How To Build A 7 Figure Online Business (With Scott Oldford)

How To Build A 7 Figure Online Business (With Scott Oldford)

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[Music] we've got a lot of understanding and relevancy already you already do a good job from a content strategy perspective just looking at your instagram and you already have the magnetizing personality i like the business model i like what you're selling it's something that a lot of people need reach out to gianna and and we'll get you in an expert session so you can teach my people it and we'll have you in the next couple of months super excited for you super excited to see what you create um you you are a super powerful individual you add all that together you'll have a seven-figure business next year so a couple of months ago i signed up for a one-on-one business mentorship with the legendary scott oldford if you don't know scott he was a million dollars in debt by the time he was 21 and in the seven years since then he's built nine seven plus figure businesses generated multiple eight figures helped his clients generate more than nine figures and has created over 100 million dollar business owners through his mentorship this guy's been featured everywhere entrepreneur inc forbes business insider success cbs abc nbc time and all this before his 29th birthday anyway i wanted scott to take a look at my business so i sent him over seven thousand dollars for two 40-minute phone calls as you'll find out the conversation only actually lasted about 35 minutes with an end cost of around 100 per minute only about 8 to 10 of those minutes were actual advice with the rest being questions so in reality i paid more like 350 dollars per minute for 10 minutes of advice i know i can hear your groans from here and you know what crazy thing it was easily worth it this one call actually paid itself off in full within 25 days listen i love investing big money in myself it's a huge confidence booster it's the best form of affirmation you're telling your subconscious mind you're worth it by me spending 3 500 for 10 minutes of advice i'm reinforcing to my brain that i believe in myself and that's a big reason why i love investing in self-development and mentorship even putting the lessons aside for a moment simply investing in yourself builds confidence so in this conversation scott will ask me questions for about 20 minutes and i reveal it all i'm taking you behind the curtain and showing you the grimy innards of the boss life habit hacker engine even let you hear my whole business plan how i plan to scale the seven figures and all the dirty little secrets seeing so transparently into a business like this is uncommon and for good reason good news for you is i'm not worried about anyone who wants to try to compete with me i have no competition i'm in a league of my own and so are you listen i don't compete i just win and if you have that mentality no one can stop you don't compete just win so anyway i hope you enjoy this rare opportunity to experience a 3 500 phone call a seven figure business strategy session with a guy who's done it over and over again and if you'd like details or have questions about anything you hear today just pop it down in the comments below and i'm happy to help however i can but before we get to that conversation roll that sexy b-roll i've been an obsessed student of self-development since 2007 and have traveled the world coaching purpose-driven high-performing men since 2013. entrepreneurs up to the multi-billion dollar level investors public speakers bankers doctors psychologists military this stuff works for them so i'm confident it will help you too so if you're the kind of person who's interested in building positive momentum or if you're even just curious this is the video for you now before we begin be sure to subscribe with notifications because i release two videos per week on how to live a boss life and of course if you're really passionate about becoming a legend in your own mind be sure to free quarantine domination blueprint or sign up for a free habit hacker mastermind consultation to go deeper on this topic links will be in the description box below what's up man hopefully this works my zooms hasn't been working this morning that well money might be fixed what's going on how are you man i can't see you can you see me yeah i can see you i won't i'm on my phone because i like walking around when i'm cool planning out strategies but cool how uh how's everything going man dude so awesome i'm so excited to chat to you thank you so much for this man it's uh it's been just an incredible year i really appreciate your your program early in the year gave me so much i mean there was so much in that i barely touched like five percent of it and it's just so valuable and why why why why don't we start with this why don't you tell me what's been going on this year and like with how things have been kind of progressing and yeah bring me bring me bring me through a little bit and then i'm just going to kind of ask you some questions and things that i'm curious about and then we'll get to what i think you should do thank you cool um so it was uh coming into this year last year i took some time away from clients client work because i needed to get really clear on who i was really serving and why and it culminated in this fantastic client a big client forty thousand dollars he spent and it was like the perfect kind of result of all the the work for me to demonstrate that i had found a better uh direction um and so that was we lived together for 40 days at the end of last year until early this year and on the back of that i saw that he was doing really well with a specific system that i gave him but had never shared really and from that amazing progress he made i realized this i've got to share i've got to turn this into something because it's basically like the foundations of anything that i before working with anyone these are the things i would want to share with every single client so it was like well rather than t tell this to every new person let me just put it into a course so that they can go through that and the recession proof um information helped me put together a lot of great stuff including an awesome lead magnet and this little course five day course based on your challenge uh format and well yeah from there i just launched it organically i don't have a huge list but um i've got i think 10 guys in there right now we got another one last night and they're essentially going through this they're using the system called the benjamin franklin method inside this mastermind so it's basically a bit a system for building habits consistency discipline self-trust um i always struggled with that i've been obsessed with self-development since i was 15 i'm 28 now but i could never get myself to do all the right habits for some reason and then i finally seemed to figure it out so it's kind of um that's my best attempt at describing it quickly and and so so what the people that are using this now like what's the program what's the offer talk me through and i'm going to get you to talk to you some things that are definitely in that intake form uh that i took a look at but yeah what what what uh how how have you been finding those people how have they been coming to you what's the execution look like for them okay walk me through that so about half of them uh i've sort of known from the past few years or have known me through posting on youtube or on facebook or instagram um and they those people sort of seem to filter through occasionally not with a whole lot of predictability but they are there there is some people who have been following me for some time who convert later and i didn't know they were watching um the other half was from sort of networking virtually in these video chat groups or men's circles things like that and that seems to be the highest conversion for me um is like just talking to people but right got it got it and and what's been the what's been the offer like outside of this client that you had last year into this year what's been the offer that that's kind of worked and how have you felt about it okay so the offer is essentially it's two part it's the course the benjamin franklin method five days of video uh i started that at a hundred dollars just to get um just to get people to to say yes you know i've read through this book finished your book it's amazing so so readable i couldn't put it down really um and i remember reading in there yeah it was fantastic i remember reading in there that a lot of people make this mistake that i that i did by starting low and trying to work my way up but basically that's what i've been doing um now the course is 500 and the the membership monthly is 250 per month so far i've been raising it by 50 every three people who join my intention there was to try to reward the people who join early with like a better long-term price as i continue to evolve the service and also to test out and see where i start to get price resistance so so far no price resistance but i'm not really sure where that number is yet um and what do they get in the membership the membership they get a community uh where we meet on telegram we have the threads on telegram where we communicate and we meet twice per week three times if they joined within a certain period they get some bonus a bonus call um the two the two official calls one of them is a structured accountability call where we use the tracking sheet this standardized tracking sheet to dem to show each other basically what we've been doing or not doing as far as our habits towards our goals i'm not sure if you saw the that little graphic in my intake form so we all have one of those and we we check in with that once per week and then throughout the week got it okay okay and and is your intention to grow what part of the business is it the one do you want to grow the most right now in the next six months the monthly recurring revenue i'd love to get get more people um you know 30 to 50 people in in this community and and let it kind of take its like grow its own legs that would be my goal okay um and then um the audience that so it's a majority of the people have come from a men's group like what kind of men is this local men's group is this online what does that look like that one the men's group that was in it was a local one in medellin there's a lot of entrepreneurs down there and i was in columbia last year and i connected with a lot of those guys and then when corona hit they were doing it virtually so i connected with it with those guys once per week and and naturally people started to hit me up and then sort of filter through to the mastermind so yeah our recent strategy our thinking recently was maybe i should join a bunch of paid groups and start to network like crazy but um i we had this call coming up so i wanted to definitely get your take on that before we went in and do you have any higher ticket offer besides the membership monthly recurring um one-to-one coaching i guess it's not super it's probably could be a lot more defined as far as my packages but um i don't have a a whole lot in between the the recurring monthly and the one-to-one which is not ideal and how much is your one-on-one well the last time you've been charging the last guy paid a thousand dollars per day so he paid 40 grand for 40 days one to one living together okay okay um what you feel is your biggest like what do you feel is the biggest things that are missing in the business in order to be able to grow aka why are you here yeah i think that i think audience size leads um i have a great former client who is volunteering basically as my operations guy right now and he's just doing incredible amount just for free just to help me grow with the intention of obviously once we hit a certain point he'll get a a job and so i have a pretty decent and also people within the mastermind are are helping me now to start to run calls and and to manage things they really want to help grow there's a lot of love in the community and kind of a desire to help so if i can just get more leads i can surely get more people to join us and love it and then from that monthly recurring revenue i can reasonably start to hire and delegate certain things as well as investing in some paid strategies okay okay if you were to do something that was higher ticket what would it be that's in between that and one-on-one uh in the groups or or [Music] one-to-one either what what would what would what would a middle of the offer kind of look like for you like what would be interesting i think it would be more a little bit more personalized coaching um i'm trying so far the the culture that i'm building in habit hacker mastermind is is one that can eventually exist without me at least not having to be there all the time like on every call um and so it's a lot about like asking questions and kind of creating a culture that they can sign on to that's encouraging and positive so that can self-sustain a more higher end package would be more of me giving my uh me coaching essentially um and it would depend on the so the two the other mastermind that i'm not talking about because i'm not sure how to scale this moment is the vlog mastermind we're calling it for now which is basically these guys went through a another course that i threw together this year which is about how to basically present yourself on camera but not for the intention of presentation more for self-trust and self-expression uh development and kind of creating a closer relationship with yourself actually through using vlogging as a self-development tool and mirror and so that those guys love that the guys who are in there it was just a bonus i gifted them to test it out as an offer and they love it so that could be certainly a higher ticket sort of mastermind call analysis type thing where they shoot these vlogs they go through the vlog course they take the principles out of there try to embody them on camera um regularly and then we come in once a week and i will give feedback and and guide them show them what they're doing or not doing and what they're not seeing etc so self-expression is kind of the vlog stuff and then self-trust is the habit stuff and those are kind of the foundational uh i don't know directions or or those are the foundational things that i would start with every client i would talk to them about the importance of those things because they've been massively valuable to me so and do you feel like the productivity like that side you know do you feel like you have a methodology there and like you have the ability to bring someone through that methodology before they're paying you and like that type of thing before they're paying me uh i'm sorry i'm not sure i understand as far as so yeah so do you feel like that is like like how i have the roi method do you have your do you have your productivity methodology is that something that could be like positioned in that way where somebody could kind of go through and understand it before working with you absolutely okay yep yep and it's it's pretty much working we have the course built everyone who's gone through it who is qualified is crushing it using it there's only maybe two people who haven't and one of them only joined just to get access to me and not really for the habits um so it's it's decent the production quality is rough but the content is is amazing i plan to do a reshoot sometime in the next month or two okay um can you tell me a little bit more about who the perfect person is for this i gotta you know i i've got a pretty good idea in my mind but i want the verbal version sure sure um so i think that there's probably two filters here the first one that i they think of the the first filter is just you know ambitious high performers people who who want to know what they're capable of and want to manifest that through execution in front of their eyes like they they they have nightmares of not being able to reach their potential that's like the first filter anyone who wants to basically apply you know like self-development i know you've been around for a long time been following your stuff for years so like there's all these things that people have to do regularly to be to be successful in whatever self-development pursuit and often the problem is just getting ourselves to do it and so this the benjamin franklin method is like the the turning point where it's like how to shift into that positive state of legendary momentum ongoing into the future and not falling off all the time and then beating yourself up so that's like so many different types of high performers in my in my eyes i see it like that now the next step getting to the habit hacker mastermind the community that is going to be like a limited amount of people at least for the foreseeable future and so the extra filter that i've noticed all the guys inside the mastermind apply under is they all want to make a big difference in the world like they all want to they all want to their their purpose is impact and like one guy is a nurse a former nurse he's trying to help like uh healthcare professionals um and fix sort of the the problems within the medical industry we've got another guy who's a former professional humanitarian who like was in charge of millions of dollars of of aid and tracking this 150 person team through iraq and syria and now he's trying to basically solve world hunger and environmental issues at the same time like he's in school for it um another guy's trying to trying to help the mental health uh space that's actually the guy who who spent uh all the money with me earlier this year so i noticed that pattern these guys want to make a big difference that's me too i know i noticed in your book you said that you want to move human consciousness forward and i feel i resonated so deeply with that and and i feel exactly the same way so i think these guys also qualify under that category too got it okay and have you have you been doing like being on other people's podcasts and and like doing partnership stuff at all or not so much not so much i had a couple of podcast uh reach outs which i have scheduled over the next couple of weeks um i reached out to one or two people about the partner ship idea they said they were potentially interested whenever it was sort of ready um i was just testing the waters at that time so i'm not entirely sure how to approach that but and are you selling your product are you selling the mastermind as like a monthly fee or like are you doing like three or six or 12 months up front right now it's monthly uh monthly fee okay what's your ideal price for it um what's what's the price that you're trying to work it up to well i think that we could definitely right now it's worth 400 to 600 a month i think easily like for the right person obviously who's already got some level of income coming in and has a way to make that back um i think it could be i don't really know but i think it could probably go up to a thousand maybe beyond that but i don't see the road past that at this point i see the road to 600 per month at this moment okay what's your what's your goal by the end of december revenue-wise and like the amount of reoccurring revenue end of december the floor goal would be 15 people uh which i'm sure i'm sure we can hit but the the real awesome goal would be 30 members which would be about 10k per month all right i mean you know here's what i here's what i kind of see there which is one is like you can write this down so i mean this is this is the way i would be looking at it is um you know first off from a relevancy perspective i think you've got a lot of understanding of relevancy already um if you haven't already i'd kind of go through back through all the relevancy exercises and maybe just make sure that that's kind of locked down the way that you know feels good for you um the second thing you know i think i think from a business model perspective um any business that's going to rely on reoccurring growth for uh recurring revenue for growth is going to grow a lot slower so in your case you got you know two core choices um one is really start pushing up front payments of like a year and maybe they get like you know something extra if they do that right maybe it's a phone call with you or a couple phone calls with you or something like that um and so that's one or number two is you know people that are kind of qualified and want to do it for you to do some level or maybe like semi one-on-one you know coaching where you know they maybe they get two calls a month plus texting with you directly plus the mastermind right um because you know right now your biggest your biggest hurdle is getting your amount of money in the bank up so you can start spending money on you know a funnel and building a funnel and doing it in a place where it actually makes sense to do like a funnel with paid advertising okay so that's what i you know that's the second thing is a business from a business model perspective recurring revenue businesses are amazing amazing businesses um but they're really hard to grow unless you have money in the bank or you use you know external refinancing got it okay so that's that's two um three i would build a funnel around your very simple funnel around your methodology that goes into that you know hundred dollar course uh i would actually keep it a hundred dollars and not five and not make it 500 i would maybe rename it to be a workshop versus a course and allow that to be the entry point into your world okay uh because it an expense of course like think about it this way which is like you know a 500 course is 50 times more difficult to sell than a 95 course wow and in in the person who buys a 95 course is more than likely just as likely to buy your mastermind but you're able to get far more people and we want more people in your world that are like seeing this and being like oh wow that actually really works that's really interesting i really want this oh you know what i want to be around the community right so that's the third thing i would i would tell you um the fourth thing i would say is podcasts and partnerships would be my number one i mean you already do a good job from a content strategy perspective just looking at your instagram and and and and that stuff like you're already kind of like you already have the magnetizing personality thank you um so so so the the thing we just have to do is we got to introduce you to more people and there's really two ways to do that which is partnerships podcasts and you know getting people to um say you know come train my group of people or my mastermind or my whatever on this methodology uh or or paid advertising right now you don't have enough money in order for paid advertising to really make sense so what i would do is i would go you know really on a podcast circuit slash you know influencers slash people that have program group programs and say hey listen i'll come and do a 90-minute training on how to implement this no strings attached i'm not trying to you know i'm looking to hard pitch hard sell and then you know back in 2016 i'd made 3 million dollars 2 million was made for doing that wow yeah so like most of my money and i did a lot of them right i was doing a lot of webinars a lot of podcasts and it worked right um and so so so that would be you know my fourth thing would be you know or i don't know if we're at fourth or fifth right now but that would be my my next thing and of course like if there's if there's man groups or there's groups of people that are a good fit for this 100 absolutely go hard on networking i mean the biggest thing that you have right now that you have in advance you have a methodology you have a product you have an offer it's validated um you just need to have it in front of more people you don't really have enough money to go on facebook ads i'd want you to have at least 20 grand in the bank in order to do facebook ads but that gap wouldn't take very long to be able to fill if you're able to get in 10 new people and they all pay up front right and so i think that your biggest you know path to growth is selling somebody in for a year saying hey listen you know this is the month-by-month option is absolutely there but if you want to come in you're going to save x number of dollars plus you get a one-on-one call with me and i've just found that what you commit when you're when you're ready to do something you've got to go all in you can't be kind of half it right um and then you know from there um once you get that 20k plus in the bank i would then start running facebook ads to that lead magnet that leads to that workshop you're going to be able to subsidize some of the cost of your uh advertising which is going to allow you to spend more money than you you know let's say that you know you make 80 back on every dollar you spend well now you can spend five times more money right yeah um and and and so now you're you know like for right now i'm spent i spent 170 000 on advertising last month i made back 140 i made back 140 000 up front so i only only only spent 30 grand wow right i spent 30 grand but i got 170 000 and you know we i generated like you know 15 000 new leads and 7 000 book sales well um on top of like a bunch of omni presents and stuff right and so and you know again like this month it'll probably be a quarter of a million and i'm just going to keep on kind of scaling that uh until it breaks right and and and that's going to allow me to have an amazing 2021 right and and so um so that would be like kind of the last step of that and with those pieces in place like there's nothing structurally wrong with the business i like the business model i like what you're selling it's something that a lot of people need uh especially when you're selling you're helping somebody go from willful consciousness to willful intellectual consciousness and there's there's most people that are in business uh or you know that are looking to like have impact and that sort of thing are in intellectual willful consciousness so you're selling something that makes sense for the level of consciousness that you're going to um and yeah so i i i really i like that aspect of the business and i'll be honest with you man now like that's it after that there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing else like you know you just do those things and you're just gonna do those things on repeat you keep on putting the content that you're that you have out there i can't remember if you're doing an email list or not but i think email list is an important thing to start doing maybe not today but you know within the next couple of months um and send me to that you know three plus times a week um and outside of that man i mean like that's as simple as the plan needs to be it doesn't need to be any more complicated than that and if you can push most people like i know the reoccurring revenue is good but because your expenses are pretty low it's better to have that money in the bank and out of being out of thinking about it each month and then being able to reinvest that because if we can spend you know if you can spend 20 000 on facebook ads and generate you know let's call it you know 6 000 new leads even right that's going to change your life right that's going to change the whole business then if you add in you know you're doing 50 podcasts and 30 partnerships and you're going to 20 mastermind groups and showing them this strategy you add all that together you'll have a seven figure business next year whoo i love it that's it man um i i appreciate this so much i hate to interrupt you i just can ask a couple quick questions on what you just said you go right in thank you um first of all do you have some uh content on partnerships that i should look up somewhere else or is that an roi or somewhere yes it is there's an actual full training on it okay you can go and do that one um as far as organic strategies how how do you think how can i best network in some of these groups without being sneaky like is there any way that i can get ex implicit or explicit permission basically i'm trying to ask like how would it have to happen in your one of your groups for where you'd be grateful that person was there not pissed that they're like trying to sneak sneakily grab clients out of there because that's been my resistance towards jumping in and going hard i think you just gotta let go of caring about that all right if you're if you show up and you're just adding value no one's gonna care that's it reach out to gianna and and we'll get you in a in an expert session so you can teach my people it um just reach out to her and tell her that i mentioned that and we'll have you in the next couple of months wow thank you that's incredible is that sort of what i should do just post valuable stuff and don't worry keep it simple like that and if somebody if somebody doesn't like it they'll tell you all right beautiful man that's all i got for you man i i literally that's that's it i mean of course i'm here to ask answer any questions um but uh man that that that is that is that is the plan wow um i'm curious i appreciate it so i'm not gonna yeah i'm gonna do exactly that mike now i'd like to know since i have a couple of minutes how can i be a once-in-a-lifetime like dream client for you how can i make an awesome testimonial for you or what makes that for you so that you're like yes this this client just you know proved or or did something awesome for me too scott um just do it man just just execute on the plan then don't don't even think about it don't even think about that you don't need to think about that okay like it's you you know i i'm not i'm not i don't you know i don't care about using you as some testimonial case study i just want you to go out and have fun and do what you're supposed to do here and if if that's if that's the case everything else will take care of itself it's really that's like that's the truth wow i'm not trying to get together i'm not trying to get case studies it's just like i know i know i'm [ __ ] amazing yeah uh i know i'm real good at what i do right i do not that that that's not what why i do what i do at the current moment so you just go out and do your thing and the case study will come if it's supposed to and it always will right so you know yeah man just go and go and have fun some fun help some people help some people make the impact that they really want to make absolutely absolutely okay can i ask one final question here absolutely i'd love to know if your what does your intuition tell you as far as where what kind of groups i might look at ideally to uh to network inside of man i gotta tell you i'll be honestly i'm so out of touch with reality that i wouldn't be able to tell you all right yeah like i i really like every group i know is 50 grand a year um right right like i'm out i'm out of touch it's one one issue with with without you know being successful or having financial success is you start to lose touch with uh money in like things and i mean by god i just i just i just you know i just sent a hundred thousand dollars to my tax planning people i have a bookkeeper two accountants and now i have an entire set of tax returns i spent more money on tax attorneys than i [ __ ] i paid in taxes for four years and it combined back in 2014 to 27 or 20 august 2014 to 2017. um so like yeah money is like um because of a lot of groups i just like i don't spend any time doing that so i'd love to i'd love to be able to tell you something i got nothing for you and nothing for you i am useless on that one i am financially i am in [ __ ] la la land is is is like the truth like i don't i don't know what anything costs anymore every time i see something i'm like shouldn't that be more money um so i live in a real strange reality from that perspective and um also like even the groups that i'm around i don't pay any money to be in so i wouldn't even i wouldn't even know yeah a few things i can give i can't give advice on that's like literally not one of them so i think i think i think you just kind of got to be like you know open to knowing what what what what feels what feels good to you when it comes to that got it and and just you know kind of putting out that intention of i'm ready to be helpful in in in you know groups that are out there and that's really it man this is awesome man i've been so looking forward to this all year now i have some clarity i really really deeply appreciate this and also everything that you do and put out as well it's really it's it's like hits me on a spiritual level what you're saying oftentimes and i can feel that you are moving human consciousness and evolution forward so thank you for for setting that example and for you know helping lead the way uh for myself and others well thank you thank you i appreciate that i just wake up every morning and keep on keep on allowing for the universe to move through me and um it keeps on and just continues to get better and better because of it the best advice i can tell anybody is just you know give up control and let let let things flow and life somehow continually gets better because of it so um with that said uh super excited for you super excited to see what you create um you you are a super powerful individual and uh don't forget that thank you and go and um never be afraid of helping someone if someone doesn't need your help then [ __ ] him uh listen i got kicked out of mastermind groups five six years ago because i was being helpful didn't let stop me well didn't let it stop me look at you now look at me i'm making a hell of a lot more money than the person that kicked me out of that mastermind i can guarantee that so you know cool man you're a legend thank you so much have a great rest of your day enjoy the chaos best to your wife and speak soon all right talk to you soon bye thank you mr alex walton you've got it for me [Music] [Music] it

2020-12-25 14:23

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