HarmonicTrading Live Stream

HarmonicTrading Live Stream

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I'm. Really not trying to say anything other, than I'm just testing this so. I'm. Really, not doing anything other than you guys can watch I'm. Gonna run this for about 30 minutes what. You're looking at is a bearish shark on a 233, tick with an HSI, check back for. A move back down to 276. Just. Hit the target. At 82, the stop. Couldn't. Even I entered, that at 82 right there on the check back so. Just watch that unfold that's, all I'm doing I'm testing this. Harmonic. Pattern collection, I'm. Gonna be doing this a lot more but you know it's classic, example, a little day trade here of what. We do with, the live sessions, as well so, just. Keep, it cool in the chat you guys can do whatever, and. Look. For that move down about five lower and. You. Guys can check back actually I'll, probably have this running tomorrow full, time. Enjoy. Thanks. Guys I'm just testing, today. So. Just hang in there I'm gonna show you some charts just, kick, back I'll, flash you some patterns, that's, all I'm doing I'm not really doing anything formal, today but, I'm. Gonna hang around till the close so we got about 30. Minutes to look the clothes, looking. For a little something in Nasdaq and, Q or ES, S&P. 500. You, got the shark on the, es, on the 233, tick and I'm. Just gonna flip through some currency. Patterns too so. If you guys want to just you, know let's take a look this. Is the setup right now right, up at that 82. Level. Here, this. Is still in play that's still a type 1 and. We're. Looking for that break down to 76, that's 6 points. So. There you go. This. Is just really informal. But I'm, gonna be doing this a lot more. And. So invite you guys back and. You. Know and this is more of what we do during the mornings as well. So. Hang, in I'll be back in a little bit. Order. Pending. You. Order. Filled. Order. Pending. Order. Canceled. You. Order. Pending, order. Pending. You. Order. Canceled. You. Order. Canceled. You. You. Hey. Guys were watching this bad pattern. Not. Much going on, looking. For something that just sell-off here. Towards. The close a. Couple. Of HS is this fat pattern this, is even better on the 233. And it just triggered the. First HSI. That. I'd want to see 8250. Is the number. We. Had a shark pattern, there - I think forget, that what time frame those 89, tick but. This is really. Short-term, stuff and, our. Target 76. Still. There's. The one minute I. Crab. From this morning that was pretty nice. Type. 1 type 2 we're right back actually, there you go. For. The day as well we're just coming back kickin that one, six one eight from earlier this morning. All. Of that's 8250. 83. For. Sell-off back down to 76, so here you go. Hang. In there we're just this is casual. Really. Not you know I'm just just starting this test in this but I'll be doing this a lot more. I'll. Be back in a little bit. Not. Much happening, on that S&P 500. But. Here's a bat pattern, and a type 2. Coming. Right back at the stop. The. S&P is off about two points, from the, shark. Bat pattern, we were looking at. But. Here a really short term I'm looking, at the stop though again, at the 55. 55. 56, for a move back to 67. Let's. See what's happening. There's. HSI, okay, so that's got to come down. Let's. Take a let's keep it on that. Sorry. Each size about the trigger for the second time that'd be a nice spot here. Again. Your check back is under the 58, level. Let's. Take a look. Got ten minutes. Yep. Ten, minutes too close. Hey. Folks just, show this follow up here. So. That was the type 2 this. Is on the Nasdaq. And. We just hit target, 2 this. Is really short term I would be limit order out on this, even though we're flashing a bat. Pattern, up here at. 71. Right now I think from a management perspective, you. See that kind of rejection and. We. Do have an HSI, trigger. Limit. Out. Anywhere. In that between, that stop and that terminal bar 56. To 59, but. That that type 2 is about done and. Looking. For probably a cell into the close here at 5 minutes to go. Let. Me look at a yes there's that that. We. Have a couple crab patterns, bear patterns, up here folks.

Here's. On the 60 minute just be aware of this and. Something. Interesting as well we have been looking, at a lot of these closes. Here. On the 60 there you go here comes the deep crab or, the regular crab but. Up at that stop limit. So. We're negotiating this, and we're stalling out here I would, expect some resistance, up above this 80 level. Into. Tomorrow maybe a place where they take profits, let's look at the 30-minute. But. In morsel harmonic, pause folks. Yeah. Even for today, that 84, that 85, it just got rejected off, of that little. Crab pattern from yesterday. Nice, midday butterfly. On the one minute that's one minute yes. Look. At that right down there type. One type two. This. Was what, right, after lunch. Type. One up to the three eight to comes. Back for, the secondary, test and then, that's. Our target we go for target two on the secondary, test but that thing look. At the trend lined it keeps. Going. Let's. Go back to that 233, tick oh. Let. Me know darn. It I. Know. What's going on there. 75-66. On nasdaq. Sorry. There's, that bad again. Maybe it's a 71. They. Try to run this into the clothes and then dump it it's four o'clock right now. But. That type two was pretty nice let me, take. A look at that really quick again. This. Was the one we showed I have. Bearish, patterns, but here's the thing is last couple of days we've had bearish. Patterns, right into the clothes or the aftermarket, and then they dumped. And. A lot of times he gets some pretty extreme movement, we're. Now in the aftermarket. But. There's that crab pattern check this out. Let, me remove the potential. And. There's. That deep crab at 75, at, 55. Again. That's short-term. It's. Pretty fast stuff but, you. See in the same pattern dynamics. On these tick. Charts, as a. Five-minute. One. Minute I like, the 233. And. Where, do all these intervals come from I mean historically, people, have been utilizing. Numbers. From the Fibonacci sequence for, for on all kinds of different stuff that, was also the mid day. There's. The crab, pattern, at the one six one eight it's that those are the kind of patterns we. Want to be scouting. For. And. Still. Even this one. This. Is still a type one that. Goes to target two and that's. Probably, what, you do. This. Second, part that went later in the day I. Think. We focus, really. Just, your. First reaction here, you. Get up to target to your jobs done this is great and there's. Ways to capture that second, half, of that move but this. Is the kind of stuff we want to feast on all day long and again. I, I've said, this time and time again, for. Those of you who are into the harmonic patterns, I, pattern.

You. Can't stress that enough. So. Take a look at that we're a little we got about 10 minutes to this. After. Market closes is there uh looks, like a bat pattern on a 134, tick a. Little. Higher. Es. Is better. Again. That es the. A. Little bit of the es, reaction, that we took was about, 10. Ticks now, for S&P 500, and the. Nasdaq. Both had mid. Day pattern it's really nice. Let. Me take that off. There. You go I knew. There was a bad pattern, I had my setting off. At. 84. Well. Everyone. Is welcome to join. Check. Back last. Hour of trading. During. The week next week, I'll. Be popping up on this more and more. And. Then. Of course folks, if. You. Haven't seen the software, what will work you going to sermonic pattern collection, and. Again. Take a look at here's, all the screeners, that i've run off of. So. I'm not running through I'm looking at on. The other screen here I'm lining up the, patterns here on my tick charts five-minute charts. Probably. Do a separate, session for, Forex. And how to do day trading 5-minute pattern and stuff like that but. All. That scanning, kind of saves an enormous amount of time then. It frees. Me up to be able to find those patterns. That have the best structure and, then. Look for confirmation I. Mean. Here's there's two or three things I'll look at tonight, share. With everyone and this is in the currency space. Here's. Pound cat, on. A 5-minute. Now. We know this thing's been harmonic. So. There's a deep crab on a 5-minute. 170. 440. Okay. I'll look at that little later tonight. But. That's a nice five-minute, pattern here. Is something though to take a look at on pound CAD, just. To be aware of. Go. On the daily, and. This. Is this is any of your, sorry. That's. Monthly. Huh I'll, go back to that day at that monthly chart in a second but, here's. The daily. Pound. CAD this. Is something I've been talking about for a few weeks in the live sessions. Working. Our way down out, of this big, bat zone. Target. One at once what. The reversal, is so in this, case, we. Have a bullish, pattern, against, a fairly. Predominant. Downtrend, type one reaction. On. The. Bat pattern, so. Look, at that. Here's. What it looks like on the five. So. I would treat any kind of five-minute, bullish, pattern, here. You go that thing, did. We hit yeah we hit. My. Fault. That. Should be generated, I need I need to see why that's, not. Generated, officially, yet but 170, 440. Okay. But again this is just another as a day trading opportunity. Here's. The deep crab do we have HSI, no, HSI. Is not in position yet. So. I'll look at this maybe a little bit lower below that zone, not. Up there below, the zone. On. The 60-minute. Same. Pound, Aussie alright this is a 60-minute. Longer. Term timeframe. There's. A bullish bat. Now. That's something, I absolutely, want, to be looking at tonight. For. A bump up into a target one. I'll. Probably send that out to the in the update tonight to the members. Your. Terminal, bar is 183, forty-seven. Your. Trading seventy, right now but look just look, you look, for a little check back to the 886. It's. Just in its terminal, bar plus two we just entered that plus two bar, but. That's a beauty. For. A type one bat beautiful. And look. Pink. HSI, yeah, right at the terminal bar. Those. Are a few that's what we do so. Folks. Let me just kind of direct you if you haven't seen it yet. Bring. This over. Go. And access most. Of what we're doing there is a signal, or Metatrader. And. I'm. Gonna leave this up for everyone to see to go. And. I'll put this is on the blog as well but. Go. There get the free trial tell them you're with the official, group if you if you tell support, you're with the official group we. Give three weeks instead. Of just seven days. That's. What I'm doing with all the patterns and then. Check that out so. More. Of that to come you, guys check it back. Tomorrow. Oh. Leave. That up there and. That's. With her. And. Wish. Everyone a great night check. Back for more you have, any questions send me a note armonica trader at harmonic, trader.

2019-04-10 07:23

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