Good Week Trading : Actions, Indices, Bitcoins, Pétrole le point en Bourse par Benoist Rousseau

Good Week Trading : Actions, Indices, Bitcoins, Pétrole le point en Bourse par  Benoist Rousseau

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hello everyone and welcome to goodwin trading I am delighted to meet you again to take stock of the week on the financial markets think a little take our time a little step back and then see some perspectives today we will look we will analyze the actions that it has been something that has been very promising all week amazon apple and microsoft and see the differences in dynamism which are quite impressive if we roughly summarize this week we have a week at a time to render for the main indices and northern breaks that we have had in certain sectors and certain very specific stocks there we feel that investors are generally more cautious of the cautious in their choice of investments and above all they are very much much more selective and that they favor it favors the big big companies to the heavyweights this is what made it possible to hold the market I give you I give just one example I will go down a little bit it will be better in terms of sound in my opinion it will be less saturated here I adjust things directly to things hop here is less 5 db I think that there I can bull is like an Italian and it should not saturate high level in terms of sound so they are much much more selective but it focuses on large values ​​and we see it immediately looked at finally so that I'll talk about it right after I just show you the graphic lots on the russell 2000 therefore very broad index we see that we had a low point on the day of Wednesday and Thursday and we had a super a super bounce if I put the nasdaq on you we see that we did not have had quite this this vision there we should have been on the level and the fall that we see here on the nasdaq the fall of Thursday and a large part of Friday it was played on two values it was played out on amazon and on apple and we then had back a flashback as we see there at the open re from the American markets and it is all set again and there you have an all-time historical record in front of your eyes on the nasdaq we are we are happy to see it and we especially have that we will come back on a record of all the times on the action microsoft which has completely exposed full north simply try microsoft which allowed the nasdaq that we are voila to get by and stop this small downward phase so I had written an article on the mule tra concentration on the indices of a few values ​​which if you do not return on the snpi 505 worthless you take 10 values ​​that makes about 80% of the volume so 6 and 10 values ​​are fine you can have 490 values ​​of the s & p 500 which will not well your snb 500 it will be flat where it will be even a little a little bit in the green so really tried would count 2 indices to always have in the little corner of the eye watch the four or five main capitalisations and if by example we trade the nas daq it's not bad to have apple in front of you it's good to have microsoft in front of you etc etc the game will have a next webinar in two weeks if I if yes in two weeks or three weeks I don't remember anymore quite my schedule if I plan the webinars a little bit in advance as they are live at I have to I prepare them where I will show you one two or three tools that allow you to have an instant vision of the state of the market so it's not it's something that is extremely visual and I hope that it will be profitable to you in any case me I still have on a corner of the world 1,2 my computer finally social on one of my screens and when for example I have trouble seeing the trend up just a quick glance at her husband instantly at the color level it speaks to me right away to see if we are in a blood red day in an ultra green day ultra positive and that's what is still super interesting so we are on a m arche which is more and more selective and how the market more and more selective when there is everything that does not go up in a straight line when you are certain stocks which explode north and others which start to fall and big caps that want say that investors are a little more suspicious and who is going to have to and that they are really going this time not to buy all we block who does not throw me 10 million 100 million dollars like that by buying almost everything and no matter what what anyway a rising rate they will really make the selection I was normally going to tell them the real job what to try to identify the stocks with high possibility with strong growth and to release the others or even the lightnesses if we think that ' they are not very good economic situation I remind that the shorts are not a bad thing in themselves since it is part of the natural selection quite simply and I will quote the sentence of raymond barre which has always me noticed yes I know raymond barre that may not speak to many people for me it's a it's a big put in quotes as an economist maybe not as a prime minister but so we get there however the the first oil shock is not obvious either almost the second then in montbard said it does not support the lame ducks that is to say that it is a bit the French policy we supported for example the mines eliminates certain parts of the agriculture when we know very well they are condemned but for political reasons because for electoral political reasons we have supported supported with billions of billions of billions of subsidies of the economic sectors which we know they did not have strictly no future instead of investing in promising sectors which will generate jobs and which could have given us major positions in the teeth in certain key economic sectors. choice we can not go back we can not redo the French economic policy of the last 60 years with furrows on the first economic power in the world by having made the right choices but here we have already we would have chemistry as a little earlier to develop the internet which was let's not forget a French invention here we preferred to put everything on minitel and here we see we see we are now I'm talking to you with a minitel don't forget to make 36 15 in to connect and see live so much more selective and that will be it will be interesting that is why we should not rush a little to the widow how we have been able to do in recent years we have to wait for results of American companies before putting a marble on it buy before the publication of the results it is really a blow a blow of casinos for example you could have said well go sector which is doing well it is it is to us and all the guys fall and apple and amazon microsoft the woman will say same game but debbie on it well you might have come out very badly this week on the other hand while waiting while having the patience while being careful to wait for the results companies and then finally to be a little bit following then it avoids a lot of kicking people we will move on to the technical analysis of the different indices we have more or less covered the psychological climate I will add that still has the problem of inflation but for the moment it is not put forward at all by investors it is a fear a little bit at the bottom there really is the analysis of balance sheets and results of each company and as I told you all week last week as we will no longer have the risk of being a little a little more heckled on the stock market since we will not have this hindsight we will not will not have frozen say the tree that hides the forest the results of the undertakings es we will find ourselves face to face with families to return will pass in three months and we will find ourselves faced with economic statistics and the perception of the feeling of economic dynamism or not and therefore it will be a market that will certainly be a little more heckled thank you for the holidays to watch this channel to subscribe to try to talk around you to put small alike and then we attack in the hard in europe the hard and here it is very well a I remind you that we have a week- end loaded like every weekend in an hour in 50 minutes we are going to have the globalization of brains a major war I really invite you to come and see this it will allow you to understand a lot of things on the economic movements you current history tomorrow at 10 hours we will see a society of order under the old manage and regime we will talk about bellatores plowing in torres aura torres if you do not know what it is you will know it and then we will see the training on the cryp to currency on futures or how not to make you roll just wrong there I think it's clear they attack me gemini the nasdaq yes well if we are going to start with the nasdaq then nasdaq it finally comes from brick and the highest of the previous month he gave it to us he did it to us on Friday and he kept accelerating so there we had we still had one of its ten candles in an hour we had a fairly ideal configuration why a configuration if we are going to enter a little bit into the microstructure of the market we have had a drop ok that's the night and on relatively classic European times we see that from 12h 13h we start to stagnate we had a low point on the candle between noon and 1 p.m. which is also a classic which brought us almost to the level of 2 2 Thursday so there were two possibilities either we tried to recover a little or plunged directly on the resistance an ace with good rebound possibilities at this m oment there so we are waiting and we see that here we have a little candle of indecision and things are calming down here too so we have rather we do not know if the opening of the American markets it could go up full north or fall full south but in anyway we already have a stabilization that means that there we are we arrive a little bit if I dare say in the balances of the force everyone is more or less in agreement that here it is a level which loses a a little bit to everyone especially since looking here was our big fatal 10 p.m. candle and we were positioned right on the take so I'm going to finish here it is good live so we were in the stabilization zone uncle do not rush if we are really ultra optimistic all is well on the market we take our positions for the purchase or on the ultra pessimism there we take a position to the vàd that the market stabilizes it is not the moment of playing between inverted commas, we must completely disregard our role e from our feeling the only thing that we can see there is that the market is stabilizing in an area that is more or less correct, more or less correct a little bit or in the area of ​​15 1625 and that we are moving not on it for two hours and agree we will wait for the opening of the American markets to make a decision unfortunately many people are not going to make money are going to start rowing because they are in a perspective of it drops it drops it optical drop actually interesting saab and it's all night it has dropped throughout the entire European period very well on the other hand I really insist on you you have in a day of trading you have two sizes nor totally different totally different you have the European part we will say that they open from 8h 9h until 13h maximum noon 12h 13h that's a European part the market can go one way it can hurt that we go back to the american part e you really need to cleanse yourself of all your preconceived ideas that could have given you the European market in the morning so obviously if its decline in the morning we tend to have a bearish outlook on the afternoon, well it's totally false you really have to see that like a new day because the Americans they already think not like Europeans luckily for them it is not for the Europeans also it depends on what we are talking about but what is interesting is that we must really consider that these two totally different days and when you arrive on the American split what happened in europe it does not matter if the European market has done + 3% les Marchiennes maquin can do less than two years and conversely why it has no matter because that is simplifying us too bad for our for our egocentrism for our Eurocentrism the Americans do n't give a damn about what we did I remind you all the same that you have a American in two who did not pass the United States on a world map so France even less is played out what they know of France is champagne in Paris and for the most cultivated possibly the Moulin Rouge I am talking about 98% 95% of Americans I'm talking about no limit on the east coast which has a better French culture than ourselves in many respects but roughly France it does not represent anything here we have President Macron who will talk about martial way with joe biden and that abidal we have nothing to [__] he makes him happy he listens he smiles he shakes his hand here he is happy the important thing is to save face the image in quotes of the face but very concretely for an American for even an American president France is a pure sense of humanity and its 2% of the trade here it is not particularly very very interesting one sees it the American presidents go the last penultimate American president first wanted to r switzerland before going to see before going to see france / / / their agenda so what we think in europe what we experienced in europe unfortunately has no impact if you were on a bias bearish I am leaving I think of my noble friend 75 not in the afternoon it was more complicated he could not earn much money whereas if it was had if I dare say to make a forest m 'do a sort of thing we erase a men in black test I'll flash you to make you arrive at 3:30 pm it's a new day nothing has happened to the limit you hide for at least half an hour the graph on the side left and then you live a new moment and that's why I love the scholarship that's why for me it is fascinating apart from an incredible instrument of personal development and allows to earn money in the process. is that we can

live several several lives in a day if I mean so remember we are doing the part in de trading scalping in europe and in the afternoon we reset everything we reset absolutely everything to zero and there we had a very clear acceleration on nasdaq but if we were on one on a boe a bearish bias it was difficult to see and accept that it had to start buying again so you really have to see this fluidity of mind you can very well sell like a big pig in the morning and buy back like a pig in the afternoon and vice versa don't care we are there to perceive the trend of moment and to be really in our in our good units of time I will point out to you something which was interesting at the level of my yielded it was the classification which we had here on the small red candles and the crossing and the first if j 'dare to say the green light of the duhaime has given way so always late we are in agreement but it is precisely all the strength of the m & a cdc to confirm to us a trend which started well well started and therefore if we stay we could rem a yielded but really we could rem yielded we rep green enough here to listen to the candles are rather not bad we reinforce with an analysis alquines achi we have what I call the flat ass so rather not bad and the 30 years old takes a little little power pouch and then we continue look at the green candles are more and more interesting and continues in a continuous manner and we have our flat asses which continues almost perfect here we could have perhaps had a doubt and to sell with the candles with the candles she who does not act but we had our my gave which on the contrary were amplifying so we had a possibility to say to each other I still give it a try to keep still until the end of the session and see what happens and we ended up as by chance on the monthly middle r1 there there is no chance in life neither nor on the stock market so we positioned ourselves right on the friend of the hand alone and there we really had a zone there I speak as traders me I spent j just very d2 from 3:30 p.m. to ac to 4 p.m. to 4:05 p.m. I wanted to earn about twenty p anointed to pay for the evening restaurant and they go about my other ultra urgent occupations at that time and so here I just have a scalp and I won I believe in the end 25 or 27 points is to pay for the evening restaurant great and we pass I went I moved on but there for one of the traders who could remain a watch in position for more for several hours we really had something that was very clean and see it is the accumulation of two indicators techniques two hours including waits quite simply so that means that we tqm on a level where we saw that we were not going to stay there that it will leave you from a south you go full north and then at the end of after the 4 p.m. candle between the 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. candle we see here below that it seemed really good to go north so we follow we try to maintain as long as we can as our voltage allows and as likes to give way and the indicator I use to have a c continuity in the trend it was rather extremely clean and look it gives us really standing signals here of reversal over the whole day this little one likes to quote all the red candles were really bearish phases and then we went back to small green candle bullish phase and then especially what is very interesting if this gap between between the two which showed us that there were more and more buyers if I dare say so here we try to have a yielded but not to return in position for keep your position I insist it is in my opinion a big big his big interest and his big his big difference everyone has the rcd he is late and blah I don't use it's like judo you use the strength and weakness of your opponent the m to yield effectively it is an indicator that is late but we can make a hell of a force to hold to hold his position since we left on the nasdaq and will listen to o n will see what allowed the nasdaq to make such an anoci bourbon well look there is no mystery it is our microsoft stock which broke its all-time all-time record at over $ 331 yeah that's not bad so why microsoft flies away like that in a rhinestone way all eric takes us pretty well there i think simply because their results are excellent and it's a it's becoming a company who is who resists everything that resists all empty premises it's a chance for her she was able to develop all these cloud team activities these companies they have very good prospects they have microsoft shares so reached a record level and it is above all why I told you about it now the biggest market capitalization of all time it has just overtaken apple since it is at 2.5 billion $ 2.5 trillion in market capitalization and while apple is slightly below therefore on we is we're on stratospheric levels but bin microsoft everyday is used every day every day all players you may have a real maybe a microsoft phone they released the absolutely amazing phones double double face with a dual screen technology it seems to me at the time but a little bit improved I went to see them I'm almost on the verge of an apple infidelity I'm ashamed but when I see that I say to myself wow that can be absolutely brilliant and viva you are surely on windows say maybe tomorrow windows 11 you use word or wee excellent here it is so that is that a small part in fact one of their income they have c 'is me all my personal business backups are safe are on microsoft i'm not i'm not on amazon for example well here it is so it's really a company that is anti crisis without much competition the only choice if that could be an issue that is what we are trying to go to microsoft monopoly etc. I do not think there is great risk that it will be extremely symbolic because the United States understood that this is not the time Daffé out their company when they are in a total war with china and in particular the war for brains and that we talk about in the economic webinar just after so here is for microsoft we are going to take the apple therefore apple which is falling sharply amazon which is falling sharply which is losing more than more than 2% in session so is it really a sharp drop if we look on amazon they have six are far from during their records above above 3700 from there we are at 3300 and we rather have a profile j ' was going to say defensive and we try to stay above 3 me of 3200 but with a certain difficulty for the moment especially since there we had the facts if I mean that we will be able to be very positive who is qualified quarterly but it worked against them but they were amazon was extremely extremely honest since they announced drops in their I am trying to find the note that I had noted above all time so here is amazon the eyelash has dropped c is that they have they have extremely poor end-of-year sales forecasts if that they really expect mido sales every year with the arrival of christmas amazon batère at the races this postponement is there they warn that its ratios do not have legs to be the case it does not put forward the problems of supply of maritime transport or quite simply of shortage of manpower it does not find enough people to be able to manage their their stocks and their flows they have increased salaries but that is not enough the empty balance has turned down a lot, reshuffled the cards and a lot of people change profession it is also there the flexibility that allowed to question oneself and to go perhaps towards trades the gerially well paid or better paid but which allow a better quality of life and that is why for example we have in France we do not experience shortages of nurses yes but it is valid in absolutely all countries in all countries Europeans good except in the United States it's going well but a nurse is paid between 6000 7000 and here she is a nurse in the public domain in France and paying 1800 to 2000 euros and if she goes on an interim basis but the keys 3000 so here we have a little this problem of salaries and interest in staying in a job for example I was earning a lot of money a lot of money when I worked for Renault group as a computer trainer I resigned to become a teacher and earned half as much it seems totally crazy but at the time here I could in any case allow me to really live what interested me high now if I was an employee I do not think they would resign to earn two fo is less because behind inflation and it's the same for nurses who come from minerals they say to themselves if I put myself in interim I can earn much more 50% more or less so I can -be I maybe do it so we have sectors where they have trouble recruiting the salaries are low enough he magnet not attracts enough from my either if the increases too much we have an inflation that will explode and all the prices all the prices are going to cost much more my zone should increase its prices so they are there in a management to have a little more in six months if people return to work resume do not resume this type of work or not in any case we is in a period where everyone readjusts themselves personally has reviewed their priorities and we see it like that in companies where the father would not have thought of like amazon in terms of microsoft sorry for apple skiing we are anyway on on the highest with apple a hi storique in a better position than amazon the only thing apple tells us is that they may not be making as good a turnover as expected because they have chip supply problems etc but what the market has appreciated a lot is that apple is becoming more and more independent it has released such that intel has taken a huge slap on the stock market because apple is releasing its chips l1 there will surely be chips in a year or two m2 and that's so they start they control all all phases of production in two caves of their computer and maybe they'll also they'll take out the memory sticks or something like that only in apple mode mode. they estimate that there they have gained margins compared

to gold with their traditional suppliers same for the ssd but microprocessors it is nevertheless something which is it is the heart of the machine it is there where the on your machine much more powerful and wins ussi much more margin and there apple frees itself from intel etc it is to be welcomed at the technological level it was certainly some ten years of research behind they did not release their more like that by snapping their fingers just putting together the teams went to look for the brains in the brain war that we are going to talk about in half an hour it seems these are plans that are planned over five over five to ten years and it worked from cers 1 in fifteen days we see that the market favors and welcomes companies that control their production chain I do not have last week for tesla I would like in the goodwill trading last Saturday tesla at the week this week has completely rocketed on the stock market in the support 12% Monday and continue it like that because she masters all the computer code that is in her cars which allows her to reprogram the chips extremely quickly so maybe Tesla will start producing its about semiconductors its own chips a little bit like like apple is even more even more independent but this is what is really appreciated by the markets it is companies which are less and less dependent on a third to a supplier xy z and that is globalization which has shown us local quickly especially which has shown us our interdependence and the return to a form of independence for companies so good we can not be absolute of course apple is not going buy mines to extract the raw material for the plastic for the recourse for the silicone he uses in his computers we will always be dependent on them apple is not going to nuclear power station to feed six young people etc but to be a little bit less dependent on a country of Chinese suppliers is something appreciable and the markets are hello so we have esg criteria more and more in the same views as that now we talk more what about that among fund managers so a psg company will be buying a lot more so to favor in portfolio type epo type to compatible acts we are going to say and we risk having a kind of new label which will be productive independence or something like that to be really taken into consideration and microsoft for example most of these engineers of these teams are completely made in microsoft they do not go there not delegate a company xy or z their code so here you have the control control the production chain from a to z it is now great strengths the great strengths of companies and it is also there we can save the most the most money here we are going to come back to our little clues whose list and we will end up talking about it by the bitcoin go therefore the superb cac40 cac 40 which broke us again then the 6008 it was not obvious but you see him teaching broke the high schools 1008 after the closing of the European markets we had the country confirmation rose to volley blocked by the monthly middle r1 which is not a coincidence either exactly like for caen for the zac so it's going pretty well the dax you said it's a bit the element weak of the band he has no lighter his highest he has not reached the fifteen thousand seven hundred and fifty he managed to climb over the fifteen thousand seven hundred you also see here quickly we gave in to me that we had a point of entry delayed but which puts with the size of the candles it was rather not bad not bad to be able to possibly continue a position on the dax but it was a little bit cavalier because it was really the element which is fixed the least on the other hand there we did not ask any questions it was all the same on the cac 40 which has a magnificent magnificent acceleration their stocks eh well it makes us much better too a record your bodies on their stocks above 4000 250 in contact with the monthly needle ra me of the air an nuelle du mois de novembre bien sûr là je considère que c'est les nouvelles les nouvelles valeurs sont calculés ici donc le mit de l'air à mon seul du mois de novembre disposition de suba écouter idéal pour avoir peut-être une petite vague de baisse et repartir à la hausse pour pour peut-être préparer un rallye rallye de novembre et décembre en tout cas il est vraiment bonne position regardez au mois de novembre 2020 on était sur les 2800 et on a pris on à 4002 on a pris 50 % très précisément en un an sur le sur l'euro stoxx50 priviligier les grosses capitalisations donc vraiment ça marche il n'y a rien à dire on voit pas du tout du tout d'essoufflement le nasdaq on l'a vu il s'est mis à briquet pas de souci le dow jones 30 il a pas briquet il n'a pas encore dépassé au les plus hauts il se positionne lui sur la 1000 $ à mensuel du mois prochain aussi un petit peu un petit peu en dessous donc il va essayer de rattraper les 35 1750 il a moins de 1% de 36000 voilà c'est un niveau symboliq ue qui peut peut-être aller rechercher par par les intervenants on aime bien les symboles je l'aimais une hypothèse j'aime une hypothèse on verra si les marchés vont être un peu plus compliqué à gérer mais ils vont peut-être continuer à monter jusqu'à la fin de l'année on pourrait clôturer sur des plus hauts historiques de tous les temps à la fin de l'année une hypothèse et ça nous ça saluerait notre décennie de hausse de hausse non-stop et puis on pourra avoir un reflux à partir du 15 janvier et avoir un marché qui aura du mal à retrouver un 4e 5e 6e 10e souffle pour continuer 11e souffre on va dire pour continuer à monter de plus en plus haut parce que on va avoir quand même là on va se rapprocher du moment où les banques centrales risquent de remonter un petit peu un petit peu l'étau on sait que ça arrive on se voit là mais je pense qu'on ferme les yeux et on fera presque les surpris quand on prend la banque centrale des banques centrales remonteront un petit peu l'étau elles ont be soin à elles ont besoin de remonter les taux il ya besoin qu'il ya un petit peu d'inflation ça permet de réduire la dette un an l'inflation donc c'est aussi un jeu laissait courir l'inflation mais pas trop puisqu'on a on a emprunté à rien du tout mais si on rembourse avec une inflation à 4 5% bah c'est toujours ça de moins à rembourser en bourse la première année on va dire en simplifiant que 95 % puis la deuxième année on bosse que 92 et c'est l'inflation mange la dette en cas d'inflation bas il vaut mieux il vaut mieux être endetté et quand il n'y a pas d'inflation il vaut mieux s'endetter donc c'est ce qu'ont fait les états de manière très très habile et france trésor a vraiment été super fort à ceux à ce niveau ils ont ils ont emprunté à négative ou à zéro et 0,25 pour se débarrasser des dettes qu'on avait à des taux à 5% par exemple tiens on vous remboursent par anticipation pour prenez ça et on a repris des dettes quasiment à tous négatifs pour pour certaines donc c'est vraiment le c'était vraiment super bien joué et maintenant la deuxième phase du jeu pour les banques centrales et pour les états c'est se plaindre qui est de l'inflation voilà parce que forcément la population râle on s'en plaint mais but du jeu ce serait quand même pas mal que pendant quatre cinq ans on garde une inflation à 4 5% ça réduit quand même considérablement les dettes et puis vendre selon les pays ça parait dur à la tête mais ça va permettre d'emprunter plus bon ça c'est une autre c c'est une autre affaire donc pour le moment toujours bien sûr tous les indices ont regardé le sp 500 lui aussi nouveau nouveau record historique au dessus des 4600 il n'y a pas de signe d'affaiblissement en 'intraday' voyez qu'on est exactement le même signal à 16h signal d'achat sur duhaime a cédé sur les scènes p 500 sur la bougie de 16h sur le nasdaq je vous la remonte on a exactement la même à 16 heures et sur le dow jones je joue la montre allez un peu moins évidente sur le sueur sur le dow jones on était quand même dans le vert a été beaucoup moins évident entamé très propre sur le sp 500 très propre sur le nasdaq voilà qu'on vous avez à peu près les indices majeurs qui jouons dans un sens c'est pour ça que je le répète je le répète je le répète si vous traînez nasdaq qui faisait pas le snpi 500 sous les yeux elle dow jones mais au moins le cnp 500 sous les yeux vous traits d un petit peu à l'aveuglé c'est très important ça sert à rien d'avoir les d'avoir les cours regardez voilà ça ça c'est ce que j'utilise avec pro real time pour avoir mes listes comme ça je clique et on verra juste le bitcoins après hop voilà ça nous avons directement sur un sursaut beatles ça ces listes que j'utilise pour vous faire les les les pointes de madère mais ça sert à rien d'avoir les valeurs comme comme seul à voir si elles sont rouges ou vertes c'est important d'avoir les mêmes a cédé les points pivots et voir conteste qu'elle rebondisse à l'unisson ensemble et ça c'est vraiment le top efficacité d onc sur bitcoins alors ce qui est intéressant c'est intéressant sur bing on sait qu'on a une petite une petite stagnation alors on s'est bien repris en dessous en dessous des des 68 on n'a pas été recherché aller plus haut à 66 mille donc on sent qu'il ya une petite phase d'hésitation d'autant plus que je pense que il ya peut-être un transfert peut-être un transfert lie peut-être pas mal de gens condamnés pas mal de sous sur le bitcoin c'est qu'ils se disent ben peut-être encaissé un peu et finalement qu'ils allaient celui qui a le plus de possibilités à part le bitcoins de progresser fortement masse et le terrain est le terreau homme lui il n'a pas hésité il a battu comme vous le voyez ses records historiques donc là je pense qu'il ya ce qu'on appelle j'encaisse sur because je me décharge un peu sus du beatles et avec eux les guerres et bénéfices le cash que j'ai libéré j'en mets un petit peu sur le terrain qui est finalement à des cours etc vraiment accessible à tout le monde à quatr e mines à 4300 à 4300 dollars on n'est pas sûr on n'est pas sur les 60 me 61000 65 dollars dudu bitcoins hélas très nettement on le voit ici est vraiment sur ce graphique sur une année très bien parti sur le terrain il l'est sur ses plus hauts on n'a pas eu prise de bénéfices massif il reste toujours collé à ses plus hauts tandis que bitcoins on prend le même graphique il a récupéré il a récupéré ses plus hauts mais là on voit depuis depuis le 20 octobre que ça fait à peu près maintenant dix jours il n'arrive pas à récupérer ses plus on sent qu'il ya un début d'essoufflement il a rebondi sur la résistance de mensuel versé mais le grand classique mais ça n'empêche pas que pourrait avoir une phase une phase de baisse est retourné sous les 60 milles et peut-être 55000 ou le plus du moins précis dentelle 53000 en tout 53 55 voilà si j'avais à mettre un petit gap baissier serait plutôt sur bitcoins un ticket aussi serait plutôt sur le terrain après vous pouvez faire vous faire un straddle o u hutus tout ce que vous voulez avec mais voilà je sens qu'il ya moins de 2 de dynamisme en tout cas sur sur bitcoins on en reparlera dimanche à 11 heures pour voir le trading sur bitcoins futur voilà j'ai fait à peu près le tour de ce que je voulais voir on a le baril de pétrole on peut on peut se mettre qui est toujours au dessus de 80 dollars il est bien protégé bien protégé par sa résistance de mensuel donc pour lui tout va bien on voit ici qu'on a eu un début de baisse voilà sur 48 heures mais ça n'a pas été bien bien bien bien bien bien loin il reste toujours au taquet et puis on a eu on a eu cette baisse cette baisse l'a donc entre mardi et mercredi et puis on a un début 2 rebonds toute façon tant qu'ils restent au dessus des 80 dollars et en plus il est protégé par un nouveau point pivot mensuel du mois de novembre à 80 de la tente qui reste au dessus de 80 dollars bon ça reste un marché haussier et je pense que c'est un niveau qui arrange qui arrange bien les pays les pays pro ducteurs de pétrole pour vous donner un ordre d'idée beaucoup de pays producteurs d'hydrocarbures juste parler plutôt des hydrocarbures dont gaz et pétrole à 80 dollars les nourrissent leurs populations ils peuvent investir ils se mettent plein de cash de côté alors à 150 dollars ouais c'est génial c'est en 52 là il ya quand même moins de consommateurs 80 dollars c'est vraiment au niveau idéal pour 60 $ ça va 40 dollars il gagne rien ils gagnent rien ici entre guillemets il ils survivent donc 80 dollars c'est un bon niveau et je pense qu'ils vont tout faire pour essayer de maintenir le plus longtemps possible / / / / ce niveau et ce n'est pas leur intérêt non plus qu'il ya un emballement à 100 dollars 120 dollars et c'est pourquoi on a pu connaître ils savent que c'est provisoire et que généralement après le marché se prendre une grosse claque donc en fait je pense que la stratégie des pays de l'opep de l'arabie de l'arabie saoudite c'est décide d'avoir ce niveau-là à 80 dollars 81 85 c'est un super niveau pour eux ça ne perturbe pas trop les économies de leurs consommateurs donc ça va bien c'est un peu comme comme les pommes je vous donne un exemple à intermarché il achète on ça je sais ils achètent des pommes à 55 centièmes à rungis 40 centimes à rungis le kilo et il est vendu entre 1 euro 50 et 2 euros 50 selon les intermarchés jeudi intermarché quand je pourrai dire carrefour un peu importe pourquoi le niveau varie d'un intermarché d'un carrefour d'un auchan à l'autre entre un deux roues 50,12 euros 50 c'est énorme c'est 60% 70% ça dépend de la population tout simplement parce que vous êtes vous payez votre kg de pommes à 40 centimes vous le mettez un euro cinquante toutes vos pommes parts bombe à la semaine d'après vous le mettez un euro 80 sa part super vous mettez à 2 euros à vous en vendez mon bon vous mettez un 90 ne vendez pas autant vous me mettez un 80 que vous vendez tout donc c'est exactement ce qui se passe pour pour le baril de pétrole les pays de l' opep essaye de trouver la bonne combinaison pour qu'ils aient toujours autant de demandes autant d'acheteurs haut niveau le plus élevé possible et c'est pour ça que la même pub à neuilly août et 2 euros 50 le kilo elle en coûtera 1 euro 20 en seine-saint-denis et ils ont quand même acheté à rungis et ce exactement les mêmes mais vous adapter à la population et au pouvoir au pouvoir d'achat de votre zone de chalandise pour les pays l'opep leur zone de chalandise c'est la terre voilà ils n'arrivent pas à vendre vénusien les martiens ils sont totalement écolo bobo d'ailleurs pour ça que c'est devenu un désert ils consomment plus du tout donc voilà c'est ça qui est passionnant en économie c'est que si vous pouvez avoir en microstructure vous avez une petite moyenne surface vous ouvre une petite épicerie si vous voulez dans le 8e arrondissement paris aussi vous l'ouvrez dans le 20e vous n'allez pas mettre du tout les mêmes frictions mais télé même prix vous aller où vous couler dans le 20e ou rien gagné dans le viiième et c'est aussi pour ça que aller les loyers sont différents d'une zone à l'autre si vous êtes commerçant vous allez payer plus cher votre loyer dans les zones où vous avez des gens qui ont le plus fort pouvoir d'achat si vous allez pouvoir vendre vos produits un petit peu même beaucoup beaucoup plus cher ça dépend comment comment vous allez présenter aussi et donc c'est ça qui est absolument génial en économie c'est que tout ce que vous comprenez en microstructure votre économie au quotidien c'est la même chose à l'économie de la planète sauf que bon il était de zéro en plus en en jeu mais ça fonctionne exactement pareil hélas l'opep essaye de trouver historiquement il ya plein de recherche l'intitut sajoo les passes des thèses et tous qui montrent que au dessus de 75 dollars ils sont super contents au dessus de 80 dollars c'est jackpot pour eux parce que ça coûte pas un centime de plus à produire qui nous le vendre 75 82 là ça revient toujours surtout pou r l'arabie saoudite ils ont la chance d'avoir du pétrole à faible profondeur donc à sac lors plus rien du tout quasiment rien a le pouvoir le faire sortir de terre 10h56 voilà j'ai fait un petit peu le tour de ce que je voulais vous dire on se revoit dans 10 minutes et on va parler de la mondialisation des cerveaux des prix nobel et la lutte sournoise qui s'organise entre les états pour piller les autres et là on parle pas de matières premières on va parler des cerveaux sur ce portez vous bien merci de me courage et a continué à mettant plein de petits pouces pour vous faire quatre heures de webinaires le week end je sais que s'apprécier et c'est là vous avez aussi le plus de temps pour les visionner tranquillement portez vous bien et puis on se retrouve dans dix minutes ciao

2021-11-01 10:19

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