George Mason University | Spring 2021 Graduation | School of Business | May 13, 2021 - 4pm EST

George Mason University | Spring 2021 Graduation | School of Business | May 13, 2021 - 4pm EST

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sometimes i get a good feeling i get a good yeah speaking of this gun woke up on  the side of the bed like the winner sometimes 100 we live so it might seem crazy by the way feel is that's what you want to do   here come back to george mason university we are  thrilled to be able to celebrate this outstanding   achievement with all of you here today please  be sure to follow all health recommendations to   avoid the spread of covet 19. all attendees are  required to comply with the following policies   maintain a safe social distance of six feet  from other parties at all times keep a facial   covering on at all times hand sanitizer  is readily available in various locations   we ask that you remain in your seats  throughout the duration of the ceremony   graduates may process to the stage  when signaled by a university marshal   masks may be removed for photographs  once the photograph is taken   please put your mask back on for more information  on mason's coveted protocols please visit if is is with apologies to pharaoh williams a very  good afternoon to you welcome everyone   to our george mason university school of business  graduation for the master's programs class of   2021 and 2020. to each of you your families  your friends and everybody that helped you   to get to this stage today congratulations  well done and i would like us all to stand   join me in standing in attention  for our national anthem oh   bright stars on the rocket red glare the  bombs bursting in air they proved free thank you to mason's green machine  and company and please be seated it's absolutely wonderful to  see all of you here with us   today this is a great achievement i'm pleased and  proud to be celebrating with you particularly as   this year marks 35 years since my own master's  graduation so it's wonderful to relive it all   thank you for your dedication for your hard work   and for working to find a way through particularly  in this very challenging time our faculty and   staff including the associate deans and colleagues  here on stage and those in the audience our alumni   our friends join me in offering our warm  congratulations to you and to your loved ones who   have supported you on this journey and who really  deserve their own round of applause well done guys i am really enjoying the ceremony outdoors  yes particularly because it's a nice day but   but just to be out here in one of mason's  many open spaces i think is great i love   being outside in part because i just enjoy  being able to look around and to think   especially to think big and this is something that  i very much wish for all of you as you embark on   the next stage of your lives and careers life and  career can be difficult of course and the past   year in particular has been really record setting  in its heaviness in the setbacks it has dealt us   as individuals as families as a region and  a world and indeed of course as a nation   but i have to say it does feel  to me like we're turning a corner   we remain aware of our many challenges but we're  also beginning to look at the bigger picture we're   engaging to create a better future whether it's  fighting disease advancing equity and inclusion   supporting working individuals and families  rebuilding our infrastructure or re-establishing   viable global systems and our leadership within  them it feels like progress and it could not   be coming i think you'll agree at a better time  one of the things we learn from a good education   is to absorb the lessons of the past but  to live in the present and to focus on   building that better future and most of us  in higher education feel that's a key part   of why we're here and for my part i have  hope in large measure because of you mason business graduates look for opportunity  they look for contribution they learn how to   build new connections connections  across disciplines across markets   across different fields of knowledge across  countries and across cultures by bridging   and then integrating across diverse  sets of stakeholders they create   wider opportunities for value creation for  contribution for partnership and for impact it's for these reasons i'm proud to recognize  all of you and also in particular to recognize   our outstanding students who are the masters  graduates who are nominated by our faculty   and area chairs for their contribution and  their impact within the particular program   as i call your name if you're able and if  you're here please stand and remain standing   till all of our outstanding students have been  recognized and i ask that you please hold your   applause until i finish reading the names so we  can congratulate all of our outstanding students   with one large round of applause and  you'll hear in case you don't already know   the variety of master's programs that we offer  here at the mason school of business first of all   from our masters in real estate development  program catherine jacobs is catherine here   wonderful please stay standing from our masters  of science in management don lee sun here we are   from our masters of science in accounting  elizabeth farley and karen chipman there you are   right from the federation of schools of  accountancy special award to thomas shaffer   from our mba boston cohort that doesn't mean  that they live in boston that's the name of   one of the two cohorts we have joshua ratchford and from our mba denver cohort benjamin zemeck from our nba sacramento cohort juliana de damio and from our mba online craig swaner from our masters of science and  technology management christopher murphy and danwin fantastic congratulations let's have a warm  round of applause for all of our outstanding   students and thank you for joining us  wonderful well done i would also like   to acknowledge the students who are being inducted  into the beta gamma sigma business honor society   these are the individuals who are graduating  in the top twenty percent of their program   if you are being inducted into beta gamma sigma  i ask you all pleased to stand together and be acknowledged well done great work all now given the amount of  change that we've recently been through   i also think there is so much opportunity for  all of you especially now so my advice is go for   it think big make something new and better happen  whether it's in technology food fashion ai housing   education energy government all of these sectors  and others are more open now to change than   they've been at any time in recent memory and i  have to say the old adage truly does apply here   if not you who and if not now when and do forgive  yourself and forgive others when you don't manage   to do it all or get it all right particularly the  first time you try because it's true what they say   the best way to learn is to fail so many cultures  though including sometimes our own have such a   fear of failure that we often don't accept it and  therefore we don't learn from it so i advise you   learn to fail or fail to learn i know i have and  one more important point i want to offer to you there are two kinds of people in the world oh  my god you're saying what's he going to say now   people who divide the world into two  kinds of people and people who know better   and mason graduates know better probably  the most important thing you can learn to do   is to see the world the way the other person  sees it because only then are you able to   find the common ground that will allow you  to connect and therefore to make progress so you're on the way to being business  leaders indeed leaders of all kinds   who see that bigger picture who build  that trust who do the right thing not   because it's good for you personally  but because it's right for the future   you and other leaders are stepping forward to  bring us together and to create a common safe   and equitable future for all and that's why i and  all of us at the george mason university school   of business are so pleased to celebrate with  all of you today warm congratulations graduates i'm going to ask the marshals to help stream our  students up to the stage and introduce them i   don't know if i guess we're going by program  but you'll tell me it is my great pleasure   to greet you up here on the stage be photographed  with you if you want to bump elbows that's fine if   you want to bow that's fine you want to jump  up and down you're welcome to i'm not sure   i'm going to be able to match you but i look  forward to greeting you and congratulating you   and because we are not a big crowd this afternoon  we should have time to bring everybody through   get the pictures uh and simply enjoy the moment so dean piper it is now my pleasure to present  the graduate of the school of business claudia lewis juan mo yang elizabeth farley vietnam taylor mulbin francis missy tejada maximilian simkins ahmed darwish eileen voss charlie natarine hillary marshick thomas kremen daisy taja hi jt candice de pass then when angus robertson lucia tutsi catherine jacobs derrick smith john lauren sketch us amy siegel shiny zhang hannah chung kwan pham maria musa jen liana dundo mia christopher murphy kaelyn tricon benjamin ej emanuela serwa karen chipman so jala tijuana altaf patel joshua ratchford mackenzie matthews emma anderson muhammad hasik khan eisen al-risha cindy quinn craig swanner tassina khan kevin chao janita arshad sergio fernandez hanan duale deborah curry bass oh bass benjamin zemeck brandy fletcher ambria harris chang eco donnelly soon mike tatum costa dala georges kevin sundin thomas jennings song lawrence hails barricat hell ashley roberts ciao we he yun yung song john young park once again i'd like to  congratulate all of our graduates   and also all of your classmates  who couldn't be with you here today   i know that you know that it means a lot to be  a master's classmate and i will tell you that my   own are still some of my very best friends even  after four decades we love the fact that you're   here with us that you have decided to make mason a  part of your life we hope that you will keep us a   part of your life going forward including letting  us know what we can do better but we're today   like your friends and family especially proud of  you and your achievement and we wish you all the   best we have well you have already received little  gifts on the side table and uh i you know being as   as we are not short on time i welcome you if you  want to greet one another of course according to   health protocols it's a pleasure to have you  here this afternoon i would like to thank   especially my faculty and staff colleagues all  that have been involved in putting this program   together and more than anyone else really  the faculty the directors and the staff   assistant directors and associate directors and  supporters in each one of your programs every one   of them is of course managed uh as its own its own  uh little venture and it it's a lot of support we   are particularly pleased that you have stuck with  it and come this far congratulations all of you   all the very very best come  back and see us stay well congratulations graduates please remain  seated until your row is dismissed by an   usher or university marshall we want  to ensure everyone's health and safety   please maintain six feet of social  distance from other parties when exiting standing if you want to stand for the alma  mater this is the mason alma mater you today   his truth is we're with us true oh and and by way of celebrating if  you haven't done so and you'd like to   join me in doing so you move your  tassel from the left to the right   and that symbolizes your graduation  well done guys all the best uh mm-hmm hey

2021-05-17 05:07

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