How to Maximise Your Customer Journey

How to Maximise Your Customer Journey

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But that's working, now if, we then think about our own, business. Your. Ice cream. Double. Wit Cornetto yeah. Now. Today special guests and it's. Not despite, I mean I know you have stopped on the way at the stair and also got hunters people. Are asking where Holly was it does happen but it's not Philips, girl field audio and CDs know. That. You have been know it's your first time on the sofa, yeah but. You, have been on an EC, stage before I have. It. Will your, Jonathan's, appearance on an EC stage goes back almost 5 years to, the. The. International, Convention Centre because it was a big stage it was a massive stage and you, shared it with Steve, Wozniak from. Apple yeah and, the. The entrepreneurs. Convention, that we ran head. Was on in the morning he was your warm-up, act he was great he warmed it up. Yes. Much. Bigger fee than you. And. That was the first time in the rocks that event was the first time that we'd actually kind, of met. Because. You have a very unusual, business, because, I mean you do live and breathe kind. Of customer experience tell us about the, business and. We're. Just. Now that's, now so insight six now which was formerly when I was talking at Birmingham, was called shopper anonymous yes we rebranded last, year and works, with about a thousand, businesses across the UK helping them improve their customer experience okay. That's it in a nutshell so you specialize, in helping business to improve their customer experience yes. So that's so what is like custom cuz yeah it's not my customer service we're, slightly different because I think in the old days and, I say the old days three, years ago. 2016. But. It's true it's like three. Years ago business, leaders or customer experience, you know 20% of their, profit is about customer experience now nowadays sixty, percent of them think custom, expose the number one thing I got focused on in order to make the profits there's, a massive, movement around. Customer experience, and when. We think about customer, service in our minds, we generally, think about an individual. Sit behind a desk or on a phone customer. Experience is about the whole thing before, you even start to engage with a firm how, you find, what the first engagements, like what the services like what the follow-ups, like all the way through to what was that impression. So that's the whole breadth of a relationship, rather than just customer, service being maybe just one. Switch. Starts like in with the marketing stuff Wow. How. We find you okay. So the businesses you work with are they like really big businesses yeah, so we work with very, very large multinationals. And we work with very small independents, we, have an 200, law firms we work with now law ranged. In sector you wouldn't imagine it yeah it is interesting. So. Universities. Public, schools. Through. To cafes, and retail, and. So. Let's that's telling because our as you know the with an entrepreneur sir our, our. Our average member runs. A business they employ between. Five and ten staff yeah you, know they're turning over somewhere between 300. And 700. Thousand pound a year. So. Anika's they they would they are passionate, they care deeply about. Their. Business their, business, is inextricably. Linked. With them, it, is a manifestation, often. Or move them, as the business owner so. And in today's yeah we want to focus them on finding. Some tangible, ways that. EC.

Members That are watching us today can, compress, improve, their. Customer, experience and, in some way hunt the reputation, potentially. The. Outputs of good customer experience is more, referrals. It's more repeat business word-of-mouth, gets, better that sort of thing so let's. Explore, people. Actually do in practical. Terms and, so if. You get the experience right your marketing becomes relatively. Cheap, okay because they're gonna get a bigger referral, market you haven't got such a big churn ray you're, not spending loads of money trying to get customers in and then letting them down so clearly, your referral market it's going to really really help you to so, it really starts, with the leader so. The old adage the fish, smells from their head down is absolutely. Crucial now you just said that your clients generally have a passionate, people and that is fantastic how, you get, that passion, through your team is. One of the biggest challenges, in that journey about improving your customer experience and, that starts with how, you recruit in your people okay so if you recruit on attitude, rather, than skill you're in a good place to start that journey, I would suggest to start with okay so, that is around so I'll give a really good example of that there is a fantastic, business. Up in York maze maze Gockel, Tom Percy and he. Wants, to get the right as two people in his maze every summer oh it's amazing it's a male I see a games yeah. What. He does he interviews, and he said he says right we've got an opened a full staff and they've all stand in hundreds of people standing outside the game yeah okay and he said and at nine o'clock he opens the gate and what he does that was people coming in for the interview. Does. He litters the path with rubbish he. Hides his full-timers, in the bushes they've. Got two bins as they. Walk in to go to the interview centre they watch who picks up a litter and puts it in the bin. Okay. Now and many marks Sims I hope so people in the bushes go yeah I've got that one got that one go and generally, speaking the people who pick up a little and put it in the bin are generally where people have a very good chance of getting a job not just wrecked, his. Whole recruitment, process by. Everybody. But that is what it's about it's all about attitude isn't, it's all about thinking naturally, thinking. For your customer, thinking, about what their needs and wants not just the bit in the business I do but. What's that whole lateral, piece that's going to make the biggest difference okay. Interesting. Now, cuz but when you are not recruiting when you've already got a team yep, what can you do to move. Them to where you want to be Wow so this is where the heart this is where the heart because is it ollie goodness all skill problem this is the. Yeah. Okay. So. Can. I be brutally blunt, then let's be brutally blunt about in every team you've got fountains, and you've probably got some drains all, right if you were gonna change to a customer, experience. Cones what he was gonna say. If. You're gonna really really change to a new culture you're gonna get some people are gonna love it yeah, any gonna get some people that want to be a hurdle then they're gonna prevent. It and stop it yeah so you probably these are some very honest, conversations, in your team around are, you up for this challenge, now. The, most important thing to remember is that a world has moved on Amazon. Is voted, the, best, customer. Experience business. On the planet yeah now when I used to present so at your conference two examples if I said to that you, know thousands of people in the audience which brand you do, you recognize as great experience, they native, central and said John Lewis or Waitrose back then if you measure it today and this has been done Amazon.

Is Number one and has twice the votes yeah John, Lewis here so what you've got to do em like twice the customers absolutely a fairly. Profitable and. So, what you've actually got to do is instill in your people who generally probably been through the Amazon experience, how can you transfer, that, into. Our business, so it's quick seamless. Clarity. If, there's a problem with it you can resolve it really quickly we've it's how do you make it seamless and that's. Where you got to get to you've got to try and make your whole business process totally. Seamless and then you've got a wrap it up we love so, you've got to say seamless. Got to wrap it up the lobster people go call I was great and, Amazon, is a bit like I mean I, broke. Down his cardboard there up in cardboard mode or we can do yeah, they, can do and. Hey I was thinking loved you're thinking cardboard now a sight you know I like. To either. But. You know you Auto but, last year PC, breaks down in 17, hours it's working new one under the desk working now. If we, then think about our cut our own business. Ice. Cream. Double. Whip Cornetto. See. If they're any good upset, him oh. Yeah. If, you look at your own business and you think about the core processes, you've got to think about how do you make that as easy as, possible. Now one of the easiest things, for everybody to do is just to go more of a car journey so if you've got an office and you want to start getting your team thinking about the trial journey, you've. Got ten people split, them in two teams, of five send. Five, them down the road that way five from down the road that way give, him a bit of paper with a line down it and go I want you to look at the approach right down on the left hand side what was good on the right hand side what needs improving go. And sit in your own reception, does. Your bottom. Hit the floor what's it smell like close, your eyes listen, listen. To what's going on and, then in the meat garner broken them each one's got looking the toilets, just, walk the whole journey. And toilets is important, because. Let, me tell you why because, most people looking at oiling it right. This is not a stand-up local city okay welcome Troy am I looking they go that's fine well they don't actually do is go in close the door and sit down on the toilet because.

Where You gonna hang your coat. What's. The message is there a message promoting, the business all those sorts of things so by, getting your team to do that what they then do they come back with a massive action list most, of it is the stuff that's wrong so, even although we think we might be great they, will come back to an actor and then you can empower them to go how we're gonna put this right if it's not right it's things that could be made better absolutely, and Priya yeah exactly. So then you're a position, where you can say to your team okay we've got all these actions to do just, on the customer journey this is before we look, at the phone and the website and the path service and all of that let's, just get that bit right and by empowering them in. That process you're, starting, to get their mind shift you're starting, to get them to think okay. We can start making these changes okay. They. All need rescuing their own hmm. Please. That to announce my, guests experience we now they're conversing in the studio because if you've been here a month ago it, would already be around your wrist. This. Is gonna have to go somewhere yeah it's good in my mouth it'll be. Here. Let's. Go Phil we can do this one so I think you would actually do you think you're working what and Larry sell me a car. Yeah. I think. You. Have to take it is gonna go everywhere but every, second though. Okay. Okay. Yeah it's good. TV. Sell. Them yeah that's, a great to start with the house you mentioned other things there because, at the partly the whole experience are things like websites and telling moon how, do you how do you start to identify things there because if you ring up your own business they kind of know it's you. Okay so there's. Another way to do that so first of all I would always suggest first, of all everybody, brings their own business up in the evening. That's. A starting point so say, to your team at 8 o'clock tonight I want you to bring our number now, I want you to tell us what happens because what, does happen to a call at 8 o'clock at night we, assume it goes to an answer phone we, assume the message is enthusiastic. We assume but, does it and should, it be answered by should, be outsourced there and have someone else on it because o it, is business, 9:00 to 5:00 any more clearly not so we need to think about the whole all of our customer group. Reviewing. Again I would ask for team to look at the website and review and think about how ready but more, importantly, there's a thing called customer, journey mapping. Customer. Journey mapping is probably one of the most increased, activities, in customer experience over, the last year two years or anything else so. This is where you sit your team down and you break down, the, process so, if we look at a website we're. Going to go to Google. We're, going to put in certain, words we're going to look at where it ranks, we're going to go to the home page we're going to find the phone, number to try and ring you and, then you take all of those bits and then you imply you Net, Promoter Score, you know in that protocol sort, out you know I. Mean for each of those stages you, say for the client how. Would you score that NORAD. Attempt and, what you generally get you can actually find it was great I'll give that a nine but, when I got on the home page of what has a bit clunky and it didn't really give the image I went on keypad three trying. To find the contact details, mmm, had to go through four different levels to find the phone number I'm gonna get back to and, what you end up with is a very clear definition of what is good and what, needs improving and. Then you get the team to start and, watch the point is again as you're going through this you keep referencing it's it's getting the team to do it it's very important a team move over right and just to just again just just to explain why and why is it why is it so important.

The Old days I'll. Say be old days three years ago I, was. 32. And you were similar way we. We. We. Would have got, consultant, in and. Then the consultant would come up with a paper yes and a consultant so it's what you've got to do yeah. The. Team would go yeah right never lasted and it'd be gone tomorrow and generally it would because what you haven't shared his young chains of behavior in the business and customer, experience is all about behavior truly, is. And. This. Is a consultant. That used to come in so, get a consultant, and what you haven't done you haven't embedded, your team in any of what's, in that yeah. It's being done to them it's been done to them ran with them yeah what cut some experience, sessions do so you haven't you have a facilitator, external, facilitator is best obviously because they're impartial, and you, go through this process come out of the act, tremendous, fun, makes. People really, realize really. Think hard about every, aspect of that journey and, they. Own the. Actions so, they own what needs to be done links. Into appraisal, so. It starts to change the right get the right behaviors, in the business to deliver right experience, okay, yes it is very very, broad this isn't it I mean I'm, quite deep and certainly does actually I can see now when, it's done properly how it does run through, the. Very fabric. Isn't. It so what sort of challenge do you come across thing because I guess you'll have some very enthusiastic. Leadership, teams already keen to embark. On this journey of. Some. Of challenges we would have would be so in large large, organizations. And we, might get a senior. Manager and ring ring us and hit their challenge, is about influence, for leadership team to go, on the customer experience journey okay all right so they might be very put up driven very technically driven historically. And event and how. Do i influence, that. So what we do there we would go and we do a little bit of work to show find. Out what the pain is so we say what's the pain in your business and they might say converting, leads okay, what's your conversion, right now while we convert 30% of them okay, let's, just take a small team, and let's, do a bit of mapping with them do, a bit of measurement but mystery shopping let's, see what, that's going like and then, what we would do we would then implement. The change and then we would re measure because, at the end of a day with things that influence for board is, data yes it's, all about data so if we can move, conversion, rate from 30 percent to 50 percent in say, a three month period then, clearly there's a very good case to start widen, in their heart so, when it's an organization, such as that is, that when it's a smaller organization and. The, leader gets it as I said before the challenge is how you take your team with you yeah in order to do that and also about recruiting the right people as well I think that can be quite challenging. Yeah, and. Again we can all as, business owners, we can all relate, to that the mortems, of having you, know the right people in the right in, right roles in their organizations. So that sort of measurements, that you do then you took I mean is it can you really transform. Conversion, on 30% to 50% now absolutely, yeah, so let. Me give let me give you a good scenario so when, we talked about it's all about public school so public schools good sector and. Highly. Educated leaders, yes. Academic. Academic. Historically. Probably. All his businesses, run in you know over through family generations, ever currently. Politically. Grammar schools were on the up so, a lot of people are swapping out Instagram school so it's a pressure sector. Yeah, difficult to get a hundred percent capacity. Mmm-hmm how. Do they change, their customer experience in order to make that difference and what they're very very good at. Is, taking people around the school and tell them everything, they want to tell the. Client about yes what, they're generally, very poor, at is actually listening to the client as to what they want to see so. Some of the mystery shopping we've done which has been fascinating, is that some of our scenarios has been little. Tommy's four years old he's so, he could be read to the age of 18, 14. Years times forty, grand you. Know little Tommy it's got a big. So. Do. They ask little Tommy. Tommy. Over pen what does Tommy like now. So, when. We place a scenario, into a public school we would say Tommy likes music. Generally. What happens is they show us the rugby fields the, most show us for chemistry lab you know I was coming they show us a nice new million pounds swimming pool that was fun raised by we old the. Oldest Herodians or. What.

They Failed to do they failed to show me music school Oh. Tommy's, interest in his music now, I don't know you Nigel but if someone was going to give me off a million quid alright. Every orchestra I have an empty seat the front let me over I want it and I'll go Tommy gonna, be five minutes. Yeah. They. Don't think like that and it starts, you. Know again if you think I know you know thing about schools go. Into a school and find in somewhere to park it's. A challenge because often they're in a town centre often, they don't have any selected parking, and then you walk in through a door and it's like you're standing, in a corridor you might have driven for hours your stand in a corridor and the, experience, is not good so there. Is a massive opportunity, to. Sign up more people once. The experience has been done the, key bit then is the follow up okay, so. The. Hip mark headmistress, Headmaster's invested, two, hours of airtime that's a prize yeah. The Secretary's done about them my time the client, of potential client has left what. Happens Wow an 82%, the cases nothing. Okay. In 18% of cases there's a bit of follow-up guess which school, signs. Up the, kids, yeah it's a school where does the follow and we as a nation our, pretty. Rubbish it follow up I've got to say no and protect law if, you do a walking experience to a law firm and. You're going insane I want to get the walls or I want to buy a house or whatever it is only, 8% of firms do. A follow up on your walking experience having. Spent average, about 40 minutes without what we call what they call the fee earner or a lawyer it's. Astonishing and, 50%. Of those cases they never take the details in the first place yeah it's a confident, one knows I don't know who you are texts Rory is extraordinary, no my my. Son is looking to buy a house, are you quite buying. A new house and. The. Bank holiday weekend just gone he went. Out with his with, his girlfriend, and they went to four new. Home developments. So. A young couple on maternal, and they walked into the show home. And. They came back down and walk back for the show home and, he said not one single place has taken any information, they have no idea. What. I'm looking for what I'm doing. And. Which, is it wonderful quite extraordinary and it interested me because the price tags are not that far removed from public schools. What. We quite as good but but. It is interesting and it reminds me of my I've. Told the story before but, when, I was I was 9 when. My football, career peaked, no, was it. It's. Full. Of youthful enthusiasm I was invited, to, join Saturday. Soccer core, it was a big thing and, and. The teacher that ran us a photographer's to bulma I was. Really excited cuz want to do what was get the ball and dribble pass everybody and score amazing goals and, mr. Loomis got as the, very first Saturday soccer this is a long time ago and he. Got us in a circle was like ten boys and. There were about ten yards apart and, all he got us to do it for like half an hour was passed the ball to each other which. Was like at the time I felt like the most, dull thing that he sized down he explained that in football. Simple. Things done. Well look. Good mmm-hmm, anyway Dante how simple, things done well win. Matches, mmm-hmm and it strikes you that's a perfect analogy I think you, know this stuff's actually it's not looking so difficult you know it's simple things doing, well, actually. Does. Because. In the Bulmer you have had a changing career a bit more depth to I realize. They could have been a leader. No. But and. I think the key is here is that processes. Get passed through generations especially, in a more, traditional, marketplace.

Like Schools yeah we get passed from one birth certificates, of course and, actually it takes someone to go enough yeah, let's, let go outside our sector let's, see what sectors are doing it really well and let's bring that back into our sector so, MBA wanted. To put in the line bed in the first class yes sound which you know you know what the. First class bed yeah they're. Um they're. Technician. Said we can't possibly do that for health and safety so. We CEO said well I want to lie, down bed in first class so he went and looked at the boat market, and in boats they had already done it how many bought wet so, sometimes, you got to go outside your. Measurement quite, a lot of the time I think in business we recognized that and said it within entrepreneur circle the car members will recognize, that often the best ideas come from outside yeah it definitely right and and, and. Your industry how did, you learn all the stuff how do you get into this gosh. Childhood. Well, I mean. When. I was 14, my parents both gave up their jobs in the civil service I bought an old battered hotel and turned it to a care home so. I grew up but. Lunchtime conversation was, all about care he was all about residents, and staff, my. First. I was, going to say patient but it isn't is it those, customer, residents, at Risdon 55 pound a week, down excellency. In these Sussex land. And yeah, and I learned listening, to parental. Conversations. And, that's how I learned and then at, the age of eighteen or it's a Harwich so, I couldn't go I couldn't get into University just a shop or. No. I went to work. My. Evening craft I am no I, was lucky enough to get on their management development program okay. And it was there where I really, learned an amazing thing about Harris and you think about you know all your people watching now ask yourself this question how. Much time do, you spend training, trains that is it that one could train a camera, no. Ice cream how. Much time do, you spend every. Week. Training. Your staff. Now. I suspect. 99%. Of you have said, no. A lot we, do a couple of sessions a year all right let me tell you about Harrods so. When I was a haratz 6000. Staff during, the peak time well every, staff member, 40, minutes training a week.

40. Minutes trying to how do they do that, they did bad because, on, a Wednesday, morning they, open the shop at 9:30, and. We had to be in 8:30 and, they did for every, single department if you walk through Harrods, 830. Visits back in 1985, I think I still do it and every. Single person is receiving some training on a product or a service or a skill and. It was and that's, how you like all, the little groups affected. Lots. Of other groups go so supply might come in the new product or the head buyer might come and talk about the sales benefits, of a certain thing and so, you have the instilled in you with, discipline, about learning, learning learning learning learning so, in a way in a year, 48, weeks four weeks off 40 oh yeah 35. Hours worth of product. Ronia it's a lot yeah, it isn't it. And. The stuff that you talked about today hmm. I mean it. Was that manifesting, itself in a retail, place like Harrods back in the 80s absolutely, right so in. Our training, we used to go and mystery shop Scotch house and Harvey Nichols and Selfridges, bring that feedback back, to the, buyers in Harrods, and then, tell them how, I think, I you. Know we do it as opposed to their competition and an. Absolutely. How it was customer, experience a very simple thing name badge yes, and we know 12 percent of experience is better if you wear a name badge and if you don't wear a name badge so if you're sorry how do you know that because, we measure it on our mystery shopping so on are. 250,000. Reports, we've done if you take the question to someone wear a name badge and you look at the overall service experience, there's a 12% difference between, someone wearing it and not, wearing it and it's not I so let's just that let's just analyze, that for a moment then because, it's it's, clearly not the wearing of the name badge itself, that. Delivers the better service, but, it's the rigor in the business. That insists, the stuff where name badges that manifests, itself in the rigor that yes. It's a few thing yeah no you're right so it is about discipline, right and it's about uniformity. But, if you've got your name on you you're going to be a bit more responsible, okay, it's a bit more responsible, more importantly. If you've got your name on you and the customer knows your name a perception, is this, is a more personal experience yeah. Okay. See that's okay. A crucial bit so in, Harrods, in 1985, you had to wear your name back yeah and if you didn't you went home yeah and you got it yeah, and I still have okay, whenever I'm funny enough no real quick sort when I went to Australians, I moved to Australia you know that and my, lovely wife is Australian, and I, walked, into Miss house set my business up I walked into a supermarket my service was poor and I started mr. shopping it and that's how the. Brand across Australia was just liam group yeah okay, anyway and I spoke to a supermarket. Convention, and, I started to a man named back she lived her life all right no I know. The. Carpet Federation. Anyway. And. I started to about neighbors they cut a thousand people in the room what everyone and they, didn't like it at all and, I was going I might we don't win a badge is out here mate no we, don't do that mate you can go back to paw meal and and do that and. Sorry about a couple of weeks later I was invited. To a shop in a little Aboriginal, town called Warren Hill and, I walked into this. Supermarket. Everyone, had name badges on so. One up to the owners ironically, Peter and Cathy Smith from, Liverpool. Unbelievable. And I said I've just been speaking up his conference down in Perth, and. You've got name badges on and they don't do that sir, oh yeah we always do that mate name badge is very, important, and, he says if people forget their name badge, that. Was this bad. Thing. About straight yeah. When, you've been here for 20 minutes your voice. And. See a sister, works, and to give up hey guys and he said and he said yeah we have to spare name badges so people come into work and I'm got her name badge and I've got to spare badges I've, got dick and Fanny right. And. If a staff member forgets, their badge they've gotta wave a dick bedre funny badge and.

He Said it's amazing I never ever forget that bad. And. When, I left Australia serve, 10 years of grievous brand and we measure it we measured hundreds of supermarkets, and I think the final measurement was ninety six point five percent of staff in independent, supermarkets in, Australian, languages and. A lot of them had to spare ones. So. It does make it is you. Think about a reception, you go into an office thing you have a reception, yeah not one of the best science is direct to a first impressions, yeah it's the person sitting behind the desk yeah because, that's what we have responsible, for and not responsible just to sit there that's possible about getting out and looking at it making, my whole experience good, he's gonna get he's gonna get not mr.. Ice. Cream he's gonna want to be a director, of first impressions, now. Soprano. It's, good that's. Good yeah. Probably. Actually. Track back to, that conference five years ago probably me absolutely absolutely, so, you a so that's where I got my okay. My laps. At the convention, five years ago and they're, if they're a handful people that are watching us today that what happened, they, might remember a, little, exercise, that. You did and I thought I think we should do it again today okay so, and so, Matt the brother is here that our supplier. Of happiness, oh. Yeah. So. What you have to go hand out those little. Post-it notes Matt so everybody. In the audience should. Be there, should be a post-it. Note for, everybody, in the audience and if anybody, it went Mac you got post enough if you just like to place, the post-it note slap-bang, in the middle of your forehead with. The obviously, the, well the only sticks one way hey, well it won't leave a mark you'll be okay yeah and if you just just. Slap, it on your head. That's what you make up offer and they all say the same thing on them and. I. See Claire throwing us very well it's like she's going to a red Indian party on the. Hiawatha, of VC, know we can can. We see those on the surface. Of that Valley Oh Lord, is now um, Jonathan. Are now wearing their post-it, notes okay so I'll, let you take up the take. It from here and just let them sit there for a few minutes and look. Even more stupid, than they can't do it right, so basically, does anyone know PM m FS any idea. What. It stands for Matt. The Butler Matt the Butler. Yeah. That, is amazing that is the first person, in how, many ever years actually got it first time so world. And. Basically what this is about is visualized, in the fact that every, single customer we have so it could be a browser or someone, that rings up or someone that's buys on that's. Their need their need is to be made to feel just, slightly, special, and, there's a couple of ways you can do that so one, way is a very tangible way stocks I need us a great shirt Nigel and lovely show and you'll probably say son smell my wife walk well for me but I've made an emotional connection with you because we're talking about something that means something to you and I am very shallow I. Didn't. Oh. It. Could be in a team environment it, could be more around you know today you might work with someone who really went above and beyond and sent, to him you know what, you did for me today made. Me feel fantastic and I really appreciate, it you made me feel like you know extremely, special whatever the words you want to use and what that does again it makes them feel fantastic, so, every. Customer, it doesn't matter what it is or who it is have, it on your head and you know I walk, my son to his bus every morning right and we pass people okay. And him. And I would make it looks really weird. Now. Where is well it's unbelievable, the dogs in, battle where we live but all that is new Postino on there and, we actually go past people we go hey we gotta make them feel special this morning and we will say lovely day good morning you know, yeah lovely. Dog gots a nice coat and, they. React with guess, what they react with, their. Smile if. You smile, everything. Gets going in your body you, feel bit higher earned you feel good you've, had you impact and that is what it's about it's not hard this stuff is doing it little consistency. Consistently. Well and a problem leave a lot of businesses, there great one minute and they're really poor the next year you're only as good as your weakest link what you got to do is be consistently. Very. Good all. The time and the brands that do it consistently well. Are the ones that are winning and why don't you think you know making your audience sit, with a person on their head fits in terms of making them feel special.

When. I. First actually. Wrote it on people's heads when, that was that was interesting, yeah okay let's see when you forgot that your medicines. So. The point that just did be really really clear is that, you know when. People are coming into your business whether, they're on the telephone or they're coming into motion to face or even one that you see when the brackets that think. Of them effectively. With that on their head because that what they're looking for because, we all are as human beings well you know make, me feel special in some way just. And sometimes it. Doesn't take a lot does it no because that's see in a lot of sectors, expectations. Are really quite low you, don't have to be ya know super, duper world-class to actually steal, a march and get ahead couldn't. Agree more and and, it is about just saying my little things that have a big difference yeah, you know that's what it's about so if it's commenting on the lovely coat they got on or the, glasses they're wearing or just something personal most, people think oh that's good yeah that's, nice so. Nice little technique that and great one for your staff meetings come, with the post-it yeah they're not watch it and, of course there's a media for business you'd, need to be doing that to your team every day yeah so in the morning when you do your. Team how do you make your team because if they feel special mail vendor to their clients I have to watch this episode back, which I never do and, so, I can make notes because. There's several. Things that you've said today they've you, know resonated. And. With, me a final. Thing before we go yes. Qantas yes. You. Have some experiences, at Qantas yes I did gosh you're taking me back I had nearly a black airman. So. We would have room covered. So. Right, very quick story when I am when I was in Australia we're. Doing motor work in Australia I got invited to New Zealand to present to the board of the biggest supermarket group in New Zealand and I was about 27 years old and it was quite a nerve-wracking experience especially, as I hated flying so that was you know something else anyway, I chose, had to choose between virgin. Blue or Qantas, who was going to go with I had my presentation, on my laptop in, my bag but went under, the aeroplane. The. Fright it was a right we experienced all right I've got to Auckland Airport which has a mission statement of to be the friendliest Airport in the world that's their mission statement and I, got to the conveyor belt waiting, for my bag and my bag didn't come out so. At this point I was, never ever ever going to fly Qantas because in my bag was the presentation that, will either make me or break me.

Because, It was a big piece of world goodness, and I, was I was petrified. This is about midnight, and in, the corner was a hut and it was hot and in the hut was a jerk there was a guy in like a New Zealand tight red outfit, and as. I walked over to him he said you look a bit you look a bit worried sir he said I said I am a bitch have you got your boarding pass he took my boarding pass at mr. Winchester welcome, to Auckland, and I said well I wish, you could be on happier circumstances. Because I have this presentation, to married in my bag, is, my presentation, and sadly my, bag isn't here and, my presentation, is at midday tomorrow. So. He said well let me let, me see what I can do and he tapped away said mr. winters in your bag is. In Brisbane. Now. For those of you don't. Know, Brisbane. Is in Australia. Auckland. Is in New Zealand and, my. Brain was going I'm. Not gonna have my laptop by, tomorrow, anyway he. Said but fear not he, said tell me where you're staying I said well I'm standing the ridges hotel in Auckland he said but we. Will get your bag to you I promise, by, 10 o'clock in the morning, so. If you think about my customer satisfaction, you think about a graph right so it was down here I was never ever gonna fly cornice once I knew my back suddenly, it starts it gives me a bit of confidence getting before you leave as it's midnight I've got a parcel for you take. That open it up in your hotel room so. I've got a taxi to the vigeous Hotel I went, into my room opened, up miss parcel and in there was everything I needed for the night because everything I needed for the night was lost mm-hmm, it had about 30 items including. Conscious pajamas, that. I still, wear, my, wife. Says you're not wearing him again I said. Anyway. So. I'm thinking okay they're giving me some certainty here 10 o'clock in the morning knock, on the door Cantus really, here's, my bag he said I believe you've. Got an important presentation today, make. Me feel special yeah. Let. Me check you got everything checked got everything came back to hotel later phone call Qantas, is everything, okay yeah it is I went, back to the airport I joined, the Qantas Club and I spent I worked it out once it about 180,000. Pounds on flights because we got the contract I do 45 days, all. Because they lost my bag well. Yeah and the guy handled, it brilliantly. Because. That was the moment of truth wasn't it absolutely I'm going that foot at night yep, so, for businesses, it's, about saying what. Do we do wrong what we can't I mean conscience they're gonna lose bags it's the human process you can't do a lot about it yeah so what, can we do to make it a really memorable experience. By, losing someone's bag and it's. The same in everybody's business what are the common things that go wrong that we probably haven't got a lot of control on and. Then what can we do to make sure that when it goes wrong we are fantastically.

Brilliant, At putting it right so, people like me I have probably told a hundred thousand people Westerley including the thousand some people to your company and. And, the 17 watching today I'm at seven yeah and there's 17 watching say and it, does make a massive it, is a great story because if that is exactly how it wraps up and. I think that's been really has, that been worthwhile. Bringing. On to business growth central.

2019-07-24 07:14

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