Heiken Ashi Makes Me Way Too Much Money (So Easy)

Heiken Ashi Makes Me Way Too Much Money (So Easy)

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all righty all right what's up guys lindsay here super trainer effects linda here super training effects so i got a couple of questions about how to um set this up exactly how i how i trade exactly using this strategy what i'm looking for how i enter um how i put my stop loss all that kind of good stuff so i'm going to show you guys exactly how i do that today okay so first thing you need to understand how the hiking actually strategy works okay you need to decide whether you're a buyer or a seller okay a buyer or a seller just be one okay to start with let's just be one let's focus on either buying or selling why is that important because you know if you are looking for both sides of the market you're going to end up getting ping-ponged okay you're going to be doing ping-pong trading that's what i call it ping-pong trading what that means is you're going to be trying to hit the ball from one side you're going to run around you're going to try to hit it from the other side you're going to run around try to hit it from the other side and so on and so forth that's a bad way to look at the market try to look at the market as one way most people inherently have a bias towards buying okay they have a bias towards buying i'm not saying you have to be a buyer some people are great at at short edge selling or shorting um but again i think most people's bias is towards buying okay so for me i like to just focus on buying and i and that doesn't mean i can't sell it just i start with the buy and if it's if it is a buy then i buy if it's a buy rejection then i start looking for a cell okay or if i see too many buy rejections then i start to look for that cell all right so to start out for instance i have on my left i have a one hour chart on the right i have a five minute chart on the left i have hikanashi breaking point um with the red and on the right i have hiking i have stfx ultimate buy and sell with just the buy turn on so you double click there and turn off the buy okay double click on any dot and turn off the other opposite now for instance right now i see that this is pushing down okay if you guys know the high kanaki i can actually breaking point you obviously you mark the previous candle okay so right there it's pretty clear right there i can see price is pushing down the the sdfx ultimate has turned from green to yellow to red underneath that line right that's all a good sign to me but remember what i started out with we're looking for buying opportunities okay buying opportunities okay so do i see a buy signal right here no the previous buy signal is way down here right so again there's two different ways you can use this indicator both of them will be very beneficial okay it all just depends on how you like to trade whether you and how much patience you have you don't really need a lot of patience okay because it tells you right here buy it tells you right here bye okay so the first thing if you want to do which is very easy is you can come through here and go and set alerts right here stfx ultimate buy put the buy on you could do it once per bar close you can do it once per minute once per minute we'll let will alert you as soon as it starts to turn into a buy now this indicator isn't a repainting indicator but it will um it will show a signal like the ultimate buy but that doesn't mean it's going to close as a buy so what i mean is it may start to show as a buy but if the candle ends up pushing down the buy will disappear and it will not close with the buy so that's the difference between ones per minute once per minute it's going to show you right then as it pops up immediately and then once per bar close we'll show you once the bar has actually closed and the ultimate buy signal has printed okay so i suggest ultimate uh once per bar close so what you would do is you would you would go through and create a um create a an alert for every single pair on the five minutes if you want to or whatever page you're focused on let's say you don't trade every bit let's say you only trade uh nas 100 excuse me i feel like i gotta sneeze say you only trade nas 100 right all you need to do is just set the alerts for nas 100 and just wait for them wait wait wait okay so once you get this alert let me show you exactly what i mean i'm going to put an arrow pointing to this alert right here boom right there so let's come over here right here i'll put it on this side all right come on tripping all right so you see the ultimate buy right there you see right here do you see a signal with my little brush you see a high kanashii breaking point anywhere around here a red one no okay so what would i do i would go ahead and mark this one right here boom and i know right now when i get this by down here that there's no there's nothing here i i would need to buy all the way above this line up here okay even though the buy came down right here and sure it did go up right there that's not hot that's not how i would be looking at it if i was using the red dot okay so let's go find some more instances of what i mean i'm just trying to kind of show you backwards okay so right here for instance here's a buy let's say you got this buy signal okay this is where i think a lot of people are getting confused uh it's really easy so i'm gonna show you guys in reverse okay so normally i'm showing you this and then i'm showing you this let me show you this and then this and then you'll understand a little bit better okay so i showed you guys so let's just say for instance i got this ultimate buy signal right here okay so i i get my alert i come to the charts i say okay i'm interested now i will go back right here boom and mark that what that tells me is that i need that price needs to cross up through this line okay so once price crosses through that line i'm looking to buy right so let me show you some more instances okay so again remember let's mark this one right here and where do i where does price need to break in order for me to look for that buy right here now yes this is a trade i know you guys it doesn't look like a lot okay but if you look over here that's 10 let me see i'm sorry 10 15 pips that's 15 pips we're looking at scalp trades remember okay so here's another one right here let's do it in reverse so you guys can really understand so we get the ultimate buy signal right there so then i come over here and i mark this one up boom okay i know that price needs to break above this line it did break above that line yes but guess what happened right there it came back down to the line came back down to the line and then when it started to push up it never broke that high right here and turn green and continued on it flopped below the line okay so let's keep going let's look for some more instances okay here's another by down here now remember i'm showing you one way there's another way to do this too i'm going to show you guys that as well okay so right here i have my ultimate buy i would go all the way up here to my previous buy right here boom that means price needs to come all the way above here right now in this case i can also see something else if i look to my left so i got my signal i could look left right here and then boom what do you know there is also an uh high kanashi breaking point that's also right in that same range to my left right there if i look left and then what do we get we get a little bit of support right there then we get that by i can take that into consideration because this one is so far away okay so let's go back up here again right here oops oops all right so we'll mark that up right there boom there's my ultimate buy what am i going to do i'm going to come straight back to my left right here and i'm going to mark up this remember i'm showing you guys in reverse so this is not how i would normally do this i do it the opposite way i use this and then i wait for the buy to break up through okay so here's another instance of the same thing we got an ultimate buy but what happened immediately drop below the line once it drops below the line that means you need to start over that means there is no support okay so then price breaks out through the line again okay great it threw a wick down there okay and it came back down to the line and found support but it never started to curl and turn green so there was nothing there for me price broke down below the line then if you wanted to you could have started looking for a cell because you had if you had a bi rejection okay now let's look at the other way that you can do this same thing same pair now turn this off turn this blue on now you're going to do the opposite okay so let's come back over here now let's say we have our ultimate buy right here boom we got ultimate buy within that candle right here boom there's my this is how i do it there's my um my line right there i'm just waiting for that break i'm waiting for that break immediately and i'm looking to just jump in immediately because we have a high kanashii break um a blue bi what that what that by means is pay attention to this little blue dot right here in this long candle i'm going to turn this back to high kanashii that is the first green haikanashi candle okay look you see this candle right here this red candle okay that red candle when i turn this back on boom look that is the first red haikinashi candle okay so yeah you will another thing you will say how come every dot does every dot match up with the with the high kanashii with the high connection candle no okay there will be there will be different breaks that's why you can't just use these these are just to show you where the hikinashi break is okay you could leave it on high kanasha if you want but but all you're going to get is just the blue dots and the red dots right at the beginning of the hakanashi that's not what this is about it's about getting those alerts okay and because you can't get the alerts on the hike and actually like that you need to get them on the candlesticks okay boom right there there's your buy price takes off let's go right back over here where we at we're right here boom price takes off breaks out through there goes up you have a trade right there let me turn these right off now okay you see how you can use the buy or this the red to look for a buy and the blue to look for a buy okay and remember you see how you see how i just marked that one right there and it reacted right there and then we marked that and it reacted right there you that's exactly what's happening over and over and over you're using these high kanashii breaking points to help you out in the future okay so if i mark up let's see this one right here i can just look right here look there's your reactions right there okay there's your reaction right there there's your break right there so you're just using these same pieces over and over and over if you want to okay but i just use them just to break immediately i'm looking for that immediate break but that doesn't mean you can't leave these lines here to help you in the future so if you want to for instance if you wanted to come into odd cad and you're like i'm just going to trade odd cat all day these are just one hour candles you could start right here and say boom i'm going to mark that one line and then as new ones print you just leave that line and you continue to build um it's just kind of like building a house you you put the foundation you leave that there then you build the roof you leave that there then you build a door you leave that there and then over time you'll start to see all of these reactions over and over and over okay but let's just simplify it let's just go through and we'll start to look for some actual trades right now so this trade has already happened for instance so i'm not i'm not interested in that anymore i'm just going to come through and i'm looking to mark these previous ones and see if there's anything that interests me you see this right here look boom perfect re-test and then price took off all right let's see right here i see there's a doji right here okay so if i was to flip this upside down boom we're looking at like almost like an evening star pattern then price drop down straight from there okay i just like to flip it sometimes just because it's easier for me to see or to understand and then right here you're gonna see we have a double bottom pattern right here there's your w right there guys don't see that look you can do it w right there boom there's your break there's your pull back and prices this one's just ripping right now whether it's all japan is ripping okay so obviously that trade has already happened i'm not interested in it right now but again remember we can always go through with the opposite side and look for trades that way now you're gonna get some they're gonna be a little sloppy like this okay this is aussie dollar new zealand dollar new zealand is notorious for just being sloppy kind of like uh the swiss franc is the swiss franc is oftentimes very sloppy and it puts out crazy wicks and crazy you know kind of just plays around with the line a lot so sometimes you might just say hey i want to avoid that pair because it does too much crazy stuff all right doesn't mean it's always going to do it but a lot of times it does you'll start to realize pairs that it just are just really sloppy here's another one double bottom right here double bottom boom price took off from there same thing okay i can also look here too why do i think price took off because look there's a barrier right there okay let's just say i get rid of that i can see there's a barrier right there that didn't break i can see there's it made a new one right here they didn't really want to break and then finally we got this last bottom one and when price broke through all three of those it took off you know i'm saying that's a lot of resistance okay but remember try not to overthink it here's a tiny little double bottom right here that tiny little double bottom led to that huge breakout right there yeah try not to overthink it i'm saying here we go right here boom we have a breakout here so uh basically let me see i marked we have our blue candle we marked the top of it price is breaking out to the top it's still bearish right now so i'm waiting for that break right there once that means that's my high so if price comes back down then retest that's great it could re-test two times three times but until it breaks that high i'm not interested in the buy yet okay so we'll continue on from there boom here we go right here we see this is a perfect one this is what i like to see i like to see a buy that's setting up under the line so all i have to do is be patient okay i know you guys don't want to be patient what you can do you can take yourself a little pin this is a pin i keep a piece of paper okay you can mark it up on your on your watch list if you want i just use a piece of paper any pin and i mark i write down a pair i don't know if you guys can see that right there that's a pair says euro jpy and usd jpy i wrote those yesterday i just keep a little pin and scribble it down and then if i want to continue on and look through more pairs i know that i have that one written down excuse me as something that i want to come back and visit another thing that i'll do sometimes is i'll just circle it like that okay that tells me that hey when i come back through my charts pay attention to that one why is there a gigantic circle drawing all right so let's see also take these on for the most part take them on a dot by dot basis okay on the dot by dot basis here's a good example of a buy rejection okay a buy rejection also means a cell all right that's why we're only looking at one side okay so right here we had our buy okay we got our buy um broke up through it came right back down below the line that means it didn't find support that means we have to start over trying to find support again it broke up again okay came down started trying to find some support okay great remember it has to break that high right there it did it came up to test that high and it failed okay phil came back down below the line i'm like all right whatever so then remember you're just watching these are five minute candles i can go do stuff i can go play games i can go uh take a shower and go do whatever i want to do while i wait okay price came back up for the third time and tried it again was that one time two times yeah third time tried rejected once i got these red candles i'm looking to sell this is what i call a by rejection a by rejection in my book is a cell all right here we go right here boom i like the way this one is already set up this looks great um because this one's already started to happen you can make sure you pay attention to the candlesticks as well candlesticks are very important okay so i can see that we have a bullish push-up candle here we have kind of a spinning top on the top which means that it it might have found some support there don't don't quite this one has still has 24 minutes so what oftentimes will happen let me show you guys this is this is why it's very important you guys understand how candlesticks work okay you're gonna see this a lot this setup right here price is gonna push up through the line then price is going to put something right up here on top of the line maybe a doji maybe a spinning top whatever and then what's going to happen is price is going to push down below the line okay but what is the price actually doing it's actually forming a wick underneath that line in order to give it the pressure to move up okay so you don't don't get convinced that price is going down it's probably just creating a wick under here and then price is going to launch out of there okay so that doesn't mean again just because this candle says 24 minutes to close all right in if it closes up here on this side of the line that means that we this candle will be acting as support if it closes way down here then that means that there it didn't find support so price jumped out try to find some support found a little bit here okay now let's we have to wait for this camera to close and see if it finds support if it doesn't then hey it didn't find any support right and then we'll be looking at a cell here there's another way to look at it price jumped out of here found support bounced up okay now here's your trade right here from here to here all right it may not look like a lot but remember we're scalping okay then price came back down to the line to find more support but this time it kind of fell through the line so kind of we need to start over again so if it comes back up through the line it needs to find support again and then it can go all right so every time price every time price comes out of the water needs to find support okay bounces up every time price falls back into the water and once it comes back out of the water it needs to find support again all right this support is done you can't count that one anymore all right so let's come back over here we're gonna mark this one up right there bm that's the top right there um again i'm sorry so what what i would be doing here is i'd just be waiting for another buy what i could do is i could just place a buy alert right here and just wait for another buy signal to come up here then i'll start to be interested and again you don't have to just sit here and stare at the charts for two hours until another buy appears just put an alert on boom right there okay so we had a buy here boom we had a this one did an immediate break we had a double bottom there price took off same thing we've seen that pattern i don't know three four times already all right so right here boom we marked the top of that one i like these two when they set up like this because we have i have my by it's already tested line one times coming up the test line again all i have to do is just sit here and wait and not sit here and watch but sit but wait until i get a either a break or get another buy signal up here breaking through the line or above the line it could even be below the line just as long as i have either a breakthrough immediately or at some point in time price wants to make its way up through the line it could do this for the next two hours doesn't matter to me boom boom boom boom boom boom boom until it finally breaks out that's what you're waiting for most people aren't gonna have the patience they're just gonna say i'm gonna go find another pair okay i get it everybody wants to get rich today i'm saying but you got to get that out of your head you need to learn to find patience and just wait see this right here another double bottom there's your w pattern right there boom boom boom if you were a harmonic trader this would probably be like some sort of a butterfly pattern or something um you guys know how that all that harmonic stuff works i don't use harmonics but they look pretty cool so right there we have our buy buy came up test the line came back down broke through the line we're good to go i'm saying let's see right here i can see that we have a nice little evening start pattern so we could be looking at some more selling pressure here see this right here we went straight from red to yellow price broke out of here and then it immediately went back down still bullish all he needs to do is cross that line right there and then we'll be looking to sell that what is this you're in new zealand um see i'm interested in euro new zealand now it's already set up i didn't have to do anything i have to wait um i just came right into the market and i can see an opportunity that's how you should be looking at the market you don't always want to you don't want to force an opportunity you want to come in and then look for an opportunity see one and then focus on that okay so again let me put this so right here i'll just put a big circle there i know that i'm interested in that now okay so we have euro usd this this opportunity is already passed there's the retest right there price is pushing up what is this great british pound ozzy dollar this one's breaking down it looks like we had a nice little evening star pattern right there so we had a buy this could have been a perfectly good sale right there price dropped back down and immediately fell below the line immediately fell turned red once it broke through the line that could be a good signal for a cell you guys have to play around this you have to kind of study it and after a while you will start to see patterns when you're trading when i first started i remember watching um what's the guy technical prosperity i watched some stuff from his course his red package course and i remember watching him on the mt4 and he's like look there's a double bottom right there and there's a double top right there and like i could not understand what he was talking about i couldn't see it i was like confused i was like i don't understand how does he see a double bottom and it was like he just saw it like right away he kept pointing out tons of them and when i was looking at the charts i was like i don't know what i'm looking at right now um but eventually later on maybe a year later i could spot double bottoms of double tops like it was nothing and you'll be able to do that too but you kind of have to stick with something and keep and stay focused you can't like you can't keep jumping from thing to thing find something that makes a lot of sense to you and stick to it okay so here's a buy signal right there we marked the top of that we had our buy see this one faked you out a little bit because it came up above the line came back down and didn't find any support right here came back up hit a rejection a resistance and then immediately broke through so it's because this one never turned back into a cell i would have been interested in this one as a buy because it did make a tiny little double bottom right there okay it may be hard to see but that's a double bottom right here here's a re-test right here and then you could have been looking to get in on this one going up um but because this one never turned back into a cell that would have been interesting for a vibe but it did try to fake you out a little bit remember it is gonna try to fake you out before often you know what i'm saying i would say most times it's gonna try to fake you out before a big move because they know that they're getting ready to make a big move so they want to shake everybody out double bottom right there okay again this is also going to show you tons of double bottoms and tons of double tops if you're looking at it the opposite way okay so right here for instance see what we got here we had a buy okay so once we got this signal right here we would have been looking for a buy let me show you something too sometimes the buy is gonna already have happened right here so this one actually once we got this signal um the buy was right beforehand okay so when we get that usually what we're looking for is for the next buy okay so price came up here rejected came up here didn't find support right here we could have been interested in taking this as a buy okay but then price got slammed down immediately um and then already it's red so now i'm looking for a cell i looked over here saw this kind of uh evening star pattern this one right here this one right here great british pound new zealand dollar looks like it's just coming up to a lot of rejections you see this right here there's a hanging man right there that's another great sign for a um for a cell okay does it mean it doesn't guarantee yourself no so you can't you also can't like guarantee things are gonna happen all right somebody was somebody was saying something in the group the other day and i was telling was like listen and and they were right and i'm saying i give them credit for being right but it's the way you kind of talk about the market or look at the market if you look at the market in a way of things are definitely gonna happen you're gonna get screwed all the time because nothing is definitely going to happen okay you don't control the markets i don't control the markets the market makers control the markets so they can tell you what's definitely going to happen because they're going to move the market boom so right there for instance um i can see this this rejection right here i just look right up here to my left use that previous dot boom i can see that resistance right there now that's not how i normally trade but i'm just showing you guys how you can use this maybe you find more success doing it this way me i like to get the breakouts so what i do is i'm looking for again you could put the alert on this buy if you want to this that's in reverse for me uh what i would do is actually be looking for this high kanashii um signal and then i would be looking for the buy okay so i like the high kanachi signal and then i mark my top then i look for the buy okay but again that's not it doesn't have to be that way that's how i do it somebody else may like the opposite way they may like to put the buy first and then mark the line and then wait for the break okay whichever one works best for you okay so this one has already happened obviously um you could have gotten a signal right there on this candle breaking up through you mark the previous one you get your buy right there boom price takes off and goes up excuse me um see right here boom so a lot of these have already taken off for today you know what i'm saying so i'm not really seeing anything that's just super urgent for me right now boom right there again i just marked up that previous one but that's not really how i trade you know i'm saying but other people may like to do it that way and you're just looking for that breakout right there i prefer this breakout but i'm not you know i'm saying i definitely am not opposed to the opposite way of doing it okay so right there we had a break see this is why i like to do it this way because um i it's like it's get you in at this long break i don't like to i like i don't like to get in once it's what i call overextended um price is already pushed up now you're going to get back into the ranging motion you're looking to get into the trend so a lot of people don't really realize this either this trending consolidation trending consolidation trending consolidation you guys know this pattern up down up down up but the problem is is that you guys don't know that what the what's so great about the haikanashi point is it's gonna get you in at that turning point right here this is the turning point this is the turning point this is the beginning of the trend then you don't you don't want to get in during consolidation trend you don't want to get in during consolidation trend you don't want to get it during consolidation okay so over and over same thing happens in the market that's why the hakanashi point uh breaking point is going to get you in right there at the beginning the turning of the hikinashi see right here you see what i just marked let me show you guys this is why this is why the indicator is so great and this is what you should if you understand how hiking actually works then you'll really understand how valuable this is this think about it like this and that's why you should be setting those alerts too you think about like this didn't break didn't break didn't break didn't break broke right here right here okay that right there would have been an interest to you okay see where that red see where that blue dot is right on that candle okay this price pushed up but it got rejected there okay so let me show you guys again let me make it a little bit cleaner this time okay so i'm gonna put it here i'm gonna put that didn't break didn't break didn't break didn't break boom right there okay so let's come back over here again so what happened was the price was coming down coming down the hill coming down the hill boom we had a push-up but the push-up got rejected right there and then what happened after that price continued to push down you see that little that little blue dot that's where price turned back into the red hike and ashi see right here that's why that's why haikan actually is so important okay and then here excuse me here right here you started to get this push-up this blue candle right i'm sorry this blue dot right here is blue hikanoshi this is showing you that we have now turned into a green high kanashii at the very bottom of that trend okay and then price pushes up from there excuse me so that's you you have to understand how the hikanashi works you're coming down you're coming down the hill and then price starts to turn this is where you want to get it right at that turn the bottom of that turn and then price trends up okay and then price comes let me go move this over and then price starts to come down the hill again consolidating and then price starts to turn right there then you're going to get that haikanashi alert and then price is going to push up everything that i showed you is usually right here that's what i'm showing you right there that's the point you want to get in that's why the high connection breaking point is so important okay so let me show you right here here's a perfect example see and you're gonna get this over and over and over that's why you got to understand the concept price is coming down the hill it's coming down the hill okay get my phone out of the way and then price starts to turn okay as soon as price starts to turn that's where you want to get in the bottom of that trend and it breaks out and it trends and then price is going to start to consolidate again okay we'll start to consolidate again come on start to consolidate again and then once it starts to turn like this you want to get in right there at that break and then price breaks out and starts to trend okay so once you understand that concept it'll make a lot more sense to you as to what you're looking for trust me i have probably like i want to say like 10 students already who are making plenty of money with this strategy am i just saying that like i'm dead serious like they're they're they're making and some of them caught it like immediately like they caught it i guess it all just depends on you how much um you guys have been trading the market and how you view the market um but again somebody asked me specifically how how this indicator works and they wanted me to kind of show them a breakdown of how it works and you know what exactly am i looking for so again same thing again right here price is pushing down pushing down and when it starts to turn right here you want to get in right there at the hikinashi breaking point boom price breaks out okay now yeah here here's another here's another um signal right here so think about it like this here's a here's a perfect way to look at it actually so so that same thing i just showed you price was coming down price was coming down and then and then right here we were looking for that breakout for that same thing that same thing i just showed you guys boom got rejected didn't happen okay so then it comes down again and then price starts to turn right here okay this time we got it and price broke out okay so you're looking for those breakouts you're not looking to get into consolidation okay avoid consolidation get in the trend this is what you're looking for you're looking for the meat okay you know what i'm saying unless you're a vegetarian you're looking for the meat of the trade you're not looking to get in right here you're not looking to get in right here you're looking to get it right there boom and get that meat you're not looking to get in right here okay you guys like my drawings okay so right here boom you can see the double bottom right down there double bottom this one was great because the double bottom occurred a little bit further down um that's something i had marked up yesterday okay so right here same thing again double bottom right there it's going to show you so many double bottoms i didn't really even know the market had so many double bottoms and some of the double bottoms aren't going to always look like the ones i just showed you this one this is a perfect double bottom come on it looks like a w but there's also going to be some that are going to look a little bit oblong okay but this is also a double bottom right here boom there's your w right there and again a lot of people they trade like harmonics it's the same thing i don't trade harmonics but but that's what it's showing you double bottoms and double tops see how i marked this up previously and now it's reacting right there that's what i mean it reacts all the time boom same thing i could have marked this one right here there's there's a reaction later on but again oh i'm not trading like that i'm trading right here in real time okay so us 30 um right now obviously it's already gone too far for me because of the way i use the indicator so here we go right here here's a good one this is where a lot of people are probably getting faked out okay so i i got my signal right here i marked my previous one price came up hit resistance price broke out okay we might have decided to try to jump into that trade for a scalp um depending on how long we you know depending on where we put our stop loss this looks like about a one to one right there boom one to one right there there's our there's our entry there's our exit there's our stop loss right there okay so that would have been maybe a successful trade uh it's a little hard for me to see but it looks like it's a pretty good one to one right there let's let's just mark it up let's do it one to one whatever let's get rid of that okay let's not do that okay so right here put to our low yeah so 101 right there boom there's your wonder what price broke out hit that hit that uh take profit drop back down a little bit more than one to one so so we've been a little bit safe on that one price drop back down below okay and now uh price is pushing down so basically this is what we're looking at price came up here hit resistance popped through came back didn't find any support and just drop down immediately okay so again and i can look to my left if i wanted to boom there's some more resistance right there you see where we're at we're underneath that level of resistance right there okay i could also use this one if i wanted to and see how that reacts so i could see right here there was more um resistance there you see that right here price came up hit resistance came back down broke through okay price came down found support broke through look where that reacted right off that line that i drew from right there okay price came up broke down fine and resistance looking for it to head back down okay don't don't try to over complicate this it's really i think the patience that most people just don't have what's obvious is the patients most people don't have they want to like make the trade right now they want to force the trade don't force the trade and i understand there will be losing trades okay there will be losing trades nobody has a perfect 100 strategy there will be times where you're gonna get this breakout you're like okay i waited for the breakout and then it came up and it didn't go too far and then it fell back down below the line and found resistance there and started to push back down now what you need to be able to do is switch sides be able to switch sides but remember we started only looking for a buy the buy showed us a cell okay it's important that you understand that too this one already happened a long time ago we have a double bottom right here bm bm there's your w right there there's your break there's your re-test it goes up re-test again goes up okay so everything isn't going to look like a perfect double bottom like they showed you in the picture like an upside down mcdonald's sign and then also here look i can show you this as well see what we have here push up candle retest support price pushes up from there okay i just showed you i mean like it's like that's exactly a perfect setup push-up support trend um you're gonna get these too this is back at the beginning again you're gonna get these breakout candles like that so that's how i look for the trades um that i look for every morning um yeah so i'm gonna continue to post videos for you guys until you guys get it alright so until tomorrow

2021-03-08 10:40

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