Getting Personal with the Modern Customer

Getting Personal with the Modern Customer

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So. Let, me ask my panelists to come on up here I've, got a B and glai he, is a digital. Distribution and, channel, marketing for 18 D business and then Ron Johnson chief, executive officer of enjoy, please give him a warm welcome. Great. So. Bobby. Yes let's. Start with you okay, let's stop with you maybe you can do a little introduction to people talk a little bit about today and what. You do and then absolutely. So, at AT&T for 18d business I'm in charge of what we call digital distribution and. Channels, because. Increasingly, as you look at the modern customer, they are expecting. You to have a completely. Seamless transfer. And personalized experience, across, multiple channels, and for us we. Have a lot of channels we have direct sales people we. Have digital channels, my digital team is actually in the room okay, we, have call centers, and. Increasingly. Customers, are saying bring me that experience in. My house, like, the equivalent of the modern you know house call for a doctor and that's, one of the reasons we end up with. Ron. Johnson's, company, and Ron if you don't know is the CEO of enjoy, and we're, gonna play a little video in a second okay but, ron was the former CEO of JCPenney, he, didn't some of the amazing, work he said Apple retail, Ron was the visionary behind that and we said who better then, to team up with to. Take our business forward, in a very, very, exclusive, and. Wonderful. Experience, and enjoyable, experience for our customer so Ron. Should. We play the video for you yeah well let me just introduce it if I could please thank, you it's great to be here I've, had a nearly, 40-year, retail, career, physical. Stores I've watched online develop, and, about five years ago I just concluded, the. Final, frontier, the next frontier would be the actual place you use a product your. Home your. Office whatever, and imagine. If you could create a mobile retail, store and that's. What we've invented at Apple art enjoy, it's, an entirely, new channel, so. You think of the first channel is the physical store. Invented. Thousands, of years ago and someone said I'm gonna create a place in the neighborhood where everyone. Can buy stuff you. Know Apple. The Regent Street store had the same landlord, for a thousand, years long. Time online. Retails the new entrant which, is a device to delivery. Optimized. For convenience. We. Believe there's another frontier. Which is the home or. The office it's, where you use a product and so, in this modern world where things are being delivered and people are working well we've invented basically, the mobile retail store and it. Enjoy now we operate 400, mobile retail stores seven days a week 10. Hours a day and. You can order an on-demand mobile store experience and the video will show you some, real live experiences. Shot. About a year ago in. Los Angeles action so these are our experts with customers, put. To music and you'll get a feeling, of what changing. Location, we do to changing, the experience when you onboard a new product all. Right let's roll the video. Oh. I've. Got you, have. Your new Apple watch your, new iPhone sub n. So. This actually, is gonna be a microphone, and you're gonna be able to speak to it once we're plugged in say Siri cartoons. Let. Me show you something really cool so, you guys have an Apple TV here you can actually see it directly, on the screen right there we have the thing all this time that wouldn't even known this so. Right here if you have like an iPad, or a Mac you have those guys yeah if you don't mind I'll show you how easy it is you're gonna move everything over seamlessly. You. Can actually add a card, to your Apple wallet, and I can just pay like that yeah with my thumb yes. So. You'll see here we've been working.

Out Right any 3%. All right. Let's. Do it. And. Through, our partnership, with ATT, the majority, of online customers. For AT&T in 36. Cities right now are having their product. Delivered through a mobile retail, experience, so. It's been great to work with you in your jeans right, so. Real. Quick I'm gonna just do a little quick introduction. Just to set the stage and do better standing up I hope you don't mind sis but. You, know I love what rods put together here because not only does it touch about omni-channel, Forrester doesn't like to give away a lot of its future research but I'm gonna do that today is that we actually have um some, upcoming research on the future of retail is service based and so, we we, highly, believe we're Ron's going in that in that solution there um I, do want to talk a little bit about omni-channel but, to get that started to get this party started. I, would like to do a little survey with you I'm an analyst so I'm gonna do a little survey if that's okay now, this should not be too hard I hope but. I want to level set with you guys because I used to come to these events as I had a strategy for Guitar Center and come and listen and I'd have my little business hat on I want, to try to get your consumer hats on okay, cuz you got to think like a consumer, when, you're taking in this information cuz you got to think about what does a customer care about what do they think about so let's let's go there for a quick sec real, easy question I hope but you may have to think a little hard about it in the. Last 12 months how. Many of you have bought. Something. Come. On okay, all right I think we're not ever said what. A hundred percent okay congratulations you're hull consumers, okay we're all good we have our base line how. Many of you have bought something online I. Think. We're at a hundred percent right, okay, and. How, many of you bought something in store oh. Right. There, okay. So we're at a hundred percent. Congratulations. You're all omni-channel, shoppers. We're. All omni-channel shoppers, this is already happening our, experiences. Are already being set. By the experience we have offline we have online there, is no online shopper. That's a mythical creature like, dragons, and unicorns, doesn't. Exist we talk about them they're not there okay. We are already omni-channel, shopping, all of us 100. And so, this, is happening, right now, organizations. Are moving to catch up with that they're moving to understand, how do we address the needs of the omni-channel shop or the person whose expectations are being set by, every experience that they have I would. Argue that most of you are not set by the expectations. Of let's say oh Dick's. Sporting Goods right they're a sporting goods store you don't go to Macy's calm, and say well that's okay they're not in Sporting Goods the experience doesn't have to be as good that doesn't, happen it. Doesn't even happen with cross industry if you went to your banking website it's, winter banking website and had a great experience you, could find the information you needed you could ask a question with a virtual agent, and then, you went to insurance website would, it be okay that you had to call a call center oh you're. Instantly disappointed. And, it's because we, are set by every experience, that we have our expectations, are reset to a new higher level, with every great digital experience, that we have and that's, why it feels so hard. Today, you. Are no longer chasing, your competitors, you are chasing, customer, expectations. That's. What we're really chasing today and those expectations are being set and reset and reset, and reset, every, time they have a great experience, but. Most people ask me well what is Omni channel what. Is Omni channel well, there's. Four areas of omni-channel okay. Wael. Omni-channel engagement. Omni-channel.

Fulfillment I'm, Michel product in price and, I would add promotion, to that to an omni-channel, view of the customer now, most of you think omni-channel is things like buy online pick up in store right. Okay, but, when you get into it you start to realize that's, just the tip of the iceberg okay. Omni-channel. Engagement. Is where I want to do things like I want to be able to talk to my local store associate, through an app I want to be able to access my wish list when I'm in a store right, that's how many channel engagement I want to be able to talk. To a local store associate, through my app but then also maybe, FaceTime. With them or chat, personalization. Ties into this right, then. There's also product in price I want to see the same price I want to get the same promotion for, any of you that are still doing promotions, channel specific promotions, you're not being customer obsessed you were being company obsessed right. It's, not the same thing, so. How do we create this true omni-channel world it all sits on top of this graphic was designed, anymore this, graphic that used, to be up there mr. Cohen. Is. Designed, specifically, there it is on top, of you the customer because, you don't have an omni-channel view the customer if you don't get that customer to self-identify you. Can't deliver these experiences, to them how, do you get them to self-identify you, get them to self-identify by. Delivering value. Value. Okay. With that I'm going to start the conversation here, I'm, pleased, to be joined by my panelists is going to be really exciting we've done a couple dry runs pretty good stuff so. Let's. Go through the first question so I'm gonna go to ah be first and your, view of ami is it is your view of omni-channel in line with what I've just said the pillars the the view of the customer engagement, fulfillment and, the three P's product price promotion and. What are your foundational, views of omni-channel, first. Of all I do agree with what you're saying let me kind of start off with you said a lot about what customers who, the customers, are okay, and we service business to business customers many of you alright in this room but I think that's also medical, because if you look at the expectations with. A lot of research on this they. Are very consumer, eyes there's a very thin line out here because of your experiences, as a consumer, as we just drew all of you are so. They're all looking for our customers, are looking for effortless, they're. Looking for transparent, they're, looking for personalized and oh by the way it. Better be fast mobile. And, proactive. All right that's a tall order when you're trying to kind of manage all these elements and they. Expect, these to be, transcending. Channels, and. Increasingly. That channel, is so. Much of where you live where you use your device and, nothing you saw a little bit of that so that's, one of the reasons why we said if we are gonna really delight, and give customers what they don't expect. Even. Better than what they would expect we, had to do something different we, had to kind of step out and we, turned it on and said Ron let's. Do something special so Ron, maybe you can build upon that a little bit and then I thought about what it takes what I heard from both of you is at, the center, of you, Jamaican has to be the customer, yes and, the. Expectations. Change with every experience as you said across industry, and. You've got to build your business for the customer, now. The good news for physical retailers, I believe the next decade, is the decade where the physical, retailer, takes back. The. Business the owner of physical, retail, Amazon. Won the last decade. Not. Unlike Walmart one the 80s people took a long time to catch out but. Now Amazon's, weakness, is that it doesn't have a physical footprint, and. In this world a buy online pick up and store a ship from store whatever you. Know if you're a physical retail you basically got a deployed warehouse system, that's, within minutes. Of the customer, how. Do you leverage that in this modern world that gets into omni-channel but. You got to look at it start from the customer, how do you create a deeper, relationship. With them. Long. Term right. But, it I would rather be a physical, retailer today than.

An Online retailer trying to compete forward. So. As painful, as it's been you ought to be encouraged about the future but. That's what's neat about companies, like AT&T, that. Have the foundational. The. Blocking. And tackling the, network is such a center part of this this, movement to 5 G's is gonna change everything but. As you build on your infrastructure. You. Got to pick your partners that are in the forefront of thinking about this omni-channel world and, that's, why you know it's been a delight, for me to work with 18 T with enjoy because. They not only have a great. Customer, base of mobile. Customers they're. Always looking forward you know they're becoming an entertainment, company they're, gonna change how business. Experiences. Technology. I look, forward today when we can help some of your business customers, by delivering, phones. And experiences, to them and take, it out of the IT departments, or whoever does it but we could be gonna do that we're gonna work with IOT to enable delightful, experiences, for your customers, or enjoyable. Experiences, for your customers, and what, we're trying to do behind the scenes and my digital team is here as I said we're trying to integrate because, we got to look at four four components, I'm gonna, get a little. Black. Rinna FD. V I, okay. What we're looking is functionality can I do what. Exactly. Where. Can. I do what I want to do where I want to do it as you saw that could be just about anywhere the, second one is visibility, okay, if you don't think, if you don't know where that customer, is coming in how, they're moving through your different channels you, can't service them the right way the third one is transferability, I know, I hate, being cold transferred, and call centers so, can you tranch the context, of my interactions somewhere else and lastly, interoperability, if I'm filling out something digitally, but. I'd still want somebody on the phone with me helping me can, I do that now those are not easy things to do but that's what we're working on to make their does this integrate it in yeah but you know it it's, funny so many people confuse the word omni-channel with the idea of consistent. Experiences, or, in fact what's, so important is that continuous. Experience, where, one drives the next step because nobody wants to do things that repeat right that kind of idea so on that note about that view of the customer you know that's probably the most challenging, part of all this we're on I'm going to throw this to you do. You agree with that that that's the most challenging part and far the most difficult, time. An established. Company. The. Easiest, first startup. Because. Companies like when I started enjoy four years ago we knew that, we had to build a company that instrumented. Everything. So. I could any night just any day say to my team I'd like to know this and boom I understand, that and. I got that access, you know a couple, of weeks ago 18t, turned on I believe for a call center employee mm-hmm, she just booked an appointment for, an joy visit, and.

That Happened, and all sudden we saw our, experienced. Time growing by 10 minutes but. I like to do is say to my team well what's, the length of a visit from the call center versus. A web store and I, knew the answer within five minutes it, was 10 minutes longer and then. I could go look well where are they spending the time well, they're in the checkout device, well. We got an issue there how do we solve that but, because everything was instrument, we had a view of the customer from, the call center to what's happening in the home you, know that's a real fact so, my advice though it all starts with that view of the customer which comes down to the the, fundamental, architecture, of how you store data, and, if you don't have a good data warehouse, with the ability to capture everything, literally, everything and, then, provide easy nimble, access, you're gonna be behind, right. That's, really hard for an establish you millions. Of customers how do I get a hold of this you, got to start somewhere but I would build that infrastructure, get that database. Set up you. Know let me build on what Ron is saying every, time he talks about how cleanly architected. Systems are from scratch I'm like sitting there green, with envy mmm. I've got every system known to mankind you, know getting into our systems that go into an archaeological dig in Egypt okay. So. I gotta figure out how we layer on top of that and what, we are dealing with right now is, saying okay why, is it so complex mm-hmm, because, the, permutations, and combinations where, you start where you end and how you go from point A to point B that's, like one the, second one is the systems in the org underneath. Okay the, systems are a problem but the org is also a problem if you don't have the right organizational. Incentives. Literally. You, can have a salesperson created. This incentive, for, somebody to go digitally, and it shouldn't be that way so, you got to think about the systems but you also got to think about the compensation. The incent, is how, you set up the culture and the third is just practice. That's, why we're practicing right now because you're gonna skin your knees just, assume that do, not go live right off the bat please, if, there's one thing I can tell you about that you will learn through a lot of mistakes so yeah, absolutely you, know we often find that companies talk about being customer obsessed it's a big common thing I'm gonna get on stage and say anymore we, find companies, really don't have enough data to be customer obsessed by show of hands how many you know the term data-driven there's.

That Term yeah we're data-driven let. Me explain you what data-driven is I go, make an executive decision and then I ask the minions to go find data to prove that I'm right. Okay. Okay. That's a misuse of data what. You must be as data lead, as an organization, data lead and all the companies that you admire that are out there the cott the thing about all of them is they are data level they do not come with preconceived, notions about the customer or their business, they, let data not to only drive their tactical, but strategic. Decision-making okay, so. With, that said I'm, going to go to AA be on this one first okay. Yes please I really, think you want to be inside, Trevor I like it inside Lud not day to dress well I was gonna let you guys tonight I just want to bring it on this, is part of disease data and, as we all know data can be misused for, any purpose, of course we can all look at data in their own way the fundamental, thing you want data to provide is insights, mm-hmm, that become, irrefutable. So. It's not like this, is what the CEO thinks, is what this Brits got to be inside. Driven, oh absolutely core craft with a customer so, I think that's where so many people caught up in data dan, is a statistic, an, insight is an opinion, right. And that's where I think you got to think through but I'm sorry to interrupt no no no not at all I know it's it's interesting that you've all probably read that book lies damned, lies and statistics right, so you can make of it what you want but one of the things we try to do is i shamelessly, riff from Edward, Deming right on this one In God We Trust all, else bring data and yes. You're a marketing team but you better have your data socks put right up out here and be able to defend what you're doing because at the end of the day as Ron said if we don't see, what's happening and quickly, react, to it because, you can assume, you. Can have hypothesis, hopefully you are all hypothesis. And research driven but. If you are not ready to, realize. That in practice. Unless. You're following, what's actually happening. And being ready to pivot. You're. Not gonna succeed okay, so you got to build that culture of, leading, with insights, being. Ready to overturn. Your hypothesis. And have. A culture, of trial, and error and it's, okay, as long as you fail fast please don't flop, and die miserably, on the floor for a long time just, put it out of its misery quickly, if it didn't work it's okay yeah. Well it's helped us and enjoy is there's a great book by a Stanford professor, Carol Dweck mm-hmm, called growth mindset. And. I think in this world today where you get insights that are rapidly changing, every. Employee has to have a growth. Mindset not, a fixed mindset a fixed. Mindset here's, what I expect and I I really, don't like change a growth, mindset, I embrace, new learning, and I'm going to move quickly to. Improve. So it's about improvement. Cultures that performance, culture right, performance. Cultures, tend to say here's my dad I'm rich tettemer drive, that performance, right. And improvement. Culture is not about what, you did yesterday how, I get better tomorrow to, do that you really need a growth mindset which. Then get you back they've got to be open to new insight if, that makes sense and you got to be able to capture the data right, sure and that's one of the reasons why when we talk to our retail, customers or financial scarce customers, anybody, who's servicing, customers across multiple channels the, first question I ask is to capture, data you. Got to be able to be at the point where data gets generated, be. Able to securely, and transport. It at scale. Then. Makes you can analyze it and then get it back to the people where. They are interacting. With customers, and that's increasingly, on a mobile device so, they can remediate and that's, where you know we believe you have a really strong role, to play as AT&T because, we can provide you that digital, connectivity backbone, and we, go even further we're like look if you want to get insights, in real time and your, hypothesis, your stories of hypothesis, by the way I'll, pass it to you that's, why we do Wi-Fi inside stores and saying, understand.

Where People are lingering where, they're shopping oh by, the way we, can tell you where they came from we can tell you where they went on, anonymized. Aggregated. Basis of course all right and oh, by the way if you're, going to in the future do some, on-the-fly. Analysis. We'll even do some edge compute, so, you can actually take that data without having to take it back all the way to a cloud datacenter process, it and maybe give some suggestions, to the person, in reader saying here's. The next best step waiting on everything that we've analyzed what the person who came in that, is the future yep. And, since, they had a couple quotes I'm going to throw one out there doubler, W Edward Deming once said without data you're just another person with an opinion and what. I like to ask organizations. Right after that is how many parts your business today are being run by opinions. Right. That's a pretty dangerous thought to think about and but Ron you touched on something I want to want to go off-script a little bit here if that's okay I love what you said about culture, we find that 53%. Of organizations. I'm the B key data guy or data insights guy should say now so, the. 53% of companies say, that culture, gets in the way of the digital strategy and 82%, say, organizational, silos get, in the way of executing their digital strategy I love that you touched on culture you, talk a little bit more about the opponent they both it like Iran, and do a real, cultural, missed it when I came to Dallas, a few years when I went to JCPenney, and, I'm not being critical to Penny's people but, I was a cultural, misfit, you, know I'm an innovator at my core that's what I did at Target when we became. Tarjay, through design and marketing, that's, we did it Apple through the stores with these kind, of innovative stores with genius bars different ways to do things well. You then go into an established, company like many of you work with that. Is just rooted, in its history that. Has a lot of people who've been there a long time that don't love. Change because. We all know there are a lot of people that my wife doesn't like change, can. You imagine being married to me. I've. Got a new diet every day but. The, point is some people don't like change so if you have a culture, that's. At odds with where you're trying to go it's, really hard and. A lot of the bigger the company the more of the silos, are built up over time it's natural, bigger. Organizations, are hard to navigate them smaller, ones. So. You really have to think through org, structure. Cultural. Transformation. You, know in the right sequence the. Mistake I made at Penney's I went so fast I didn't figure we'd ever get anywhere so.

We Went fast but. That was a culture shock to. Everybody employees. Customers. Board. Members, investors, you, know I made a lot of mistakes, strategy. Could have been right perfect. But. You got to understand these nuances yeah absolutely. A. Very small, tightly, knit company with no smiles. Look. You have to kind of find a way to transcend. That and I really. Resonated. What you said you, cannot, transplant. Somebody, else's cultural values on your company you gotta dig to, find what is it about your core that you can appeal to mm-hmm, okay and 18, keys always had a strong, sense of service in, terms of the service that we've provided to the country our duties, our capabilities, you know I'm going to spin out here that's our commitment of bid firstnet which is a dedicated first. First responder, Network for the country okay, so, we appeal to that and said look at the. End of the day it's about the service you provide and, how, you represent the company as long as you put yourself, in the customers shoes and walk through that I don't. Want you to think about the classic scenario that we have in a sighted organization which goes, green. Green. Green. That's every silo and oh, by the way the customer experience is blinking, blinking, red. And we're. Talking to people about this because we want them to understand. And try. To, put the customer at the core of what they do and say, visualize, yourself being. This person going through this journey is that what, you want to provide them and what, we found is appealing, to our own, cultural. Values is supposed to be trying to be helped. And cool and somebody else that you're not it, doesn't work and that has, been working for us but it's a journey ok, we are trying really hard our systems. We are trying to piece together unlike. Iran I do not have the luxury of starting. Greenfield on this one and that's, why our digital, team is working really close to our retail team we've actually adopted common, platforms, we flipped our. Platform. For our smaller, customers from, a customized. B2b platform, to the same platform that our consumer team uses that they're using in the, store because. There was no other way for us to make it happen frankly, it has a proof point 218, PS this blew, me away when when, we go into a visit on behalf of a teen in a customer's home we. Have the same point-of-sale, device an. IPad that someone have in the store so, it's part of 18 he's on channel view but. They said the first thing you do after, you activate the phone is review the plan to. Make sure they have the best possible. Pricing, for their use and. In. A lot of cases we're lowering, rates, but. I think 18 he realizes that's what people deserve because. If we don't proactively. Get them on the right pricing, they're. Going to switch to another carrier, right, but, that's a pretty courageous move by a company, because. Most people aren't going to know the complexity, of a plan but. One of the first jobs is to make sure people are getting the most value out of each and, that's, a real commitment to service, and I'm sure that's true with the business teams mm-hmm, as well. So. I'd like to dovetail and shift at the same time and this idea of culture. And and understanding, because one. Of the interesting is there's, really no buzzy er buzzword right now than artificial, intelligence right look can all agree with that right I was gonna change my name to Brendan AI which or to charge you a little bit more, but. I just wanted that my initials are AI all. Right I RB. Ingly oh yes, yes. So. But. But interestingly enough 81%, of people. Who are not ready to invest in a tie say there's no defined business case or they. Can't understand how it can be used in their business in some ways that could be a cultural problem right understanding okay I can be done but, I want to see this we're all trying to create these seamless, experiences.

Continuous. Experiences, for customers that's. Almost impossible to, scale manually, almost. Impossible, if you don't go to understand customer good automation, and, we see AI is really the future of this so, we, know what number of companies are working AI and we keep hearing about it do we need that to make it all work to make those experiences, work what are your thoughts on the future of this space and how I think. We're all. Using, it without realizing, it's. Kind of like your comment early about omni-channel, yeah you, know there's, no online Rito we were omni-channel before, we described, a designer chance right ai, is just happening and I bet you're using it all the time you just have to accelerate the use so. An example for us when when. Our expert, is assigned scheduled, their customer, I'm going to see ah be the, first thing I do is I would. Send a personalized, text say. Hi I'm Ron I've got your new font I'm excited to come deliver to you I'll, be there at 2 o'clock just to confirm the time works for you and. You. Know if you have any questions call me back at my number well. The number, that. That the format, is a personalized. Note from Ron that I get to create my own but. It automatically, inserts based on the order the customers, name my. Contact, information, the product, I'm bringing that's, a I yeah. Right but it's not like it's that complicated. This, is not like some whiz-bang like, the magically, demo we, try to use some new technology, called mixed reality, and put it on say I I think, it's like I think we're doing it but. We got to find a way to provide, intelligence. To. Everything we do, artificial. Lighting gets in the way because it kind of implies that it's something, out. There a phone. Number is not that artificial. An. Address, is not artificial a product, insert, like we're doing but. It is using, modern. Technology, to personalize. That, makes, sense so, I think we're doing way more AI, than, people realize and, so I would if I were trying to persuade my company again do it I would, start by saying let, me show you all we've done with AI in the bath and we just want to continue to evolve yeah, versus, it being a company of AI versus. POS. Upgrade mm-hmm, well then the POS upgrade might win because it's more important. That's. Slowly look at the end of the day if you bought, item. On Amazon and gotten a recommendation, say.

I'll Ever talk to Alexa, or bought. A place to ad on Facebook to subvert the US election, you. Know that, you used AI okay these are all machine mapping, algorithms, at scale, right and the, biggest thing about AI is people, I. Gravitate. To what I'll call the extreme. End of the completely. Autonomous, completely, untrained. Example. Why, you. Can start if you have a call center and you're a rule-based system, which actually told them what the next best thing to say was that is AI is just a start, so I would say get started, somewhere but more importantly. Architect. Your. Infrastructure. Architect. Your, systems, and processes, to take advantage, of the data because, we're the AI and ml comes into place is doing it at scale, at the. Point of interaction and, the more current your data the. Better it can be so we are working with so many companies right now to. Put sensors everywhere some, people like to call it IOT, okay. I look at it very simply saying if you can sense the data. From wherever it comes people, process, things you. Can analyze, the data and then, you can respond, to that data in in, either robotic, fashion, or through, assisted, human being. Then. You're providing, X, appearances, that are truly personalized, which, take into account their latest interactions, and for that you need to architect. And have the right infrastructure, which, will help you it and you, got to have the right army, channel strategy and culture which you're, gonna have to work on yeah, yeah, so measurement, metrics measurement, metrics I mean it's not the sexy stuff talk about you guys just into that at both of you. But. They're often the missing component, for omni-channel I mean many people do okay, they know they have a cultural problem the organization problem let's do ami channel they buy all this technology and then they launch right. And then they try to create these great experience to customers but they don't go through that final unsexy, step of figuring how to measure success it's, one of the challenges how, much organizations, today approach metrics, in an omni-channel world and. What are some of the best measurements. Of success do you think I mean I'm gonna put this way I think the biggest change that has to happen is, historically. We had four. Or five large, metrics, that guide. The business when I was at Target the, inventory turnover gross, margin, comp, store sales right six but, those are the outcome. Of the. Things that really matter and so. In today's world, what you have to measure are, the, small. Things that provide, you these incredible insights, and, those, have to be nimble and you got to be able to ask for new insights, all the time because. That's where that's, where the proof points are that's where you're understanding, the customer is so, we've got to move from measuring the final. Thing. The thing you port to Wall Street and running the business for that to. Really, having nimble. Metrics. That are constantly, evolving that. Are real-time that. We all have access to they produce insights, I love. That real-time especially, I mean if someone's if someone's waiting in line for 10 minutes in a store to pick something up or if, someone's you, know just even spending a lot of time trying to put together a component for a b2b, infrastructure. Like that I want to buy right if. You're not measuring that you can't manage that right, and I'll give you one example just real quick enjoy I know every, expert, better, in a mobile world than I ever knew working in an Apple store I mean. In real time every time a visit impleaded, it. Updates, to our whole network every. Employee. Sees, the visit was done we. Gamify, it so we earn points per visit based 118th we know that they activated the phone they downloaded, data they, added a line to an old phone they, talked about DIRECTV, now we, know that in real time the, expert does I can look at any expert, who's the best in a market of doing this by. Instrumenting. And having metrics I have. More knowledge in a mobile world than. I ever had in a face-to-face physical. World if. That makes sense right real. Time you. Know and so it's, all there to be done now it's, how do you move from where you are to.

Where You could be and for, you know those of you are trying to implement this at scale I'll tell you that governance and metrics are like the unsung heroes, of this. Particular situation they can also be the unsung villains, of this situation I just point that out and right. Now what we are working with is what are the right omni-channel, touch metrics, those. Are the things that we're trying to get through and that, does come down a little bit to culture because you do find people saying why, are you taking credit for that and. It's not a credit, issue it's a question of if you, step, back and think of the customer journey what. Are the touch points that assisted, that customer, through the journey and how do you appropriately, give credit for that okay. In a measurable, manner to, incent, the right behavior, and encourage. The right collaboration. That's, a tall order it's easier, said than done and, I'll be honest with you we are in experimentation, as I told you I've done green every time Ron describes, his metrics, right I'd, love to have those but we experimenting, me getting better at it but, it is there is an element, I'm keep, pointing, out of, cross-organizational. Collaboration. That you gotta build into those metrics we don't you. Will have customer, disincentives. To let them use the right channels for them at the right time yeah, just to give you a sense of scale here I just recently did an a an omni-channel assessment. Document that I wrote and again I'm an X retailer so I know all those metrics you mentioned Ron conversion. All that it's kind of stuff I actually. Came up with 100. Brand new metrics, for, an omni-channel world brand, new that, you wouldn't be using in a multi-channel, world so does it give you a sense of like how much you could there really is to measure and understand you know my child that's both b2c and b2b us right, so, I think it's I think it's been a great conversation I'd love to go to IB here to talk about a few of the the takeaways things we talked about stay and and take, the audience home and or do a little Q&A after this as well okay I'm gonna keep this short okay one. Thing I hope you've taken away that engagement, is so much broader and deeper than, just fulfillment. It's not about just picking up the doodad in, the store okay, it really comes down to the, whole what I call the LBG upcycle, learn by get, use service, you saw what, the enjoy reps did literally. Going with that customer, when they were using, their Fitbit and showing, them how to picture the Apple watch with, with. The phone that they had in an experience, right that's how you need to think about it and the, only way you get there is if you put those customers, at the core like, those reps work being where, they are and. Understanding. How to how, their journey through those channels varies, and as, you do that and you understand, how they're interacting I just. Say one thing you have to be incredibly humble, about this because just realize that we're on a journey okay. And you. Have to map out your stakeholders. Across, the organization, compensation. Incentives. The right army channel metrics, right, to, allow you to. Service the right cuts from the right profile, and if we can do that you'll, learn what.

The Path is to. Delighting, and, personalizing. The experience, for a modern customer, okay that's where it really takes right. So. Let's let's see if there's any questions from the audience here, I think we have a mic going around, does. Anybody have any questions for myself, or the other panelists. There. We go right, in front go ahead ahead I'll repeat your question. Sure, okay, a lot. Of a lot of retailers would ignore. The return process as part of the entire process and don't service it properly and she was asking Ron about the, hurt, the enjoy solution, and how that addresses, that yeah, well it's a it returns are really, interesting, part of the profit formula especially, for online retail apparel returns, can be 40% because. Of fit and size and color what's. Interesting though is returns, tend to happen, because. Someone. Doesn't. Get up and running with confidence. Okay. So, even at Apple when I ran the Apple stores we, had about an 8% return right that's. Confidential, as for us 4%. Of the times the, box wasn't open someone bought it went home and. Someone, in the family said we don't need that and they brought it back the, other times I got home and they had trouble even as easy as Apple makes it getting it's up, so. We launched a program after about 10 years running the Apple stores called personal. Setup where we said we're going to set up the product before you leave the store and. Our returns went way down because. We got them up running with enjoy. We hand deliver the product and get you up and running we your data transfer we connect the devices the. Rallies our returns are under 1%. Our. Returns, are gone, so. Like all things you want to try to eliminate the, problem, then, if you have it you go back so. The beauty because we're in the market people we just go pick it up and return for that but. You got to think that through but. The the real opportunity, is to reduce. Returns. Because. People don't just buy stuff for fun so they can return it they. Return things because they didn't meet their needs right. And so, in our world the beauty of going, to the home we're, not just, helping. Them get their device set up we're, connected, to their whole life we. Can go make that new, phone work if their garage door opener which some people care about there you go make sure it works with their son on speaker their nest thermostat, you know so changing, location. Kind. Of changes, the way you can serve people because, you're not talking about it you're, doing it so. That's one, quick thought I'm gonna let what we put, more when I couldn't be the vaudeville hook, one. More question anybody, got one more question right here. Yeah. You got a mic remind come on your way a comment. And a question. Command. Does I personally, use the enjoy service my last device was delivered at home by enjoy. Pour enjoy folks it was a great experience so thank you thank you very much, at, that point I know these just one thing if this was about a year back where, you're enjoy systems, were not really integrated with the online channel so, while I had put the order in the guy had Ricky in the orders and I hope that's fixed that's just a comment. The question is happy where, do you think you are on your you. Know only channel journey right in terms if you strategy, on making. Everything work together because, the IDN be had separate organizations, for digital retail, and, you're, experimenting on the end get some more engagement, where do you think you're on that journey and could you throw some light on the roadmap ahead yeah, so.

First. Of all the key is it's a journey we're never gonna get there okay. Because if you lured what Ron said we're gonna be constantly, learning and iterating, constantly. Learning and iterating on that process, and the, reason why you had the experience you did and why you haven't seen it at scale is because we are learning we got a MVP. Product out there and we are learning what works forces that we started with consumer, it's a simpler experience, than b2b they sequenced, very, very. Very. Deliberately, okay, so that's how we are sequencing, it I can't, give you a roadmap because there's some things that we're gonna be doing that you will see in the press soon okay. Just know that we've been learning skinning. Our knees I didn't mean that metaphorically. Literally. Happening, as we're going through and we are building that up but I'll tell you that will never be done because we have so much more to do and the more data we are collecting because, a lot of what we tell our retailers, the, Wi-Fi data are the location, data the the experience, data we want to integrate that in and make that experience more and more personalized just, to build out yeah MVP. The Minimum, Viable Product. Is defined. By company, like. An apple it was almost perfect. At. Facebook, its they. Have theirs. They operate 1200, Facebook, websites testing. New things all the time they, got 1199. MVPs, at all times that they launch every day so. It varies by company but you gotta just get started so. In that instance where we weren't quite ready with the integration I'm. Actually glad we are there because then we identify, here's the opportune you fix these things right but, if you try to be perfect you'll, never get started, and. In a journey you got to take that first step yep absolutely thank, you everybody for attending enjoy, the rest of the conference. Thanks. For watching for, more videos from the ATT, Business Summit click, Subscribe.

2018-10-17 21:55

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