Fall 2020 Commencement | UF Warrington College of Business

Fall 2020 Commencement | UF Warrington College of Business

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[Bloom-Lugo] Greetings UF Warrington Graduates, families, friends, and loved ones! Welcome, to our Fall two thousand and twenty Warrington College of Business Virtual Commencement Ceremony. I am here to serve as your marshal for today’s celebration as we recognize our Warrington students graduating this semester. During the ceremony, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from Dean Saby Mitra, Warrington administrators, faculty and alumni. Today we celebrate you and the completion of this UF journey. As each of you are individually recognized, we encourage you to celebrate with those surrounding you on this special day. On behalf of the

faculty and staff, we’d like to congratulate you and wish you continued success as you embark on your next chapter. Please join us for the singing of our National Anthem by UF College of the Arts student, Alanna Parfait. At the conclusion of the National Anthem, we will welcome UF President, Kent Fuchs, followed by the dean of the Warrington College of Business, Dr. Saby Mitra. [National Anthem] [Fuchs] Greetings, graduating students in the Class of 2020. On behalf of the members of the UF Board of Trustees, our distinguished faculty and our entire university community, many congratulations! You have met all the requirements of your degree programs while rising above the extraordinary challenges of this year, and we are so proud of each of you who share in this momentous occasion. We have nearly 4,000 students graduating this month from the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and 47 states. We have graduating students

from 76 countries on six continents, from Australia to Brazil, Costa Rica to Ethiopia, India to the Netherlands, Hong Kong to Pakistan, and the United Kingdom to Vietnam. We have a 19-year-old graduate with a bachelor’s degrees in Biology and a 69-year-old graduate with a master’s degree in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 271 first-generation college students and 411 students who will proudly join other family members or multiple generations of Gators in earning their UF diplomas. Many congratulations to each of you. As a father

of four grown children, I know how important this moment is for families and friends of graduates. I congratulate you for your support and devotion to these graduates. Class of 2020, I wish for you a good life filled with success and happiness. We at the University of Florida will always care for you – and we will always cheer for you. Again, many congratulations and Go Gators! [Mitra] Thank you, President Fuchs. My name is Saby Mitra, and I am the Dean of the Warrington College of Business. I am delighted to welcome our graduates, and their families, friends and loved ones from around the world to our Fall 2020 Virtual Commencement Ceremony. Just

over 100 days ago, I began a new chapter of my life here at the Warrington College of Business. As graduates who will soon embark on your next chapter, I can relate to your feelings of excitement, anticipation and even apprehension that come with leaving behind the familiar. After spending 27 years at my previous academic institution, I had the same emotions as I started my new role here: in a new university, a new town and a new state. While much is still uncharted for me, as it is for you, I know that change brings new experiences, new opportunities, new ideas and new perspectives. While change is exciting, your family, loved ones, friends and mentors will remain with you and guide you towards a bright future. I was drawn to the University of Florida because of the many bright futures I see here. As the flagship university in a large and growing state, Warrington attracts

some of the best students, who I’m confident will go on to have very successful lives and careers. We are also surrounded by a renowned faculty, who are true experts in their disciplines with stellar research that elevates the reputation of the Warrington College of Business. In the last few months, I have been so impressed by our talented staff and the incredible commitment of our alumni. I look forward to what we can accomplish together and how bright Warrington can shine. Even during these challenging times, Warrington students have worked diligently

to make the world around them a better place. Some Warrington students helped Accenture Federal Services create a tool to detect bias in AI systems, while others created a certification process that allows businesses to show they are following federal health guidelines in the time of COVID-19. Our students also created a new student organization aimed at providing professional development and community engagement for African-American students, thus contributing to Warrington’s mission of providing a more diverse and inclusive environment for all our students, faculty, staff, and alumni. While these are just a few of many examples, they demonstrate that innovation and progress are always top of mind for Warrington students. Through Warrington’s own unique career coaching program, our students are heading off to begin their careers with employers such as: Microsoft, Google, Deloitte, Amazon, Raymond James, and many other national and international organizations. Our faculty and staff have played a key role

in helping our students achieve their academic success, even during unprecedented times. During the last few months, we have been engaged in countless conversations about how we can continue to deliver a world-class experience and education to our students while facing a constantly evolving situation. Our faculty and staff have shown some of the greatest skills, expertise, and dedication that I have seen anywhere in my career. We thank them

for their contributions to our students, and to the University of Florida. Graduates, during your time at UF, you have balanced the rigors of a demanding academic program, extracurricular activities, a job search, your social lives, and for some of you, a full-time job and family. But, here is the good news. Many years from now, the hard work and sleepless nights will

be a distant memory. However, you will surely reap the benefits of the knowledge you have gained and the connections you formed here for a lifetime. I would also like to commend you for completing your degree at a time when the world has been confronted with unprecedented challenges. In the face of great adversity, you have cleared a major hurdle on the road

to success and made us all proud. You have done it by showing flexibility, resilience, understanding and compassion. While this may not be the graduation you expected, and the last few months may not have been the college experience you wanted, you have a lot to be proud of and celebrate. Graduates, always remember that we, the faculty and staff of Warrington, are your most ardent supporters, admirers and cheerleaders. The reason is simple — Your success is our success, and your achievements help build our reputation. So,

keep in touch with us during the years ahead so that we can celebrate your accomplishments. As students, and now as alumni, you continue to move Warrington forward. The Warrington network consists of over 74,000 graduates around the world. Warrington continues to grow in reputation and is viewed today as one of the top business schools in the country because of you - our innovative students and alumni. Let’s take a moment now to hear a few words of congratulations from some of your biggest supporters - members of the Warrington community. 2020... phew! Despite extraordinary circumstances,  you conquered a phenomenal milestone. But

there's something that is really good that  is happening in 2020, and that's your graduation. So you really have achieved something great.  You mastered the challenge and you made it. Persisting and graduating under  the conditions of a pandemic is no small task. But I know that the grit that  you've demonstrated over the past several

months is going to carry you forward and allow you to be successful. Graduating from one of the top programs in the nation and dealing with everything  that everybody's been dealing with can only mean that you are well prepared for facing any challenges or opportunities that may come your way. Alright, I want to congratulate you guys.  You have just finished a tremendous journey through difficulties I don't think anybody could  have even conceived of when you started, and yet you've persevered and you've succeeded. And that's

really, really a striking feather in your cap. You enable us to say to the world: Warrington delivers capable, resilient, day-one-ready leaders to business and society. Now it's time to go be awesome. And I know you're gonna have

fantastic careers wherever you go. That's one of those things that we pride ourselves on here at Warrington is making sure that, in a time that requires critical leaders, we've equipped you with the skills to think critically about the  world around you. It's more than just a degree, it's an opportunity. We're so proud of you and can't wait to see all the great things that you do. Please stay in touch, we'd love to hear from you. Alumni is a huge part of the career services experience here, and as alumni, I look forward to engaging you and helping future students reach their career goals. We are proud to

welcome  you to the Gator nation. You are now joining the ranks of almost half a million Gators. As you get ready to embark on your next chapter, know that your Warrington family is rooting  for you and we're proud of you. We hope you'll continue to look back at your years at  the University of Florida and remember them with excitement and fondness. Remember all of the friends you've made, the memories you've created, and the experiences that you've had. You entered one person and you're exiting another, a much more complete person, a person who is  ready to take on the next challenges in life. We

are very happy that you're graduating today,  congratulations, you did it! Congratulations, we're going to miss you like crazy, we are  always here for you, you're ready, so go get 'em and go Gators! And remember: it's great to  be a Florida Gator. We've loved having you here, but it's time to go. Congratulations and good luck! Go Gators! Go gators! Go gators! Go gators! Do it again! Come back and get your MBA if you haven't gotten one already. Congratulations, we are really proud of you! Congratulations, Business Gators, you did it! Congratulations, Gators! Congratulations, go Gators! You've graduated! [Mitra] Graduation is a time of special significance when we celebrate the academic and personal achievements of our graduating students. We are here today to honor those individuals, who through their academic talent and perseverance, are receiving degrees from the University of Florida. Before we begin our individual recognition of graduates, I would like to take a moment to honor those who are active duty or veterans of the US armed services, and those who will begin their service by being commissioned shortly after the completion of their degrees. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to

serve our country. We also recognize that this is an important time for your family and friends. Graduates, please take this opportunity to give gratitude and respect to those in your lives who have helped you reach this important milestone. At this time, we have come to the part of the program you have eagerly awaited, the individual recognition of our graduates. Before we can recognize graduates, we must confer the degree upon the respective recipients. As a college, Warrington embraces this opportunity and we eagerly applaud your accomplishments. We will now begin the recognition of our graduates

as we confer the degree upon them. At the conclusion the conferral of each respective degree, we will individually recognize each graduate by name. [Erenguc] Dean Mitra, these candidates have successfully completed all requirements for the degree of Doctor of Business Administration. Upon the recommendation of the faculty of the Warrington College of Business and the Hough Graduate School of Business, I am pleased to present these candidates to you for the conferring of their degree. On behalf of the people of the state of Florida, by the powers vested in me by the UF Board of Trustees, I am pleased to confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Business Administration with the accompanying rights, privileges and responsibilities. I offer you my congratulations

and commend you on the successful completion of your Doctorate degree. [Woodham] Doctor of Business Administration graduates, at this point in the ceremony, as you are recognized for the successful defense of your dissertation and completion of the degree requirements, we invite you to participate in the hooding, by asking a loved one celebrating with you today to do the honors. Doctor of Business Administration. [Erenguc] Dean Mitra, these candidates have successfully completed all requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration. Upon the recommendation of the faculty of

the Warrington College of Business and the Hough Graduate School of Business, I am pleased to present these candidates to you for the conferring of their degree. [Mitra] On behalf of the people of the state of Florida, by the powers vested in me by the UF Board of Trustees, I am pleased to confer upon you the degree of Master of Business Administration with the accompanying rights, privileges and responsibilities. I offer you my congratulations and commend you on the successful completion of your Master’s degree. Master of Business Administration. [Erenguc] Dean Mitra, these candidates have successfully completed all requirements for the degrees of Master of Science or Master of International Business. Upon the recommendation

of the faculty of the Warrington College of Business and the Hough Graduate School of Business, I am pleased to present these candidates to you for the conferring of their degree. [Mitra] On behalf of the people of the state of Florida, by the powers vested in me by the UF Board of Trustees, I am pleased to confer upon you the degree of Master of Science or Master of International Business with the accompanying rights, privileges and responsibilities. I offer you my congratulations and commend you on the successful completion of your Master’s degree.

Master of International Business. Thomas S. Johnson Master of Science in Entrepreneurship. William R. Hough Master of Science in Finance. Master of Science and Information Systems and Operations Management.

Master of Science in Management [McGill] Dean Mitra, these candidates have successfully completed all requirements for the degree of Master of Accounting. Upon the recommendation of the faculty of the Warrington College of Business and the Fisher School of Accounting, I am pleased to present these candidates to you for the conferring of their degree. [Mitra] On behalf of the people of the state of Florida, by the powers vested in me by the UF Board of Trustees, I am pleased to confer upon you the degree of Master of Accounting with the accompanying rights, privileges and responsibilities.

I offer you my congratulations and commend you on the successful completion of your Master’s degree. Master of Accounting. [McGill] Dean Mitra, these candidates have successfully completed all requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Accounting. Upon the recommendation of the faculty of the Warrington College of Business and the Fisher School of Accounting, I am pleased to present these candidates to you for the conferring of their degree.

[Mitra] On behalf of the people of the state of Florida, by the powers vested in me by the UF Board of Trustees, I am pleased to confer upon you the degree of Bachelor of Science in Accounting with the accompanying rights, privileges and responsibilities. I offer you my congratulations and commend you on the successful completion of your Bachelor’s degree. Bachelor of Science in Accounting. [Sevilla] Dean Mitra, these candidates have successfully completed all requirements for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration or Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Upon the recommendation of the faculty of the Warrington College of Business and the Heavener School of Business, I am pleased to present these candidates to you for the conferring of their degree. [Mitra] On behalf of the people of the state of Florida, by the powers vested in me by the UF Board of Trustees, I am pleased to confer upon you the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration or Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with the accompanying rights, privileges and responsibilities. I offer you

my congratulations and commend you on the successful completion of your Bachelor’s degree. Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

[Mitra] It is my pleasure to present to you the University of Florida, Warrington College of Business Fall Class of 2020. Bachelor’s degree recipients, you may now move your tassel. Welcome to the Gator Nation, graduates! The faculty and I wish you happiness and success in all your future endeavors. As a graduate of the Warrington College of Business, it is important to stay connected. Your future involvement with the College is a great way

to give back so that future generations of Business Gators have the same opportunities as you. Your success is vital to the future of the Warrington College of Business. As alumni, your alma mater expects you to be engaged and involved. Whether on campus or in cities around the globe, you serve as a powerful voice for Warrington.

As we close today’s ceremony, join us as we sing our Alma Mater. No matter where your Warrington degree may take you, we wish you all the best. As always, Go Gators! [Alma Mater]

2020-12-23 00:54

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