eXcentral - Medium Term Trading Technical Analysis for intermediates

eXcentral - Medium Term Trading Technical Analysis for intermediates

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Good. Evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is McAlister. Damira I'd like to welcome everybody, to tonight's, webinar, here at excedrin. Of. Tonight's webinar we're going to be looking at at swing trading now, we did a swing, trading webinar. A couple, of months. Ago at the beginning of the year and. We tried, to show. As many strategies, as, possible, and, not only with in regards, to stream training but also for, short-term traders, and position. Traders as well now. Have, most, of our traders, viewed, by recent. Surveys, our. Stream, traders, now because. Of that we decided to do an extra, webinar, looking, at an, extra strategy. We. Which, is classified. As a swing trading strategy. Now, today's webinar, is available. To. Everybody who's training here at, etc. Is available. To both advanced-intermediate. And. Also. A beginner, traders, or even if you are beginner trader, do, not worry is very, basic. Strategy. In the way we are illustrating it and everything, is done step by step however, if you do have any questions or, you, want to go in a bit more detail with regards, to that today strategy, Paul means isn't my email, address feel, free to send me an email at any time. Otherwise. I would like to do a very. Quick introduction. My. Name is Nicolas optimal I am, the, market analyst, here at, etc. A bit. About my background I originally started off in the UK as a financial, adviser I've worked with two, academies, which. Are related to forex, trading also, with a couple. Of lecturers, again relating. To the financial, traders in my pockets, I've, been trading for seven years coming up to eight years next, month ago be 80 years and. Also hold a see map license, and slice it so, I think Advanced. Certificate. Now. As a, market. And I'm here specifically. For your needs so if you have any questions with regards, to what is happening in the market, if. You have if. You will to request a one-on-one session, but. We can go into a bit more detail with, regards, to something, you don't understand, the something you're struggling with because, of the trading plans, risk, management, strategies. And so, on the softbox I'm available to anybody, who wishes to have. Access to me you can speak, to your camera, with. Regards to get in touch with me or, you, can just send me an email and our arrange everything. Now. A quick, introduction, also, to ex central, for those of you who have never traded with their etc. Except. True is, a brokerage, with the treatement platform, available for, all traders, who. Traders, the java 18, years of course. Central. Is fully. Regulated, by, Cizek, size, it is a European, regulators. And therefore, abide. And by correcting laws, now. This is the main thing I wanted everyone to be aware of with regards, to. Etc. That we are regulated. And. Also. We have a platform. Online which. You can access by our website or. You can use, the professional. Mt4. Trading platform, we. Have two webinars a week we have a webinar every. Monday at 6 o'clock UK, time and also, a Thursday, at 11. O'clock at. UK, time you. Do have a ability. To rewatch, webinar, so if you want to record this we could be what your maybe you, missed the webinar, by. All means send, us an email I mean go set a recording. Of the webinar. Now. After webinars, you can rate one-on-one, sessions, it feels something you didn't, understand. With regards, what we were speaking about as well. Here. At. Central. For, those of you don't know the newer traders, we are dealing with.

Investments. We're dealing with contract. For difference. Investments. Which are innocence. Futures. Contracts. Here. Because. We are dealing with investments. It's very important, for everybody to understand. The risk in. Regards, to the. Capital, which they. Are invest. In. Of. Course, as, well. Is. It we do have a risk pooling on websites important, that everybody reads, that the rich warning, understand. Do ask questions, if you need to feel, comfortable with, and environment, of. Course you are able to proceed. Last. Thing before we action part in the connector, swing trading so. The content, in, this video is, for informational, purposes only, and, do not, constitute. Investment advice, etc, assumes. No responsibility for. Any potential errors, and accuracies, or omissions in this material, nothing. In this. Material. Contains. Or should be considered, as containing, investment, advice. Investment. Recommendation. Or solicitation for. The purpose, of the, purchase, or sale of any financial, assurance, and if, usual, opinions within this within, this material is. Purely. Those of the author and does not represent. Necessarily. Etc. Unless, otherwise, specified. On, the webinar, so. Overall. And. Basic. Terminology. The. Webinar is here for educational, purposes, so we'll also specifically. Giving you direct financial, advice our, view interpret, and use the, information it's completely, down to, you. So. First. Of all I want to fall. Especially to traders which did not watch at the webinar, that, previously, when we got best weight training I want. To look at a couple of basics, a couple of the basic. Terms with regard. Swing trading works, if. Swing. Trading can. Possibly, apply to you, and then. Later. On in the webinar we will look at a step-by-step of, today. Strategy. And also, we will look at three, examples of. How, to use this strategy, and, we'll also look at the, risks, of the strategy, in terms of force as signals. So. At three triggers Street rating, is where the trigger is attention to profit, from price. Movement in an, asset which requires, two to 14, days. Depending on the type, of movement. Now. This. Typically. Mean there's three. Main types of traders. You. Got scalpels, and Bay traders, which are short-term, traders. And. Then, you've got long term traders, which are more, like position, traders now. Swing, trading sits, in between the.

Short Term and long term it's medium, term, trading. So. It's, technically. Is, normally. Typically, traders. Which are opening positions, they keep in the moment overnight. But they're not keeping them open for. The, launcher, so normally. Their trades I'll ask them between 2 to 14 days. Typically. They're trying to earn 60. 70. 80, 100. Tips, so. It's very different to the day trader, and scalping. Trader. Who's trying to earn 10, 20. 30, pips at, max so. Swing, trading Bowser exposed, traders, to overnights, as. Massive and. Also we, change risk as well so. This is one of the possibly. The disadvantages. Is possibly, a disadvantage. With. Regards, to swing, traders, because it doesn't mean that they keeping it open overnight so there may be an, overnight and gap from, when the, market closes are from when the market reopens, also. Swap. Fees as well make sure that, you're. Pre-planning. Your trade, so not, actually. How much you're trying to prepare how much how long you believe you will take to, reach that level and. Then work at will swap this is it worth opening the trade based on the swap it's, all great, it's open. It if, not look. Different, opportunity. The. Advantage. Well terms of. Swing. Trading compared to the, short term trading where there isn't we. Can do not like risk is of course you're, looking at larger. Movements in the markets, or potentially, higher. Profits. Also. You're. Able to give you a trade more time, when. You're at a trading scalper, you have to be right at, the movement, because you haven't got the, time to give, your, trade so, when you open it it has to go the profit, has to comment profit fast whereas. If your swing trader you, can't get, innocence. The entry points slightly wrong. Now. What I mean by that is you may enter today the, Mata main navigation, mainly, the cashew tomorrow, men, will begin should possibly the whole week as. Long as at some point it does move, in your favor and intro, profit, then. A swing trader would be happy. Now. We're. Looking at those swings at trading swings when we looking at swing, trading now.

When, We're looking at strings. Well. Let's say when you look at the market, when you're looking at all the charts and if you're looking at the line chart your chart, and look something, like this now this is a bullish, trend, if. It's, a a, bearish. That will be just the opposite, now. What, are, we referring to, the river frontage swings is. Medium-term. Movements, which look like this so, their trends. And also trends within the trend so we're looking at both the trend, and also. Above the, retracement, and price correction as well, now. A swing, doesn't, necessarily, mean this this. Is more a position, trader where they're looking to enter, on a trend, based on the trend for that month or that, quarter. Astronauts. Are opening, here and, closing. Up here they're opening, here close in here opening. Here wasn't there so, they're only, trading, the swing, not the old world. Trend itself. So. Looking. At another. Basic. Expla, for. This is like a previous. Image. That we shouldn't previous, light as, I said we're not looking to play, some trick here and close, out here each. Of these movements. Is a, swing, you can have both burnished rings like this one here and you can have bearish, rings like, this one and the same applies for like here as well when, we're, looking at price Corrections, okay. So, this, is what we call a swing hi this. Is what we call a swing low. Forward. To be an official. Upward. Trend, you. Have to have higher highs and higher, lows, as. Well. So. A lot, of people what they're doing is they're waiting for momentum. In a specific direction. So we could see here you had a swing. Low, what. They're waiting for the market starting. To turn into a, favor, of, bullish. Movement, again and then when there's a nut, moment, and when is the mutton movement in the direction in. Which case as an example at, this area here then, we can be possibly, looking at a swing, entry, in terms of. A turn. On a new swing high okay. Now, what we're going to do and look at as. Part of the dish strategy is trying to earn from these possible, string. Height and possible swing lows, okay.

So How, to know. When. There's been enough. Movement, enough, Direction, momentum, in. One direction for. There to be a signal, indication, that there's going to be a swing. In, that direction in, the. Medium, term which of, course everybody. Can trade. Right. So this. We'll. Be looking at as part, of today's. Strategy. Also. What I wanted to look. At as well something definitely. Very, important, as our swing. Trading a lot. More important, I would say, the. Swing traders, more, than scalpers, modern-day traders, and also the, long-term position. Traders is. The, point of collapse not, just a point of collapse but also the point which, traders, think to themselves right I want to stop buying, this. Asset. And. So something, everybody. Should consider. Now. This. Is something to, consider alongside, your, strategy, so like a voice in whenever we look at a strategy, a strategy, will, never give, you 100%. Success. Rate you're, out, of the ten trades that you can open you can at least have. One. Two. Trades. Which are going to be in a loss and, as a natural part rate there's nothing to worry about sometimes, you're controlling. It and exiting, at the right market. But, when. You've got a strategy and it's a great strategy, you still have to look at, the. Prices, in which the. Asset is collapsing, the priceless in which people are starting to buy it again because. You. Have to look also at this type of analysis. As well. As. Through. That strategy, analysis. In, the sense of protection, we do have a webinar on, YouTube. Based on price action if you want to look at a previous. Webinar. And. And, of course like, I always say definitely, use fundamental, analysis, at park alongside. Your. Strategy, as well so, the idea isn't to, spread. The risk. Well, against. Your. Strategy, because. The indicators, you are using, and. Make sure they're not getting conflicting. Indications. So. For. The. Price of collapse. For, example. Indicating. You are at the point where the, price previously. Collapsed, but, your indicator, is turning to PI which, case you're getting conflicting. Indications. But could. Be for example fundamental. Analysis sending it to buyer in. Which case you need to, rethink. Whether you want to be entering, that trade or not because. You are technically. Giving and. Conflicting. Signals, now. A point of collapse after you need some examples, here you need to look at the chart try. And look at the chart on the, large charts, this, is the one-hour chart but, also try to use at the, 4-hour the daily ins a weekly, chart for these points of. Collapse. And, points, where people are silenced by again, and. It's good to place what I do is I place lines there so I love when, I'm reaching and.

Getting Close to that point I should be producers, cautious. About. Buying. And so, I've actually got a very strong signal that you know what it's not going to lose momentum and, it's going to break true, at, this point of collapse and. I've given you some examples here, so you can see it's collapsed, here it's, collapsed here collapsed. There which, is why I placed correct, line so when, it is getting. Close to that point again I'm, extra cautious, and turned, up by and you can actually see the next candlestick, is a, bearish, candlestick, so it looks like it's going to collapse again. Here. It's collapsed, here is collapsed. Collapsing. Here as well. Which. Is why another, red line collapsed. Here here, here. Here is. Struggling. Got, a red, line there and this. Is the ultimate collapse. In the sense where it goes completely, that. Overbought. So. Again this is something you can use a long, side at, your own strategy. Now. What I want to do is I want to look, at the new strategy, we're going to be looking at today. It's a. MACD. And a pair. Strategy. You can also, google. It you, can look at some videos on youtube if you are something. Additionally. To at, today's webinar, or of course points, send. Me an email we will arrange a one-on-one we. Can go for it together again. We. Using. Two, indicators. As part of this track, this strategy, we're. Going to have at, a moving, average will, actually influence for. Moving. Averages, and also. A MACD, indicator. So. I want to look at what, indicators we're going to use what are they then. We'll look at a step-by-step, description, of, our strategy, works and, then we'll actually connect, on post on the chart so then hopefully, by the end of the webinar you, have a good idea of how the webinar, how the strategy, works and how you can, apply, it, to. Your, own. To. Your own strategy, and your own trading. So. First. Things first we. Can, look at the moving average, now this, is an, indicator, probably. The most used along, a, technical. Analysis. Strategies, look. At it sometime if you are they indicate, their strategy, before and, today we're going to use it very differently. So. We. Can. Use for moving averages, one is a moving average and. Moving average, is. Basically, an average, price of a specific period. Of time. Now. At some times the known as mas, so if I do say a made by the way throughout. The webinar I'm going to, I lived, in average, when. You do put it on the screen it would look like a line like this alright, and what it's doing is to me an average price so for example I put a 20-day. Moving average is gonna give me an average, over. 20. Days and. You can put it up whatever you like and do add three days five days twenty fifty five, hundred eight, hundred it's. Completely up to you and it.

Will Be on the screen like this now, there's two main types of moving. Average. You. Can have a simple thing with an average which. Is a. It's. Very simply just giving an average and not taking anything else into account and then. You've got all week or an, exponential. Moving. Average, which, is known. As a, EMA. Set, of MA. An. Exponential. Moving, average, is, still. An average price but it's given more importance, to the more recent days so for example if I'm, doing attend a live an average it will give more importance. To the latest five days it's. Still given an average of the last ten by giving importance, to the latest five days so, if there's been more momentum of, the previous, five days it's, most. Likely gonna, move faster, than a simple, of an average now, you can use these trappings of resistance. Of a sort of a put as sentiment, in the market, is bullish or bearish sentiment. And, also trends, as well and, today we're, gonna use it both. As, an. Indication, of sentiments, so a bullish or bearish as well. As trends, to, identify, at swings, in, the market. Now. The second indicator we're going to be using is called a MACD, indicator by. The way guys if you want to have more information on these indicators, please, get stuck with me I've got a lot of information which I can send you or. Alternatively. If you just type in moving average or my P on. YouTube, and you, move that video. With regards to how. To input them on the mt4, or on they, eccentric platform, so. Again there's. A lot of information out there. Remember. Glossary indicators. If you want to further. Research. So. The, MACD, cater is used. To identify trends. And. Also. General market sentiment so at, similar, tune with an average sometimes, they long to have two, moving averages sometimes, one and this. Is what the, MACD, looks like it looks like this and it, appears, at the bottom of the chart so, you get, the chocolate it kind of sticks in price movements and then underneath so similar to an RSI you, will get to the MACD indicator and, it looks like this should get bars. Like. I'm gonna get a moving average this red dotted. Line so. Originally. Was that developed, in the 1970s, and, was designed, specifically. For analyzing stocks today. Though. People. Tend to use it not only finalized. In stocks but also, currency. Pairs also, possibly. Commodities. And. Indices. As well so, you. Can. Use it all kinds, of pairs not. Only stocks. And. Of course as we've wound occasions, the. MACD, is known, at, two given indicate, to give force indications. So. Bear, that in mind, so. How did it's given us the indications, of trends. If. The, bars are. Increasing. It's. Given us an indication, of a bullish, trend if, it's decreasing below, again. It's given us an indication of a bearish. Trend if. You're getting the bass crossing, over a. Red, line at, the red moving average again it's given us an indication, of its crossing over like this again. Is giving us an indication. And. Regards. To bullish and bearish sentiment, if, the, bars are, above. Really. Looking at bullish, sentiment if the bars are below we'll accept their sentiment so of course we. Technically. Want to be buying. In, a, bullish. Market and, we won't be selling in bearish, market technically. Of. Course everybody, knows that nothing will continue, to, increase. Abandoned. Forever. Nothing will continue, to do decrease, in value forever so. Of course. We. Want to be buying a pair bullish, mark you want to be selling. In the bearish market but. This, is just a basic. Terminology. Of course, is more that's taken to a consideration. But that's. Something we're going to look at as part of the, strategy. So. Mac. Being two pairs is a strategy, we're going to be looking at today, at. First things first what, can, use it on what assets.

I Can use it on so you can either on stock can, use your own indices. Or you, can use your own currencies, and. We. Recommend. If you cannot look at the currencies. If. You don't like volatility. And you like more. Stable, trends. It's. Better to look at, major/minor. Pairs, if. You don't want the volatility. And they've. Been unstable, trends, and. Different. Movements. In. Price. And action, then, language you can also look at the exotic. Currency. Pairs as well as. Part of the strategy we're, going to look at a MACD, when. You go to input the MACD will ask you for these four figures you want input these. Are the figures so you, input 12 26, and a 9 when. You go to put, it these are normally other standard, figures already in there so most likely you won't exchange it, if, you do though these, are the figures that need to be and. Put it into, the MACD now. We're gonna have to slow, EMA's. And. Then we're gonna have to fast earrings. We. Can have a fifty, and a hundred day, EMA, which is too slow in there EMA. Then. We can also have to, fast, the image of two llamas and faster, which, is a five day and a 15 day at. What time frame can you use this one, preferably. You can use it on a three, or four hour time, frame if. You're using the energy point you should have an option for a three hour time frame a three hour chart, if not the four-hour chart this is preferably. When. You're gonna give the best signals. Avid. You can definitely use it on one hour timeframe a lot of people use it on one hour timeframe because. They, want to trade. Smaller, swings, and also. You really get a lot more indications. On the one hour time frame this. Is probably the, most popular okay. The one hour time frame, it's. Known to, also be used on a daily timeframe it's. Not always efficient, on the very time Frank but you. Can technically. Use it on day. Take. Profit, we're going to be looking at 50, pips based on their strategy as, I said that previously will not giving you financial advice. You. Don't necessarily have to do it exactly like, this this webinars for educational, purposes, if, you want to lower the pimps want to increase the pips that's. Completely, down to you. Now. We're, looking. At both buying sell signals so. Cause we're looking at CFDs. We do have that constitute, of their, being able to shoot, rate. For. A buy signal. For. Us to get a buy signal we. Have to have the. 5 day. EMA. Cross. The 15 day in a in an upward, motion. Both. At 5, 10 15 they EMA's, have to be above the. 50, and 100, the. Mac they must be in a positive, zone and the. Latest, bar on the MACD, must. Be larger, than the previous part now. Maybe. For the beginner traders that did not make sense do, not worry believe me on the next light it will make sense ok so just bear with me if. You're looking at a sell signal at, the, five-day. EMA, must, cross the, 15 day MA this is your signal and it's. Much, cross in a downward motion Krulak and sell, both. 5.15. De ma must, be above, at. The 50 and 100, day EMA. The. MACD. Must, be in a negative, zone and. Latest, bar on the map D must, be larger. In a downward, motion than, previous, bar so, of course we want to be having increased. In momentum, in terms, of a, movement and again, if that specifically. Didn't make sense for the newer traders, do, not worry, on the, next slide we are going to be more detailed look at it on the chart and all, make, a bit, more sense so. On, this occasion I'm, looking at the one hour chart. Most. Likely because it's going to be the most popular chart. We're. Going to look at the eur/usd on. The other slides and the other examples, I've used different acids.

Again. Let's look at. Firstly. Step. By step out of strategy, work so you know exactly how you can apply it to your trading. Now. The. Yellow is the, five-day EMA. The, orange is the 15th am a purple. Is. The. 50-day. MA and the red is not 108, so. Check. First, thing, if. That the. Yellow. And orange the five and fifteen is about the. Two, slow moving average yes it is so we're looking to buy great. MACD. Is, in the positive zone, yes it's above. The. Zero sort of looking at a bullish. Market great. Now. We want to cross over in. An upward, motion of, the, five-page cross in the fifteen and I've got a red line there to, indicate, that motion, so, you can see okay it's brother signals by which, pressure will check is above both slow. Moving averages, it is the, MACD, is in the positive area great. And as. We said the, previous bar. Must. Be smaller, so the. Bars must be increasing you don't be, getting the buy signal in for, example this area with a part of decreasing, we, want the bars to be increasing. Like this so. You can see this bar here is, bigger than this bar here giving. Us at the indication, but momentum is, increasing. In which case we're getting a great secret, on here to buy so. You could have bought anywhere in this bar here. That's. Okay let's say worst-case scenario, you're a bit late and you brought all the way up here you've. Got. Fire. Bullish. Candle sticks to a pan there so this is your string here which. Case you would have been 84, pips, all, right of, course we're, looking at, an 50 again. You can alter that if, you wish. Yes. So this is a this, is the first example of a sitting and it is a real, example is. A real indicator. This. Is an indication from 27th. Of March. 84. Tips is. A, great, movement for. Screen, traders, if you're only 50, just, an example you open in a small tray and you're, earning $10. Per pip you're, looking at a $500. Profit based on that movement. Don't. Let's look at another example this, time I'm looking at the Great British pound against the US dollar a one-hour. Chart again this is a bigger. Movement. Because. Just. Removing. It all the way up here. There's. Possibly, different exit. Points for trade this year because there is swings within the, overall trend at the seventy five pips just over one not is a whole movement itself, but, of course at, different, traders will have different take profits, in. Micron. Who are I've gotta ask 15, which. Case you would have heard the adjective at this motion here so. This is where we've got the crossover, we've, got a crossover here, as. I said it must, be above. The. 50-day moving average, in the 100, day moving average, which it is great. Must, be in the positive zone, great. It is in the positives, on the. Bar is, very, slightly. Bigger. Than the previous, bar so, we still can, still. Technically, R by I'm gonna do get a crossover here. And. Then. Get the movement straightaway, all, right so, he. Actually, would, probably would have go, out to the trend. Early, and. Then tick technically. Stream traded to because. We, got a big. Movement. Just. After a couple of hours so happy. Days, but. Of course traitors, could have kept open for. A. More. String. Movement, all, right now, the only thing I would say to be slightly, cautious here, and, you won't be cautious, when the movement of the crossover, looks like this where. It's. Very. Gradually. You, know, ideally. What you want is a bigger crossover like this one here right it crosses, over the lower limit I'm not saying it's not a bi and still is a buy signal, but, it's just something to be cautious about, also. When you're comparing it to your other analysis, and also, here, the bar is only very slightly larger. Than the previous part again, ideally you want to be the, kind of scenario that the positive must recollect this, all, right so. Again this still is a perfect scenario it. Ticks all the boxes but, just. Something to be slightly cautious about. So. Let's look at at the last example, this. Time we're, looking at a bullish. Signal. So, a signal to sell. To.

Buy Signals, so. At this time we need. Apartment, averages, to be below. The, slow moving averages where we can see it definitely, 100%, sees. It. Wants the, map need to be in, a. Negative. Zone it is in the negative zone, the, consumer goes across, over here. Great. Happy day we've got a crossover tick, the box that was underneath. Mac. These in the negative zone so the kabob sale at. The only thing he'd be slightly cautious about is the, bar, is. Not, larger. Than the previous part so, this, part here at, the exact same level one, is no bigger than the other so slightly. Something. Not to be worried about something to be push it back like baby you, do want to take that box huh this, bar is bigger than this bar in. That motion in a directory in the market if. You are pushes about it and don't feel comfortable answering what. You can do, if the crossover, is still in, intact. Is. Wait through, this, red line in which. Case the, bar bars actually get, bigger alright so if you want to tickle those boxes and wait a little bit we get a pick up our bombing. You're able to do that all, right so we, give them that free example this exact way based on this, movie. 80 pips, again, we're gonna take putting your take profits completely, down to you of, course I. Wanted. To give you an example of of course. Market. Movements. So. Here we, can see we've, got a, crossover we've. Got a crossover, both, than. Averages, are above the, fast moving, averages are about the, slow moving averages, so we can buy we've. Got a crossover to buyer and the fast moving average as well but. Haven't. Look here the, bar. Is in the negative zone. Again. That, would have canceled to trade, out the. Indication, actually shouldn't be buying because it's in the negative zone here so, this is a example, of for syndication, and you, can see if, you did buy. Eventually. If you kept hold of the trade in. Which case in this seminar hopefully, along the time. Would've. Going to your direction which is great and you would have and from that swing. But. A lot of traded, because as soon as they move the market moved against, them a lot of trends would have come out of this trade alright so, this is an example I want to be an example for syndication, that. Just, so you, know what. To be cautious off but you did get the indication, there to be careful, and. That was not 100% buy because the, MACD, is in the negative zone. Now. That, brings us to the end of today's, webinar this. Is my email address here if anybody does want to get into contact with me. In. The meantime I, wish. Everybody to, trade, safe train. Responsibly. I hope tonight's, webinar, was, informative, at, to everybody. And. If. You do have any questions by all means feel. Free to get in touch with, me and the, meantime I wish everybody a, pleasant. Evening thank.

2020-04-25 08:22

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