GREATEST Crypto Investing Opportunity of a Generation (Teeka Tiwari DeFi Breakdown)

GREATEST Crypto Investing Opportunity of a Generation (Teeka Tiwari DeFi Breakdown)

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to me this is one of the great things about d5 if you look at the traditional financial business world uh just in fees they suck out somewhere like six to eight percent of all global gdp goes to big investment global banks that's insane in fees i mean that's like having a leech on your neck your whole life just sucking your life force away which is why i know that d5 will be as big as it will be welcome to bitboy crypto home with bitsquad the largest crypto community in all the interwebs my name is ben everyday on this channel i show you how to make money in crypto if you like money and crypto make sure to hit that subscribe button today we have a very special guest for you as i brought on tika tawar you may know him from palm beach confidential in his report five coins to five million dollars that came out last year a lot of people made a lot of money on those coins he has an intense research group of over 160 people that helps them with these reports you guys are going to find out more about those reports but more importantly we're going to find out what is going on with this market should you run or should you look at it as an opportunity he's also going to be giving you what he believes to be the greatest opportunity to generate wealth in your lifetime what that is and how you can be part of it all right let's go ahead and jump into the interview hey everybody today i'm joined with a legend in crypto tikka towar you guys may know know him from his website palm beach confidential uh puts out incredible research great to have you on the channel how are you doing today thank you it's wonderful to be here and uh thanks for having me it's a pleasure to be here yeah absolutely and you know we were talking a little bit before we went on air one of my first big videos uh on this channel was last year early last year when i covered one of your reports your five coins to five million or a lot of people were really excited about that and by going through that process like i really learned like you've got some incredible research and i've said that many times on my channel um and i just wanted to say you know hats off to you for for building that team and putting that out there but let's let's get to what's happening today and what's happening right now the the markets are very unsure and you as a guy who who has been in crypto for a really long time of course coming from traditional uh you know from traditional markets before that do you want to get your opinion on like what we're seeing right now what people can expect and and why would people want to hold right now ben being in the market for so long i take a lot of my knowledge for granted so there are a lot of people that are in the space for the first time and they're seeing negative news and it and they lose their mind about it they say okay you know the king of tesla is saying that bitcoin was good now bitcoin is bad now we get a news announcement today saying that china says banks must block crypto transactions and of course the market is falling but the thing is if you've been in crypto for a few years you've seen that china has has banned bitcoin and bitcoin miners and bitcoin trading multiple times since 2013 i mean more than five and and every time the market freaks out uh what i do know is is that these bitcoin miners in china a lot of them have been forced to move and it makes sense that some of them have got to sell and get some money in so they can move their miners into another country so when you have all of that coming together guess what happens you have fear sentiment collapses and so does the price and so what we're in right now is a mid-cycle bear correction in an ongoing bull trend and i went through this multiple times in 2017. i saw gbtc for instance which is a trust that tracks the price of bitcoin i saw it go from a dollar to three to a dollar fifty to six to two and change to 11 to 5 and a half to 12 to 8 to 18 back to 12 and then all the way to 38 and that all happened in one year in one year and in that year what happened you had every central bank say that bitcoin was the devil and was the end and it was only being used for crime you had jamie dimon the most powerful banker in the world call it a tulip craze a bubble saying that he would fire anybody who who would get involved we had china ban all trading all trading was banned they came went after the miners um you had the central bank in russia come out and say we're never going to allow crypto trading india banned crypto trading so again and again and again you have these assaults against this against this asset now ask yourself i've been involved professionally in the stock market and in finance since 1989 i had a kindergarten i have never in my career seen any asset be the product of such a orchestrated attack by trooped by traditional uh gatekeepers ever i've never seen gold get attacked like that i've never seen silver get attacked like that i've never seen exotic options like credit default swaps even in the depths of the financial crisis it wasn't people didn't come out and say when we're defunding anything to do with credit default swaps and you can never trade a credit default swap again and they crashed the entire global economy so so there's a couple of things that we need to take away from that so one is bitcoin has still managed to thrive in the face of more regulatory pressures and external pressures than any other asset class i had ever seen in the history of my 30-year career period and the fact that it's continued to thrive in the face of that says a lot about this asset two you've gone from a guy like uh jamie dimon saying that this asset has no value to now his firm is offering bitcoin as an investable asset to his end users think about that think about how far we've come you've got goldman sachs doing the same morgan stanley doing the same city group doing the same so why is this important what everybody needs to understand is that the way that the incentives of bitcoin are created is that the network protects itself and now that you have jp morgan citibank morgan stanley uh the occ all on bitcoin side guess what you now have all those lawyers on bitcoin side you now have all that lobbying on bitcoin side so you can hate on the central bank you can hate on the big banks all you want but they see the money to be made in bitcoin and so they're going to defend the network do you really think that goldman sachs is going to set up a trading desk and morgan stanley is going to recommend their clients buy bitcoin and they're going to let any american regulatory agency cut off funding to bitcoin there's no way right we've crossed the rubicon so if anybody anybody is there sitting in there thinking oh my good lord this thing's down 50 i got to get out now before they make this illegal in 2017 i would say that was a rational train of thought to have in 2016 that was a rational train of thought to have heck even until 2019 that was rational but now in 2021 where we are now with the institutional rails that have already been built created and approved by all the regulatory agencies in the united states it's no longer rational to think like that it's irrational to think that anybody is going to make an asset illegal that the world's biggest banks are now participating in yeah but like you said i mean i think there's a lot of orchestration going on and there's a lot of manipulation to the downside and i would say the central banks are involved in that because they have a longer time frame than we do people in my chat like they have a time frame of like oh crap i've lost money in the last week they have a time frame of okay where are we going to be at in 2030 2040 2050 and they have they can play the long game and they're trying to push out the people playing the short game if you're playing a short game they want to inflict paint on you so you get out and they win in the long term and i think that's something that's that's really unfortunate i think what we're seeing is though is they realizing that yes they got the lawyers on their side they've got the regulators on the side they've got a lot of stuff on their side they're realizing the only true way that they can affect bitcoin is to own it and that's why we see them buying so much and i would say with trading desks where they're taking in trading fees that's another way for them to be making you know more money in bitcoin but i mean you have to think that in the future like they do the central makers do see the writing on the wall with this though right that eventually this decentralized finance and is going to flip traditional finance you know up on its head and yes like bitcoin isn't technically defy um but it's leading the charge and ethereum's right there behind it i know you're a big proponent of defy like where do you think this goes like with decentralized finance against the tradition uh traditional banking system so again what i would say ben is you have to look at incentives everything around big money is driven by math so if it costs the global if the global settlement cost for transactions between big banks and brokers is 20 billion dollars a year meaning your bank a i'm bank b we want to buy and sell a security so that that cost of settling those transactions or figuring out that you actually have the security i actually have the money that's that's a 20 billion dollar friction so defy takes that down to virtually zero right when you move that all to a blockchain so if we're and we're on an interbank network and all of our assets are on a blockchain including your your capital in the form of stable coins and my stock you can tell that i own the stock because the blockchain is can't be hacked i can tell you have the money because the blockchain can't be hacked which means that we can do instantaneous settlement that means that we can drive our fees literally down to zero a fraction of a penny so if you follow that economic incentive to its logical conclusion it tells you that this has to be the future any time any time you can take a high friction uh series of events and reduce the friction down to virtually zero the world's gonna flock to it purely based on their own self-interest not because they think the blockchain is the second coming of freedom which it is but they're just seeing the dollars they're like oh my god we can save 20 billion dollars in global settlement costs each year done yeah i think that you know once again it always gets back to money especially with the big money with the smart money it always comes back to money you know the idealistic stuff the you know philosophical standpoints that a lot of us have about blockchain like we believe that stuff but at the end of the day money is certainly gonna going to drive all this and i think that uh we were talking before we went on air once again and uh you're involved with uh a company called

uh what what's your role there and um or what you know your investment in it or whatever and you know how do you see that helping people that are interested in d5 yeah so just to be very clear i do have an investment in i'm an investor and an advisor so anything i say about them is going to be considered bias so please keep that keep that in mind so what i've seen over the years is that value aggregates around people that make it easier to get access to crypto assets right if you look at coinbase if you look at crack and if you if you look at any of gemini enormous value has aggregated to these companies because they make it easy for the everyday person to get exposure to these assets i'm of the belief that decentralized finance that trend is in my opinion the biggest wealth creating trend that i've ever discovered in in my entire life because if you look at traditional finance men it's it hasn't really been disrupted they're still using the same technology from 67 you know from 1960 1970 all those old machines are running fortran cobalt pascal anybody that's my age will know what those words are right these ancient machine code languages they're using an ancient series of tech in order to do all this plumbing well decentralized finance comes in there and it fixes all of that and so when when i was approached by i loved what they were doing they were making this space more accessible to the everyday person and they do it by creating products that have zero fees that allow you to get access to d5 protocols so everything from ethereum to cardano and polkadot and and even bitcoin they're creating these exchange-traded products that allow people easy access to buy and sell them the way that 500 million people are used to buying and selling investments through their brokerage account and i think that that's the future if you have to enable average everyday people to buy into this market in a way that's comfortable with them because i'll tell you right now 500 million people are not gonna spin up a bitcoin wallet and go buy bitcoin they're not gonna spin up a uni-swap wallet or or a my ether wallet and go trade and swap on uniswap it's just not gonna happen the learning curve is too steep so in order for this to hit mainstream you are going to need people to help facilitate that and and that's what is doing yeah and i think i kind of want to go back again to to my my previous question kind of regarding the central banks and define because which is a makes a lot of sense i agree with you 100 percent like you think about the learning curve to get a metamask wallet and go you know swap something on binding it smart chain through metamask it's incredibly high like even sometimes i'm sitting there like how do i even do this so i know for the average beginner like they're not going to have have a clue on some of that stuff but as as a company like and and other things that are in the not just device space but the crypto space in general is they continue to make this stuff easier and easier and easier for the average person to get in and it's all decentralized and it's done cheap and there's no middleman where does that put jp morgan where does that put uh you know some of the goldman sachs where does that put them in the future 25 30 years down the road when we we don't need them to do these things we can do it ourselves like don't you think at some point though that it becomes where we actually don't need those companies and are they kind of ensuring their own demise by getting involved in all this i think you hit the hammer the nail on the head when you said 25 to 30 years uh it it would be a slow rot i mean there's there's enormous demand for the core services that these big banks offer all right if you you're doing multi-billion dollar um uh uh underwriting types of business you're not going to do that in a decentralized way not yet because the infrastructure isn't there what i will say about jamie dimon is he said that we should be scared his quote hitless by by this uh by these fintechs and he's absolutely right he knows that he's got to start embracing some of these changes if his company will last beyond his lifetime i mean goldman sachs and jp morgan and citibank there aren't going they're not going anywhere over the next 10 or 20 years but here's the way that disruptive tech works you're in business you're in business you're in business you're in business you're out of business yep that's how just ask blockbuster just that's woolworths just ask kmart just as any of these companies that just had these incredible franchises for so long and then there's this tipping point and then they're they're done yeah so um to me this is one of the great things about d5 if you look at the traditional financial business world uh just in fees they suck out somewhere like six to eight percent of all global gdp goes to big investment global banks that's insane in fees i mean that's like having a leech on your neck your whole life just sucking your life force away which is why i know that d5 will be as big as it will be because the the the margins there are just so huge and they're just waiting to to collapse yeah and you know people can fault generation z for all kinds of things but they're smarter than this on on a lot of stuff they're not going to accept fees you know i've always compared the internet to the printing press i mean and now all the information is out there about how these banks work and about how these fees work and there's ways around stuff and all this is at the fingertips of the next generation and this current system is not going to continue to work and uh you know i've said for a long time it's it's like the automobile versus the horse and buggy there is no you can push it off for as long as you can try to push it off for but it's coming it's better technology it's going to make things easier and you know it's going to be very fun to watch and that happens but i want to there are jamie dimon okay he's uh 65 years old uh lloyd blankfein chairman of goldman sachs he's 66 years old some more investment bankers charles scarf 56 years brian moynihan 61 years here's the thing a lot of these people that are leading a lot of these top companies and these top funds like 25 years from now they may be in a nursing home you know they may not actually see the ouster of their businesses and so i think a lot of what you're saying makes sense in the short term they're probably pushing their companies get as much money as they can in the short term because over the long term like this is just obviously uh where things are going and a lot of your research uh is top notch pop palm is your website um but i i just want to kind of allow you to talk a little bit about your your research and palm beach confidential because i've seen the reports and they're phenomenal i know you know you were telling me how many researchers you had i mean that's when we we've got like 10 researchers and we feel like we're uh you know a um uh you know just have absolutely riches uh an embarrassment of riches in research but compared to you you know we basically don't have nearly that much uh can you just talk a little bit about about the research group and kind of the advantage for people to see these reports because they are absolutely phenomenal very in-depth great perspective i just kind of want to talk about that for a second yeah absolutely so we have about 160 employees in our in our company it's a it's a large publishing company and the key thing uh that i want everybody to remember about palm beach research group is that we only have one avenue for how we make profit and that is our subscription cost that's it we don't sell all lists we don't rent our lists we don't even sell any advertising to our lists um and we never own anything that we recommend there's only two coins that i'm allowed to own um that we've recommended one is bitcoin and the other is ethereum because you know if you can't own bitcoin and ethereum you can't operate in this space at all um so it's really important that i want everybody to understand that we don't have any conflicts of interest so if i recommend something and it shoots up i'm not the beneficiary of that my my readers are the beneficiary of that and so this is something that was critically important we wanted to always have in place because you know as well as i do when you have a large audience if you like something it can have an impact on it and the world thinks that you're there promoting it specifically for yourself but i need to tell everybody that's just not the case it's just not the way we operate we have a large publishing business that that employs a lot of people and our business is publishing and selling newsletters for a premium we sell them for a premium but to create that level of research to find those ideas to research it to that degree i need a big staff and those people have to get paid yeah and it shows like i said the research is top notch and you know one thing i've said on videos where i've discussed you know some of your reports you know public domain stuff is that you know look if somebody's got 200 invested in the market it's probably not good idea to sign up for a newsletter that's thousands of dollars but if you're a person who has a serious investment portfolio and you're serious about making money in crypto and you you can afford that into your budget you will probably make that money back several times over even in just the one you know the year and a half during the the cycle that we're in a real true bear mar or bull market uh you know because i mean if you go back and look at a lot of the coins that we covered um from your you know five coins to five million list whether it was you know um see i think you had mco didn't you yeah cro or mc i can't remember which one it was but numero was one i know that kind of came out of nowhere and that one has absolutely crushed it there's a lot of picks that you've had on there that have done so well in the last year that that research you know definitely pays off so um well is there anything else that you know anything to kind of in here that you know you think is important for people to know about you or your business or crypto just a final thought yeah i would talk about crypto in general i i would say look when you wake up and you see bitcoin down 50 or you see it down eight percent like today it's normal to want to vomit it's normal to think why am i doing this to myself why am i putting myself through this what i would say to you is this be rational don't use leverage put your position on and just forget about it think in three four and five year time frames think about this how many assets exist where you can buy them at their peak they can drop 85 percent and four years later you've doubled your money that acid doesn't exist outside of bitcoin it doesn't exist so i know it's easy to beat yourself up and think oh my god i bought bitcoin at 55k i bought bitcoin at 65k now it's trading at 32. i'm an idiot

you're not you're not i want you to think about the people that bought bitcoin at 1400 it then dropped to 175 they beat themselves up so much they sold it there and then they watched it go to 20k and then you had the person that bought it at 20k watched it go down to 3500 beat themself up the whole way down sold it at 3 500 and then they watched it go to 64 000. yeah now we're in that next cycle somebody bought it at 64 000. it's now 32 000 you're beating yourself up you're thinking i should sell i would tell you don't beat yourself up this is the acid the asset can drop 50 60 like that just leave it alone live your life enjoy your life and i believe that this asset bitcoin will transform your life in a way that no other asset can whether it's in the stock market commodities gold private shares public shares i don't care what it is there is no asset in the world that can transform your life like bitcoin can all you got to do is just hold it that's it yeah and there's certainly people out there that you know they like to trade and you know we support those people but the message i've been given on my channel if you have a trading portfolio that's great do your thing there but when it comes to really change your life don't sell your bitcoin don't sell your ethereum it's it's that easy you all the manipulation that goes on out there you bypass all of it when you just buy those two things and you hold them and so i really agree with you i love that message well deega has been so great having you on the show today i look forward to having you back on uh in the future and if everybody wants to go check out his stuff you can go to palm beach

uh and guys let me know down below in the comments what you guys think do you guys think diva is the most disruptive uh you know thing in crypto do you think this is one of the greatest wealth generating niches in history i know i certainly do i know tika does so drop those comments down below that's all i got for you today be blessed [Music] you

2021-06-26 20:10

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