FNN: Congressman indicted for insider trading, status of repatriated remains from the DPRK

FNN: Congressman indicted for insider trading, status of repatriated remains from the DPRK

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Good. Morning, everyone and welcome to News Now part Fox 10 Phoenix comm pilar arias here with you filling in for mike sky, fox is headed, to the scene of a car in a canal, at 40th Street and baseline in, Phoenix Arizona, we are waiting to get some more info here also just getting word about a rollover, on the loop 202, close. To 48th, Street we got an a dot camera they're not the best picture but it is tying up traffic if, you're driving in the area or, know someone who might be. You. Just. Want to let you all know I do have the audio up for skyfox here because, Troy that's our helicopter pilot, he should be giving us that, update from the scene any moment now. Not, a portal, to another dimension. Hey, Troy how are you we're here 40 Street boy and based, on looks like the the, vehicle when. I exited, the road here not exactly if, they were trying to make a left turn and just, didn't make it about, you can see the skid marks up and over the sidewalk there then the front end of this, SUV this, smaller, canal, over here in, this area looks like the driver there crouched. Down in the shade just trying to recover it's, like they're gonna break in a tow truck here pretty soon to get this up. Certainly. Is, a possibility, that they, just, missed the turn or something happened, to cause them to missed a turn but, the skid marks go out nice and wide over, the sidewalk, they're possibly. Making a left from 40th Street on the baseline. Yes, certainly is. Some sort of fluid there on the sidewalk could could have happened as they hit the as, a sidewalk, there. Went up and over. Yep. You. Alright. Those of you joining us on the Fox 10 Phoenix Facebook, live good morning my name is Pilar arias, with Fox News now it's a part of Fox 10 Phoenix calm. Sky Fox over the scene at 40th Street and baseline of, a car into, a canal, and you just, heard troy they're inside, sky fox saying it looked like it, could have been trying to make a turn and possibly missed it but we are waiting more info meanwhile, he is leaving, the scene there. Or. He's just getting a different vantage shot so we can see it more clearly. You. You. You. In. Total the. Concealers. Used, the inside information to, avoid, over. 750,000, dollars in losses. But. Congressman Collins, couldn't. Keep his crime a secret, forever, the. FBI asked, to interview him and instead. Of telling, the truth he. Lied and so. Did Cameron Collins, and so. Did Steven czarsky, by. Lying to the FBI they. Compounded. Their insider, trading, crime, with. The crime of criminal cover-up. Now. I'd like to go over to these two charts which. Summarize. Some of the, allegations. In, the indictment. This. First chart is a, tipping, change, it. Demonstrates. The. Flow of the, illegal, insider. Information, and, the. Trading, the. Illegal trading of that information at the top of the chain the, congressman. Collins. He. Had obligation. As an. Eight board member, when, he received, confidential. Corporate. Information to. Keep that information, secret. Until the company announced it to the public in, total. Disregard. Of, that obligation. Minutes. After. Congressman, Collins, received. The devastating. Highly, confidential, news that. An AIDS drug had failed its. Drug trial. Congressman. Collins tip. That inside, information, to his son so, that his Sutton could trade. Cameron. Collins. When. He received, that. Illegal inside, information he, did two things, both. Of which are illegal. He. Sold stock, based. On that inside. Information and, avoided. Five hundred, and seventy thousand. Dollars in lost. And. He also took, that illegal inside, information and tipped. Others. He. Tipped his fiancee. He. Tipped his fiance's, wife, he. Tips his fiance's. Father and, he, tipped a friend, all. Of whom traded. On that. Illegal inside, information. Stephen. Czarsky, his, fiancee, his father. Avoided. A hundred and forty three thousand, dollars in losses by. Trading on that information and, he. Tipped others he. Tipped his brother, he. Tipped his sister, and, he tipped a friend, two. Of whom traded, on the information, one. Attempted. To trade on the information, but. Was unable in. Total. The, conspirators. Avoided. Losses of, over. Seven, hundred and sixty eight thousand. Dollars all, because. Of the initial. Illegal. Insider, trading tip, by. Congress McCullers. In. This chart we. Set some of the key allegations. In. The indictment, against. A timeline, a backdrop, of the, innate share price.

On. The evening of June 22nd. 2017. Congressman. Collins, was, at a congressional, picnic, and at. 6:55, he received an email from the CEO, of an eight informing. Him of the horrendous news that the, drug had failed its trial. At. 7:10, p.m.. Congressman. Collins, responded. To. That email. So as the indictment, alleges, at, least. At 7:10. P.m.. Congressman. Collins was aware of the, inside, information. A. Minute. Later. Congress. Mccollins, attempt, to call his son. In. A period, of five minutes there. Are six. Unsuccessful. Calls on. The, seventh call. 7:16. P.m. as, alleged the indictment. Congressman. Collins, tips. Illegally. Tips his son Cameron, about. The. Drug trial, results. So. That his, son Cameron, could, trade on those, results. Later. That evening on, June 22nd. After. Cameron, Copland has the illegal. Insider, trading information. Patrick. Collins, dries, with his fiancee, to his fiance's. Parents house. They. Arrive at the house at. 9:17. P.m.. Less. Than 20 minutes later at, 9:34. P.m.. The. Fiancees. Mother, is, on, the phone with her broker. Beginning. The process of selling. Her shares of an 8. The. Next morning, on June 23rd, at. 7:42. A.m.. Cameron. Collins, begins the process of selling. His shares of, an 8. During. June 23rd, and June 26. Cameron. Collins, sells. Approximately. 1.3. 9 million, shares, of an, 8 prior. To. The market, close of June. 26. After. The market closes. Innate. Announces, to the public, that, its drug had failed the trial and. The. Next day the. Drug price the price of an 8 oils. Off the cliff, it. Drops 92. Percent, in value in. A single, day this. Was the drop, that. Was anticipated. By the, co-conspirators. This, was the drop in value, at. The co-conspirators. Avoided, by, selling, their shares for, the public announcement, and they, could only sell those shares by, virtue of the, initial. Tip. Of inside, information, by. Congressman, Collins. Case. Of this type and significance, obviously. Involves, the SEC, and the FBI, and. Their representatives. Are standing up, here with me today, to. My left is. My good friend bill Sweeney the, assistant, director in charge of the, FBI's, New. York field office and. To. The far left is John, Brosnan. The. Special agent, in charge of. The, FBI New York office Criminal.

Division, The. FBI's, work on this case was. Spectacular, and, I want to thank them for their professionalism. And dedication, we. Work with the FBI on, so many important, cases and. It is always a privilege. To. The left of bill this. Is, Stephanie, Avakian and Steve. Pekin who, are co, directors, of the, SE C's, division. Of enforcement I want. To thank them and the, SEC for. Their hard work on this matter. Last. I want to acknowledge and, thank the. Career prosecutors in, my office handling. The case, to. My right is, max Nicholas, Damien. Williams Bob. Allen, Scott. Hartman, and the. Co Chiefs of our, Securities. And commodities fraud. Task, force. Tim. Casillas, and Jason, Cowley. Congressman. Collins. Who. By. Virtue of his office, helps. To write the, laws of our nation. Acted. As if. The, law didn't. Apply to, him. The. Charges today. Demonstrate. Once again. That. No matter what the crime and the. Matter who. Committed, it, we. Stand, committed, in, the, pursuit of justice. Without. Fear or favor. I would. Now like to invite to the podium bill. Sweeney. Thank. You Jeff and good afternoon everybody. US, Representative Christopher. Collins set on a nice board of directors, for. A period of more than three years spanning. The run-up to the drug trial announcement, in mid 2017. Collins. Himself was the company's largest shareholder, in or. About the summer of 2017 a drug, designed, to treat a deep adult a debilitating form, of multiple sclerosis and entered. The late stages of a Phase two the clinical, trial, this. Drug Mis 416, was, the only viable drug, in the pipeline for, an eighth this. Is significant, in that the company's value was nearly completely wrapped up in, the success of the clinical trial and, a subsequent phase three trial. On. The evening of June 22nd. 2017. Collins. Received an email informing him, that M is 4:16. Had, failed its clinical trial. Electronic. Records indicate. His initial shock at having received the news the. Drug once anticipated. To hold billions, of dollar and value, would, now be the cause a significant. Financial loss, for an eight and of. Course its investors, many. Of whom shared a personal relationship with congressman, Collins. Welcome. While the congressman, was legally bound to keep his information confidential, until. The trial results were released to the investing public four, days later on June 26, we. Allege he did not. The. Indictment, charges that Collins immediately, began contacting the, family and friends he, had bought into the fold this. Set off a ripple, effect in which, many investors, directly. Or indirectly connected, to congressman, Collins were notified, most. Of them quickly sold their shares, and. Eight stock price plummeted, 92. Percent on the, first trading day, following. The public announcement a Collins. Conspirators, had save themselves over. 750. Thousand dollars in losses. Collins. Himself having. Been prohibited, from selling his shares for, various reasons. Not avoid, a financial loss. Despite. This fact his, alleged actions bought, him face to face with federal agents who, had become aware of the crime that had been committed. When. Questioned, by law enforcement about, the alleged dealings, congressman. Collins, his, son Cameron, Cameron's. Fiance's, father Stevens our ski lied, plain, and simple. Today. They are charged with insider trading and lying, to federal law enforcement agents. While. Collins may have thought that giving his family and friends a heads up about material, nonpublic, information. Would. Benefit them in the long run here, is a better insight tip for those who think they can play by a different set of rules, access. To this kind of information carries. With it's significant, responsibility, especially. For those in society, who hold a position of trust act.

Honorably And, in accordance with the law and do, not lie to special, agents of the FBI. Many. Thanks always to our partners especially Jeff, and your, team of career prosecutors, gentlemen, your work has been exceptional, to, the SEC, I personally, like to thank Stephanie, and Steve for your work your, team has also been outstanding to. John and John Cassell who lead our white-collar branch into. Your team of special agents and investigators I, want, to extend. My personal appreciation some. Are standing in the back and the shadows but, to Nick John Yelena and Tracy, your work has been exceptional, what, you do in the community matters and makes a difference thank you. Like, to invite to the podium, stephanie, Avakian. Co-director. Of enforcement at the sec. Thanks. Jeff, good, afternoon, as. Jeff said my, name is Stephanie Avakian and I'm co-director of the SCC's division, of enforcement and before I begin my. Remarks I'd, like to also thank US. Attorney Jeff Berman and his prosecutors. As, well as the FBI who, worked on this matter for their assistance, today. The SEC filed securities. Fraud charges, against. Congressman, Christopher, Collins his, son Cameron, Collins, and three others, alleging. That they engaged in insider trading ahead. Of an a immunotherapy. X announcement. Of negative drug trial results, in June. 2017. The. SCC's complaints, alleged that Christopher Collins learned, of the negative news in his capacity, as a member of an eight sport of directors and quickly. Tipped Cameron. Collins, who, held a large position, in an eight stock, in. Addition, to Cameron Collins, selling, nearly, 1.4. Million of his, own innate shares he. Is alleged to have tipped his girlfriend, defendant. Lauren czarsky, her, mother defendant. Dorothy czarsky, and her father defendant. Stephen czarsky, the, SEC further alleges, that Stephen, czarsky, after. Trading in his own account further, tipped his sibling and a friend, the. SE C's complaints, seek disgorgement, of the defendants, ill-gotten gains, interest. Penalties. And, permanent, injunctions, the, SEC also seeks an order barring Christopher. Collins from, serving as an officer or director of a public company being. A director of a public company as a privilege, a privilege that, comes with responsibilities. Christopher. Collins is alleged, to have abused, this privilege, and breached. His responsibilities. By engaging in illegal insider, trading. Defendants. Larne czarsky, and Dorothy czarsky, whom the SEC alleges, each avoided, losses by. Selling, all of their innate shares in advance of the company's negative announcement, have, each agreed to settle the charges against them by.

Consenting, To injunctions. Discouraging. Their ill-gotten gains, and paying civil penalty these Lauren. Czarsky a certified, public accountant, has, also agreed to be suspended, from practicing before, the commission as an accountant, for, a period of at least five years, accountants. Who engage in illegal insider, trading should, not serve in the role of gatekeeper, in our securities, markets, the. Settlements, are subject to court approval and now let me turn things over to Steven pekin co-director. Of the Enforcement, Division for, some additional remarks. Thank. You Stephanie, first, off I'd like to commend. The excellent work of the SEC staff members, who, handled this investigation, and who will handle the litigation going forward there, William max Hathaway. Colby, Steele Patrick. McCluskey, Carolyn. Welsh hands Melissa. Armstrong, and Cheryl, Crumpton. The. FCC's insider trading enforcement, program is a great success, we. Have successfully detected. And pursued, insider, trading schemes, of all, shapes and sizes from. Massive, international schemes, to trade on information, stolen through cyber intrusions, to. Those perpetrated. By a, single, faithless. Insider. In. The past five years alone, thanks. To the staffs hard work its. Ever developing, expertise, and its, use of highly effective. Proprietary. Analytical. Tools the. SEC has filed more than 250. Insider trading cases, against. More than 450. Individuals. Today's. Case is another example of the staffs dedication. And know-how, at. The heart of this action as described. In our complaint is a tipping, chain that extends from Christopher, Collins to, his son Cameron Collins, to, members of the czarsky family and beyond. When. Members of the SCC's market abuse unit a specialized. Group within the division of enforcement, uncovered. Suspicious, trading by Cameron Collins they, did not stop there as you. Heard they. Identified, well-timed, trades, by people close to him including, his girlfriend her, mother her. Father and, her father's relative, and friend. In, addition, to finding the trading at the core of this action, the, staff who worked on this matter working. Alongside the talented prosecutors, here in the Southern District of New York and the. Dedicated, men and women of the FBI, developed. A thorough and compelling, evidentiary, record, that. Record which. Is summarized in the SE c--'s complaints, consists. Of emails, and text messages cell. Phone records, trading. Data. Communications. Including, recorded. Calls with brokerage firms IP, logon. Information and. Other, it. Reflects, frantic, efforts by, tippers, to convey inside information and traitors. To sell their na chairs before, the company's negative. News announcement, as, alleged. In our complaints, the, defendants, and their Tippy's accounted, for over half of its entire, trading volume on the. First trading day, after. They got the news and Cameron. Collins himself accounted. For more than half of all the innate shares sold, on the next trading day. Insider. Trading is not just illegal, it. Is also corrosive. It. Threatens, investor, confidence, in the fairness and integrity, of, our markets, for. Our capital markets, to retain their place as the, envy of the world the. SEC, and its law enforcement, colleagues must. Be vigilant in policing against, this misconduct. Those. Who would engage in this sort of behavior should know that. We will continue to devote our resources our. Expertise, and our energy to, finding them and seeking to hold them accountable thank. You. We'll. Take your questions. There's. No allegation of a. Wiretap. In this case and with. Respect to, the. Details, of the evidence, that are not contained, in the indictment. DOJ. Policy, restricts me to the four-corners indictment, so I'm not going to get into proof of trial. That. Is not an aspect of of. This indictment I have no comment. Well. The, the. The. Indictment, alleges, that on the evening of June 22nd. 2017. When. Congressman, Collins. Received. The information, via. An email from the CEO of an 8 that. He was. At, the, Congressional picnic and, that. It. Was from that picnic, that. He then tried. To reach, his son. Six. Attempts, in five minutes, and then in the seventh attempt he got through to his son and he, it's. Alleged, in the indictment that, he illegally, relayed. The results, of that drug tests so that his son, could. Trade on that information and that was all done as alleged, in the indictment at the, Congressional, picnic. The. Indictment, does not specify the, phone that he used and I don't think I'm allowed. Of the DOJ policy go outside the four corners of the indictment. I. Have. No comment on that. I'm. Not going to I'm not going to get into how, this, matter was referred to our office. Well. Yeah the indictment, alleges, that the, congressman, conveyed, the, legal inside information. Anticipating. That his son, was. Going to trade on that information and I can't, get into the evidence, at trial right now I can't go beyond the four corners of the indictment.

Well, Politics, does not enter into our decision-making, on. Charging. A case we. Bring a case when the case is ready to be brought, that. Being said we are cognizant. Of the, Prudential concerns. Surrounding. An election, but. You know here we are months. Away from the election those concerns. Do not apply. The. Indict you know it's. Premature to, discuss those, matters. But. I have. I have no comment on that. Well. You, know the SEC, has its, investigation. It's a civil. Investigation. They're conducting we're conducting a criminal investigation. With. A different, standard, of proof and so, I'm, not getting into the, various factors that go into our decisions, on whether to charge or not charge someone but you, know they're there, they're they're different investigations. Yes. We. Have not. Good, morning everyone and thanks so much for watching News Now part of Fox 10 Phoenix comm, I sound like I'm whispering cuz Ron hoon is going live in the newsroom and right next to me and I don't want to come up on his microphone, taking, a look at an Arizona Department of Transportation that, stands for ADOT, camera, this. Is off the 202 westbound, near 48th, Street where you can see on the left-hand side the, carpool, lane and, two lanes are closed, we're being told this was a rollover, so, traffic barely getting by there on the right hand side two lanes if you, know anybody traveling in the area they might be caught up that's exactly what's, going on and for those who barely come on the news now a little bit later please give them a heads-up as to exactly what. We are looking at here if they happen to ask if, anything breaks we'll have you covered meanwhile, we are 25 minutes away from starting, news now on Fox 10 extra that's channel 45 cable nine. You. All right everybody with us on the stream we are six minutes away from Fox, ten extra, that's channel 45 cable nine 10:00 a.m. to noon. Myself. My name is Pilar arias we'll be your host for the day filling in for Mike pace you remember, anytime things are silent, it's, for a reason and or it means that we are on a commercial break on television, so that's what's going on. You. Getting. Some viewers asking on the stream what time we are ending tonight four o'clock Arizona, time 7 o'clock Eastern, that is when the stream will end we, can always count on Fox 10 Phoenix and, Fox 10 Phoenix comm to keep you up-to-date with what's happening can, always tune in on air or online. You. Good. Morning, everybody and welcome to News Now it is, Wednesday.

August 8, 2018. I can't believe we are already in August we are starting, with two different houses they might look like they're one and the same but they are not the East Valley got hit with some storms, yesterday the, one on the left-hand, side of the screen is in Mesa off of Hodge in Guadalupe. The one on the right-hand side of the screen is in Gilbert, off of Elliot and Higley roads both. House, fires, are believed, to have been attributed. To weather. Lightning. Perhaps, start of them I'm currently joined here by Ron hoon Ron good morning Pilar, good good, good can you believe it when you see those images I mean we can go back to both of them here in just a moment but let's, go back to the this is the Mesa one I guess it's it. Was sort of almost like a matter of time, as the valley continued. To grow Pilar. When I moved here which was over 30 years ago there were just a little over a million, people. Living. In the valley our, metro area now is just. Right on the verge, of hitting, 5 million. In the metro Phoenix area and. The. More homes that get built particularly. In some of the outlying areas, that, are closer, and, closer, to, our mountains, our desert mountains which, is where you see a lot of this rumbling, it starts to happen in those mountains say, north. Of New River in, those mountains out east, of Apache, Junction talking, about the superstitions. And even, in the mountains south, of the valley as, well as those haboobs blow up to the north so you basically, we've, always been. Oddly. Enough almost like a convergence. Point, for. A lot of different storm activity because, we are surrounded by mountains and it is. I'm. Certainly, not a weatherman Pilar but I can tell you the phrase. They use is orographic, lifting. Which, basically when the storm and the moisture. And the heat all hit. These mountains, up, straight, into the air they go and then that just builds a situation. Where the clouds are at some point they are going to dump and when, there's so much energy in the atmosphere. Lightning. Hits you, get the thunder you, get the massive, dust storms you get the rain and all. Of it basically is. Going to more and more hit, some of the outlying areas, where 20 years ago there weren't any houses today there are right, right you and I are both out and kind of in this area. Around. 9 o'clock last night I heard the rumbling, of the Thunder and saw the lightning but, I didn't see any rain supposedly, there was almost an inch of rain out there don't forget to save yeah like eight four inches this. Is polar, I will say this this is the time that it is so hard to be a weatherman. Because. Yeah, I mean basically what you have to do is be able to predict a chance of rain every day because, you're never quite sure where it's going to hit. You. Know East Mesa let's face it I mean that is many many many. Miles, when, I got up early early, this, morning I looked outside I didn't, see any evidence of any room no puddles nothing, but I believe, only about five miles, away, from where I live is the measuring, station that you're talking about where they got almost an inch of rain also in East, Mesa so it's crazy but, people I, mean we realize this some. Nights the, Northwest Valley is going to give you other nights the far southeast. Valley was, going to get hit and last, night that is exactly what happened the only thing that's a little bit different this time around. Is that. It is for, the most part the light the damage. Appears to be lightening. Generator. Yes everything.

We've Been dealing with up till this point mostly, has been wind related. Issues, correct, palm trees snapped, in half like, toothpicks. Right. Telephone. Poles, knocked down people's, power out I had, a Facebook friend this morning at. 6 o'clock in the morning saying she still had the power out at her house and she. Was able to be on her phone thanks, to battery power but. She was not able to watch any of our Fox 10tv, coverage. Of the aftermath, of the storm so we, just have to basically work. Our way through the, whole month of August and the whole month of September. And I'm hearing we could be getting storms today yeah, as a matter of fact it, looks like we're now in an increasing. Chance. Part. Of this are just the remnants. Or part of this is the, remnants, of that. Hurricane that, has been blowing not not, Hector that's the one over toward Hawaii there's, been another hurricane this kind of churning well south of us in New Mexico, and. Some. Of those outer bands. May, bring a little more moisture than we have seen in recent days, let's face it Pilar, as. Bad as the, storms, are for. Various. Neighborhoods this. Is the time of year when we get most. Of a vast, or. A pretty, big chunk of our. Measurable. Rainfall. Station. Those poor people losing their houses. Remember. On the left-hand side Mesa right hand side Gilbert, both of those homes are sandwiched, between many. Other homes yeah, well that's part of the reason I think that because, it happened during storm, monsoonal, storm activity I mean that you've got to get fire investigators, outs and you can officially, declare. What, they what, the reason of this fire was but in both cases that, is exactly. What it looks like and of course the, difference, there is that when, a fire starts, in a, home, where, you have say two houses close together and, that. D or 60 mile an hour winds like we've seen that, next home is in real danger in this particular, case when a lightning strike hits dead, center, on your house odds, are yours is going to be the house burns, and the only one and your next-door neighbor's on both sides probably, be okay yeah all right the next breaking news story of the morning this. One in regards to a congressman out of New York well. So I mean let's. Face it there are some pretty big political. Headlines coming, in this morning, especially. After that. Boat for Congress. In the Midwest. And. That. One I was up watching, their returns into, the evening hours because, it was going to be so fascinating, to see what the voters decided, so, that looked like that was going to be the big headline this morning, instead, what. Was it I think was about 6:30 or 7 o'clock this morning our, time that. We get this flash.

Bulletin. Congressman. Pretty, prominent, very. Well known in New York prominent, congressman. Under. Arrest, for insider. Trading and. The. Republicans, don't need any more bad headlines. And they got one out of this this guy's story today yes New York Republican representative Christopher Collins indicted, on insider. Trading, charges the. Indictment, also names, his son Cameron Collins, and Steven, czarsky, the father of his, son's fiance, the, fraud counts relates to securities, of an Australian biotechnology. Company called innate. Immunotherapy. Attics where the congressman, served, on the board and, that was, a surprise to me I was. Not aware because. It seems like it's just rife. With. Potential, conflicts. Of interest yeah I was not aware that a congressman. Or a senator, either. One could. While they were supposed. To be focused simply on serving, the public sit, on the board of directors. Of a, foreign, corporation. Australia-based. You said. At. The same time that, they are there in Washington's, supposed to be 100%, focused on doing the people's business so, I, don't. Know how often it happens but I know in this case the feds have laid out a really. Impressive. Timeline. And a, really, impressive. Kind, of set of, people. Almost. Like a family tree, of evil. Where. You had this family. Tree of people that were getting the tip from the top right the tip from the top came from the congressman, he spread it around to some people they spread it to more people and I. Believe you're actually going to air a part, of this news conference, thirty. Minutes so we'll have about 15 minutes of it right here I. Mean let's, face it you are innocent. Till. Proven guilty in, this country, but you'll see in a few minutes when Pilar plays the highlights of this news conference where. They have done their homework yes they, it is impressive. The amount of work they've already done and, who. Knows where it will all lead but if convicted on all of the charges that they are potentially looking on speaking of they are accused of multiple counts of securities fraud, along. With one count of wire fraud one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count each, of making, false statements yeah. It appears that Collins, has served New York's 27th, district since 2013, and, he surrendered this morning and is expected to appear in federal court in Manhattan later today so who knows if we might have it here well. Federal courts busy lately it seems like right with so many things going on but yeah. That's another one of the big headlines and let, me just point out one other thing when it comes to the whole political world so. If, you do, the. Analysis. On last night's vote, this. Is akin, but this is why it was so important this is a district, that Donald Trump won by I think it was 16 or 17 percentage. Points right he had he had a sizable. Victory. Was certainly in double digits there. In Ohio the. Question was would, the. The blue wave that some people are predicting, would it sweep a Democrat into power it did not but. It's so close they, haven't officially declared, a winner looks like the Republican, will like, a Republican, will hold on to that seat but. There. Are Pilar almost. 40. Congressional. Races out there. Where. Trump. Did worse than, he. Did in this district, right, so. What does that tell you here was a district, where a, strongly. Republican, and. A Republican, barely, won right now it looks like he was gonna win by less than one percentage point what. Happens in all of these dozens. More districts, where Donald Trump won by two points right are four points or six points or eight points, that. Is where Democrats, are going to hang their hat probably. Spend a lot of money and, hope. To take, control, at. Least in the house if. Not the Senate - it's, going to be interesting yes. It certainly will all right another, big story we're continuing to get these visuals, out of Southern California, this is being dubbed the holy, fire and it's, one of more. Than a dozen still, burning across, the state yeah and. The. Problem with this one is that it's new it. Is burning, high, up into the mountains some. Of the pictures I, mean here's a good tight shot of the flames burning up along the ridge line and this, is in. Kind. Of up into a canyon area that is well east. If you kind of visualize say, Mission, Viejo in, that area. Down. Into Orange County, and then you just go due east from there you get up into these mountains before.

You Would pick up and drop well, over the other, side and ultimately closer to say Indio, and. It's. Just it's almost impossible, terrain. Yeah. It, started, Monday afternoon. And about. 385. Firefighters. Are battling it and of, course with so many wildfires going on throughout the state the firefighting, personnel has, been spread, thin weather. Conditions, very, warm out there just like out here in Arizona temperatures. Exceeding 100, degrees and relatively, low humidity, below, 15% matter of fact it's, providing, rough, conditions, in order to fight. That fire there and these were probably the most stunning images, here when Sky foxes, Fox Los Angeles, started like zooming, out it it's. Like a mixture, of what looks like storm, clouds and the, the fire smoke, it. Was quite interesting, but. You take a look at what some viewers are saying on our YouTube, chat yeah somebody was saying our we, don't have our lip sync down just quite right we, definitely read your comments there in the YouTube box is one. Of the cool things about what we're doing here is you, can watch this on TV on. Channel, 45. Which is cable, channel 9 and is 10 to noon timeslot, you can also go. To youtube and watch, the live feed you can also go straight to our website Fox 10 Phoenix comm, but YouTube is kind of cool because you guys are, always. In there commenting, on. Our. Coverage and look. We appreciate your feedback we definitely, read it look though as they widen out yeah. Yeah. And. You pointed out something this morning I'm gonna bring up our tower cam on, the right hand side here now that we're seeing smoke here in the valley yep, you. Know and originally, when we had those fires that were burning all the way up in Northern California first, you had the car fired deadly, as it was up there around reading and then, you had the Mendocino complex. Fire basically, treated as one fire you know it's two that are close to merging. And it's the worst in California, history which, by the way I find interesting because it's a little over 300,000. Acres and we, have had fires, here, in Arizona, much, worse right. 400,000. Acres plus, one, of the worst was called the rodeo Chetta sky fire and that goes back several. Years it did so much damage but anyhow here's, a fire that, is pumping, so much of that thick black smoke into, the skies and, basically. If, you just drew, a red. Line from where this fire is burning due. East, you. Would come into Arizona, and you, would see that this is a, one of the sources obviously. Of the smoke and the haze that we're now getting all the way over here some. 200, plus miles, away, from where the fire is burning yeah, mandatory, evacuation, orders are underway Sycamore, Creek and Lake Elsinore not, under, evacuation. Warning but Ron so far we are hearing two, firefighters, were treated for heat related injuries, the day this all started, and at least one, cabin, has been destroyed, by the flames but I want to show you here an Arizona Department of Transportation camera, as well this is live right here where, you, know it's like the monsoon, mixture cuz it is humid out there when you came in this morning I feel it blessed, the fire smoke, is just creating these, conditions, we jokingly, say people are then.

After One of these dust storms rolls, in it's our version of summer fog right, right I mean you drive around and it almost looks like you're driving through fog you've got their hand lights on in the middle of the afternoon that. Kind of thing oh boy, you see that now so we have had a little bit of lingering dust in the air from, some of our recent haboobs, and then, on top of it you get that smoke from that gigantic. Fire over, there and that, is exactly. To, me that's one of the worst, looking, valley, skies, that, I've seen in many, months yeah so that's wrong and we've been having bad air quality as it is like without all this and I just put it all together in one mix I know Ron, thanks for joining us yes sure I guess what we can hope is that maybe we just get some moderate, winds one, of these days soon we get some rain that washes out, the air here and we get some moderate, winds the blower to help. We. Are keeping our neighbors to the west and our thoughts of course we, really are hoping for the best out there all right everybody those are you watching us on Fox 10 extra we'll be back in just a moment. You. Alright, those of you with us on the stream we're taking a live look at the stock market here. On News now part of Fox 10 Phoenix com. You. Welcome. Back to news now we are taking a live, look at, the big board how the New York Stock Exchange is. Doing a little bit more read there than we normally would like to see currently down about, 40, points so, what, about that Ohio. Special. Election, there was a lot, of eyes here, on Arizona, as to, the results and that possible, Blueway that, ron was just talking about what, we have an update for you here on news. Now. They. Are still counting the ballots in, some of these races and there's a lot at stake is there evidence, of a blue wave for Democrats or will the president's, clout carry. The day. And. We're going to keep it going that way, Ohio. Republican, Troy Ball derson and what sounded like a victory, speech but the numbers, are still too close to call, in all of the big races yesterday, it's the Ohio special, election, for Congress, that loomed large, Boulder's, in battles with Democrat Danny O'Connor in a district that President, Trump won easily by more than 11, points, back in 2016, and even, if he ultimately loses, the race O'Connor. Season, when you, believed, in us in a. Race that the pundits said we had no chance even. Being in you. Proved them wrong the president Trump is not waiting for final numbers tweeting, congratulations. To troy ball derson on a great win in Ohio a very special, and important, race the, Trump's campaign prowess, is the big question the, Kansas, Republican gubernatorial, primary. Is still too close to call despite, the president's backing, for candidate, Chris Kovac on, the other hand Trump's primary, picks for governor and Senate in Michigan both one still. The November, general elections, will almost certainly be tough sledding for the GOP, generally.

When A president is below 50% approval rating, his, party loses, some seats and can lose quite a few seats but, on the other hand Trump. Is a man who won the presidency, on a day when his personal, disapproval, rating was close to 60%. We, don't really know this time how it's gonna affect the. Voting and. By the way that Ohio special, election, that's now too close, to call those, same two candidates, will face one another again. In, November. In. Washington. Doug Lou Sater Fox News, two people are arrested in a horrific child. Abuse case accused, of keeping four, children. Inside. Boxes. Neighbors. In the Farmington meadows community, say they had no idea about, the unthinkable, crime that. Was happening inside of this home it does. Kind of make you feel a little bit bad that that's going on across the street from you and you, don't suspect it sheriff's. Deputies say three, girls and a boy ranging from six to twelve years old or found inside, of boxes, secured. With plywood confined. To a small room. They say at first a homeowner 38, year old Darrell had hesitated, to let them in shortly, after they entered the home they saw, 38, year-old Laura, Cheatham Darryl's live-in, partner trying, to unscrew, the plywood, a six year old boy appeared. From behind please. This, was actually, boxes. Built within the house in the room. Like. They were no registering. Facilities, in the water they. Did have hair, piped into therefore, there were some air conditioning and I. Would, was screwed over the opening to them no way, they can get out or anybody the, sheriff, says the kids are Laura's adopted, kids with her estranged. Husband. Two of the four children are related, when, you see a case like this and you see the conditions, these children living in even. If it was for a day it was way too long so, the fact that they may have been there for weeks or may have been there for any extended period of time our. Sole concern now is to make sure that they are protected and taken care of and obviously, to seek justice for. The people that were putting in those conditions. States. Out west are seeing a huge boom. In tax, revenue after they legalize, recreational, pot. Western. States are seeing a strong boost in tax revenue, after green lighting recreational, marijuana use, one year after legalization. Nevada has already surpassed the year-end projections, by 25 percent while. Alaska raked in 11 million dollars of revenue trouncing. Initial estimates by nearly two million dollars, every, successive, state. Points, to the previous states and Nevada, is a good example of the success of implementing, medical. And recreational programs. In, a responsible, way I think it's a very easy sell. Perspective. But don't count on a strong tax revenue, stream to be the final solution to, the decades-old. Issue of making cannabis, legal, tax, revenue is not the reason, to make. Marijuana legal and regulated it's, about, public safety and public health but the. Tax revenue is certainly a bonus and a lot of states see that and they, want.

That Benefit, dispensary. Owners don't want the plant taxed too much now, that already, levies a 30%, rate on it that, could have unintended consequences, there will become a point at which the black market, thrives. If, taxes are too high I, think we're at that threshold I think, if anything we should lower taxes, to. Ensure that the, legal. Regulated, legal economy and. Industry stays, intact and can continue, to thrive in, Nevada there are still restrictions public. Consumption is not allowed and medical marijuana patients, fear popular, recreational, use will, overshadow, their, needs nine, states have set up regulatory, marketplaces. After legalization, Michigan. Voters will decide on their ballots this fall if they want to do the same industry insiders, in Nevada expect, marijuana, tax revenue, to steadily, increase, well into, next year in. Las Vegas and Fox. News I can't, beyond the scars in Ramona, California is, a place for children who have survived, serious. Burns where, the can make, friends, without, judgments. From. Making close friends, to absolute pandemonium with. Water guns this camp is the place to be. To. Be high, and then I could Swan so. I got it at times the celebratory atmosphere masks. The deep therapy, that is going on I like it so much because it's, a place where I can express my feelings, and without. People judging me so it's wonderful that we can encourage, them and really, it's really done through peer to peer because a young, virgin survivor meets another and they. Become, you, know buddies, and they can encourage each other. Back. First you can't apply it when you share that experience with the other campers does it make you feel better, from. Archer Reid feasting. With friends, these burn survivors. From ages 8-18 say. They are free from their scars I. Also. Have suffered, from severe anxiety and, for me to be able to just not even have, anxiety, about what people are thinking about me you, know it makes camp pretty special for me. And. There's no doubt that that pool is playing a serious. Critical, component, of camp beyond the stars as these campers come together share their stories, and counselors. Tell us when, they share those stories they become braver and braver every. Single day from, Ramona Jamie chambers, Fox, 5 News all. Right everybody we are taking a live look outside one, more time as to the conditions. Here, in Arizona. It certainly, looks, hazy air, quality. Doesn't quite, look, the best, we're going to continue to monitor the situation before. I air this next story I do want to let you all know some, people may consider it a little bit graphic, but that's because one little girl is going to have quite the story to, tell about the. Day she was born. This, baby girl is sound asleep now, but her entry, into this world came, with quite a bit of chaos. Phoenix, Clarke Holloway was born in her living room her, father Eric forced, to play the role of doctor, her, mother Keisha managed. To get it all on video. Yes. All while, delivering, the 6-pound, baby girl and I just thought this is a moment to capture and I don't want to miss it I want to be to look back on it and see that this really happened Keisha's, water broke just before 3:00 a.m. last, month four, days before the due date, within, seconds, my water broke.

Eric. Took a break from football practice with, his son tonight to, tell us how a 900s. Patcher helped. Him with the surprise delivery and she said tell your wife not to push and. So I said all right Keisha don't push and the minute I said it the baby popped out she pop your shoulder out and they showed around and she was there. Okay. Baby's. That out yet, remaining. Calm the entire time. Boo. Dad. And mom wait on Phoenix's, arrival. The. Labor took 30, minutes. Yeah. It. Was beautiful when I look at the video I just think that's gonna be a precious moment that she's gonna be at a share with him and look back and say you brought me into this world daddy, the only thing that we I, think we'll pass through time is that because, I delivered, her, my, name is in the dr. slide on the birth certificate the, whole Holloway family now a party, of six are rock stars. Eric. And Keesha checks the baby into the hospital, the next day. Where. Their three kids got to meet the newest member of their family I think it's good to be able to do. Everything you can for your children, even. If it's if it means bringing them into the world and. Having. That sort of poise. And, showing, them that hey you know you can do anything as, long as you kind of put your mind to it, Wow. That, cell, phone video. Incredible. What we can see thanks to technology, these days all right well tracee carrasco, is here with our morning, business, outlook good. Morning investors, focused, on more strong earnings reports, the Dow up another, 126. Points, yesterday Disney. Down half a percent after posting, disappointing, earnings and revenue that, could weigh on stocks overall, today the, white house slapping, 25%. Tariffs on another 16, billion dollars, in imports, from China effective. August 23rd, the, Trump administration announced. Tariffs on 34 billion dollars worth of Chinese, products, last month a stunning. Announcement from, Tesla, CEO Elon Musk, sending, the company's shares soaring, 11%. Yesterday, musk, tweeting, am considering. Taking Tesla, private at 420. Dollars funding, secured, he, also said, that shareholders. Could either sell or hold shares, this, would be the biggest buyout, in history, Whole, Foods is, introducing, its curbside grocery. Pickup for online orders this, is the first major change parent, company Amazon has made to the grocery, store since, it began slashing, prices for, Prime members in May stores. With the service will have reserved parking spots, for customers, who placed orders online, that's. Business for more log on to Fox Business comm in New York I'm tracee carrasco, all, right Tracy thanks for getting us caught up this morning, well whether or not you've ever owned a Mustang, this next story might, be exciting. To see they. Were celebrating, the, 10, millionth. Mustang. This, morning let's watch, 10. Million Mustang looks just like the first painted, Wimbledon. I like, mustang number one that was built back, in, 1964. Since then 10, million cars that's enough to make. A line that, goes all the way around the world, 4/10, some new success, with the Mustang in recent years it's starting to sell it in over 140. Countries I've. Been doing a lot of exports, with the Mustang since 2015. And, it's only built here at the Flat Rock Michigan plant.

From Where it exports, them to, the rest of the world Don. Williams over here is behind the wheel, Don you've been working here since they started making the Mustang here right yes. How, exciting, is this for you to, see tens a dream come true it's. Wonderful, I was so honored, to get selected to do this how long before we're gonna see t11 million, come off the line we're working, on 10, million at one right now. 10. Million at one hey Stewart, if you looking for a new car don't, go looking for this one in showrooms, they're not gonna sell it at least not yet I'm gonna take it on tour gonna do the promotional, thing with it probably ended up using a museum, maybe the locker for charity someday. All. Right everybody when we return here on News now we're currently in a commercial break on television, we will have the collins indictment. News conference. You. Welcome. Back to news and now we said we were going to have at least about, 15, minutes of the news regarding New York representative Christopher, Collins indicted, on insider, trading charges and we have that for you now congressman. Collins, couldn't. Keep his crime a secret, forever, the. FBI has to interview him and instead. Of telling, the truth he. Lied and so. Did Cameron Collins, and, so, did Steven czarsky, by. Lying to the FBI they. Compounded. Their insider, trading, crime, with. The crime of criminal cover-up. Now. I'd like to go over to these two charts which. Summarize. Some of the, allegations. In the. Indictment. This. First chart is. A tipping, chain, it. Demonstrates, the flow. Of the, illegal, insider. Information, and, the. Trading, the. Illegal trading of that information at the top of the chain, the. Congressman, Collins. He. Had obligation. Has. Been, a board member when. He received confidential. Quote corporate. Information, to. Keep. That information. Secret. Until the company announced it to the public, in, total. Disregard, of, that obligation. Minutes. After. Congressman, Collins, received. The devastating. Highly, confidential, news and. An AIDS drug had failed its. Drug trial. Congressman. Collins. That inside, information, to his son so, that his son could trade. Cameron. Collins. When. He received, that. Illegal inside, information, he, did two things, both. Of which are, illegal. He. Sold stock, based. On that inside. Information and, avoided. Five hundred, and seventy thousand, dollars in losses and, he. Also took, that illegal inside, information and, tipped. Others. He. Tipped his fiancee. He. Tips his fiance's, wife, he. Tips his fiance's. Father and, he, tipped a friend, all. Of whom traded. On that, illegal inside, information. Stephen. Czarsky, his, fiancee, his father. Avoided. A hundred and forty three thousand, dollars, in losses by. Trading on that information and, he. Tipped others he. Tipped his brother, he. Tipped his sister, and he, tipped the friend to. Of whom traded, on the information, one. Attempted, to trade on the information, but. Was unable in, total. The, conspirators. Avoided. Losses of. Over. Seven, hundred and sixty, eight thousand. Dollars all. Because, of the initial. Illegal. Insider, trading tip, by. Congress macaws. In. This chart we set, some of the key allegations.

In. The indictment, against. A timeline a backdrop, of the, innate share, price. On. The evening of June 22nd. 2017. Congressman. Collins was, at a congressional picnic. And at. 6:55. He received an email from the CEO of an 8 informing. Him of the horrendous news that the, drug had failed its trial. At. 7:10. P.m.. Congressman. Collins, responded. To. That email. So as the indictment, alleges at, least. At 7:10. P.m.. Congressman. Collins was aware of the, inside, information. A. Minute. Later. Congress. The Collins attempt. To call his son. In. A period, of 5 minutes, there, are six, unsuccessful. Calls on. The, seventh call at. 7:16. P.m. has. Alleged the Dyckman. Congressman. Collins, tips. Illegally. Tips his son Cameron, about. The. Drug trial, results. So. That his, son Cameron, could, trade on, those results. Later. That evening on, June 22nd. After. Cameron, comments, has the illegal. Insider, trading information. Akron, colonies dries, with his fianc day to, his fiance's. Parents house. They. Arrived at the house at. 9:17. P.m.. Less. Than 20 minutes later at, 9:34. P.m.. The. Fiancees. Mother, is. On the phone with her broker. Beginning. The process of, selling, her shares of an 8. The. Next morning on June 23rd, at. 7:42. A.m.. Cameron. Collins, begins, the process of, selling, his shares of, an 8, during. June 23rd, and, June 26. Cameron. Collins, sells. Approximately. 1.3. 9, million, shares, of an 8 prior. To, the market, close of, June. 26. After. The market closes, in. 8 announces. To the public, that, its drug had failed the trial and. The. Next day the. Drug price the price of an 8 was. Off the cliff, it. Drops 92. Percent, in value in. A single day, this. Was the drop that was, anticipated. By, the co-conspirators. This, was the drop in value, that. The co-conspirators. Avoided, by, selling, their shares before the public announcement and they, could only sell those shares by, virtue of the, initial. Tip. Of inside, information, by. Congressman, Collins. A. Case. Of, this type and significance. Obviously. Involves, the SEC, and the FBI, and. Their representatives. Are standing up here with me today to my. Left is. My good friend bill Sweeney the. Assistant, director in charge of the FBI's. New. York field office and. To. The far left is, John, Brosnan. The. Special, agent in charge of. The FBI New York office Criminal. Division, the. FBI's, work on this case was. Spectacular, and. I want to thank them for their professionalism. And dedication, we. Work with the FBI on, so many important, cases and. It is always a privilege. To. The left of Bill this. Is Stephanie. Avakian and Steve, Pekin who. Are co, directors, of the, SCC's, division. Of enforcement I want. To thank them and the, SEC for. Their hard work on this matter. Last. I want to acknowledge and, thank the, career. Prosecutors. In my office handling. The case, to. My right is, max Nicholas, Damien. Williams Bob. Allen, Scott. Hartman, and the. Co Chiefs of our, Securities. And commodities fraud. Task, force. Tim. Chrysalis, and Jason, Cowley. Congressman. Collins. Who. By. Virtue of his office, helps. To write the, laws of our nation. Acted. As if. The, law didn't. Apply to him. The. Charges, today. Demonstrate. Once again. That. No matter what the crime in. The, matter who. Committed, it, we. Stand, committed, in. The pursuit of justice. Without.

Fear, Or favor, I. Would. Now like to invite to the podium bill. Sweeney. Thank you Jeff and good afternoon everybody. US. Representative Christopher. Collins said on a nice board of directors, for, a period of more than three years spanning. The run-up to the drug trial announcement, in mid 2017. Collins. Himself was, the company's largest shareholder, in or. About the summer of 2017 a drug, designed, to treat a deep adult a debilitating form, of multiple sclerosis and entered, the late stages of a Phase two the clinical, trial, this. Drug Mis 416. Was, the only viable drug, in the pipeline for, an eight this. Is significant, and that the company's value was nearly completely, wrapped up in, the success of the clinical trial and a subsequent phase three trial. On. The evening of June 22nd. 2017. Collins. Received an email informing him, that mis 416. Had, failed its clinical trial. Electronic. Records indicate. His initial shock at having received the news the. Drug once anticipated. To hold billions, of dollar and value, would, now be the cause a significant. Financial loss, for Annie and of, course its investors, many. Of whom shared a personal relationship with congressman, Collins. Welcome. While, the congressman, was legally bound to keep his information confidential, until. The trial results were released to the investing public four, days later on June 26, we. Allege he did not. The. Indictment, charges that Collins immediately, began contacting the, family and friends he, had bought into the fold this. Set off a ripple, effect in which, many investors, directly. Or indirectly connected, to congressman Collins were notified, most. Of them quickly sold their shares, an, eight stock price plummeted, 92, percent on the first trading day, following. The public announcement but. Collins conspirators, had save themselves, over, seven hundred and fifty thousand, dollars in losses. Collins. Himself having. Been prohibited, from selling his shares for, various reasons did, not avoid, a financial loss. Despite. This fact his, alleged actions bought, him face to face with federal agents who, had become aware of the crime that, had been committed. When. Questioned, by law enforcement, about the alleged dealings, congressman. Collins, his, son Cameron, Cameron's. Fiancees father Stevens our Ski lied, plain, and simple. Today.

They Are charged with insider trading and lying, to federal law enforcement agents. While. Collins may have thought that giving his family and friends a heads up about material, nonpublic, information. Would. Benefit them in the long run here's. A better insight tip for those who think they can play by a different set of rules, access. To this kind of information carries. With it's significant, responsibility, especially. For those in society. Who hold a position of trust act. Honorably and, in accordance with the law and do, not lie to special, agents of the FBI. Many. Thanks always to our partners especially Jeff, and your, team of career prosecutors, gentlemen, your work has been exceptional, to, the SEC, I personally, like to thank Stephanie, and Steve for your work your team is also alright, everybody when we return here on News, now we will, go to nicole, garcia, live who was on Higley and Elliott roads in Gilbert, at the scene of an overnight house fire that is believed, to be attributed. To weather. You. Nicole. Nicole Nicole Lynn photographer, can you hear me please dial in. Okay. You. Guys hear me I. Have. You Nicole are you down into IFB though. Mic. Check Mic Check can you hear me. If, you all can hear me I can hear you this is a high I changed my check for Nicole you in the media this other ID number I checked, Mic Check 1 2 3 Mic Check Mic Check 1 2 3. Can. You guys hear me on this one I hear you can you hear me. Anybody. Nicole. Can you hear me check check check check. Anybody. Am. I on the right is be anyone. Nicole. Can you hear me Nicole. Nicole Nicole can you hear me. What's, uh what, kinda efficiency, dial. I'm. On oh wait okay I'm on. Oh 401. She's. On oh she's on homes. On she's, on old 401 right now should, i dial the other one. Isn't. That the one we usually do. My. Check my Chuck I, don't. Hear anything. Can. You hear me 1 2 3 4 5. Welcome. Back to news now everybody, we are showing the sky Fox footage over the scene of a very, devastating. Gilbert fire our. Nicole garcia, is on, the scene Nicole, can, you hear, me. Yes. I can hear you now so. We are in the front of the home in Gilbert that, was struck by lightning last night so this is what the front looks like take a look they've already got it all fenced up this happened a little after 10 o'clock last night neighbors. Tell us that a couple live, here and, they were able to get out of this house safely. Thank, goodness and they were able to try to grab as much as they could.

Before, Firefighters. Doused. It with doused the flames with water from. The sky you can tell that the entire roof of the house is, perhaps. Is obliterated. Basically. It's it's gone and so. Neighbors. Tell us that the couple did come over. Earlier. This morning to, try and look for their four cats, so, it's just the couple that live in this house and their four cats and were told that these cats have never gone, up outside, there are indoor cats and so. They. Can't find their cats and they're very worried about them so, that's kind of the concern, now, as. Far as we know the, the. Building, hasn't been inspected, yet so they're, told that they can't go back inside until, it's been inspected. Neighbors. Tell us this. Lightning, strike and the thunder and the, impact was heard all over this neighborhood, streets. Houses, on streets, that are one or two streets. Away people. Who live in those houses far away even heard heard, the impact is just this loud boom one. Neighbor tells me that even her house shook. A little when. When this house was hit by lightning so. Once, again the the couple that live here were, able to get out safely. Right, now neighbors are, looking for the couple's four cats who, hopefully. Are just inside hiding somewhere, and. We're waiting to see to, hear from the gilbert fire department, about how, much damage, this. Lightning strike caused but, unfortunately. It looks like this, house is pretty much totaled, the entire roof pretty much is is gone. And so the good news though the couple did was. Able to get out safely and. Hopefully those cats their four cats are ok, and just hiding back, people are no. Quick question I know you've been talking to neighbors and me and Ron just mentioned it earlier when, you look at how close, this house is to other neighboring, houses are, people out there just saying wow so fortunate, that this wasn't my house. Yeah. That we were told that the neighbor behind this house thought it was his house and immediately called, 911. Just. Kind of shocked really. Just amazed at the power of Mother Nature, and the fact that no. Other houses were hit but. Unfortunately. This, house is a total loss and and thankfully. The people that live there got out safely. All, right Nicole Garcia, there on the scene thanks so much for that live update taking you back out now it's the sky fox footage from earlier, this morning just a powerful. Frightening. Monsoon, storm for many it may have woken people, up it may have kept them up from falling asleep and, it, wasn't the only one, across, the valley, unfortunately. Marcie Jones was in Chandler. At the location, of a another, house fire and had this report for us. You. This, really cool event a Carmen, well. Troy that's exactly, what the homeowner, Tony told us that he thought, it was this morn this, morning and actually late last night and that's what all the neighbors thought as well they kind of had a collection. Of people out here trying to figure out exactly what, caused this but, that's actually, not the case according to, MCSO. They believe that this was started, by something else because at this time they haven't found any evidence that, points, to that right now but firefighters, here. In Chandler were battling, this house fire near Queen. Creek and Cooper. Roads overnight, and it got pretty. Intense and, Tony told us had started on the carport, now the house caught. Fire during. Last night's monsoon. Tony, said that they were outside, looking, at the rain kind of admiring the Lightning listening, to the Thunder we know it got a little crazy out here for a while and then a few minutes later they. Went inside and, then. His wife actually alerted, him and said Tony the carports. On fire, so, this, you know back out here live you can see this is the aftermath, of it lots. Of damage to the house a big, hole, in the roof out here so, Tony. Is in really.

Good Spirits right now I would say for somebody who you. Know it's kind of waking up to this mess, this morning but he said you know the most important, thing obviously is that nobody was hurt all the animals, they, have a lot of them and his. Wife is ok so that's definitely, the. Silver lining here but it's a lot of cleanup to kind of get. At this morning, yeah. I'm no fire inspector, Marci but if you've got a carport, that caught fire and, there's no burned car underneath it or anything else that I mean that fire definitely, started right there I mean that that does look like a lightning strike doesn't it. Yes, I mean you know I've suffered investigate. These scenes, too. Often, but as, far as the, PIO. On this case he's saying that right now there's no evidence that points to lady that's really what the homeowner says he feels in, his gut. Concept. Yeah. All. Right that was Marcy Jones this morning, at one of several house fires that, we had across the valley I want to get to a little bit lighter happier, news now you just, saw Carmen, blackwell come up on the screen so we might as well go to that story right the Phoenix Suns and, mercury, helping. Some special, kids go back to school this, was on this morning's, AZ am, so. Let's watch Phoenix. Tones are visiting a valley school this morning helping the ki

2018-08-09 18:02

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Here’s a novel idea, let’s make everyone in politics take a lie detector test. I can see them scrambling now, a lot of them would quit immediately. Start with the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches and let’s see what happens. The American Free Press could print out the results. Heaven knows the MSM wouldn’t touch the Dems/Liberals at all. Print the news, don’t make it up. When does defamation of character play a part in the clean up process. Fake News should be taken to court immediately. Second offense means they lose there license. This is hard ball folks, no more petty games. Gitmo can make reservations immediately, let’s do it.

Hillary did this some time ago and made around a 100 grand nothing was done .

Some people just should not have a license

president trump is a great president vote republican live a happy life if u vote democrat live like a lowlife and nobody likes lowlifes hahahahahahahaha


Lyn Shilen MAGA TRUMP 2020

It's a comedy to me that the government branches weren't investigating themselves until Trump became president. And he was a comedian.

No amount of LIES can change the Truth!! It's a Comedy to us that RaNdoM a paid PUPPET TROLL!! and very UNEDUCATED!! He believe his WEAK!! words have any Power or truth to make a different LOL!! his full of HATE for HIMSELF.. His HATE has NOTING to do with TRUMP.. He was already a carrier of CARCER long before TRUMP come alone . He HATE HIMSELF for being a failure and WEAK. He cant stand too see a REAL MAN with balls older then him kicking ass and cleaning up corruption.. He need to take good look at himself before judging others What a MORON... Trump the Genius Chess Player fooling them all with their own lies.. Bring down the all the MEDIA, the Giant most powerful Techs that think their GOD.. Facebook, Google, Twitter etc.. and ending the SWAMP LIZARDS of the world child trafficking control of the people and out lives.. Exposed the Truth to the world.. Having a positive effect on other country leaders and millions of people around the globe.. No one can touch him. All the CLOWNS that have tried have fallen LOL that what the GULITY ones hate Trump the most BRAVE man on the plat and a ENUIS POKER PLAYER his always step ahead of the clowns!!! and the only MAN that has been able to drive the BABY KILLER SWAMP LIZARD's, and the CABAL and the FAKE MEDIA CARAZY and Scared. They are all working over time 24/7 365 they are his biggest followers they can't sleep his always on their minds.. They know their names are in the IG REPORT and not can change the fact's and truth!!! TRUMP HAS ALWAYS BEEN A WINNER!!

You just weren't paying attention, it's been going on forever.

JEEZ!! If Hitlary Clinton did insider trading back in the late '70's and it was just called a "controversy" and was not even investigated, then this guy should be ok. OOOOPS, he's a Republican. We all know of the communist left DOUBLE STANDARDS

RaNdoM- -ThoUghTs MAGA TRUMP 2020

Helicopter rides!!!!!

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