First Trump-Biden presidential debate moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace

First Trump-Biden presidential debate moderated by Fox News' Chris Wallace

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Now. Good evening, from the health education. Campus, of case western reserve, university. And the cleveland, clinic. I'm chris wallace, of fox news and i welcome you to the first of the 2020. Presidential, debates. Between president, donald j trump. And former vice president, joe biden. This debate is sponsored, by the commission, on presidential, debates. The commission, has designed the format. Six, roughly. 15, minute segments. With two-minute, answers from each candidate, to the first question. Then open discussion, for the rest, of each segment. Both campaigns, have agreed, to these rules. For the record, i decided the topics. And the questions, in each topic. I can assure you none of the questions, has been shared with the commission. Or the two candidates. This debate is being conducted, under health and safety, protocols. Designed by the cleveland, clinic. Which is serving as the health security, advisor. To the commission, for all four debates. As a precaution, both campaigns, have agreed, the candidates. Will not shake hands, at the beginning, of tonight's debate. The audience here in the hall has promised to remain, silent, no cheers. No boos, or other interruptions. So we and more importantly, you. Can focus on what the candidates, have to say. No noise except, right now. As we welcome the republican, nominee, president, trump. And the democratic, nominee. Vice president. Biden. There you go. Man. Gentlemen. A lot of people have been waiting, for, this night so let's get going, our first subject, is the supreme, court. President, trump you nominated, amy, coney barrett over the weekend, to. Succeed. The late. Ruth bader ginsburg. On the court. You say the constitution. Is clear, about your obligation. And the senate's. To consider. A nominee to the court, vice president, biden, you say that this is an effort by the president, and republicans. To jam through an appointment, and what you call. An abuse of power my first question, to both of you tonight, why are you right, in the argument you make, and your opponent, wrong, and. Where do you think. A justice, barrett, would take the court. President trump in this first segment you go first, two minutes, thank you very much chris i will tell you very simply we won the election. Elections, have consequences. We have the senate, we have the white house, and. We have a phenomenal. Nominee. Respected, by all. Top top academic. Good in every way good in every way, in fact, some of her biggest. Endorsers. Are very liberal people. From notre dame and other places, so i think she's going to be fantastic, we have plenty of time.

Even If we did it after the election, itself i have a lot of time after the election as you know, so i think that, she will be outstanding. She's going to be. As good as anybody, that has served on that court we really feel that, we have a professor, at notre dame highly respected, by all said she's the single greatest. Student he's ever had he's been a professor, for a long time at a great school. And, we just, we won the election, and therefore we have the right. To choose her, and very few people, knowingly. Would say otherwise and by the way the democrats. They wouldn't even think about not doing it if they had the only difference is they'd try and do it faster. There's no way they would give it up. They had merit garland, but the problem, is they didn't have the election, so, they were stopped. And probably, that would happen, in reverse, also definitely, would happen in reverse. So we won the election, and we have the right to do it chris. President, trump thank you, um. Same question to you vice president biden, you have two minutes. Well first of all, um. Thank you for, doing this and, looking forward to this mr president. I uh. The american people. Have a right, to have a say in who the supreme court nominee, is and that say, occurs. When they vote for a united states senators. And when they vote for the president united states. They're not going to get that chance now because we're in the middle of an election already. Election, has already started. Tens of thousands of people have already voted. And so the thing that should happen, is we should wait. We should wait and see what the outcome of this election is, because that's the only way the american people get to express. Their view. Is by who they elect as president and who they elect as vice president. Now. What's at stake here is the president's made it clear. He wants to get rid of the affordable, care act. He's been running on that, he ran on that and he's been governing, on that. He's in the supreme court right now trying to get rid of. The the affordable, care act. Which uh will strip, 20 million people. From, having. Insurance, health insurance, now, if if they if it goes into court. And. And uh the justice, and i have nothing, i'm not opposed to the justices, she seems like a very fine person. But she's written before she went in the bench which is her right, that she thinks that the, affordable, care act is not constitutional. The other thing is on the court and if, it's struck down what happens. Women's rights are fundamentally, changed. Once again. A woman could be helped, pay more money because she has a pre-existing, condition of pregnancy. We were able to, they were able to charge a woman more for the same exact procedure, amanda. Gets. And that ended. When we in fact passed the affordable, care act. And there's a hundred million people have pre-existing, conditions. And they'll be taken away as well. Those pre-existing, conditions. Insurance companies are going to love this, and so it's just not appropriate. To do this before. This election. If he wins, the election, and the senate is democrat, a republican. Then he goes forward if not we should wait until february. There aren't a hundred million people with pre-existing. Conditions. As far as the say is concerned the people already had their say, they. Okay, justice, ginsburg, said very powerfully, very strongly. At some point. Ten years ago or so. She said a president, and the senate. Is elected, for a period of time but a president is elected for four years we're not elected for three years i'm not elected for three years. So we have the senate we have a president, elected to the next during, that period of time, during that period of time. We have, an opening. I'm not elected for three years i'm elected for four years, and 100 million people, jill, the hundred million people is totally wrong i don't know where you got that number. The bigger problem that you have. Is that you're going to extinguish. 180. Million people with their, private health care that they're very happy that's simply not true well you said no you're going to socialist, now you're going to socialize. We're now under gentlemen we're now into open. Open discussion, discussion, yes i agree, go ahead vice president number one uh. He he knows that uh what i proposed. What i proposed, is that uh, we expand, obamacare. And we increase it we do not, wipe any and, one of the big debates we had with 23. Of my colleagues, trying to win the nomination, that i won, were saying that biden wanted to allow, people to have private insurance, still.

They Can, they do, they will under my proposal, not what you've said right and it's not what that party is saying that is simply the party doesn't say your party wants to go socialist. Party is, socialist, right now, i am they're gonna dominate, you joe you know that i am the democratic. Party right now, the platform, of the democratic, party, is what i, in fact, approved, of what i approved of, now here's the deal, the deal is that, it's going to wipe out pre-existing, conditions and by the way, the 20, the 200, million the 200, 000 people that have died on his watch. They're, how many of those, and have survived. Well there's seven million people that contracted, covet. What does it mean for them going forward if you strike down, the affordable, care act joe you've had 308. 000, military, people dying because you couldn't provide them proper health care in the military, so don't tell me i'm happy to talk about that and if you were here you wouldn't be 200, it would be 2 million people, because you were very late on the draw, you didn't want me to ban china, which was heavily infected. You didn't want me to ban, all right, gentlemen. Which was heavily, president you would have been much later, mr prime minister later mr president you're talking about two million people you're not president, as a moderator. We're going to talk about covet in the next segment but go ahead let me finish, the point is that the president, also. Is opposed, to roe v wade. That's on the ballot as well in the court, in the court. And so that's also at stake, right now, and so the election, is all, you know it's on the ballot. Why is it in the ballot. Because. It's not on the ballot, it's on the ballot in the court i think so in the court, well there's nothing happening, there. Donald would you don't know her, view, on, roe v wade i don't know. Well all right let's, all right let's talk i would. We got a lot to unpack here gentlemen we got a lot of time so. Uh on healthcare. And then we'll come back to roe v wade, all right mr president, the supreme court will hear. A case, a week after the election. In which the trump administration. Along with 18, state attorneys, general. Are seeking to overturn. That's right obamacare, to end obamacare, you have spent the last year because, they want to give good healthcare, if i may ask, questions, sir, good health care, over, uh the last four years you have promised. To repeal, and replace, obamacare. But you have never in these four years. Come up with a plan. A comprehensive. Plan to replace. Obamacare. Of course i have, well i'll get rid of the individual.

I'm Going to give you excuse me i got rid of the individual, mandate which was a big joke. That is absolutely. A big thing that was the worst part of obamacare. Chris yeah that was the worst part about that let me ask my question, i'll ask joe. My individual, mandate, was the most unpopular. Aspect, of obamacare, i got rid of it, we will protect, the president, i'm the moderator, of this debate. And i would like you to let me ask my question, and then you can answer. You in the course of these four years have never come up with a comprehensive. Plan. To replace. Obamacare. And. Just this last thursday. You. Signed, a largely, symbolic. Executive, order, to protect, people. With, pre-existing. Conditions. Five days before this debate, so my question sir is what is the trump, healthcare, plan, well first of all i guess i'm debating you not him but that's okay i'm not surprised, let me just tell you something, that, there's nothing symbolic. I'm cutting drug prices, i'm going with favored nations, which no president, has the courage to do because you're going against big pharma. Drug prices will be coming down 80 or 90 percent, you could have done it during your 47, year period in government but you didn't do it, nobody's, done it so we're cutting health care, all of the things that. I'll give we've done example, insulin. It's going to it was destroying, families, destroying, people the cost, i'm getting it for so cheap. It's like, water, you want to know the truth so cheap, take a look at all of the drugs that what we're doing prescription, drug prices, we're going to allow our governors now to go to other countries, to buy drugs because. They pay just a tiny fraction, this is an open discussion. Sir you'll be happy, i'm about to pick up on one of your points, to ask the vice president, which is he points out, that you would like to add a public, option. To obamacare. And the argument, that he makes, and other republicans. Make. Is that that is going to end private. Insurance. It will end private insurance, and create a government takeover, of healthcare it does not it's only for those people who are so poor they qualify, for medicaid. They can get that free. In most states except governors who want to deny, people or poor, medicaid. Anyone who qualifies, for medicare would. Mean. Medicaid, would automatically. Be enrolled, in the public option. The vast majority, of the american people would still, not be, in, that option, number one so you agree, with bernie sanders. Far left, on the manifesto. We call it man that gives you socialized, medicine, look hey are you still not gonna, listen to him the fact of the matter is i beat bernie sanders. Not very much i, beat him a whole hell of a lot i'm here i'm here standing facing you the hunters, would have, left two days early you would have lost every price well he knows how to support tuesday, you've got to look very low here's the deal, i got very lucky i'm getting very lucky tonight as well. And tonight i'm going to make sure because. Here's the deal, here's the deal, the fact is that everything he's saying so far is simply a lie i'm not here to call out his lies everybody knows he's a liar but you i just want him to tell you that i i i i want to make sure, you did last in your class not first of all.

Oh God, i want to make sure president can you let him finish sir no he doesn't know how to do that. He has, you know surprised. You picked a surprise guys the wrong guy the wrong night at the wrong time listen you agreed with her, sanders said the message. There is no manifesto. Number please let him speak mr number two he just lost the left number two i i, you just lost the left. You agreed, with bernie sanders, on a plan. Absolutely. Yeah. They call it. Socialized, medicine, mr president tell you what, he is not, for. Any, help for people, needing, health care, because. His, because, he in fact, already. Has cost 10 million people their health care, that they had from their employers. Because of his recession. Number one number two, there are 20, million people, getting health care through obamacare, now that he wants to take it away. He won't ever, look in an eye and say that's what he wants to do, take it away oh i want to give numbers better health care at a much lower price because. Go ahead sir obamacare. Is no good we made it better and i had a choice to make very early on we took away the individual, mandate. We guarantee, pre-existing, conditions, but took away the individual, mandate. Listen this is the way it is, and that destroyed. That they shouldn't even call it obamacare. Then i had a choice to make do i let my people run it really well. Or badly, if i run it badly they'll probably blame him but they'll blame me but more importantly i want to help people, okay, i said you got to run it so well that's amazing and i just had a meeting with them they said the problem is no matter how well, you run obamacare. It's a disaster. It's too expensive. Premiums, are too high that it doesn't work. We do want to get rid of it. I have to give you roughly, equal time, please. Let the vice president talk. He has no plan for health care, of course we do sends, please, he sends out. Wishful, thinking he has executive, orders have no, power, he hasn't lowered drug costs for anybody he's been promising, a health care plan, since he got elected, he has none, like almost, everything, else he talks about. He does, not have a plan. He doesn't have a plan. And the fact is this man doesn't know what he's talking about all right. I have one final question for you sure, uh mr vice president. If senate republicans. We were talking originally, about the supreme court here, if senate republicans. Go ahead. And confirm. Justice, barrett. There has been talk, about ending the filibuster. Or even packing the court, adding, to the nine justices, there, you call this a distraction, by the president but in fact it wasn't brought up by the president. It was brought up by some of your democratic. Colleagues, in i'm saying the congress, so my question to you is you have refused, in the past to talk about it are you willing to tell the american people tonight. Whether or not you will support, either ending the filibuster. Or. Packing the course whatever position, i take in that that'll become the issue the issue is the american people should speak. You should go out and vote. You're in voting now, vote and let your senators, know how strongly, you feel. Let, vote now. Make sure you in fact, let people know. You're a senator. I'm not going to answer the question because you answered that because the question is, the question is. Radical, left. We have ended this segment we're going to move on to the second segment, that was really a productive, segment wasn't it. Keep yapping man the people understand, yeah. 47, years you've done nothing they understand, all right. The second, subject. Is coveted 19, which is an awfully serious subject, so. Let's try to be serious about it we have had, more than seven, million, cases, of coronavirus. In the united states and more than 200. 000 people. Have died, even. After we produce. A vaccine, experts, say that it could be months, or even years. Before, we come back to anything. Approaching. Normal. My question. For both of you is based on what you have said. And done so far, and what you have said you would do starting in 2021. Why should the american, people trust you, more than. Your opponent. To deal with this. Public health crisis going forward, in this case.

The Question, goes to you first sir, two minutes uninterrupted. Good luck. Two hundred thousand, dead, as you said over seven million infected in the united states. We in fact have. Five percent or four percent of the world's population. Twenty percent of the deaths. Forty, thousand, people, a day, are contracting, covet. In addition to that. About between, seven fifty and a thousand people today are dying. When he was presented with that number he said it is, what it is. Well it is what it is because you are who you are. That's why it is, the president, has, no, plan. He hasn't laid out anything. He knew, all the way back in february, how serious this, crisis, was. He knew it was a deadly, disease. What did he do. He's on tape is acknowledging, he knew it he said he didn't tell us or give people a warning of it because he didn't want to panic the american people. You don't panic. He panicked. In addition to that what did he do, he went in and he we were insisting, that the chinese. The people we had on the ground in china should be able to go to wuhan, and determine, for themselves. How dangerous, this was. He did not even ask she to do that, he told us what a great job she was doing, he said we owe him a debt of gratitude. For being so, transparent. With us, and what did he do then, he then, did nothing. He waited and waited and waited he still doesn't have a plan. I laid out back in march. Exactly, what we should be doing. And i laid out again in july. What we should be doing, we should be providing, all the, protective, gear possible we should be providing, the money the house has passed, in order to be able to go out, and get people the help they need to keep their businesses, open, open schools that cost a lot of money. You should get out of your bunker, and get out of the sand trap and get in in your golf course and go in the oval office and bring together the democrats, and republicans, and fund what needs to be done now to save, lives. So if we would have listened to you up two minutes sir. If we would have listened to you.

The Country would have been left wide open, millions, of people would have died not 200, 000 and one person is too much it's china's fault it should have never happened. They stopped it from going in but it was china's fault, and by the way when you talk about numbers you don't know how many people died in china, you don't know how many people died in russia, you don't know how many people died in india they don't exactly give you a straight count just so you understand. But if you look at what we've done i closed, it and you said he's xenophobic. He's a racist, and he's xenophobic. Because you didn't think i should have closed our country, wait a minute it says two minutes you didn't think we should have closed our country because you thought it was too, it was terrible. You wouldn't have closed it for another two months, by my doing it early in fact dr fauci said. President, trump, saved, thousands, of lives, many of you a democrat, governor, said. President, trump did a phenomenal. Job we worked with the governor oh really go take a look. The governor, said i did a phenomenal, job most of them said that, in fact, people that would not be necessarily. On my side, said that. President, trump did a phenomenal, job, we did, we got the gowns we got the masks, we made the ventilators, you wouldn't have made ventilators. And now we're weeks away from a vaccine. We're doing therapeutics. Already. Fewer people are dying when they get sick, far fewer people are dying, we've done a great job, the only thing i haven't done a good job and that's because of the fake news, no matter what you say to them they give you a bad press on it's just fake news, they give you good press, they give me bad press, because that's the way it is unfortunately, but let me just tell you something i don't care i've gotten used to it but i'll tell you joe you could never have done the job that we did you don't have it in your blood you could have never done that yet. I know how to do the job. I know how to get the job well you didn't do very well in swine flu. H1n1. You were a disaster, your own children. 14, 000 people died not two hundred thousand there was no, economic, recession, sure you made up there. Was no way. You made a point. And there was no one, there's no we didn't shut down the economy. This is his economy, that's being he shut down, the reason it's shut down is because. Look, you folks at home how many of you got up this morning. And had an empty chair at the kitchen table, because someone died of covet. How many of you were in a situation, where you lost your, mom or dad and you couldn't even speak to them you had a nurse holding a phone up, so you could in fact say goodbye would have lost father how many people, far more people, than you would have been and by the way. His own cdc, director, says, we could lose as many as another. 200, 000 people between now and the end of the year, and he held him he said if we just wear a mask we can save, half those numbers, just just a mask. And by the way, in terms of the the whole notion of a vaccine. We're for a vaccine, but we i don't trust him at all nor do you i know you don't well we trust as a scientist, you don't trust dr, johnson. By the way gentlemen. Let me let me move on to. Questions about the future because you both have touched on one of the, two of the questions, i'm going to ask uh. Focusing on the future first president trump. You have repeatedly. Either contradicted. Or been at odds with some of your government's, own top scientists, the week before last. The head of the centers for disease control dr redfield said it would be. Summer. Before, the vaccine. Would become generally, available. To, the public, you said that he was confused. And mistaken, those were your two words. But. Dr slowly, the head of your operation, worf speed, has said exactly the same thing are they both wrong well i've spoken to the companies, and we can have it a lot sooner it's a very political, thing because people like this, would rather make it political, than save lives.

It Is a very political, thing, i've spoken, to, pfizer, i've spoken to all of the people that you have to speak to we have great, moderna. Johnson, and johnson, and others, they can go faster than that by a lot. Become very political, because, the left or i don't know if i call it, i don't know what the head of your operation, warp speed doctor i disagree with him yeah no i disagree, with both of them and he didn't say that he said it could be there but it could also be much, i had him in my office two days, he talked about the summer sir before it's generally, available. She said it's a possibility. That we'll have. The answer. Before. November, first, it could also be, generally available. Well we're going to deliver it right away we have the military, all set up logistically. They're all set up, we have our military, that delivers, soldiers. And they can do two hundred thousand, a day, they're going to be this is the same man, it's all set up, by easter, this would be gone away. By the warm weather it'd be gone miraculous. Like a miracle. And by the way maybe you could inject some bleach in your arm and that would take care of it this is the same way you said sarcastic. That was you know that i would've said sarcasm, so here's the deal. This man is talking about a vaccine. Every serious. Every serious, company is talking about, maybe having a vaccine. Done, by the end of the year but the distribution, of that vaccine, will not occur until sometime, beginning, or the middle of next year to get it out, if we get the vaccine. And pray god we will. May god mr vice president i want to pick up though. I want to pick up on this question though you say the public. Can trust the scientists, but they can't trust president trump in fact you said that again tonight, your running mate senator harris, goes further. Saying the public health experts, quote. Will be muzzled. Will be suppressed. Given the fact that polls, already, show. That, people are concerned, about the vaccine, and are reluctant, to take it. Are you and your running mate senator harris contributing, to that fear, no more than the question you just asked him you pointed out, he puts pressure, and disagrees. With, his own scientist. But you're saying. Harris is saying he can't trust the son well no no you can't trust a scientist. He does she didn't say that you can't just she said the public health experts. Will be muzzled. Will be suppressed, well. That's what he's going to try to do but there's millions of scientists there's thousands, of scientists, out there, like here at this great hospital. That don't, work for him, their job doesn't depend, on him, that's not. They're the people, there and by the way to the scientists, that are in charge by the way they will have the vaccine, very soon. Do you believe, for a moment. What he's telling you in light of all the lies he's told you about. The whole, issue relating, to covet. He still hasn't even acknowledged. That he knew, this was happening, knew how dangerous, was going to be, back in february. And he didn't, even, tell you, he's on record, as saying it he panicked, or he just looked at the stock market, one of the two, because guess what, a lot of people died. And a lot more going to die unless he gets a lot smarter, a lot quicker, mr president. Did you use the word smart. Uh, so you said you went to delaware, state but you forgot the name of your college. You didn't go to delaware, state you graduated. Either the lowest or almost the lowest in your class don't ever use the word smart with me, don't ever use that word oh give me your because you know what, there's nothing smart about you joe 47, years you've done this let's add this to ben you would have had let me just tell you something joe. If you would have had. The charge. Of what i was put through i had to close the greatest, economy, in the history of our country, and by the way now it's being built again you see here we're going to get to the economy in the next segment sir okay. It's going up fast okay. When it comes to how the virus, has been handled. So far. The two of you have taken very different approaches, and this is going to affect. How the virus. Is handled going forward by. Whichever, of you ends up becoming the next president, i want to quickly go through several of those reopenings. Vice president biden you have been much more reluctant, than president, trump. About reopening. The economy, and schools, why sir because he doesn't have a plan if i were running i know how what the plan is you've got to provide, these, businesses, the ability, to have the money to be able to reopen with the ppe.

As Well as with the sanitation. They need you have to provide them, pelosi. Well he's just shushed for a minute, tell it to yes. Nancy pelosi, and schumer, they have a plan. He won't even meet with them the republicans, won't meet with the senate, but he he sits he sits on his golf course and i mean literally think about it you probably played more than i do jim. What about this question of reopenings. And the fact that he wants to shut down this country. And i want to keep it open, and we did a great job. Wait a minute, let me shut you down for a second joe just for one second. We want to. He wants to shut down the country, we just went through it we had to because we didn't know anything about the disease now we found, that elderly, people with heart problems, and, diabetes. And different problems, are, very very vulnerable, we learned a lot young children, aren't. Even younger people aren't we've learned a lot, but he wants to shut it down. More people, will be hurt, by continuing, if you look at pennsylvania. If you look at certain states, that have been shut down they have democrat, governors, all, one of the reasons they're shut down is because they want to keep it shut down until after the election. November. Because i wanted to go to another thing. But in those states. Those states, are not doing. You have begun. To. Increasingly. Question, the effectiveness. Of masks, as a disease, preventer. And in fact recently you have cited. The issue of of waiters, touching their mass and touching plates. Are you, questioning, that no i think they're passionate. You have to understand if you look i mean i have a mask right here i put a mask on it you know when i think i need it, tonight as an example, everybody's, had a test and you've had, social distancing, and all of the things that you have to but i wear masks, when needed, when needed i wear a mask okay let me ask i don't have i don't wear mess like him every time you see him he's got a mask he could be speaking. 200, feet away from it he shows up with the biggest mask i've ever seen. I will say. Vice president biden go ahead sir. Look. The way to open businesses. Is give them the wherewithal, to be able to open. We provided, money, the congress i was asking a sir about masks, well mask, must make a big difference his own, head of cdc, said if we just wore mass between now, if, everybody wore masks in social distance between now and january. We'd probably save up to a hundred, thousand, lives. It matters, and they've also said the opposite, they've also said no no serious person said the opposite. No, well look seriously. Dr fauci said that he did it. We got very strong a minute left and then there's.

Are Not good, then he changed his mind he said that's good, i'm okay with masks i want to ask you both about one last, subject because. Your different approaches, has even affected the way that you have campaigned. President, trump you're holding, large rallies. With crowds packed together, thousands, of people, say. Outside, yes sir agreed. Uh vice president, biden you are holding, much smaller. Uh events, with nobody will show up people with math. What's true nobody shows up to israel, all right in any case why you holding the big rallies, why you not, you goes first sir, because people. Want to hear what i have to say i mean what are you doing. And i'll have 25, 35, 000 people show up at airports. We use airports, are you. We have a lot of people. Well so far we have had no problem whatsoever, it's outside that's a big difference according to the. Experts. And we do them outside we have tremendous. Crowds. As you see i mean every, and and, literally on 24, hours notice. And joe does the circles and has three people someplace, okay by the way did you just did you, one of the last big rallies he has. And a reporter came up to him to ask him a question he said no no no, stand back. Put on your mask, put on a mask, have you been tested. I'm way, i'm way far away from those other people. That's what he said, i can't i'm going to be okay. He's not worried about you he's not worried about the people out there breathing in one, no negativity to jail. No negative effect, we've had no negative effect and we've had 35, 40 thousand right people wanted, israelis, just quickly finish up because i want to move on to our next yes i would he's been totally irresponsible. The way in which he has handled. The social distancing. And people wearing masks, basically encourage, them not to, all right ben he's a fool, if you could get the crowds, you would have done the same thing but you can't nobody can gentlemen can we move on to the appearance, gentlemen, can we move on to the economy, yes the, economy. Is i think it's fair to say recovering. Faster, than expected, from the shutdown. Much faster, in the second quarter the unemployment. Rate fell to 8.4. Last month. The federal reserve, says the hit, to, growth which is going to be there, is not going to be nearly as big as they had, expected. President trump you say we are in a v-shaped. Recovery. Vice president biden you say it's more of a k-shape. What difference. Does that, mean. To the american, people in terms of the economy, president trump in this, segment you go first. So we built the greatest economy, in history, we closed it down because of the china plague, when the plague came in we closed it down which was very hard. Psychologically. To do he didn't think we should close it down and he was wrong. And again, 2 million people would be dead now instead of, still 204. 000 people is too much one person is too much, should have never happened from china, but what happened is, we closed it down and now we're reopening, and we're doing record, business. We had 10.4. Million people in a four-month, period that we've, put back into the workforce. That's a record the likes of which nobody's, ever seen before, and he wants to close down the he will shut it down again, he will destroy this country, you know a lot of people between, drugs, and alcohol, and depression. When you start shutting it down you take a look at what's happening at some of your democrat-run. States where they have these, tough shutdowns. And i'm telling you it's because, they don't want to open it one of them came out last week you saw that, oh we're going to open up on november, 9th why november, 9th because it's after the election. They think they're hurting us. By keeping them closed, they're hurting people. People know what to do they can social, distance, they can wash their hands they can wear masks, they can do whatever they want but they got to open these states up, when you look at north carolina, when you look and these governors, are under siege, pennsylvania. Michigan, and a couple of others, you've got to open these states up it's not fair you're talking about almost it's like being in prison. And you look at what's going on with divorce. Look at what's going on with alcoholism. And drugs, it's a very very sad thing, and he'll close down the whole country, this guy will close down the whole country, and destroy, our country. Our country is coming back incredibly. Well, setting records, as it does it we don't need somebody to come in and say let's shut it down, all right, you're two minutes sir we're now moved to you. As i as i said posing the question, the president says it's a v-shape, recovery you say it's a k-shaped. Recovery.

What's The difference the difference, is. Millionaires, and billionaires, like him in the middle of the cover crisis. Have done very well. Another. Billionaires, of ray have, made another 300. Billion dollars. Because of his profligate, tax. Proposal, and, he only focused on the market. But you folks at home. You folks living in scranton and claymont, and all the small towns and working-class, towns in america. How old are you doing. This guy paid, well total of 750. In taxes. I understand you've agreed to the two minutes so please let him have it do i get my time back. The fact is that, he has in fact worked on this in a way that he's going to be the first president united states. To leave office. Having fewer, jobs. In his administration. Than when he became, president. Fewer jobs, than when he became friends first one in american history. Secondly. The people who have, lost their jobs, are those people who have been on the front lines. Those people who have been saving our lives those people who have been out there dying. People who've been putting themselves, in the way to make sure, that we could all, try to make it and the idea, that he is insisting. That we, go forward, and open when you have, almost half the states in america with a significant, increase. In covert deaths and covert, cases, in the united states america, and he wants to open it up more, why does he want to open it up why doesn't he take care of the america, you can't fix the economy. Until, you fix the covet crisis, and he has no intention, of doing anything about making it better, for you all at home, in terms of your health and your safety, schools. Why are schools, open, because it costs a lot of money to open them safely, you know. They were going to give his administration, going to give the teachers and school students, masks, and then they decided, no, couldn't do that because it's not a national, emergency. Not a national emergency. They've done nothing to help, small businesses. Nothing, they're closing. One in six is now gone. He ought to get, on the job, and take care of the needs of the american, people, so we can't open safe all right your time is up sir we are going to get to i have to respond to that well you both had two minutes sir, excuse me he made a statement. So did people want their schools, no people want their schools open, they don't want to be shut down they don't want their state shut down they want their restaurants, i look at new york it's so sad what's happening in new york it's almost like a ghost town and i'm not sure it can ever recover, what they've done in new york, people want their places, open, they want to get back to their lives people, they'll be careful. But they want their schools. I'm the one that brought back football, by the way i brought back big 10 football. It was me, and, i'm very happy to do it and all right people of ohio, are very proud of me and you're not going to get about that. We're going to get to your economic, plans, going forward in a moment but first mr president. As you well know there's a new report, that in, 2016. The year you were elected president, in 2017. Your first year as president, that you paid. 750. A year, in federal, income, tax. Each of those years. I know that you pay. A lot of other taxes but i'm asking you the specific, question, is it true that you paid 750. Dollars. In federal. Income, taxes.

Each Of those two years i paid millions, of dollars, in taxes, millions, of dollars, of income tax. And let me just tell you, there was a story in one of the papers. I paid 38, million. One year, i paid 27, million show us your tax returns. I went. Uh you'll see it as soon as it's finished you'll see it you know if you want to do, go to the board of elections. There's a 118. Page or so report. That says everything, i have every bank i have i'm totally, under leveraged, because the assets are extremely, good, and we have a very, we have a i built it i'm asking you a specific, question which is let me tell you i understand, all of that. No mr president. I'm asking you a question. Will you tell us how much you paid in federal, income taxes. In 2016. And 2017.. Millions of dollars, you paid millions of dollars millions of dollars. Millions of dollars and you'll get to see it, and you'll get to see it but let me just tell you, chris let me just tell you something that. It was the tax laws, i don't want to pay tax. Before i came here, i was a private developer, i was a private business people, like every other private person unless they're stupid. They go through, the laws and that's what it is, he passed a tax bill, that gave us all these privileges. For depreciation. And for. Tax credits, we build the building and we get tax credits like the hotel, on pennsylvania, avenue you get a massive, which by the way was given to me by the obama. Administration. If you can believe that, now the man got fired no no right after that happened but why is president biden you want to respond, yeah i do want to respond. Look, the tax, code, that made him. The put him in a position, that he pays less tax than a school teacher. Makes. On the money a school teacher makes, is because, of, him take he says he's smart because he can take advantage, of the tax, code. And he does take advantage of the tax code that's why, i'm going to eliminate, the trump tax cuts, and we're going to we're going to eliminate those taxes. And make sure that we invest in the people who in fact, need the help. People, out there, need help but why didn't you do it over 20 in the last 25, years, because you weren't president. Because you weren't president, screwing things up you were a senator and you're the worst president, that america, has ever had. Let me just tell you joe i've done more in. In 47. Months i've done more than you've done in 47, years joe, we've done things that you never even thought about okay including, fixing the broken, military, that you gave me. Taking care of you, mr president we're talking about the economy i'd like to ask you about, your plans going forward. Because, mr vice president your economic, plan. If you were to be elected president. Focuses, a lot on big government, big taxes. Big spending, i want to focus first on the taxes. You proposed, more than four, trillion, dollars over a decade in new taxes. On, individuals, making more than four hundred thousand dollars a year and on, corporations. President, trump says that that kind of an increase, in taxes. Is going to hurt the economy, as it's just coming out of a recession, well just take a look at what as the, the analysis, has been on by wall street firms. Points out that, my. My economic, plan, would create, seven, million more jobs in his in four years number one, and number two. It would create, an additional, one trillion dollars in economic, growth because it would be about. Buying, american. That we have to we're going to make this federal government spend 600. Billion, a year on everything from, ships, to steel, to buildings, and the like. And under my proposal. We're going to make sure that every penny of that, has to be made. By, a company, respectively, so i'm talking about taxes not spending, well, by the way i'm going to eliminate. A significant, number of the tax i'm going to make the, the, the corporate tax 28. It shouldn't be 21. You have, 19, companies, 91, companies. Federal, i mean in the fortune 500, who don't pay a single penny in tax making billions of dollars why didn't you do it billions of dollars. Because, obama, because, you in fact, passed that, that was your tax proposal i got it done and you know what happened you got it down.

Mr President let me pick up on that you, would continue. Your free market, approach, lower taxes. More deregulation. Correct not lower taxes american people. But in but in obama's, you talk about the economy booming, it turns out that in obama's, final, three years as president. More jobs, were created, a million, and a half more jobs. Than in the first three years, of your presidency, they had the slowest. Recovery. Since ninth economic, recovery, since, 1929. It was the slowest. Recovery. Also. They took over something that was down here all you had to do was turn on the lights and you pick up a lot but they had the slowest, economic, recovery, since 1929. Let me tell you about the stock market. When the stock market goes up that means jobs, it also means 401ks. If you got in if you ever became president with your ideas you want to terminate my tax, my taxes, i i'll tell you what you'll lose, half of the companies, that have poured in here, will leave, and plenty of companies that are already here they'll leave for other places, have they will leave and you will have a depression, the likes, of which, you've never seen look. We inherited. The worst recession. Short of a depression, in american history, i was asked to bring it back, we were able to have an economic, recovery, that created the jobs you're talking about, we handed him a booming economy. He blew it it wasn't he blew it, he, wasn't booming, it was it was the weakest request. Is it fair to say he blew it when, in fact. When there was record on, low unemployment. Before covet, yeah but, because what he did even before covent, manufacturing. Went in the hole, manufacturing. Went nut whole excuse, me, number two, number three they said they would take no you were number two no. Chris, chris. They said, it would take a miracle. To bring back manufacturing. I brought back seven hundred thousand jobs, they brought back nothing they gave up on manufacturing. We did not stand it fair, i'm the guy he totally gave up on manufacturing. I was asked to bring back, chrysler, and general motors who brought him back right here in the state of ohio in michigan. He blew it they're gone, he blew it and in fact, they're gone ohio, had the best year it's ever had last year, michigan, had the best year they've ever had it's not any car companies, came in from germany from japan. Went to michigan, and went to ohio, they're not happening and they didn't come everywhere, mr vice president. And so you take a look at what he's actually done. He's done, very little his trade deals are the same way, he talks about these great trade deals, you know he talks about the art of the deal china has made perfected the art of the steel. We have a higher deficit with china now than we did before. We have the highest deficit trade deficit. And no wonder your son goes in and he takes out. He takes out, billions, of dollars. Takes out billions of dollars to manage he makes millions of dollars, and also. While we're at it, why is it just out of curiosity. The mayor of moscow's. Wife gave your son three and a half million dollars, what did he do to deserve it what did he do with. Baristas. President, please, totally, discredited. Totally discredited. And by the way well wait he didn't get three and a half million dollars joe mr vice president he got three of the president, in dollars. That is not true, really mr president. It's a it's an open discussion, please. It's a fact, well there's no who have raised an issue let the spencer, president answer. Discredited. 183. My son did nothing, wrong at barista i think he did mr president. He doesn't want to let me answer because he knows i have the truth. His position has been totally, thoroughly, discriminated. By everybody, well, by the media, by our allies. By the world bank. By everyone. As discredited. Matter of fact, matter.

Testified, Under oath in his administration. Said, i did my job and i did it very well, i did it i'd love to know who they are every well i'll give you the list of the people who tested it. They've you've already fired most of them because they did a good job some people don't know but here's. With you guys. Wait a minute you get the final word well it's hard to get any word in with this clown excuse me this hey let me just say dude no no i'm mr president. No that is simply, why did he deserve, three and a half million from moscow, look, here's the deal, we want to talk about, families. And ethics. I don't want to do that, i mean his family we could talk about all night his family's alright my family, let him get my family i lost a fortune, coming down and helping us with government, and that's such a right, mr president such a. That's not true it doesn't, want to talk about. What, you need, you, the american, people, it's about you, that's what we're talking about, all right that's the end, that's the end of the segment we're moving we're moving on, he didn't take them vice president. Can i be honest it's a very important try to be honest. No. The answer to the question is no, ukraine, no i sir with a billion dollars. You know what you're waiting not, true, you're doing it you're going to have that true, gentleman. I, hate to raise my voice. Why shouldn't i be different than the two of you, so here's the date good point, we have. Five six segments, we have ended that segment, we're going to go to the next segment, in that segment, you each are going to have two uninterrupted. Moments, in those two interrupted, minutes mr president you can say anything you want. I'm going to ask a question about race but if you want to answer about something else go ahead, but we, i think that the country would be better served. If we allowed, both people to speak, with fewer interruptions. I'm appealing to you sir to do that well and him too, well frankly you've been doing more interruptions, that's all right but he does plenty. Well less than, sir. No less than you have, let's, please continue, on. The issue of race vice president biden you say that, president. Trump's, response. To the violence, in charlottesville.

Three Years ago. When he talked about, very fine people, on both sides. Was what directly. Led you. To launch this run for president, oh yeah sure, president. Trump you, have often said that you believe you have done, more. For black americans, than any president with the possible, exception. Of abraham, lincoln my question for the two of you. Is why should voters, trust, you rather than your opponent. To deal with the race issues facing this country over the next four years, vice president, biden you go first. It's about equity. And equality. It's about, decency. It's about the constitution. And we have never walked away from. Trying to quite, require. Equity for everyone equality, for the whole of america. But, we've never accomplished, it but we've never, walked away from it like he has done, it is true the reason i got in the race is with those people close your eyes remember what those people look like coming out of the fields carrying torches. Their veins bulging. Spewing. Just spewing. Anti-semitic. Bile. And accompanied by the ku klux klan a young woman got killed. And they asked the president what he thought he said they were very. Fine, people on both sides. No, president has ever said anything, like that. It is, now, second sir, second point i'd make to you, is that when. Floyd, was killed when mr floyd was killed. There was a peaceful protest, in front of the white house. What did he do, he came out of his bunker, had the military. To use tear gas on him so he could walk across. To a church and hold up a bible. And then what happened, after that the bishop of that very church said, that it was the disgrace. The general who was with him said, he only all he ever wants to do is divide, people not unite, people at all, this is a president, who has used everything, as a dog whistle, to try to generate, racist. Hatred, racist, division. This is a man who in fact you talk about helping african americans. One in 1, 000, african americans, has been killed because, of the cona the coronavirus. And if he doesn't do something quickly by the end of the year, one in 500.

Will Have been killed, one in 500, african-americans. This man. This man. Is the as a savior of african americans. This man, cares at all. This man's done virtually, nothing. Look, the fact is that you have to look at what he talks about, you have to look at what he did and what he did has been disastrous. For the african-american. Community. So. President, trump you have two minutes, why should, americans. Trust you over, your, opponent to deal with racism get a crime bill, 1994. Where you call them, super predators. African, americans, the super predators, and they've never forgotten, it they've never forgotten it you've never seen no sir it's his two minutes so you did that and they called you a super predator, and i'm letting people out of jail now that you have treated, the african-american. Population. Community, you have treated the black community. About as bad as anybody, in this country you did the 1990. And that's why, if you look at the polls i'm doing better than any republican, has done in a long time, because they saw what you did, you call them, super predators. And you've called them worse than that, because you look back at your testimony, over the years you've called them a lot worse than that as far as the church is concerned. And as far as the generals are concerned. We just got the support of 200. Mil 250. Military, leaders, and generals. Total support. Law enforcement. Almost, every law enforcement. Group in the united, states i have florida, i have texas. I have, ohio. I have, every, excuse, me portland, the, sheriff just came out today and he said i support. President, trump i don't think you have any law enforcement, you can't even say the word law enforcement because if you say those words. You're going to lose all of your radical, left supporters. And why aren't you saying those words joe why don't you say the words law enforcement, because, you know what if they called us in portland, we would put out that fire in a half an hour but they won't do it because they're run by radical left democrats. If you look at chicago. If you look at any place you want to look seattle. They heard we were coming in the following, day and they put up their hands and we got back seattle. Minneapolis. We got it back joe because, we believe in law and order but you don't. The top 10 cities in just about the top 40 cities. Are, run by, democrats, and in many cases. Radical left and they've got you wrapped around their finger joe to a point where you don't want to say anything, about law and order, and i'll tell you what the people of this country. Want and demand. Law and order and you're afraid to even say it all right, i want to i want to return to the question, of race. Vice president biden, after the grand jury in the brianna. Taylor, case. Decided, not to charge any of the police. With homicide. You said it raises the question, quote. Whether, justice, could be equally, applied, in america, do you believe. That there is a separate, but unequal. System of justice, for blacks, in this country, yes there is there's just, there's just systemic. Injustice. In this country, in education, and work and in. In law enforcement. In the and the way in which it's enforced.

But Look, the vast majority of police officers are good decent honorable, men and women. They risk their lives every day to take care of us, but there are some bad apples and when they occur when they find them they have to be sorted, out they have to be held accountable. They have to be held accountable. And what i'm going to do as president united states is call, a a, together. An entire, group of people at the white house. Blow everything from the civil rights groups to the police officers, the police chiefs, and we're going to work this out, we're going to work this out so we change the way in which we have more transparency. In when these things happen, these cops aren't happy to see what happened to. George floyd, these. Cops aren't happy to see what happened to brianna, taylor. Most don't like it but we have to have a system, where people are held accountable. When and by the way, violence, and response, is never appropriate. Never appropriate. Peaceful, protest, is, violence, is never appropriate, right what is peaceful, protest, when they run through the medal of the town. I promise we're going to get to the issue of law and order. In a moment. This month, your administration. Uh directed, federal agencies, to end. Racial, sensitivity. Training. That addresses. White privilege, or critical, race theory. Why did you decide. To do that to end racial sensitivity. Training, and. Do you believe that there is systemic, racism, in this country sir, i ended it because it's racist, i ended it because a lot of people were complaining. That they were asked to do things that were absolutely. Insane. That it was a radical. Revolution, that was taking place, in our military. Uh in our schools. All over the place, and you know it and so does everybody, else. Totally racial. Sensitivity. Training if you were a certain person. You had no status, in life it was sort of a reversal. And if you look at the people we were paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars, to teach, very bad ideas, and frankly, very sick ideas, and and really, they were teaching, people to hate our country, and i'm not going to do that i'm not going to allow that to happen. We have to go back, to the core values, of this country, they were teaching, people, that our country, is a horrible, place it's a racist, place, and they were teaching people to hate our country. And i'm not going to allow that to happen vice president biden, nobody's, doing that he's just, he's the racist, you just don't here's the deal i know a lot more about. It. Fact is that. There is. Racial insensitivity. People have to be made aware. Of what other people feel like, what. What insults, them what is, demeaning, to them, it's important to people know they don't want to, many people don't want to hurt other people's feelings, but it's amazing it makes a big difference. It makes a gigantic, difference in the way a child, is able to grow up and have a self, a sense of self-esteem. It's a little bit like how, this guy and and his friends look down on so many people, they look down their nose on people like, irish catholics, like me and grow up in scranton they look down on people who don't have money they look down on people, who are of a different, faith they look down on people, who are a different color. In fact, we're all americans, the only way we're going to bring this country together. Is bring everybody, together there's nothing we cannot, do, if we do it together. We can take this on and we can defeat. Racism, president. I mean president trump sir during the obama. Biden, administration. There was tremendous, division. There was hatred, you look at. Ferguson, you look at, you go to very many places look at oakland look what happened in oakland look what happened in baltimore, look what happened or frankly it was more violent than what i'm even seeing now, but the reason.

This Is that the democrats. That run these cities. Don't want to talk like you about law and order violence you still haven't mentioned. Are you in favor of law and order i'm in favor of law you follow are you in favor of florida. You asked a question let him finish, in order. Let him, laugh an order with justice, where people get treated fairly. And the fact of the matter is violent crime went down, 17. 15. In our administration. It's gone up on his watch went down he's much more he has all right, we're not sure, mr president. Mr president, every. You're going to be very happy because we're not going to talk about law in order because we had trouble with, democratic-run. Cities, that's exactly, my question there has been a dramatic, increase, in homicides. In america. This, summer particularly. And you often blame that on democratic. Mayors and democratic, governors but in fact there have been, equivalent. Spikes. In republican-led. Cities like tulsa, and fort worth. So the question is is this really a party issue. I think it's a party issue you can bring in a couple of examples, but if you look at chicago, what's going on in chicago, where. 53. People were shot and eight died shot. If you look at new york where it's going up like nobody's, ever seen anything the numbers are going up, hundred and fifty two hundred percent. Uh crime. It is crazy, what's going on, and he doesn't wanna say law and order because he can't, because he'll lose his radical left supporters. And once he does that it's over with but if he ever got to run this country. And they ran it the way he would want to run it we would have. Our suburbs, would be gone, by the way our suburbs, would be gone. And you would see problems like he would have no, suburb, unless he took a wrong turn oh i know. Celebrities. Wait a minute i was raised in the suburbs. This is not 1950.. All these dog whistles and racism, don't work anymore. Suburbs, are by and large integrated, there's many people today driving their kids to soccer practice, and or to.

Black And white and hispanic. In the same car, as there have been any time in the past, what's what really is a threat, to the suburbs, and their safety. Is his failure to deal with covet they're dying in the suburbs. His failure to deal with the environment. They're being flooded, they're being burned out, because his refusal, to do anything, that's why the suburbs, are interested i do want to talk about this issue of law and order though and in the joint recommendation. That came from the, biden, bernie, sanders. Task force. You talked about, quote. Reimagining. Policing. First of all what does reimagining. Policing, mean and do you support. It means, let me if i might finish the question what does reimagining, policing mean, and do you support the black lives matter. Call, for, uh. For, community, control of policing. Look. What i support, is the police. Having the opportunity. To deal with the problems they face. And i'm not totally, opposed to defunding, the police officers. As a matter of fact police, local police, the only one defunding, in his budget calls for a 400 million dollar cut in local law enforcement, assistance. They need more assistance. They need when they show up for a 9 11 call to have someone with them as a psychologist. Or psychiatrist. To keep them from having to use force, and be able to talk people down, we have to have community, policing like we had before, where the officers get to know the people, in the communities, that's when crime. Went down, it didn't go up it went down. And so we have to be in this that's not what they're talking about chris that's not where that is, he's talking about defunding, the police that is not true he doesn't have any law. Support, he has no law enforcement, that's not true almost, that's not, look. Who do you have name one group that supports, you name one group that came out and supported, you, go ahead, i think we have time we don't have time to do anything. All right. One, law enforcement, group, that came back. Gentlemen i think i'm going to i'm going to take back the moderators. And i want to get to another subject. Which is the issue of protests, in many cities. That have turned violent, in portland, oregon, especially, we had a more than a hundred. Straight, days, of protests. Which i think you would agree you talked about peaceful protests. Many of those turned into riots. Mr vice president. You say that people who commit crimes. Should be held, accountable. The question i have though is as the democratic, nominee and earlier tonight you said that you are the democratic, party right now. Have you ever called the democratic, mayor of portland

2020-09-30 16:08

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