Hagakure Show | Inna Samoilova on Ukrainian Culture, Teaching and Business

Hagakure Show | Inna Samoilova on Ukrainian Culture, Teaching and Business

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Welcome. To the Hagia CUDA show and I'm here, today, with. Ena, and she's. A very good, and interesting Ukrainian. Teacher on Instagram. And. I'm, so happy to have you here so. Could, you tell first for, our, listeners, who you, are exactly. I'm, so, happy to be your, guest. Today and, thank. You for inviting me so, my, name is ena I'm from Ukraine, I've. Been teaching. Ukrainian. For, a while. Exactly. Five years now and, I. Would. Like to share my culture, my, language. Through. The whole world. That's. Good and how, did you decide to start today's journey. So. I want, to say when I was a student of, the, Faculty of, translation. I decided. To find a part-time, job and. There. Was an opportunity to be the local, teacher, I. Taught. Adults. And kids of English, language of course and, I. Really, loved liked teaching and I decided yes, I want to follow my, grandparents. And mom's footsteps because, they are teachers too. And. Then. I I, think okay. I would. Like to try also to teach online because it's very convenient, and you, can do this. Anytime. Everywhere. And. Also. You can. Connect. To many, people, and I, decided, also to teach, English, online but I got an offer from the, Turkish. Students. Who asked me to teach, him Ukrainian, because he was going to enter the engineering, university in Kiev and I say ok I can help, you I can try to teach, you Ukrainian. And I really, enjoyed. Teaching. My native language to foreigner, so, I changed, my mind and I, changed. My, specialization. And, I started, teaching Ukrainian. For, foreigners. From all over, the world and I had. Approximately. 100. Students from 23. Countries. This. Is a lot. Yeah. Sounds, from different, countries. Yeah. That's. And you told, that you came from a family of teachers is, that the right yeah. Yeah, absolutely correct, my mom she. Is a teacher of Ukrainian, language in literature. She. Has been teaching for more than 25, years now. That's. Very interesting but. Have. You ever heard from someone, that you should give. Up or stop what you're doing. Actually. Yeah. I want to say that I would, thinking to do this by myself because, I. First. Of all I thought, okay it's a part-time job and then when I graduate. From the University, I can find some. Serious. Work and my mom she, wanted, me to work in office, yeah, to find, a serious, position, to. Have a boss working. In a company and actually, I found, I. Found. Work. In the office, and at the same time I couldn't give up my work. Online and, after. The working. Day I came back home and I worked as a teacher in the evening and also at the weekend and then, I realized, that I. Can't. Work. Anymore. At the office I want to do the job that I really love I enjoy and then I gave. Up my old work. And start teaching online. Fully. And that's my full-time. Work. Right now and about. The haters yes I want, to say that I got some haters on Instagram. You know they. Are I think, that's a typical. Like. Virus. You're, in in the 21st, century on the internet, so, I feel. Okay about that okay. Because they are we, have to accept them in our life and to say them thank you for. Your comments. Yeah, and I want to say that actually we, I think, the biggest, haters. We are for ourselves and we have to realize, if. We really like our job, and if, you do then we, don't have to listen to anybody just, to follow your. Dream. Makes. Sense to me so I can say that you gave up the regular. Job to follow, your dream yeah. Yeah. If. It works for me. Yes. It does of course of course, if. You organize your time well, and will, work well then you can do this very, good I. See. And, what. Would you say for those who want to start a new business like, you did. Okay. So first of all you have to, think. What. Is your mission in your life, yeah or for example what you can do better than others, yeah. And just. Think. About it and also you can get inspired, by, other. Famous. People, I mean people for. Example you want to be a programmer or, you, want to be a teacher an actor and you can get x-file, inspired, by the. Famous. People in this sphere, yeah, and then you can understand. What you want to do or. Maybe, you want to create a product you, can put a realistic, goal then. You have to plan, it yeah. How you're going to reach your goal, also, I want to tell that at the beginning it is very important, to invest, some money time. In energy, in your in, yours and development, because if you want to start your own project. Or business you, have to do many things not only to be a teacher you have to be to create creator, you have to understand how to make. A video how to edit it also, how the Instagram.

Work, Their. Social, that works how, to write a post also. How to, if. You want to write some learning materials, how, to write. How to publish, them so, it includes so many things and you have to understand, how, you can do this how you can organize it and to play it took plan, in advance. Your. Act. Way. To ask, for the help because, at the beginning many things can be very difficult. For you and you, can easily give up and if, you ask some people who work, in the sphere or your friends and they can easily. Support. You or help you to do this and also don't afraid, to ask for the help and I. Want to say that in the beginning also many people feel, very inspired, and motivated to do something yeah and they start to do a lot, and then when you don't, see, any. Good results, you just start, okay. I give up I can do this you, can't see very good result so I advise. It don't expect. High. Results. At the beginning, yeah because many people do they want to, get the same or some, money. From, their projects, at the beginning but then you they, say ok it's, not truly successful or I don't, have so many followers ok, I won't just give up and I don't want to do this just, do, your work enjoy. The process, be, consistent, and you will get the. Success, very. Soon, I, like. That and according to you that consistency. Is the key is, that right. Yeah, to be yeah, to be consistent. I think that's the key yeah, when you you. Can do. Your work every. Day but. Just spend. 1 hour 2. Hours and, if. You do this regularly then, of course. You will get some results, then you can spend some 4, or 5 hours, per day and once. Per week it's, not too good it's, not, a good idea. I'm. Speaking about that how do you organize your, routine. Yeah. I think it's, very important to organize your, team, wisely, because. First. Of all you have to organize your sleep. Your. Nutrition. And also how. Do you feel now your physical, condition I want to say that every day I wake up at 7 select I am I do. Some. Morning. Exercises. And workout then, I cook some. Breakfast. And also I cook. Some dinner, and, lunch. And food for lunch, and dinner. Also. Then I do some, meditation. Thus, in the morning five minutes, it helps me a lot to, concentrate. On. My work and, then I start, my, work. At 9:00 a.m.. Then. I. Have. Three. Approximately. Two three lessons then I have some break I I. Read. Some news. I watched some videos then I record. Some videos for my Instagram, I make, stories I go out for a walk then again I have some lessons in the. Evening also I tried to relax. I read some. Books. About the motivation. Or about self development or about some. Philosophy. And then, in the evening I just, I I don't work, after, 8:00 p.m. and, I don't use. The technologist, I try, not. To use technologist, up to 9 p.m., because. Yeah. I I started. To follow this, routine. Just, several, months ago and before it was just like a mess in my life and I lost my sleep I couldn't sleep very, good and because. I was worried about. Like. What is going on in my life I woke, up very late so I think it's not, really good, and it's harmful. So it's very important, to organize your routine wisely. And to follow. It and then if you follow it just. In a month it will become your habit, and when you have a good habit, then you feel much better you, feel more. Productive, and. It I. Think also, is the key to pay attention to yourself. And, then when you organize, your, life good you can organize, your work. Good. To. Make. Sense to me but seems like you have a very full, schedule every. Single day. Yeah. Right now I'm very easy. And I. Have. Five. Six lessons per day. Then, also I have to, create. Some content, and. Also. I. Started. To, teach when, I'm started to study English, again, I have. Also a teacher online and, I think, I want to improve my level, of English and, I, want to be, an. Advanced, level. Student. And I. Sure. And also now I am a student too and I wanted. To feel. It how, to become, a student again, but. Obstacles. You have to go through when you study the, language. With the teacher and of, course online because, it's a different experience I think many, people they, are afraid of online.

Teaching They. I know, right now it's modern time time but at the same time many people don't know how how, it works at the afraid of it but, I think it is very convenient, it works perfectly, when, you use technologies. To. Study the language so is. Great so yeah. And I, am. Pretty. Busy and yeah. Also. I. Am, I'm. Working, on my course. I want to create. Offline. We, do a course for, Ukrainian, language students, and I'm. Working on it -. That's. Something that I was about to ask about your future, plans. Business. Yeah. Yeah yeah. So about I have. Not. Plans but I want to say I have goals so, first. Of all I want to I want. To create more content, free content, it's for, Instagram. And also I post some, very, useful parts on Facebook, and. I'm, going, to open the YouTube channel, where I also can trust very useful, videos. About, not. Only about the Ukrainian language but also to give some tips how to study the language, what. Techniques, you, can use. Also. I would like to, finish my book I have started writing, the, book master, the cranium, cases, and I. Want to finish it so much, also I want. To. To. Finish my offline. Video course, I'm. Going, to. Also. To create some, Ukrainian. Language course for professionals. I mean for students, or businessman. For. Different specialization, I would say like that also I would like to write, a book. This. Book is gonna be for. Women, I would, like to share my experience, how to start, your. Online, business. Without, the background. Why. For women I would like to write this book for. Women. Who lives in. Ukraine. Were. In the past Soviet Union countries because, it's, a difficult. Thing to start. The business here, and many women they, work. They, are more re oriented. On, starting. Their family, I mean to. How, the family, and they are afraid to start, the business and actually. How to do this if you don't have a background like. A very, good education, when. You, don't. Have like. Rich parents yeah, we don't have some budget for the ads of how to do that by yourself so, that's my plans for the future. Sounds. Like a revolution, that you're planning there. Yeah. Yeah maybe I will write also, about the second menu in this book, so, I have, some ideas about this, but. You. I think, I just have to start writing it and, then I see, how it flows. Good. Businesswoman. Teacher and writer, can, I say that, yeah. Good. Point yeah speaking. A little bit more about the Ukrainian, language in. Your point of view as an expert, what. Are the advantages, of learning Ukrainian. Mm-hmm. Yeah so, I want to say that. You. Have, to study in, the cranium because. More. Than 14, million, people speak. It also. Ukrainian, language is very beautiful. It's. A very I. Would. Say well-developed. A rich, language, and Ukrainian. Language was, created in the 12th century. So. We can say it's very, old language and, I, want to say if you are no Ukrainian you, can understand. Many, Slavic. Language. Just, such as Russian. Polish. Belarusian. Czech. Language so. Ukrainian. Language is a different, group of languages yeah of course, it belongs also to in the opinion. Group but, the, subgroup.

Is Slavic. Language, and that's. A great a great. Opportunity for you to study another. Language to, feel it because it's a little bit different also I want to say that my. Cranium, language is very melodic. One, and it. Belongs. To. Now. It. Takes the second. Place, among, the most beautiful, languages. In, the world after, the Italian one and I want to say that phonetics, is very beautiful, you can even sing this, language. And. Yeah. It's. Very beautiful especially I highly, recommend, my students, to listen, to the Ukrainian, language and to the Iranian language music and, they can listen. A repeat. Sing. And. Also. I would like yeah, I forgot to tell about that I would like, to create also in the future the course, like, study Ukrainian, language with, music, because I played the guitar and, ukulele. And, I, want to play, the Ukrainian, songs to sing them and to also to teach. Some, very useful vocabulary. Idioms. Or expressions with. The help of music, I think it's also a good idea, and. Also, like to tell, you that, training. Language is very, fanatic. Ones and, letters. In Ukrainian, language are. Pronounced. They spelt so. The same so, you just need to start it the alphabet, and then you can start reading easily, and the. Last reason. You. Know Ukrainian, language. Yeah. Very beautiful, it's very old and. Ukrainian. People we are very, we. Are very strong, nation. We. Are very. We. Are very like. Independent. And you know about. Incomes. It happened. Five. Years ago, and my dad and you, have an opportunity to, feel. The. Wisdom. The. Energy. And. All. Of. This beautiful. Language yeah and of, course if, you are going to travel to. Slavic. Countries, people don't. Really good English, speakers, here and also. If, you want just to to, know some very basic. Stop I also recommend, you to start, studying. Ukrainian, because it's also, I. Think. It's one of the easiest Slavic. Languages, to, start. Studying. It so I, highly. Advise. You to, to. Go deep into this language to enjoy. It and then, you can start, using it and all. The time yeah. I'm. Convinced, it. Yeah. I. Like. The way that you defend and to train your language it's. Definitely. On my list I agree. Every word that you said, and. So they came out language-learning. They. Have plans to learn a new language in the future beyond. English, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah I. Want, to say that I'm, by. Linguists so, I study, a study. I speak. Ukrainian. And Russian, yeah. I am. A native speaker of two languages but, also I, studied, English and German and I, would like to study Spanish. Language so much. Why. Because, it sounds, very, beautiful. To me also you, know Spanish, it's a, very. Popular, language it.

Takes Dessert, took place among, the. Most. The. Most, widespread. Languages. In the world also, Spanish. Language. It. Belongs, to the same family group, is English, so I'm, sure it will be very easy for, me to start a Spanish language yeah, and. Also I think Spanish. Language, is very musical, language and I would, like to travel to Spain and to Latin America. Makes. Sense to me and, as. You said that you. Have two native, languages, and you also speak English you have experience. Which. Kind of advice. Would you give for, those who want to learn a new language like, a first, foreign, language. Yeah. So, I would like to command. You of course to set a goal first of all because I think everything, starts to the goal. Studying. The language is a very serious, thing. If, you really want to be able to communicate in, this language to understand, it and to, also. Speak it yeah, so well you can ask yourself okay why would why, would I like to study this language yeah, why do they need this lamb Angie, yeah, and then from, this goal. You can see how much time you can spend. For. Study in this language then. Of course Everson, starts with the phonetics, and speaking and, is very good to surround yourself with this, language for example you want to sell it like Spanish, or Ukrainian. Or English, yeah, and you can start listen. To this music. You can just start. Watching. Some videos, you can just go deep into the culture, also when you start studying the culture, it's also a very. Very. Powerful tool, that can push you to study the language because, with the culture you can open. Open. Many aspects. Of the language and of, course you can focus. On your hobby I, want. To say that I really, enjoy listening to music and I, started to english-language. With the help of music. I I, just, started, to listen, to the music to, read many scripts, to translate, them and I really enjoy it I really enjoy and, it helped me so much to improve. My accent, because. I have never practiced. The. English phonetics. To, tell the truth I just listen. A lot and repeat a lot and sing a lot and it helped me so much to improve so you can find your, interest, if you like for example. Like. Use, of politics, yeah you can just read, them, use if, you enjoy, for. Example traveling you can explore, more about the traveling, you can even travel to this country, if you have everyone also I recommend you to find some. Language. Partners, from this country or friends, from this country yeah it's. Very easy you can go to, some size like for example tandem. Comm, and you, can find. A language partner and, you can communicate. With this person this person can, correct you and this is also very good way. For you to start. Improving this language, also. Some some, tips. Also how how, to start, what you should do yeah. Use. Some very. Authentic. Materials, yeah yeah. Which. Can help you to improve the speaking, skills also, be, consistent, organize. The tongue will get. Inspired with this language. Just. Start feeling it start, speaking it. I'm, sure that if, you focus on it and just, in several, months you can start using. It, yeah. And, there. When there is where, there is a will there is a way so. Just, starting. Doing. Something put the goal I go, to eat daily and you. Will be, successful in, no time, there just the, key that's it, good. Very useful advice I think. And. Well. I am, very satisfied with this interview, I would like to thank you for being. My guest today and. I'm. Curious about the news with, your, book and, this. Called meditation I wish you all good. Luck with, this it's. Very curious. Yeah. Thank you so much for your, job. For your project, I wish, you, good. Luck and I wish so many people to see it, and, you.

Are Doing a great job because. Studying. The language, it's. The way because, when you study a new language it's the same like you possessing the soul inside. Of you so. Thank. You a lot -. It. Was a pleasure to, be your guest today.

2019-04-25 21:59

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