Fall 2020 Commencement | CSU College of Business Undergraduate Class

Fall 2020 Commencement | CSU College of Business Undergraduate Class

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congratulations graduates hello i am beth walker  dean of the csu college of business and i would   like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to  all of you our class of 2020. you have achieved   a tremendous personal milestone whether you are  graduating with an undergraduate or graduate   degree you completed the final steps of your  academic journey from one of the best business   schools and universities in the country during the  final semester of your academic career many of you   adjusted to a new way of learning that might have  included a blend of in-person hybrid and online   learning in line with csu's commitment to putting  the health and safety of our community first   others of you persevered with your  online graduate degree programs   balancing working from home and in many cases  kids at home through it all you have shown   remarkable resourcefulness as you transitioned  to a much quieter socially distanced campus   and resilience as you connected with classmates  friends and student clubs and the community   mostly online you rallied adapted and adjusted to  new ways of learning living and engaging at home   and with a campus community and today you  are graduating over the years i have had   many conversations with employers about why they  return year after year to hire our college of   business graduates while they talk about your  intelligence your extraordinary work ethic   and of course your integrity the quality that  truly sets you apart is grit in one of my favorite   books psychologist dr angela duckworth suggests  that what drives success not only at work but in   life is not how smart you are or the score that  you earned on a test but grit that special blend   of passion and perseverance that motivates you to  overcome obstacles to face challenges head-on to   not give up no matter what today is proof that  within each of you resides in inner strength   a determination grit that not only got you to the  finish line today but will enable you to overcome   every challenge you face in the future in a few  months the world will hopefully return to normal   as a business graduate you will help lead the way  inspired to innovate by the new realities that   confront us motivated to create new possibilities  for a better way of life driven to use business   create a better world as you participate in  shaping our new future remember the lessons that   you learned while social distancing during COVID- 19. years from now when you tell your kids stories about how you graduated during the global pandemic  of 2020 you won't recall the assignment you didn't   turn in because your internet connection failed  or the higher grade you didn't earn because   you couldn't muster the energy to study for yet  another online quiz you will remember the special   memories that you created with your friends  and family during your unexpected time together   the acts of kindness that were extended to  you from a caring classmate or faculty member   or the simple acts of service that you embraced  out of a need to give back to your community as   emerging business leaders you have the opportunity  to invent a new and better future for all of us in   business and in life remember that taking care  of people of each other is what matters most   i am extremely proud of all of you on behalf of  the faculty and staff of the college of business   congratulations and go rams hi i'm paul mallett  associate dean for undergraduate programs here   in the college of business i just want to  extend my congratulations to the 2020 class   you should be very proud of this achievement  you've completed a rigorous academic program   you've shown the resilience and agility demanded  by these extraordinary times so well done   so congratulations we're proud of you we look  forward to what you accomplish in the future   don't be a stranger and go rams hello everyone  i am humbled and overjoyed to be the student   commencement speaker for the 2020 graduating  class to my fellow graduates congratulations   this is such a monumental achievement and  each and every one of us should be so proud   as i was writing this speech one of my favorite  quotes from booker t washington came to mind   excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon  way the end of our college experience has been   anything but common yet i can assure you that  by being here today we have achieved uncommon   excellence our class is filled with graduates from  all walks of life who have each worked so hard   to get to this moment we have not only achieved  excellence through uncommon ways but each on our   own unique path it is our diversity of backgrounds  perspectives and experiences which have made us   better students better future business leaders  and most importantly better human beings who will   achieve excellence in uncommon ways and while i  genuinely wish we could commemorate this occasion   in person joyously celebrating with one another  let's not lose sight of what it means to graduate   graduation is not crossing the stage having  parties or the toss of our caps graduation is   however a moment to reflect on so many things that  have brought us joy it is a moment to commemorate   our achievements receiving scholarships  winning awards and receiving job offers   it is a moment to recognize the small victories  such as making that 8 a.m class or finally   learning how pivot tables work it is a moment to  appreciate relationships that will last a lifetime   our friends we made in class and the professors  that equipped us for our careers these are the   memories that we will take with us for the rest of  our lives and what commencement really celebrates   my family played an invaluable role in encouraging  me at csu especially my parents it was not easy   to hear that their daughter who moved far from  home wanted to study semi-trucks and factories   thank you mom and dad for making it look  effortless to my fellow graduates i am   sure you have similar stories about the people  who made today's graduation possible for you   let's not forget to thank the family and friends  who ensured that we had the backing of our   wonderful communities throughout our education  we have also benefited tremendously from the   support of the faculty and staff in the college  of business i am confident that each of us has   at least one professor who has encouraged  inspired and challenged us thank you all   for going above and beyond and as our time as csu  comes to an end it may feel like we have some big   decisions still to make where will we live what  job will we want to pursue what is our next step   while these questions seem daunting we  can benefit from shifting our perspective   what if instead of answering these big difficult  questions we concentrate on the small decisions we   make every day something as simple as applying  for one more job or taking extra time to be   kind to someone are the small decisions that can  create big impact and as i reflect on our shared   experience in the college of business mission  business for a better world i think about my   fellow graduates and what lies ahead let us  embrace our opportunity for impact our years   at csu have prepared us to be the difference this  world needs i am honored to be part of this class   use your unique and uncommon talents to the  class of 2020 congratulations and go rams with the recommendations of the faculty of  colorado state university by the authority vested   in me by the board of governors of the colorado  state university system and the state of colorado   i hereby confer upon each of you your degree  as appropriate with all rights privileges   and responsibilities pertaining thereto   congratulations all i cannot wait  to see where your journeys take you hello i am lisa kutcher chair  of the accounting department   on behalf of the faculty and staff  in our department congratulations   you have worked hard and you are now  a csu bizram we are so proud of your   accomplishments and success and we know you  have the skills to go out and make a difference   wishing you all the best as you start your  professional career congratulations and go rams i want to congratulate each and every  one of you on finishing your studies   and graduating college you have  accomplished something tremendous   and i cannot wait to see how you will shape  and change the world congratulations again on   behalf of the entire department of finance and  real estate and best of luck with your future endeavors dear cis graduates i'm Leo Vijayasarathy chair of the computer information systems   department on behalf of our faculty and staff  congratulations you've worked hard overcome   multiple obstacles to earn your degree kudos  to you this is your moment step forward boldly   seize the opportunities and accept  the challenges that lie ahead of you   you're confident you'll you'll be successful  in your personal and professional lives i   wish you all the best in your future endeavors  please stay in touch make csu proud and go rams i'm Dave Gilliland chair of the department of  marketing on behalf of all the faculty in the   department let me say congratulations  to you on a job well done rest assured   that you have the latest tools techniques  and theories to do well in the business world   also don't forget that you have a ram family he's  still supporting you back here in fort collins   stay in touch with us let us know how you're doing   come back and see us the most important  of all stay healthy again congratulations i'm susan golisic the chair of the management  department and we'd love to congratulate all   of our graduates organization and information  management human resources and supply chain   management we're really proud of all the work  you've done we wish you all the best and we   can't wait to see everything you accomplish  please keep in touch with us and go rams Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, Colorado State. Memories are everlasting of this place so great! May thy Green and Gold unite us, loyal ever be. Colorado State, our Alma Mater, Hail, all hail, to thee.

2020-12-20 08:47

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