Geometry Dash 2.2 Release News! - Robtop's 2.2 Leaks on Twitch

Geometry Dash 2.2 Release News! - Robtop's 2.2 Leaks on Twitch

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so electrify why are you here well uh dude have you even seen his twitch yet it's insane i was watching this whole entire stream and rocktalk just practically did a nintendo direct yeah i'm just gonna oh right so why are you scared of 2.2 news what's not to be scared of it rob thomas has been insanely active since the past month and something's gone to him i feel like something's up with robert tapala i feel like down and relax besides it's not like you've missed a lot of info about 2.2 anyway guys have you seen rob's twitch it's insane he's online right now there's so much stuff going on right now like there's the new icons that he showed the chat's going poggers right now and on top of that um well i think it's up to me and no one else to do the job of discussing about these but anyways hope god blesses my soul as i will look into every single rot i've bought on twitch and discussing each one one by one so this is it these are all the things that we've got so far on wrought up twitch so first off rata reveals some newer charts onto the new update it shows that there's not only earth shards metal and blood shards but we also got light and soul shards too i really wonder what the icons for these newer shorts could be perhaps some of the icons will be placed onto the shards actually now thinking about it where could robson place the icons from the icon contest in secret shop the shards i don't know but getting sidetracked a little rob top also revealed a ton and i mean a ton of gauntlets a couple of streams ago the gauntlets were shown were forest gauntlet room gauntlet forest gauntlet spooky gauntlet dragon goblin water gauntlet haunting gauntlet acid gauntlet witch gauntlet power gauntlet portion gauntlet snake gauntlet toxic gauntlet halloween gauntlet treasure gauntlet ghost gauntlet spider gauntlet gem gauntlet infernal gauntlet portal gauntlet strange gauntlet fantasy godly christmas gauntlet holy how many are there surprise gauntlet mystery gauntlet curse gauntlet cyber gauntlet castle gauntlet grave gauntlet and temple gauntlet oh my god but yeah there was so many gauntlets to even talk about i have no idea to even say about it it's honestly so cool that robson is shooting out so many of these yanderes all at once it's absolutely insane there's even speculation the 2.2 is

going to be out on halloween the speculation sparked because of the fact that there's a halloween gauntlet and robtop started to become extremely active today so seeing that people can make the theory that it's going to come out in 2.2 which somewhat makes sense right well no of course not rathop still doesn't know the release date for 2.2 and besides there is already a christmas gauntlet as well which wouldn't make sense as to how that connects to 2.2 i don't know why people are making this connection but regardless i doubt that's ever going to happen at all up next we got is this clip this clip shows spots up showcasing a bunch of animations for fire and other animation particles like a lightning zap and a smoke particle these particles and animation looks pretty cool and i'm pretty sure that you can be able to change the color of these but either way these colors look amazing regardless and i love to see them being added onto 2.2

broadhub also showed this on a stream where he showed a new feature that can be done with platform mode he went on a stack of blocks which seemed like the user was sticking onto the blocks movement he later went on check non-stick from an extra options menu this is uh something new that he hasn't talked about the screen shows don't fade don't enter no effects group parent high detail untouchable passable hide and non-stick and ice block we pretty much know almost everything about the left side of the menu i would presume that don't fade don't enter effects that fade in transition when you scroll through the level no effects i can't really be sure about what this could be group parent has to do with the being of its priority of what i assume to be a group id high detail yeah we already know what this does moving on untouchable seems confusing because i would assume it lets you pass through the block however there's already an option called passable so i can't really tell for certain my assumption on the hide option is that just like the hide trigger it would make it invisible but still there to the user nasdaq was basically shown for us as ronaldo demonstrates it on stream and icebock has already been told by robtop robtop earlier claimed that ice blocks can make a block have low friction a year ago this is for certain what this option is for if you have any doubts about it you may let me know in the comments below also another thing what the yeah in the stream you can see a completely new game mode dedicated for platform mode i assume and it somewhat acts like how a ship would only now we're able to control the x-axis this kind of looks really sick to see play in an action i don't know it wouldn't make sense to have a ship mode and platformer because well it would look kind of weird so i think that's why rob built this jack pack mode it would be pretty weird to include this as a new game mode in a normal side scroller that we all recognize i don't know it's very weird seeing two of practically the same game modes in the editor but aside from that it's a decent execution of a new substitute for the ship and platform mode on top of that we got some new camera filters that were added onto the new update and later shown on stream the stream showcased a bit of the new camera filters one of which is a new grayscale with a light blue tint added onto it according to him on the stream wrapped up later on in october has revealed a bulge effect where it pops inward onto the camera this is kind of a cool new effect that would look amazing and drops the levels however the effect in my opinion looks a bit too uncanny i wish we can get an easing option for the bolt effect because that would end up with a more versatile editor for these effects to come in the next clip you can see robtop rating a level and deciding on the chat whether or not to rate it as it turns out when he made a grammar error he clicked on a character on the text and fixed it this is very subtle but gd did not have this feature at all and it took a few prying eyes to catch it so instead of having to hold mac space on your keyboard you can now select characters in a comment on this next clip you can see wrong top showcasing some more animations which includes zaps coming in on a straight line going in circles and going in a square there's also squiggly lines going through the screen this is sort of a neat effect that can be used for block designs in 2.2 as they can be used for some really cool lasers unfortunately there's not much else for this clip but yeah that's about it in this clip you can see oh my god versus mode that is amazing see i can't wait to race with other people in this game now i just realized i wrote pepe in the scripts also if you look closely you can spot a completely new icon rolling in the main menu so that's also nice to see in the new update on this next clip you can see rocktop showcasing an effect called pixelate which when playing through the level it compresses the game quality and downscales it into pixels this is honestly a neat effect to have for levels especially on pixel art levels and it seems to be that way considering that robtop has added a ton of pixelate blocks to be used in 2.2 speaking of pixar blocks he also scrolls through a tab that's filled to the brim with pixel art blocks which definitely stands my point on him promoting a lot of pixel related art in newer levels in 2.2 i suppose we barely get anything like that on this update also one last thing you can see the menu inside the effects you can control how much they split vertically and horizontally the duration of the effect and of course the easing type that's quite a bit of variety and options to mess around with in the editor and it's pretty great to see robtop making the editor more versatile than it already is the next clip we got is more the auto draw feature the auto draw feature actually looks a lot more finished in comparison to last time that we saw it as we only had a copy button now we have four more options reference only allow rotating i love flipping and used nearby as reference we don't know what the reference is referring to but we can definitely assume that the rotating of flipping options allows us to be able to rotate and flip block designs there's also this template button in the corner of the menu i don't know this has not been seen in the old showcase so i'm assuming it shows a bunch of designs the player has made it to be able to use to copy onto the blocks another clip that we gotta hear is from his twitch this video showcasing an effect trigger called chromatic romantic as you can see is an rgb splitting effect where it splits primary colors away from each other it's honestly pretty cool to see in action raw top then goes on to the effects tab on the level editor which reveals a crap ton of more effects these effects are shader shockwave shockline glitch chromatic chromatic glitch pixelate lens circle radial blur motion blur bulge pinch grayscale sepia and infer colors holy yeah there was so many effects that were listed in the tab that could pretty much excite anyone i genuinely think that these effects are going to be a cool addition to these levels especially when stuff like motion blur and chromatic glitch is listed in it i also wonder how levels are going to be implemented with this will these effects be an additional difficulty to each level not sure also we can see in the beginning of showcasing the effects of some new triggers end options stop jump and gradient we've already heard a bit about both options and grading however stop jump and end trigger yeah we've never really heard anything about these and i kind of wonder what these trigger will do in the editor but the world may never know also i love how he still calls his project named geometry jump i just think it's a little funny thing that he is still going on in this next clip you can see ron's messing around with the platform of physics in the editor it appears that slopes also affect gravity meaning if it goes up on a slope then the icon's momentum decreases when it goes down on the slope the icons momentum increases i would like to see some nice physics being added for things like puzzles and parkour levels i don't know i i think it'll be kind of cool the next clip we have shows rata playing with arrows yeah i honestly thought these arrows would be used for error deco and details for box time but this is placed under the trigger tab in the editor so what function does it serve exactly my best guess is that it could be used as a directional trigger another thing to notice here in the clip is that there are other triggers in the tab if you didn't notice there are a couple of new triggers going for in the editor that we haven't seen before more specifically adv ran rotate camera and edge camera there's also reverse trigger and reverse end trigger which makes the level go in reverse without the need of reverse orbs if that's the case then i don't know how to feel about that to be honest with you i don't like having to read levels only to be hit with a sudden backwards trigger and messes up my focus it makes things unplayable and loses control of where you're at and on the other hand you can also see this in platform mode in sections of levels which is probably the only reasoning why this would exist as far as that goes the next clip we have is jesus christ wrap up you're having way too much fun with the editor yeah he's just playing around with the platform mode that he created but then he goes on the other and immediately you can notice something interesting firstly the blade and the level editor is actually spinning on its own in the editor normally in the editor the blades stay in place when it's placed in the editor however in the clip you can see it moving perfectly fine it is a bit insignificant to the uplate but if it were to be added it'll be a nice touch i honestly don't mind it being added the second thing you can notice are the new pixel art tabs in which you can see a ton of new pixar blocks to be seen and more yet to be seen within the editor and lastly you can see a completely new tab that looks very weird i don't know it has a weird texture to it probably not finished later on rotov also showcased some new idle animations in platform mode and what would it play if the user goes idle for too long you can see that the robot already hopping up and down already but if it stands still for too long you can see it jubilating and holy it looks so adorable i really wish there was more of these idol animations for variety it doesn't give anything new to the gameplay experience but it's still really cute to watch it jump like that i don't know it's pretty cool speaking of animations ronaldo was also playing user levels and he also reveals an animation being played in normal mode the quality isn't too good and i'm sorry if it looks like ass cheeks but if you look closely you can see the robot waddling and bopping his head up and down while it runs this kind of makes the game a lot more lively again it's pretty cute to see these animations being played in 2.2 maybe we can have multiple animations for the robot maybe even some unlockables along the way who knows the next clip shows wrong top showcasing a bunch of new fire fireballs flames explosives and other animations to be used in 2.2 and gotta say holy hell does this look like a gold mine for michael bay honestly i can't tell you how many animations robs have made for the showcase this is literally insane there's also zaps and magic spark animations to be used for a 2.2 it's so

cool on this next clip we have the setup menu for the shockwave effect and wrapped up playing around with it it shows the speed strength fading size the time offset and the width of the options there's also an invert checkbox which is pretty obvious as to what it can do i kind of take this one as an effect and it can definitely be used within gd levels if it's executed very well there's also two other effects that rotha has showcased on twitch these effects are invert color effect and gray scale effect i don't want to sound like a record player but dude these effects do look pretty nice as said by wraptop on stream it can be used for drops as a switch and he demonstrated it pretty nicely there's also two options which are target and duration now these effects shown are going to be abusable in 2.2 of course not what does robson think we are dumb asses no we're masochists not dumbasses plus there's obviously going to be in moderation in terms of gameplay as well so we'll have to keep that in mind hey do you want to see more wraps up around with the editor i thought you might ask yeah another instance of rata messing around with the editor again and at this point i'm not even surprised what's interesting about this clip in particular however is that you can actually see the blocks changing in size of its height and width could there possibly be a new scale trigger in 2.2 and to my surprise yes for a glimpse moment you can see roundtop showing off the new scale trigger just waiting to happen in 2.2 i'm honestly pretty stoked about seeing this one happening in 2.2 i mean this is a heavily requested feature to have in 2.2 and seeing it appear all of a sudden on stream is just white but yeah i'm surprised not a lot of people are talking about this one trick in particular i mean it's been encrusted to wrap up for many years so i don't get how no one notices one regardless i'm glad to see it in the editor we haven't seen much about the whole time word trigger and how it functions within the editor at all fortunately ronaldo had showcased this one onto one of his streams while messing around with platform mode he used the trigger along with a bunch of spikes he also demonstrated a bit of the new scale system that we've seen before the only menu inside of the time warp trigger is the tool mod slider which i'm assuming controls how slow the time war does to the player i think that the time war trigger isn't really that substantial into the editor i mean who knows it'll probably be the best thing ever but yeah i don't see this being a huge deal in the gd community in this next clip you can see rob top showcasing the camera rotate trigger he doesn't go on the edit menu of the trigger but he does demonstrate that the camera can be rotated now presumably also being able to control how many degrees the user wants is an interesting trigger that i feel like can take effect into a lot of minigame levels and other great concepts for level designing also if you pay close attention you may also spot reverse orbs in the left and right side of the level when the icon reaches the end of the level it makes him go back and reverse which does prove my assumption on what the reverse trigger does now if you thought you were done with the effects you're dead ass wrong in this clip you can see robstop going into a user level called electroflux dissing out more effects rather demonstrates on what not to do with the bulge effect as we can also see what the bulls effect does after he demonstrates the bulge effect and what not to do with it he also showcases a new effect called radial blur radial blur creates this directional blur for all directions and it looks pretty sick to see if it's applied correctly this could also be used in levels with the right atmosphere and theming or it just makes glow look like the sun yeah aside from that radial blur pretty neat compared to the rest of the effects now you're wondering from some of the twitch clips on how exactly director goes through blocks and stay at the top i thought he was using noclip to test out collisions or something along the lines of that but this isn't the case at one point in his streams you can see romps have selecting platforms and going in the edit object menu you may notice a sneaky little button over here in the corner of the screen that's because this lets you activate some of the options that has to do with the collision of the platform one of those options being passable yes this means that players can now pass through the platform which is a really nice feat to use not just through platform mode but can also be applied to over to normal mode speaking of that extra menu rods have some time demonstrated a new collision option for a platform called untouchable as shown in the clip this disables the collision on the platform and allows users to go through said platform i don't see this one being used often in normal levels but if done right this could be really cool to see it being used in platforming levels it could also be used for fake blocks as well which works well for both platformer and normal mode other than that i don't see any use for this option our next one is another effect that robtop wanted to showcase mata really likes effects huh anyways during the clip you can actually see him using another effect called pinch pinch is more as an opposite to the bulge effect whereas instead of popping outward it now pops inward if that makes sense is it the best effect out of the rest well nevertheless this is yet another sweet effect that can be used properly like how rods have demonstrated in the clip our next one we got is another effect jesus how many effects okay okay this is gonna be the last time i cover effects i know i've covered a lot of them here but this is seriously the last time he uses effects anyways in this one we got a really blurry portion of the electro flux level the new effect that he used well he used the new motion blur effect and in fact most likely affected by near-sighted people we went on to the options menu for the effect and you can see the easing type target x target y and the duration an interesting bit is that there's also use x and use y meaning it could be controlled vertically and horizontally it sounds like a sweet idea that is that the motion blur was done correctly and not made it look like my lens wore out seriously for a second there i thought i needed new prescription glasses nevertheless good effect but she'll kiss it better since that's all that we got now if you really want to start creating that one bit in press start you know the one well here's the new edge camera trigger pretty much the edge camera stops scrolling at a certain limit and it's good for something like platform mode or anything in normal mode where you just want to leave the camera alone and have the player focus on one particular thing also you might have noticed how the icon is flipped upside down when pressed yeah this is the new f blocks which took me a bit of notice but hey here they are it presumably flips the gravity of whatever icon when touching the block it could be pretty neat for a cool level design i i don't know it's definitely possible to recreate this in 2.1 so there's not much

reasoning to add this in but i mean hey i'm going to complain about something that doesn't do harm on this next clip you can see a whole bunch of new pixel art decorations one of the new tabs in 2.2 he scrolls down through a lot of them and also changes his color channels as well he then goes over to the orb tab and in it you can see a few noticeable things first of all there's two spider portals and three teleportation portals we only have one teleportation portal in our editor so rob kind of needs to explain about these new portals also while scrolling through the orb tab you can also see the recurring f block a directional block and squares my assumption is that the directional block hits the opposite direction once you're on the block and the squares might be the new particle system that ratso revealed a long time ago rotop then hops into the one tab that we were questioning about from earlier and we can see that the monsters have changed this place onto this tab now speaking of which there's a new monster that can be shown right next to each other also also we can see that all the new tab were the animations that have been seen from earlier so yeah a couple things that could be spotted from this clip and while it didn't bring anything substantial it did brought up new stuff that were not explained yet that seems interesting and lastly we got this ball icon that was shown during one of rob's love requests and you know what it ain't that bad i wouldn't personally use the icon myself but i can definitely see this being used by players oh hey i i got over it i talked about every single 2.2 news that appeared on wild switch thank you so much i'm sure there's not a lot of info you missed about to my voice ain't working today

2021-03-15 16:08

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