Facebook Bot Tutorial - How To Use Facebook Messenger Bots For Small Business

Facebook Bot Tutorial - How To Use Facebook Messenger Bots For Small Business

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Don from Long Island New York okay, also guys delicious dive into things because it is the top of the hour and so I just want to jump into things get the straight to the content I'm planning. On this presentation, gonna be probably about 15-20. Minutes and so. Then at the very end if you guys have questions along the way make, sure you guys throw them in the chat box and then, also, I'll. Save some time to the very end to be able to go through and answer. All your questions okay, so today, we're gonna be talking about facebook. Messenger, bots I'm gonna go through and show you guys some demos, give, you a little quick tutorial, some things you can go through and implement for your business, and, Schad, yeah if you're if you got a Shopify store really, this works for any type of small, business owner so, the, the demonstration I'm going to go through and show today are specific, to real estate also. For mortgage, but. The same types thing if you're like you know Sean for example if you're in Shopify, I've. Got a lot of friends in the shop by space and using these box so. I just want to show you some, of the different possibilities, that you can go through and use. And break down for you all today alright, so okay cool, so. Let's just start out how, many of you guys have used facebook. Messenger, bots go ahead and type in a yes over there in the the question, box a little chat box over there if you, guys have either used facebook, Messenger bots or, also, if, you've kind, of seen how they've worked if you've been the recipient. Of one of. The facebook messenger bots now. I'm sure a lot of you guys are probably on my facebook Messenger list so I'm sure some of you guys have at least seen that I just. Want to get a feel, for everyone. That's kind of seen a little bit of how, they've worked for. Just. For business in general. Okay. We've got Erin saying no. No. L say no okay. This is good, ginny say no Todd saying yes awesome, and Todd I know Todd's. A full-service client I know he's been getting some points, booked with this, Florida. Real estate saying I have mini chat awesome Andre say not yet Todd, saying yes, hey. Chad. Saying heck yeah so money, seeing. How they work no yes it started and Lord set up for me awesome Paul yes. Cool okay cool so it looks like we've kind of got a mix we've got people they've, seen how they work and they see like how profitable they can be and as some people are like you, know they, have no idea maybe if you've got you've heard of them a little bit but, let's, just break down really quick so I started, getting into facebook messenger bosses I telling you probably. About five to six months ago right so, I went through I heard all my friends they were like yeah facebook Messenger boss it's awesome, it's killer and so, I thought you know what why not go through give it a try for my business see if it works and then if it works for my business we can start setting some stuff, up for clients, and, see if it works for them and. Kind of move forward from there so at. The time I went through and I started building my my, messenger, bot list which if like a messenger bot list is kind of like an email list right, or your your list of contacts, and your database let's say you've got your phone of all the their, names phone numbers email address all that it's, very similar but you're reaching out to them via Facebook, messenger, as opposed. To email.

Or Just like text message or phone calls or any of that stuff so I. Went. Through and I started building up by my messenger bot list and about, six weeks later I had. Probably. Still, seven, to eight times more people on my email list as opposed. To my messenger bot list I was like you know what let's. Go through I'll give this a try so I went and set. Up a new promotion, that we were doing for our business and I, blasted out the promotion, to my email list which was seven eight times bigger, than my messenger list okay, so imagine let's say my messenger list was a hundred people my, email list was 700, to 800 which is a lot bigger but it's kind of like make the numbers simple and, so I went through and I blasted out to, email list flashed out to messenger bot list and the. Crazy, thing that happened you guys is I. Saw more, revenue. Come. Through more business, generated, from my messenger, bot list then, my email, list that was seven to eight times bigger, than, my messenger bot list that's. Pretty crazy right like went, through it took me about six, weeks to go through and build this up just a little bit and, then went through blasted, it out and the. Reason why is because. Back. In the day when email marketing first came out we're just email in general right people. Were super excited to get emails like that little like you've got mail you guys have seen movie with Tom Hanks and who. Wreath, was reese witherspoon Omega. Anyway. I can't remember name may Ryan that's who it is so, they, went through and people were excited to get emails they open every single email they've read it and be like oh this is cool, right whereas. Now like. Emails. Are you, just get bombarded with emails or, so many your inbox and just so much stuff and use like you go and delete, half your emails or probably 90% of your emails before, you even go through and open like that's what I do when I gets. My email BA inbox, the beginning today I'll. Go through and I'll see which ones I can just delete right away and I, delete them all and then I just get to what I need to focus on okay and that's pretty much how it works with most people, nowadays, but. With Facebook Messenger bots as we've seen a lot of people, already are. Okay. Air insane or you say box or BOTS I'm saying, uh BOTS, be OTS, like a robot. Right. Okay. Yeah can is saying he said BOTS okay. So anyway. So with messenger BOTS as we see like a lot of people haven't, used, them in their business they maybe haven't heard of them they haven't really seen how all that works yet and so.

It's. Still brand new it's kind of like the Wild West especially for, you as a business owner or market, or whatever you're doing where, if you go through and you send out a Facebook, message you're. Gonna have 90, to 95, percent open. Rates or in other words you send a message out to 100 people 90. To a 95. People. 99, 90 to 95, of the hundred are gonna, actually open your Facebook message, okay. Where's with email, right now if, you send an email out to 100, people. What. Is considered, good right now is a 15, to 20 percent open, rate so, the hundred people only, 15. To 20 of those people are actually gonna open your, email, okay. Okay. Awesome, so, so that's one, thing that you got really taking consideration, here and and know like, how. Powerful. This can be and then also another thing of why I like it even more over email is, because you sent out an email and you got to wait for the response to come back and then, you reply back and it's just like a very manual process where, I'll be able to show you guys today, how, this can be a very automated process, and you can ask questions like yes/no are, you first-time homebuyer yes or no what's, your credit score above. 620, like anyway. We're gonna go through and break all that down for you guys all today all right. Okay. So John, okay, you're just asking about the his, monthly promotion, all that stuff okay, cool so let's dive into this guys let's go through I want to show you some, different demos and if. You guys do have questions go, ahead type over here in the chat box and then, I'll be able to go through bounce back and forth get to those questions as we're going through this okay, so let me just share my screen with you all really quick. Alrighty. Okay. So this first one is going, through and if you've been following me for some time I've talked a lot about landing pages and using landing pages instead. Of your main website, to generate leads right. And the reason why is because if, you, go through and you send people to just, your main website it's. Going to convert less than 1%, of people visiting, that site into. An actual league whereas with a landing, page you, can get as many as 20, to 25, percent of those people visiting, the site to, become, a lead right, so right, here is a quick example and. That's obviously you. Know like this this real estate agent this is like just a demo post this is not the full post you, guys have been following me for some time you guys have seen the full post we've got several templates for you all but, let's say you know attention. Orlando, homeowners, right or whatever city you live in are you. Or anyone you know looking to buy a home in the Orlando area and you, can say go here so this. Is the call to action to go, through and send, them to the landing page to go grab their name phone number and email address so this is one of the templates that we have that's, converted, amazingly, well for realtors. And even mortgage, brokers cuz like you, guys are kind of working with the same person right if you're looking for buyers a buyer. Typically, they need to find a home to buy and they're, gonna need someone. To help them with the loan okay most cases I mean sometimes I'll see people their. Cash buyers but it doesn't happen too often okay. So they come in here they say get me the list they'll come in and say you, know put in some of this test info for right now. They. Hit submit. And. At this point they become a lead in your database right you've got their name phone number email address you go through follow up with them contact, them and all that stuff and but then I want to show you guys this next process, okay, I don't know why he's, going so slow there but. It says okay thanks help me put some homes together for, you okay. Now somebody's, opted in saying hey I'm wanting. To find out more homes in my, area in the Worland o-- area Dallas area in New York City or whatever um. You probably want to help them a little bit more by. Putting a list of homes that, are more specific to, their needs right. Whether it's a certain price range number. Of bedrooms are, looking to have or any of that right. Okay. Carrie, saying who do you by your landing pages through so, we've got a company's called Arsenal marketing. Let, me just I'll just throw in the. I'll. Throw in the link into the chat box over, here where you can get your free. Trial okay. So.

Here Is the link okay. So we've got all these pre-built templates anyway, back. To this so they come here they become a leave got their name phone number email address they. Now click okay hey help me put some homes together for you so we want to go through and. Take. The conversation, a little bit deeper so they say find homes for me and. This is where we kick them into our facebook. Messenger, bot which this is really, pretty cool guy so says. Hey hey. Jason I just I see you're looking for homes in the Orlando area and, we've got all these templates, that you guys can can use and, implement. To your business we're just like take out the your, city and put Orlando, or Omaha or Salt. Lake City or where you guys are living says. That's great is there a certain number of bedrooms you're looking for okay. Now if you're working with a buyer, that's. A pretty good question ask right like, seeing like okay we're how many veterans, are you looking for so you can narrow down and, find homes, that, are gonna fit not only their price range but, their whole demographic, not demographics, but the, whole spectrum of what they're looking for so they come in let's, say ice want one to two bedrooms, they. Click on that okay, perfect are you a first-time, home buyer okay. Which this is really important because obviously. If you're a lender, that's, some pretty good information, to know and then, if you're a realtor, that's also some really good information no because if to say no you. Have a possibility. To grab, a listing. From that right. So you can now help them buy a home but you can also help, them go through and list their home so you're. Kind of double dipping on this one lead so now I'm gonna come in let's, say I'm gonna say yes and, then. It's, gonna auto respond. Great, how soon are you looking to move that's. Another great question right cuz like you, want to know how, where, to put them in your sales pipeline is, this person someone I need to be talking with right now today, is, this person, somebody where I can send them some more educational, information, but, you know I know they're not really looking for one or three months or you, know they're, kind of just looking, around they're, not really ready to take action immediately, okay.

So We can say hey, as soon as possible, like I'm ready, to move I'm ready to get going right now okay. Awesome, let me compile a list of homes that would fit what you're looking for and I'll get back to you as soon as possible if you have any further questions just, ask them here now, the cool thing about this too is, when. You're out and about once you get this campaign, set up and you're, out and about showing, homes you're. At an open house you're, off, doing whatever you might be doing right. This. Is all happening on the back end on complete, auto-pilot where, your pre-qualifying. This, lead, and then. We come here at the end of the day and all. Of our leads we can go through and look and say okay this, Jason, guy he's, looking for a one a two-bedroom home he's, a first-time, homebuyer he's, looking to move as soon as possible, okay this, is someone I need to go through and, get. An appointment with as soon as possible like I need to be on this person right now whereas. If you look through another one they say hey four to six months out you. Know that's alright but maybe that next day you follow up and, say. Hey let's you, know you could set up a call with them and but it's not as urgent. Is someone who's saying like hey I'm ready to go right now alright. Okay. Cool so so that is the way that we kind of go through and do it with landing. Pages so, we go through click there and we have it on that Thank You page so after they've opted in have, that whole process start okay. Guys if you guys have quite Shinzon any of this just, go ahead and type them over in the chat box I want to show you two more quick examples, and then. We'll. Kind of get back to some, more questions here, okay. So this one is pretty cool because this, is where we can kick them right into messenger, from. Your Facebook, post okay. So same. Type of thing or. We've got the same type of ad copy but instead of sending them to a landing, page right here what. We can do we. Can go and we can click on this and have them immediately, kick into facebook, messenger okay, so look, at this we've, got the same sequence built out, but. If you look at this it just. Goes straight to messenger instead, of going and having them opt in through name phone number and email address so you, can go through we can split test both, we've, seen both work extremely well but. Also the same time like you don't want to necessarily if, they're going straight to messenger you, don't want to jump the gun and say hey what's, your phone, number what's, your email just what's your this type of contact, info because the. Whole, point of getting, someone's. Contact, information, is to. Start a sales conversation, right. Is to go through and get an appointment with that person, and if. You're already starting the sales conversation. And facebook Messenger, why. Are you killing the conversation. And asking for their name their phone number their email address and all that other information right. You can ask that a much later after you've pre-qualified. This person and built, a little more rapport so we. Can do saying hey Jason you know I see you're looking for it so it's the same exact, sequence that, we can go through and we have a number of these different sequences. Built out and I'll. Show you guys how to get access those here in a little bit but. You. Can go through and add a ton of other questions like you can ask credit score you can ask you, know first-time, homebuyer like. Somebody was mentioning there they've got a Shopify, store so, depending on what you're selling you, can ask questions related. To the products that you're selling it. Makes sense okay. Vincent. Can say where should I go to set the bot yeah, I'll hit that here in just a little bit can, they, can't is saying this is great especially for newer agents yeah. No this is great for brand new agents, this is great for even seasoned. Agents, like it just helps you create more.

Appointments. And more sales conversations. Okay. And we'll show you guys here in a second, but, people. Are using messenger, BOTS from. The leads they're generating, they're seen about a four to five times more, appointments. Booked from. Those leaves as opposed. To those people just using. Email. Or phone calls or any of these other communication. Channels right. Now I wanted to show you guys one more, this. Is for mortgage, brokers okay so, let's say first-time, homebuyers obviously this is just a demo ad this is not exactly, what you guys should say okay, so don't be going to say like well, Jason's ad said, this and so I'm just gonna copy pick this just. Like a quick note this will not work it won't, convert it also don't don't, go spend money on this Kay. Okay. So we'll go through we'll say click on this awesome demo right here they. Click on that it kicks them into the same messenger bot and the same thing we can do this with landing pages all that good stuff but. It says hey Jason. Glad you saw my post is this, your first time you're looking to buy, okay. Now this one's more specific, to a loan, officer or mortgage, broker right. But like I mentioned earlier this works for any type of small, business owner so, they come in here they say hey no it's. Not actually, and. We go through great, how soon would you like to purchase your new home okay, within four months and then. We just go through and you can see this whole follow, process, now someone. That's gonna go and give out a loan to somebody they're, gonna be a little more interested in like the credit score so hey I'm 620, or above, and. It comes out okay, great is there a specific area looking to purchase your home we, can come in here type a specific area and then, we can have okay, they're looking to move within four months six. 20 and above credit score great credit score okay, and they're looking to. Looking. To purchase in this specific, area so, if your realtor you. Can go through and find homes in that area and then, also if you're a mortgage broker you can actually team up with Realtors, which. We've seen great success with that and. Anyway. So so. Anyway I mean does, that make sense anybody have any questions on any of this I mean. Would you guys like to go through and. Have me show you how to implement this into your business okay go. Ahead let me know with the chat box you guys want to go through start implementing, this into your business, as well of. These boss that we've got going on right here okay, just really quick I want to share with you so this is Giovanna, she was on one of my trainings I think two weeks ago I went. Through and broke down some of these different Facebook messenger bot hacks. And trip tips and trains all that stuff and she, said I did this last week I have, 10 leads and I spoke with four people now you, might be thinking well that was only 40% only, four of the ten well. How. Many people did you top your last ten leads from facebook, from realtor.com. From Trulia how. Many of those leads did you actually get a hold of okay. And if within the first week you could already have four sales conversations. With, those 10 leads, that'd. Be pretty awesome right, again. You can see right here we got Latricia she, said she has 11 leads and two, appointments already, set from the 11 leads now obviously that's a little bit lower conversion, rate pilatus that, was in the last 24. Hours and she spent nine dollars, on her advertising. Okay, so within the 11 leads she, was able to book two appointments in her first 24. Hours leveraging. The same tools right here okay. And then we've got Jeff who is a lender up in Washington, he. Booked dozens, of points and already have one closed deal with. Several others in the pipeline by, simply, using this. Messenger, follow-up okay, guys it's, really at the end the day leads, are cool leads are sexy and obviously it's like it's big selling point because every wants leads everyone's new people to talk some in their business they in a day le's. Doesn't don't really matter if you're. Not able to convert those leads into appointments. And convert. Those appointments, into, actual closed, deals now. What we can do and like, we can do our best with helping you convert those leads into, appointments. Then, at the end of day you, got to go through and study sales training and learn how to actually convert those appointments into closed deals but. The more appointments, you get the, more deals, that you're likely to close right. So. We got Liz right here liz is a realtor. In doubt she's these are both Jeff and Liz are both Somerville, his clients as well as Todd and. So. Liz is in Dallas which sure. Most you guys know that is a very very competitive, market, okay, very, competitive, market and she's like once, we went through and had, her first follow-up call out for like a week she was like what are you guys doing I got seven leaves for two dollars of lead and I, already have a buyer wanting, to look at houses this weekend.

Plus Another two scheduled appointments, that's insane. ROI, okay. Now I don't know how much those homes were that were listed but, let's say they were even $200,000. Okay. If you're making your typical 3%. Commission on a $200,000. Home that's. Six grand you'd be making on just one closed, deal right. If, she went through and she got seven leads two, dollars a weeks that's 14 dollars spent she's. A buyer looking, at house plus, two. More scheduled, appointments, okay. So that ROI is pretty, insane there and then Jamie right here she, was able to go through get, tons of leads said I think four. Appointments, from the six leads that she got in her first 48 hours so, anyway guys long story short this. Is pretty powerful to be able to go through and get the proper, follow-up in place to, connect with more of your leads and boost, your sales conversations. Right so I know a lot of you guys been asking about some of these different. Okay. I'm just reading through some of these, some. Of these different comments here so people pretty excited so guys, I want to show you what we put together to help you implement facebook, Messenger BOTS into, your business so we've got the messenger, bot master, you can you can go get it at Arsenal, marketing dot, IO 4 slash messenger, so. Let me just copy and paste this into the chat box over, here and, so what we're gonna do with this training is we're gonna give you all of the copy and paste templates. That, we have to use for real estate and also. For mortgage of what campaigns, that we've already tested so you don't have to go recreate, the wheel we, have step-by-step training, and also. When, you get started, this weekend. Okay or this week I'm sorry you're. Gonna have a member of our team be able to go through and set, everything up completely. Done, for you like so, you don't have to mess with it okay so if you're like man Jason this is awesome but I don't. Really know like the Technic details I don't know how to set stuff up I don't know any of that our team will just take care of all that for you and then also what, we'll do is we'll set up one new, lead generation campaign, for you and so you don't have to worry about that either so we'll set up the Facebook ad the landing pages the automated emails automated, follow-up text messages, the. Automated, farm facebook. Messenger okay, and so, and, we'll set it up whether you're looking for buyer leads if you've got a listing, you'd like to go through a market and promote an open house you're, looking for seller leads whatever. Type of campaign you'd like us to go set up we can go through make, that happen for you and you'll, see here we've got all the messenger bought training, for you we've got the Byerly's training you'll get the seller leads and you're, gonna get a pro account to the our çelebi software. When, you go here and get started today all right so. Let. Me just break this down right here of everything. That you're gonna get with the messenger bot mastery, and so, the URL, up here you can see is our samarkand, io four slash messenger, and we're, only gonna have this available through, this weekend, okay so this. Is not this is kind of like a you. Know a one-time, special type of deal so, that's, the URL I threw it over there in the chat box if you want to go grab that so. Part of this you're, going to get the messenger bot training, okay, we're going to throw it show you step-by-step how to set up the, messenger box with your landing pages with your facebook ads and if you, have a Facebook page and someone messages, your facebook page will, show you how to go through and have an automated, follow-up, sequence to, kind of prequalify, and sift and sort through all those people messaging, your Facebook page right, you're going to also get one. Messenger campaign, completely, set up for you so our team will go in they'll, go into your Facebook page set up the whole messenger boss so you don't have to worry about it plus, you're going to get our copy and paste campaigns. The scripts the templates to go through and implement for your business also. A member of our team is going to go through and set up one new lead generation campaign, for you as I, mention earlier guys doesn't. Matter if you're looking for buyer leads you're, looking for so leads if your guy listen and go through and promote an open, house whatever it might be our.

Team Will be able to go through and set that up for you and you'll. Be able to get one month account, access to our salon catchy the pro account which. Actually open, that up to a completely, unlimited account which is normally, $1.99. A month so, in there you'll be able to set up your landing pages you bill to have the messenger marketing the email marketing the text marketing it's, a full CRM, where you can import your contacts, from Trulia, Zillow wherever. It might be you'll, also get access to priorities, priority, support and for, those our guys right here on this YouTube live, right now will. Also get you guys access to a four week live training, that, we're gonna do for you starting, this next week okay, now this, is only a special bonus for you guys right, here on this YouTube live so we're not offering, or promoting that anywhere else if you guys actually go here to the sales page you, won't see that anywhere because this is just for you guys for, jumping on here jumping on this YouTube live I want to throw in a little bit extra bonus for all of you here so, anyway. Guys you, get started with all that when, you go to Arsenal, marketing. Dot IO for, its last messenger, okay. And you get started for just one single, payment of 297. Okay. And then, okay. So let's go through them I've got a few questions coming in. Okay. Gini say so is this extra over and above the membership, fee, so. Gini are you are you already currently a member of Arsenal. So. Yeah so like the the campaign this is a bonus for giving, because like this is going to be a done-for-you setup, for the messenger bot so if you already are a member just, go here to this URL, right here and we'll be able to upgrade your account and get all the done, for you lead generation campaign, the, done-for-you facebook Messenger bots and all that stuff set up for. You guys as soon as possible, okay. Okay. Vincent's saying I already have our. Solemnity. Lie didn't see it there no. So this is an added bonus this is something brand new that we're just launching right here and then, also you're getting some of this done for you action, just completely, taken, care of so. We. Want to help you guys because lots. Of times you can spend a lot of time trying to figure out all the technical details yourself but. We, know that you're best at meeting with the clients wanna one showing. Them homes going through and doing open houses so, if we can go through and help on some of the backend technical, stuff the, stuff that we do every, single day that, we're not getting frustrated with it because it's, literally like we can do it in our sleep because we're setting up Facebook ads we're setting up Facebook message your boss all that stuff on the, daily so we just want to be able to go through and help you out right here. Okay. Um. Carrie. Saying is it the same price if you are already a member of Arsenal mark and UK we got we had a lot of those questions if I, if. I didn't answer those questions make, sure you guys go through hit, me up in the chat box down there Natasha. Saying I already have a CRM, no, worries so what we could do with the Arsenal, software. So it sets up your landing pages your, all of your auto follow-ups and all that stuff and we also do social automation, posts of Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn but. What we can do is once a new lead comes in we. Can actually sync, that lead with your existing CRM. Okay. So I know for a fact that you know Natasha. I'm not sure what CRM you use but. We sync with lion desk we sync with wise. Agent, follow boss all. Those different ones so that you, can either use the Arsenal CRM, have. Them all come through and we've got like tags and, you can add notes and enroll.

Them Into different email sequences, or just different types of things like that or you, can have it just you know sift write, or sip, it go, sink, sorry just, forget in the word sink right into your existing CRM. Okay. So Natasha hopefully that answer, that question there. Okay. J, Allen Carr I would like to learn more about master boss instead of call so, just. Type in your your question right here in the chat box if you've got some different questions on messenger, BOTS because. More than likely like. Other people are gonna have the same question, so like that's why I like to go through and open up the end here for live. Q&A, just. Because a lot of times like, for example who was it got Jimmy and Vincent, and I. Think John they. All had the same questions. And so, then I'm able to go answer them and so like anyway, so, if you got questions on messenger, BOTS or any of that stuff go ahead type them in and then out can benefit the whole group that everyone, that's on right now okay. Okay. We've got okay I missed I think I missed one right up here John, says do you have to have a website no. You don't Sean or. I'm sorry I was reading, chakras, right about there. Yes. John you don't have to have a website but. With. Your with the Arsenal software you'll be able to set up landing, pages we've got all the pre-built templates inside the system that, you can easily use and leverage for, your business okay, so. Let's see Sean saying so I manually initiate contact, then, the, bot retards, I manually initiate contact, then. The battery targets no Sean so what's gonna happen is we've. Got also, like part of this is you're gonna get our buyer and seller leads mini-courses, and that. Shows you how to go through and set up the buyer leads campaign, of setting up the Facebook ad since, the landing pages the automated follow-up and with. That Facebook. Ad what's. Gonna happen is you don't have to manually do anything, when they click on that link it's gonna automatically, take them into messenger so if we come back over here. It's. Like for example right here they, click on this and it's. Like we run this post as an ad and then when they click on it it's gonna immediately, take, them into messenger, right here okay. Is that makes sense okay. So um I think it's Sean Sean if you have any more questions on that hit, me up in the chat box and more. Happy to get, that Nick. Is saying what's your opinion on lead ads versus, putting them through a funnel yeah, so Nick I've, seen both work extremely well okay and both it kind of depends on the area so.

I've Split tested them some areas they, you, know the cost per leads about the same some, areas the cost per lead on a landing, page is a lot better than lead form sometimes, vice versa and it. All comes down to for. My liking. It comes down so you going through and. Knowing. What which ones getting you the best quality data, okay, which lots of times lead forms do that but, sometimes landing, pages work just as well and they give you a pretty good cost per lead, okay. So anyway Nick hope that answer that question, and Kim going, back down. Sean. I said are we able to set up a messenger, bot for contacts, that are already in arsenal, yes you are so one thing that I've done Shawna and this is how I actually initially, grew my messenger bot list is, I. Went, through and I created a link similar, to this. One right here but, instead of placing in a face book ad I, went. Through and I put it inside an email and then, when they clicked on that link inside the email it. Opened. Him up into this, messenger, Bob okay. So it's, really just like taking this link and you could advertise it on Facebook. You could do it on Instagram, on YouTube, inside, of an email inside, of a text message to, get them to opt in to your Facebook Messenger, bot that. Make sense so anyways. Shauna if you've got contacts, already in there you can easily do an email blast get, people on that messenger bot list and even, kind of have them go through a full-on sequence, and it's. A great another great way to go through and start the conversation. Okay. Jenny. Is saying where can I find how to sync leads with my CRM so, shoot an email to support at our salon kg comm Ginny, and Natasha. Real geeks so, here's, the thing with CRN's with synching with them if your. CRM, gives, you a custom. Email address that is, like a lead notification. Email address that's, how we can sing because then we just put that email address inside. Of the Arsenal's software. Of the, lead notifier, or whatever and then, it'll send that lead info to that email address and then, what happens is it's called parsing, the data which basically. Like real geeks or follow a boss or any of those ones they go through and they they'd find the the email the phone number all that information, inside of that email that's sent over and that, it would be able to sync it into your, CRM. Okay. So if, you're, so Ginny and everyone, else if you guys have a CRM, and you're wondering how to go through do that it's. Possible, if you have that email address if you don't have that email address then, it's. It's kind of a it's. It's major development, work which we're not quite ready for quite, yet but most of these CRM s do, have one of those I know fall of bosses for sure I know wise, agent does for sure cuz I've done, both of those and then, these other ones you'll just have to kind of look through. Okay. Let's. See here. J. Say we're gonna find okay I'm just trying to get try, to get back in order with all the questions okay so, elegant. Realty saying the landing pages and everything you get is that for a month, yes. So it's for the first month and then, if you'd like to stay on the Arsenal software its, $99, a month for the basic plan or, $1.99. For the pro plan and with the pro plan you're, actually gonna get, you're. Gonna get one lead generation campaign, set up for you by a member of our team every. Single month okay, so that's, kind of a nice little bonus that you guys can go through and have done right, there on the $1.99, a month plan, or. If you're just on the 99 a month plan and these are month of months there's no contracts, we. Feel like if you're getting results, and seen value from our software you're, gonna stick around because, that's what we want to often want to offer massive, value for you all okay. Let's. Get back over here. Okay. Christine. This is one time what they cost so Christine, yeah so it's gonna be a one-time for like the messenger bot training, the messenger, bot set up the lead generation campaign, but, then to continue on with the software it would be if you want to continue on with the, software it would be like a $99. Or one $99, after, this, first month camp that's. Kind of how that works trying. To say this rocks if we are currently, a member how quickly can we start using this super. Quick yeah super quick so just go through go to the Arsenal market die of horse last messenger, and then. Once you get started what we're gonna do is we're gonna sort through everyone that's signing up okay, and then we're gonna have a member of our team reach out and, help.

You Get that messenger, bot set up and get, it going for your business, okay. So once. Again guys allow allow, a few days like don't like we're. Gonna try to get to you guys as soon as possible, but, there's a lot of people and we've got I mean I think we've got like seven or eight support members but just. Allow them a little bit of time to get to your account. Within. A week they for sure should be able to get to it but anyway, so just keep that in mind there. Okay. Guys any other questions. Okay. So let's just wrap this up I'll kind, of hit one more time what you're gonna get today with the messenger bot mastery, you're gonna get our message about training okay and for those of you guys here on this YouTube live, we're. Gonna actually get, you guys a bonus for just, the hose you guys who actually attended today for, week I trained for all of you guys what we're gonna do starting next week is we're gonna have a once a week live training, showing you how to implement some of these things and then. You'll be able to ask questions, live, on the call and so that you know you get all of your answer your questions answered there okay, we're gonna also get one message robot campaign, completely, set up for you you're, also going to get all of our pre-existing campaign. Templates, the text all that stuff that we've already tested out you're, gonna get one lead generation campaign, set up for you so, whether you're looking for buyer leads seller leads listing leads open house leaves whatever might be and, you're gonna get our buyer and seller leads mini-courses. Okay, so inside, those courses. Those. Are we. Show you how to set the facebook ad and, we give you the copy and paste facebook ad template, we're gonna show you how to set the landing pages the follow-up emails follow-up everything, and how to go through and get them to actually book appointments, on autopilot, with you with, our appointment, scheduling app that we've got for you okay, you're also gonna get one month account to our Celebi our pro account we're, actually going to open that up to an unlimited account so you can create unlimited landing, pages you, can have unlimited contacts. Inside, of your CRM, there so, you can easily import, the contacts, you can easily export, the contacts, whatever, you need to do we've got it all integrated with Facebook messenger, email. Marketing text marketing everything, set, up ready for you and then also our priority. Support so. If like your biggest question right now is like Jason this all sounds awesome but I don't. Know if I could go through and set up all the technical stuff for, the Facebook Ads we're. There for you okay we've, got several, members on our team jump. On a screen share jump on a call do whatever you need to do to get the help and you get started today. At, our, samarkand dot IO four slash messenger, for just, 297. K now guys, literally just the done for you like, excluding, the training, the templates all the stuff literally. Just the done for you messenger, bot campaign, setup and the lead generation I mean those those that, eat both are easily worth, the 297, just to kind of eliminate that time of trying. To go through and figure it all you out yourself right. It's kind of like the time value money where do you value your time where is your time best, spent it's the best spend out the few showing. Homes doing, an open house with that or spending. You know an hour to trying to set up a Facebook ad for your first time and not really knowing exactly how, to do it. So anyway that's why we want to go through and help you with all that. Okay. My CV to say this price is reasonable yeah yeah, I think.

So But uh but. Anyway okay Sean, said this rocks okay I think I read that one Messer has been so awesome me the response rate is through the roof it's. So new that everyone replies and it's instant thousand, times better than I slow back and forth so money for yeah, I agree. Chad, it's, killing, it right now so. Sean. Is saying and if we are currently a pro member we, still need a purses as well as that correct yeah, Shana the reason why is because of the the, done-for-you. Set up on the messenger bots and the, lead generation campaigns, so, it's, just I mean it just, takes a decent amount of time to go through and get those first, campaign. Set up, so. Anyway. Alrighty. Guys. Cool. Cool so I think those are all the questions if, you guys are watching the replay of this I know everyone on here right now is live but if you're watching the replay of this you, know you can go through grab the Arsenal marketing dot, IO, force. Last messenger, that's. The link to go through and get started and this, is going to be available through, the end of the weekend, and this, is kind of a special bonus to, kind of really kick off the whole messenger, box with. Your, real estate business with your mortgage business with whatever you're doing right so anyway. Guys thanks so much for jumping on today and if you guys have any other questions, that I, did not get to a little, bit later go ahead shoot an email to support at our salon kg comm we're, here to help you and we. Want to see you guys have. Success, so with, that said thanks so much for watching today and I. Will talk to you guys all later.

2018-03-23 00:30

Show Video


Get started with Facebook Messenger Bots here: https://arsenalmarketing.io/messenger

Lifetime! Last 60 seconds 205 easy traffic with 5 signups https://is.gd/jkgbvbn

How do they do the video ads with the website right below it?

very cool stuff. thanks for the great material

Thanks for watching!

Hello my name is meek

What's up Meek

Hi Jason - I am interested in setting this up. I am not your your program currently. So if I take advantage of this offer and it includes the 1 month account to MKG Pro - if after 1 month can I still use all in this offer if I decide I want the 99.00 monthly program rather than the 199.00? I will be on your call today as well. Thanks Sandy

Hello Sandy - Yes you can keep the training and the bot set up is a 1-time thing for you. so if you'd like to go with the $99/month or the $199/month after the first month there is not a problem with either one. See you on the training in a bit!

It's just a video post option when creating a post on your FB page or you can import a video instead of an image when you're creating the ad

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