Forex Mindset Breakdown

Forex Mindset Breakdown

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hello everyone so this session i'm going to break down [Music] a very easy super simple understanding of forex how forest works okay and a lot of individuals are mistaken and they don't understand how for it works and that's why 90 plus percent of individuals do not make money in the forex market okay um the forex market is made to play on individuals emotions and that is why you get rapid moves that is why you get the certain movement that you get in the market the chemistry of the market is all compiled to play on individuals emotions and so if you don't have the proper mindset the market will take advantage of your incorrect mindset and that's how over 90 of individuals are not successful when it comes to trading forex in the market and so this breakdown will really help you when it comes to understanding and when it comes to knowing how the market does things and understanding how the market actually works it will help you and benefit you when it comes to trading because you will understand that you know you're not going to win every trade you're supposed to lose you're going to understand that your account is going to be small at the beginning but as you trade your account should increase and you should be able to make money and become profitable and so okay this session is going to be crucial for a lot of individuals that have heard wrong information or individuals that may be confused on how the market works and how you become profitable while trading in the market and so this is going to help you a lot all right so let's dive in um get money takeovers providing this video i am jeff corman okay mastermind behind the entry method sniper entry methods that we utilize and the mindset that we teach when it comes to how to trade and be profitable in the market okay so let's discuss the first topic it's going to be probabilities all right as you can see here on the screen i have two things laid out that's it literally only two aspects when it comes to forex okay you have your probabilities and then you have your compounding okay your probabilities this is going to be everything that involves trading taking trades placing orders in the market your understanding of the market okay this is going to be primarily your edge okay probabilities your main section here is going to be your edge right now when i say edge okay this is what i am referring to your edge that could be indicators if you use indicators okay that that's your edge okay whatever they may be moving averages macd rsi whatever okay stochastics like all of those different type of things that people use okay that could be your edge okay over here right they get money takeover we don't use indicators all right so our edge is purely price action okay that's our edge and so depending on your edge your edge is going to determine how profitable you are in the market if your edge is indicators and indicators lag and indicators aren't as reliable as people think they are okay then you're probably gonna have a higher loss percentage a lower win percentage okay and so if you are trading price action all right if you are trading how we trade okay using institutional methods this is going to increase your odds this is going to increase your probabilities this is going to increase your chances of having more wins than losses and this is going to help with your next aspect of the business which is compounding okay so now we're starting to see how the probabilities ties in to the compounding and once you look at it that's all the market is okay all of these different things your technical analysis all of that stuff that's all a part of your edge okay that's all a part of your edge and so however you learn how to read the chart understand the chart understand what the candles are printing okay once you learn whatever you're learning that's going to be your edge if your edge is not successful then you will not be able to compound your account you will blow your account okay so you would do the opposite because you're not having the wins that you need to compound okay in return your edge is not working your edge is not successful and so you are losing money and blowing your account and so this is why your edge is crucial very very important your edge has to be a1 prime it has to be superb because your edge is going to determine your winds and your losses which will affect your compounding now once you understand how probabilities work okay probability okay you got your edge and then you also have to understand that your win percentage okay is is not going to be okay this is the idea that you have to understand based on probabilities and understanding the market okay but if you have an edge that is awesome an edge that works your percentage is not going to be a hundred no one's percent is going to be a hundred but you will be around ninety percent on your winning ratio if you have an edge that works and that is highly profitable and successful in the market okay now if you have an edge that is kind of so-so then you may end up 50-50 you may end up 40-60 you may end up whatever that looks like all right but you want that percent to be as high as possible obviously because we want to compound and make money right and so our probabilities our understanding is that we're not going to win every trade and so once we understand that and we know that we're not going to win every trade okay well guess what okay at this point we can come in and now we can get our mind set case saying that if we use a 20 trade pool okay and we have a high wind percent okay we may win 15 out of 20 trades okay and so that's decent okay that's decent percent and i'll just use that for for easy numbers okay easy manner and so right there okay if we look at 15 out of 20 all right for the people that's like not that not that good at math i'll go ahead and break out another screen for you and then i'll put it on the calculator all right and so now we can look at it okay and we can go from the 20 trays that we have and then we can you know 15 out of 20. right and so that's going to be 75 okay and so now we know that that edge is a 75 win ratio okay and so now that we know we have a 75 win ratio okay just for okay training purposes we can now come over here and we can put our win ratio and we're at 75 okay on our win ratio and let's say this is 20 trades so within one month okay let's just say this is 75 for [Music] one month okay 75 for one month and so if we start out and for me um i like to throw numbers i'm a numbers person and so that's just how i am okay and so also i like for everyone to see it because that way it'll help you learn and grasp the concept as you see the numbers and you start to figure it out yourself okay so in one month we take 20 trades in this scenario that we're using for the session today on 4s mindset breakdown okay so we've already talked about probabilities trading your edge you're going to win some trades you're not going to going to win them all and so you have to understand and know that you're going to lose trades and it's okay it's acceptable but if you trade the correct weight your winning trades will always surpass your losing trades you will always have a compound at the end of the month or the end of the week or however you want to do your your thing right for me um i'm just going to use this little little one-month deal for 20 trades um just for you know ease right and so if we had a account right and we have our account startup value and our account startup value is 500 bucks and then our account startup value is thousand bucks and then i do like 5 000 just for a higher number for people that may have a little more uh discretionary income okay and so based off of what we get here okay we have a 1 of 75 out of our trades and then for one month and so this is what our account startup value is and then we will do a account ending value for the end of the month based off of 20 trades and 75 win ratio right and so this way you can actually get a great detail um breakdown of what we're talking about what we're discussing okay and then this will help you help you get that that mental picture all right and so here let's check this out we got our startup value startup account and then now we're going to determine the numbers for our ending account and this is why i'm going to pull up the um calculator so that you can see how the numbers are being derived all right and so we have a 500 account let's say that we are risking out of that 500 account for easy math let's say that we are risking just a simple ten dollars okay ten dollar risk on a 500 account okay so if we are risking ten dollars and for most people okay most institutions most organizations this is just going to be a typical okay a typical cash out okay typical cash out you know tp take profit all right and then this typical cash out typical take profit or usually be um at a lot of organizations they'll just take two to one on their risk to reward okay they'll just take two to one on their risk to reward and so if we're looking at this from a typical aspect okay and we go ahead and do uh two to one risk to reward on that 500 account if we are taking 20 trades all right so what's going to happen is you're going to have 20 trades five trades are going to be ills and then 15 trades are going to be winners okay and so i'm going to do the 15 winners first and then once i get the numbers from the 15 winners it's going to bring the account to a higher value and then with that higher value i am then going to take out a loss given that value with a risk associated per trade okay and the reason why i'm doing that is because there's no way to tell when your losses will occur if you take 20 trades you could win five then lose one and then win another two and then lose one and then win one and then lose three straight and then win all the rest or you can lose the first five and then win the next 15 right or you could win 10 straight and it just is a whole lot of variables okay and so in order to keep it simple and to also provide the most damage for losses it's better to let the account grow and then take the losses at a higher dollar value because your losses are going to equate to a smaller to a smaller percent as usual with risk right because you don't want to risk a lot of your account but with the account being larger it's going to be a larger risk a larger loss percent versus if i do the losses at the beginning on the 500 account all losses would be 10 that's 50 bucks but if i do the losses after the wins instead of 10 risk it'll probably be maybe 30 40 but it's going to be more than 10 bucks and so this way we're going to get the most for risk taken out in this example okay and then we're going to do it that way just because it's going to make a make it easier all right so 15 wins let's go to the calculator and we're going to look for two to one okay on risk to reward okay so we're gonna do two to one so if the risk is ten bucks that's gonna be 20 profit times 15 wins and so that's 300 bucks okay so that's 300 profit there and that's for the 500 okay so now we can go back and then from there the 500 account is now 800 and then now we are going to subtract okay a small percent from that all right and so we can go back and then if we have 500 bucks right and then we get the percent all right okay that's two percent and so now we can take 800 times two percent okay that's right there there we go so now we take that dollar value that's our risk and so notice how if i would have done the losses at the beginning it would have only been ten dollars which would equate to fifty dollars now that i take the risk once the account has grown it's going to give us a higher risk number which in turn would give us more of a deduction from our winnings okay based off of the 75 win ratio so that's 80 in a loss versus 50 right and so that's why i wanted to use that number because it's going to give us a higher deduction all right to make it more realistic and not just fluff it you know and try to cheat you guys by using a lower number nope we're not we don't play like that at get money takeover all right we keep it very transparent okay and so now we end up with a minus 80 totaling okay seven hundred and twenty dollars um after compound right so not bad okay let's do the next one and we're gonna do this one a little quicker all right so based off of a thousand okay we can do the same deal right we'll do two percent on every scenario right that way it's apples to apples okay so two percent that's going to be 20 bucks and so if we do 20 bucks per trade as a risk so we have our 20 per trade for risk times two it's going to be 40 on a win times 15 wins we're looking at right there is our profit okay and so now [Music] let's see let's see something doesn't seem right oh yeah that's right that's it was only um 300 profit right so and that was it's cool doubled so that is right all right cool so for the profit and then minus and then for the loss right which is the same two percent but now instead of a thousand it's sixteen hundred all right and so there we go okay so sixteen hundred all right and so we take two percent that's 32 per trade times five losses 160 bucks all right and so now we have 14 40. okay after compound okay and then that brings us to our last one which would be 5000 and then we will do the same thing okay 5 000 times 2 percent that's a hundred dollars risk per trade and so we will multiply the risk times two for two to one risk to reward and then we'll multiply that times 15 for 15 wins and i click the wrong button fifteen wins and three thousand dollars profit with three thousand dollars profit that will bring the account to a thousand dollars minus okay once we do our risk for a thousand dollar account we will get our number times two percent 160 dollars risk times five losses because that's per trade and that brings us to 800 bucks deduction okay and so we have 800 deduction there and so now we have a compounded account uh after compound okay and so this is typical numbers all right and so now this is what i want to do i'ma make this red okay the reason why i am making this red is because that get money takeover okay we do not trade your typical setups we do not trade your typical moves where we are earning small percents per win we take trades to where we earn large percents per win so right here we could look at a average win of roughly four percent because it was two to one risk to reward on every trade two to one risk to reward for every trade so the probabilities that we have okay trading our confirmations our edge was able to compound our account with a winning system with a successful edge we were able to compound our account in one month okay in one month 75 percent and so that 75 in one month will result in these numbers not bad okay 500 account okay your account grew in one month from 500 you were able to back 720 right not bad okay not bad at all if you look at a account here right a thousand dollar account well that thousand dollar account you was able to bag you know 14 right that's not bad 72 that's not bad right so this is your profit right after your compound after your trades 15 wins five losses you get these results k720 1440 7200 not bad for a month right but these results all come from a two to one risk to reward with the two to one risk to reward that's four percent okay and so now you're looking at four percent increase okay for typical trade that's what you're looking at a four percent increase for typical trade right let's put this right at the top four percent increase okay per trade that's your average right and so now let's see how gmt does when we trade and get setups and get confirmations and our edge works in the market okay now right here right on this screen this is only four trades okay four trades from live trading sessions okay four trades from live trading sessions in two days okay four trade setups from only two days within the market and these moves were given okay live trading sessions right live trading sessions so let's let's check this out okay we have trade number one right here we look at the risk to reward let me stretch this out so we can see it clearly we can clearly see the risk to reward is 14.13 14.13 okay so apples to apples if we were risking the same two percent like we were risking in the example that same two percent with the typical trade setups from most organizations okay we do our 2 times 14 that's 28 account increase on one single trade 28 account increase on one single trade okay 28 percent so we have 28 here okay we come here on this trade that setup was a 8.56

risk to reward 8.56 risk to reward so apples to apples two percent times eight and we get 16 here the next trade setup we can see the risk to reward 10.64 10 times 2 20 account increase okay 20 account increase last trade we can see 9.48

risk to reward nine times two eighteen and so right here just from four trades okay we can add this up all right we have 28 from the first then then and then 18 okay 82 right 82 in total okay from all four wins 82 is your your number 82 is your percent and so now okay since this is only four trades let's do this the correct way and compound this account the same three accounts we would do 500 and then we would do a thousand and then we would do the 5 000. okay and so let's do the 500 first all right so we already know the numbers right it was ten bucks so we take the ten dollars and then the risk to reward okay or actually we could just take the the number value and multiply it that'll be the easier way okay so we know the percent of the account increase okay on the first trade and let me let me do this to to make it easier so that we can follow smoothly and i don't lose anyone as some people get lost when it comes to numbers okay so the first trade all right so cool that was 82 whatever but we're gonna break it down like we're supposed to because we're compounding and so from the first trade we started up 500 and then we got 28 percent and then after that it was 16 2018. all right and so now we're about to we're about to work these numbers all right so let's go okay so 500 and then plus 28 so let's do that real quick all right so there's our number after the 28 account increase okay we got this number then we do the 16 account increase then we do the 20 account increase then we do the 18 account increase and now we get an account that is a thousand fifty-one dollars okay and again you are okay and get money takeover we like to be transparent okay as you can see i calculated every number right here on the screen so that you can see how the numbers are being derived there's no misrepresentation of these numbers okay so that is a 500 account that resulted in okay that resulted in a thousand fifty so that account was flipped that account was flipped this is your ending number okay your ending number so now let's do the thousand dollar account and it's going to be the same numbers okay we're going to do a thousand get 28 percent then 16 then 20 then 18 okay same exact way so thousand dollar account times 28 percent times sixteen percent increase times twenty percent increase times eighteen percent increase we get our ending result 2102 2102 ending number okay all right and then now we'll do the same thing for the five okay i just like to show small accounts and up to you know a little larger because your account is supposed to grow week after week after week and so these are numbers that you could be obtaining on a weekly basis this is how we actually just had a member retire um two weeks ago all right so congratulations to one of our members okay i'm in our organization just retired and walked away from the from the job from his career all right so big kudos big graduations to him okay another member has retired using get money takeover entry methods and mindset trainings okay and so now we do five thousand dollar account with the same percentages right so the first one is 28 percent right then the next one was 16 and then the next one was 20 and then the next one was eighteen percent ten thousand five twelve okay and oh my goodness oh i love trading love for us y'all like oh oh my goodness all right so 10 000 and yeah 512. all right so as you can see in two days okay in only two days everyone would have been able to flip their account in two days only this is unbelievable but you have just witnessed the numbers by using the correct mindset when it comes to forex in two days you literally grew your account from 500 to over a thousand from a thousand to over two thousand from five thousand to over ten thousand now imagine if you do this on a weekly basis this is why it is very crucial and important to be with the organization that actually trades and gives money out not a little four percent account increase per trade five percent uh three to a one to one risk to reward ratio that's not going to flip your account on a weekly basis that is not going to give you high probabilities to win in the market that will not help you exceed and overcome what the 90 plus percent of individuals that trade forex cannot overcome okay so i say all of that to say yes they have some organizations out there that are profitable okay but are they flipping your account in two days or are you getting trades that are giving you 28 account increase like are you averaging this is our average [Music] and as you can see look at that okay look at that and then look at these two if we average those out the total number was 82 we've already done that all right it was a total of 82 as far as percent increases in total on the four trades well if you divide 82 by four okay you're going to get exactly what we average right roughly 20 to 30 per trade on average now imagine what that can do for your account and you're looking at a monthly membership subscription of only 92 bucks you cannot beat it you cannot beat it and these results are actual results 100 actual results from live trade setups okay so we are get money takeover okay this is what we do this is how we trade and this will conclude the session for okay the mindset understanding the mindset and forex okay it's very crucial and so thanks you all for watching please subscribe and there will be more fire content to come right have other people watch the videos this is free knowledge okay have other people come on and subscribe watch the videos that may be interested okay flipping your account over 100 in two days imagine if you had a hundred thousand dollar account that mean you would have made over a hundred thousand dollars of profit in two days okay this is life changing so check out subscribe um the information here on youtube if you all want to join our organization click the link join our organization to the website get money takeover and you can subscribe there and then you will get access to our telegram chats for our live trading sessions and our live training sessions okay so again thanks for watching everyone be safe you all enjoy your day

2021-11-09 08:16

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