How to create quick cash injections on-demand to your business EVERY MONTH

How to create quick cash injections on-demand to your business EVERY MONTH

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I think I'm live let me just check [Music] hi I think I'm live let me check okay so today we are going to be how to have Quick Cash injections in your business so a lot of the times you might already have good income coming in let's say right and even if that's not the case right now but at a point you would be like I want Quick Cash injections in my business at a point I want like okay let's say last week of the month is there and you're like I don't know how it's going to happen I want to make sure that I'm gonna reach my income goal for this month right how are you going to make that happen that happens through Quick Cash injections so there are a lot of ideas where you can actually create Quick Cash injections in your business using a few of the ideas that I'm going to give you and the way that I have created these ideas is like I've come up with a few uh points in my mind like um maybe so I I've talked I've thought I've thought of a lot of these scenarios that you might be in so all of the ideas that I'm going to give you today are going to be really different for different scenarios but you can use it at any point in your business the reason for that is that my ideal client is really different and some of them might not be making any money right now some of them might be making a little at a point right let's say and then they are making money but then what is happening is that they want to reach their income goal which is not happening so maybe there's some amount of money that is already coming in but you want to reach a new level right so and also a few other scenarios that I've thought of is like maybe you don't have any offer right now or maybe you already have a few offers sitting in your office suit right now and you don't know how to sell that so we are going to use all of these scenarios coming up with a lot of the ideas that you can use to come up with Quick Cash injections in your business right so that is what I'm going to talk about today um but the biggest point that I want to reach right now is that this is the mistake that a lot of people make okay they spend a lot of time in creating one offer and this is one mistake and I keep talking about this story I've I think I've talked about this like so many times so far and you'd be like I remember this right so I've talked about this before as well I I made this mistake myself where I spent like a whole month or I think uh one month and 15 days like I I spent a lot of time in just creating one ebook Okay one offer that was my first offer and I spend a lot of time in doing that I already had email list at that point I wasn't on Instagram at that point okay and then I was like okay once the book was ready I was like okay now I'm going to just do a flash sale on my email list I did that for two days and I was like sitting and refreshing my emails again and again I was checking whether the links are working right now and I was doing so many things and I was like why aren't any sales happening and at the end of the 48 hour sale no sales happened and I was like what is happening what why didn't anyone join there are so many things why it that didn't happen first off my audience didn't see me as an authority in that secondly I didn't hype my audience about that okay there are so many things that happened at that point and also third my audience wasn't used to me selling to them so that was like out of the blue and just selling out of the blue and they weren't used to that so they actually needed a longer time to make that decision a 48 hour sale was not going to do that so there were many mistakes that I made at that point but the biggest mistake that I made that adds to a lot of desperation and also a lot of um a lot of what can we say disappointment for you when the sales doesn't happen and for an offer that you actually spent a lot of time effort and your heart in it right so what happened at so this is the mistake that I wanted to say that if you're spending a lot of time in creating an offer that is the wrong place to start at you don't want to spend a lot of time in creating one offer yes you can spend that but after you have made sales for that offer so the first step is not to create the offer the first step is to sell the offer first okay so this is the biggest mistake that people make and because when you've spent a lot of time in creating your offer first and then you are like now I want to sell it you don't have a marketing strategy your offer is already created so you only have a limited area to work with the messaging because you cannot change the messaging you cannot say something that is not included in the offer because the offer is already created right so when I came up with the messaging to Market my offer at the end of that like I was even after the 48 hour sale I was actually trying to sell that offer I actually made a few sales here and there but at that point I was like I think I should also have included this and I should also have that and when you think of marketing you would come up with a lot of ideas that should have been included in the offer that will change the offer all together which is why you should think of marketing first and then creation next right so when you spend a lot of time in just creating your offer first what happens is that there's a lot of pressure there's a lot of pressure on yourself that I should make sales this should work because I spent so much time on this this should I should get something back right and there's also a lot of desperation and that desperation and energy doesn't bring sales it's like uh people can smell it right so that doesn't work so my idea right now in the first idea that I'm going to give you is about how can you create a quick offer how can you create an offer that doesn't need to be created at all you just have the idea and then you can go out and sell right but before I get to that I want to give you this okay every month think of this um I have to sip my tea because my husband made it made it for me and he was like I didn't even I didn't even tell him this is my time to drink tea and he was like he just checked my stories and he was like okay you can't miss your tea and he just made it for me so what happened is yeah so what I was talking about is the idea is every month here's what you're going to do okay every month you would be thinking about what are the main offers that you are going to sell this month right so one would be a primary offer that you would be focusing a lot on this would be your primary offer like the most sales are coming from this right this would be something that you would be primarily selling and then there will be a few secondary offers as well these this is what you are selling for this month right and if you're just starting out don't bother with all of this you can just start with one offer and I'll give you one idea of creating a quick offer that you can create and sell completely you don't need a lot of the offers when you are starting out you can just start with one and keep selling it until you sell out that offer right so uh okay so the first Prime first point is to come up with all of the offers that you are going to sell in this month and then the next thing would be to come up with a few quick cash injections right so I'm giving you a lot of the ideas over here I'm going to give you five ideas five good cash injection ideas so every month how can you increase that Baseline right so all of these offers let's say we have a goal for these offers that we are going to make this much amount of money from these offers that I'm going to sell in this month and then we are going to add a few quick cash injections from the ideas that I'm going to give you today and you can add that at a few places in your uh calendar that this is when I'm going to do this and then you're good to go you're like okay you're going to have a surplus for this month you can do this every single month right so these uh I'm just giving you an idea about where you can use these Quick Cash injections this should happen like every single month right so the first offer that I have for you today is how can you create an offer that doesn't need to be created that doesn't need a lot of the creation process it just you just need an idea and then you can just start creating right so one of that is you can create a one-time one-on-one strategy sessions if you are actually starting out right now this is the easiest way to start with because I think in the beginning when you haven't built that much of an authority it's easier to start with let me see if we have anything going on okay yeah in the beginning when you haven't built that much of an authority it would be easier for you to start with a small offer where you can build trust with that small offer right but also we don't want to spend a lot of time in just creating that offer right so it shouldn't be a course where you need to sit behind the scenes and then you have to create and you have to shoot videos and all of those things we don't want that that is why having one-on-one strategy sessions but one of strategy sessions right so you can have like let's say so for me I can just think of all of the topics that I want to establish myself in if I'm starting out I would actually think of this what is the first thing that I want to establish myself in and then I would start with that or what is one thing that I think I am really an expert in and then I would start with that I would create a one-on-one strategy sessions you wouldn't believe how I started I started with one-on-one strategy sessions and I started at 17 per hour it was a one strategy session it was actually two strategy sessions but it was at 17 like literally one Seven Seventeen dollars so you can actually I'm not talking about the price I'm not talking about this is what you should start with or whatever I'm talking about how you don't need a lot of the creation process for an offer right so this is how you can start um one of one-on-one strategy sessions it doesn't need a lot of creation process right it also doesn't need um a lot of all you can do is just create an outline of all of these other things that I'm going to create create an outline of the messaging this is how I'm going to sell it messaging is act basically just this is how I'm going to position my offer right this is how I'm going to Market it this is how I'm going to sell it and just go out and sell that's it right you don't need to spend a lot of time it can just happen in just one hour to outline you've got an idea one out to outline and then you are just out selling it on your stories and then keep selling it consistently you you can talk about an offer in so many different ways I have a post on how to sell your offers on stories in different ways I have so many ideas on that um I'll link to that in the comment section later after this live training okay so you can check that out but there are so many ways in which you can sell your offer you don't have to speak the same language or say the same thing again and again every single day because you'll get tired of it your audience will get tired of it right but this is how you can do that another way for the same category that I'm talking about right now is you can just sell a Master Class come up with an idea write and do a live master class so let's say this is going to be a live master class and then you can share the details of this is when it's going to happen and get people in for this master class right so you don't have to create it first you know that there's a there's a date on which this is going to start right and people just have to join and then they wait for the date and then they show up on that date so you don't you just need an outline of what I'm going to cover in this master class and that's it so two options that I've given you right now is one time one-on-one strategy sessions and one master class and a master class is different from a live training a live training is just a one time training right so it's one training right I do it on one day a master class can be a one-time training and it can also be a two-day Master Class a three-day master class four day event like it can be so it can go on and on right the next thing the next idea that I have for you is to bundle some passive offers let's say now this is when I thought of a scenario when you might already have a few offers sitting in your offer suit and you're not able to sell each one of them because you cannot talk about all of the offers at the same at the same time like you don't or maybe you don't have a strategy for how to sell each one of those offers differently like maybe you want to bring in some cash injection from all of the offers that are sitting in your offer suit right so you can bundle some of these passive offers passive offer means where there's no need for a one-on-one interaction so once you've sold it it's just you don't have to do anything on it people have got access to it and they are getting value without needing you right so it can be a course it can be a master class that you did before but you have a replay replay of that master class and you can provide that it can also be um a live training that you did before a live group program let's say that you did before that you can now sell it as a course in a course format right so let's say you have a few things that you've already done before you can bundle them up together and then you can sell this on a sale but only for a limited time obviously we want to add scarcity to it but make sure that you have a reason for it the mistake that people make is like okay I'm coming up with an a sale right now and then people are like okay she she keeps on doing sales again and again I I'll just wait for a sale when when she's going to do next right you don't want to give that impression which is why you want to have a reason for when you are doing ACL right so when you are doing a sale think of maybe there's a birthday coming up or maybe your wedding your wedding day is coming up or maybe let's say there's a there are some holidays coming up or Black Friday right Black Friday just went um or maybe Christmas right so I don't know if people do things on Christmas but there are no rules right so what you can do is you can just bundle up a few offers and notice that I'm not saying that you are going to Discount your offer we are not providing discount we are just giving them an option to get more offers at the same time which is why they're getting a better deal right I'm not saying that if you have one offer you'll just discount it put it on sale on one we are not doing that we are not discounting our offers right what I am saying is that you are giving them just an opportunity if they want to buy more than one thing at a point right they can get a better deal than actually buying all of those right so bundling together offers um the third option that I have for you is let's say you have an offer that you want to increase sales for right maybe it's maybe you're not making sales for that offer or let's say you want to just increase sales for this offer for some reason what you can do is you'll do a challenge or a challenge or any kind of an event that is happening inside the program so everyone who has access to this offer already everyone who is inside this offer already will get access to this challenge or to this event already okay you they don't have to pay you to get access to this but you'll make this challenge or this event public okay just this part of the offer so this this challenge or this event is happening inside the program but you are making just this part this challenge or this event you're just making this thing public for anyone to join right so let's say this will this is actually especially helpful for a high ticket offer so let's say you have a thousand dollar offer you can do a challenge let's say so just giving you an example let's say I have and this is a very good idea I was thinking of doing this today right so I have the clients accelerator right it's a high ticket offer it's available in at nine fifty dollars right and that is all about helping you get clients consistently from your business right so once you've gotten inside the program it's a three month program you get access to every single thing that you have we do uh we do a launch together while we are together for the three months and then you know all of the strategies that you can use again and again repeatedly to get consistent clients every single month right so that is the whole the clients accelerator program but what I can do I'm just giving you an example to come up to understand this concept easily right so what I can do is let's say I do a challenge of let's say I'll do a challenge of get four clients in one month right get four clients in one month challenge and I I'm doing this challenge inside the program but I'll make this part of the challenge Justice Just this challenge public okay so what I'll say is get for um get four clients in a month or get four clients in 30 days that sounds better right get four clients in 30 days challenge this is happening inside TCA but I'm making this public right and because the offer is 950 but people only need to pay let's say 47 right so it's a huge relatively lower price that people have to pay just to get access to one part of this offer now if you look at the topic the value that I'm going to provide in this challenge just think of it for forty seven dollars four signs four sign ups for your program it can be a high ticket offer for you as well but you are getting four clients in one month and you're learning the skill for your lifetime this is a huge deal right so what when people join this program what I want you to do is the um what I can say yeah so the thing here is that everyone who joins here will get so much value you would provide so much mind-blowing value inside this challenge or inside this event that people are left wanting more and they are like okay I want to join the Full Spectrum Program right so what you're doing is that while you sell this program you'd say that this 47 will be used as a credit towards your big offer right so this 47 will be used as a credit towards TCA when you choose whenever you choose to join TCA right and you would give them let's say a 47 [Music] um discount coupon code right so whenever they join they just get uh 47 off to TCA so they actually join at the same price if they would have joined when if they would have joined earlier because other people who were inside TCA are your big offer I'm just giving my example right so everyone who joined before are getting it at the same price right so we don't want to rip them off right we want we are just giving them an access to one thing we are giving them one um huge benefit or a huge um value part at this point and then if they are ready to move on to the next level they have access to they can join at the same price as previously right so if that makes sense so this is like the easiest way to get more people in because we know that there would be a lot of people who would have has it who would be hesitant to join a much larger program I actually have and I wanted to create um I wanted to create a post on this and I will do that tomorrow maybe um I sold I've just I've used this same thing for my story sales program right story sales has one more program which is called SSC and this program was at a much lower rate than the story sales program right and there were many people who actually joined SSC and then they jumped into story sales but they don't only jumped into story sales people joined all the things that I had so a 47 offer has actually gotten me an extra almost like three thousand dollars Revenue because they joined that 47 offer SSC I'm talking about SSC right so this is like this is huge people want that trust factor and people want to see how it is to to be in your program when they get a taste of it people are like I want more now not everyone will do that and when I did uh when I did provide SSC I wasn't expecting that but this is a very good strategy to get more people inside your program and to also this this is like um this is like you're giving and you are also getting you're doing this to just help out a lot of people because the challenge or the event that you'll do will be actually at a lower rate but the value would be insane so you are actually doing a huge generosity for your audience right for everyone who is joining but it's also if they want more there's a well there's something available right so this is amazing okay the next thing uh this is a good idea um let's call it a challenge or event inside the program that's also available public um the fourth idea that I have for you is you can sell so let's say you're doing you're creating a lot of offers let's say you're very creative right and you're trading a lot of offers and um let me see just just okay let's say you know that you are going to create a lot of offers in the future and your audience actually knows that you create a lot of offers and they are like I want to join all of them right what you can do is you can sell future offers in advance in a bundle so you'll be actually getting paid for future offers and it would be a huge steal so for example I'll just give one example and that is like let's say for all of my next six months of offers you'll just be paying thousand dollars and that is a huge steal right because these offers might be at 300 400 prices for each month and I'm doing that each month it's a thousand dollar for six offers let's say is a huge steer right so everything that I'm going to sell in the next six months this will only work when you are doing um when your audience is really hot and they are like I want to join every single thing that you that you are creating right and I'll tell you later on because um I forgot to mention in the beginning that I'm going to um I'm going to tell you every single thing that's happening in my business right now so what offers are going on right now in the end that I have all of the offers that I have running right now and if it shires with you you can join so in the end I'll actually tell you um what was I saying I lost my train of thoughts okay so in the end I was actually I I will actually tell you one of the offers that will help you create this kind of like this kind of vibe where people are like I want to join every single thing that you that you create and that yourself right so you can create that kind of thing um okay so this is one more thing that you can do it's like if you know that you are going to create a lot of the offers in the coming months then you can actually sell them in the future this is like getting paid for something that you haven't even created yet and people are like paying right now to get inside that and you can also create a payment plan for giving them this offer right the last one the fifth offer idea that I have for you is to create this is this is not an offer idea this is just a quick cash injection idea especially when especially when you see low sales are coming in right so let's say you can create an extended payment plan especially when you're feeling like people aren't joining because of the price maybe let's say you have a very high end price right so you can create an extended payment plan so for example your off your offer is just a six month offer right and you already have a payment plan which is for six months so the total price divided by six that's all they have to pay right but you can also create an extended payment plan extended payment plan means even after the offer ends they will be paying which means for every month uh the price gets lower right so instead of paying let's say thousand dollars they would be only paying ninety seven dollars per month right instead of for six months they would be paying for eight months just divide it by the total price and you'll get the number but this is when this is easy for people to understand the value as well so for example when you have that lower confidence and you are like people are just not joining because of the price you can actually just go out and say you can join now for only 97 per month and that makes you feel better that makes you feel confident and that also makes your audience feel better right so this is amazing way and you can also use this especially when uh you're launching so let's say you're launching right this is your lunch your launch period is going on seven days of launch period right start date and date seven days and in the middle there there will be a slump there will be like no one is joining at this point you can add a bonus I'm I'm sharing something that um I didn't uh plan to share okay yeah you can share a bonus at this point or if you don't have a bonus that you already have created you could also share an extended payment plan at this point and be everyone who was like okay I cannot afford this would be able to somehow afford it because it's at a lower price for a month right now right so this is amazing also one more thing that I want to add just got into my mind is that all of these ideas especially the ideas that give you offer ideas right how to create offers quickly and then sell it quickly it's like you just need one hour to come up with ideas that I'll just bundle this up or I just create a strategy session for this one for this topic that I haven't talked about yet let's say write anything so all of these ideas that are especially about the offer ideas you can use these as bonuses for other offers when you are launching right so let's say you are doing a launch for an offer but it's that mid middle slump right and you are like okay I need an I need a bonus but I don't know what right and what you can do is like say you have two popular offers you can bundle them together and you would be like I will be providing this bundle to all of the people who join now and remember that when you provide something in the middle of a launch or in the end of a launch and that's a bonus that should also be available to the Early Bird buyers so everyone who joined before that should also get access to every single bonus that you announce later on as well because we want to we don't want um how can I explain everyone who joined before and or earlier these are your VIP people they don't want to be left out on anything because they didn't wait to join people who actually waited to join will be left out on a few things which is why we also have the early bird bonuses and all of those things right so the people who are joining in the end they they waited to join which is why they can be left out on a few things on a few bonuses or on the extended payment plans as well but not the early bird buyers not the early buyers okay okay that's good so all of these ideas that I shared today these all of these are amazing and you can use this so in so many places I actually have a running list of all of the Quick Cash injection ideas and you can actually create your own Quick Cash injection ideas for yourself put it in your notes app but the thing is these Quick Cash injections will only work when your audience is already hot and ready to buy from you because if you do a flash sale so for example in the beginning I shared my own story about how I created an ebook and people didn't buy I did a flash sale but I was like okay I just I just need an audience and I just need to do a flash sale and that's it but that is not the thing you actually need the hot audience I didn't have a hot audience at that point people weren't waiting to buy from me you want that people are waiting to buy from you before you do all of these things yes you can do this and you can see whether or not this worked for you that if if it works very good amazing congratulations because you have a hot audience but if it doesn't work for you it means that your audience either doesn't trust you or either doesn't see you as an authority okay and you want to make sure that your audience actually sees you as an authority actually trusts you right this is something that I shared in my post today as well and Authority they seeing you as an authority is the first step towards sales you might have attention of so many people and you might have seen so many people who have like 10 000 followers and they are getting like thousands and thousands of likes and comments and engagement all of those things but are they making sales do they have that that Authority or are Their audience just their friends like they just think of them as friends right are these people actually influencers or are they in the friend zone With Their audience this is the foundation like building authority is the foundation people think that yes yes you need an audience yes you need uh the trust but you also need Authority because if people people don't see you as an authority you might have all of the skills the sales skills the um author you might have the sales skills you might also have the all of the engagement all of the followers people are loving you I have been there I have been there that is why I'm sharing this I had so many comments from people if you've been in a lot of my lives you would know I share about this story as well a lot of the times so my audience actually loved me they wanted every single thing that I was sharing and people were actually inside my DMs every single day telling me I share I used that strategy I got these results people are sharing their their screenshots of this is the result that I got but people weren't buying from me which is why I made it a point and I made it a point that I have to learn Authority because that is what I was lacking I had every single skill I had every single skill but I didn't know how to build Authority which is why now I have like literally gone through so many things and I'm like I I've perfected every single thing about mindset about the strategy Authority needs both of these things what kind of mindset do you need what kind of strategy do you need in order to not only show up as an authority but to also make sure that your audience sees you as an authority it's not enough to just have all of the skills to know every single thing about your Niche to be the expert right I'm saying this it's not just enough to be the expert but it's also important that your audience sees you as the expert and there is a better way to do that if you've watched my other training that I've done on this Facebook uh group itself you would know that I talked about inner and outer Authority okay and you can watch that previous training now as well I was talking about the in demand Authority sorry in demand brand that you need to be creating and you if you've watched that you would know that how important inner and outer Authority both of these parts are in order to build an in-demand brand if you want your people to like be really like okay I want to join every single thing that you want that you are creating you need to have inner and outdoor Authority and this is what I'm going to be teaching inside my upcoming brand new masterclass Authority the name of this brand new masterclass is Authority itself because it's all about Authority and it's a two-day event so it will be a two-part masterclass uh we will be talking about inner Authority and outer Authority mindset and strategy both of these things and I talked about this on my stories today and I've got a few people asking for it but I still have to DM back to them I still have to reply back to them so here's the thing this is for you if you know you are really good at your Niche you know that you know your skills you know every single thing about your nation you have that confidence maybe let's say you have that confidence but you feel like there's something missing in your marketing or maybe it's just that you know that you are good but it's just that your audience isn't able to see how good you are does that make sense so you know that you are good at your Niche but your audience doesn't see how good you are yet and we want to make that happen through Authority right Authority is what will make that happen how do you show to your audience that you are an authority without ending up in your in a friend zone because most people when they are like okay I need to build Authority they just come up with so many how to type content and people just end up in the friend zone that is what I did that that is the mistake that I made in the beginning which is why I was in the friend zone and I'm talking about the part that I was talking about in the beginning when I was in the friend zone no one was buying from me that was because I was creating a lot of how-to content and I had actually I had actually taught my audience I have actually I had actually trained my audience to just look out for how to content or to just look out for freebies because that is what I was providing right so there is a better way there is a better way to position yourself as an authority rather than just sharing the how to content or rather than just sharing the tips content that because when you do that it just takes you into the friend zone okay so this Authority Mastermind it is a two-part training as of now but I have a lot of things to say about this because this is not this is not a one and done training this is this is like there are so many things that I have to say about this which is why it might also end up being a four-part training right but currently it's it's in a pre-pre-sale um I don't know how I can comment over here but currently it's in a pre-pre-sale and this is the lowest it's ever going to be I'm going to put the price of the program right now in the in the comments just did that I'm going to put the price so I put the price in the in the comments right now that is the current price for the pre-presale it's the lowest it's ever going to be but this is insane right now this I don't even know like I have created so many master classes so far and this one is going to be epic this one is going to be epic right another thing that I would actually invite you to join that is available inside my offer suit right now is the story sales program if you are like I want to bring in sales every single week from my stories when I put something on stories and people are like buying I want that that is available through story sales okay so this is where I teach you how to sell on stories that brings in sales every single week if not daily and this this program has the highest Roi because if you sell even just one spot of one of your offers there's your money back in in fact more than your money back depending on what price point you're offer you are selling at but most probably you would be selling more than this price right so okay Authority Master ah just a minute did I yeah okay Authority master class that's available right now for pre-pre-sale but it's only available for the next um I I don't know like Trail one and a half day okay and story sales it's still it's available okay so you can just DM me Authority if you want to join the authority master class right now and you can DM me sales if you want to join the if you want the link to join story sales right now but that's it but right now what I wanted to do was to just give you every single thing that you needed to create offer quickly and then just start selling to bring in some quick cash injections so that you are like this is how yeah like you can increase your the Baseline of your monthly income right this is amazing let me know how it goes for you if you are watching the replay you can still uh put the hashtag replay to just let me know that you watched the replay that is it this is this was good I am I'll see you next time bye

2022-12-17 16:20

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