How This Student Made $1.5 Million in 6 Months!

How This Student Made $1.5 Million in 6 Months!

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look at all the percent gainers well first of all watch all the dvds understand what to look at in the market what's kind of the main theme or the strategies that go on behind successful traders then after that i would try to apply what i learned looking at every big percent gainer for keep them on a list for like three to four days because often times the chart will just build up and then you can kind of find the strategies for like breakouts or dip buys what's up i am here with jack schwarze aka jack two aka number seven aka jack daniel jackass jack asks why do you have so many aliases how many states are you wanted in i think you gave me half of them i think i gave you all of them nope you chose number seven in the chat is that your favorite number yeah that's my favorite number that's why you're playing with a little ball too this is what i used to do like with like i had like a tennis ball and i would throw it around where's the ball where's the ball pascal where's the ball oh yeah we need the ball oh i'm gonna pass you the ball um this would be funny feel free to play with it this is going to be hilarious wait i could play with it yeah dude this is we're this is casual this is casual interview look we got like little plants here to make it more like soothing look at this smell great tell it's plastic tell everybody your story just so that they can get inspired and realize that you're real literally we just met we have a clip and the market makers see all the newbies putting their stop losses at one and nine five and nine and they just take them all out at the same time ah jack two is here is there jack two is here hold on oh yeah hey that's on the camera i'm getting this on camera at the meeting of the jacks good to meet you i know yeah there's bryce where we just met in person for the first time you're like you're real yeah five years later it's first time i've ever met him can we show the first dm that you sent me yeah yeah yeah show the screenshot [Music] this guy sent me one of the creepiest dms in history i didn't even see it i think for like a year or two years thank god because i if i had seen it i would have blocked you so i'm glad i didn't see it right away well it showed i wanted to learn yeah but it was just creepy that was creepy you guys judge in the comments below is this a creepy dm or is this a funny dm because he likes to say it's funny everyone else i've ever met and i've told this to says it's creepy it is what it is it is what it is tell me your story how did you find me what happened in the beginning what are you doing now so i found you on instagram it was just because like i always loved cars and stuff and that was like his big advertisement back in the day yeah so i sold all my cars i could care less now yeah i moved on i i gotta get to that stuff it's cool you're working on it and uh then after that i would go through the youtube videos and like it was clearly uh real that you were a trader and i could learn especially because even if for some reason if it was a scam yeah it's still possible to make money trading in the stock market yeah and do it consistently yeah so i saw that there was always potential to succeed in it okay and senior in high school i had like no more homework anymore and i just had a ton of time so i started to just get in the trading yeah i started with profitably with uh how much did you start with uh two thousand dollars was the first account did your parents support it do they think you were gonna lose it all what was the how did it work out in the beginning oh they said you fund it with your own money whatever happens happens how did you have two thousand dollars did you rob a store savings account okay so you saved up you did like odds jobs or whatever oh yeah okay just like since i was probably would you do like mo lawn deliver newspapers uh it was just always work around the house landscaping stuff like that okay so you have two thousand dollars parents give you access to it they think you're gonna do well they think you're gonna lose it what do they think uh my dad said it would be a good educational opportunity did you tell them penny stock specifically because oh yeah people when you say penny stocks is like run run it's a scam oh yeah my librarian had a field day with me when i told him about it yeah what did he think he's like you realize those are scams right and i'm like yeah so back when i started senior year of high school because i had an injury in tennis that's what i started with i made friends with my librarian i i don't know if you had this in your high school but we had like a bank of computers like 20 computers and i would skip out on class and i would hang out with a librarian and the librarian was all about johnson and johnson but he was obsessed with johnson johnson he was a value investor and i was like this is why you're a librarian dude like this is not going to pay off and now it's sad like he actually died a few years later probably still holding johnson and john's just like it's sad your librarian what did they say oh man he's like do you know what they were originally called and i was like pink sheets and he's like oh very good well they're all scam so have fun buying them okay and what did you do how did you do in the beginning um what year was pretty much 2016. okay bled by two thousand dollar account down to four hundred buying the scams and the librarian was right and you're like i was like okay tim said it took a couple years so we'll give him go we'll give it the time no so that that that's important because we just had a talk with kyle um if you click the link below we'll post kyle's video will be i guess linear for a second um kyle lost money basically for the first year but he had the right mindset because he saw other people like tim grittani succeeding so he's like okay year one year two that's fine that's learning did you have that same idea oh yeah i was always incredibly well risk managed so i was only risking about like 20 30 50 bucks a trade okay and anytime like money ever came my way i would just like hold on to it because if it was a 20 bill that's like one more trade where i could come from but you you went down from 2000 to like 400 oh yeah and then it doesn't sound very well managed and risk-wise why what did you do how do you how many times did you do i was in a row oh like all the time i was like a 20 win rate oh my god horrible what were you buying how can you only win 20 of the time uh it was probably always chasing i didn't understand like what drives markets and like what made a stock go crazy yeah you know because you have to learn about all those factors to see okay maybe this stock can break out so you would see a stock spiking you're like i want in on that but it was you didn't think about risk or how far it would already come you just want it in and then it would drop and you'd be like ah yeah exactly you would just always want to chase it because you would think what are the odds that this one's going to fall so soon when the stock yesterday went up 200 percent yeah okay and chase said it was over and over again 20 of the time you're winning 80 you're losing oh yeah how long did this last um it was a couple of years that was really thick school but on like january 7th 2017. wait like hold on for for like a year two years you're losing losing losing losing so you're just taking the beatings you're just taking the body shots and you're like oh oh well i was always like top ticking stocks on the long side okay so then you started a short sale what were you about to say in january what oh yeah so when i blend my account down to 400 i bought dffn like for an overnight hold and that was a day when it went from like four dollars and spiked as high as like 15 bucks the next day okay and like having that massive win it put me over like twelve hundred dollars in my account up from 400 like i always say that was a very key moment because that showed me that like you can make a lot of money just if you catch you catch the meat of the move on one of these crazy plays yeah so you caught that what was it january what uh like seventh i believe you remember this but it was six yeah january 2000 what was this 17 2017. so like four and a half years before right now and now you're over two million just yeah so people understand he's not just winning 20 like why are you featuring this student who's making like 20 he's over two million now sorry i should have brought that up in the beginning january 2016 or 2017. 2017 17. what happened after that blood my account back down blew up so you had one moment you're like i know everything yeah but like that moment like you saw the potential and you're like okay it really is possible to keep something like that yeah and that's why i just stuck with it for so long but then you bled it down again did you have a second comeback oh yeah what was the second one do you remember it um you know not specifically but i started nailing things like etrm yeah and there would be small wins like i think i have a screenshot on my phone i bought it at around three dollars and like 40 cents or something and then sold it like 3.70 and then went

all the way up to like 30 the next couple days but that's fine so whether you you catch the meat of the move whether you miss the meat of the move the fact is you see it and so then it's like okay how do i calibrate my own trading to capture more of the move right oh yeah so dffn you captured it did you sell that well near the top oh yeah i nailed the whole move okay and then etrm you nailed like point one percent yeah what any other ones come to mind oh man the biggest one dryo that one was crazy i traded that horribly probably even worse than etrm okay then there was also gbr yeah i was on my way to the lake of the ozarks in missouri and i think i made like 60 bucks on it yeah and you like that so lots of small gains yeah so by year what two or three when did you like break even um it was probably a few months before shmp which that was 28-19 i have no idea all year is blended now 2019 about march or february okay wow so like three years of like nothingness yeah that was just i had to learn like uh what patterns work which ones have like a high enough frequency that like i can repeat it every day or every few days but three years of nothingness was your librarian on your case or you already graduated by then oh i was graduated so you didn't talk to the librarian so the librarian literally thinks that like you failed oh it was horrible i was gonna show him my profits but he just recently passed away and this is what happens with all the librarians it's literally like it's totally crazy that we have the same librarians value investors that's why they're librarians and they die you know they give you grief in that no sucks they miss out on the opportunity all you librarians out there this stuff works whether you realize it or not whether you die or not it works with or without you so get on the train but three years of nothingness do your parents family friends girlfriend ever try to stop you along the way uh yeah they were always saying how are you applying to jobs and getting internships and i would say you're like no i'm trading penny stocks i'm really trying i would just keep studying were they like yo this is like a problem do they have like uh like an intervention like you have a problem like you're this is gambling this is a degenerative disease i never never told them i just figured they wouldn't understand really okay i would say are you losing money i'm like a little bit you didn't tell them how bad you were doing oh no well i don't think i was ever down more than like five six thousand because i was pretty bad that's pretty bad of people watching i would say most people that's pretty bad oh yeah i would just keep coming back making the same mistakes but i was really disciplined with cutting losses and that's what you just took a lot of like how many losses have you taken like this sounds like you're losing all the time but you're like at least disciplined about it i have another screenshot on my phone from my trading performance in march like three or four years ago okay like 40 trades can we post this pascal remind him to get that screenshot 40 trades sure you have the screenshot oh yeah okay remember this screenshot 40 trades what'd you do or 25 in like two green green boxes really i mean you're laughing about it now because now you've made millions at the time were you laughing or were you like oh no the captions like i don't know if i could take much more of those you wrote that did you put this on your story no i was just sending it to my girlfriend i'm like man this is crazy were you laughing at the time because right now you seem pretty like jovial but back then you're like well i knew it i knew it would become like a good story because how do you know this how do you just have this like internal belief that you're going to succeed when you have no data whatsoever to to back it up so many other people have done it because other people did it you're like why not they were transparent you would see people make sixty seventy five thousand dollars a day when the market wasn't even like twenty twenty high who was it like good grittani crook roland oh yeah gratani roland yeah roland he really he's like the main thing that helped me become profitable on the long side yeah i owe so much to him he's here somewhere we'll go can you text him tell him to come here he's supposed to come here anyways he's the only reason i was able to like grow up have you met him before or no no that's pretty cool literally all the challenge students are here this is the beautiful thing about the challenge we're a community we help each other it doesn't matter whether it's roland or gratani or me or good or crook anybody like what did roland do specifically that helped you so much he taught me how to find like the best risk points on charts on listed stocks because that was always one thing because it's so choppy and he always knew how to let the chart form yeah so that helped me uh learn how to buy and then i also saw like patients just waiting like 20 minutes after the open and letting the stock just consolidate then he would be in there then would rip up like 60 yeah no he's he's been doing fantastic i think you might have surpassed him though uh maybe a little you feel guilty surpassing this guy a little bit no don't feel guilty listen everyone has their own path whether you're at a million two million three million you're what how old are you 23. 23 you've made what 2.1 uh little under okay i haven't really been trading much this last month okay how much did you do last month uh in may yeah i think like a hundred thousand and what'd you do back in april uh 450. what'd you do in march uh 2 20. what'd you do in

february 600. why do you say this laughing like i made 600. literally this is the thing this is literally a thing with my students you like minimize your accomplishments by saying like 600 instead of 600 000 literally every single person does this because it's like your brain doesn't want to sound like cocky or like you don't it doesn't seem real like but outsiders they're like he only made 600 it's like no 600 000 600 000 it doesn't feel real is that what you were going to say it's unreal i mean i think 1.4 or 1.5 million on the year so halfway through the year yeah why are you laughing every time you say this it is a little crazy that's a lot of money i just want to go to the bank and look at it have you done that no i encourage you to do that literally jesse livermore used to do this at the end of every year he would take all the the cash and he would like literally you can do this you can ask your bank to do this you had to plan it ahead of time this is why so once upon a time i used to go to the bank and take out like a million dollars in cash right the banks don't allow this anymore like you can't take it out like i paid like a four dollar fee and like i would like take it out one time my dad and i literally because it was i was getting interviewed by business insider for this interview this article they're like you don't really take out the cash i was like yeah i do so i took out 1.2 million in cash my dad and i had two backpacks right we hired like four security guards and my dad is all freaked out because it's not insured right it's like cash right once you take it out it's just cash and my dad and i had two backpacks on my dad's like really scared like the reporter is waiting for us um at the car and we're about to go into the car with all the security guards we had two suvs and we went to like the bank early morning they opened up early for us like they're like this is so stupid yeah literally i made my dad and i take a lap around we were in new york um i believe it was it was either washington square madison square park but we took a lap around the park with the backpacks of 1.2 million and my dad is like walking around like freaked out and i was like nobody knows what's in our backpacks nobody knows and it was actually pretty surreal and then i did a whole photo shoot with like the interview we'll post a link to the business insider article because like i i stacked up all the cash and i tipped it over and i was like jenga like you gotta have fun with it right i encourage you to do that not necessarily take it out that's risky that's that's a stupid risk um but take the money put it in like a room in the bank and just look at it so that it becomes real oh yeah okay i highly encourage you to do this jesse livermore used to do this many decades ago have you read about jesse livermore oh yeah right he also died he also committed suicide he went broke you bet too much he used too much leverage did you use leverage at all uh no why i mean it makes it harder for risk management because if you do like 1.5 times your account

yeah like your normal risk point it'll go up by like 50 yeah 100 yeah none of my students use leverage it's just people watching this at home like where you turn a few thousand did you add to your account at all uh i never add money to my accounts so literally two thousand dollars into two million dollars oh well i've lost that money and then i reset i think with another two thousand okay so four thousand into two million yeah did you add any more it's okay there's no wrong answer oh yeah i added a little bit more because um i got over the pdt but i never touched that money okay but i think then i had like another a much bigger ad so i had about a ten thousand dollar account okay and then i was over the pdt because i had other like long-term investments yeah so i was able to get around that that's where my head became you added like 15 000. okay so you added two thousand two thousand fifteen thousand so nineteen thousand roughly yeah i don't know what the right answer is you tell me it was like it was about a ten thousand dollar account okay that's when i stopped adding money okay and then there were long-term investments that like i never touched and then that would make me over twenty five thousand oh the long term oh you didn't add to it so it just puts you over the pdt rule so you could trade more as far as my cash for what it was it was like ten thousand okay cool so really just a few thousand we'll leave it at that it doesn't matter specifically i started with twelve thousand timbertown started with fifteen hundred you know roland started with four thousand but two thousand four thousand fifteen thousand twenty thousand whatever you're starting small and then you're growing it exponentially did you have any big wins because we talked about the very beginning now we talked about how you're over 2 million was there anything like when you got over the pdt rule when you're at like 25 did you have like a 2000 or a 5000 or a 10 000 win yeah shmp okay oh yeah started saying that yeah and you swung that yeah i was oh it was nice i think i swung it from like it's february 2017. i remember this yeah sold selling into like the 40s and 50s okay i was it went to 90. yeah it was like 2 30 in my afternoon class in college yeah and i started buying it in my schwab account okay and i accidentally bought like a ridiculous amount for my account so i thought about like 40 000 shares you added an extra zero yeah well because i had like uh i don't know how big the account was but i think there was a little bit of leverage in there by accident okay and i was just freaking out about it overnight yeah so i was like selling everything so early yeah right yeah i was like ten thousand dollar one wow yeah so you did so you use leverage once accidentally yeah and then you're at what you're at like 40 000 after that yeah and then what was the next trade um then it was a lot of smaller trades because then the usually after those massive supernovas the market goes a little quiet yeah and everybody chops themselves up and just like it's a death by a thousand paper cuts so when did you go from long bias because you're all longs in the beginning yeah what was like your first short when did you go to the dark side um uh i believe it was about a month or two after that okay so 2019 yeah and then that's when i started shorting like all these horrible gappers with a bunch of bag holders in them so my account grew from like i think 25 000 to like almost 90 000. okay and then by end of may it was some stock that started with an o which is absolutely like wiped me out hard shorting it yeah yeah i remember you saying this because we did one interview over zoom so you went from 90 000 back to what um that one was like a 25 000 loss and then the market got really tough for me to trade and i just kept bleeding myself down what'd you go from 90 to what uh maybe back down to like thirty thousand twenty thousand were you depressed oh yeah that was i called my first real blow up because yeah the two thousand dollar accounts i lost they were horrible but i knew i could like get back up on my feet about it yeah cause they're small yeah but once i finally saw like a bunch of money yeah and then you lost sixty thousand pretty quickly were you laughing about it were you like crying with your girlfriend horrible is her girlfriend like what's wrong with you did you tell her oh yeah yeah and was she supportive or was she like yo you got to stop very supportive really that's good she's like you need to settle down and stop trading though so did you stop for a little bit yeah okay i finally started to like enjoy a couple weekends in college nice you should right you like to drink what's your favorite drink um was it jack daniels because you're jealous i do objectives hey do you like jack daniels better than jim beam because your name is jack yeah i mean it's also just better it's good tasting you just drink jack straight jack and ginger jack and coke uh jack and coke jack and ginger was my drink oh really is that good oh man i miss those days yeah it's like a little it's like a twist it's interesting i'll try it jack and ginger be careful if you're under 21 do not drink we've never talked about alcohol but i i used to be a drinker for a little bit um so you're back at like 25 30k what did you do to pick yourself up man it was so devastating i don't think i was able to make like a good trade for about really until feb about february 2020 wow so it was a solid six eight months just recovering because like i was so upset over it yeah of course and i mean that's one of the things you have to protect your risk so you never really mess up your psychology and you get in those bad positions it's a very slippery slope it's not just about the money it's what it does to your account you can't take big positions what it does to your confidence you don't know what's up versus down anymore now everything is just confusing yeah you think you understood like something about the market then the market's just like no you don't understand crap so you're like what did you do i mean how like your position size obviously dropped quite a bit because you don't have the big money anymore how did you get back did you get back like 1 1 000 at a time or is there any one trade where you're like i'm back so uh the face mask sector okay back in february 2020 yes coronavirus apt yeah apt i don't even know the other techniques of another one v i i v i don't know there are so many of us that are wondering also yeah yeah i remember i was in a hotel room and i shorted those and there was so much volatility it didn't take a huge position to make like two thousand dollars yeah i was like oh man how nice so you started shorting you didn't want to buy the face masks uh no why you thought that it was just like overblown like oh yeah i was trying to short it in the 20s yeah and it was such a nasty chart it's like wow this thing could really just fall off a cliff and then it squeezed up to like 40 60 or whatever yeah and i was like oh my god i think i even took like a pretty decent sized loss on it but then i made it all back yeah this is what i used to do when i was a short seller i would have big losses i was never like a perfect short seller and i had big losses i would just have bigger gains when they eventually collapsed i used to short sell a lot okay like that that used to be me i don't miss it at all so you start shorting february what are you what are you back to now did you get back to like 90k uh or 80k or 70k i think i messaged you on twitter saying i was back to 100k when i crossed it but i don't think it happened until about uh early summer so like i think june wow so like literally a year ago oh yeah that's crazy like in february i think my account was like 27 000 yeah yeah yeah yeah wow but all my strategies came back and i was able to just hammer the market in the way that i knew how because i finally had that recovery time and i could think clearly so in order for you to really succeed in late 2020 and half first half of 2021 you needed to find the initial success and have the losses yeah you was all part of it you got to learn what you can't do what are your limitations and the first real blow-up that i had it really helped me understand like where i'm going to capitalize when i'm shorting a day one gap yeah but that's good so this is so important so many people watching this you never want to have like a big loss i'm trying to get successful students to tell their stories because every single one of my top students has had a big loss whether you have it at the beginning and it almost knocks you out of the game whether you get too cocky you win and then you have a big loss but it gives you the proper perspective you would not be the trader you are today without that big loss oh no there are some things that i'm just way too afraid to touch now and good before that i would say yeah i could yeah short on it because you weren't you weren't scarred so now you have the scar you're like battle tested oh yeah so it's no different than like if you're a soldier right and you're like yeah let's go to war this is amazing but then if you've been in war and you're like wow everyone's dying around me like this is not what i thought it was so you need that perspective so if you have a big loss it's not the end of the world you just have to learn from it and not do that again have you had big losses since uh yeah the ocgn okay you shorted the ocg end yeah when i was going to 17. damn son

and then i just got stubborn and kept trying how much do you lose i think that was like 90 000. oh but 90 000 off what what was your account up to at this point uh i don't know i think it was a few hundred thousand okay so it wasn't as big of a percentage drop as before no so before you went from like 90 to 25 but lots of little losses with that one big twenty five thousand dollar loss now you probably have like three four hundred thousand you lose ninety thousand it's basically a twenty five percent loss yeah so it's not the same which it's still brutal but once again they was in one day or two days or three days that was a one day one whoa yeah i know was your girlfriend like how was your day and you're like i'm like don't talk to me and you just kept coming back yeah you got it so your persistence is has been the key oh yeah did you have any 90 000 wins oh yeah what was that what was like your first big winner we talked a lot about your losses this is depressing rcmt okay that was the first like uh whole six-figure trade when was that oh man i can't remember it but sometime in 2020 yeah okay i think it was towards the end is it on your prophecy people can look at your profile yeah okay that's on there and what did you think that day what did your girlfriend say that day i said like wow this is a hundred and twelve thousand dollars on one was this before or after ocg i believe it was after okay we'll go with that i mean there's so many trades i can't even keep track anymore i can't even it's this is a problem like when you have so many trades now i have so many millionaire students it's like tough trying to keep track it's a good problem to have um you made that 100k how did you feel you're like i'm like yeah that's a really good salary yeah the next day what happened um i don't think anything too memorable okay just posting did you have another six-figure trade after that shortly because what happens usually you have one big trade it opens your eyes to the possibilities yeah almost had a quarter million dollar trade on what uh btx oh wow long or short short oh the dark side oh no i also made like a hundred and oh man i crossed two accounts i think i almost made like 150 thousands you're just going long you're going short you're trying everything btx was the craziest swing i've ever done when was this um it was when it was in the oh yeah you know what i shorted on the day one made like 50 000 on it okay and then it kept going above and like i checked the chart friday afternoon and it started breaking out so i started loading in long nice that's good so you can go long and short yeah do you do this often or you just do one no the long has to be a really perfect setup okay i would also caution everybody shorting day one big winners very very very very very very very very dangerous i have about four thousand dollars worth of just data and studying on those why do you do it then uh every now and then you can hit it big that's what really makes sense to me okay it's whatever makes sense to you but just be careful be extra careful not everybody is like you know a younger young henry cavill looking guy you know have you heard this that you look like young superman you know henry cavill oh yeah yeah yeah it's like what a few people in the office were saying is that henry treville's son like whoa not everyone looks like that not everyone is okay shorting first green days what's up baz gal you wanna bring roland in yeah bring roland in roland's here look at this i like this no we called him up he lives like 20 minutes away everyone's here in austin so this is the first time you're gonna meet roland yeah this is who's bringing the veins in his head i would say zoom in there's no one even here to zoom in when you get back preschool right yeah roland is here literally the whole team is here um he just had like a meet up with like his little wolf pack and everything so this is the place you should move to austin you know oh yeah this is cool but roland's done well there's roland let's go hey what's up how's it going nice to meet you too it's beautiful how's it going good man good to see you this literally he was just bragging about you on camera like he was like yo roland helped me the most not much yeah you were the only reason i could build my long account really and then i could switch into shorting yeah that's awesome man congrats thank you very much uh it's good to see you yeah yeah thank you good looking young dude that's what i was just saying literally i was just saying he's like henry camille's son like superman he doesn't even know right yeah but it's pretty cool literally were you on your way here already yeah i'm just stopping i gotta run no it's cool though because literally we were talking about this and pascal's like oh should i go get roland and then you're here totally unplanned it's just destiny yeah it's good to meet you though brother yeah seriously thank you amazing yeah are you training today uh in a little bit you're trading wish you see wish everyone loves wish oh i haven't looked at all i just checked out of the place nice good yeah you feeling good tired you got your voice back no he had like no voice yesterday yeah i was gone just like managing 30 animals yeah good job who was it taino was telling me about how cool it was yeah it was awesome it was awesome he had a whole wolf pack we have it all filmed yeah would go boating i would have been there we did a bunch of shooting guns we did a bunch of stuff yeah next time we're trying to get him to move to austin we'll have more time you'd love it how old are you uh 23. 23. and he's over 20 over 2 million it's amazing right yeah we used to have formals in austin yeah you'd love it here dude i mean if i was 23 and you and i told huddy that i told all these guys i'm like this is a great place if you're a young man who how old are you now i don't even know 35 okay yeah putting on this version that's crazy that's good trust me i know i wish i literally would give like a million dollars per year i could go back like if i could be like 20 again i would give like tens of millions of dollars to go back in time i still want the knowledge i don't want to give back the knowledge but i want to be young again like yeah literally that little bike elliptical out there is mine this is like what my jewish joints can handle these days it's sad elliptical totally it's it's a bike elliptical i saw it it's a jew elliptical i know the whole story behind it okay good yes i just want to make sure you know okay we're filming a video we gotta get back to this good to see you see ya um i'll be back a little bit absolutely thanks for stopping by are you grilling up for me tonight yeah we can do it tonight tonight or tomorrow those are my two nights less smart man has to check with the wife no commitments learn from roland in so many ways he's not gonna say yes check with the wife good lesson you see there's less shaky nicer in person how awesome was that this was totally not planned i have no idea what's going on i'm giving a live webinar we actually have to get back into live webinar in a little bit um so you have your ups and your downs you've you've now made you know six figures on several trades it's accumulated you made how much did you make in february uh six hundred thousand hey you said thousand i was trying to get you to say that before i was like oh i made 600. what did you feel like after that month um oh wow even if like i can withstand like drawdown months or just slow periods because i built myself up to a size that when the perfect opportunity comes around i can just smack it so now you have like six figure days now like regularly not just like once i don't know i size down a little bit after amc okay took like a 100 000 loss on that yeah all right we're going to chill on that because the market just feels so gridlocked right now agreed yeah but jack made a million plus on amc that was incredible right jack one this is jack to i'm sorry jack won gotcha he got there first hit it short hit it along and then i think he hit it short again dude he's he's just he's a monster he was here like two days ago or three days ago i missed him by like a day i just got in here yeah everyone has like crazy schedules but this is like the the main office you know one last tip for everybody here now that you're over two million you've had the ups and downs you've had the six figure days gains and losses most people just starting they're like big wide-eyed right now after this video what do you suggest they do when they're first beginning let's say you go back in time you have a thousand two thousand three thousand five thousand to your name what should you do um i would look at all the percent gainers well first of all watch all the dvds understand what to look at in the market what's kind of the main theme or the strategies that go on behind successful traders then after that i would try to apply what i learned looking at every big percent gainer for keep them on a list for like three to four days because often times the chart will just build up and then you can kind of find the strategies for like breakouts or dip buys or even just shorting after multiple red days big percent winners over multiple days have more predictable patterns so so many people are obsessed with finding the next hot stock you always want to find it on day one you don't have to it's so much easier to look for plays that are up on day one if you want to trade them that's okay but day two day three if it continues becoming a big percent gainer by day three day four day five you can dip by the morning panics you can short the overextended spikes you can find your pattern in all that volatility you just have to wait for them not there's not always going to be multi-day runners and if you think about it if there's a bunch of shorts that like to attack a stock and it just doesn't go down you can find them piled on top of each other and then when they're forced to liquidate or they just cut their losses then that's why you're getting the biggest squeezes and that's where the biggest squeezes come from so we were talking about this with kyle with mrin where like we both want the short squeeze because he wants a short squeeze so that he can get the highest price to short after the over aggressive short sellers i want the short squeeze because i want the biggest spike possible then the biggest panic possible and i'll dip by that panic but a short squeeze or like any big multi-day run up creates opportunities so you don't have to be there day one you don't have to be there minute one like so many people are like i don't want to miss a play oh yeah you don't have to try to predict you have to learn to react more and when there's no great play you should be studying how many times you watch all the dvds and video lessons and webinars oh yeah all of them yeah holy crap dude which are your favorite dvds video lessons or webinars uh it doesn't have to be the dvds and webinars the like trading tickers and rollins dvds yeah those helped immensely and then watching gratani apply like a lot of the stuff he learned into the webinars yeah those are very very helpful all in the challenge click the link below you gave a great challenge webinar the other day give give another one soon yeah definitely cool we gotta get back to trading yo congrats study up get inspired by this guy comment below if you think that screenshot is creepy or funny we're going to post a screenshot again we've got to embarrass him come on he's too successful we got to knock him down a little bit also in the comments thank him congratulate jack too this is what this is all about awesome to meet roland did you expect that no not at all we don't know what's going on we're gonna go trade see you later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you

2021-07-20 06:58

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