Hey. Everyone it's the Michael's of Persky and today I am here with Jason force Jason welcome, great. Great sub great to be here I'm very excited to be a part of this fantastic. So you're an author CEO. Chief, culture, officer of force performance group believe, Inc 500 fastest. Growing company in America, made that list, you've, given hundreds, of keynote speeches a, year, you've been consulting, coaching for quite, some time now I know what a CEO is but I think a lot of people might wonder well what does a chief cultural, officer actually do so kind of take us through what does that role look like for you. Well. First off the. You know to me a CEO stands for achieve. Everything officer, so I think one of the world the main roles, with CEO is to to. Pivot, to the the. Area, that, they need to spend the most time and focus on mm-hmm, and and, so several. Years ago I really wanted to create a best place to work in best place to work environment, which we've now have won four times in a row best, place to work in Fort Worth out of like 80,000, businesses for an awesome excited about, doing thank. You and and you. Know in cultures really everything so culture is is what. Happens, behind the boss's back hmm. And if you're looking to create a company, to. Scale then. The, only way to do that is to is, to, say okay well how do I clone. Myself you. Know so for example when I you, know when I first started my consulting business it, was myself working, on my house and I had an, assistant, and how it sourced some stuff and you know that we did 1.2, million dollars, in 12 months with. Just myself and like maybe less than $200,000. In overhead hmm, well that's. Great but. I was maxed, out I mean I was you know doing 100. Different keynotes a year and I don't know over a thousand. Hours of coaching, and consulting calls, and, I filmed, into the videos myself and film the videos and edited myself and run I just everything, was myself right and so. Then, the idea was to I want to scale this what I want to do that is how, do i how do i clone myself as much as possible, hmm, and and, so, that's really culture, I mean hardware business has. A great quote that says that that, 70%. Of, the worth. Of an organization. Is in, their intellectual, property and, their human capital, which. Is crazy because most organs companies, like us you know I used to be a stockbroker, Merrill, Lynch and have a licenses, for that back in the day and you, wouldn't you wouldn't look at a value of a company like that you rented it based on their sales and revenue other things yeah and and. But that's not true I mean it's it's 30% as that stuff and, 70%, really, is the human capital and the culture and so the. Number one profit, leakin organization, is people's. Productivity, mm-hmm, and they say that on average 40 percent that an employee only gives you 40 percent of a given work week so it's about how do we dial it up. Talk. To me a little bit like what was going through your mind so I think the lucky they're listening going okay you know Jason got his his business, he was a consultant a coach up, to 1.2 million yes, he was busy but there's. A lot people in that situation who, are then afraid afraid to make that leap to actually scaling the business because, they've, been in, the corporate world they've been in positions where, they've. Had to manage people they don't necessarily want to manage people, anymore, they don't want a lot of complexity, what was going through your mind when, you. Decided to actually kind of make that leap from you, as a solo consultant, to actually building, a business, with a lot more human capital.
Okay. Wait. A minute. Well. I think I think we look when people procrastinate on. Doing. Any kind of goal that they want life, there's. A few reasons so number, one is that was strong enough compelling, vision mmm-hmm, then it was strong enough why and then. I would say the second reason is they don't necessarily, know how and then, the third reason is, they've got some sort of leash, some. Sort of mental resistance, that's, holding them back and so. You know really if, you look at the first one it's okay well what is there what is there why like what what's, the benefit, for them to, scale their business so look in my case the. Benefit, was definitely, not profit, because. I was making as you can imagine with, 1.2, million and you know a couple hundred grand and overhead I was making a lot of money back in my pocket no it's so immediately to bring in more people that. I would my profitability, would go down but the goal was my. Compelling, vision was I believed, that I had a training program, that was better than, what, other people were offering out there and I believed that other people, where were. Hurting. Customers. And so, I was on a mission to redefine, training, and change culture transferred lives and so my, compelling, vision was so strong that, said you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna take the leap I'm going to do this and then, the the, last thing there is the leashes because the how and everyone could talk about the how soon as you can read a book called scaling up or traction you can for your all those kind systems out but the, the last piece of the leash isn't a leash there's. Four types of leashes I talked about a lot one. Is a story and a story's anything external, the, second one is a self-image. So, I don't believe I have the capability. To pull this off or the, identity to pull this off the third is some sort of reluctance, and reluctances, of fear situations, here and then, the last is a rule and a rule is anything I need to see feel or hear in order to give myself permission to engage, and, move forward, whatever whatever. Stopping, them and so. You know I mean I just to, me that I think, a person should do the self work and ask themselves you. Know what's what's, the problem I'm really trying to solve and if, I scale this is it bigger than whatever. Potential. I feel like I'm gonna have in the way like in the case of I don't want to you know I don't want to I don't want to coach with the complexities, other people. Or I don't run in systems well those are all things you can you, know you can obviously hire an integrator or an operator and you know relinquish control and, standards. These are all things you can do to. Make app which is what we've done and, what did you actually see so when you went from that, business doing 1.2 you know essentially yourself to starting to now build your team what. Actually happened was the reality of your, profit, and and, kind of revenue like how did those move. As you made that transition to, building, your team what. Should people expect when, they make. That that leap. Well. I mean the first the first thing that happens is you, had you you, have to take, you. Have to start getting people to become. You. So for example like in my case as a consultant, which, other we're talking to other consultants, out there I mean you're the one you're the Guru that has all the information and, so, what I had to do very quickly and I didn't learn this in the first year but I had to get people to become kind. Of versions of me and. So I developed a concept called no show do teach which is really, kind, of stupid simple right but no, show to teach me and that the, first thing I do is I bring a person aligned that's other trainer consultant and. I give them the knowledge of here's you, know what I'm what I'm teaching someone, or here's the advice I'm giving and I make sure they understand the why and how and then, show.
So They shadows me and then, they do it and I shadow them and get them feedback and then they have to now teach, it you know to. Someone else and so that's that mastery, process, I would, say the biggest thing that that. Where, I failed in the very beginning is, I. Hired. People, and. I wouldn't I wouldn't, let go of my own clients, because I was scared, right but, what were you scared of like what were you scared of what was going through your mind well, I was scared that I had all this revenue and immediately, if I if I if I. Stopped. Working. With. The clients. Then. I would lose the revenue if. I just kind of you know said hey I'm not working with you anymore I'm gonna hand them hand you off to someone else because I'm not really doing that anymore then. I would I was worried about that transition, and there was that there's always an awkward transition, because at, that time I was fully booked. I had zero time, to develop anyone, else mm-hmm, and so I went through several traders. Consultants. That failed. Very, beginning because I didn't. I didn't give them the proper you. Know the proper onboarding, the proper training the proper coaching because, I I wouldn't I wouldn't let go of the business now I mean now I don't take on any new clients I'm going to do a lot of pipe, level advice and when you but when you said Jason that it, was a mistake why was it a mistake what what should you in hindsight like have. Done differently, around, letting go of your own clients but like what was the reality of that situation and, then how you handle, it now knowing what you know. Yeah. I think so what I would have do what I would do back. Then which is what we do now and that is that if, I'm going to transition. A. Client, off of me and on to another trainer well. That person, would co-lead, things with me so again I would use that no show do teach concepts so you, know I I would teach them on the, side but. Much as possible and then they would shadow me and then, I would give them feedback on what I was doing making sure they understood, how to think like I think and do like I do yeah, and then and then they would then we would co-lead, some things and they would give them feedback and then eventually, they would do it all and I would get them feedback and then I would let him go you know then, but, I didn't do that early on and so, so. That I really, didn't develop him at all I mean I just would kind of give him the business and like they would have to figure out on their own and I would kind of still have my own portfolio, right. So they just didn't you know yeah. No I think that's that's fantastic advice for a lot of people who are in, that exact spot right now looking like how do I transition, how do I bring on a new team member how do I do, that successfully, so. Your background is sales. Yeah right you've been in sales for a long time someone, might look at that and go okay well naturally, Jason, uses sales skills to to get us first few clients and build, the business was, that the case like how did you actually go about getting your first, few, clients and then how did that get you to until, your first million and and beyond was it just pure cold. Calling and, networking. Or like what were you actually doing to to build your book of business in the early days.
Great. Yeah the great question I and we still do that since this day which is interesting so my sales guys now do the same thing I did so what. We what I would do is. Is. We use this assessment tool called spq which measures the, situational, reluctance, is that a salesperson has. There's. Actually 16 different reluctance, is that is that found yours I assign you developers or it's a third-party company called behavioral science research brass and were there, were their leading, distributor. Of this schools. A lot of programs off of it and and. So what I would do is I would I would, give. Some sort of value at so I would I would call a person, and I, would sell, them on the importance, of making sure they understand, who their sales people are at, a higher correctly, etc, and, the test is like 200 bucks a piece and I would say but here's the deal I believe, so much in the efficacy of this test that I'm gonna give you this assessment I'm gonna give you one for free and, I want you to don't tell me who the salesperson, is don't tell me if they're at a bottom producer average or top but. I will predict, I will tell you who they are I will tell you where they fall and I will tell you what's holding them back and what excuses, they're giving you and if I'm correct and, I can prove the validity of it from, there so I did a lot of that kind of stuff in the beginning and, we're you so I just added to Genna Buhr you callin feel that you had absolutely no, connection. With like it's just find them their name information whatever picking up the phone and calling them or was there any kind of you. Know see the you were planning beforehand, her value given before you're making that call or is it just straight cold I mean. I did both I both and we study both but a lot of it a lot, of it is was just the strict, cold call me I would write you, know write articles, and I did write a book very quickly a little mall a little small like executives, I'm not a big one running executive, summaries yeah, and eyesight type books that. Are you know the people actually read and don't just a bookshelf and I'm. Very vague on on how do I write a book that's you know cyber I've spent, my whole life listening to executive. Summary type things and so you know so I write a book you can read within an hour a little booklet no and so I would send that to people you. Know and I would be on the call how do you pretty courageous and I would say things like you know I haven't, even had a chance to look at it yet no problem, right now do me a favor and just open. The book and thumb through like. Anything, just like thumb, through anything and the first thing that catches your attention tell, me what it is mmm, now in that case I wrote a book that I literally. Made like certain, paragraphs. And certain, setting. Says big big and bold or, I would just force the reader to like pages to the certain lines and they would say you know they'd say whatever the thing was and then, I would just I would leverage that and get position of strength widen, it out to you how would that benefit you how is that different than you're thinking now or different on whether people are currently doing so I would use like techniques, like that again you, know some sort of leverage.
I Call. It position of strength and selling but business, is a strength is really. Important it's the most important, thing in my opinion when it comes to selling and that is, is is. What, specifically. Do. You offer, them, or do you can you do for them that. Would benefit them that would move them towards, improvement, and move them away from pain but, it's not you, telling, them that that's, them it's, giving them some options and then they take something, and then you and then you leverage, that you maximize that, and that's, where that value comes at so is that like the, the, assessment, that you offered to people 200, our value but I'm gonna offer to you for free so, you're not the one you know now needing to sell yourself you're selling something just of not even selling you're offering something of value to them which, probably. Lowers their resistance, right they don't feel like they're they have to make a decision about you it's, just something that they can appreciate in terms of value and then, it makes the follow-up conversation, much much. Easier much smoother yeah. And it's something to is its high value, its. High value low time, on. Their part and. It's. A pretty. You. Know ballsy, kind of claim you know like in that case it was like, you know the book thing it's a flip through anything that you find in the book will be value to you just flip through them that's a pretty kind of confident. Thing to say or or. In the assessment, it's, you know I guarantee, you that I can tell you if a sales, producer, is bottom, middle or high and what simply their excuses, are I mean they like who doesn't want to know yeah that's a pretty cool, and that's like a how, did you hear a car reader either yeah they, would have figured that out like how do you know that you know and how did you figure that out like how do you come up with that that, strategy, that approach because I think that in. Itself is very unique, right the whole positioning, the way you just laid it oh right now you've always kind of choreographed, and thought about how. To really, make that, stand out and to convey a lot of value through it so what. Were you trying to accomplish like. In developing, that that approach. So. You know I was I was trying to or. Was, it just testing like we were just crying well it's, a good question I mean I'm a big fan we do a lot of we, one of the ways that we got to a million followers on Facebook is we did a lot of hypothesize. Test and pivot we use that that philosophy, a lot and, so you know I think in this case though it was just I. Wouldn't. Say arrogance, but it was a tremendous, amount of confidence that. That. I had, a lot of efficacy in what I was teaching or in this case this assessment or this book whatever it was mm-hmm, I just knew in my heart it could solve a problem they have I mean like I mean in my world it's easy because I mean everyone's got a sales problem no one ever you. Know in most cases no one ever says you. Know we wouldn't so we want to sell less you know right they always want to sell more right so so. I have a pretty easy thing in my opinion to sell where I where people get reluctant, with me or they get sceptical, with me is they've they have a lot of done sales training the past and it doesn't work I mean 164 Billy I wrote a book called WTF. Why train fails and. 164. Billion has spent every year on on on some, sort of training. 70%. Fails reaches ROI so there's, a lot of skepticism out there when it comes to training in general people in writing change the name they call it but element you know whatever they get away from it and so, I'm very, big on you know how do I confront, that head on in and be, correct like again like that WTF, I mean I would send up you know today we send all the time the. Book, it says WTF. On it and people will it, catches their attention or that's their, thing is something else when they first see the VFC right. How. Do you. Like. I I'm very interested right now in terms, of you've, built the business to, to. This point where, you know have 30 employees I believe right give or take mm-hmm. How, is your okay, how is your marketing, changed, how is your approach to to sales changed, over. The years what what are you doing differently now compared. To what you were doing before, anything. That just stands out as like yeah this is a real take, away or I wish, that would have been doing this earlier. Well. I mean so the the. Some. Of the things that we do now I mean we still do all that stuff okay so now the difference is I just have a sales team that scales it right sorry you kind, of replicated, yourself there's a whole bunch of Jason's and and other, you know other people, Jill's and so forth that are doing what you're you were doing Boca how about the methods so, that's that so the method hasn't really changed from that standpoint mm-hm.
You Know I would say the. Things, that we've gotten smarter, on is. You. Know stuff like this. Is pretty business briefs pretty silly but we, do a thing called a cookie funnel which, to. Get a person to talk to us we will send a sales. Team a box, of cookies and. And. Then it says from fpg doesn't say anything about us and you. Know a good a good majority of them will email, back hey you got my attention what do you guys do and that's one you, know more they don't call us at all then we'll call, them they just want to make sure you got the cookies and wanted, to check in on that and so forth and then we'll leverage that and turn that into some sort of something. Else we've, sent people about we some people like. Like. Pizzas we've actually, gone to Domino's, and deliver pizzas to people yeah just, to get them to talk to us because our our team, is really good and we have a very I mean we live by what we we, preach of course and so we have a very disciplined. Five-four-three, sales process, that we follow and we teach and so, there when, they give a foam with them and they get him to talk to them we follow that process so. We do that we also use. You. Know we. Do a lot of posting, on LinkedIn and Facebook but. Anytime someone. Comments. Then. My sales team is immediately reaching out to that person hey I'm glad that you comment on that what did you like about it specifically I like to have a conversation with you and be. Like so, we're following up on, comments. Which I bet you I guarantee you most human beings are not doing that sure like they they'll, post something on LinkedIn like so this podcast, for example you, know I mean people can watch what we're gonna do but I guarantee you my team will take this podcast, and they. Will chop it up into segments, into sound bites they will repost, it on LinkedIn and people. Will engage on it and then you will watch my team immediately, reach out to the people who are engaging liking, it or commenting, on our conversation. And they will leverage it trike on the phone with them and and you know and make them a client I mean that you. Know we can add value so you've. Talked a lot about right. This idea there's a lot of sales training out there at WCF that a lot of it fails, what's. Different about what you do, like. I mean really what, is kind of the secret sauce or if you had. To point, out you know one or two things that really differentiates. Or set, a different way really, helps your clients, to see success, and to achieve, that true ROI, what, is it perfect. So, we have five things we have a five our five-step process so, number. One is everything, we teach is very tactical. And chunked, down mmm, which sounds, ridiculous but it's.
Amazing, How many training programs out there and we do leadership training and we do sales manager training we do sales. Person training a customer service training so we do different areas as well but, everything we do is very step, by step, by step for, example if you if you go to our. Competitors, they will tell you what, to do and even why to do it but people are left with how can I do this like so challengers in the competitor of ours and that's. A bash that I mean challenge decks been really good for us we've gotten a lot of business off of challenger so challenger would tell you hey, it's important to go challenge the customers perspective to give them insight but. People, buy into that stuff like well how the world will even do that like man when do I give them insight which, the crowd they're not getting like they're not getting the scripts or the wording or the exact kind of one, two three do. None of these things so we've got a five four three so it's 12 different steps right into, the process, so so. It's very chunked down and even within the steps there are steps and so forth that's one number one is tactical number two is, mindset. Based and so, everything we do is about removing, the leashes so the rules the reluctance is the stories and the self-image that prevents, them from doing the tactical, training mmm, that's a big thing mindset, is huge how do you deliver that to your clients cuz mindset is one of these things that for some people you, know they understand, they know that they need to to be stronger, to expand their mindset or whatever but, even when they still face. You, know like the truth they, don't necessarily implement. It so how, do you help, your clients to actually benefit. From that understanding around mindset, yeah. So myself in Garry Marshall when the president, or the president accompanied here we we, were. Both one of two thousand, lesson. Two thousand in the world master practitioners in neural linguistic programming, so we, use a lot of that cognitive. Behavioral therapy and so forth and we've developed that so all along in every, video that we teach them some sort of tactical thing there's also some. Belief stuff that's goes with that as, well as we. Do a monthly. Masterclass. Around, mindset, and taking these concepts, of hey what is holding you back from doing, blank like let's use the last you know what's, hold you back from you. Know you post something on social media people comment on it so what's stopping you from just you, know picking. Up the phone or LinkedIn messaging them and, have the conversation, with them I mean that's just ask that question, and that'll tell you the story the self-image they were locked in a rule that's preventing them from doing oh well I want to wait or I want to be social are friends right so powerful, I mean that's there's, some of you who are just leaving opportunities, like that on the table right every single day where, there's, there's some hesitation, or something that's holding back from the Vienna so I think I want to thank you just for sharing that because I hope that people listening or watching this I can actually take that to heart and and take action on it yeah. It's huge and so the third thing is everything. We do is a program, based approach, versus, an event based approach so, learning. Is a through, time process, mmm-hmm, it is not a one in done process, it's completely. False that's why training fails so you. Know people call themselves traitors but you. Can't you can't change behavior, in a one-day event it's impossible, right so you, know we we if, you if you hear the cop you know you learned the concept that that, only. 5% of our decisions, are made from a conscious, perspective, on a daily basis, ninety-five, percent are made from a subconscious perspective, mmm-hmm and seventy. Percent of those that subconscious. Programming was created by the age of seven another, 30 percent was creative. 13 so if what, you want from your conscious, perspective. Here's what I want to achieve in my life, well. If it's not in lineman with your subconscious, ninety-five percent you're never gonna get it you're a hypocrite no, and so you have to change that through a vitual. Learning. Weekly, calls, seminars, as a whole and. As I've delivered for each client individually or you opening, up all of your clients is kind of an almost like a group coaching type of just, you know if you're one of our clients you get access to this weekly. Training how do you structure and deliver that for your clients yes it depends on their investment, of course so if it's an individual, consultant. Sales person etc small, business they, can join one of our public type deals even though those are less than 15 people per zoo you've gotta be 15 people in a zoom coming.
Together At a public seminar, going through the curriculum the to get one week follow-up program and so that would be that if, it's a you know it's a enterprise client or a sales, team let's say of like ten or more people well, they would have a private program that. Would be just those those, people, in that company going through the curriculum together got, on that weekly basis makes it's very different so again when our calls what's. Different is that we're not just talking in theory about hey did you like the concept, it's, tell, me about a customer, you're working and let's talk specifically, about how it worked and what stopped you from doing it there's, a lot of accountability, on those. To really remove and kind of bust those leashes down, yeah that's that program, based approach and then, the fourth thing is sales. Management coaching so we, will not do, a sales training program unless. It's for an individual, but for a company we will not do a sales training program unless. The. Sales managers go through leadership sales coaching as well which turns them into high, performance coaches. And shows them how to follow, the four stage coaching process that, coaching. Methodology. Because. All the research says that you get three. Times greater. Performance when the sales manager, is, going through the same program, and coaching, it as the salesperson is going through so that's, a huge thing and then the last thing is culture so, cultures. Like the umbrella fifth step where, we work with the c-suite the CRM, rewards. Compensation. Hiring. Assessments. All that cultural. Stuff to. Reinforce, what. We're asking them to do to change that individual. Behavior, and so we got to make sure all that's an alignment from an organizational, development right, makes sense okay two, final questions in here for you Jason, how. Is your pricing changed over over the years as. You've, added more you know team members clearly. I mean you're working both with in. The as you said small business owners and so forth as well as large, organizations, what's. Happened to your pricing, as as the business has grown have you found that you've productized. More and you've been able to bring prices down to. Make it more accessible to more people have. You increased, your prices. As. You've created, greater results, have. You changed your compensation, models where you're taking a percentage of increase, of revenue like what is your kind of pricing, strategy, or just thoughts around pricing as the businesses as of all, well. If so we so we've in, the last 12 months we've added this individual. Product, line cut, so again we're a sales person it's it's five grand I'll, say the price it's five grand and they go through four, days of seminars over the let's, say 11 months and 21 follow-ups. In the videos and so that's that I mean so before, we didn't have that I mean before you, know an. Individual, person we priced out of our, program, so. That's very reasonable, and that's very in line with you know the market. You. Know we've also added like we have the monthly master class that we do that's you know I don't know like 20 bucks a person per month to. Be a part of that master class thing so we have offered. You know created some other kind. Of pieces, yeah what so and why do you why do you do that like if you had the. Large, organizations that you are serving why, not just stay focused on that like what was a decision strategically, within the organization, to to. Add an additional layer. Well. We just because. We feel I felt, that, that. You, know when you look at like Sandler, so Sandler is owns. The space in the individual. Mm-hmm. Kind of small business sales, training and we did not have that space so we weren't in that space but, we just feel that their program is very outdated I mean I I'm not saying doesn't do good value it just it doesn't have the mindset piece it doesn't have as much follow-up, it's not as tactical, it's not as relevant so, we just feel like it misses the mark and so mmm, we, felt we had a lot of requests, from the market that said you, know gosh we I I have to use Sandler I'd rather use you know warrior Saladin fpg but I don't you, know but I we don't I can't my, company's not doing this and Canada we're in so so, I think we just listen to the market in that case and you know we wanted you.
Know More people to have, access to it and. But. I mean as far as our pricing is concerned I mean. I would say our pricing, is is relatively. The, same today. I mean, it's it's cut it's probably gone out maybe you know I don't know ten percent in the last nine, years hasn't really got that much but we have we. Have been able through through. Infrastructure. And through systems, and processes and, different, things we have been able to increase our profit, mm-hmm. You know by leveraging different, resources, but, but I wouldn't say that our our, price. Has gone up I'm sorry oh yes prices got relatively it didn't now it's the profits gone up because I don't do the training in work right so as a consultant, you, know now I've got people and I charge 20 grand you know for a Kino mm-hmm, when. I first started I was charging you, know 3 grand for a day right, so so, now I've got people that are doing that a much lesser, rate so so. The same price I used to charge we're charging today but I'm not doing it anymore right, it's constantly coming back to you know the original point. Where you were full capacity, right doing over, a million dollars and then building out so initially I'm. Guessing your profit went right went down as you have to add on all those additional resources but revenue top line was was growing and then, at, some point you remember like how long it took you to get, it back to ok profit it's actually back to where it was when I was the one-man show. Yeah. Probably like 6 or 7 years, okay. But. Now that you've reached that place right. Obvious up things, are I mean I was still well worth an. Investment well worth it and you create a lot more leverage right, in time for for you that you weren't having to do everything correct. Yeah yes and in the other you know, the other advantage is I mean I'm I'm really an I'm really more of an artist you know which I assume a lot of people seem to are now in today as well most. Businesses are started from an artist they have a they have something they want to create and kind of give their art to the world and so. In my case I mean I love I love, creating new material, and new content and I love you, know solving new problems and, so I mean that's the coolest thing for me is it allows me to make. The happen so like for example you. Know I I joked, I said I might cut my tell my company all the time that my employees are my human guinea pigs mm-hmm, and so I mean every Monday if you were to listen to we have a thing called my, Monday. Mission meeting and and then, Thursday I have a thing called leading edge meeting and that's, where these, these are 2 hours where I take you, know my 30-plus employees, and, I'm just teaching them something that I've been working on the last 7 days, mmm, so it's the most original concepts.
That I'm kind of dissect. I mean right now we had this big theme in our office called abundance, and we're getting ready for 20, 20 on abundance and so I'm taking them through all kinds of exercises to remove their self-worth. Issues and, there are images shoes about giving themselves a pay raise and this is just a an accountant, I mean just any you know I'm so sure I pushed the envelope a lot and that's you know that brings me a lot of joy because, you, know I can I can I can do what I want to do and at. The same time get the kinks out and then what really makes a difference then we can we can you know turn into a program and sell it to the world, yeah I mean that's awesome all right so final. A kind, of question here you have I think your latest book the mindset, of a sales warrior, you share, mindsets, and strategies that make up the top 1% we've, talked a fair bit already today about, mindset and the importance, of it is there. Any other just. One. Mindset, or one, maybe point from that book that you'd want to bring forward and share with people and I want to make sure that we can let, them know how to go and find out more about it and all of your other work and your company here but yeah, what stands out what is maybe one powerful mindset, or more. Way of thinking that someone could implement right now that that, could benefit them even starting tomorrow. Perfect. Yeah so again, the whole book is all around and I have the obvious, look there the whole book is all around how do I increase my gold. Level when it comes to self promoting engaging to bring any more business how, do I increase my motivation, how do I decrease, the, four types of lesha's self-image. Stories, rules and reluctances, so, it's 42 strategies, on how to do all of that right and so you know like one would be the. Technique, that I gave and I gave on the call today which is the procrastination, concept, on compelling, vision and then you. Know removing the Leisha is but. You know an easy ones but specifically, is whenever you have, something. You want to strengthen you, want to create an affirmation, around it okay.
So Anything you want to strengthen you want to create an affirmation around, it anything. You want to weaken, and you want to question mmm. So for example if you, if let's go back to the idea of yeah, I like the idea of you know I put some in a LinkedIn or Facebook and, someone engages on it an article a video whatever. But, yeah I need to go follow up that person and see if I can you know provide, value, generate some business from it well, the first question would ask is what stopped me for doing that well that would identify the leash and then, they're gonna tell you then the leash will come up but it'll say well you. Know I don't want to come across you, know too pushy and so, okay well what's your strategy to not come across too pushy well I'm. Gonna I'm, gonna they continued, I'm gonna continue giving them more value and see what they do okay. Well how, many pieces of value do you want to do before you're, going to reach out and contact them, mm-hmm, Wow I, don't know I mean five pieces I okay well, but. How do you know but if they, have a problem they need solve right now is it. Possible that they they will be able to get to those five pieces of value before their. Business can go down and go under I mean you could really serve them and and and. You, know how do you know it's going to be true that they're going to talk to you after five pieces of value mm-hm and and, you. Know what so it's it's just a lot of that's questioning, it and what. You're doing by questioning, the questioning. The leash is you're. Kind of making it ridiculous, mm-hmm, because if you question that you kind of disassociate, and go oh yeah I mean there's no evidence to prove that if I do five pieces of value they're gonna pick my phone or or, what's. The evidence to prove that they're not gonna talk to you if you call them mm-hmm, well I don't have I don't have any I mean I don't know they maybe they won't maybe they will talk to me yeah, you, don't know if you don't yes so just that questioning, process that's, I mean hope the you know that's of the 42 strategies that will be one there's some exercises, in there that I take them through it's very very. Tactical, yeah, I think like you you know were talking before we hit record and had a few technical hiccups here on the call just. About the importance of working, with a coach right like regardless. Of what stage you're at in your business and I think, that some of these questions you just mentioned right now like that's actually the value that a coach can brings cuz they're, gonna challenge you right hopefully they're challenging on some of your ways of thinking and and. I think that kind of situation that you just brought would be a very common, and a powerful conversation, to have but. Let's make sure that people can learn more about your, book and about just. What you have going on so where, should people go Jason to to kind of get a hold of all that so. Right now I'm not sure how long we're gonna do it but they go to warrior, mindset. Book, calm, so warrior mine book comm what. We're offering is, they, can get the book for free we, are asking the paid for shipping and handling which is out on our less than 10 bucks mm-hmm. If they don't want to do that and they go to Amazon and pay $26. Plus shipping handling for the book but. Inside, of that there's. All there's several other offers as well that. You know pay an extra 30 bucks just like that and you get the, audiobook where Mary and I discussed each chapter, in great depth mm-hmm, I also have some like hypnosis, tracks I'm certified.
Discs, When it comes to business and so, I have some hypnosis, tracks I can take him through on removing these leashes these blockages, some. Affirmations, some posters, I. Have, some recordings, of coaching sessions I've done with salespeople on breaking their leashes down you, can listen to that there's, a lot of like cool, things they can get in there and also warrior. Mindset book. Calm usin warrior, mindset book okay, we'll have all, that linked. Up here in the show notes just, head on over to consulting success com type, in Jason, forest forr est. Or even, Jason I'm sure it'll come up Jason. Or thank you so much for coming on here today and and sharing some of your journey, and wisdom with us yeah. Thank you very much.
2020-02-06 21:09