Grimbeard - Planescape: Torment - Enhanced Edition (PC) - Review

Grimbeard - Planescape: Torment - Enhanced Edition (PC) - Review

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it's just you and me tonight ken what kind of  hell are we gonna raise barbarian magician thief cavalier and acrobat if some wizard was  handing out magic rolls and i got stuck with   acrobat i'd be so pissed what am i gonna do  with that jump off a bridge oh what the god damn come to the planes are you bored of walking  outside into a meaningless uncaring world full   of traffic and making eye contact with people come  to the planes rid yourself of earthly possessions   and take a plane ride to the flames that's right  get in a plane fly through a portal and come out   nowhere could this be the start of your epic  swords and sorcery adventure or the start of   a lifetime of enslavement at the hands of space  goblins i don't know nobody does that's why you   gotta come to the plains and find out wipe the  cheese dust off your disgusting fingers get out   of your gamer chair and come where the flames  you want excitement we got it you want romance   we got it you want combat we'll see what we can  do but one thing's for sure you gotta come come i thought it was over planescape torment is an isometric avant-garde  multiverse crpg and journal updater it was   developed by black isle studios and published  by interplay entertainment for pc in 1999 and in   the years following it has since found its way to  playstation 4 xbox one nintendo switch and mobile   devices if that's how you choose to live your  life planescape torments setting existed as a   dungeons and dragons campaign setting created  by zeb cook a world he sought to create based on   the vagueness of the outer planes of dungeons and  dragons the mishmash of religious and mythological   odds and ends that lampshade the game's alignment  system tired of as he put it big muscled swordsmen   rescuing princesses and clearing out dungeons he  found the idea of making these cosmic planes that   supposedly no one would have any reason in their  right mind to visit explorable and thus creating   a hub in which all the worlds of d would be linked  to be an inventive new direction taking all these   elements that are illogically crammed together and  have it make sense that they are in an era when   the crpg had found a sort of comfortable rhythm  a string of games torment included would emit a   discordant shriek that would disrupt and shake up  the format pulling attention away from whichever   ultimate game you had installed saying that ain't  nothing you little nerd your little [ __ ] it was   real confrontational i know i was scared at  every step torment would attempt to subvert   the expectation of the average crpg enjoyer turn  the established tropes on their head right from   the opening cut scene one which depicts the player  character's death though not as an end state death   would instead be used to advance the plot torment  would also leap over the expected paperwork of   rpgs you wouldn't preemptively draft out the  particulars of your character's stats class   alignment and personality type you just begin as  a blank state that doesn't even know who he is   and piece it together through experience and the  company you keep around you well met traveler uh   i'm jumping backwards in time from the future here  and firstly i'd like to preemptively say i'm sorry   i [ __ ] up a future where i realized that i  used the term crpg a lot and i don't know how   commonly that term is still used some  games continued to tag themselves as   crpg despite not fitting my definition of one as  i knew it it was a term used to describe a game   that either began as a tabletop rpg and has now  been rendered in computer game format or a game   that invents its own variation of this type of  rule set a dnd like a gurps-like something like   fallout's special system which behaves similar  to a tabletop game despite not beginning as one   not too deep within me i'm sure that really  the only requirement for me to describe   something as a crpg is that it be isometric  and that at some point i have to fight big   big rats never commit to anything be changeable  keep moving this is how you survive in 1996 black   isle was gearing up to start several  projects using the world of planescape   ready to ring this ip of all its worth at first  inner play had black isles attention split on   other projects and eventually the planned rise  of planescape was hastily forgotten joining   the dark universe in whatever plane of abandoned  dreams i imagine they dwell in the first of these   was to be a proper crpg titled simply planescape  this project led by zeb cook himself was to be   the sort of flagship planescape game planescape's  answer to boulder's gate much like what boulder's   gate was to boulder's gate on account of its name  being just planescape so it was like the boulder's   gate of planescape planescape the computer game  if you will you gotta keep up i'm a good words holder the second project was led by another  person who worked on the tabletop setting   colin mccomb which would have amounted to  a playstation game set in planescape but   inspired by the gameplay of from software's king's  field series where you'd play as a harmonium guard   a lawful good faction that is confronted  with a conspiracy involving the blood war an   eternal conflict between law and chaos that  simmers beneath most planescape narratives   six months of work went into plotting out  and creating a design document for this game   but at some point word came down from interplay  management that the idea of three planescape   games in production was redundant to remedy this  the playstation game was cancelled colin mccomb   zeb cook and zeb's work on the main planescape  game were transferred over to another project   led by chris avalon and utilizing bioware's  infinity engine then called planescape last rights   to further spit on the grave of mccombs work  everything made for the ps1 planescape game plus   a shitload of money was funneled into development  for a game called stonekeep 2 a sequel to 1995's   stone keep and i gotta say i think they made the  right call because stone keep two after five years   in development turned out to be one of the best  most groundbreaking rpgs ever made in the universe   where it wasn't cancelled behind the scenes in  1997 black isle produced a 47-page design document   a vision statement for planescape last rites to  pitch to interplay what's still impressive reading   this now is just how clear this vision was just  about everything in it saved for some plot details   came to be more or less as laid out here and it  is interesting to see some of the game design   philosophies devised from the beginning the  dev team was told things like if you've seen it   done before do it better than you've ever seen or  don't do it reiterating that planescape isn't high   fantasy it's avant-garde fantasy so no object or  location within it should be easily recognizable   as a real life thing if there's a little caesars  on the corner it's built into the desiccated   ribcage of a dead interdimensional lizard and a  hot reddy is magically compressed into a single   shimmering bite-sized cube hey but you know what  i bet it's still only five dollars some things you   just don't change no matter how hard to fart your  game is i'll tell you what man i'll tell you what   anywho an odd side effect of reading this is  getting a glimpse at how a game as complex   and cerebral as this needed to be distilled and  summarized into corporate manchild speak as to   be better understood by the gamer council amongst  its [ __ ] and shit-laden nerd bait it promises   tons of total babes this game will have  lots of babes that make the player go wow   there will be fiendish babes human babes angelic  babes asian babes which are their own category and   even undead babes these babes will be present  without nipplage and will all regrettably behave   within the tsr code of ethics i actually had  to look up this code of ethics because i had   never heard of it before as it's a part of the  creation of materials and not really something   you'd observe at home as you may know back in  the 1980s tsr dnd's original publisher was the   cause of a moral panic from right-wing christian  groups like bad or bothered about dungeons and   dragons for promoting satanism sexual deviancy  and basement dwelling via role playing games   it is important to remember that the source of  all magic is the life force of the user this is   the teaching of the occult this is exactly what  we were introduced into in star wars and e.t   this was in some part due to some murders  suicides and murder suicides of young people   where i'm assuming distraught parents  eager for an explanation blamed a funny   make-em-up game to explain their grief battles  maiming killing hey it's all imagination is it yeah also to blame was some artwork included in  early editions of the player's handbook that got   them so horny it was infuriating in response to  this tsr wrote up a list of things that could not   be included in any dnd branded material whether  it be novels campaign handbooks what have you   and unsurprisingly the guidelines are very strict  and sound as though they were hastily scribbled at   gunpoint made up of most things you'd immediately  think to put in your dnd campaign like profanity   promoting distrust in law enforcement depicting  religious figures as villains glamorizing crime   excessive gore and most intriguingly sexual  abnormalities by the time planescape was announced   the rights to dnd had been handed over to wizards  of the coast so maybe they softened some of these   because there are certainly a few of those things  in there torment's dev team or last rites set out   to immediately break one of these guidelines  number one across two different iterations of   this code is that good must no matter what  triumph over evil in the end and those who   stoop to evil will be rightly punished for  it moral flexibility was important to their   vision finding the idea of the morally correct  answer being the only correct answer simply   boring and on the creation of the game's storyline  inspiration was drawn from other rpgs like   shadow run and video game rpgs like final fantasy  vii despite boasting a script of 800 000 words   there was still a good deal of content that had  to be cut in order to meet interplay's deadline   something which seemed to have left a chip on the  shoulder of producer guido henkel along with the   fact that his name isn't as synonymous with  planescape as others like chris avalon to be   fair though avalon's name is now associated with a  lot of things by complete happenstance thanks to a   scheduling conflict henkel wound up leaving a very  important mark on this game however as it is his   corpse-like and erroneously blue face emblazoned  on the game's very recognizable cover art it's   iconic and recognizable not only because of his  face but for the insane decision to make this   the cover of the game a cover that shouts i don't  care if you play me or not i see you eyeballing   boulder's gate instead buy that you think i give  a [ __ ] after self-exposed idiot on release the   game was met with substantial acclaim vacuuming  awards up like an eldritch kirby and being placed   on a number of lists of not only best rpgs but  best pc gamer would write when it comes right down   to it this game is a masterpiece of role-playing  the dialogue is some of the most well-written of   any rpg the environments are varied and downright  enthralling the spell effects are mind-blowing and   the story contains some of the most inventive  unique characters players will ever have in a   party though certainly enough time has passed that  a new generation of gamers have picked up the game   and had their own idiotic opinion on it or some  have walked back their once glowing review it's   hard to find many mainstream critic reviews of the  era that express anything critical beyond a mild   indifference eurogamer went i guess as  close to the throat as you could by saying   it's far from perfect and the casual way it  treats death was something of a turn off for me   but it's still about as good as they come  if nothing else it should keep you busy   until boulder's gate 2 is released oh look  at me i like elves and goblins that's me   i genuinely do i don't know why i'm doing  this voice praise aside like most good games   planescape torment was ultimately a commercial  failure one of many side effects of the gamer   curse you just can't get them to play  good games though over the next few years   after word of mouth spread this niche within a  niche within a niche of the game eventually made   profit this is the part where i feel like i should  say and planescape torment went on to inspire a   bunch of copycat games and its legacy left ripples  resounding throughout all of gaming its influence   seeping noticeably into many other enjoyable  games but i don't think that would entirely be   appropriate to say as very few games have really  attempted as arduous and risky a task as torment   did skillfully introducing and having fun with  a bizarre and novel fantasy setting breaking the   comfortable conventions of the rpg and including  a phone book's worth of text in it and having that   remain consistently interesting enough to carry  you throughout hours of reading i mean gameplay   not to say there were no games that stepped up  to attempt just that certainly disco elysium   and torment's spiritual successor but not many  more over the years torment would be re-released   a handful of times most substantially for its  enhanced edition from beamdog in 2017 which is the   version featured in this video which adds a number  of improvements accessibility options and restore   some incomplete content i think if i were revising  this game i would have amended the glaring typo   concerning the brothel for slating intellectual  lusts which should have been saiding or slaking   but you don't want to give me any power like that  you grant me that one thing pretty soon just fire   everywhere burning death devastation darkness  though it refrains from indulging in that   too much making this version more of a  preservational effort than an attempt to   make it better maybe hot take but i like when  older games are preserved kept up to date and   easily available unless it's a nintendo game  too long have i known them simply as free games i'll take a moment to introduce planescape  as a location and honestly another one of   the characters in the story to borrow the  parlance of someone who did not accept video   games as an artistic medium what the planescape  setting sought to do was sort of make explorable   all the campaign settings devised by tsr i'm  going to assume excluding like licensed properties   turned modules but every setting put within a  shared multiverse where each world is its own   universe or plane on a spinning ring in the cosmos  called the great wheel many of these worlds were   until planescape merely suggested or used to wave  away some aspect of character creation but now   all these places would be real locations a level  one elf rogue could visit each with its own rules   torment is set in the outlands a neutral plane  at the center of the great wheel composed of   a giant seemingly infinite spire at the top of  which floats a city where most of your time will   be spent the name of this city is sigel kind of  like you're saying seagull really fast a name that   i instinctively read as sigil but it is in fact  sigil zeb cook decided on this pronunciation as a   result of his own mispronunciation of sigil which  he just doubled down on like most fantasy jargon   in an rpg if the players know what you're  talking about there's no use being pedantic   about how it's said so i wouldn't worry about it  too much all this to say i'm going to turn zeb's   logic right back on him and refer to it as sigil  and if you've got a problem with that go ahead   and roll a d12 to see how successfully you  go [ __ ] yourself this is a floating city   on top of a spire on the inner ring of a land  mass shaped like a taurus where there is no sky   only a light that sometimes goes on and off so you  know when to close up your potion shop or whatever   the other thing about sigil is that it is also  known as the city of doors this is because it   acts as an ever shifting and morphing hub world  in between the planes full of countless portals   to other planes not organized and labeled in a  facility mind you just all over the place hidden   from view each requiring their own key almost none  of which are just a regular key but some kind of   offering a phrase a gesture a thought could be  anything there are some that people know about   and many more that they don't leading to many  people just winding up in sigil by accident they   were off adventuring in greyhawk when they stopped  at the entrance to a cave and then remembered what   their aunt's apple pie tasted like or they fell  into a well while screaming their biggest regret   and that launched them over deciduel with no  idea of how to return because of this sigil is   a melting pot of every kind of person demon deity  or robot from all the planes it's like the cantina   in star wars but as a whole city and has yet to be  milked of anything initially interesting about it   sigil is overseen by a being named the lady of  pain a powerful entity that maintains balance in   the city using rather strict methods nobody's  actually really seen her or communicated with   her and anything anybody knows is relayed by  a race of speechless creatures called dabus   her servants that float around fixing or breaking  things to suit the lady's desires they communicate   using floating symbols that materialize over  their heads if someone were to threaten the   balance of sigil the lady of pain would have  them killed or worse mazed meaning they are   banished to wander a maze of her own design for  all eternity despite being clearly omnipotent   and all-powerful she refuses to be worshiped as  a god if you even try to pray to her she'll amaze   you if you try to mock her she'll maze you if you  attack her goons maze kill too many people maze   try to worship the previous guy in charge maybe  you might be a guy that got me you gotta work to   not end up in that maze and yeah i'm sure that's  bad like there's gotta be something about being   made that is objectively unpleasant but it's  hard for me to not see it as just free housing   if this already sounds like a lot to retain it's  a good thing we're given control of a character as   clueless as you our protagonist is a nameless  human man covered in scars and tattoos to the   point of appearing like a corpse he wakes up on a  slab in a mortuary within sigil with no memory of   how he came to be there for much of the game he  is referred to as the nameless one but you have   several opportunities to just lie and say your  name is adam we also meet the first of several   traveling companions we can collect along the way  mort a floating talking skull that helps guide   the nameless one around and provides some insight  to the culture and goings on in sigel i was going   to correct myself but it is the correct thing but  i guess it's harder to commit to that bit than i   thought this is ideally what he does a lot of the  time he just kind of hides ulterior motives and uh   tries to [ __ ] zombies i want to be buried with  her your coffin or mine mort lets the nameless one   know that he has a full paragraph of instructions  tattooed on his back that tell him to find his   journal and a man named ferid what they lean into  pretty immediately and is hard to ignore is the   unique vocabulary found in sigil that you'll start  to pick up on mort immediately hits you left and   right with several slang terms some of which have  a basis in existing dialects but others are a bit   more creative hey chief you okay you playing  corpse you're putting the blinds in the dusties   i thought you were a debtor for sure things like  saying chant in place of rumor or news as in   what's the chant what's new you'll come across  many characters that refer to you as a cutter   which you could think of as a replacement for  boss or chief it's like a respectful but casual   term that implies you're a resourceful and cool  guy there's a ton more that you can learn just   by context but if you want to be sure there is  usually a dialogue option that's like wait you   just said barmy what does that mean there's a very  specific limit to my memory i know like how to   eat i know how to dress myself in bones i know  how to raise the dead but i can't remember   any of these funny makeup words in keeping with  the rest of torment it would be diminishing to say   this building is just a mortuary it's the mortuary  home to a faction of sigil named the dust men   one of 15 factions groups of differently flavored  weirdos that have banded together behind some   spiritual interpretation of the world they're  all stuck in this is something that was included   in the tabletop game mostly as a response to the  popularity of vampire the masquerade and its clans   everybody's doing clans now so we gotta have them  too because the very idea of this wasn't complex   enough so sigil has these factions which you can  join to gain a variety of benefits and resources   though that is limited to only a few in this  video game version the dust men are a universally   disliked group of black-pilled monks that believe  life in sigil is a shadow not true life and   ultimately the best thing for all of us would  be to just die where we would achieve what they   call true death things like love passion hobbies a  funko pop collection these are all worldly anchors   keeping us stuck in a half-life without peace they  run this massive mortuary where they pay a few   coins to anyone that hauls in a body some in sigil  have found loopholes to make good money doing that   dead bodies are catalogued embalmed stored or  cremated and aside from meditating on how rad   it would be to die that's pretty much all they do  this is a pretty ironic group for the nameless one   to wake up to as he soon learns that this isn't  the first time he's been wheeled into the mortuary   in a pile of corpses far from it in fact the  scribe tasked with notating all the dead brought   in is frankly sick of seeing you slink out of here  and especially of seeing others die because of the   nameless one's influence he's not the only one to  refer to your condition as a curse and a blessing   it appears he simply cannot die preventing  him from achieving the dustman's ultimate goal   well more accurately he is immortal so he can  die but it never seems to take for whatever   reason upon waking up this time your memories  have all but completely vanished but some of   these memories will come trickling back hinting  that this is likely not the first hard reset the   nameless one has endured meaning for who knows how  long he's lived numerous varied lives all over the   plains you'll come across many characters that  have had vastly different interactions or even   relationships with some incarnation of him the  scribe mentions a woman that died following him   that is now memorialized here while he and mort  are trying to make their way out of the mortuary   the nameless one finds this memorial and is  visited by the ghost of a woman named dionara he   enters some kind of fugue state where only he can  converse with her and she is struck with a range   of strong emotions upon seeing our hero she's  angry bitter sad but clearly still deeply in love   with him whatever he did pre-memory wipe must have  really hurt and ultimately killed her and despite   this she still helps you regain some of your  memories very importantly the memory about how   to raise the dead should you wish for it she can  also provide a cryptic glibs into the future where   apparently the nameless one will be confronted by  a fortress made of regret and be forced to make a   sacrifice that will end his immortality one of the  wildest things about torment is how many variables   exist within it even in the first area you wake up  in which does act a bit like a tutorial area there   are a number of ways you can make your way through  it secrets to find or even just inconsequential   world building things that change based on your  skills or your temperament also because i'm a   complete [ __ ] during the first playthrough for  this video i had foolishly tried to attack the   dustmen which triggered an alarm that made all  of them hostile to me so i had to kill several   of them and also because i was just in a hurry  to get the [ __ ] out i didn't talk to dianara   and played the whole game to the end without the  ability to revive my followers wonder what this is well guess who is nothing and this is a good  thing though you can rest assured that your   own idiocy that may have kept you from unlocking  a basic function of the game did not prevent me   from having a complete and fulfilling gaming  experience also it's surprisingly forgiving   about severing threads of prophecy because in  my rush to the front door i killed a dude named   soigo who is sort of significant in a  later quest but you meet him later as   if nothing happened and you can ask him didn't  i kill you and he's just like oh yeah i mean   i don't know sigil is weird like that you got  that right brother in subsequent playthroughs   there were countless ways i could differ from  the path taken before and things i didn't even   notice the first time whether you get dnr's help  or enlist the aid of a zombie spy the nameless one   and mort make it outside to the streets of sigil  and upon leaving we are shown a bunch of shadowy   creatures looming over the slab where you rose  from the dead almost as if they were expecting   you to be there but just missed you looking for  ferret is the main objective but of course there   are several things you can get mixed up in some  amount to fetch quests others to substantial side   content leading to interesting items or experience  but the most impressive thing for me is that no   matter how significant they are most of the time  written with as much detail and consideration   as the main storyline there's a quest that's  quite literally a lady at a cafe wants you to   go tell her friend to meet her at that cafe and  i didn't really think about the simplicity of it   because it also worked in a fascinating bit of  world building where they both turn out to be   asamar from the forgotten realms and can  communicate by sort of manipulating reality   with their thoughts and feelings depending on how  much you pry you can even learn that one of them   intimately knew one of your previous incarnations  and killed another in self-defense or rather   affected his mind such that he did it himself  but i use this example just to instill that even   when the task is sort of mundane or contrived  it's not a squandered opportunity it is almost   always used to do something other than tick a box  in your journal and toss some xp your way there's   always some kind of narrative reward that could be  genuinely insightful concerning the mystery of the   nameless one or just some surreal darkly comedic  scenario that only the planes could produce   a rich socialite that wants to pay you to allow  her to kill you just to know what it feels like a   man that summons a zombie to tolerate his overly  talkative friend in his stead but it still has   enough cognitive function to beg you to put it  out of its misery a woman that's been hopelessly   wandering from portal to portal trying to find her  way home and somehow wound up with sentient teeth   there's several of these little stories packed  into every area in between doing main quest   stuff you'll be bouncing back and forth between  a number of locations in sigil and crossing   paths with many different factions and groups that  produce their own amusing quests and interactions   like the sensates members of the society of  sensation a bunch of live for today types   that believe you can only really be a part of the  multiverse if you live to experience every bit of   it they do this mostly by collecting and touching  things called sensory stones objects with recorded   experiences in them that temporarily immerse you  in the thoughts and emotional state of another   it's kind of like vr you know a pointless luxury  that just makes you sick get wrecked vr owners   uh by the way how is half-life alex i  can't afford it but it looks cool they   are also associated with a building called  the brothel for sliding intellectual lusts   where aspiring sensates are paid to spend time  intellectually stimulating patrons through debate   storytelling or games this place is run by a  reformed succubus a tanari named fall from grace   that could be one of your allies should you wish  it pretty early on you start collecting followers   which is an important piece of the game aside from  helping you in combat you can converse with them   or hear them chime in during conversations and all  of them have really well-defined personalities if   you give them the time you really grow to enjoy  their company and if you don't like one you can   always just abandon them at the mall uh yeah  vaylor could you just hang out here i'll be   right back yeah i'm just gonna stop by anchor  blue and buy a plastic shirt i'll be right back oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] within the first quest or  so you'll likely pick up dakon a gethseri warrior   coming from the plane of limbo a place where  only those who know themselves achieve flesh   he wields a karak blade one that only followers of  xerthamon are worthy enough to handle that changes   shape with his thoughts like a mood ring that also  cuts people in half it might be a little jarring   how he winds up joining you like you just bump  into him at a bar and as though he's been through   this whole rigamarole too many times he's just  like yeah yeah you're looking for an extra sword   right all right let's just get this over with so i  can get back to drinking whatever fantasy beverage   they serve here ink squeezed from a space octopus  or pepsi blue that's the second one of those in   a row i guess i'm just i guess i'm just really  feeling 2002 right now but in my defense it was   the mix the damn thing's cursed which there is a  reason for but that is discussed later down the   line the other early follower that you're likely  to keep around is anna of the shadows or just anna   a tiefling rogue with a rat's tail and an easily  irritated attitude ready and willing to dispense   some kind of insult or threat of bodily harm that  grudgingly joins your party to accomplish a job   but winds up sticking around because though she'd  never admit it in a million years she kind of   likes the nameless one and wants him to find the  answers he's after through much wandering around   and question asking we eventually hone in on this  ferret guy turns out he's the leader of a group   of collectors those working the cash for corpses  racket turning in anything dead to the dustman   for a few coins they dislike him on account of  the sheer volume of bodies he regularly dumps   at their doorstep making it plainly obvious that  he's got some kind of secret corpse honey hole   that rival groups of collectors want access  to i kind of like ferret as a character he's   like a bad guy doing his best to atone trying  to do good with the only skill set he knows   evil from the first exchange you get the  impression that he's just a liar down to his core   even though ferret greets you like an old friend  when he notices the nameless one doesn't remember   him he immediately capitalizes on that do  i know you i mean yeah wait no okay yes   no unless perhaps i might be able to scrounge  up some information on you if you help me out   with something as fair begins to describe the  trifle trinket he needs help collecting they do   this thing that i love about torment's writing  where they interject the thought process of the   protagonist and what he seems to find significant  about someone's words or actions it doesn't even   have to be particularly helpful it's just really  interesting how it hints at events down the line   or implies that there's something important  happening here whether you really know it or not   the nameless one fixates on the description of  the object farad wants in return for answers   a bronze sphere he's heard this same speech before  because he remembers saying it at some point over   the decades he's lived multiple divergent  lives but not the context in which he did   he can even finish describing it before ferret can  which throws him off guard i think it's really fun   how many people in single this sigil [ __ ] [ __ ]  it it's sigel now i'm saying it right now how many   people sort of know who you are quick to point  out that well you don't quite act like that guy   or you look like you've gained a few more scars  have different dummies lined up behind you   because of this some remember a thing you  told them a deal you made or just some kind of   instruction if you ever came knocking again  and often people will just inadvertently point   you in the right direction for the main quest  remembering some tidbit of where you were going   some of them respond kind of awkwardly feeling it  strange that you don't remember meeting so they're   clearly withholding things like is this a bit  are we doing a bit where we don't remember each   other not that i would know because we've never  met unless this is not a bit in which case we   didn't not not the bronze sphere is somewhere  in the network of catacombs and tunnels beneath   sigil which happens to be the secret to farrod's  success as a collector he's been grifting the dust   men by digging up long dead corpses and reselling  them back this is hinted at in some documents you   can find in the mortuary dust men kept receiving  corpses that had already been properly prepared   for burial and they couldn't figure out  why i'd imagine the frequent appearance of   one corpse getting up and wandering around  asking what literally anything in the world   was and why anything was anything probably  roused some suspicion as well why am i blue   on the box art i don't know buddy because making  games is complicated and sometimes you end up as   a blue man i think this is as good a place as  any to break for spoilers this is a game that   plays like a heavy tome a compendium of stories  replete with histories and bestiaries where even   an inconsequential item a ring you found in a  puddle of piss in a back alley is accompanied   by a retelling of its lifespan and properties  over the course of several paragraphs anything   i've said is barely scratching the surface but if  none of that has intrigued you in the slightest   this might not be your kind of game torment  kinda lives or dies by how interested in it   you are i don't know what i'm saying it's a it's  a 20 year old game if you haven't played it yet   probably never will that's fine good don't play  it is it working do you feel like you want to play   please come starting this week i'll travel to  the outer plains is half off that's right are   you struggling to keep the lights on your landlord  regrettably still alive escape to the planes 50   off not including the fees we need to cover the  cost of summoning the portal i can't believe we're   offering this i went up to management and said  are you serious we're practically giving away   this life-changing opportunity for half the price  he looks me dead in the eyes and said just read   the script there's a whole room full of dum-dums  willing to do it if you can't and i said hang   on bill i really need this i burned the bridge at  my last job when i got hired here i pissed in the   fryer they'll arrest me if i step foot in there  and he said and no you can't do this i have rights   call now you know i don't think i'm quite  convinced yet also upset i'd imagine about farad's   scheme of selling the already buried dead is the  dead nation deep in the catacombs under sigil   is a society of reanimated dead ruled by an entity  called the silent king while searching for the   bronze sphere you are forced to enter their  territory and thus agree to enslavement there   forever unable to talk to the silent king directly  you ask through his intermediary for some kind   of trade this is easier if you help a dead woman  remember her name which due to the deteriorating   state of her mind and body had been lost to  her in return for assisting her she teaches you   stories bones tell the ability to speak the  language of the dead which disappointingly is not   a series of death metal growls and guttural moans  but more of a telepathic understanding you sort of   interface with what is left of their spirit this  opens up a number of opportunities and different   dialogue options throughout the rest of the  game as well the main thing to be done here   is assisting the dead nation with their rad  problem both literal and figurative and then   like both at the same time there are actual rats  in the form of cranium rats that gain a hive mind   intelligence as they gain numbers those need to be  killed as they feed off the zombies they also have   a spy in their midst but that spy is also a wear  rat working for the other rats i'd prefer to not   kill rats or rat folk or rats and x people  but also i'm usually just pleased by seeing   rat representation in gaming i think that  is ultimately the most important takeaway   satisfying the silent king allows you to leave and  continue looking for the sphere which is sort of   unceremoniously laying with the belongings of  a dead adventurer but on the precipice of some   kind of trap-laden puzzle room that one of your  previous incarnations left for you inside you   find various carvings documenting the thoughts of  what may be several different versions of yourself   they hopelessly ponder what your immortality  means is it a punishment is there a divine   reason and how do you end it they also cover  the morality of it all if a different version   of me committed some kind of terrible crime while  another led an altruistic life aligned with good   will i be judged as one instead of many some are  more paranoid and vengeful blaming this condition   on the nameless one's first killer one that  may still be hunting him and aware of his   ability to cheat death this persona is likely  why out of all the pertinent clues that could   have been tattooed on your back your name wasn't  among them a past self insists on the importance   of remaining nameless names are only the means  by which you can be tracked across the plains   why put your clues on your back though where you  need it to be read to you by someone else ah yeah   let's see don't forget your journal look for fared  and i'm a stupid [ __ ] with an ugly face and a   big butt and my butt smells and i like to kiss my  own butt huh weird when ferret gets his sphere he   reveals that many years ago a very different  nameless one approached him to cut a deal   where if any of his collectors found his corpse  they would prevent the dust men from cremating it   he doesn't know the location of your journal but  suggests you ask the one who found your body last   his adopted daughter anna he instructs her to  show you where you were found a place he calls   the haunted alley and maybe pick up on the trail  of your lost belongings the path to this alley is   through a gang hideout magically concealed with  a painted on door as you make your way through   it we see that ferret is attacked by the shadow  creatures from earlier once again just missing   you arriving at a place actually called the alley  of lingering size anna leads you to the very spot   where she initially mistook the nameless one for  a corpse where a face made of stone appears from   a nearby wall it speaks to them recalling that it  saw you die here suddenly the nameless one unlocks   a memory of being surrounded by the shadows and  they tear him apart anna then finds him already   somewhat intact it becomes apparent that this  voice is not just a face and a wall in an alley   it is the alley for whatever reason this alley  and every ruined building and path within it   is a single living being that wishes to divide to  spread itself further this would open up new areas   of sigil that have been cut off the only thing  preventing it is the dabus the lady of payne's   drones they mindlessly busy themselves with fixing  parts of the alley which halts it from essentially   birthing new bits of alley so in order to help out  the alley you gotta help it get rid of the dabbas   in the area and essentially undo all their repairs  i remember this plot point being where things sort   of solidified for me i found myself grinning at  how delightfully bizarre this detail was this   ultimately unimportant little aside that is in  its own way a whole game's worth of an idea all on   its own there's a lot of things in games that can  elicit joy within me a well-written character with   an emotional core a grid inventory a lead pipe as  a weapon and one kind of joy that so rarely gets   appeased is just appreciating a really creative  idea this is a big ideas game it's overflowing   with them are all of them amazing yes is that an  exaggeration yes am i lying yes am i a liar yes even though there is technically a lawful and  chaotic solution to this the outcome is equally   [ __ ] up you get a better sense of it if you  have the ability to talk to the dead but you   essentially just have to box it in like a sims  character where it circles a room with no exit   desperately hammering away to no avail until it  withers and dies and then the grim reaper rides   in on a skateboard and poofs him into a tombstone  i don't know i've never played the sims the   alley begins to change shape and the gang heads  through to the next area right at the gate they   are distracted while two wear rats kidnap mort so  you start doing what the nameless one does best   asking questions much like the last stretch  of sigil there are plenty of activities to   get mixed up in if you don't want to sprint to the  conclusion you could help a harmonium guard find   love help cure a man who's been cursed to piss and  [ __ ] himself for all eternity or ping pong back   and forth between the sensates at the brothel  addressing a web of little fetch quests some   of which are actually quite involved apparently  there's a local guy named lothar master of the   bones which sounds like as good a place as any to  start looking lothar turns out to be a powerful   wizard with an impressive collection of skulls  and he refuses to let go of mort unless you find   a more interesting skull to replace him with there  are actually seven instances where you can collect   a suitably interesting skull i wound up giving him  the head of the whererat spy from the dead nations   pleased with the replacement he is willing  to entertain some questions the nameless one   learns that the reason he is immortal is that his  mortality has been magically stripped from him by   someone named ravel puzzlewell a nighthag a woman  lothar claims was so evil that the lady of payne   had her amazed she now dwells in a pocket  dimension out of reach unless you know the   portal and key i really appreciate the lead up to  ravel because look you talk to a lot of people in   this game that's kind of the main thing you do in  it and everyone has something to say about ravel   and they'll usually add an interesting tidbit  about her history or they'll simply be too afraid   to discuss her though she may be rotting in an  extra dimensional prison she's left her mark on   sigil as one of few brazen enough to earn the  contempt of the lady of pain and it makes the   confrontation with her and the realization of what  kind of person she really is very impactful they   essentially sell her as a disney movie villain  but the truth is actually really well presented   the woman who runs sigil's art gallery expands  that she's from an order of evil hags from the   plain of hades and had come to sigil as a result  of her obsession with puzzles the one that plagued   her the most being torment's sort of recurring  motif question what can change the nature of a man   though you don't need to commit to any of  the factions for life joining them can reveal   a lot of interesting information and unlock new  memories along with the dustiman you got the   godsman or believers of the source a faction  that kinda reads the closest to christianity   they believe there is a purpose to the multiverse  it isn't as random and uncaring as you'd think   also when you die depending on the life you've  lived you'll either ascend to some kind of   celestial divinity or be reincarnated as a lower  being mobile gamers perhaps the revolutionary   league is a group of anarchists that wish to see  all the other factions dismantled believing one   should seek the truth of the multiverse and decide  for themselves what it all means the chaosthetics   or chaosmen are a group of barking wraffled random  weirdos that embrace their chaotic alignment and   believe there is no order in the universe only  randomness holds up spork joining these guys   requires you to go complete joker mode but it  does result in some amusing exchanges you get   some xp for joining them and if you simply ask to  join again whereupon the recruiter replies you're   already a member you get another hit of xp if you  respond with exactly one of the most significant   memories is unlocked when you gain access to the  society of sensations private sensorium joining   them grants you the ability to use sensory stones  to experience the sensations of those who recorded   memories and experiences on them one of these  stones happens to have been recorded by the ghost   we met in the mortuary dionara there are a lot of  revelations in this game that you can learn about   in different ways like if you don't touch  her sensory stone and experience this   the information within will be relayed to you  eventually in some way but this particular moment   did stay with me long after the first playthrough  thanks to the quality of writing and my ability to   be emotionally affected by almost anything set  here as a monument to the feeling of longing   this experience recounts through dionera's eyes a  moment in which the nameless one has returned from   some journey and asks her for help but it's  written in such a way that our nameless one   is forced to experience both ends of this brutal  conversation being placed in the body and thoughts   of dionara this woman that loves him endlessly  would literally and probably did die for him and   yet also regaining the hazy memory of this other  hymn a nameless one he knows to be a heartless   monster that is manipulating her because he at one  point was that person knowing both sides he knows   that he's essentially watching this woman sign  her death warrant by trusting him with her life   this extreme clashing of emotions winds up being  too much for him and he screams with bloody tears   shooting out of his eyes when he comes back to  reality something only fall from grace seemed to   give a [ __ ] about in this public setting i guess  if this is the kind of thing people regularly   get off on then they'd probably just side-eye  you mid-conversation like oh what he's having   pain misery i think the added weight of  unlocking the memory of this event and   at the same time reliving it created a sort of  gazing into a mirror within a mirror effect a   being john malkovich nightmare where  he was the abused and the abuser updated my journal updated my journal one of the other stones  surprisingly seems to put you in contact with   ravel for a brief period though these are meant to  be a record you seem to be able to exchange words   through some bit of trickery she must have devised  she urges him to find her giving some cryptic   hints and referring to him as her precious  man amidst the asking of numerous questions   we learned that the key to ravel's maze lies in  the blood of her daughter a sensate student at the   brothel that simply refuses to acknowledge her  relation to a notorious monster inside ravel's   maze you finally meet the legend the myth the tiny  plump bean that is ravel puzzle well a not too   threatening classic halloween witch one you'd no  doubt see riding a broom with a black cat in tow   or waving their hands over a bubbling cauldron  exclaiming i'm a little witch she at first seems   pleased to see you but upon inspecting the damage  done to your body laments that the nameless one   is no longer the one she knew i guess there  are a couple moments that the game's title   could come from but i'd wager a lot of it is  this scene when she equates the misery that   the various versions of the nameless one have  caused and endured as endless torment attracting   others in torment to follow him into oblivion  the next bit is important especially if you've   kept up correspondence with your followers you  can talk at length with each of your followers   learning about their history their motivations  or their opinions of the other followers pretty   much all of them have these sort of dead ends you  hit though things they don't want to discuss no   matter how much you pry it's here that ravel sort  of calls out each of them one by one and hints at   the torment that attracted them to the nameless  one like he's some kind of anguish magnet all   of these can be dug out of them now through your  conversations what's immediately clear in ravel's   rambling is that despite looking like an unlovable  cartoon hag she clearly held a deep fondness for   the original nameless one she still refers to him  as beautiful her precious man and her pretty thing   and recounting the moment he lost his mortality  and thus she lost the person she cared about does   seem rather difficult for her she can't recall  why the original wanted immortality other than   he desperately sought to prolong his life but she  knows that she certainly regrets giving it to him   i'd imagine her affection for him was so strong  she didn't really care why he wanted it she just   wanted to appease him even though the nameless one  can shake off death innumerable times there is a   hidden cost with every death he steals the life  of another to continue the shadows that pursue him   are the result of this vengeful shades of stolen  life that exist only to destroy their creator   after she had performed the ritual to remove his  mortality she killed him to test if it had worked   only to realize that with his mortality left his  memories leaving only a shell of the one she loved   a truth anna is able to read from her words ravel  is unable to undo the ritual return the nameless   one's mortality to a shell but she suggests  consulting a deva an angel in the classic sense   a guy with wings that once dwelled in the seven  heavens but is now stuck down here in the astral   styx for me this whole sequence is probably the  game's peak so part of me wishes it took more time   to get here i mean really there is so much you can  actually do before this point that saying that is   a little absurd i feel like you could actually  do maybe 80 percent of the game's content if you   really took the time to chat up everyone in single  but there is something so final and satisfying   about the confrontation with ravel it feels like  the culmination of so much and yet really you're   just given another name to wander the planes  asking around for and while i like everything that   comes after this point it does begin to feel like  a different experience altogether it feels faster   more linear and eventually it narrows into a  straight road to the finish line in looking around   online it doesn't seem like anyone has a clear  answer on why this is could be budget could be   time could be the manner in which the workload was  split between its creators could be cut content so   it would fit on a reasonable number of disks none  of these would surprise me i've learned to accept   that all good games come out of the oven a little  lumpy and burnt like an intellectual philosophical   dino nugget even though she gives you a new  lead when it's time to say goodbye ravel becomes   enraged and insists that you stay in her maze  with her that it's their home and he will love   her as he'd promised to it's such an interesting  subversion that you hear so many horror stories   about this mythic monster but in your final  interaction you just kind of pity her the original   nameless one must have lied and manipulated her in  much the same way he did dianara had her throw her   life away trying to appease him even as her words  become threats of violence he's just like i don't   want to do this there's no need i'll i'll just  go hey maybe i'll come back but she's just been   stewing in this regret and pain for what she  did that all those words carry a venom to them   they fight and ravel appears to die as the gang  leaves ravel's maze we see that she had only been   playing dead but she's approached by a giant being  called the transcendent one they speak with some   familiarity and she implies that this incarnation  is particularly powerful and is ultimately killed   by this transcendent one as if this wasn't enough  of a bummer a detail not entirely put under a   microscope but that really affected me was the  fate of ravel's other fragments other divergent   forms of ravel that led similar but not identical  lives in sigel one of these being a sweet old mage   named mebeth that can teach you the arts if you  like who upon realizing that ravel was killed   just kinda accepts that she's gotta go now like  she just got the letter in the mail and using   language not dissimilar to ravel says there's  nothing keeping her here anymore no don't go out of here quick well guess i better mosey  on out of here a portal leads the gang to a   place in the outlands named cursed this place  is interesting because it's what's called a   gate town that sits at the border of another  plane in this case a prison plane called carcerai   every plane in the great wheel is influenced by  some kind of alignment varying shades of chaos   or law but the outlands specifically sigil at its  center is true neutral the places at the edges of   the outlands are not so much and over time could  change alignment and whole towns could slip into   other planes so if a place like cursed were to  become chaotic enough by i don't know cutting   all the labels off their mattresses it could quite  literally poof into carcerai a chaotic evil hell   dimension the nameless one learns of a deva named  trius that is said to be held prisoner beneath the   town but reaching that requires entering a portal  the key to which is a phrase that nobody knows the   full version of instead pieces of it are held  by a handful of trusted people meaning you're   gonna have to do tasks for each of them to piece  it together even if you're trying to be mostly   good all these tasks seem to be a bit chaotic  especially the one where i let a demon trapped   in a pentagram free that was one that had me like  hang on this is usually something too cool to be   good right and i know this place is teetering on  the brink of chaos would freeing a big scary demon   like adversely you know what [ __ ] it let's go  beneath cursed the nameless one finds a burnt   and chained up trius who is not quite as friendly  as one would imagine an angel to be i'm feeling   so gosh dang chaotic right now dude let's just  mess stuff up let's disrespect our surroundings   oh you have lost a source of information  vital to your quest oh [ __ ] hey on the   bright side we all leveled up and we still  have each other oh the game's over i mean   as endings go that's kind of metal all right  it's over i'll move on next game the gang finds   a way to free him in exchange for another lead  on our rogue mortality he suggests visiting and   i don't know how to pronounce this name so i'm  gonna make an attempt with visual forked tongue   a cornugon fiend that is essentially cursed to  live a charitable life because of trios at the   crater figil has been banished to he explains  that he used to be a well-respected military   leader of sorts until trius was able to trap  him and force him to feel pain upon refusing   help to those who ask so now he just kind  of hangs out under some bones and makes his flaccid bongs i'm sorry dude it's uh  it's good to have an outlet interestingly   trius was able to do this by doing something  the lawful evil demon never even considered   he lied to him vigil wishes he could  kill trius calls him a betrayer   but doesn't know anything about the nameless  one however he does say that he's heard of a   place that may be what he's looking for called  the fortress of regret not to look ahead into   the future but unless i'm mistaken and i could  easily fix this in my own head canon it doesn't   make a whole lot of sense why he'd know about  the fortress of regret even in this dialogue   he doesn't say why it's related to the topic  of the nameless one's mortality he's just like   well i've heard of a place even as i'm saying it  i'm realizing just how small an infraction it is   but when you've got so many moving parts  in a story and so many of them just work   seamlessly the moment something feels a little  off it's like there's a beacon placed on it oh   not so perfect now are we oh how the mighty  have fallen you thought nobody noticed how you   i you know what i don't even remember what you  did are you sure nobody's listening at the door   he doesn't know how to get to the fortress  of regret but he'd wager a stack of heads in   the plane of bayator would be able  to give you directions sure enough   over in hell there is a disgusting pillar of  chattering skulls that collects the heads of   those whose lying led to the deaths of others  before approaching it it's possible to get mort   to come clean about his origins all the way  he's be

2022-07-28 08:19

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