Show Video

Few. Friends thanks, for checking out another motivating, video, this. Video is sure, to give you some major cleaning, motivation, and I'm so glad you're here, I hope, you will be inspired and, clean your house along with me. The. Girls had just gone to bed so it was time for me to get moving and get cleaning, I was, pretty, tired and, I'm gonna tell you and be honest, I was the, least motivated. Ever. This night at the end of the night I'm just tired. I don't want to do anything but. I knew, it that I would feel so much better when I was done cleaning, so, if you're watching this and you need some motivation you're, going to get it here I know you can do it I promise you'll feel so much better when it's all done and let, me know if you clean along with me tag, me on instagram, because, it absolutely makes my day when I know we are cleaning it together and if you want to see some cute clips of my girls before bedtime stick, around because I will be showing those, to you after I get some cleaning, done the, little smiles in their cribs before, bedtime has become one of my absolute, favorites. Thanks. For coming back to my channel and thanks for watching if you are new, here and, just finding my channel I'm glad, you've stopped by and I would love to have you subscribe. I make cleaning, videos every, single week along with other inspiring, and motivating, type videos so. Be sure to, hit the red subscribe button and, the notification bellow, so you don't miss any of my upcoming videos. And if, you do, choose to subscribe, let, me know in the comment section who you are where, you're from so I can get to know you a little bit better to, me you guys aren't just subscribers. Or people watching my videos I truly look at you as friends, and I want to get to know you. So. I got started in the kitchen because as you can see it was a complete. Disaster. We, had a lot that needed to be cleaned up so, I just started out by putting things away and wiping, things down and so, my plan for the night was to clean the kitchen living. Room and then move on upstairs, and clean, the kids bathroom, the master, bathroom, master, bedroom, and hallway, upstairs this. Is kind of my nightly, cleaning, routine, when, I'm cleaning at night and I would love to sit here and tell you that I clean every single night like this but I'm not gonna lie to you I definitely don't. Clean like this every night sometimes, it's more than this sometimes, it's a very abbreviated, version. Of this and I will admit that most nights I will, just do the basics. There's personally. Nothing, worse than a messy house in the morning and it, just sets. Me off and, puts me in a bad mood when I wake up and my house is, messy. So I like to at least have everything, picked up before I go to bed and if, I have more time I will wipe things down I'll mop you, know wipe the bathrooms down things, like that but I definitely don't, do that every night don't beat yourself up over it you're, a rock star you are getting a lot done during the day and if that's one thing that doesn't get accomplished, during your day your, busy day give yourself a break it's totally, okay but. If I could give you one piece of advice is, just. Try to do at least one, thing every, single night even. If it's just picking things up wiping. Things down wiping, down one bathroom, just, pick one thing to focus on start, small and I promise, it will get easier. Where. You wanna be. By. The way. Way, too full you leave. I. Just, got these new high chairs from Ikea, and they are perfect. For my twins because. They're easy to clean up there's no padding in there food. Doesn't get stuck in the crevices, and they wipe up very very easily. I love, these high chairs so, much already. It's. Mom. Jozy. If. You're, new here and you want to get to know me a little, bit better more about my personal, life I'm gonna put a playlist right here you can check out it's, kind of a get to know me playlist, some, of my special, videos, my favorite videos where you can get to know me like. I have my birth. Blog of my twins my, husband and I went through IVF, to get pregnant with our twins and we also have a four-year-old daughter so. We have a really cool story go, check that out and I will also have it linked down below if, you want to check it out after this video. This, is something, new a new cleaner, that I just picked up from Grove collaborative.

It's A vinegar, gel cleaner, and I'm really really liking it you. Guys if you watch my videos all of the time you know I love them mrs. Myers baking, soda cream cleanser, I like, using it on my sink and my stove and a, lot of people were suggesting, the vinegar, gel cleaner and so, when I put another order into Grove I added, it to my cart and I just used it on my sink and I really liked it I will have the link to that down, below if you want to check it out. Sometimes. When I need to scrub, my glass cooktop stove but I don't want to actually take, the time to really scrub it I will, use the mr., Clean Magic Eraser, sheets. These are a new product and I've really been liking them I have, to put in a little bit more effort when I'm cleaning the glass cooktop but. It still works does a really good job and then to shine in I just used a cleaner I mix up myself it's 1/4, cup of rubbing alcohol Dawn. Dish, soap a teaspoon, and the rest water in a spray bottle and it's one of my go-to cleaners, a lot, of you have been telling me that you started, making this cleaner it's cheap it's a. Disinfectant. You can use it literally on so many surfaces, in your house and it's, just it's a good cleaner if you're looking for something to whip up definitely. Try this. You, were like me, wanna be free like. Uh. I'm. Feeling, down. What. Keep. Watching for some sweet baby, smiles, they are growing so, quickly and, a lot of you have been around since before I even got pregnant I just, can't believe they're already, seven, months old and, they. Are at that sweet, age where, they're not, moving yet and they are just smiling and. They will just sit on your lap and smile, it's just I'm really enjoying, this, age. I'm. Also. Going to be putting a cleaning, playlist, right here at the top that you can check out as well, as down below in the video's description I, put, together some of my latest cleaning, videos and a lot of them are whole house cleaning videos so, you can save it to your, YouTube account and I've, had a lot of you tell me that you like to put me on your TV when you're cleaning so it's kind of like we're cleaning together, it's, like two friends, are cleaning together. Which. I love. That makes me so happy and I personally, love putting cleaning, videos up on my TV when I'm cleaning so. If you want to check that playlist out it's down below. We. Don't need to go on a fast, I mean, this night. So. I know I've shared this before, but. Something, that I drink every single night is called natural calm it's a magnesium, supplement and, so, I just went ahead and made that I was getting ready to mop, I've. Been loving this I drink it while I was pregnant there's a whole host, of benefits to taking magnesium. And making sure your magnesium levels, are good so, definitely check this out I've had a lot of you message me tell me that you've tried it and it's helped with insomnia. Restless. Leg syndrome, cramping. In your legs so, many different things but definitely, go check it out I love my. Natural calm at night. Everything. Is alright. Do. You like these nighttime cleans, better, than the daytime cleaning, let, me know down below which, you would prefer or, if you don't really care at, all when I clean. There's. Just something so relaxing, about mopping, in a quiet dark house am I crazy for thinking that do. You find that when you're mopping or maybe cleaning, at, night is it relaxing, I I never used to be a nighttime cleaner, just. Because I like going to bed early, and I still do need my sleep don't get me wrong I need my sleep but. I feel like if, I can sleep I can conquer the world and I'm ready to take on the deck next day but. Lately with, three, kids you know I had one kid and then I went to three kids I have so many distractions and, I, don't want to call my kids a distraction, but, you guys know what I mean I mean I just have so many responsibilities.

When My kids are around and I get pulled away throughout, the day so it's really hard for me to clean without, distractions. And so at night I don't, have distractions things, are quiet and I've just come. To find it very therapeutic to. Clean at night and, I've. Been enjoying it lately. With, you. Here's. A quick clip of the girls before bedtime. Avery. Loves coming in here and helping put her sisters to bed she loves playing with them and as, you can see they love her so much and, that. Is Emery and the white and Addison is in the pink they just get so excited when, we lay them down I, don't know why it's, so cute they kick their little legs and, smile, and it. Makes it a little bit hard to put them to sleep but. This. Was truly a super, quick wipe-down, of the downstairs, of bathroom, the one that a lot of people use when they come over so I like to make for sure it's at least wiped down every. Other day. We know driz. Enough, is firefighters. You, can't, leave knit sit in your stubborn. Looking, like a breeze, but really. So. The girls bathroom, I was pretty much just picking things up decluttering. Wiping, things down emptying, the garbage and, I, also wanted, to vacuum in there kind of do the basics, and nothing, too crazy. Yeah. If, you want to chat with me go, ahead and follow me over on Instagram, it's jamie-lynns. With, an S dot, journey I will also have it linked down below I try, to my, I try, my absolute best to answer every question and message I get over there I love chatting with you and you, can also see more pictures of me and my family and, so. Come check me out come, say hi let's be friends. Everyone. Always. You. Present. You. To, wipe my mirrors in this bathroom, and then for our master, bathroom here in a little bit I use an e cloth it's a cloth that you just need to use water and it cleans and I know that. Doesn't sound real and it I there's, probably a lot of skeptics, because, you guys have messaged me but, I promise, you these are great and they actually clean, with just water, there's a whole science behind it and how these cloths work, and how they actually clean, without using an actual. Chemical cleaner, and I love using them all over my house so, if you want to check them out and what they're all about the website will tell you everything I will have them linked, down below but. They are, great, for all over my house they, have cloths for stainless steel one. For mirrors, and windows, and a general purpose cloth. And so, many more. Let, me know what cleaning videos you would like to see me do or. What, type of cleaning videos you want in the upcoming future I have a lot of fun new type videos, planned but, I want to know what you guys want to see as far as cleaning, what. Do you want to see me clean let me know. I. Then. Came in my master bedroom to get that all cleaned up and I wasn't planning on making a full bed since. We were going to be getting in it soon and I just kind of wanted to make, it look pull together and, just. Not add the comforter. Or anything just the basic blankets. This. Is a lavender spray, that I've been spraying on my bed before I lay down and relax for the night and I. Got it from Amazon and I also have, essential, oils going and I. Just feel like it kind of helps me relax and, shut off my mind at the end of the night even though that's so hard but, if you guys are curious and you want to check these out I will have the lavender spray, that again that's from Amazon. Link, down below. And, the last thing that I had to do which you probably can guess it was a laundry. Because. There's, obviously always laundry, to be done at my house so, I flipped on some of my reality TV, shows because when I fold laundry or clean that's about the only time I can watch TV anymore, but.

You Guys know that's one of my favorite ways to wind down at the end of the night is to put on my TV shows and fold laundry and I said this recently in another video, but. A lot of people have, been asking what I'm throwing things on the ground when I'm folding laundry and. They. Are clothes. That don't need to be folded like underwear, or some of my workout, bras, or, my sports bras or my workout, shirts I could, sit there and perfectly, fold them but it doesn't matter they don't get, wrinkled in my drawer so I can throw them there and then I can put them in the drawer because they don't need to be folded anyway, so that is what I'm tossing, when. I'm folding laundry. I think. I. Thought. The thing said, said, to me to me it seems I. Can. Take it, so. Folding, all of these clothes but I'm gonna go put, them away because I. Have. To if I don't put them away they're. Probably just gonna sit here for a while so I want to make sure I get them put away at least mine put. Mine away I'll put the girls away in the morning but I hope you guys enjoy this video if you did give me a thumbs up, let, me know if you're motivated, and if you're gonna clean with me I just. Love when you guys message, me and tell me that you guys felt motivated and, inspired and, you guys wanted. To go and clean after you watch my videos or you cleaned with me head, on over to Instagram, jamie-lynns. Journey. That'll be linked down below find. Me in there tag me if you're cleaning with me, message. Me say, hi I love, saying hi you guys over, there but. Again, I hope you enjoyed this video I'm really, enjoying these at night time clean so if you enjoy them let. Me know because I will do more if you guys do a lot of your nighttime cleaning, let me know I think that's gonna be it, I am ready, for bed, but. I guess I will see you guys next, time bye.

2019-11-14 11:32

Show Video


Happy Sunday!

I'm new, what vacuum did you use?? I love it!!

Great job getting so much done!!

You kept me company while I was on the treadmill before before 6 am

Hey! I am a new subscriber from the Netherlands. I like this video, you are very honest. You are relatable, that makes me motivated. Thanks!

how do you get dust from your house do you have a tip for me??

Love your costumes! Thanks for the motivation. New subscriber showing love and support

I usually clean when I'm in the mood, sometimes it's the mornings and sometimes at night but when I need motivation I know I can count on your videos

I love you so much and all you videos i gave a thumbs up to them all

I can't believe your girls are 7 months old. All three girls are so cute. Hope you feel better soon. By the way I'm from California.

Hey jamie. You ara super mame.. Ilove your videos. ❤️

Thanks Jamie I was watching at 4am in uk

I enjoy watching the night time cleaning ritual.....waking in the morning with everything fresh.

I was wondering how long did uou take in each room to clean it? Ten minutes, 20 minutes or more?

I really love ALL of your videos! Thank you for the motivational videos, you're definitely my go to "cleaning buddy"! But my question is, do you LOVE your mop? I have been looking at that mop for so long but I haven't bought it. I have a spray mop but I just don't think it cleans as well.

Can you tell me the name of your paint in the living room? So pretty.

Heyyy jamie! I’m from South East Asia and my name is Pyka. I’ve been watching your videos even before the twins came

Ive known by my family (my mom) that kids/babies get used to noises at a very young age. So if you have to be quiet for them to sleep they will wake up but if you vacume or have music on while they nap they will get used it and I have it that way with my son. I can have loud music and he would be asleep still.

Jamie, I just have to tell you how much I love your videos. You have such a calming voice and you're so inspiring. I've bought so many products that you've suggested and I love them. I hear you say every week "Leave me a comment, let me know where you're from, I love to chat with you", so I'm finally doing it, haha! I'm a mom in my thirties from MN. I'm super busy, as I work full time for a bank, part time for a health company and as needed at a non-profit. My daughter is 14 and she's obsessed with cleaning and Konmari method organizing. She also is a competitive gymnast, in honor choir, plays violin in her school orchestra and runs track. I. Do. Not. Have. Downtime! Your videos help me unwind, motivate me to get more done and make me happy :) Thank you for all you do and keep up the awesome work!

Thank you! For the cleaning vlogs it's gives me motivation to clean my own house! I also love your cooking ones to for some new ideas!

Hi. I agree with the night cleaning. Sometimes I cook at night because I feel more relaxing at night. ♥️♥️♥️


Love you..your cleaning and your girls

I don’t care when you clean, whenever is best for YOU! But I do love knowing you’re going to wake up with a sparkling clean home ❤️ Both are equally fun to watch :)

please do vlogmas I’m also looking forward to all of your holiday videos ❤️all of the cleaning videos fabulous video

Thank you for the motivation! After seeing your video a few weeks ago, I got the thin white eraser and they’re amazing!

Hi I’m selena from Indiana! 7months pregnant with a baby girl, I’m a first time mom

Thank you for the video will be using it tomorrow as I clean. This was the last warm wkend SE Ks. was going to have before freezing rain and snow starts tomorrow, (yuck) so I had some winterizing left to finish up outside, I cut and burned tree limbs and raked the leaves, all done with that! But my house cleaning suffered so tomorrow it's inside work to be done, think I'll tackle the cleaning of my oven!! Again thanks for tomorrow's motivation. Your girls have grown so much and are all 3 gorgeous.

Nice motivation! I need to get to cleaning my house haha

Hi Jamie, I'm from Missouri

Hi Jamie

I love all the cleaning videos day or night. Looks like you guys got some rain. I love cleaning when its gloomy idk i guess im weird lol . We haven't had ANY rain yet . So im hoping SOON!!!! Lol

Your girls are so adorable

You are so inspiring!

Hope you had a great weekend! I LOVE to clean at night! With 7 of us It seems like that’s the only time I get to myself and their isn’t anyone coming behind me messing up my hard work lol Waking up to a clean house is AMAZING!!❤️❤️

My mom has twins and has the same diaper bag

Do you ever do a video of balancing work schedule and mom life? As a 9-5 working mom, I'm always wondering how other moms balance that (and YouTube!...even though I'm not a YouTuber).

It’s not easy!! That’s for sure! Basically I barely have any time throughout the week to do anything. I barely get time to clean. Maybe once or twice throughout the week. But on the weekends is when I get most things done

I have a cold

@Jamie's Journey you feel better too

I’m in the same boat today!! I hope you feel better!!

I enjoy your candles being lit.

I love lighting candles!!

Jamie I’m packing and moving closer to my job...not motivated to unpack and clean but it has to be done before classes start...

Good luck!!

Great job. You sure got your stove top sparkling!

It’s so satisfying to see the before and after and just how well you do it by being a mom of three and I am just a babysitter I can’t imagine how you do it so perfect

Hi Jamie! I've been watching you long before your precious twins were born. You are my favorite youtuber! I also like to clean at night just because there are no distractions, everyone is sleeping and I'm able to stay on task. I use the Lysol/Clorox wipes for the bathrooms too, its quick and disinfects. I hope you feel better soon, your voice sounded like you were maybe in the midst of a cold. Love your videos, always look forward to them!

Thanks Gloria! You’ve been around for a long time!! Thank you!

Nice and clean good job

Thank you!!

Your girls are so sweet! Avery obviously loves being a big sister!

She’s the best big sister ever! She loves it!

Any time of day or evening cleaning videos are inspiring. Even if I don't do actual cleaning, have to do dishes and pick up everything. Agree that waking up to a messy house is awful. Also you can never show too much of the girls.

Awww thanks Jan! It means a lot that you care about my girls!

Happy Sunday & Great video! I personally love night time cleaning better, but it doesn't matter which one you do, they'll keep me motivated either way!

Thank you, girl!

You are so sweet and your house is so beautiful. Thanks for being my motivation to keep on keeping on. ❤️

Thank you, Ellen! You are sweet!

Well this friend says THANK YOU SO MUCH for making this video.My husband will be having surgery this coming Wednesday,and I have alot to do before then.I dont want to have any laundry or cleaning to worry about.So thank you for giving me the motivation to keep going,and not sitting down worrying. Love your videos!!!!!!!

Awww I hope your husband has a successful surgery!!

Laundry video will be great

Thanks for the suggestion!

The camera shot you had out your door of the beloved flag and the dark rainy street made your house seem all the more cozy! I understand your cleaning motivation when all is quiet & the house has settled down for the night. I used to say that I couldn't settle myself until I heard our dog(s) circle & hit the floor at night. You are a beast with that vacuum...loved the penguin in your bed -- was that yours or Mike's? ha

Haha it’s was Avery’s

Love from

Thanks for the love!

Hi Jamie! It doesn’t matter what time of day you clean for your videos...I just appreciate you making them! Your life is so busy you need to film/clean when it’s easiest for you. I light a candle then watch your video for motivation. By the time the video is over my house smells amazing, you’ve lit a fire under my butt and I start cleaning. Thanks again for sharing your time & adorable family! Have a great rest of your day

That’s awesome! Sometimes I find lighting a candle makes a big difference in my motivation too

Those baby’s are so adorable..! Congratulations ❤️

Thank you!’

Thank you for the cleaning motivation, Jamie! I cleaned our Airbnb during your video!

That’s awesome!

last night i had to go to the ER my pump stop charging and wouldn't come back on and my sugar went up so high and that was so scary i was so scared but i got to come back home and hopeful i don't have to go back and I love your video's it's so helpful and motivation and i just love

@Jamie's Journey thank you so much with all my heart

I’m so sorry! It sounds like you had a scary experience! I hope you get better quickly!

Hi! I am new subscriber from Turkey. Loved your videos

Hi Kelly! Thanks for saying hi!

Hi Jamie another great video I prefer afternoon cleaning as I like to chill in the evenings your children are adorable lots of love xx

Thank you, Wendy!

Hi Jamie!!!! I'm glad I subbed. I love you're videos and I enjoy seeing the girls. I have a son turning 5 new yrs eve. You motivate me to clean all the time. I recently got into Mrs Meyers products and I love them. Can't wait for more videos!!

Thanks girl! I hope you enjoy those new products!!

About to clean along with you

Yay! This makes me happy!!

Just watching your video now. Couldn't do night time cleaning always too tired. But I love watching you go for it and it does motivated me if I watch during the day. Keep up the hard work. You're energy levels are amazing.

Thank you!!

Thank you for the motivation!! I cleaned my bathrooms and vacuumed while watching, I would love to see a deep clean/ de clutter and organization of a space in your home.

Sounds like you have been productive! That’s awesome!

Love your videos Jamie, I would love to see you clean my house (ha ha) thank you for keeping us motivated.

You’re welcome!

I love your cleaning videos and I love that you’re not lazy

Thank you!

Doesn't matter to me when you do the cleaning! Just watching you do yours helps me to get going on my list! I definitely needed it today! Thanks for posting!

Thanks for letting me know!!

Love it. I needed the motivation. Ty. Sweet beautiful friend

Thanks for the love, Trudy!’

I just started using the rubbing alcohol mixture during my cleaning routine and using the dish scrubber in the shower. Life changer!

It really is!! Glad you tried it!!

I just came across your channel a few days ago and i love it. I subscribed almost immediately. My name is Destiny. Im from Oklahoma. I have a 3 year old little boy, a little girl who will be 2 in December, and a 3 month old little boy. Also your girls are super cute! Thank you for the motivation. I definitely needed it today.

Hi Destiny! Thanks for saying hi!!

I like your videos anytime Jamie.though I am glad for you when you don't have to spend the entire day cleaning. Have you been having a hard time trying to adjust your cleaning routine to your new busy life? I have been trying to adjust mine becaus of changes here but after 30 plus years I am having trouble changing.

Yes! I’m having a hard time and I’ve found that i don’t have time to keep up with a daily routine anymore. It’s more bigger cleans. It’s just what’s working for us/me right now

❤️❤️❤️ hi Jamie I watch all your videos but I don’t comment all the time girls are getting bigger they are so cute Avery is such a good sister I hope you have a good Sunday

Thanks for commenting today!!

I need to do a bunch of dishes was without water for 5 days while my dh put in another water pump in... I love living in the country until something goes wrong with our well....So I am a working hard Jamie while listening to you motivating me

Sounds like you are working hard! Way to go!!

Hi love watching you I’m mum of twins although adults now , can’t believe you had thumbs down

Thanks for the love!!

My husband is a night cab driver, so i clean ervery night.... when he is working, so i know the drill, whe are grandparents, so no kids in the house....i live in Belgium, greetz from us

Very motivating. Thank you so much ! The girls are so, so adorable ! Love when you include clips of them also. They're such a joy to see

Thanks for letting me know! I enjoy showing clips of them too!

I like new music!

Good Morning ☀️! Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday!!

Hey m rezana from india


Love your cleaning videos !

Thank you!

You should film a How I Keep My Carpets Clean video

Yes please do a carpet one!!

New here, I live to see cleaning motivation videos. I’m officially making my own content. &” that’s thanks to you.

Awww that’s awesome!!

I love you and your videos omg

I am in Urbana, Ohio and did you see the snow we are to get tom....ugh

Good video

Love that you keep it real with all the toys! Your baby is the happiest!

Hey Jamie, love your cleaning videos, I always look forward to them! I prefer night time cleaning, but there all good

Jamie's Journey hope you feel better quickly!!

I just started getting sick when I was doing the voiceovers for this video! I’m pretty sick today but Overall, I’m ok!

I like you cleaning better in the morning but I do not care because it just motivates me so so much and I love it !!

Can you do a power hour,else 30 minutes

1)you’re super mom. 2) we make our bed every morning. If I have a crappy day I know I accomplished one thing at least. 3). I love the no fold bras & underwear idea ha

Haha thanks! Laundry got much easier when I stop folding underwear!

You did all the cleaning Jaimie but I’m tired just watching you lol ! Your a great mother , wife , and homemaker .

Happy Sunday and cleaning motivation

how long did it take you to clean the house?

About 2 hours

Congratulations ♥️you get 75000 subscribers

Wow, thank you! Such a sweet comment! Thank you times a million!

Thanks Jamie, I am going to clean up the house now

Yay! Way to go!!

Girls are all beautiful and the babies are growing so fast. Yes, once you start cleaning, you get that motivation to have everything look clean and organized and with the candle lit, your house smells nice too. I’ve been using Mrs, Meyers products which are great but I also have my other products to clean. They are not enough but clean and make things smell great. Jamie can I ask you a question? I just started using Mrs. Meyer fall scents. Have you tried the winter/holiday scents? What is/are your favorites? I’m not sure so I thought I ask for your thoughts. As always, I love your channel. Thanks

I just ordered the peppermint scents from Grove!! It’s my fav winter scent. There’s also a regular mint scent (in the blue) that I love. It just smells fresh!

Hey! I subscribed awhile back but I'm Krystal, mom of 5 from small town Lacona, Iowa! I definitely needed the Sunday motivation this morning! Thanks so much mama!

Hi Krystal!! Mom of 3, wow, you’ve got your hands full and sounds like super mom!

Really needed this today!! Thank you Jamie! All the girls are growing so fast and are absolutely adorable!!!!

@Jamie's Journey My 6 boys and I have been sick with the flu for weeks and cleaning hasn't been going to well. Happy to be feeling better and have your video as a huge motivation to clean and disinfect my whole house. Love your rubbing alcohol cleaner also.

You’re welcome! glad I could help today!!

Drinking strong coffee now while I watch. Then the cleaning will begin

It’s super cold here! We are getting measurable snow tomorrow!

I needed motivation today! I don’t clean along with you - I watch your video to get motivated to clean and it always works. Maybe because you start with a real mess, not just a couple of toys strategically placed to look like “a total disaster”.

Haha, before I had the twins, I thought my house was messy. I was wrong!! Lol.

Hey, my name is Miina and i'm from Finland

Hi Miina!

Needing this Sunday motivation

Thanks Carlie!

Yay another video! We’re moving at the end of the month so I’ve been marathoning your videos as I clean up. It’s so fun

Moving is the perfect reason to declutter and clean up!’

how did you fix your ottoman?

Great motivation, and so lovely❤️

I love relaxing night time cleans! ❤️

My 3 year old daughter says “let’s watch a cleaning show.” We watch you weekly. I can clean your house now - I’m pretty sure I know where everything is and where everything goes. :)

I always give you a thumbs up before I watch! I know I’ll love your video! I love cleaning during the day, but night time cleaning is important too!

I love your cleaning videos! You make it look effortless. Your home is so spacious! Sharon

Thank you ,you put bona and water togheter at basket?

The twins are getting sooo big .. beautiful girls

Great video! The girls and seeing them so happy was my favorite part of the video!

Hi! LOVE your videos! I am new to this YouTube stuff, would you want to Subscribe and support each other?!

I love these. These help me do my chores!! thank you!!

You’re welcome!

I love this I have 4kids 13,10,5,1 and it's so hard cleaning I'm dealing with the kids when they get home from school and I have a 1 year old all day my husband is it work a lot so it's super hard he works in Honda on a swing shift

It is hard!! I can only, for the most part, only clean when my husband has the kids or when they are sleeping! I get easily distracted

Love these Sunday cleaning videos. Sunday’s are normally my big cleaning days. And love putting it on tv or my phone and watch and clean with you. I love how you always put clips of the girls in here. I can’t believe 7 months already m. They are adorable.

Me either! Time flies when you’re having fun and raising twins!

I just discovered your channel today and your videos make me so calm! And I actually felt like I wanted to clean!

That’s awesome!!

Your house now looks like you staged this

I wish I did!

I like any video's do of cleaning, wouldn't matter if it's day or night. I love the part with twins in their cribs with those big smiles, they're adorable along with their big sister. I ordered the vinegar gel from grove and the cream cleanser. Thank you for all your suggestions.

You’re welcome!

I agree about waking up to a messy house putting you in a bad mood. The 1st thing I see when I come downstairs is the dining room table. If that’s a mess it just sets the tone for my day! So I make sure to have that nice & clean before bed. Oh and of course the dishes done. Nothing worse then waking up to dishes in the sink!

I agree! For me it’s the kitchen island and the dishes cleaned up at night

Did you do over your ottoman cuz it looks new to me? Very motivating got me cleaning already

I painted it with leather paint!

Your cleaning video was great company while I was standing doing all of my ironing

Oh that’s really cool! I hate ironing so I would enjoy having a company while doing that too!

Way to go and watch me while working out! I love watching videos while I’m on the treadmill too!

Hello! Thank you and I’m glad you said hi!

My house gets dusty but I just try and stay on top of it. I also make sure my air vents are cleaned out and I have a good air filter in place

Thank you Breanna!

I’m slowly starting to feel better! Thanks for saying hi!

Haha well thank you!

I hope you were able to find me!

It depends. The kitchen and living room take a lot longer than a bedroom or bathroom. It could be an hour for the kitchen and living room

I do!! I really love it!

Accessible beige by Sherwin Williams!

Hi Pyka! Thanks for being around for awhile!

Haha I love that you finally left a comment!!

Awww thanks Emily!

I would love to do vlogmas but with working an 8-5 job, i wouldn’t have time to vlog and edit in one day!

Oh that’s awesome!

Jamie's Journey Thank You!❤️

Hi Selena! Congratulations on your baby girl! You’ll love being a mom!

You’re welcome!

I hope you get a lot done!

Hi Gina! Thanks for saying hi!

Hi Carla!

I’m with you on that!! There’s something cozy about it!!

Thank you!!

Awww thanks girl!!

It’s funny because I never enjoyed cleaning at night until I had 3 kids!!

I like the daytime videos

Ive seen you several times, lean over and check out the top of the island , after you have wiped it down.. just curious why do you do that? love your channel new here, stumbled upon your video while scrolling... I am a 70 year young grandmother of 4 and Mom to my only child....your girls are adorable, your oldest is a clone of you.... thanks for sharing.. have a great night.. Jay peace

Hey jamie! Love your videos, and still clean right along with you!! You're awesome! What is the name of the dyson you use all the time? I'm wanting to purchase one!!

I'm going to be cleaning with you today!

It was very motivating.  THANKS

The girls r gettin soooo big....i always cleaned at too when my kids were little cause i felt like it was me time. And i dont think the kitty was too happy w the sweeper.

Haha nope! He never is!


That’s where I’m from!

Enjoy watching your videos today I was watching this video after finish my cleaning.

Where can I get those sleeping bag I can’t find any long sleeves

Thanks for letting me know, girl!

Awww I love that so much!! Avery loves watching videos with me too!

That’s really sweet of of you to do! Thank you!! ❤️

Thanks Sharon!

I did!

She is! She’s watching all 3 girls!

Awww that’s sweet of you to say! I love showing it their smiles!

I can’t help but ask, do you listen to music while cleaning? I can’t imagine doing SO much cleaning and not listen to music lol l. Major props to you

How do you keep everything so clean, kids taken taken care of, cooking and working full time? You give me so much energy just watching you

I'm Michelle, mom of 2 grown sons. A former recovering hh. (horrible housekeeper) Moving out of our former home made me realize I have to change my ways. Now I'm keeping ahead, watching your videos have been a godsend to my life. You are such an inspiration to other mothers who have babies and small children.

Such kind words! Thank you!

Hi Jamie :) just like you I am a mom of three beautiful girls. My oldest ist about to be 3 and my identical twin girls just turned one year old. I love watching your videos. One think I want to recommend has to do with the ikea high chairs. We got the same and I can only recommend attaching some sort of straps that go over the shoulders of your little cuties. I heard from babys who fell out cause they could suddenly stand up in there even though they were buckled. My girls would do that also if I didn't have shoulder straps. Hello from Germany

There are buckles on them!

Dyson v7 animal! I love it!

Cleaning along with you in North Wales, UK. ❤



New sub here from Minnesota. No kids but love getting motivation from others❤️

Thanks for saying hi!

My first pregnancy was with twins and I’m now pregnant with our third child. Morning sickness has been kicking my butt and it’s so hard to clean my house. Thank you for that speech about us doing our best and being rockstars I forget sometimes that I’m not a robot I’m only human.

I do and my husband helps out it just hard with three year olds running around. Your videos really help me and motivates me so thank you for creating a channel.

Yes girl! Just do what you can!

I work nights so i clean at night.

Hi I am a new subscriber my name is Elizabeth Smiley I’m from Memphis Tennessee

I take magnesium and potassium everyday 40,000mg everyday I have kidney disease

Haha, I either listen to an audiobook or podcast!

@Jamie's Journey well I love watching your videos! I have 2 sons older ones 25 ones almost 20 and they where such easy kids, then I took care of my mom til she passed away now I take care of my ill father and by far he's been the hardest to take care of. Now I have a horrible back but he's so stubborn lol.

I’m not sure! I have help from family!

I love day and nighttime cleaning videos,but relaxing nighttime videos are probably my favorite! :)

Your videos are wonderful! I'm a relatively new subscriber and already enjoy your channel so much!! ☺

Hey! I’m sam and I’m from Newfoundland Canada! I’m just finishing my nursing degree and I love your videos! New sub!

Could you safely add essential oil to your cleaning recipe? Never mixed them with rubbing alcohol.

I'd like to see your cleaning cat routine like how do you keep litter away from your babies cause I have a cat and a 5 month old baby and sometimes it's overwhelming to keep everything clean. Thank you

Cleaning closets and how to organize them. It's not my strong suit. Motivate me Jamie, lol!

Ooooh, you, your kids and you house are soooo pretty

Do you recommend any of the mrs meyers winter scents of cleaners? I loved the acorn spice. It's time for a delivery, and I'm new to them.

I love the peppermint scent! And last year they had a mint scent that I loved! Not sure if they will have it this year but it smelled fresh!

Currently watching this to see if I can get motivated to start cleaning now

You can!!

Thanks Shelby!

Aww thank you! I’m glad you’re here!

Thanks for saying hi and telling Em something about yourself!

I wasn't either so I skipped it. Let me tell ya, I used this cleaner today and I was so impressed!! Thank you for the recipe.

Im not sure!

We keep our litterbox upstairs so luckily they babies aren’t up there very often! If they are, they are in a bedroom with the door shut!

Ahhh I love that!

I found out you can add essential oil to this recipe. ❤️

Girl I felt alone till now!! I always have cleaned at night being a mom a five twins frist so since then I always have cleaned at night while Everyone is asleep!! You go girl

So I bought the mop and LOVE IT.

Thanks girl!

I folded my clothes while you cleaned your house. Thanks for the cleaning motivation! Great cleaning video as always. Thanks for sharing with us!

Yay! I’m glad you got your clothes folded!

I Watch your videos all the time while I clean

hay Jamie do you use the same voiceover for multiple videos because I watch them and I feel like that I’m hearing you say Some of the same things? :-) Just curious

Yay! Thank you!

I don’t!

Love this video

Hi, I'm a single mother of a 12 year old girl. I like all of your videos. You're the one that's taught me about actually having a routine with cleaning. It really does get easier over time.

Hi Laura!! Thanks for saying hi!

Hi Jamie I love your videos I need help organizing small room for my twin boys coming soon from ivf

Hey I am 10 years old and I clean with you

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