Free Webinar! Hire and Keep High Performing Employees in Your Garage Door Business

Free Webinar! Hire and Keep High Performing Employees in Your Garage Door Business

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we're going to be talking about how to hire top performers at the end of this because we're infusing some of the gdda work and some of the epic work at the end of this we're actually going to be offering one of our first courses and that's where we're going to share a lot of information with you we'll talk more about that as we go through so who is this for this is going to be for garage door dealers obviously and this is most importantly for garage door dealers who are sick and tired of struggling with design on your own right now the associations if you look at their mission statements they are not for garage door dealers they're for other people but there's nobody out there right now taking care of you guys it's for those of you who are really good at your jobs and i've talked to a few of you i know you're the heart and soul of the garage store industry you're the ones that care about your business right those are what those of you who are teachable who are coachable but who really want to grow your business right now yeah and those who have big dreams right that are stuck in a trying to at some kind of glass ceiling where we want to help that too so and really this is this is true for me those of you care about your employees and want more for them so this isn't just for you this is going to this is going to feed down into your employees and this is part of what's going to create that those high performers and get those high performers so why the garage door industry and why the gdda well we love the garage door industry i was in it for 30 years right and it blessed me so much in my family's life and same thing we've benefited from it we've got a family business here that's been in business for over 40 years so we've benefited from it too but the truth is these other industries are ahead of us right now the hvc and plumbing industry in fact where did you get your first coach dean hvac hvc they've got it down they've got better resources they've got experts they've got training leaderships and their associations support them if you've been on their association website it's incredible what they offer their people you know and some of the things that they they have better relationships with the manufacturers than we do right they influence some of the pricing some of the products that are out there they they have group buying power when they're a member of their association just because of that and that's what we're hoping to help build here there's better clarity on business models that drive their revenue they're they're all doing a very similar thing and basically the there's no secrets with them the best men the best women are left standing they're the winners and it's just pushing their industries to to excel further and further and further ahead and they're pulling high performers from our industry right now yeah and that business model is since it's it's sort of all all the way across the industry right they have driven out like tailgaters there there aren't very many tailgaters in the hvac world and the customers know the difference they don't they don't mess with what we call tailgaters in our industry so where do we start so where do we start with this whole talk of our our culture our our people our businesses we we start on the inside and we start with the heart and why do we start there well because the heart is the core the heart is the center of your business right so at the center of every person right so so high performers thrive in these cultures where there's heart driven there's purpose and the reason why they drive revenue high performers drive revenue that drives success that's going to create abundance not just for you the business owner but for them too for all your people whoops we are going backwards and then abundance drives you know peace of mind and prosperity which is why i you know whenever i looked at it and talk to most of you guys it it all sums up right there at the peace of mind and prosperity you don't want necessarily to fly jets around the country you just want to are around the world you just want to have a little peace of mind pay your bills and have a good life and and we hear part of this you're going to find when there's peace and prosperity in your business you get to step out and work on your business instead of in it but this idea of a heart driven organization where it really is about your purpose about your people's purpose and when people find their purpose they're engaged they're they're that's what the high performers want they'll be there they're the ones that are going to help you grow your business you're going to be able to trust them because they're going to treat your customers better than you would right and see that's it's how the world works right there's a circle of life there's a circle of growth there's a circle of business and if everyone prospers then everyone prospers right so there's more peace of mind things run a little bit smoother you know that's why we need a complete new paradigm of work so this is the thing growth with the company starts from the inside it it happens like this in nature our universe our planet everything starts from the inside and if you think about this i i haven't been too good at growing plants and part of the reason is they start out and i don't take the greatest care of them but you've they've got to start from that root from that foundation from the inside and they grow up from there and the reason for that is it creates this this resilience and any of you who are going through covid this year resilience is is key in in not just surviving but thriving we've had our best year ever in the midst of all of this it's unheard of but we had set up things real differently the last couple of years so in life in business it impacts how we work and it's uncommon sense it's not often utilized and dean's going to talk more about uncommon sense as we we go through this go ahead if you want to well now go ahead we'll keep going with the program here so the word culture in latin is means growth and so if you have we hear culture and business but what does that really really mean it's a place to grow but for most of us work is a four-letter word and it's a place people go they have a job they work they go home there's not a whole lot of girl scouting it's better to think of culture as a verb instead of a noun right because it it implies action it implies movement and a lot of times when you hear businesses talk about culture it's like a thing so being able to to drive growth and drive business growth you need to think about it as a verb and so when we align all of this we get the heart we get the inside we get the high performers it's actually kind of cool to work again you get blue being in the blue collar world i mean look at our essential workers right now they're cool again it's cool to be a blue collar worker when all of this comes into place you know the the idea of heart driven came about because after a few devastating losses in a row um back in you know 2000 right around that time um i had i lost my heart i didn't even know my heart was and i i spent a lot of time trying to figure out when the world happened what how did i go from um on top of the world and had you know in line with my girls and on on in direction having it within my grasp and then it just goes away and and then i i lost the ability to fight for it i just it was all just ah and you know i spent five or six years just trying to figure out what was hard what was what was the motivation behind work and it was about 2008 or so that i decided i was going to you know i was going to re-engage with my business i'm really good at at getting businesses to run without me right i was uh i was good at hiring the people getting the systems and processes in place and letting the thing run so i had that you know seven eight years of not doing nothing but studying and but after that i got a little you know a little antsy and i wanted to go back into my business and i said well what would it look like to to bring everything that i am inside that business i saw my people being a little scared that was 2008 nine that you know the banking crisis and that kind of thing and they needed they needed to be you know inherent and um encouraged to that everything was going to be okay and it was that it was that moment in time when i started infusing all this heart-driven stuff into the business and it was the results were phenomenal right some of the things we're going to be talking about here are what i learned right there in 2008-2009 and the consequent the you know five or six years after that before i sold it yeah so dean came on board a couple of years ago and and started helping us with our company and it's a long story i'll tell later but um it's made a world of difference with what how he we've approached things here it's really allowed me to step out of my business and and actually form the gda here with you that's the thing is that i i think most entrepreneurs they have a goal and a dream and it's not necessarily the work you know you've taken the risk to go into business and and you do dream about a business that runs without you so how do you do that and and still ensure that the revenue is flowing that the people are growing and that's what we want to do we want to empower garage door dealers to do that and again it's going to come from getting these high performers in it's there's a skilled trades gap out there and getting the high performers in giving a a culture and and really having a place that they can excel let me talk a little bit about what heart driven is real quick right so heart driven the idea that is um when in all that study and research i did for you know about six seven eight years i i went in there and i found that when when heart was talking about in the bible right when jesus used the word the people understood that to mean the energy of their purpose right the energy behind their purpose and that was very enlightening to me because i i didn't even know where my heart was i had lost track of my purpose and that's what we do when we're sitting there working every day and we're we're just struggling to pay the bills we lose track of our purpose when we put our heart in it we have got a good view a clear path to our purpose so that's what heart driven means it's the energy of our purpose and we need to bring it to work and allow others to do the same because that's where they're going to thrive too so to create this high performance community what we call it is is making worth workplaces into growth spaces it's what it's what people are looking for so what does that mean it means the business model that is just set up to survive and focus it focuses on price um it's typically putting out fires it's it's barely staying alive it's maybe growing organically but not really with purpose a a business model that focuses on thriving that really focuses on this abundance that has that long-term plan of not just taking care of you and your family even but taking care of your people maybe even taking care of the community that business model focuses on people and the high value of people and again if you look at the other industries the hvc the plumbing the electrical industry they've done these things and and that's where we're going to bring in the high high performers let's see that that's the when we talked about the hvc business models earlier the and a lot of the a lot of the controversy in our industry over the last 20 years you know or was really about business models you know we were calling them bad bobs and tell them it's really about what you believe will bring you the bring you towards your purpose will bring about that prosperity that you're seeking so it's all about how what your business model is designed to do and you know when i came into the street all i heard about was bad bob's bad bob i was like why is everybody focusing on on the bad bombs how about we focus on on the good that's happening out there and that's what we're we're saying is let's focus on what could be all the possibilities instead of instead of um some of the negative so why work places to growth places today's millennials that work adds value to their life and guys we're gonna these is as our backs continue to break as we turn 40 and 50 and we're trying to get out of our truck you're gonna have to hire millennials if you haven't figured out how to work with them there they can be high performers has anybody look that up has anybody done a google search for you know what are millennials looking for these days right and you know you see it right away it's really perfect ashley i see you laughing yeah i mean and and that's the thing you know we're in the garage door business how do we bring meaning and purpose to that and that's what we want to be able to show you how to do yeah they're that so so that's one thing there's some tough business skills that are needed to survive and these are things like leadership emotional intelligence being able to communicate being able to sell being able to understand business and why what what a person does a high performer does that impacts everything else around them when we have these people in our in our workplace and they're growing they're going to be looking for the same things you would be as they walk around the warehouse and also you know it's also one of the best business skills of strategy and being able to see hey how can i how can i use the the marketplace that i'm in to accomplish the goals that i want and and and high performers want to be a part of that strategy right they want to have a have input in that so we're going to talk a little bit about some of the problems when you don't have these growth spaces and that is dysfunction and toxicity and it's the gossiping it's the the drama that goes on that just is exhausting yeah i mean it's it's it's everywhere turnover right the cost of this dysfunction what that looks like and then we're gonna we're gonna have some slides lots of numbers on them but just bear with us there's not going to be too many of them but the roi and engagement on emotional intelligence on heart driven leadership on coaching on high performing teams creating 30 percent more revenue than their average counterparts and so this is something to look at right you know so disengaged like it you know when i described um heart driven disengagement's the opposite of heart drop and i'm just not engaged in my life and and my work in my in right so here's some of the you know gallup good polling organizations these aren't numbers that we just picked the best ones 37 percent higher absenteeism 18 lower productivity fifteen percent lower profitability you know that translates to thirty four hundred dollars for every ten thousand dollars they make that's just you're paying for nothing you're absolutely just just throwing it out the window because they're not engaged right so emotional intelligence those of you aren't familiar with this dean can you explain real quickly what that means because i know it's your passion yeah emotional intelligence was was the thing i ran into to help me whenever i first got back engaged with the business and it's the the ability to know so you know i said earlier the heart is the energy of our purpose it's also the seat of our emotions right that's that's the the term for it so the energy of our purpose sets in the seat of our emotions and what happens is emotional intelligence is the ability to know what's going on inside of me right and and using that to make decisions based on what's around me and that could be an and others too it's the ability to see what somebody else is experiencing how do i connect to them how do i communicate to them based on what they're experiencing so emotional intelligence i mean it's it's the queen it really is the place everything right now yeah so wait till you see some of these things right it'll blow your way it's you know i'm i'm working with our school district on the program and and this term continues to come up they're infusing it in the school districts now the number one reason for losing clients are 70 eq related right why do they call your your uh competition well because they had some kind of bad customer service experience somebody didn't pay attention to the way somebody was feeling and the cool thing is one of the things that we're looking at with the gdda and with epic is bringing in some artificial intelligence to measure this right wouldn't that be cool like on ipads if people out there could actually start seeing this and measuring it and starting to understand when these conflicts start happening so the u.s air force invested less than ten thousand dollars and profited over two million dollars from this they saw over two million dollars in benefits to this which led to some you know some first year turnover issues or some reductions but then they really found that the recruitment for the air force was twice as productive as recruiters in other branches of the armed services so just know this isn't just small business using some of this emotional intelligence when you look at the world health organization the the world economic forum everyone's saying saying what are the top business skills for 2021 right into the next decade and eight out of ten of them are emotional intelligence related right so that's how vital this is you know one of the things about emotional intelligence is it's not something you're born with like you're iq um eq is learnable it's a skill that with every point you increase in eq it equals a thirteen hundred dollar increase in salary per year so the the the you know there's a couple people on here that worked for me before when we brought this in and you know the the numbers just started climbing climbing climbing and so did everybody's happen you got the book right there so yeah so hard driven leadership what is that about well businesses had an roi of 29 within the first three months and for the year they they saw about a 415 increase in in roi from this yeah think about training guys i mean if we're training that's good but how many of us are doing leadership training right we we might read some leadership books but how how often do we bring in leadership trainers in in our organizations or expose them to leadership training and here's the thing with leadership and this is something dean brought into our culture it's not just for for the leader it's not just for me it wasn't just for my husband it's for everybody in the business when your team can lead themselves it's only them that they can lead others so we start from everybody starts with leadership training leadership development but the return on that is is huge within an organization yeah 415 return right so it's like a you know that whenever you when you have um you know 29 like a a short little burst whenever you do leadership training right so in the first three months of leadership training you might see a 30 or 40 return but then after it's after a year because of the nature of growth right it takes a minute for the roots to to spread and for the fruit to start showing up and then you start to see like a 415 return on investment on that so this starts with creating that high performance performance culture and the number one reason businesses do not grow is because they don't have high performance teams now notice here i didn't say there was a lack of high performers out there it's just they're just not in in our teams right one of the things i noticed i went to the last ida show i think it was in vegas and everyone i talked to just talked about there's no one out there to work there's no one that wants to uh to work hard all they want to do is lay on the couch and play xbox and i and and i just it was the number one problem that people talked about but it's not the truth it's just not it's a and we're turning we're turning them away we've got we've got a system now that's turning away people we just can't hire them that's what we're going to give you actually absolutely right yeah so this this idea of just always be hiring it's this becomes this this roulette game of hiring we're just bringing people in and they're gone after you bring people in and they're gone after just about the time they get trained well you basically you basically created your competition or your com competitors guy and that guy goes around from dealer to dealer to dealer not doing a good job so the old way of building a team just isn't effective anymore and we know that right so that's obvious and it's our own fault right like it's our own fault that we don't have more superstars more high performers in our organizations that's the number one thing we gotta we gotta grab a hold of it's not their fault and it's not somebody else's fault it's it's it's us and we have to own that and we're we're no longer just in competition for customers if you guys haven't seen this we're in competition for these high performers you know the new way you get the best team right right is is providing that purpose and meaning you give them skills you give them tools you give them um that you you inspire them to grow right and when whenever that's tapped into and one of your employees they come alive and so do you so does your business yeah and then watch for the weeds you're gonna have you're gonna have people that don't grow well in this culture they might grow well in the desert or something but they may not like this culture watch for them um they they will probably they will leave they will leave on their own they'll either leave or turn into into grapefruit right so that's one of the two yeah and one of the things i realized is that i had to fence off the good ones right so when i started hiring again with this paradigm i started i said okay look you're going to see some dysfunction here but don't you dare participate in that let's let's get you over here mentally because this place will be a growth place so and then train them for leadership again it's one of the we started right away we started getting into the that whole idea the whole mindset of of leadership in the interview process yeah right yeah we start seeing that can they lead right then yes and we were looking for it in that interview process and then that culture of care listening until they know that you care is key did i say that right okay so listening until they know you care is is part of what you do as a leader and you're gonna find they do it as leaders and they do it for your customers too that's what's gonna happen when this whole listening thing starts happening with epic work in the gda here's some things that we're going to be delivering epic is ready to launch this garage door industry alliance if you want it if you need it if you feel it will be helpful you see we we we've put our minds together we've got a lot that we have to offer here we'll talk to you about some of those things it'll be the first of many workshops to empower educate and connect garage door dealers i mean one of the biggest things i see is when we come together and i'm not talking on public facebook posts where everybody puts out their journey but when we can really connect and come up with solutions and help each other out that's part of the way that this industry is going to succeed they'll be live and recorded trainings group trainings teams one-on-one business and personal life skills the idea like emotional intelligence one of the things that i was reluctant to do was was use that word because it was considered a soft skill right but what we learned in this process is soft skills are anything but soft it takes courage determination resilience to to dig inside and develop the skills that that well you have to change you have to change your paradigm you have to change the way you think about things some of your deer beliefs are going to be challenged can i i'm going to throw this in this this wasn't part of the presentation but it's something you talked about why is it so important that we pay attention what disruption is coming to this industry right now well gosh you know disruption is coming right so you know whenever precision door came on the scene you know 20 something years ago it disrupted the the whole business model that the industry did well right now what we have we have um super service companies is what i've nicknamed them that are that are out there that want to own the home right there they are buying up franchises and and regional businesses so that they can own the home and own the service market right there then there's the big tech giants that are coming right amazon google facebook and many more silicon valley companies with lots of money going into them are buying up uh well they bought a face on the angie's list and um what service what is that home home advisor and that kind of thing and then that's not the only thing there's this on-demand services right so on-demand services are like the uberization of home services and what's happening in that world it will blow you away the last i checked there was 15 of them that i could find that were had received you know in the multi-million dollars in best investor money that they can build to change the way that people engage with us right so the idea that i i don't like to say that to scare you but the idea is it's coming whether we like it or not but what we can do instead of bearing our head in the sand right like so many did before is well let's learn to surf right let's catch that wave and make you know and leverage it for our best absolutely so again and if we don't we're going to be left behind businesses are going to be worth nothing your business won't be worth anything it's just going to get it's just going to dissolve i see it happening around here with businesses who haven't we're not talking about next year or anything this is five ten years down the road so so it's not it's not put out there to be fear but a wake up just let's all wake up that if we want this industry to survive and keep it within the hands of the dealers we need to work together on this this is something we need to come together on so we've got 21st century business skills talk a little bit about that it's leadership right it's leadership development it's it's inspirational leadership how do i how do i tap into a young man or young woman that comes in and doesn't really know where what their purpose is how do i get them involved in leading themselves so they can help me lead this business absolutely and again there's technology out there big business has access to that we just haven't you've brought in some of the assessments the emotional intelligence some of the personality profiles just to get a better sense of what we're all about i think leadership in the 21st century is being a culture cultivator when you look at what businesses are looking for that's what they're saying can can that ceo can that leader keep um cultivating this culture keep making it better right so think of that term culture cultivator that's what's uh a business skill that we're gonna need and then the the 21st century impact um that'll be part of this we got this big skill trade scout we've got 80 like the re last poll 80 disengagement at work in the white and blue collar right actually the blue collar fared better than that yeah that we need to bring make work cool again and that is by making sure that our workspaces are our growth spaces right so so with um with epic and gdda we have we have three c's that we'll be working on and this is what we have found that that really makes this great leadership and really makes these offerings complete so about everything we'll do we'll be falling under one of these yeah one of the things guys i you know because i could get a business to run i had a lot of time to study to read to to develop myself and develop my knowledge and i'll tell you when i started to see this stuff i i looked at every business leader that i could read about um everyone that i talked to and then i also mixed in the the greatest philosophies the one that i've maintained um the best teachers the best spiritual leaders and when i when i started to put all this together i realized that all their teaching could be cl could be centered right around these right they would revolve right around connection clarity and culture and so we're going to talk a little bit about each one connection fuels growth and what does that mean the connection is that inside out fueling of growth for a company for an organization for an individual for nature it happens in nature we have developed a school of on common sense right well i i saw it on a garage door actually the i think in the deplorables one day it was about four years ago somebody said you just can't teach these guys common sense and i and i don't know why i'd heard that thing shoot my dad told me that all the time yeah if you had any common sense you'd be dangerous yeah right so but i said why not why can't you keep teach common sense what what's so hard about it well when i started looking at it sure enough you can teach it right so the school of uncommon sense is about letting somebody connect right connect to the inside and the outside realize the stories and the way they're thinking the stories they're telling themselves the the things that have happened to them and then blending that with who they are why they're here and and what their purpose is when they line that up the clarity right the the connection starts to happen right there right and so when whenever they're taught to think this way they develop an uncommon sense that will help your business so the inspiring community so what one of the things of the connection is we're going to inspire this community now here's the thing about i'll tell you with all this right we're going to be able to connect in online and in person and that kind of thing but for this community to work we've got to get rid of our obsession with secrets right yeah the idea that we have any secrets because there aren't any garage door secrets right um you almost everything you need to find out about your business can be found in a book a podcast or a google search it's that far away and i'll i'll share every secret i got right here on this on this right so it might be it might be unknown to you but it's not a secret right the idea of of thinking i have a secret that's going to hurt um that i can't share in community really just is it scarcity thinking and that prevents abundance in your own life not anyone else's right and i think so some of you have been i've seen you on facebook and things like that when there is sharing it's amazing how again it's going to elevate the whole industry and again if we're going to be standing as dealers the whole industry needs to be elevated not just one not just two so one of the things that i found you know the was instead of worrying about people leaving me to go to you know go to my competitor or go be my competition was i'll be so excellent that i'll they won't want to they they'd be like how it'll take me forever to get to here right so when we started being a hard-driven organization that's what started happening we were people stuck there matter of fact the last team i hired is still at the company i saw the whole team and so this connection is also going to comes comes into this place of of a connection this it's going to it's we're going to refer to it as spiritual intelligence in the workplace and google it it's new it's actually it's not new it's been out there again it's it's part of it it's making a resurgence absolutely right absolutely so that here's the thing guys you know the latest discoveries in neuroscience is finding that we're wired to believe right purpose and meaning come from the idea that there's something more out there than just what we're seeing and to leave that out is leaving out a part of the heart that people want to bring to work you know i look at it this way at the leadership gets a little lonely at the top and those of you who who own your companies and are doing it alone sometimes that heart that's hard and that connection that spiritual connection whatever it is it doesn't even matter but whatever it is that's what makes it not be so alone and that's what's going to clear make some give you some clarity and peace of mind it's part of this i'll throw some numbers out yeah 97 of americans um believe in a higher power so you know it's it's it's one of those things that most people are are they find it difficult to talk about and think about it being at work but it's not like you go pray at work it's not what you have to do it's just letting purpose and meaning be a part of the conversation i bet some of these guys have prayed and you get on a few of these jobs the door hanging do you think they even you've been praying and trust me yeah don't let me choose the wrong spring yeah so the next thing is clarity and this strategic clarity is part of that thing of not being out there alone trying to figure out what do i do next what do i work on next it shouldn't be it shouldn't be like that no no it's the idea of clarity right though is on from the inside is i know who i am you know the things i described earlier about the uncommon sense so when i get all that now i know okay now i know my next step i there were so many times in business where everything was going nothing was really going right right i wasn't but i i would go into work and i didn't really have anything to do if if there wasn't a fire to put out i was like well what do i do next right but i knew that hey my my customer service needed worked on my leadership skills needed to be worked on all kinds of things needed to be worked on but i didn't know which step to take i might go i think i spent you know designing the procedure operations manual one time like two months on that thing and it was so messed up it was crazy so knowing the knowing when to execute on a strategy is very important and that's what clarity does for you and so we'll bring in mechanics of the mind the discoveries of neuroscience recently have really dove into what what is the cause of dysfunction what is the cause of depression what is the cause of poor work performance and once um business started to get ahold of this spiritual intelligence idea it has fueled all kinds of research and what if people know how they think where thoughts come from and what is causing those thoughts and how those thoughts make them feel and how those feelings make them act they can change awareness changes everything right so that's what um mechanics of the mind are about and we have it used to be we look at a problem and say how did this happen to us how did we get here and now we look at it as those are gaps they're opportunities and and what would it take to fix that what would it take on my computers what would it take is our philosophy now that's how we approach problems and issues as opposed to getting stuck in and that's all the brain that's all resetting the brain so that you're in solutions driven mode instead of stuck in the problem and you guys hear you you guys hear this everywhere you go in almost every video right it's it's change your mindset right change your mindset change your life well yeah but the thing is you need a new heart set before your mindset can change that's why we did dig into that uncommon sense so that that resets your heart a mindset and actually naturally grows from there once you're aware of it so then there's visions you know alignment integration of your vision and values this this is one of the biggest things you know besides eq when my values and the vision i had for the company were clearly expressed and people knew them they ran the business they set everybody's direction i all of a sudden i didn't even have to put out fires anymore because they were fixed them they were building processes they were covering the gaps your values clearly stated and integrated into your company will change your life and they feel good about it too we've had a major issue with quickbooks and normally i would be in there fixing it all and and they're doing it and they feel good about it they accomplish something they feel i'm not i'm not their mother fixing it anymore for them they feel good i feel good workflow just happens and we're going to show you how to do this right you've heard it but how do you do it right that's the thing and then systems and processes those are fun yeah those are fun but again when they're not when it's there's not strategic clarity on what what everybody's purpose is what the values are the processes may just go out the window in fact we're in we're in the process of of really redeveloping ours because we've had so much change over the last couple of years those processes now change yeah so if those aren't aligned to your business model right that those are out of the line of your business model you're going to have all kinds of what you know disruption you know when kpis first came up to me the key performance indicators i didn't really understand them and as as we've aligned our values those kpis make sense they're not just numbered everybody else is looking at them i might as well too they're real real numbers real real performance indicators that you're looking at based on your values and what your what your your vision is for your company yeah where you are today right they all that the the creation of good kpis really keep you in your lane yeah yeah and so culture culture we've talked about culture we'll continue to talk about culture this and this is this is the key for all this other stuff right culture eats strategy for breakfast that's peter drucker um talked about that there is no substitute for a great culture and i'll tell you it's one of the one of the premier things that we can't wait to get out is this blue collar high performance academy this is going to be training whether you're um you know working at a blue collar company or not this is for those white collar 83 percent of those white collar people that are that are dissatisfied with their job we're going to teach them the people skills right we most of us quit hiring for technical skills a while back right but you also are looking when you're interviewing you're there's there's that certain something right that says i want that guy to work for me well that's certain something we've identified all the pieces of that and we're gonna we're gonna train people in that so that they come in they'll fit into your culture they will be able to sell and communicate with your customer they'll be good at customer service they'll they'll show up they'll they'll be trying to leave right so they'll come in ready to go so we have this concept of remarkability and it came from you know when when dean was making me do the values thing i'm like well i want p i want a remarkable experience for our customers and that word you know it's one of those things we didn't see it and then also we see it all over the place and this idea of being remarkable um in everything we do so that our team is is constantly getting remarks from people constantly engage with people no matter where they are as if as if they were me out there they're the business owner out there right and that's what you need in your business guys when you have high performers you need remarkability right not the the idea that you don't have to go beg for reviews people will be out there they're going to throw them at you right that that's the that's the goal of that this provoke potential leadership development is for the people on your teams already that you think have that um potential in them and i'll tell you everyone has the potential for leadership right they have the potential to get better but um we're just going to get some of the basics of leadership that will cover you know a little bit of the mechanics of the mind a little bit of the the the school of uncommon sense but also the numbers how does a business run what does a business owner think about how how hard is it for them to make decisions about your pay and your and and what to spend money on that kind of thing so we're going to show everything about that and then the hard drive and leadership training again this is real live leadership training that that that it comes from the inside and it will just grow amongst your team guys this is where you win the hearts and minds of your people when you when you're a hard driven leader you win their hearts and minds right communication skills life skills you know knowing that everyone's watching conflict resolution skills you know you would start to inspire vote vocations and you know quit fighting your guys to you know because they're always taking vacations you know so in the customer service emotional intelligence it it's from from the front office that front office person is is your first sometimes your first impression it's not your marketing it was actually a truck the other day driving down the street um so so you but your front office person is that first person that people hear they need the training just as much as your technicians do so it's throughout your company with everybody that is going to be in contact with a customer and not only that how you know that front line right there can design your systems and processes right they see the gaps first they they're they identify identifiers of your gaps so they can actually fix those right away they do and they're they're my team is so strong with um organizational skills this this is awesome for them because they put it in place well way better than i could ever do so that just leads into process design that we're going to be able to offer and you know what we're even going to certify vendors making sure that they actually do what they say there's lots of things between the gdda and epic that will offer but wait there's more there's still more and it continues the list is going to continue and this is all some of this is at a higher level with epic for the whole blue collar team but then some of it is specifically for the garage door industry the hopes are that the the the not-for-profit can fund a lot of this so that it's not it's not people it's not the blue-collar work and pulling out of their pocket so what would it take to make this alliance great your input so we can tailor the output your expertise for content we need masterminds we need training for people you care about the industry your participation your trust dealers and technicians and then we need you to spread the word yeah guys well you know one of the things when we were dreaming about this happening was i i wanted to get you here and just have a conversation only right i want to just how many people can we get on on a zoom call and just have a conversation um well you know we needed to do the whole online game to get to make that happen but we want to have some really good conversations we would love to hear what you have to say you can unmute yourself and talk or add something to the chat what are you guys looking for or what do you have to offer and what do you think would be good for the for the garage door dealer alliance my name is tyler cassidy i'm i'm out of uh ohio actually um i'm really excited about this process i'm a younger guy i've been in business now for about four years and trying to get younger guys to see the value in this is going to be what we need um again i'm only 31 years old i'm trying to you know look up to all the guys that's been in the business like you guys for a while and trying to um align myself with people that want to do good with the business and it's hard for me right now to find young guys that want to do this i'm actually trying to go towards the trade schools and trying to find them that way but my only guy that i have the bible right now believe it or not is 60 years old oh yeah he's the only one yeah he's the only one showing up to work tyler i just have to say kudos for you for setting your ego aside and understanding you don't do this alone that there are people out there and that's when you get to grow that's the first step of growth is being able to receive some of that information so kudos to you you're going to be super successful because of that so that's awesome but yeah how do we get these younger people in because we we were in the same boat yeah you know you saw that we it's up to us right we almost need to be think about magnetizing our message right to the people that want to work are willing to work and um if if you message this and that the garage door industry is the best trade in the world for instance right and you can make good money you've got to actually you know design your purpose design your your future you'll get them you will get them here i'm right outside of columbus and our market here in columbus is a i mean there's a lot of companies out here we got precision we got gds we got all the big boys out here too so um i'm a smaller uh company so trying to get my foot in the door with a lot of people and just trying to get my name spread is i think the most important part for me right now and then um trying to find the right guys that want to continue to go forward my biggest fear is bringing young guys on and then them turning around and then being my competition you know and i don't know how to come to grips with that you know like spending all this time and energy and then them turning around and saying well i know what i know how you do things i'm going to try to do it better because you know it's just it's just a fear so i've got to get over that i guess you'd say yeah we'll help you with that ryan so it's you know and it's you're not alone in that fear right but it's also what has held us back and i was there i mean for 20 probably 25 of my 30 years i was there right but when i started seeing the results of this it went away it just kind of faded away because the no one could keep up with excellence right they didn't want to go and plus whenever they were fulfilled at work right they were getting everything they needed there right yeah yeah i think why go right and then again the economy here is that these are the people these high performers when they come into your business if you don't have the culture for them to grow they will become your competition so but you want the high performers right gotta find a place for them to grow they're usually pretty loyal too and they won't leave as long as there's hope in front of them as long as there's a future in front of them and guys one of the things we kind of glossed over is what we hope to do with this alliance is have monthly zoo meetings like this where we get together with with the thought leaders with people who are really looking for help or to give help and get together and have these meetings so that you can share well and it's we want you guys to give us feedback we'll be sending you out questionnaires what what's the most important thing to you um around whatever subject right it can be around you know hiring or could be around something else and we're going to just answer it live but we're going to ask some questions you know we need more data right i need to know how big your business is um you know where it's located how many people you got to work what your dreams and goals are so those kind of things but we'll we'll do all that before the call we'll all learn a lot questions for you okay uh is he a cleveland browns fan i am i am a cleveland browns fan oh i'm a diehard i live in delaware and i want you to know that five years ago i started my business and i started off i started up and and i live in delaware outside of philly and okay i have precision doors i have overhead i have cool i have all of those guys plus a bunch more gotcha started five years ago and i got seven employees now and i'm getting ready to hire two more so wow that's working on that but it it took us time to get there now i do have i i gotta say i do have something that a lot of you guys don't have i spent 14 years with dean working for him so i spent 14 years of learning what to do and what not to do and everything and then when he left i said okay it's time for me so i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure dana's just volunteering to help us out i'm pretty sure that's what i just heard there i'll this is it get this book emotional intelligence 2.0 for those who can't get that book guys i'm telling you and teach it to all of your employees all of them i spend i spend at least 300 hours a year in training with my employees mondays wednesdays and probably fridays and and then the other the other days go ahead and the other days i spend um with managers cool hey so we've got another question here so thanks guys thank you dana for that yeah derek derek go ahead well i'm derek carter i'm in amarillo texas all right i have uh overhead door and then some i don't have any of the big guys you talking about i'm a smaller market but i actually just bought the business about two and a half years ago and um so i'm not a garage door technician installer so i have uh i guess my my path has been a little bit different and so i've gone through what i consider some head techs and stuff like that but i have i have right now i have two or i have four full-time installers two are commercial two are residential and then i have um a guy that kind of manages my quote-unquote warehouse and also can do some service calls and stuff like that so for me what's challenging is at this point being kind of a young business it's a super overhead loaded for me and uh and and i i mean i'm i'm technic i can go do stuff but i have tried tried to build this i'm trying to build this business as an owner rather than an owner employee right so i know there's going to be more overhead there but um i i see a lot of stuff and and i actually have talked to some of these guys that are on here just about kind of what you guys talked about about procedures and and stuff but i feel like i actually have a pretty young group of guys that work i mean i have i think i have a guy that's 32 a couple guys that are in their late 20s and they're doing really good but i'd sometimes struggle at getting them to be involved more than just come to work get a paycheck go home right and so um i've talked to a few of them and and they are willing to read books and talk to people but just shifting that mentality away from you know i i kind of use the the sayings with them that you know we're all at work because we have to be not because we want to be but i want it to be a place that you don't mind coming so that's you know i i just struggle with i feel like getting them to commit to it's not just a job it's you know i i want it to be a place that if you got to come to work let's make it a great place to work when you're young you're right you got you got 40 50 60 years of work in front of you and if work is a four-letter word man that's that's that's grinding right it's grinding on your mind it's grinding on your heart so it but think about some of the social you know um dynamics that are out there right now you know churches don't hardly you know they're losing people all over the place right there's there's there's nowhere to um you know really commune get in a community with anyone there's that's missing so why can't our workplaces be that right why can't you as their leader start to give them the things that they need to grow depending on where they are and what their desires are so you know some some testing there's there's we've got a whole slew of that right that'll go and find what somebody's dreams are their talents their their their passions and you start developing that right and you'll use those use what you develop there in the building of your business because we believe or i believe i don't you know but i think you do too what is in that business right now is for your good too right it's to help grow that business now if you can get it to grow it's going to expand all all around and up to 360 degree so it's about getting into those into those details right letting them know that hey i'm investing in you right yeah not just we're going to make work you know we're going to make work something you thank god it's monday right thank god it's friday so start twisting out just turning that thought around a little bit and then you know shoot engage with us we'll talk okay okay perfect thank you guys thanks a lot derek hey guys we have about three minutes i know i know you all are busy and have work to do but we you know with with what we're doing and again as we as we promised we're going to be actually doing an actual webinar not so much of the presentations but really some some talking some connecting with you about how to hire how to interview this guy's taught me a ton on how to interview people we um i thought we had a good one we dodged a bullet the other day it really blew up and it was just because we in that interview saw something we needed to address and when we did that guy just it was like i said we he did a really good job he's teaching me a ton we put out a job description that's gotten a lot of response so we're going to share that with you and we'll send you that information but with with all of this with the the alliance any anybody who has knows anything if this is a big project it's going to require time it's going to require money and so we are we are going to be asking for memberships and we've put a price tag on that of a thousand dollars for the year and that's going to be providing a lot of free training and then in addition we'll do some really high level high impact courses that will be additional but members will get discounts on that so it'll be worth having a membership i paid tens of thousands of dollars actually hundreds uh hundreds yeah and to train and if we could bring all these experts in here um and they're waiting right they're waiting to see will will the industry respond they'll come in here and they'll train on these on on these topics right they'll they'll help out yeah the thing the emotions yeah the pieces of paper the process the procedures all that stuff plus plus what we train i mean we just got we did this this financial expert he sent me to we just got seventeen thousand dollars in research and development tax rebates just because we do training and we put in certain things any of you doing commercial work will qualify for this it'll more it'll more than pay for your membership so we're going to connect you with all that stuff guys give us a little bit you know we're we're trying to gather spread the word we're trying to gather enough resources to really give us a high quality online experience for you guys and the more we can pool our money together the better services the more we can offer the more we can bring the experts in so we'll be sending you emails i am so grateful that you all showed up today thank you so much thank you appreciate it thank you

2021-02-23 09:14

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