. Before that that I would, love for you to we, already get some some some of the great recommendations, for book spotters, can. You recommend any. Other tool that you guys use at nimble. That really, helped, you to, be. Where you are today some. Tools. From any. You. Know space productivity. Customer. Relations. Whatever. Well I really, believe that for, you to grow your business, that. You should identify the. Influencer. Of your, core, constituency. And around the areas of promise products, so. When. I built goldmine, I was in an apartment in, in LA and I $5,000. In the bank how do you get mine share with, customers. You. Could either try, to knock on doors or, do advertising, if you have the money or you can identify there influencer, and I found the person who sold them the network and I built a relationship with that reseller, and got, them to use goldmine and then they started to recommend and resell it with, nimble, there, was no cloud reseller, when I started, nimble right also, it wasn't that type of influencer. So, what I did is I went after the, influencer. In, around the areas of promised my product, thought leaders and sales marketing, and social and I. Did I went after them by simply sharing their content and so, I shared their content, and attributed, their name and. Hashtag, to category, so if their thought leader and social, and you know at Brian Cramer a pound social, if it, is a thought leader friend in sales at. Mark, hunter pound. Sales and by, sharing that content, what happens, is it helps build my. Grand and the, nimble brand and ultimately. Relationships. With that person's, audience, and, anybody. Looking to be smarter at soil ISM social, but, also with, the person themselves because then they respond back to you and say hey John thanks for sharing my stuff and then, you get involved in a one-to-one conversation, and then convert that person, into a user and evangelist, right and that is the one about relationships.

With Probably, twenty, thousand thought leaders around the world in. Around the areas of problems to our product. And. To. Find them initially, what I did is I just listened because I was, Linda's. Twitter, stream and social. Stream, reading. Content about, sales and social, and learning. And then, sharing the content from the person but as our team scaled we needed to use tools to, automate. The, identification. And then, automate the sharing, and so. There. Are tools that I've used in the past like. Get. Little bird to, identify, influencers. And, people. Having conversations around, hashtags, also, buzzsumo. That, I use for identifying. Hunters, and content, and then, I used to use content, sharing tools to. Automate, the sharing process like. Buffer. App but, what I find now today Mike. That because, of the API limitations. Because, of all the things that have happened in and around. Influence. Of, political. Elections, correct Facebook. And. And. And, even Twitter are restricting, how you can share its scale and so, a lot of the tools that I used to use don't. Quite work anymore because of what I used to do is. I used to find content, that was inspirational, educational, around the, errors promised my product sales social marketing, and Sierra, Denali my, grand but my team members brand and the corporate brand and now, you, can't share on one, network across. Multiple. Identities, and it's, getting harder how. Do you guys do it today with the new restrictions. Luckily. There's so many influencers, out there that we, can still manage, to. Find. Enough, data to make it viable, to, and and to scale, but. But yeah yeah. It's it's definitely tricky, thing. That Facebook mark has become virtually, impossible, unless, this is a, your. The public. Fan pages so. But. From. The monitoring. Tools perspective. That there's, always something to monitor. So home so, it's not yeah. A huge, problem you can see there for. Lunches. I think that's easy my, issue is being able to share content across multiple identity. Simultaneously. Right, okay. I think, that the, the we. Still do this manually. We don't use any automation. Tools for like operate. Scheduled. So. So, yeah. That. Would be our, mmm. Way, I guess. Yeah. We. You. Mentioned a little bit but about the the. Elections. Influenza, and. Probably. The Cambridge, and I'll take a scandal. Right that. Is. It mmm. Is it in any way a, problem. For a company like yours for for any Ciaran, that enriches or any data, enrichment, platforms, available out there all the HDP. Ours. We're. Likely to get a question about this in, the comment section anyway so we might, as well answer, it, right, away how. Your product, fits gdpr, yeah, so gdpr is really mainly, about. People. Having, the ability to control, how. They're communicated, to and, and. We've enhanced our product to give you the ability to opt out, during. You we need to send an email send so you, can use nimble to build, records of people and then outreach, to them on email. And and. You should, include, an unsubscribe in those in, those email sense and we have that now in our platform and we're. Fully gdpr, compliance. So there's not really an, issue there, okay, I think. That's. It that's. All my questions. It. Was, a, pleasure. And honor to have you here, apply. I look, forward our. Next discussion. Both. Drone, related, as well as business-related, and, social, selling day, I'll. Definitely, send. You a link. To the Los, Angeles Instagrammer that I was mentioning because I think that their their, angles, are unique it's, like there, are photographers that shoot the same thing that, everybody else shoots in it and it looks great, they're, they're, professionals, but, when you see an angle, of a view that's different it sort of moves you and and. I'll definitely share that and I appreciate the opportunity to. Connect. With you and your community, to inspire and educate them. I would, like to invite your community, to try nimble, a nimble. Is free for two weeks but I'm gonna give you a code jo-ann, forty that, if they enter it during. The two weeks they could subscribe to a nimble for, forty percent off for the first three. Months fantastic. Jo-ann forty will, link it. In the description and, so. Both. The code and link. To the registration form. Thank. You Mike have a great very. A great, day thank, you likewise.

2018-10-04 16:05

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Good stuff! What lens are you using? the 16mm 1.4?

Yup, sigma 16mm 1.4

Bardzo mądry człowiek. Szanuje.

thank you!

You’re a beast! Great video

thx Jakub! Much much appreciated!

I must say it, Jon is not only a great businessman but first of all, a super kind man. I do appreciate our cooperation between Nimble and Bran24 a lot, and these tractors he sent me made my day every single time. awesome interview. Thanks, Mike!

Thank you for you kind words and friendship Magda!

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