House GOP leaders hold press conference

House GOP leaders hold press conference

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Confirmed, quickly. We think that the american people have spoken, in terms of this election, cycle. The president has a constitutional. Obligation, and responsibility. To name, a justice. And. We anticipate, and hearing he will do so. It's critically important also to recognize. Uh the lasting, legacy, of this president's. Nominations, to the supreme court and also to the lower courts. Uh it's been, really in coordination, with the senate, a tremendous. Set of progress, and achievements. Naming judges, and justices, who understand, that, the role of the courts. Is to interpret, the law not to make law. As well as justices, who are, committed, to. The original intent of the constitution. And upholding that. We're also. Working closely, obviously, we. Know the american people are in need of additional coveted relief. The extent to which we've watched this speaker. Time and time again, choose the very, most partisan, approach. With respect, to. Relief packages, putting packages, on the floor. That she knows, will not pass the senate she knows will not end up at the president's, desk and therefore will not help the american people. At a moment when people's, lives are on the line, at a moment when people's livelihoods, are on the line. She's demonstrated, again and again. A cynical, approach to leadership. Uh that is absolutely. Not responding, to the needs of the people and putting the people at risk, and, so we are uh, very proud. To be able to continue to fight this fight and we have taken important, steps. Uh, to, move legislation. One of the only tools that the minority, has. Is a discharge, petition. And so it's, my pleasure, to, turn things over now to the republican, leader of the small business committee. Mr chabot to talk about a discharge, petition that we've got on the floor. Shortly. Here in the next few days thank you. Thank you liz. And uh, i want to thank. Our colleague. Congresswoman, jamie harar. Butler. For her leadership, on the discharge, petition, itself, it would basically. Allow a bill that i had induced about a month ago to come forward. And give, those. Who have already. Received, a paycheck. Protection, program, loan, at second opportunity, to get one if they can prove they really need it, their drop in revenue, has been. 25. Or more. Or would let. Small businesses, who didn't make it in in the first round, to receive. A paycheck, protection. Uh program, loan. America's, small businesses, are absolutely, critical. To the economy, about half the people who work in america, work for a small business. About 70 percent of the new jobs. Created, in the american economy, are created by america's small businesses. And, there is 138. Billion, dollars. Sitting there. Available. For loans, to help those, small businesses. To survive. And most importantly. The employees, that depend on those small businesses, and the families, of those, employees, to survive that's really what it's all about, helping millions, and millions, and millions of american people who really need it the money is sitting there. Available, we don't need to, appropriate. Any new dollars the money, is is there. But it's shut down it's been shut down now for 46, days about a month and a half.

And One person has the key. To that, funding. And that's nancy pelosi. And she won't bring it up for a vote. So the only thing we have available, to us at this point being in the minority, is the discharge. Uh petition, process. And virtually, all the republicans. Would support, this because they want to support small business the question, is are there enough democrats, in the house about 20 we need. Who have said, time and time again how much they support america's, small businesses. Now they get an opportunity, to prove whether that's, true or not, and if they will support, us, then it will allow, that to actually, come up for a vote, and the people have an opportunity. To allow more small business to get that funding, not only can they get that that funding what we've made a few changes. It helps, smaller businesses. Instead of 500, employees it's now down to 300, employees. And and, it makes the. Forgiveness. Process. Uh, more simplified, more streamlined. Than it was. And that will help a lot of people and i'm not going to get into all the details, now but this is something that really we ought to do. For those small businesses. All across. The country and, particularly. The smallest, of the small. 25, billion dollars, would be set aside. For america's, mom-and-pop. Uh small businesses those that have, fewer than 10. Employees. I have a lot of those in my district in cincinnati. Ohio, but they're all over the country and i've talked to a lot of members about this and this is really critical. Again not just to the small business and the owner but most importantly. To the families, that are supported. By those small businesses. Thank. You. Thanks very much now let's turn things over to our chief deputy whip mr ferguson. Thank you. Thank you good morning everyone, and steve let me first say thank you, for for, all of the work that you've done not just. Right now, immediately, with this discharge, petition. But the work that you've done for small businesses, across this nation i know, i know in my home state of georgia and in my district our people appreciate, the work that you've done so thank you for that. Um, look we, are we are really in a battle right now, um, i think that the contrast, is extremely, clear on so many fronts right now. You know we are, we are, committed. As as republicans. Right now to restoring, our american, way of life to rebuilding. Our economy, and renewing, our american dream, you know most families, get up every single day and they think about the same thing the things that are necessary, they want to they want access to, a good job, an opportunity.

They Want to feel safe and secure in their own homes. Those of us that are parents or grandparents. You want to see, your children, educated. For the most part people want to be left alone to have the freedom to achieve their american, dream. And right now we are fighting every single day to make sure that we do that to restore the american, dream, create, job opportunities. Make sure that folks can go back to work safely. And sensibly. Doing things to restore our, way of life, like operation, warp speed we are so close to having a safe effective, vaccine. And i find it mind-boggling. That leadership. On the other side of the aisle. Is saying don't go get a vaccine, that has been proven to be safe and effective, for political, reasons. That's going to cost americans, lives. And that's wrong, and they shouldn't do that. But we are out there we're committed to doing that and if you look across the other. The other side of the aisle right now, unfortunately. We don't see a willing partner but we see we see folks, that are willing to destroy, dismantle. And defund. The things that are necessary, to keep us safe. So the contrast, is clear. I think the leader has laid out an incredible. Plan and vision for the future. And we're committed to making sure. That we restore. Rebuild, and renew. The american, dream. And so, i. Look at what, we are doing, this week. On the house floor for the next couple of days, instead of doing something that could actually, help american, small business. We are in fact. Doing things that really will go nowhere, their part, their their messaging, bills. Shameful, messaging, bills. In many cases and we've seen this time, and time again we've seen. The partisan, tact. That the speaker has taken, instead of working for all americans. She's dedicated, to one group. And those are the ones that give her the majority. For her power and control, and. As speaker. That is wrong. It is wrong. It is wrong. I wish. That. Those 20 republicans, that we excuse me those 20 democrats, that we need, that have proclaimed. Their love, and affection, for american, small business. I wish they'd come across. The aisle on friday. Sign the discharge, petition. And let this let this house do really, one productive, thing this week that actually helps americans. That would be that would be a good day. If something tells me. The speaker's not going to allow that to happen, and that's a real shame. With that, i will yield to our republican, leader, evan mccarthy.

Thank You drew. Um. I want to thank our ranking member. Steve shabbat. When we sat and we watched that covet coming forth from a foreign land. We need to prepare. We needed to make sure a small business, would have a bridge to be able to survive. It was steve chabot's, leadership. That actually created. The paycheck, protection, program. That it could save already, 51. Million, jobs. No one knew because china lied to all of us, of how long, povid would linger. So we do know now the facts. Steve shabbat continued to work with small businesses, throughout this nation. So we can modify, it. With his work and chip roy's we were able to do that. But now we know that these small businesses if i just look at goldman sachs, 10 000 small business report, says 36, percent of small businesses, owners, will be forced to lay off employees, or cut wages, if congress, does not act by the end of september. Well we have one common denominator. And every time we tried to bring relief to the american public. Unfortunately. Speaker nancy pelosi, always slowed it down. Just getting the cares act through. She slowed that more than a week. No telling how many americans, were laid off because of her actions. When we watched how successful. The paycheck. Protection, program, was that it was going to run out of money, the secretary of treasury, came month a month in advance to warn us to ask for more money, not to change the program but just supply, more, so more jobs could be saved. We all know where we were that moment. On late night television. With speaker pelosi, in front of her refrigerator. Telling the world no. She delayed it even longer, no telling, how many more. Americans, were laid off. Because of her action. Now we watch, that she picks, politics. Over people once again. That she has denied, the ability. To have a relief package, move through. Schumer, because in the senate, a minority, could stop even the debate has not even allowed the debate to come through. We know those who are unemployed, need help, we know those in small businesses, at 36. Are going to lay people off or shut their doors. They need help, we know schools. Need the assistance, with protection. But then again there's one common denominator. Speaker pelosi. She said. Back before august we would not leave but she sent everybody, home. She called us back in an emergency. When republicans, put on the floor. Resources, ppp, and others for schools. The democrats, voted no. Will the other democrats, follow suit. Will they pick politics, over people, will they pick. Politics, under their own constituents. Well now we have an opportunity. Thanks to congresswoman, jamie herrera butler. She put forth a discharge position, and just so america, understands, what that is, if the speaker, with all of her power, and those in the democratic, party that continue to back her and vote with her. Will not allow the idea to come to the floor to help those in need. There's one rule a discharge, petition. All it takes is to put your. Signature, down, it doesn't mean the bill passes, all it means is she can't stop it that you can debate, it on the floor. So this will be very telling. Who controls whom. Do you listen to your constituents. Do you listen to the people are unemployed, do you listen to those, who need the assistance, and help. Are you right back at the refrigerator. With the speaker. Telling your constituents. No you're picking, politics. Over the need of the people. Well come friday, we'll soon learn. Because everybody will have the. Opportunity. If your constituents, have selected you to be a member of congress.

They Didn't select you. To follow nancy pelosi, even though every democrat, does. This is the window of opportunity, to show that you're, different. And yeah i know they'll probably let a few off but say just don't get it that certain number. So you know what, let's see how bold they are why don't they all go together. It's not about politics. It's about people that are hurting. The same people as steve shabbat and jamie herrera, butler listened to. They didn't care what party you're in. They understood, you're an american, and you need to help. And that's exactly what we're doing. For that let me stop there and take some questions. Yes sir. Speaker you started a leader excuse me you started off a little bit about the uh. Scotus, i just wanted to touch on that i understand that the senate is the one who's going to be doing the confirmation, but a bigger issue is taking, place. Where several democrats, are already speaking out about the. Top contenders. Faith. Her catholic, faith. As a person. As a lawmaker. Talk to me. I think as a nation, that's appalling, that they would, judge somebody by the faith that they have. We have freedom of religion. And the idea that they're going to demonize. And i imagine they'll demonize, whoever. The president, selects. The real question should be. Will this person, she or he. Uphold the constitution. That should be the only question. The president. Is supposed to move forward and he will, the senate is supposed to take the action, and they will. It's the constitutional. Right and they're following, through, and i'll make you this one promise. Listening to the speaker. On television, this weekend. If she tries to move for an impeachment. Based upon the president, following the constitution. I think there'll be a move on the floor, to have her no longer, are the question, of her being speaker. She may think she has a quiver we do too. We believe, everybody. In congress. Puts the raises their hand and swears to uphold the constitution. The president did too and that's what he's following through on and to thank for one moment. That they would move impeachment, because he's following the constitution. We will take the movement. To remove her from speakership.

Yes. So you guys are moving forward with this discharge. Discharge. Petition, on. Small business on helping small businesses, are there other issues, that house republicans. Could get behind in terms of coveted relief, to move forward. Um let's say airlines. There's going to be huge layoffs. Is that something that house republicans, would support, yes, there are a lot of things that we have tried to move forward and support. Again there's one common denominator. That's stopping all this speaker pelosi, she's done it time and time again, when we move forward before, helping airlines, when we move forward before by helping the states, there are resources, sitting out there there's a hundred, more than 130. Billion dollars, sitting in the ppp, program right now, but they cut off the deadline she will not extend it there is money sitting in there for more than 100 billion dollars for states but she will not allow, us to move forward with the flexibility. We've tried to bring a lot of these ideas to the floor, when she called that emergency, meeting about the post office. To supply, them with billions of dollars when they already had 25, billion. We wondered if that was the most important, so the only option we had was a motion to recommit. And we put on the floor. Ppp. We put, money for schools. We put money for the states, and the democrats, voted don't they had an opportunity. To actually vote with the people, but no they followed the speaker once again. Yes. Um so the justice department, has designated. New york city, uh portland, and seattle, as places that have permitted, violence and destruction, of property to persist. And president trump said that. He will not allow federal tax dollars, to fund cities that are lawless zones. Should congress, cut federal funding to these cities. Well if they're not going to uphold the law if they're not going to protect their, citizens, should they. Be provided the grants that actually say to do that if they're doing the opposite. I mean i believe there's accountability. In all this, why is it night after night why is it these, exact, same cities. Why is it that the president when we watch what happened with wisconsin. As well that he offered, to send in the troops, that the governor, would pick a, smaller number and there was more havoc. We need safe and secure streets. We do not need the democrat, plan about defunding, the police we actually need the opposite. If you go to commitment to You will find that republicans. Believe. We should add, 1.75. Billion. Greater police, training. Community, policing. And 500. 000. New body cameras. We believe we can make the streets safe and secure, so why would you spend money. In a place that's doing the opposite, of what the resources, are planned for, why would they allow these streets to be, come havoc why are the people moving away from these cities, it's the management, of what they are i've got to go to the white house but you had a question. Democrats, were going to bring up their cannabis bill this week the more act they're going to bring up last week too yeah. They're going to bring up a couple weeks before but you come from a state, where, marijuana, is legal. What's your position, on that and what do you think is. This broadly and then what. Well if i watched and this goes. Directly, back to uh covet relief bill, the democrats, brag about the bill they voted on. Do you know how many times you mentioned, jobs. A lot fewer than it mentioned. Cannabis. There was more mention of cannabis. Than their relief package. I'm not quite sure why the speaker continues, to defend this as some way of, of helping with covid, we realize that it's not. Um, i don't support their bill. And i think they don't have enough votes either. It's interesting. They're still going to spend a lot of time we spent a lot of time on a non-binding, resolution. Last week. I think the american public if you ask anybody in any district republican, or democrat.

They'll Tell you what's hurting the most. They want relief. But it comes to the pain of coven. We're working on a safe and effective vaccine, and they're telling people not to take it. We're defending, pre-existing, conditions, to make sure your health care. Is there for you, slashing, drug prices to make sure you can get it cheaper. Investing, in therapeutics. They want their streets safe and secure. We're providing more funding for police not cutting it, in those cities of what you talk about. It's interesting. I've watched the. Minneapolis. City council, vote to defund their police and now they want to have a study to wonder why the crime has gone up. Then we have a plan to rebuild this economy. 10 million new jobs, we'll create. You know what else we'll do is one of the way to just to do it. We'll end the dependency, on china. I do not know what the communist, party of china has on the democrats. But it's more powerful, than any of us can imagine. The number of bills that pass the senate but will not come to the floor. But they will not. They will not help us in the dependency, on china we had to go it alone with our own china task force we'll come out a report, just in another week. We'll bring more manufacturing. Jobs by doing that, we have a five-year, plan to rebuild our bridges, our roads, our airports. Making sure, internet, is throughout, this country. We can do all this and also guarantee, that veterans. Have the ability, anyone, to have a job as well. But what are they doing on the floor, i leave you with this one question since you always ask me. Name me one thing, the democrat, majority. One problem they have solved. Because i see no results. But i see a commitment, to america, on the other side. That could help rebuild, restore. And renew this nation. Thank. You. Guys.

2020-09-28 15:23

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