Forex Como Analisar Grafico Curso Analise Grafica Gratuito

Forex Como Analisar Grafico Curso Analise Grafica Gratuito

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and say guys he sucks here is welcome right here again on our YouTube channel and she just wants to ask you to subscribe to the channel ok let that like Maroto in the video today is a video show ok today top life listen and i'm not going to show you basically how i do my analysis is jealous right we have second burning enough request has been asked a lot even here on the channel you have to think about doing this for a while but anyway i do n't even know that we have enough time to record here for you to actually make a complete content that I didn’t want to do, for example, part one after doing the part of those that will do everything together and you can prepare that it will be a video over Okay, you can already prepare, you can prepare yourself, because it will be a long video. Certainly just for you to have an idea of what I do an analysis Look at if I'm here with the training, send it open, but you can see it when I 'm doing an analysis and guys I am for percent focused on analysis Yes, there can always be no noise, nothing that takes away my concentration, I understand, I have no concentration on it after doing the analysis. Yes, I put a song to relax and I wait for my entry point , so basically what I'm going to do show you here a lot of people may not believe it but it is in a summarized way what I teach in mentoring a very summarized way even if you understand this here you can already tighten up like i believe if you are a person the same mind person with intelligence you will understand what I am saying here you will already be able to operate for sure ok look and I have a graph here on the floor or give away the assets that I use the most today, right? And then how do you analyze the charts how do you analyze the chat, right, some analysis for Forex to actually get the entries and actually profit in the simple market first step weekly chart yes week chart How well you have to understand that the market, he is a crazy thing, the market, he walks exactly in the fibonattis positions, it is exactly without taking it out, and always exactly that, you know, so when you see me there, always talking about Fibonacci, I'm not exaggerating, man, he suffers crackers only Fibonacci that uses basically okay look only when it has this position what difficulties the happy market in that region for this region has retracted it will attract up to 61 or up to seven eight cousins Car - 27 among has some right I have some information that I I know that the less we feel is usually the end of the movement It is the end of the movement Okay, put it here at the end of the movement Oi Naldo ready furniture, understand, it is minus 27 but we have the end of the movement and the 6871 is right We usually have the beginning of movement when the uptrend is the beginning of the movement when the uptrend is in this region here or 6 or 7 8 Okay so then taking into account that I can for example and there on the weekly chart and sat er what the market is doing now he is looking for a position of end of movement or he is coming to seek a position and end of movement understood And of course for you to understand this here you already have to know this extra well I already made several videos here teaching about it already has several here on the channel if you still don't understand everything beauty passes on the channel there is a video lesson explaining 100% free of charge how to transfer Bonatti ok and look I'll just give you this from here so we can actually start our analysis right when it comes here on the weekly chart what I’m looking for first I ’m trying to identify Fibonacci regions I can identify here this trend is upward clearly I can also identify that this trend has already been broken Ah understand it was broken and start moving it did it for Beck Ok let's see here the break and trend the fan and this movement happened show think I spent more time here I believe that if I go there on the daily chart for example and I can see it from here already as a trend, even if I’m not weekly I think this region disappears not until it remains consistent But what I have this he will have bye and follow the silitha team and the video that it was broken Okay when the market remembers that I told you that the end of the movement is minus 27 so if the market makes this break, I live magnetic it will leave this region this region of iron and then he has to come and get it - 27 for the end of the movement in the week ok on the weekly chart put here 310 that will be more or less scared right exactly i'm here as the activated night that i'll only take that the night mode i couldn't see better for you won't make a difference no family did a lot of what then when he has this region here you can see it was the region where the price came to make the beck I didn't even do this playback here in 50 fig and came to get - 27 What if I wanted to market here i can the island is if he sees you he is seeing here beautifully so understand and in fact there is this movement until minus 27 understood so let's say the final movement of the market I don’t know but it wasn’t reached Okay so here I already have some conclusions I know that testify and touch in the middle and 27 is the movement after all he arrived is After all he’s going to do he’s going to make a relationship Ah Understand How is the old man going to cheat so much is that you came here you can see that he came back straight again for FIMO 50 Ah got it but look I'm just going to delete it now according to Nardi And if I know that the market in this region was his final move what he will try to do now he will try to catch an air trend starting from the weekly and you try to explain it to you guys, so from this point here to this maxim I have a trend, a possible trend is upwards if started, and even this in gold, I’m singing it for you for a while, you know, gold seems like in fact I was going to get new historical top I'm talking about this is a time to put here now 310 for the space for us to be able to see better and when I get here what I do and Marco this region and seven eight and fibonattis because it has the regions of seven eight and Nice half a single regions of beginning of a movement beginning of expansion 7861 between Marco this region here the value of region 18 and 30 to 70 I will double click here and I will put here 18 one of you. 30 clothes in 1806 37/37 which I will give ok And already equaled and I will block this here and I will put one more note Usually I put it in the other one here This region is Rejane 78 of the weekly and I use you more to have an English because ready I learned the training I wouldn't even have to do that I always tell you that I did an adventure with a rooster right but I paid more than me without dollars to do this mentoring and he said everything in English and ready, it was a good habit and then I also have the region here, right in 61, I will also book the meeting, I will put it since I live on a Wiki, okay, weekly 61 here 39070 39.074 not ok and here I I will also lock it because

I don’t want points to move on the graph because everything I’ll delete these Bonatti and after that remember that I told you that the beginning of the Movement at seven eight and a half and the end is where it is minus 27 then just for that reason they can already have some consideration and the merc ado left this region see even this 0v region touch 78 the next movement as far as minus 27 is minus 27 that's why i'm telling you that the eye will look for New historical time understood Oh animate this here Neto pastor yes it is not but after that the market will make a new education and further expansion of the tire but let it go out here now continue with the explanation I will mark here too - 27 of fig the blame marks here minus 27 take the value of minus 27 there in the second tip is 20 and 12461 12:46 were Ok I will not put it here - 27 from fig to quick is marked on and now I will also block what I do afterwards I delete it like this Bonatti because I already have his regions here I need it already got it I will not need it if it comes here and fact and other these regions here with a very short tolerance right and back with Thumb these shorts because it already happens here oh he was going to put these regions and nightclubs even inside the graph so that later I would not create a problem oe fat tell him to pull them again and without blocked operation after giving a roll of [__] but whatever correcting 6 8 and 78 As this region is already more or less I can erase my Bonatti anything I can correct it again without problem and after that, I go there on the daily chart so that to understand what the price is doing here, the woman only this region here was Joãozinho, his only one. He understood that this was a necessary thing that God and his in there is H1 today I'm going to show you that this was a consolidation, save the price, I pulled it to 78 per week. And I just respect it until the weekend because because the region is the beginning of the movement and this is not only for gold, this is valid for any PA and it does not matter Fox if future stocks do not matter if it is oil understood it doesn’t interest me even when I chose stocks to make buying swing in cultures that sell stocks not making trade I buy going to zero in these strategies and it also works for [__] you know, so I tell you Tiago, it usually works, it works simple, it works, this is totally transparent about that there on Instagram, but the point is that this is the time here as it will be long so I recommend it even you can do it right if you start taking notes, you know, start taking notes, ok here on the daily chart and I have to have this region here, look how beautiful it is I have this region here I can pass it now I can but I I'm going to process here with me because I believe that H1 is coming. Sometime here I will get you some. Sometime in this region for the one I put some start on, it's good here on the graph

and on the graph that we are in now that the daily graph I I have also just look at the weekly chart we draw the extra point for this that this maximum on the daily chart I've had this expansion looks this writing this expansion that we see in rotation situations attraction free app you send again to get it will not expand there for minus 27 weekly remember that I Vinícius the movement is 7861 and the end of the movement is there is minus 27 there Nei you say enter what the beginning of the Movement in 7 8 and 6 or 61 So you take it if it was an attitude you will take your own 61 and then catch the movement there in 78 that's what you do then take a chance on trying to jump on the other one so what you are doing is not it is not the right luck this not here and I'm going to show you because there isn't any just because the question here we will talk about this watering and then you will understand how I know that the final movement that the beginning of the movement will be or e 78 or m 1 then I will explain to you will see that it really makes sense here in the diary I have all this movement here and this retraction search has to come to get 7 8 weeks again and I have here just look at this expansion So originating this good repair, huh Bruna Just hung up here only JBL that I have here does b [__] Ok I will then bring a new frigonati from this point right to this situation Hi and what I have I have a market to make one more complaint for this region Ah understand, I am afraid man, make another complaint for this region so I have to have 78 the daily party in União on the daily chart, I also have here at least 27 on the chart and there, that is to say, from the moment you score from that point that reached that point, he will get what the million or seven eight I’ll tell you which one this market is going to get before reversing I’ll tell you and after that it will fetch what minus 27 and after half a time people will always do it will get there to fetch it again Okay, so when the points will stop at 61 or seven eight Calm down, I'll tell you first, let's adjust here again and our court says it is very important. Okay, here is 1806, put here, 18.06 the text is also interesting c place this is the 7878 daily is what we and David an ok I can already block him here and the 61 and here look 61 I’ll score It’s set 30 30 so here you have to change to 30 and this is 61 and he too mine a diary one Ok I have the least people up here right here I have already booked up to - 27 that has coordinates or put here at once you came but on trains it’s his fault 9520 coordinates you have to change this picture What's Carlos here show tank and it's locked it's locked it's locked it's not locked and ready I can delete these five too until the adventures The messages marked is 78 weekly I have 61 weeks has less 27 daily has minus 25 27 weekly has 78 daily and the daily lion that the market is doing now so attracting how far this retroaction of the four-hour chart will be understood from level EA my analysis the forgiveness yes the tank When I brought the fig on the chart diary brings the figure of that point the father will put here the number I will put my figure again ok there we will congress in 4 hours with her when I bring fig here from the barbecue Leandro and back and said count here until this maximum right but here in the 4 hour graph I see that the graph he he made another vote he arrived here and when he arrived he went straight again and now he's going down there So from this movement here look this movement in the middle I know where the last movement in the market will be final movement I will know if the market goes to 61 or goes to 108 and As if Bonatti again vibonati ok the file uses the inverted fibonattis trick I will trace this point to this point here Law and taking into account this I know that the final movement of the chart is good right, put here 310 Paraná but make it cool in the frigonati ready and get the final movement of the chart is less 27 hockney so it means that the final movement of the chart is minus 27 which converges with that with 61 right I will delete here look for give symbol diary that brought him to show you what to do if attraction with the pan blacked out this movement it merges with 61 right daily me then here it will be a final moment is rather likely Probably But as we I will show it to you, you’ll also notice that we live on the 24 hour daily weekly vehicle graph and now it’s going to be communicated one hour I’m going to pick it up here I could for example thanks to 4 hour regions here but it was going to be basically it wouldn’t mean anything because a notion of four hours that what I was bringing here I would have to have this at that point again for that point and that’s what I transfer daily until I smile for 24 hours the 4:00 time frame here in the market, in fact, the odor to show that I can know where the final movement will be based on this movement here Ah well, from that good movement And if I'm not, I'm not even calling and how to transfer it on top down I can also trace the one from here under that point to this point here the maximum rush and I can get an even more specific result Okay for me now and then For example now I put the second one fun and not build too much to eat neither with 78 but if I put it I will put it here it says normal 303 points now I can get it for you with certainty that the final move is 78 daily at that point here why Because it became that point that was the last reputation Look at the market when it expanded here expanded it arrived at this point it will betrayed and this reputation gives me a Fibonacci retraction to expand again retract I have one more here to expand again and it is attracting and the final movement exactly in this region as I know because simply the beautiful Afe she showed me that education the market strong enough is good to tell me if he tries to attract again Where is the final move going to be Ah basically understood that this is good that you have to understand Then you bring secure this maximum hurry region I know that this region here O this region all try here sign here for you this whole area here between 100 the live magnetic're active and occasionally not confuse well ok between 100 and 127 is a region in the final movement of the market but those who accompany me know that the usually caught will go in no time in a minute and I take it with the tops too short how do you do that I will understand too guys you will understand everything step by step here with me no worries not this class here will be full Mara busy Camille will be a complete Forex course 100% free and here on the chart in the case right I already managed to have in fact where the final move will be I can mark this region I can and must Marco here look and put here Igor in stocks it is 2057 in 57 I come here called the final punch and there will be no final movement ok ok game too and ends the show tomorrow fig between the five movements final he co fuse with this region But it may be that before I want final movement the market does the revision it comes close or arrived here very close inverted how I know the market will have fun I will explain it to you by the end of this video You can rest assured too and the DH one chart is one hour ago one can talk gives an hour okay guys and I can see this trend down clearly and clearly you have been seeing since yesterday I’m only selling gold whoever follows my operations there on Instagram knows that he it’s from yesterday I’m selling Gold So I’m selling I’m not buying anything I’m selling why Because I know where the final movement is, you know, so I have this whole trend line here, I’ll call trace this one here and here from moment when there is a trend line so clear i can have what reads market standards is good with boring paterns ok market standards graphic standards when it comes to me graphic standards is very upright triangle shape u m descending triangle I’m not saying these things within patterns that really work ok teapots w Pires w ok they’re patterns I’m still making videos here on YouTube about patterns I’ve already put two here on the channel who pass there in the playlist on patterns you will already see the kid w on the needle and me and Big Bully call your lives that I already posted here are absolutely sure and can start to absorb this knowledge and if I could show you here I have a notebook it has two pages that it is exactly in front of the computer when I love this hair in front of me, when I have five or two patterns drawn because I learned it like that, so there is everything in front of me there is no way for me to commit an eye your teeth I saw a pattern I will be able to identify it and I'm going to take that pattern because I know it's within a pattern with assertiveness and I can tell you something, it still doesn't take I'm seasoning Father So I know I'll take it I'm not saying here for you that when when I talk about patterns if they are miraculous patterns lie it’s a lie to say it I know I’m going to take it top you know I thought I’m going to take it but so far there wasn’t that simple but what you talk about here even I said I said a little more triangles there but they also work so saying it doesn’t work ok A little bit even myself beginners to do this adventure that I talked to you I already operated a triangle already what rectangles ascending triangle extinguished also had all this marked but that they do I found things that work better understood it simple like that I found things that work much better it is much more activity Ok this he has here is this here this movement here what I'm going to show you now is a pattern ok in the name of this pattern and Pires ok bear bile read an Iran weak Monster Beats right what virginity consists in an expansion of the price in a recreation of the price in an expansion are price movement and a new price complaint and this point is the point of entering And there Nei So this point here is another point of entry This is my point of entering so you will get the operation here more or less because when I have this pattern this pattern is not complete with the complete one it exists it requires it here but to demand it here right This is where I go on the couch understood this is what I'm going to surf including let's change the color here this is this tendency that he wants me to attend that I will actually surf the tire what will actually make me Or consider a pattern is just the previous three legs because the fourth leg and the surf understood where I get the sofa entrance I will take this one pattern to show something interesting to you first the pattern he has to respect the 108 or 61 DC Bonatti obyrith w he he also has his regions that he must respect right and I will bring chocolate here look at maximum for minimum show and So taking this into account I will put the 310u here and we can see that it has been written in the region and 78 municipalities and has already spiked adding that eight figs are good, and it actually converges with the ltb I have an entry point this he there was even a little bit more adjusted to this show region, right? And then I'm going to take my entry in this movement here in the market, in this one, you will get to enter this region, body top, top, top, you're teaching a very strategy old this has been around for a long time but you don’t even know that I get my entries where in a one minute chart and I’m going to show you a secret now where there’s this here I have a confirmation so I’m going to buy pay this and go start tracking the market am3 the woman M3 us a nice thing that happened that M3 and there is also a team that I warn you very generally when you see it is no way blurry I go to M3 first thing I see here a lot people may not have identified it and I see it on the double top here, I have a group formed, but is it already a reason to sell not because look if he has it here as it is still intact after that double time I have a breakdown he will in fact look portal4 clothes he will have you can send some pattern here I see a pattern last Look at this beautiful pattern here look at the shoulder I'm not saying that I always have your pattern guys but here in this one in this exact example that you show does not have a head break trend which is what confirms me shoulder-head-shoulder is the breaking of the trend the butt Head 1 xo and in fact where you get here until you enter that one I could take here this one I even thought it will have a vampire I could but I don't feel safe for example in the group that I mentored There are a lot of people who take this point because I don't feel safe because I still don't know if in fact I have a valid LP in this region so when you can also create it t it will be valid when it is a test because when the request is in fact Look just for that What test the market if it falls again it shows me that it also and after that what I do I draw a court again at that point for this minimum and the market left me Ah understand that point for this minimum here look what a junk market for me you can see this is all in the picture at this point here look but the least that you come this is good because here was the least how she arrived he came up here he fell again but he didn't even touch and the fact that you don't comply here is yours He didn't even touch and he already went back up there and back up here Until you do I want to increase and even though my mother never catches 108 BC in smaller creams teams I only catch Damião the document one I got the entry Law to stop where my Stop just above the Lord in Itaqui guys is basically how he catches entry understood So if you catch yourself I'm your fan, that's that guy. I can’t hear anything, I don’t hear 1.70, that’s where the trick comes from. Remember that I did the weekly analysis to find out where the final price movement will be, so if the or I got into MP3 and the Zig final movement of price of h4 and H4 is good Oh I'm here here DH four is here in minus 27 that I'm going to do this is my position Ah understand This is my position it comes from M3 I am not able to adjust here because I will have to go back there for me three to be able to adjust this position here on the graph What the defended position was, it has to be readjusted and even if I can't find any bugs here in the wheat shipping Oops I got you, I'm going to delete it ok guys I'm going to put again with risk-return oxygen in fact with how wonderful it is - screw I took this test right here so I have this expansion liking a little muscle or because when I went there in bigger films I may not be able to see my Stop already up in the center Okay Vecchia M5 still got it to see if this movement here in the market I hope to get so much more vampire I know that the final movement that another I know where it looks from here I only have another unisex for one, that is if I risked $ 10 I have a 60 button but it is that are not yet this is that the risk final return nor H4 This is absurd it over there - 27 il-13 right 13. 22 you are already going to get big pains here i'm going to get 131 the films so personal a simple one You can stay with your mouth open you can stay on credit but this is what I want and this is how this is how I've been making money I wanted in the market I went so if you do this position here you are left out in all the others not because why not dine in this Look, I'm just going to block this one too, not that I don't have much interference when I'm going to change the graph. Look, I have several other entry points, right here, this happened, right, I'm going to continue looking for patterns in.

for example look here I’m afraid of being valid, there’s no way to discuss what’s coming from up there , here I have a second touch on it TB Okay and here I have one more pattern formed It’s at this point here I have the market pattern that is the teapot w because he came here down I did a w and I tried to understand again and again I have one more point of entry to enlarge it here try to observe there in m3u and let’s M3 I have this one to take here a valid show here and fact I have this breakup I wanted to think that I could ask you from there if I go there and I think it is me and if I go there it is none I have an interesting entry point but no I have to take this entry exactly in this region here I think because I lack when I have confirmed the break here and whoever broke there came down here put fibonot from this point to this point EA people would come Where it was me where it would be right oh - 61 and it would be exactly at that point ui right I take care of you 'more or less here top up there from the Lord But remember the trick of stayed Note that we used it a short time ago to be able to identify a region and possible final price movement I can use it here in this region as well so everything makes an extras of this good expansion right of this action type movement from this point to this maximum here just look at where it is minus 27 exactly here ie he already knew that this region if the region cursed the price and when he reaches it he feels very begins to consolidate Ah understood then when he saw a sudden fall and SSA expansion again this in this new this Attempt of the market to go back up there and I have a Fact right it doesn’t reach my one falls short [__] girl didn’t want to catch this male entrance just to show you what can happen to me I can for example know since I know what final movement will be up here I can try to get an entrance in an expelled explosion and fall look for the price any test I can try to do it Hello guys this here good more than 30 minutes here talking to you Okay well more than 30 minutes I hope you have understood the minimum of what you have to go through because man has much more knowledge is very more I can pass on to you but in fact it has not been easy to take those here to YouTube very very very few people watch it easy to tell truths few people watch it had Lucas that there are some ready but like others not how do you write others don't and it doesn't really motivate me I have to ask you to subscribe to the channel if you have seen this video so far subscribe and leave a comment down here I have seen people comment there in life you have no idea how strong it is for me you can continue recording so I ask you to comment down there and you actually liked this complete lesson, right, 100% free here, the good thing is that guys, if you want you can also start from there this video there with someone you think here will make sense And then I will also remind you that in fact we are going to start with the best I’ve started at this point I’m already running the series of videos on market standards So if you want to stay connected in standards mercado assistente assistir essa série de vídeos completas lista de reproduçao lá no canal padrões de mercado 100% gratuito Tá bom uma coisa que eu também esqueci de dizer aqui para vocês olha só qual o mercado e atingir zero por cento de novo olha só ele atingir zero por cento Eletro Saiu quando ele volta a atingir zero por cento eu fiz uma parcial investimento ali da operação e se abre operação se lá me 0.20 aqui nessa nesse ponto e o mercado caiu até aqui em zero por cento de novo aqui eu fiz 10. 10 e deixa outro 0.10 aberto dependendo do caso porque se você jantar né bem aqui eu também consigo ter uma região de conciliação muito forte então se eu vejo mercado batendo aqui voltando batendo voltando de novo na próxima vez que e le bate eu ligo bom então vou aproveitar fecharam a parcial porque eu não sei depois bateu bater de novo bater e pode demorar muito não mas é só esticar as manipulações de mercado por corretoras Market makers eu posso sair no stop vou postar no zero a zero entendeu e isso me fala que não quer já tô com lucro forte e a alteração por que que eu vou fechar no negativo ou fechar no zero a zero não quer então eu vou lá e fecho uma parcial muita das vezes quando minhas operações elas voltam por 0 a 0 nem me preocupo porque eu já fechei parcial muitas vezes sério mesmo muitas vezes a ficha uma parcial E aí bom E quando voltei nem me preocupo povo voltou mas eu já peguei uma parte lucro coloquei no bolso então é É isso aí pessoal essa foi mais uma completa e nem Pinheiro espero que vocês tenham gostado deixe seu like se inscreve no canal o link do meu Instagram aqui embaixo na descrição E aí pessoal tudo de bom para vocês agora analisar Bora esmagar o mercado e ganhar dinheiro fui E aí

2021-02-03 00:49

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