How to Edit a Video for Your Business (Start to Finish)

How to Edit a Video for Your Business (Start to Finish)

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Hi there this is Jacob, Jacob le video production, comm and in this video I'm going to walk you through how to edit, videos. You shot on your phone, or on your DSLR, for your business, on your computer, now, I'm going to be using Final Cut but you can use any editor to, do this you, could use a free one iMovie, DaVinci, Resolve so, if you want me to do an exact, tutorial. On using. IMovie. Or DaVinci, Resolve or a free program like that please, leave a comment, down below if, you're new here please subscribe and, click the bell to be notified when I come out with new content I have so much content, on marketing, your small, business, using. Video so, for, organization. I find, it sometimes useful to put a number one in front, of the things that I need to access all the time, I generally, sort things alphabetically. YouTube. I do all the time so you want we want to make our own, folder. And call it something that we can remember so, I'll say. Advance. Shooting. Videos. On, your, phone. And. Want. To make subfolders. One. For the video, clips. And. Another. For, the audio, if we. Shot it separately, it may be connected. And. Then. We also one if we have any graphics, and if. We have any. Music. So. I shot a decent, chunk of this on my. Phone. So I'm going to take my phone and, connect. It. And. I'll. Want to open, up image. Capture. So. There are three, files, that, I shot, that, I need, to import, so, we're going to choose the folder, to import. To, we'll. Go to other, and. Find. The one that I just, created. YouTube's. Advance. On your phone and choose, video clips. And. Then. Not import, all that'll do everything on the film but just import. Should. Give, you. Update. That it is importing. And. You. Can see the progress, right here I'll probably speed this up starting. Now. Alright. So it is finished. Importing. I find, it's useful, awesome times even just name the exact, file so you can name it within the editor but, sometimes it's just easier when you're getting organized, or need to move stuff around later to, actually, title, the files themselves a different name so, I'll, just, say. Main. Discussion. I. Also. Did separate, audio, so. By labeling. Things it'll be more obvious to. Sync, them together and choose the clips that go with one another this, is just. Light. Stand, and. Light. Stand too. So. Those two are, b-roll. Which means they don't have voice, with it they're just insert. Shots. Shots, that I can. Put over top of me speaking, and I. Also for this one shot, a few clips of my DSLR on my camera that, records to. An SD card it, looks like this on some, computers, you can insert. It directly into the computer, but like, for this one I have a card, reader that plugs into, USB. As, well. So. Since. I have that I have my, audio on an SD card and, I have my video on an SD card so, I am, going, to. Plug. That in. Alright. So it has now shown. Up. So. I will find where those files are, located. It. Should, be just these, four. So. I'm able to take them and I could just drag them as well. If. You have a ton of Clips you may want to separate, the phone or the camera, since I just have, seven, this should be fine so, I'm going to speed up the process, of, transferring. Over these, clips. As well as my audio, clips. All, right so we are back I have transferred everything, over I added. The audio, files from my sd card that's with recording, audio separately. To, another device which is higher quality you, can run audio directly, into, a camera, or into your phone it. Won't be quite as high quality but. You won't have the separate audio file so you won't have to sync it but, I'll go through the steps to sync really quickly, and. I. Have, a few little graphic. Elements. And. Yeah. I'm not going to use music for this one but, you can also have a folder for stills and. Potentially. For your, project. File. Because. Sometimes you may have a few, different versions so it's nice to have them in a folder so, your, overall editing. File, you, need this saved. And. I'm. Going to open up one, right, now. This. Is Final Cut it'll be the same steps.

Pretty. Much no matter what, you're using I. Will. I do a two screen. Setup but, I'm going to switch to one. Screen. So it's easier to follow, along and, everything, is contained right there. So. I have, my existing, projects. Open. Instead. I'm going to do a new. Depends. It could be a project it could be a library, basically, your overall. Document. That, it's going to live in I will. Find, my. Advanced, phone. Project. File and. Advanced. Phone. Is. A good name you. Do want to make it something often, you can pull up like recent, projects. So. If. I title that like version, 1 you. Know I'd know, what that was within the folders, but it would be a little bit confusing, if I go into. The list of project. Files I've opened you, want to be able to tell what, it is so. I'm going to close the, other libraries. So. We just have this blank, canvas. So. Importing. You. Can do it through file you can click this button. Pretty. Much every, application. You'll. Have the option to import your, media. All. Of, the. Photos, or videos or graphics. So. We, will find the folder we created. We. Can just go. Down with, these, and. You. Can just, select. Them and. Then. Click. Import. Selected. And. I. Do have it set so it doesn't automatically, close the window you can choose different settings, but since, I'm keeping this more. General. This. Should work so I have my graphics. Now, the nice thing with. These graphics, these have an alpha, Channel so if you're not familiar with that if, you, are familiar with PNG s it has. Transparency. And, what that means is. You. Know if I exported, this just as a flat image with black. Over, top of it. Then. If I place this off top on top it, would just cover, up the whole image, with black but because it has transparency, or, the background is transparent I, will. Just I'll, go into setting, things up but just. To give an example. Because. I have that transparency it shows up here. So none. Of the background, color, shows, up so you can stack. It on top of other things which, is really. Cool so, maybe. You have graphics. Maybe not I could do tutorials, on creating, those if you want. So. I am going to create a new, project. In, other programs, this may be, like a sequence, but this is a timeline. Of what. Your project, is. And. You. Want to give it a name. Phone. And, I'll do ruffcut 1, RC 1 so I know this is kind of a first edit I think it is good, to kind. Of chronicle the different versions. And have those backed up kind of like doing different save, as for. Your Word document. It does autosave. And it may be possible to try to jump. To an older version but this has clearly. Dialed. Out different, versions, that you've done. 1920. By 1080, is sort of the HD. Standard. And. For. YouTube, this is what you want to go with you could do 4k. But that's, I, think overkill. I have a 4k camera and I upload, in 1080 it takes, longer to edit longer to export. Longer. To upload to YouTube, and I can't really see a big quality. Difference, because, it's compressed, and it's streaming, on the internet, so. If, it's TV if it's YouTube 1920. By 1080, is a great, format. To do however, if, we're. Talking Facebook. Or Instagram, or. LinkedIn. A square, video does better or, even. One that, is. 1350. High by, 1080, wide so, the, resolution, in. Any. Program, you should be able to set this resolution this is the width by, the height, so. If, I did 1080, by 1080. That. Would be a square, one and that'd be perfect and ready for. Instagram. Or Facebook and. We're. Like Instagram, or Facebook they have it where it's slightly, taller than it is wide the, resolution, for that is. 1350. By. 1080. And. The. Framerate like, on my camera. I'll shoot, at twenty three point nine eight like, the film one but, since I shot this one of my phone, it, should.

Be Thirty frames, per second, so that's. One thing to think about if you set this incorrectly, it can be stretched. Out or want in a weird way. So. But. This one is for YouTube so I'm gonna do 1920. By 1080. Just, standard, HD. 30 frames per second, you don't have to mess with the other settings. So. Now we have this project. Where we can load, clips. Into. So. Since. I have this longer, clip what you can do is you. Know go through and set an end point and, an. Out point so, if I drag, this down it'll, just be that little. Ten-second. Clip. However. Since it's so long and, final. Cut is good. At this I'm, probably just gonna bring, the whole thing down it's, it's up to you how you want to work if you, have like. For this one I'll probably just hit. I and then oh this is true for all applications, that just grab, the little portions. Of the clip that I want to use and move. Them down. But. For this one it's, a longer clip, and. You. Know when I'm in here, I could, hit oh and, I. And. Like. Trim, it like that or even grab the handle but it's nice as you're. Listening. Through. And. For. All the applications, Jay, is go, backwards. Kay. Is, to. Stop, or. Space is stop. And start as well and L, is, go, forward, and. If. I hit L multiple. Times. That. Will go forward really quickly. So. My audio levels are a little bit quiet. So. You can see the audio is really bad which, is why I shot. The audio. Separately. And. You. Can see like the length, the clips so this, long clip, goes with this audio. So. If I do. Right-click, and do synchronized, clips, and. Do. Main. Discussion. Synchronized. You'll. Do audio, for, synchronization, you. Can disable the audio components. For AV, I kind of like to, just. Open it up and. Turn. It off just, in case like, I hit, it or something, and need to, bring. It up again so if I double click on this you, can see, what's. Happening, I have my audio clip and, my video clip with the original, audio and if, I take, the audio down so, it's off. So. That's the new audio this is the original. Very. Bad. So. It should be synced, you can adjust, it manually, otherwise. So. I'm setting the audio, level. For this the. Volume, and I'm, looking, for. You. Know areas, where it is clipping. Or peaking, audio. Can get really distorted. In a bad way, so. You. Know I have it set up so I can see the audio levels. That. It will clip, so it doesn't sound terrible now but. If I were to export, this it would clip. And get really distorted, and sound bad so, you. Have two options, one. Is to, turn down the overall volume the. Other if you have a couple areas that are just crazy. Loud, in comparison, to other things you, can go in and. Turn. Down the level, for that part, I'm option, clicking. And. Other programs, it can be P for the pen, tool but, so. I'm just turning the audio down at list one part, so. It doesn't clip anymore. But. It looks like it's peeking. In a number of places so I can probably just turn down the overall, volume a. Little. Bit and. So. This is the where, they're both together, if, I go back to the main clip. So, I'm just hitting space, or JK. So. I, have two options one, is the. Razor, blade, tool, which. Will, cut. The clip and, I, can I can move it around it, makes it its own separate, clip or. Also. Let. Me undo, command. Z. Ctrl, Z on a, PC. If. I hit the O that. I'll set the out point and if I delete that that. Will now start it at this spot. Hi there this is Jacob, Jacob le video, production, and in this tutorial, hi. This is so, I restarted. Again. So. I'm going to go in and, hit. Us at the out point I could also use the razor blade tool but I find this to be a little bit faster. Hi. There this is Jacob Jacob le video production, and this is the advanced ultimate. Guide to shooting, videos, on your, phone for, your business for social, media or, so.

Sometimes, If I know I did, it for a while pretty. Well I can, do it listen, to it double. Speed to, save time and be. Listening if I mess, something up, and have to repeat it so. I. Don't. Want to use the in or the out now, because, I just want to take out a, portion. Here, I, started. Again there, so. I want to take out this, part, so I'm gonna hit B for, the razor blade, tool. And. Clip, that switch. Through this election tool on Final Cut that's a. So. I actually am keeping in that a little, bit about it because it's, tips on filming your own and I'm, just saying there's ambulance. In the background, you want to pause and, be listening for loud sounds, like that that are going to be, distracting. For, your videos. So. I'm going to speed this up quite a bit, this is the process, I go through of, just going. Through and, clipping. The bits just like that basically. Just cutting, out the. Extra. Parts, that are bad if, it. Would be completely out of order and you're just talking about, random. Things up. There and you. Had to you, know go in and set, the order yourself it, makes make sense to you. Know up in here, listen. For things and then, construct. The Edit, in. Order that way, but. For this one it's, basically in the order that I want it to appear already so. It's simpler. And easier, to just have it in the timeline and cut. Out all the different portions, that I don't want or if I made a little mistake just. Chop that out so. I'm going to go through the whole video, and, make, sure it's all set, up in order. All. Right so, I cut, out all, the, portions where, there was a mistake, or to cut out and, this. Is for YouTube so. Jump. Cuts are very normal. For. And what really I'll, mute, it, what. A jump cut is is, where. There's a cut, and. I. Like. Jump. In the frame because I cut some out but it's the same angle. And with YouTube these are super, common, that is a completely. Fine. Normal. Way to do it but. You know if I was doing something for. A corporation. Or, super, professional, you know beyond, YouTube, more, casual, talking to the camera I probably. Try to find a way to cover. That up or sometimes. You. Can like. Zoom, in on the footage. This. Isn't quite high resolution. Enough and it's a little too close but if it was a further back higher. Resolution. Clip. You. Can see is that it's more like a completely. Different cut, to something else but, this. Is YouTube's, jump. Cuts are completely. Fine same, would be for, Facebook, really for, casual. Social, media stuff so. I, just need to get that in the right order so it's more or less in the right order toward. The end there, were a few. Portions. That I found, that. I was like oh I, mentioned. Earlier this thing let me add one little, thing so. The. Next thing I'm going to do I'm going to speed it up but I'm, going to find those clips and move. Them around insert. Them where they need to go so, you. Know it's taking, the clip and. Changing. Around the order that, it appears, so, this is, the. Exact order it's in. Alright. So everything is in the correct order, now, it. Is all set, up I can. Go through you, know see if any of the audio is peaking, or to quiet. It actually looks pretty good and, I. Think a good next step is to. See like, in, these transitions. Make. Sure they're happening, smoothly. So. That's even fine you don't want like way too long on the gap or sometimes, you didn't cut it quite, right and it like cuts off a portion, or sometimes. It's really challenging where, like words are, combined. Kind of like meshed together so, if, you're, trying to take out and AH that, someone said remove.

It And it's. Like so, I was going to the store and I go, when. You take that out you. Have to be really, finessed. And careful. With not, having it end like abruptly. So you may have to feed. It or something like that which is how the audio level like ramped, up so. It transitions, properly, so, it's good to go through all the. Transition. Points, and, make. Sure those, are you. Know good length. So. That's a decent length I kind of like turn, here, I think. I was, checking something out. So. I make HUD out you. Can just drag, it here you could also hit o and. Select. That but if I just drag. I'm. Going to cut out that portion. Which. Is fine. I would. Be a little more finessed, if this was a big. Commercial. Or something like that. You. Can see right here it. Like cuts, off the very, first portion. So. I want, to get in that full. Beginning. Anyway. Actually. I don't want this little portion so, I want to cut it here. You. Can zoom, in and out on the timeline, for me it's command, plus minus. So. You can you know get really close in there cuz it's a little harder when, I'm zoomed out like that but. When i zoom in I can see. So. You can adjust, all. The transition. Points, because you, know and it's this like four-minute. Portion. That I did I don't really have to mess with that but I want to make sure between, the different cuts it edits. Really, well so. I'm going to watch, this all the way through one more time to, make sure that nothing, is repeated. Or there, aren't mistakes, or something. Missing, or the wrong order, and the reason I'm doing this when. I add music, if you want to add music later, you, want to get the Edit kind of locked into, place. Before. You're, adding music because with, music you may have to figure out how long something, needs to be or transition. From one to the other so you want to get the Edit as close as possible now if you are editing to. The music if, you're bringing in the music and then, having, the clips go along with it you want to bring that in early, so that they can match with one another but, if it's a clip like this where I'm just talking, and I, don't think I'll use music, in the final version but I'll show you how you would do, that if you want to music. So. I don't know if you've heard the term a roll, and b-roll. Basically. I have. All these things I, am talking about. And, discussing, in. This video and, it's. Just me, talking, to camera, so on some videos that can be the entire video it's just you talking to camera but, like in this one I'm talking about some. Of the accessories. That I use, for, example I'll, pull up you. Know I have this thing to hold, the, camera, and. You. Know the mic pack that I'm using and. The. Lights so. As. I watch through this again, I'm going, to be looking, to see if it the transitions. Work well and to, make sure everything. Is in the right order but I'm also going to be. Listening, for, areas. Where I have like. A clip for. Example when. I talk about. Having. A device that will hold your. Phone, I can. You know choose the end point. Choose. The out point. So. If I drag this down it. Won't be at the right portion. Right now. But. Now the video. I want to mute it or turn off the audio. But. Now I'm talking. So. Now I'm, talking, but, this clip is over. Top so, I want to be looking for the portions. Of it where I can put that footage over, top and not. All videos I do this but for this one since I was talking, specifically. About. Different. Devices, you can use it's very valuable, for, me to shoot a couple extra shots and then, put those over top, so people are seeing those things as, I'm. Talking about them. All. Right so I have, put everything into. Place, on my, timeline, I have. You, know different parts where, it, goes with it. So. If, I, have music, or graphics. I can do that or. You. Know I intentionally. Didn't. Adjust this you can see the footage is pretty orange. So. If I want to change that I'll select the clip and, you'll. Select, your color, corrector. What. I can do is. Go. Into color, this. Is the color board, but you can do other ones often, like starting, with the mid-tones. You. Can see that you can, sort. Of adjust. The. Overall, image. And. You. Know make it brighter or, less. Dark, and. I. Also. Did this intentionally. You. Know when I have my clip before it was cut up, I could, have adjusted. The. Color, grade. Because. If I choose this clip and. You. Know a just, add, color. This. One I probably, like, the, white stone look too bad it's mainly like my skin tones which is often the mid-tones. So. If I take the orange, out of the mid-tones.

And. Maybe a little. Just a touch out of the shadows, so. You, have your your bright parts, your highlights, the, other parts the mid-tones, and, the. Shadow. So. I would say you know this isn't perfect, but, this. Is an improvement here's, before. Very. Orange and, here's. After I. May. Back. Off on the blue. Just. A touch. Yeah. Here's before after, you. Can keep fine-tuning. It, and tweaking. It if you want to. However. So. This clip I've applied that too, but. All. The, other clips are, now separate. But. Luckily there's a really, easy way to do, it I'm gonna click copy, and then. Select. All the clips and. I. Will paste. All of the attributes. Color, board now, when I paste this, all. Every. Single one has this, color grade applied and since. The lighting was the same all the way through I, can just apply it to all of them if it, was changing. Or changing shots I couldn't just apply. It in masse to every single one of these clips, so. You. Know I might. Go in and color grade all of these I think, it looks pretty fine especially for YouTube and, I'm. Not going to have music in here, but. You. Know I could give an example, I, have. A full, video, on choosing. Music, and importing. It I will have a card, up, at, the top but, let's, say I have this piece of music it's, going to be very loud. And. I. Would turn down the audio and. Now. If i layer it underneath. I'll. Be, able to play, both. Of them at the same time. You. Know and I talked about like, fading, in the music. That's. The, and final cut is this little button but that you, know fades, it end so. They. Are battery power so you could be shooting in the woods. So. This is I, would say definitely a. Bit on the loud side. You. Have to be pretty careful this was music you don't, want it to overpower it you want it to complement. It and, you. Know be at a good level in comparison to, the. Voice and the. Very last little thing if you have graphics. Like the one I have here I have my, social. Icons. I design so I just drag it in and because. I have that alpha, channel or like a PNG, where, it can be transparent, hi. It. Just shows up like that on all these clips you can adjust, the size, and, the scale. So. You. Know I've been recording, for about, an hour but, it's definitely taking, me longer to talk. Through it it probably take me 30, 40, minutes to cut these together but. I've showed you how we could have the. Whole thing edited, and then, b-roll, clips over top and in the right order, good.

Color. Grading, good sound, I've. Showed you how to do music, if you want to do that and once. You get it all set it never hurts to watch it one more time all. The way through. But. Then, you can export the whole thing and you'll be able to, upload. It to YouTube, and that, was probably where I'm going to leave off on this video but. I am putting together I'll have a card, for it one, on everything. You need to know on uploading. To youtube how, to optimize. It the file type what, keywords, to use things like that I will say you want to figure out the, keywords, before, you do the video, because. You, know that all influence what you actually talked about and if you actually say the keyword and video they. Are going to let, you rank better for, that keyword so. Please. I'll have it at the end as well if you're interested, in uploading. It exporting. It that whole process of getting it online and, ready watch. That video but that is it for this one thank, you so much I will see you in the next one.

2019-02-23 19:05

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