How to Build a Website for Your Small Business: From Scratch (no experience needed)

How to Build a Website for Your Small Business: From Scratch (no experience needed)

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starting your own business is exciting but  scary at the same time there are so many   things to consider one of which is building  a website which most business owners find a   daunting exercise but let me tell you a secret it  doesn't have to be how do I know I built my first   website 20 years ago yes I'm that old and many  more since mostly for small business owners and   I can tell you that building a website today  is easier than it's ever been before learning   to code is no longer necessary you can design  a professional looking website yourself with   no prior experience in a weekend using drag  and drop technology which is now available   on most website Builders but before blocking  the next available slot in your calendar so   you can create an eye-catching website for your  business there are many steps you must consider   if you want to make it effective and attract  as many customers as possible which ultimately   should be the main goal of your website in today's  video you're going to learn what it takes to build   a professional looking website for your small  business from scratch without breaking the bank   that also drives customers through your doors  so your business can grow so let's get cracking   before I go through the essential steps you  need to take to build a website you might   wonder if you really need one in the first  place after all posting content regularly on   social media platforms used by millions should  be enough to promote your business and get new   customers right not to mention it's also free  even local butchers nowadays have a Facebook   page an Instagram account a Twitter account and  in some instances even a tick tock account so   surely it must be an effective online strategy  and building a website may seem like a waste of   time and money but while social media platforms  are helpful it is estimated that Google handles   5.6 billion searches every day half of which  according to are from people searching   for a local business so if you don't want to miss  out on a ton of prospective customers I strongly   suggest you build a website if you want your  small business to be found by local Searchers   on Google although this is by far the strongest  reason why you should build a website it's not   the only one most people today expect businesses  of any size to have a website once again according   to 97 of consumers check a company's  online presence before visiting them not having   a website is likely to negatively impact your  reputation and prevent searches from getting   in touch with you also unlike social media your  website is a platform where you can integrate   features such as email capture online chat a Blog  and much more all of which you're likely to use as   your business expends there are plenty of other  reasons why building a website for your business   is important but these should be more than enough  to convince you so what should you do next foreign the very first thing I would advise you to do  when building your website is to Define your   branding this could be the topic of an entire  video in itself if we were building a website   for a huge brand but for today's video we're going  to keep things simple for a small Business website   I recommend you define three fundamental branding  elements they are your preferred colors your logo   and your fonts for consistency purposes it's  incredibly important to Define these from the   get-go think of this step as creating an ID card  for your business you're likely to use these   elements everywhere not only on your website but  also on your social media platforms your business   cards and so on the aim is to help customers  recognize who you are at a glance no matter   where they find you there are many platforms  out there where you can hire professionals to   do this for you fairly cheaply but if you're like  me you'll want to keep your costs to a minimum and   do as much as possible yourself using free tools  when it comes to choosing which colors to use   when building a website I go to a website called within seconds you can create palettes  

with perfect color combinations for your designs  all you need to do is to click on the start the   generator button and press the space bar on your  keyboard until you find a color palette you like   if you like a specific color from a palette you  can lock it and generate more combinations based   on that color if you already have a color in mind  you can set it and generate further palette on the   back of it once you're done you can download  your palette in a format of your choice so you   can always refer back to it whenever you create  anything design related for your business the   HTML code for each color will be embedded in the  file which will become super handy when building   your website you may already have a logo but  if you don't and want to design your own I   recommend you use canva is an online  graphic tool tool you can use to create posts   for your social media accounts business cards  presentations and also business logos they have   tons of out of the box free logos which you can  customize to fit your needs you can remove or add   elements and change the colors for example this  is when your color palette will come in handy   to check out click on the link in  the description below the last element to   Define is the font types you want to use for  your site there are thousands of options to   choose from but I recommend you keep it simple  I normally use some of the most popular fonts   such as Ariel or verdana which are available on  all website Builders and easily readable on the   web the trick here is not to work with too  many font types otherwise your design might   end up looking very amateurish I tend to go  for a combination of two to three font types   maximum whichever font types you decide to use  make sure they work well together for example   Ariel and vadana Ariel and Times New Roman and  Aerials and Georgia are all good combinations   obviously this is only a recommendation feel  free to choose whatever works well for you   once you've defined your branding it's  time to move on to the next step foreign this step is a very straightforward one all  you need to do is make a list of the services   or products that you offer this exercise will  help you define the blueprint or structure of   your website if you like just open an Excel or  Google spreadsheet and start listing what you   are offering let's say you're a dentist  for example and you offer the following   Services teeth whitening dental implant crown  and bridges emergency dentist dental checkup   and so on Beyond defining the structure of your  site it will also help you understand how many   pages you'll need to build for your website  each service will need its own page if you   want to maximize your chances of your business  being found on Google additionally you'll need   to create a home page of course an about this  page and a contact us page which is standard   on all website add these to your list as well  once you're done create a single tab for each of   your pages on your sheet and add the following  information to it name of the page title tag meta description and header one you might want to format  your layout to make things clear you're   all done before moving on I'd like to ask  you a favor if you like this video so far   please hit the like button as it helps my  channel grow and allows me to continue making   more videos so I can help you out further  thanks a lot let's move on to the next step   for your website to be found on Google you need  to figure out what Searchers are looking for and   match it with a content on your website the only  way to do this is by doing some keyword research   once again we're going to keep things simple and  free here using a Chrome extension head over to   the Google Chrome Web Store and search for an  extension called keyword server and install it   once you're done go to and search  for one of the products or Services you listed   in a previous exercise on your spreadsheet  let's go with teeth whitening but add the   location where your business is based let's say  our fictitious dentist is based in Las Vegas for   example and click on search keyword Surfer will  overlay the estimated monthly search volume for   this particular keyword along with a click value  for it if you were to run a Google ad campaign   on the right hand side of your screen you'll see  a table which contains keyword ideas based on   your search go through the list and start the ones  you think are relevant to your service or product   don't forget to start a keyword you searched for  by default the tool will search for keywords on   the US market you can change it using the drop  down menu next to the flag once you're happy   with your selection click on the clipboard option  at the top of the table and the three dots and   Export the file as a CSV open the file then copy  the keyword table on the tab of the page for which   you've done your keyword research replicate  the same process for all your pages special   note for your home page you should be targeting  the primary service you are known for which in   this case could be dentist Las Vegas or dental  practice Las Vegas don't worry too much about   doing keyword research for the about us page or  contact us it's not really necessary to optimize   these for search engines you've now defined your  business branding your website structure and   the keywords you should be targeting for each  page time to move on to the next step foreign content creation is a fairly easy exercise it is  likely the step that will take you the most time   you want to make sure your content is compelling  enough so visitors want to pick up the phone to do   business with you as opposed to your competitors  prospective customers are most likely to come   across your business for the first time through  Google search results Google search results are   a very tough environment as your business will be  listed side by side with most of your competitors   in order to stand out you'll need to craft a  title tag for your pages that Searchers want to   click on it's also a crucial element if you want  your business to rank in Google for those of you   who don't know the title tag of the page is an  HTML piece of code you add to your page which is   what shows in search engine results don't worry  you will not have to code anything all website   Builders have title tag field set as default  when you create your pages all you need to do   is locate the field and type the relevant title  for your page what is important to remember is   that there have to be between 50 to 70 characters  and must include your target keywords for example   something like Teeth Whitening Las Vegas 5 star  rated affordable prices would work well for our   teeth whitening page once you've decided on your  title tag add it to your spreadsheet and repeat   the same process for all other Pages the next  thing you'll need to work on to stand out in   Google is what is known as The Meta description  of your page this is also an HTML piece of code   which you can find as a default build in all  website Builders while the description of your   page will not help your page rank in Google it  is a chance for you to entire searches to click   through to your site the description of your  page should be no longer than 160 characters   otherwise it will be cut off in search results I  also recommend you include the keywords you are   targeting as they will get bolded when people  search for them for example something like this   would work well affordable teeth whitening in  Las Vegas remove years of staining and achieve   a whiter smile in just one appointment once  you've finished crafting your description add   it to your spreadsheet as well both your title  tag and The Meta description will not be visible   on the page itself they are just for the benefit  of search engines and to help your business rank   higher time to look at the actual content you  want to display on your page once viewers land   on it for efficiency purposes your pages should  ideally follow a very specific structure it should   start with the main heading also known as H1 to  which you can add a tagline for the main heading   I always recommend you include the keyword you  want your business to be fan for once more in   our example I would use something very similar to  the title tag and simply call it teeth whitening   in Las Vegas add this to your spreadsheet the  main content of your page will very much depend   on what you want to show your visitors there is  no hard and fast rules as such just make sure the   content is well structured and include subheadings  and well-crafted paragraphs the keyword research   result table should help you come up with ideas  take the time to add this to your spreadsheet in   detail for each page it will make your life so  much easier when it comes to building your site   here is a typical example of what I come up with  once this exercise is done remember your job is   to convince visitors you're the best possible  choice and to call you or email you if you're   not sure about what you can add to your pages  here are a few ideas that should help before and   after images videos customer testimonials FAQs  USBS pricing and so on last but not least make   sure each and every page also includes a call to  action such as call us now book an appointment or   something of that nature quite high up on the page  as I said this tip will be by far the longest one   for you to complete however it will save you a ton  of time when you start building your site and will   result in creating awesome pages that are search  engine friendly time to move on to our next step   hopefully you're all familiar with the term  domain name for those of you who are not a   domain name is a website address that people type  in an internet browser bar to access your website   while a lot of website Builders offer an option  to build a website for your business for free   they will not give you the choice of adding  your own domain to your site unless you pay   for it you'll be forced to use their own domain  name which very often will be very difficult to   remember like in this example imagine trying  to communicate this website address to your   customers having a recognizable domain name is  Central to the success of your business and a   must if you're serious about your credibility  long term thankfully getting your own domain   and adding it to your site these days is as cheap  as buying a coffee from Starbucks once a month so   you have no excuse if you're like most business  owners you've already thought of a name for your   business so your next step is to verify if  the matching domain name exists to find out   you can go to Dom and search for your  business name anything with a green tick will mean  

the domain is available as you can see prices are  very reasonable your next decision will be to pick   which domain extension is best should you go for a DOT Co dot UK or dot org or something else   since this video is about building a site for  a small business I would recommend you pick the   domain extension that matches your country so  if your business is based in the UK go for it   dot Co dot UK domain if you are based in the US  choose option FR if you are in France   and so on whenever possible you might also want  to purchase version of your domain to   prevent anyone else from buying it and pretend  they are you yes it happens you don't have to   buy your domain from by the way  there are many other domain name registration   websites out there including the website builder  platform themselves you should now have all the   elements you need to build your website which  is what we're going to look at next foreign there are two different methods you should  consider when building a website the first   one is to hire a professional website  designer who will do the job for you   based on the elements you've put together in  the previous chapters of this video there are   tons of options out there but expect to pay  a fair amount of money if your budget allows   this solution is a very viable one bearing in  mind that whenever you'll need to update your   site or add new pages to it in the future you'll  probably need to contact that person again to do   the work which will cost you every single time  the second method is a do-it-yourself approach   which can be split into two let's start with the  first one using Wordpress you've probably all   heard of Wordpress before or at least heard the  name being mentioned WordPress is an extremely   popular software specifically designed to build  websites it is so popular it allegedly Powers   43 of all websites on the internet it is also  likely that if you hire a professional designer   they will build your site using Wordpress I am a  great fan of Wordpress myself I have built many   websites using it including my own it is extremely  flexible and can cater for all your website needs   however there are some major drawbacks if you  are a complete newbie and decide to build your   website using WordPress the learning curve is very  Steep and it's unlikely you'll want to spend the   time that is necessary to understand how it  works also you must remember that WordPress   is just a software that enables the creation  of a website it must be installed first on a   hosting platform which you'll need to pay for  so you can publish your website on the internet   there is also a technical element which comes with  using Wordpress so when your website encounters   any issues in most cases it will be up to you to  fix them as a business owner the last thing you   want to do is waste time fixing your website  for those reasons although I think WordPress   is a great solution it is definitely not the most  suitable one if you want to build a website with   no prior experience instead I recommend you use  a website builder the two most popular website   builders on the market are Wix and Squarespace  they are extremely beginner friendly using drag   and drop technology and pre-designed templates  as well as intuitive navigation you'll have total   creative control to produce a professional  looking site for your business yourself in   minutes when using one of these website Builders  you won't have to worry about Website Maintenance   or technical errors as they are all handled by  the website Builders themselves your website   will automatically be optimized for mobile phone  displays with no additional work as well as fast   loading time despite being once upon a time  a heavily criticized for the lack of search   engine optimization capabilities it is no longer  the case John Mueller who is the webmaster Trend   analyst for Google recently confirmed that  a platform such as Wix has made fantastic   progress and is now a fine platform for businesses  website Builders are also very good value for   money and they are extremely affordable although  Squarespace and Wix are very similar I feel that   Wix is a better choice if you want to build  a website for your business especially if you   are a complete beginner the choice is obviously  yours but whichever method you decide to go for   I suggest you follow all the steps I have covered  in this video first it will make the process a lot   simpler and a lot faster if you decide to build a  website using Wix you can watch my my tutorial Wix   website tutorial for beginners 2022 step-by-step  instructions in which you'll be able to build your   very own website from beginning to end that's it  for today guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you   did remember to give it a thumbs up best of luck  to you all and until next time happy marketing

2022-08-31 20:46

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