Every Year’s Most Popular Toy Since 1969 Explained | Each and Every | WIRED

Every Year’s Most Popular Toy Since 1969 Explained | Each and Every | WIRED

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Hi i'm chris bench chief curator at the strong National, Museum of play in Rochester, New York and this is every, top toy for the last 50, years. So. How did we come up with this list of 50 it's based on twice that had biggest cultural, impact, the toys that changed, the face of play, and the toys that all of us remember, most, 1969. Snoopy, astronaut, it's, the year that first. Person walked, on the moon was, something, that so, many Americans, remember, where they were. Iconic. Event, in popular, culture and who else really, got into the astronaut, business, everybody's, favorite comic strip beagle, Snoopy. Snoopy. Astronaut, it was perfect, for the American mood of the time. 1970. The Nerf ball the, Nerf ball was credited to ren Geyer a freelance. Toy designer. The nerf Bob wasn't gonna be a plaything. It was going to be a game originally, it was going to be a Flintstones. War, of foam rocks game by one of the creators, of twister. Well the folks at Milton Bradley, hated, the idea they passed on it Parker Brothers took, up the concept, and they tossed out the game but, they kept the, phone they thought it could be the first indoor, ball that, kids could toss around without, making mom and dad irate, that they were gonna break something, the Nerf ball sold four million, copies, in its first year of really, blistering, pace nerf, is huge, right down to the present this, is how we play. 1971. Wiebel. Don't. Fall down a proper. Rule makes weeble toys weebles. Wobble but, they won't fall down the. Advertising. Tagline, that made, these little egg-shaped, playing pieces characters. So, popular, that year, from romper, room they, have a counterweight, in the bottom so you can pop them around and they, will not fall over they're perfectly sized for toddlers, hands, they, are ideal. For playsets. Like this Wild, West version, and they came in so many variants. Ever since, and have, been popular, toys for kids across the decades. 1972. You know it. All started, with the Robbins family, in Cincinnati, Ohio Merle, Robbins was, barber, his extended, family loved, playing, the card game Crazy, Eights but, family members kept, forgetting the, rules of the game so he, marked the instructions. Right on the cards, eventually. His, family, concluded, that wouldn't it be great to have a customized, set that, included, the rules odd, the cards the result was the game uno, it, became, a grassroots, craze and, by, the time that. 1972. Came around uno, was, a hit. 1973. Skateboards. Skateboards. Have been around years, before, especially homemade. Versions, they, were credited. To, surfers, who, used, them as an alternative, for days when there wasn't any food served although, they had a surge, of popularity in, the 1960s. It wasn't. Until. 1973. That. Skateboards. Really, took off thanks to two big technological. Developments. One, was what were called Cadillac, wheels, they, were composite. Wheels that were smoother, faster, rolling, that any wheels that had come before and, there, was new specialized. Axles, or trucks as they were called that were made especially for, skateboards. With, both of those features, skateboards. Could, become, more controllable, suitable. For tricks skateboards. Didn't receive TV, advertising. And what really sold skateboards. Was people, seeing folks use, them demonstrations. Competitions. And, watching, the kinds of tricks watching, the agility that they allowed you skateboards. Are part, of our competitive, culture right, down to the present with, iconic, figures like Tony Hawk. 1974. Dungeons. & Dragons Gary. Gygax and, Dave Arneson, created, Dungeons & Dragons they were big, fans of war games and other simulation. Games and they, took it in a new fantastic. Dimension. Inspired. By things, like the Lord of the Rings book series, Dungeons, & Dragons not, only, change tabletop. Gaming and Lord new adults. Into the world of games it gave you a framework it gave her characters, it, gave you a mode of play with those polyhedral. Dice and, it, allowed you to spin, imaginative. Yarns, with, friends, with family and to, really, take yourself, to places, that you've never gone before, certainly, not with a traditional, board game it, also influenced. Computer, games because, those, multi-sided. Dice and. The way that those controlled, play were perfect, for the kinds of randomization, for, all, kinds, of imaginative, and, role-playing. And strategy. Games in online, and, on discs. 1975. One, of the most brilliant fad, toys ever, if you want to talk about making. A million off of something that's essentially. Worthless this. Is what, Gary Dahl did, with, the pet rock he, was a marketing, genius in taking, rocks and packaging. Them in what were essentially, miniature.

Pet Carriers, a million, were sold in the first year the tongue-in-cheek manual. That came with a pet rock gave you instructions for, how to housebreak it, you could set it on newspaper. And tell, it to stay pet, rocks were also wonderful, at learning how to play dead and the, manual, gave you the necessary steps to do it it was hilarious. 1976. The Bionic Woman and Cher why, am i showing two, dimensions. Of American, womanhood for. 1976. It's because there's such a great matchup the. Bionic Woman was, a TV spin-off, of the series the Six Million Dollar Man in which Jaime, Sommers, was essentially. A female superhero. And if you love the Bionic, Woman you, could get the action, figure essentially. Indistinguishable, from, a dog with beautiful, clothes and styler, bull hare he, was sort of an interesting midpoint. Between, Donna. Reed Housewives, of the 1950's. And someone, who was kick-ass. Like Linda Hamilton, and the Terminator, movies at that same time Sonny. And Cher were big in variety shows at that moment share, with her Bob Mackie gowns, was the essence, of elegance. They represent. Steps forward, in feminism. And, the Bionic Woman she, was the, heroine, of her own TV series. 1977. Star, Wars action figures the, toy that revolutionized. Not, only the toy industry but. The world of entertainment, Kenner. Took, a contract, to, make toys for a little, science fiction movie that no one thought was going to do any business, and, they. Were so, wrong, they were glad to be wrong but, they were in trouble because this, summer movie release that became the blockbuster to. Bust them off really, cried out for action, figures what. Was Kenner to do they. Did, the cleverest, marketing. Technique, of selling. Gift certificates. So, many kids that holiday, season, found rap gift certificates, for their Star Wars action figures because. Kenner couldn't, get the figures made fast, enough these little action, figures and all the collateral vehicles. And accessories. Proved, that movies. Could make more money by licensing. Their toy products, than they could actually selling tickets at the box office. 1978. Simon. Simon. Was a breakthrough idea, from Ralph Baer creator. Of the, video game concept, Ralph was out to create, a really. Simple, to learn toy he was constrained, by, what microchips. Were available on the market and he, was limited to cheap. Microchips, sort of the last previous, generation, that were affordable, for use and toys and all, I could handle were four different, notes Simon. Has set up intersection. Of tabletop gaming and electronic, play and it's, something that we're doing right up to the present. 1979. The Atari 2600. Wasn't. The first, home videogame, system, that, was the Magnavox Odyssey, it. May not have even been the best in lots of people's opinions but. It was the Atari 2600. That. Broke, through into, so. Many American's, homes and taught them that, playing games on your TV was, a thing, a thing that people hadn't, really considered useful, the. Atari 2600, had, a price point that, was, appealing, to people it, also was. The game system, that allowed them to play the games they'd become familiar, with at arcades, games, like, pac-man and, space invaders tired. Of spending all those quarters now, you could play it at home. 1980. Rubik's, cubes, fastest-selling, puzzle. Ever it. Was a, creation, of a hungarian architecture, and design professor, named Erno Rubik, he was trapped behind the, iron curtain in, Hungary. In a communist, environment, where he came up with this great idea but, he really, couldn't make money off of it wasn't until his idea, was, brought. To the west by ideal, toy company, to the US, rebranded. From being the magic, cube to rubik's cube and suddenly. Everybody. Had to have one, at one point three, of the top ten paperback, bestsellers. On the New York Times list were all about how to solve, the Rubik's Cube. Because, everyone, wanted to know the secret and. If you couldn't figure out the secret, people, sold, you sets of stickers you could paste over, those grand bold sides and make, it look like you had figured out your Rubik's Cube.

1981. He-man, and Masters, of the Universe. Mattel. Was looking for a way to duplicate, the success of Star. Wars action, figures with little, plastic characters. And. They essentially, took a concept, of their own the, Big Jim action, figure and bumped, him up and made, he-man, into, an absolutely, absurd. Physical. Shape and, they a come, t-man, and the rest of his Masters of the Universe with. An entire backstory, that they provided in comic, book form so, that you knew all the characters, you knew that he man and Skeletor, up, against each other in eternal, combat, he-man was by no means the first property. To make that sort of leap between different, forms of media those, kinds, of things have been going on since the 1890s, but. He was really one of the ones that crystallized. It for, our own era in the last 50 years 1982. Care, Bears and My Little, Pony, so what was so special about Care, Bears Care. Bears were, all about emotions. They were about kindness, they were about loving, characteristics. They, were cultivating. The best kinds, of behavior, and emotions, it was something that parents liked to, train. Their children in. And they made them appealing, and heartwarming, in a way that other toys weren't, I think, what makes Care Bear so appealing. Is their. Sweet, nature. YK. Man My, Little Pony was a transmedia. Sort, of property, that took. A series. Originally, of six pastel. Horse, figures, with their. Anthropomorphised. Faces. And their long silky, Mane's, and Tails and, turned, them into a, media juggernaut, with, TV, series, with, movies, with, ancillary. Products, and, really, produce. Expanding. An equine universe, with, horses that were sort of crossed with dolls the Barbie variations. That sell best are ones, that have the most hair, so, Rapunzel. Barbie is one of the best-selling ones, ever if you love horses, what, could be better than a horse that, has a styler, baleen and tail, that you can comb, wash, and have, fun with in that kind of stylist. Designer, way my, little pony has gone through numerous resurgence. 'as perhaps. Least, predictable. In 1982. Is that, there would be guys, known, as, bronies who, are fans, of My Little Pony in the present, that is something that no one could have ever foreseen. 1983. Cabbage, Patch Kids. In the late 1970s. Xavier, Roberts was, creating, art sculptures, essentially. Dolls that he called the little people and you. Didn't buy one, of his little people you adopted. One with a unique face a unique, name and it was a really appealing, concept. But, it was something that got, a groundswell, movement, behind it he couldn't keep up with the demand, so eventually he licensed, the concept, to a Coleco maker. Of electronic. Toys that, said, that they would be able to take his concept, use, their manufacturing.

Prowess, To create, really, customized, dolls so that they weren't all the same on the, Shelf different, hair color eye color skin tone, each, had its own name each, still had adoption. Papers, renamed. As the Cabbage Patch Kids. They were the sensation. Of 1983. Adopting. Was a different, concept for a doll it gave you a different, sort of investment, that, you weren't just paying, a price at the, checkout counter you, were getting an individual. Doll for, you, know nursery, for the Cabbage Patch Kids, all under lock and key of course the. Media loved, the idea of Cabbage. Patch Kids. And, even, more once, the craze took off and, parents. Were brawling in parking, lots to get the last examples. Of Cabbage Patch Kids, at the store that everyone. Wanted to have that story, and the more the story ran the more people wanted Cabbage Patch Kids, it was something, that really boosted. The sales of Cabbage, Patch Kids, to, the, stratosphere. 1984. Trivial, Pursuit. Board, games had been on a decline trend. Ever since the advent of television in the 1950s. But that all changed. With the 1981. Introduction. Of Trivial, Pursuit a, trivia, game that, captivated, grownups, in a way that games haven't, previously. It's here Big Bird it's. There it's. Everywhere, by. 1984. The year were recognizing. There were parties, everywhere, everyone. Wanted to play everyone. Wanted to win Trivial. Pursuit was. A, hit. 1985. Teddy, Ruxpin. He. Seems so incredibly, advanced. At the time by. Inserting, a cassette, in his back you, could make Teddy a character. Made children's. Stories. To your kids, it. Made him so engaging. It made him perfect night, time conclusion. To a child's, day even, though he cost a massive. $69.99. In, 1985. He, was the best-selling, toy, of the year Teddy combined, two things one, was. Technology. Of the time he seemed very up, to date for, his moment, but, he also helped, promote literacy, with, reading, something, that so many parents want to encourage in their kids. 1986. Laser, tag, it. Was such. A great competition. For. All the sorts of gunplay, that have occurred over the years this, finally, let you prove that you, had actually, hit your opponent, not, with a laser but, with infrared, beams so, that your, opponent knew. That they'd been hit and that, you had succeeded, now. Critics of the time felt that it was encouraging violence, and, gunplay but, other folks said this was just a ongoing way of competitive. Action, that, it was more tagged than, killing people it, generated, so, much success not only for the laser tag product, but by starting, laser tag, emporiums. And venues. Across the, nation that and, their successors, of paintball, and other, kinds of grown up and big kid play are, popular. Right down to today. 1987. Jenga. Classic. Tower top, wind game. Dexterity. To the empty that, anyone can play with enough, strategy. And, a steady enough hand to actually, maneuver the blocks out of the tower and set, them on top, English. Woman Leslie, Scott, had, played a block toppling, towering, game when, she was growing up in Africa when, she went home as a grown up to England she, took this concept with her it was a hit at parties it took us a while for, it to lift, off but, eventually, in, Canada, in the u.s. it became a massive hit and eventually, went back to Europe as the sensation. Now, Jenga, is all over the world in so many variations. 1988. The Nintendo, Entertainment System. 1983. Nintendo, introduced, a Famicom a system. That, was popular. Throughout Asia that, they rebranded as the Nintendo, Entertainment System, or, NES for, the North American market and, in 1988. It was the go-to system. For people in the US and Beyond because. It had the best games it had Donkey Kong Super, Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda it, became the standard of its time and for many years to come 1989. The, Nintendo, Gameboy all. The, power and excitement of Nintendo, right in the palm of your hand, if. You loved the NES, in 1988. Chances. Are that you wanted to take your gaming, portable. And Nintendo. Was out to do that with the Gameboy it was a way that you, could play your games anywhere, you wanted to go and rather, than having specialized. Games, that only allowed, you to play football or baseball the. Cartridges, for, the Gameboy, allowed, you to have, a multitude, of game what's needed a Game Boy it's, a personal game playing system with over 200, puzzle action and sports game to choose from it was simple, it was clear, it was efficiently, designed it, allowed to have head-to-head, competition. And, the, Game Boy became, the, standard gaming. In terms of mobile, play the, legacy of the Game Boy shows, up in all of our pockets, and purses today, as we, play games on our smartphones. Maybe, even play Tetris. 1990. Teenage. Mutant, Ninja Turtles in, the 1980s. Kevin, Eastman and Peter Laird work, out to create a satirical. Comic book that was making fun of, superheroes. So, they created a bunch of mutant, turtles, who, lived in sewers were named after Renaissance.

Artists. And thought, that their tongue-in-cheek, comic, book would be the end of it all what they couldn't realize, was. That it would go on to become its own media juggernaut. And lined of all, sorts of toys that, became, hit, with kids who loved the irreverent, humor who. Loved the pizza eating teenage. Characters. That, they could relate to in a way that Batman, Superman spider-man. Really. Didn't resonate. 1991. The Super, Soaker Lonnie, Johnson was, working for NASA trying. To develop a water-cooled, device, for, a spacecraft, and, he, developed, a technique. That, he, was pressurizing. Water and, sprayed, it all over his bathroom. Thought you know this is not gonna work for my project, but it would make a great plaything. A Super Soaker took, water play to a whole new dimension kids. And adults loved, it super. Soakers went from basic, versions, like the one I'm holding to. Once where the water capacity, was so big he wore it in a backpack. 1992. Super, NES the. Successor, to the Nintendo Entertainment, System. Brought. New capacity. To gaming, with, a 16-bit, system, that, allowed, more, opportunities. For higher. Grade graphics, faster. Play and one of the things that's different in video. Game systems, than some other playthings. That technology. Keeps advancing, prices. Keep coming down for, computer, chips allowing. Greater and greater capability. So if you're a fan of a particular, series, of games you, want to have the latest version, the slickest gameplay. And, that's what, systems. Like the Super NES allowed. You to do. 1993. Barney. Barney. Conveyed, so many positive, messages, on his PBS, series a purple, Tyrannosaurus. Rex was anything, but. The Jurassic, Park dinosaur. He was, unscary. Dinosaur. Who, represented. Really, kindly, qualities. He, was perfect, for toddlers, and early. Preschoolers. He may have driven, parents. Crazy, but he, was one that was a hit with the kids and Barney, became a cultural, icon in his, purple, dinosaur, nests and his friends, across, the PBS, time frame, 1994. Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. Another, transmedia. Property. That, became, a successful TV series which. Generated, successful, toys which. Generated. All kinds, of other licensed, products. Along the way the. Teen heroes, of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, with. Their color coded, gear were ones that were, big hits with, American, kids and they, were so much the flavor of the month that they were the must-have, toy for, the holidays, in. 1994-1995. Beanie, babies. This, was, marketing. Par excellence. To turn soft toys full, of little, pellets, into a. Collectible. Juggernaut, that dominated. Gifts, stores everywhere, the beanie babies, were, predicated. On a perception, of scarcity. That, these were limited-edition toys with. Their, in-ear, tags, that. Made them extra. Appealing, allowed, people. To buy them as investments. They, thought and, to, create, praises, when they thought that their favorite characters, were about to be retired and, they better grab them now. 1996. Tickle, Me Elmo, I was, giving everybody that giggling it's Tickle Me Elmo. There. Had been soft electronic, toys, previously. But, Elmo, was really, more advanced. Than someone like Teddy Ruxpin, his, simulation. Of laughing. And, uncontrollable. Joy, from being tickled, was, tremendously. Appealing. And when he was demonstrated. On TV. Shows like the Rosie O'Donnell show he. Helped, create a, marketing. Craze, and, parents. Everywhere, competed. To get their Tickle Me Elmo. He was the must-have, toy of the holidays, for, 1996. And he, has persisted. As the most identifiable, character. From Sesame, Street right. Down to the present the, legacy of Tickle, Me Elmo, is that, more and more we, expect. Even, soft, cuddly toys, to, come with electronic. Component, or online linkage. That, means that it's not just a physical thing it's, something that has greater, capacity. For play. And, simulation. Than ever before. 1997. Tamagotchi. If. You weren't quite ready to keep a cat or dog or. Even, a hamster. Tamagotchi virtual. Pet might, be just the solution, for you you could have a keychain size. Tech, to, look after to, care for and to identify, with, it was a digital, virtual pet, something, miniaturized in, a way that, hadn't been seen or popularized, before, if, you didn't do it right. Skull. Icon showed, up at the bottom of your screen that you were doing it wrong and you, could perhaps, pull, the fat out of the fire and make sure that your Tamagotchi didn't. Expire, but, it was a lesson both, in marketing. Digital play, and, it was a lesson in pet care giving that loads, of people found, popular. For years, to come. 1998. Furby. Tiger. Electronics, set out to create a media craze for, their interactive, talking. Jabbering. Cat Furby, and they. Did a brilliant job of it from its introduction, on The Today Show more than six, weeks before they were ever available in stores, the media picked up on this, interactive. Learning, capable. Toy in, fact it was such a phenomenon, for its learning capacity.

That, The National Security Administration in. Washington banned. Furbies from his offices, lest, they pick up on state, spy, secrets, and share, them with nefarious. Forces. 1999. Pokemon. Car. If. You love the video games your shirt loves the trading card game that it's spun, off that, let you collect, your Pokemon compete. With your friends in the three-dimensional. World pokemon, cards were so successful, that they, generated, tournaments, where people, could watch competitions. And compete, themselves. It is an entire industry and an entertainment, force, in its own right mm. The razor scooter, scooters. Have been around certainly, since the early part of the, 20th, century, but, the razor scooter, was slicker looking, it was more compact, was, foldable. So you could carry it with you when you didn't want to ride the razor scooter, allowed, with, its smooth, rolling composite. Wheels for, you to have a great, ride and, it became one, of them must have toys, of the holidays, the, razor scooter, proves that even in an era, of digital play, there's, still a great amount of Appeal for speeding, along in the real world on a wheeled vehicle. 2001. Bratz. Dolls. Barbie. Had dominated the fashion doll segments, for decades, before, the advent of, brats, who offered an entirely, new, look they, had big, heads twig-like. Limbs, oversized. Kind, of anime, eyes and. What, also made them different was, they were really, multi-ethnic. With names skin. Tones hair, colors that, represented. More of the American population than, ever before, they, had an appeal to a tween market who considered, Barbies for, babies, and they. Really, took fashion, doll sense to a different. Level and really. Gave Barbie a run for her money people have said the, Bratz are representative. Of the. Sluta, fication of American, dolls I'm, a little, more generous, on Bratz, I think, they really hope give, options for. Doll play. 2002. They. We, blades are essentially, a rebrand, of an earlier, toy, from, ideal, battling, tops that. Had been a success, in the, 60s. Or 70s. They. Promoted, all kinds of tournament, play they were supported, by an animated, cartoon series that. Allowed, you to see. What was even, more possible, it's sort of cool to think that something, that's been around for, centuries if, not thousands, of years tops that, are a persistent, plaything, can, be updated, and, made, appealing, to a contemporary audience, and people who want to play in a digital age. 2003. Robosapien. If. Furby, is a little too benign for, you and you, don't want a story from Teddy Ruxpin, why, not this massive. Robotic, plaything, that, was, a big, hit of the year he, had learning, capacity. He, could dance he could fight he, was something, that, really made you feel up-to-date by having this super-sized. And super capacity, robotic. Toy, 2004. Puppy, surprise. When. You get one of these you aren't, buying a puppy you're buying a mother dog who, comes with unborn, puppies inside, and. A Velcro, slit, across, her belly that, allows you to reveal, the surprise, number, of puppies creepy, or not I'll let you be the judge. 2005. Webcams. Like, Cabbage Patch Kids, webkinz, inspired. You to not just get, a pet but to adopt it and webkinz, came, with internet, connectivity, this, is part of a whole vanguard, of playthings. That weren't just a three-dimensional, toy but, they had an online, component, and a unique code that, let you go on there and play with your friends interact.

With Environments. Add to your virtual pet, as well, as your physical one, going, up against, different ecosystems. Like Club Penguin, also, of the time webkinz. Were one of the most successful and, they were a huge deal for kids everywhere, in 2005. 2006. The, Nintendo, leads Nintendo's. Fifth generation. Of consoles, came, with what was called the Wii mote that was. Gyroscopically. Controlled, handheld, controller, that, let you use it as you, would a baseball, bat or a tennis racket, or as your bowling ball that you were sending down the lane it, was so intuitive, especially. For adults who. Might not be familiar with other more complex, controllers. It, made a huge inroad, into the. Senior citizen, market, as well, as the kid-friendly. Market. And it really changed, how people reacted, to games that they could do it in a very natural way rather. Than just pressing, buttons. 2007. IPod Touch, this. Apple, device, wasn't, just a music, player it, was a platform for gaming, as well with its touch screen. It allowed, really, intuitive, play, it let parents have confidence, that they didn't have to buy a smartphone, for, their kids to play games or listen to music and. It was the, latest, iteration and. A successor, to something. Like the Game Boy and with. The kinds of capacity. For touchscreen, control. That we assume, is everywhere, today, 2008. The littlest petshop, people, have always loved, miniatures. And tiny things, whether that's dollhouse. Furniture, or. Charms, on a bracelet, and little playthings, have that special, appeal, the littlest petshop with, its huge. Cast of toy, pets was an immediate sensation it, was built on a 1990s. Toy with a similar concept and. It has proven, to be a successful, franchise with. Great, capacity for, collectability. And also, for playsets, like, this immense, one. 2009. Zhu Zhu Pets meet mr. squiggles, your, electronic. Toy hamster. One, of the downfalls of hamsters, and gerbils is, that they tend to be nocturnal, animals, so, they're asleep when kids are awake and vice versa Zhu, Zhu Pets have none of that problem, they also don't, need to be cleaned up after, and their, electronic. Capabilities. From, they're cuddling, version, two they're exploring, version, they've, got those two modes allowed. Them to be a hit of 2009. With, all kinds of accessories, so. That you could have your entire crew of animatronic. Hamsters, rolling. Around in balls and exploring, their habit rails, 2010. Monster. High dolls, inspired. By the success of the Twilight, series of books and films Mattel, introduced, a whole sequence. Of, high school students, who were monsters, I'm, holding Frankie, Stein and there. Were multitudes. Of other of, her friends, and dates out, there in the series they are definitely, the unbar, be from Mattel, with, their goth look, they, were ostensibly. To, prove that, everyone. Needed to fit in and people, could be varied. Looks, and feels, although. Critics, pointed, out that they were still stick thin and wearing. Short skirts and lots of eyeliner, a little, bit like they're competing Bratz. 2011. Skylanders. One. Of the most successful, iterations. Of the category, known as toys to life where, three-dimensional. Playthings, interact. Online via. A portal, that, sends, them into an online world. Skylanders. Generated. Lots of different, stories and characters, and, it. Was really, proof. That people wanted to play with three dimensions, and online. Multiplayer, games. 2012. The, Nintendo, Wii U building. On the success of the Wii the Wii U had, much, more advanced. Graphics, capacity. And, it, also had, a new touch, screen controller. That, allowed, you to play, games in multiple, dimensions, and to see them on that, screen, as well it was, a carry on advance, from, the Wii and one, that was a success, in its own right and took, things into, greater, processing, speed, and speed.

Of Gameplay. 2013. Techno, the robotic, puppy, if, you want more capacity than a Furby, techno. Allows, you to have a dog that can, sing and dance can. Sleep, can do tricks he also makes rude noises whether, you like him to or not and he. Is just, the latest in a series of advanced. Robotic. Playthings. 2014. Rainbow. Blue. After. Techno, the robotic, puppy it's good to know that there's, still an appeal to crafting, playthings. And jewelry, for your friends, using, something as analog, as a loom that weaves rubber bands together, and rather, than being a corporate product, the rainbow loom was, a creation, of an individual, entrepreneur and. Toy inventor, and Detroit, who initially made these in his home he, washed the rubber bands in his bathtub with, an oar to get the dust off of them and what, he really tapped into was. The lure of social. Play of creating. Gifts for your friends and family for, turning something three-dimensional. Into something with added, value that. Kind of art kit that kind of crashed project. Had an, enormous amount of Appeal stores. Couldn't, keep rainbow, looms on the shelf they sold so rapidly, and it won four different category the toy of the Year awards. 2015. The bb-8, robotic. Toy the. Breakout, droid in that year Star Wars movie, the force awakens, was, undoubtedly. Bb-8. The adorable. Snowman. Shaped, droid, and everybody. Wanted, one for, home this version, for spiro was. Amazingly. Advanced. Used, gyroscopic. Controls to. Move bb-8. Around your home through various tricks the best part of bb-8, is he looks so, much like the. One in the movies, he's, not just like action. Figure of r2d2. He, looks and functions the, way the droid in the movies does it was, what everybody wanted. And it was a perfect match for the, continuing. Demand of Star. Wars fans, even, 40, years after the initial movie, that they still can't get enough Star, Wars and, especially, the robotic, characters. 2016. Hatcher, moles the. Start, of what, is now called the blind box kind, of toy where you don't know what you're getting inside Hatcher, moles were, so, alluring, because, you bought an egg you didn't know what stuffed, toy was living, inside of that we had to warm them up with your hands, so that they would hatch and peck, their way out it, was a thrill, of unboxing. As umpteen, videos, have shown on YouTube ever since, and, Hatcher moles was, the must-have, holiday, toy of, 2016. And continues. In different iterations to. Show that surprises. And eggs are, so, alluring, to kids and grownups everywhere. 2017. Lol, surprise. Carrying. On from the success, of the hatch moles lol. Surprise, took that same concept not, knowing, what was inside, the package, and turned, it into its, own separate, product, this one is lol, surprise, under wraps they're, kind of like mummies, and you don't know what's gonna be lurking, inside of, this they, have a reasonable, price point so that they're, smaller, than, camels and you could get lots of them in your quest to get all the surprises that are out there, 2018. Fingerlings. Fingerlings. Cling to your fingers, that's where they get their name and they're the perfect culmination. Of all, the trends, that we've been seeing through, so many of these toys, connectability.

Learning. Capacity. Microchips. That enable them to have so many tricks as well as still having, a 3-dimensional, item that you can cuddle and care for fingerlings. Really, in some ways are no surprise, they're really, a way, of pulling so many threads, that we've been seeing develop, across the history of toys and really. Represent, the way the miniature, technology. And our expectations. Of digital, reality come, together in, a three-dimensional, plaything, that, sets the stage for what's, going to come next, we don't yet know what's, going to be the hot toy for 2019. But based on what we've been seeing you can be pretty confident, that it's gonna have some cuteness factor it, may have some prized qualities. Interactivity. And online, connect ability all, mashed together in. A way that is, compelling, for kids and grown-ups today, that's. Every, top toy from the last 50, years I hope you learned something along the way and, I can't wait to see what the next 50 years hold.

2019-12-06 17:40

Show Video


fidget spinner?

Well, when you're buying a pet rock, at least you know what you get, unlike Hatchimals and LOL lootboxes.

He makes this very entertaining to watch.

What a big nerd

Wow this guy is really knowledgeable and his passion keeps us wanting to hear more

This was nice

The He-Man action figures were created in 1981 but only released in 1982. That's a bit funny for me, though. I thought they had been inspired by the movie Conan the Barbarian, which came out in 1982. 34:38 - What? Noo! The Wii U was a huge flop!

Fantastic video, but the Wii U shouldn’t be there, specially considering that the DS wasn’t mentioned.

four nintendos and none playstations...

I really expected to see Transformers and Yu-Gi-Oh cards!

Tekno Dogs? 2013?

I almost forgot about tamagotchis

This guy gives me the creep.

Hm no Pocket Polly or Mighty Max? Guess it had less ongoing relevance but was huge for its time.

Baby Yoda will be the successor of the Furby.

this guys needs to be protected at all costs but i'm surprised fidget spinners weren't on here!

when my parents asked me which power ranger toys i wanted for my birthday i said i only wanted the zords. it was at that moment my parents knew i would become a gundam otaku

This should have been broken down into 5 year videos or decade videos

Great! More stuff like this, less "Hey im a popular person reading off my wikipedia page" stuff plz

Actually heman was first thought of as a conan the barbarian figure but they had issues with the source matterial and decided to make their own line instead of conan

Top toy of 2019/2020 BABY YODA TOYS

Awe heck yeah D&D is awesome

Netflix "The Toys That Made Us" features some of the more popular toys mentioned here.....

5 nintendos but not even a single playstation. Good video, anyway.

This guy is for sure a pedophile right?

2019 or 2020 is gonna be Baby Yoda!

14:15 THAT'S EINSTEIN without his hair.

What a lovely video. Thank you. Always enjoy the content you guys post on Wired.

SNOOPY ASTRONAUNT bring that back

Everybody was high in 1975....

Honorable mentions: Connect Four, Monopoly, Transformers, G.I. Joe, Aerobi, Play Station, XBox

I'm very disappointed the 95' Toy Story Woody and Buzz Lightyear action figures weren't included on the list.

Wii U: Most Popular Toy of 2012 Most Popular Toy of 2013: Not Xbox One or PlayStation 4, a robot dog I have never even heard. I was 10.

I was 31 in 2013. I knew all but maybe 1 or 2 until about 2004. Then I only knew about half. That robot dog was one I'd never heard of.

and the baby alive?? i had like three oml

Razor: small and compact, if you're not careful, you'll lose your heels

2013 Tekno.... Wait.... No! It was a thing since the year 2000! oô I had one!!

Imagine being this dude's kid

This dude is brilliant. Felt really unscripted. Great video

Lol... Someone's a bit fond of Ninty.

22:42 lol chubby pink ranger.

Is it just me or is this guy the real-life version of Mr. Incredible's boss

wtf i had tekno the robotic dog in 2001 .. not 2013

Who needs stickers to pretend you solved your rubix cube when you can just take it apart and put it back together again?

Who remembers Lego Hero Factory

Charming man wonderful explanations

Techno the robotic puppy was way before 2013, i remember that dog being super popular in the very early 2000s. I remember McDonalds even running a toy line based on it.

That's the one. It was insanely popular in it's day.

You're not thinking about the Aibo, are you?

I guess it’s not time to d-d-dddddduel... :(

I like this man, I want to give him a hug.

Was I the only one that immediately started to doubt everything this man had said when he started talking about the WII U?

I started questioning this video when he was holding a Power Rangers In Space figure talking about Mighty Morphin.

What would you have put?

Am I the only one who noticed that this guys' hands are SHAKING? could be simple tremors or maybe Parkinson's?


Or GI Joe??

Hi everyone I also have a YouTube channel, do check it out https://youtu.be/j4t-M5Irst0

if y'all want more stuff like this, I suggest a Netflix show called: toys that made us. It's a wonderful show that explains how some toys are made, and why the toy looks like what it is now. ♥ definitely recommend it!

No one: 1975: pet rock

Not partnering with dataisbeautiful on this was a huge miss

I recommend the Netflix show The Toys That Made Us to anyone who ejoyed this video!

This dude probably lives in his mom's basement.

Oh.. the old times

This dude shakin like a salt shaker

"I'm a middle aged man And I live with my dad"

Good for you, John, to be so close to your dad!

Look ma! A virgin!

Watched this because Monster High was on the thumbnail. I miss the line and it's pretty much dead-dead now. Got killed by woke outrage culture.

No Tamiya 4wd? Thats my childhood

the Wii U? 2012 must have been a bad year for toys

Masters of the Universe debuted in 1982, not 1981. It also didn't become hugely successful until the cartoon began airing in 1983.

This video was SO good, I had so much fun. Thanks Wired and Mr. Bensch!

Build a time machine, go back and stock up on all these toys, become richest person in the world!!

I’m going to create a cute miniature doll with extremely long hair that has a digital component. I’m going to be rich.

Bro chill your shaking too much for holding a toy This was a joke dont take it seriously

Mr. Bensch, thank you for sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm for toys. If what you have is Parkinson’s, please read about the results for treatment with Lion’s Mane. I’ve read some amazing stuff about cognitive regeneration using this mushroom. Best regards.

Oh. Now I understand why My Little Pony Life was made. Interesting.

seems as time went on, they were aimed for younger and younger audiences.

Chris here totally looks like he loves every single day of his job and I love people as passionate as him.

Why is he so shaky

No way hatchimals were the first blind box I remember those LEGO mystery figures earlier.

Wouldn't those coin machines be the first surprise blind toys?

How is the ps2 not included? It’s the best selling game console of all time.

You guys selling that Dranzer V2?

Man i really miss em beys

2009 2010 bakugan

No pogs?!?

Went through the 90s and forgot Turboman! The most wanted holiday toy!

That 69 is there for a reason

guy: 1969 me: oh isn’t that the Wendy’s kids meal toys (Wendy’s was founded in 1969)

That Tekno Dog came out in 2000 not 2013!!?

Anyone else just get absolutely clueless as to what most of the toys were after like 2013

Where is the fidget spinner ????????

I loved Simon. It was my favorite rainy day game.

Yeah this dude doesn't have underage children chained up in his basement.

okay boomer

Anyone else get a bit triggered when they showed the 3 shots of dice in a row with the d20s showing two nat 1's and a nat 2?

Wow, nice video Wired! Thanks for doing this entire piece which must not have been easy to edit... Few things that caught my eye though, little bit of disagreement with Chris all in good fun because he's awesome in knowing about all these toys and presenting them in good format for us. The iPod, as I can remember, wasn't seen as much of a toy.... music player is it's hall of fame feature. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I really don't remember it selling well as a platform to play games. I'm impressed they even included playing games on ads though, did not remember that. The Wii U was kind of a massive failure... xD Weird to see it classified as a popular toy. It was so much a failure that Nintendo ended up rushing the next console and prematurely killing the console. Trust me, I know this, because I had one. In fact, I still do. All in all, a great list.. lots of memories there. o/

Most popular toy of 2012: *The Wii-U* **Press X to Doubt.**

He said in the beginning "Not just popular, but influential ont he later ages" (or something like that). It spawned the Nintendo Switch, and you could say it spawned the idea of people using a screen to participate in games played on the big screen, with smaller screens in their hands... If you know about Kahoot or Jackbox TV ;)

I think I'm in love with Chris...

I was born in 1971 but unfortunately, I've never had any of these toys. It sucks growing up poor.

Who else still plays Wii

whats the ipod game at 31:55 - 31:56 ?

Transformers Should've been on here

the poor man shakes a lot

Me: ooh toys Me: *sees that the video is 40 minutes long* Me: oh I’ll watch it anyway lol

hmmmmmmm why the wii u here, it cost nintendo billions, it was only successful for a very short time period. was there really nothing else in 2012 to fight it?

What a great video, and great narration! Very interesting to see what toys make a comeback.

2019... baby yoda... nowhere to be found!

i dont understand how anything but fidget spinners could be the toy for 2017

The first skateboard I ever had was/is the one he's holding at 4:04. Nash sidewalk surfer goofy foot. My Gparents used it to move pianos.

That's a fantastic video! I'm a bit surprised not to see PS2 on the list, but maybe it's not considered a toy by these standards (with its games like God of War etc.), unlike Nintendo stuff which is mostly geared towards kids.

This video made me worry about the host's uncontrollable shaking hands. You ok bruv?

This was a great video. Mr Bensch is an amazing narrator!

34:13 man I loved those I have every one of the characters even to this day

Hmm I would've thought fidget spinners would have been included.

I love the wii u but it was a huge flop I'm really surprised it was on this list. But still the whole thing was really interesting

Loves this!

where is yoyo

Yugioh was bigger than beyblade

Lol I didn't think "slutification" was a word I'd hear said by this nice toy man.

If you found this interesting, I highly highly recommend checking out the Strong Museum of Play if you can make it to Rochester, NY. Truly one of the greatest experiences!

Baby yoda

My man shaking for 40 minutes straight

I'm calling bs on the Wii U. Not especially innovative, or popular.

Neo pets

I'm not an expert but there are several of these that are VERY wrong. Did you guys not fact check these before making the video?

Is it just me or did toys get kinda wack after 2000

Mr. Bensch is in toy haven and I would love to be there for sure.

We all not gonna notice the game at @25:34 ?

Finally, some good monster high representation.

I stopped watching after the power rangers... You can't show me the first series and the wrong toy, and then expect me to be cool with this.

Do you have parkinsons?

Why having him hold all these things. He’s shaking.

i am stunned the wii u made the list

2012 must've been a downer for toys, holy heck

Bratz dolls are more proof society actually did collapse on y2k.

You didn’t mention Pogs... I remember them being just as big as the others on this list.

WTF nothing about Transformers or G.I. Joe in the mid 80's

i was expecting a fidget spinner somewhere in here

1969 Astronaut Snoopy 1970 Nerf ball 1971 Weebles 1972 Uno 1973 Skateboard 1974 D&D 1975 Pet rock 1976 Bionic Woman & Cher Dolls 1977 Star Wars action figures 1978 Simon 1979 Atari 1980 Rubik’s cube 1981 He-Man 1982 Care Bears & My Little Pony 1983 Cabbage Patch Kids 1984 Trivial Pursuit 1985 Teddy Ruxpin 1986 Lazer Tag 1987 Jenga 1988 NES 1989 Game Boy 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1991 Super Soaker 1992 Super NES 1993 Barney 1994 Power Rangers 1995 Beanie Babies 1996 Tickle Me Elmo 1997 Tamagotchi 1998 Furby 1999 Pokémon Cards 2000 Razor Scooter 2001 Bratz Dolls 2002 Bey Blades 2003 Robosapien 2004 Puppy surprise 2005 Webkinz 2006 Nintendo Wii 2007 iPod Touch 2008 Littlest Pet Shop 2009 Zhuzhu pets 2010 Monster High Dolls 2011 Skylanders 2012 Nintendo Wii U 2013 Tekno 2014 Rainbow Loom 2015 BB-8 2016 Hatchimals 2017 L.O.L. Surprise 2018 Fingerlings

2019: Unreleased Baby Yoda plushie

I loved this video. So surprised that many of these are still around popular today

THIS is the content I subscribe for

Why his hands are so shacky

Is it just me that's noticing that he's shaking

Did not expect the Wii U to show up. Must have been a slow year

What's funny is that even though i was born in 1992 i have had almost all of these toys. Not all but most.

Interesting, but, way too talky...

now i feel very old...

Baby yoda would have been the must have toy for 2019 if Disney could have pulled their heads out their asses.

Wonder how many people tried to think of their own version of the pet rock ever since then.

Robo Sapien? wasn't Sony's Aibo the far bigger sensation?

Where’s the Nintendo 64? That was huge.

let's go tamiya, crush gear, PlayStation

Wtf? The Wii-U was not a success

He schools smoke weed for his hands :0 Little tip

i highly doubt the wii u was a success... it was the biggest failure ever by sales records

2019: Baby Yoda

ipod touch? no lego? thw wii u secces? bb8? WTF

So pokemon was bigger then Yu gi oh ? No Yoyo craze ? No Fingerpinners ? No Freaking LEGO ?

Anyone remember Cube World? With the little stickmen and you could attach the cubes to other cubes and they’d interact

Webkinz and littlest pet shops are my favourite toys! I also really liked tamagotchi (I still have mine) and ZhuZhu pets!!!!

21:59 is that Anthony Michael Hall as a kid on Barney?

1982: "Carebears were all about emotions, kindness and love. It was something parents liked to train their children in." 2010: "Nobody could have predicted that guys know as bronies would be into My Little Pony." Mmmmmhhhhhh, truly unpredictable

Matthew de Paula LEGO, Barbie, Hello Kitty

He looks a bit like a skinny Kevin Conroy. Doesnt Sound like him though...

Awesome video! You should do a similar one but with the most popular video games each year, that would be cool.

The pokemon cards he is holding aren't real cards that were made by wizards of the coast back in the day. BTW why do so many people say poky or pokie rather than pokey or pokemon. Many adults got it wrong then and now.

Oh hey Rochester!

I'm starting to think Nintendo paid to be in this as many times as they were and to keep their competitors out

Seeing that the Wii U, a console that was consider d a failure, could make the list gives me hope for being successful in the future

He looks like Kevin Conroy

No beanie babies?

So... the Wii U was on this list, but none of the playstation consoles... hmmm sponsored video?

The Wii U is on this list but not the Nintendo DS or 3DS? That’s just weird as the Wii U was a flop.

They're gonna talk about the wii u but not the playstation 2???

What no pogs??

So are we just not going to talk about the unbelievably creepy Mickey Mouse standing over his right shoulder the entire time?

Okay, tekno the robotic dog had been around waaay before 2013. I had one in the late 90s/early 2000s. I even had a robotic parrot. There's no way that toy was new and hot stuff 15 years later. Weird.

So glad good ol skylanders made the list

Wii u

1:18 wow the nerf ball even vibrates!

he's shackingly excited by his toys

14:25 "Kids these days only wanting to be on their phones and waiting in lines to get them first." People have always been this way, but the objects change.

Do u guys have other videos on this dude?

As cool as the Wii U is, it really shouldn't be on this list. It sold so poorly it almost closed nintendo's hardware side of things and forced them to release the switch after the wii u was only out for a few years.

Thank you for this interesting video

first time i've heard someone describe the wii u as a "success"

That's the wrong power ranger for 1994.

All right... The Nes, SNES, Gameboy, and Wii made the list. This must be sponsored by Nintendo.

and Wii U!?

I had more than a few of these growing up. I’m kinda surprised that the Jurassic Park action figures didn’t make the list. Dino damage anyone?

That's a LOT of hand shaking... Parkinson or another neurodegenerative disease?

About US not the world

you have the same voice as Malcolm Gladwell

#BratzGang. Like if you’re part of it. The only girls with a passion for fashion. ❤️

I officially became an old man in 2002 (Age 22), apparently. I've never heard of the toy, and most after that were unknown.

And lego destroyed them all

i wouldn't call the wii u a Top toy wheres the playstation 2

Id love to know how many of these are now owned by Hasbro

the one thing he got wrong is 2014.... FRozen yallll!!!!!!

1984 Wasn't Transformers :(

What about toys like skateboards(the one with the handle too) and rollerblades etc? trolls or pogs? Yoyos, RCs, quads etc.. there are heaps. But you can tell this guy loves Nintendo since he included every Nintendo console, lol. NEs, SMEs, game boy, wii, wi u.... and Atari 2600. Lol 2019 is basically over already, how can we not know what the top toy for 2019 is? Unless some toy gets released on Christmas Day and then sells more in 1 week than others did for the whole year..?

The Wii sucked....

That's a fantastic video! I'm a bit surprised not to see PS2 on the list, but maybe it's not considered a toy by these standards (with its games like God of War etc.), unlike Nintendo stuff which is mostly geared towards kids.

So basically Nintendo consoles are toys for kids... OK

Mighty Morphin Power rangers, shows In Space Pink Ranger

When it comes to Star Wars toys, you can't just have one storm trooper, you gotta buy a few.

*Littlest Pet Shop shows up* *NOSTALGIA INTENSIFIES*

Relax, bro. Shaking like the Waco Kid ova hea

I had furby and so did my dad. Mine was called moonshine.

Old guy Narrating video: "I can't wait to see what the next 50 years hold" Me : "scratches back of the head"

i thought it would be interesting to note everything i've owned as someone born in 2000, this is that list weebles uno skateboard rubix cube care bears my little pony cabbage patch kids trivial pursuit lazer tag jenga game boy super soaker barney beanie babies i had off-brand tamagotchis lol pokemon cards razor scooter!! (i had a neighborhood gang and we all zipped around on these fuckers, some kids had more than one so no one was ever without) bratz WEBKINZ (the frog that was shown was my first one!!!) wii ipod touch littlest petshop also my friend's little brother was obsessed with the rainbow loom

Wii U was a success? Have I jumped timelines again? Is Jeb Bush still President?


I love the strong museum! I went a few years ago when they were celebrating the Rubik's cube and amazed everyone by doing them

Yugioh cards definitely should have been on this list.

that was 40 minutes that flew by. this guy is a delight!

And till this day friendships end because of differing uno rules

It was fun seeing some of the toys I had when I was little all the way up through some of the toys my daughter had/has. I just brought a bag a Zhou Zhou pets to the thrift store last week.

Okay no Rapunzel Barbie was not the best selling Barbie that was Totally Hair Barbie. As a chief curator if a Toy museum one should know this.

That wasnt a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, and those were definitely not the right type of Pokemon cards.

What about Polly Pocket?! She was pretty popular in the early 90’s...

Iteresting to see that Nintendo Switch didn't make on list.

What about the transformers toys since they were a money making monster with the toys and shows/movies?

Strange man plays with toys for forty minutes

Bro them razor scooters been chopping ankles since they were created

I was expecting transformers for either 1984 or 2007

Did this guy say he can't wait to see what the next 50 years hold? Ermm... If you say so mate. Glass half full and all.

I... there’s no way the Wii U was the most popular toy of any year. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Wii U and it’s games, but like How

How tf does LEGO, like the best selling toy of all time not make the list?

Great video guys!

Pokemon Cards weren't on this?

I'm surprised Bakugan wasn't mentioned. It was a fad, but it was a HUGE fad that persisted in 2008 to around 2011.

Your lack of Lego disturbs me.

My mom colected Beanie Babies back in the day...and that was during the specter bubble and the prices were crazy..

Beyblades may have been inspired by an earlier toy, but the whole concept is based on a game thats hundreds of years old called beigoma

I was born the year the GAMEBOY came out... Go 1989

Army men and lincon logs didint make it on?

Fun fact: Xavier Roberts did not come up with the idea of cabbage patch kids, google it. It’s awful and very interesting


What The Wii u but no switch

I always thought the wii u flopped, what the heck

Bro where's Turbo Man!??

I fell for both the Tamadachi and the Furby crazes. The NOSTALGIA FEELS...

Where is Squakers MCcaw?!?!?

Yay Beyblade!

Damm i feel old, and im 21.

Ah! Surprise Jeremy Corbyn!

I'm a 90s child, but I was raised on Teddy Ruxpin! Such a unique, fun, and often hilarious universe! Sweet memories... and treasures!

Interesting video, but RIP my recommended section

Wii u are you serious nes did better than that

so the year I was born ninja turtles was the popular toy. COOL!!

No switch? If Wii-U made the cut, odd that switch didnt for it's years. Wheres spinners, do they not count or does it need to be singular product/company, as the spinners where being made by anyone and everyone for a quick buck

How are you gonna leave out the DS for the Wii U? What impact did the Wii U have?? I'm not even angry just confused.


Had so much fun with Robo Sapiens but that thing ate batteries like candy. Sadly no maracas in the list.

dude you're shaking

Uno. A Hispanic classic

I just wanted to hear someone talk about Ninja Turtles again

this video was definitely sponsored by fingerlings

Gonna tell my kids this was The Toys that made us on Netflix

His hand shakes most of the time

scumbag director makes him hold the toy and cuts to commercials

What's that big girl doll in the background? Does anyone know what it's called?

beanie babies, sesame street, Polly Pocket, barbie dolls, Tamagotchi, razor, Digimons, yu-gi-oh! ,Tetris , Rubik's cube -this was my childhood. Amazing video.

still have a Teddy Ruxpin and Grubby at my parents' house, along with a bunch of the tapes. It was an awesome toy when I was a kid

That pet rock has to be the ultimate troll toy gift to ever give someone

no playstation but almost all nitendo gen

Random Jeremy Corbyn 35:47

Yay! Finally a large company realizes there’s an audience for long form content, it just has to actually have substance. This gentlemen is a wonderful speaker.

1984: Trivial Pursuit *Optimus Prime weeps electric tears*

Real question is who really actually used the loom. We all just cut off the circulation in our fingers instead....

LOL. The Wii I wasn't even close to the most popular toy of 2012. It didn't even beat the X-Box 360, and the PS3.Check the sales figures again.

I really enjoyed this movie...I'm a 90's baby born in 1992 so this gave me nostalgia and brought back great memories ! I do remember some of these toys...but I'm a little confused about "Tekno The Robot Dog" I've could of sworn that, that toy been out since the 90's or early 2000's because I remember the Dog eyes would light up & could take on heart shapes and the Dog could do tricks

The Wii U is a really interesting choice, but I don't disagree. It was a failure, but a trailblazing one. The Switch is basically what the Wii U wanted to be.

1981 He-Man and Masters of the Universe. Shows figure released in 1984.

give him something to eat, please

I'm pretty sure I remember the Tekno Dog being around in the early 2000s, way before 2013. I mean, the kid in the commercial has frosted tips using an iMac G3..

I doubt Baby Yoda will have anything sold this year. Disney should've been smarter with it. The LOL Surprise OMG dolls will definitely be one of the biggest sellers this year. All my doll collecting friends have already said how hard it is to buy the dolls for retail and in stores.

Cabbage Patch kids original idea was a stolen concept by the man you mentioned.

why is hot wheels are not included in the list?


Power Wheels? Gak? Silly Putty?

Bro rainbow loom was such a thing at my school that they got banned because people were fighting over the rubber bands and bracelets.... Sillybands too.

The lack of GI Joe and Transformers in the early 80s ruins the credibility of this list.

So much edited during the My Little Pony segment.

I must be losing my hearing. The wii u was a success?

Homey shakin’ yo, get this man some food before ya film

This is one of those guys who you would never think to hire as a spokes person or host, yet is undeniably charismatic in a weird way!

how on earth're you gonna skip the entire playstation line or the nintendo ds or the genesis or barbie or legos or transformers but include the wii u EDIT: and the switch! how do you skip the switch but mention the wii u?!

No DS, PS2 or even Lego! but the Wii U? A system that sold 1/15 of the DS?

I'd love to have a chat with this dude over coffee or something. I find it extremely interesting how he knows how certain things going on in the world affected the toys market (if you get what I'm saying like with the moon landing many space related toys were a hit etc). And I also love how he clearly shows how he loves everyday of his job and good on him, do what you love!

I remember when I was a kid my friends mom talking about this new toy she got I overheard her telling my mom it was the best toy she ever got. I wonder what it was...

kinda sad that beyblade gets more recognition than Crush Gears :(

Dungeons and Dragons was the best selling toy of 1974??? I greatly doubt it, it was popular but only to a niche crowd at first. It really didn't start selling well till much later and never in the numbers of more traditional toys.

Was 'Pogs' not the best selling toy somewhere in the early 90's?

Kinda looks like Mr Incredibles insurance boss

didn't beyblade become popular in 2008?

This video was great

Funny that even his Snes is turning yellow

I’m so mad I didn’t see Polly Pockets.

I thought Fidget Spinners may have been in there somewhere.

i remember when i was in sixth grade and i got the rainbow loom for christmas i assumed that my parents had just gotten some chinese knockoff because the packaging was so ugly. guess that's just what the packaging looked like lol

God, I'm old

Brilliant video! Should be a series and yes I know about "The toys that made us" on Netflix but that takes too long to come out. This one video was actually narrated by an expert. Not just a voice over. Also I thought Hot Wheels would be in there somewhere, or at least Matchbox. Or were they not so popular then?

Nintendo getting sucked off on this list

I genuinely wonder what will happen to the toy market if we can't find a good way to dispose of plastics. Wood toys becoming popular again? Steel robotic toys? Online toys only? The next 50 years is going to be interesting.

Random photo of Jeremy Corbyn at 35:48. I imagine it was just a free stock image of a man with a kid

I agreed with most of these, but the WiiU, as much as it hurts to say (caus I personally LOVED it!

Rip monster high

No Bionicle? This video is scam!

i have zero memories of that robo sapien toy

This was such a fun video to watch. I love this guy!

Heck ye d&d is still the shi

Those weren’t even actual Pokémon cards. Those are topps foil cards.

My brain can't handle this much nostalgia

Was 2012 just a slow year? I mean I loved the Wii U but it kinda flopped i thought


Generation 1 Transformers ... ?!! ... Some of the best toys EVER !!!!

Especially bionicle

How many of these were designed in Japan?

Was that Jerry Corbin playing with Rainbow loom?

The PS1 and 2 didn't make this list at all but the Wii U really did. Smh.

oh god. buckle up, my friend. next stop: ignorance city.

Dungeons & Dragons was definitely NOT the top toy of 1974, the year it debuted with a print run of only a few thousand, hand assembled copies. And you're holding the 1978 version, which looks completely different.

tfw no Transformers. Or Bakugan, really expected it since it was such a big trend. I'm also surprised he didn't touch on the megazords when talking about Power Rangers

If simon or bop it are not on here i'm going to... Edit, oh good

Me when Dungeons and Dragons appeared:

Just laughed that the WiiU got a special mention

The wii u a top toy you what mate

Is this Doug Jones dressed as Chris Bensch?

31:43 that shot right there, took me back

Man, I am glad I was an 80's kid...

2012/2013 seemed incorrect, but looking into it a lot of the other popular toys those years were already on the list

28:17 well that escalated quickly.

This is pretty spot on, I was born in 1995 and I had every toy on this list up to 2008 lolol Except for the Robosapien thing but I had something similar

weebles are just knock off mighty beanz

I still think the pet rock was stupid lol

I worked at Target on FLO team (overnight stocking) during Christmas time. During the end of November and all of December, we'd go in at 2 or 3am. People would be waiting outside at that time to get their hands on a hatchimal. Most of the time, we didn't even get a hatchimal shipment.

Someone get this man a pedestal.

I still have 50 monster high dolls in a box in my closet

He forgot Hotwheels, G.I Joe action figures, Nerf guns, and why didn't he introduce Barbie aka The iconic fashion doll ever! Hello??

Great video ! There are some awesome toys there as well as a few where you think I can't believe people bought that (ie the pet rock).

anyone notice his hands shaking

Baby Yoda is gonna be 2019's top toy

strawberry shortcake? DOODLE BEAR?

I feel old I just notice the spike the dinosaur behind the dude

Build-a-Bear Workshop, anyone?

@ 28:10 that’s a bratz cat fight one is getting her hair pulled, one is kicking another on the ground, one is swinging her purse lol

Who else is on here only because of Monster High?

35:49 is that Jeremy Corbyn?

Bratz made me upset as a kid because their hips were to big and I couldn’t get their little skirts on!

2015: BB8 Me: holy crap The Force Awakens was that long ago?!


No Transformers or G.I. Joe?

His hands are real shaky

Jeremy Corbyn at 35:48 ?!

07:30 cut to 2019 and they'll have to do the same thing with Baby Yoda

What a fun and informative video!

Critics can shut up about monster high and hop off my childhood thank you very much.

surprised Legos aren't here

I have administered the appropiate amount of pot and this is the logical outcome

The Tekno the robotic puppy was popular around 05. The commercial they showed was clearly early 2000s. I remember, because I wanted the cat version.

i can never hear the words "tickle me elmo" without cringing bc of a certain person >.

Baby Yoda toys 100%

There were no Star Wars action figures in 1977. Kenner wasn't able to get them into stores until 1978.

>1999 >Quake 3 Arena isn't the highlight JUST WHY

The legitimacy of this list last all credibility when they said the Wii U was the top item of 2012.

My dad still has a pet rock and I have some zhuzhu pets, rainbow loom

The Wii U is considered a market failure. Why is it on this list?

my family invented a game, and i bet it could make millions. what am i doing, not marketing it?

This brought up a lot of childhood memories

You know, I love the wii u, I think it's titles are severely underrated, but I don't think it was the top toy of any year. By Nintendo's standards it was a flop.

I stopped having heard of these after 2002, with the exception of the Wii. Funny how everything up till that point I was remembering these toys as an inescapable cultural phenomenon at the time and then suddenly I'm an out of touch old fogey.

Those are the wrong kind of Pokémon cards.. otherwise awesome video!

14:45 VIAL PURS ....my monitor sucks.

I don’t know about you guys but the Wii U was my favorite console at the time

Who's here to see what toy was popular the year they were born? I'm an 87 baby so aw man Jenga...

Is playstaion 2 a joke?

You have Uno!

How tf did the Cabbage patch kids and Teddy Ruxpin had this much success, these are cursed toys!

This is so beautifully wholesome

I feel like the holiday toy for 2019 will probably be Frozen 2 related or the Lol Omg dolls.

Why is the Wii U here?

2012 must have been a really slow year for toys if the wiiU won.

yo whre tf the bakugans at

If I had to guess, I'd say 2019 would be the Nintendo switch

well great , now my tedy roxpin nightmares have resurfaced

This shaky pedophile

I lost it when he said Wii U. His description was also hilarious!

Im surprised you didn't mention shopkins

The Wii U.... How Unexpected...

That micky statue in the background is nightmare fuel

1984 Transformers, they were so massive. you did only Nintendo consoles PlayStation was high demand toy

Im so high watching this 10/10

Anyone else get overly nostalgic and make themselves depressed cause they miss being a kid.

Dude Rainbow Loom I can smell them through the screen

I remember going to the Strong Museum all the time as a kid and seeing a lot of these in the toy hall of fame. Cool seeing these all detailed in the video.

Okay, but no 95' buzz?

I found it weird that they used the wrong generation of Power Rangers as an example, but those Pokemon cards really almost triggered me.

Wii u? Haha

his hands are shaking sooo much!!! Lol

We didn't have a Snoopy astronaut, but my brother had the astronaut GI Joe that came with the Apollo space capsule. Our splashdowns happened in the bathtub since we didn't have a pool.

idk why i was so engaged the entire time but i aspire to be as knowledgeable and passionate as this man in my future career...

Webkinz doesn't let me connect to my old account

where's silly bandz?

He forgot America's OG second amendment toy.

Monster High, Webkinz, D&D

I see Monster High, I click I hear Dungeons and Dragons, I stay Oh how I've grown and how the years have shifted!?

The Wii was my first gaming console

His hands are shaking, i hope he's ok and is just nervous.

#BratzPack Love the girls with a Passion for Fashion for Life!

Excuse me, but where are the fidget spinners?

Did this guy just overlook the Fidget Spinners? Kids couldn't stop acting crazy without them, even adults. And what about the Miniature Skateboards? I feel like this video overlooked a ton of popular toys.

this guy is so oddly charming and passionate that it makes this video so much fun to watch... totally justifies the run length!

Is anyone else bothered by saying the iPod Touch is a successor of the GameBoy? I never equated those things as the same genre of electronic

Wii U? You sure you've gotten your numbers right?

28:09 Are... Are they stomping that Bratz girl on the ground?

Thank you for teaching me about popular toys throughout the years, Alternate Universe Doug Jones.

im surprised that i forgot about lps.. ashamed even

I was anticipating the Fidget Spinner for 2017

i love Nintendo, but the WiiU was anything but the "top toy"of its year

wrong Power Rangers series bud ! also not OG He-Man and wrong Pokemon cards!

This video was brought to you by Nintendo.

Jesus Christ you need better quality Star Wars toys at the museum.

I feel like if Disney was on their game the 2019 toy would have been baby Yoda but Disney dropped the ball on that one.

I remember robosapian so vaguely, it was weird to see again

“we don’t know what’s going to be the hot toy for 2019” yes we do, it’s going to be baby yoda

Great fun and also interesting to see in which year I lost touch with toy trends because I grew (somewhat) up. I remember being on the fence about Power Rangers in the mid-90s because my kid side felt it was kinda awesome but my grown-up side said it was silly kids stuff. I also remember that almost all those toys were and sill are in one way or other deemed "bad" toys by parents, teachers and other concerned adults: They were said to promote either violence for boys or unhealthy beauty standards for girls and shallow consumerism with the whole collectible, "sold seperately" and "gotta catch'em all" concepts. The history of toy criticism, now there is a fun topic for a PhD thesis. Oh and one last thing: How can the flopped Wii U be a top-selling toy? Why is it on the list but the Playstation isn't?

25:21 pull the fat out of the fire!! Dat's impossible!!

Wii u a failure

26:49 you're showing the wrong pokemon cards. The cards you're talking about are the wizards of the coast cards not the topps cards you are holding.

Where are the transformers?

>no Bakugan

I clicked for monster high

1:43 That explains why one of my favorite youtube channels has that name now.

No Nintendo DS, huh? Hmm.. isn't that one of the best selling consoles of all time?

I'm surprised they showed mlp over transformers

No Bionicle.

was Patrick's pet rock a reference to that toy?

Thanks because Barney Is in my childhood now I'm ten

What about the Playstation 2?? Or Ds??

Roc NY!

there better be Bratz on here.

MyScene dolls were more of the Mattel Bratz-like doll series.

>The Wii U LMAO

how is it that the wii u got on the list (a failure) but no other game console manufacturer other than nintendo made the list? the ps2 was massive, the xbox 360 was massive and the ps4 is currently massive.

who else started singing along to all of the theme songs for power rangers and tmnt when they came up

No mention that the He-man figure is battle damage He-man?!?

I swear I had that robot puppy in the 2000s and it looked just the same. I think 2013 is a bit of a stretch - the PS4 should be there, or LEGO Friends.

Never heard of ZhuZhu Pets. 2009 for me was defined by Twilight merch, Scene It, and Zwipes. (They were EVERYWHERE, it was a series of stationery that you could also draw on with permanent marker and it "vanished" with the other side, which was full of baby oil.) That and Rock Band or Guitar Hero. Transformers was also HUGE as well as Batman.

I grew up in the 90s and 2000s and you are holding the exact Beyblade I had! Also, I've never heard of that 2003 toy, Robosapien. I'd say the electronic Hulk Hands deserved that spot. They were awesome. Or maybe Air Hogs?


The Wii U being on this list makes me question everything he's said now

"In... on line and.. on... disks" This guy is a hardcore gamer!

I don't care what anyone says. I love this guy!

I knew almost everything until the early 2000s lol

I remember zhuzhu pets. I wanted one in 2009 but they were sold out everywhere. So what do I get for Christmas after I thought my mom couldn't get me one? A zhuzhu pet, one of the stupidest and most dissapointing toys ever.

Me watching all 40 minutes while listening to a toy nerd, getting nostalgia, and building legos because I was bored Living the life

Omg I remember just smashing my sisters hacthimal then just seeing a mess and being scarred for life

Pull the fat out of the fire, to make sure your tamagotchi doesn’t expire Bars

This was a nice trip down memory lane.

Rubix Cube is so 80s. And btw, Nintendo exploded in popularity in 1985, not 1988.

Y'all gotta stop questioning this man's information. You know he can cite his sources.

According to this my childhood died in 2004. Beyblade is the last actual toy I know about/play.

There are toys on this list that I clearly remember wanting and/or getting that were at the height of popularity when I was 3 or 4 years old and wouldn't remember them, namely My Little Pony and Cabbage Patch kids. I was only 4 when the CPK craze went down. I think I was 6 or 7 when I finally got one.

This guys a pedo.

i really dont understand why this video has less than a quarter of the views their videos usually get. These people are literally getting data that tells them "high effort, longer, in depth videos dont do well" and I dont like it. The high effort longer ones are the best ones!

This guy's sentence structure is awful.

my memory of zhu zhu pets was a hair theiving monster

lot of Nintendo consoles yet no ps2 or like the 360? Wii U tho...

in no way possible was the wii u a top anything

Everyone loves some articulated dolls ! ! ! Also surprised that Jem and the Holograms weren't on this since they sold enough dolls that the songs they sang technically went platinum

Why is this guy so shaky? Good lord, take it easy man!

b Dub Tremors or maybe parkinsons

weirdly enough 1.5 times speed is normal speed

Puppy Surprise was around in 2004? I had one as a kid in the 90s! I wanna say 93/94? Most people have no idea what I'm talking about when I mention it. Weird that it was actually around for a long time!

bionicle anyone?

I literally got the biggest smile on my face when I saw that littlest pet shop play set, I remember getting that exact one

1977: 7:00 We’re done here

This guy loves his job I can tell. Now only if I could find a job that I was just as passionate about.

8:30 the coolest kids had the shoes with that game in them so they could play it during rug time.

I find it so funny to call the LPS play set shown "immense" when that's a pretty average sized playset for the brand. I remember having one that was so big it took up most of the dresser leaving just barely enough room for a playset roughly the size of the one shown on the very edge.

I love this man

Razor scooter. Fold-able and also burned your feet if you didn't wear shoes when you tried to brake. An early physics and friction lesson.

Kenner’s Jurassic Park is not on it and I’m kind of disappointed

But like what about build-a-bear?

Y'all, I loved this but also WHERE WERE THE POLLY POCKETS

I was born in 85, and while I had (and loved) an NES and Gameboy, the TMNT toys were the first ones I desperately wanted. I still have a Raphael in his box.

Actually, the cabbage patch kids idea was stolen.

quick, someone tell me how do i let chris bensch know how much i appreciate him, its for science

I feel like this glosses over nonbranded toys like slime and squishies. Those were much more popular and influential toys last year than whatever those finger things were.

he has to know toys, thats how he lures kids into his van

is it just me or is that bratz doll being jumped at 28:10

they coulnd't give my mans a little table to set the toy down. Just letting him shake up there like the last leaf on a hornbeam. Put some respect on the mans name.

Monster high and ever after high were my all time favorites but Mattel just had to f*ck up by listening to whinny parents and ended up losing two of their biggest brands.

Wow. I’m old. Great.

*talking about the Pokemon tcg* *footage of Pokemon tcg* *he's holding he topps Pokemon cards* guys..... c'mon...

How could the WiiU be the most selling toy in the 2012 year? Is the toy industry so bad that the WiiU was the bestselling toy of the year?

How did Fidget Spinners not get on this list?

Anybody know what time it is???? IT'S MORPHING TIME

How was Trivial Pursuit the top for 84? And not the Transformers???

10:31 He-Man wasn't released until 1982. How could his line be the top series of 81?

Surprised the ds didn’t make the list

He sounds exactly like Coco Peru.

Talked about MMPR toys... ... doesn't show MMPR toys... ...disappointed...

oh the nostalgia

I never had any of these.

gammelhund it’s probably just a tremor. i have the same thing, so my hands are always shaking even when i’m not nervous.

pull my finger and it will smell like thez monkey

Thank you, Chris for a great video! Would love to see another!

Strange that the wii u is there but the switch isn’t


silly bands???? fidget spinners????? polly pocket? where? - a zoomer

Where are the fidget spinners?

No Transformers??? Come on, it was the biggest selling property of the late '80s?

Oh how i miss my beloved super soaker 50 also.. that puppy surprise is a crappy version of the one i had in the 80's/ early 90's.

where´s gi joe and transformers?

Cool toy history lesson

My grandma has about 30 cabbage patch kids dolls in her guest room. All packaged, never opened. She was sure they would swell in price, and she'd get rich off of them. But- she kept holding out, and they really fell in price. It's definitely creepy trying to sleep there with all those dolls staring at you all night.

I was pretty disappointed that 1984 didn't go to Optimus Prime.

Is it just me or did he mispronounce "famicom" as "famicon?" If so that's the only mistake that really stuck out to me. Besides not including fidget spinners as the big toy in 2017. Edit: I feel like the Nintendo Switch would have also been a good choice for 2017, because that's when it came out, but it could also be a good pick for 2019 since it's gaining notoriety. Also, Bakugan would've been much better for 2007, since the iPod touch isn't really a toy. Also, the Nintendo DS should have been 2004's toy as I had never heard of those dog things but everyone and their cousin had a DS. Perhaps that would have been too much Nintendo, but if so, they could have easily found something better to replace the Wii U with. And where the heck are Hot Wheels/Matchbox? Those were huge! I think LEGO Ninjago or something Hot Wheels related would have been better for 2012.

I like this guy. You could tell he liked what he was talking about. Would love to see him more and cover more content like this

The most sold toy in 1975 was the pet rock? Wow, the mid 70s must have been a very boring time for a kid. Thank God all this change with star wars toys

Wired making the pedo connection in this video. Both groups probably have significant overlap.

The WiiU was a "top toy" when it's one of Nintendo's worst selling consoles?

It sold something like 13 million in the first year, so it was definitely a top seller. I think it was influential even though it ultimately failed because it led the way to the Switch which is looking to be one of Nintendos best sellers.

Pokemon cards weren't printed until 1999. How were they the toy of the year for 95???

WHATDOYOUMEAN 2004?!? I had a puppy surprise in 1996 or something..

The soy is strong with this host.

im surprised the wii u made this and the nintendo switch didnt :(

Surprised we didn't see Hot wheels, Silly Putty, mini skateboards, or fidget spinners, or hoverboards.

Wii U a "success" but no mention of PS2 in 2000. Lol ok

Really ??, trivial pursuit over transformers ??

I disagree with the 2012 entry, the WiiU in many ways was a flop not nearly gathering as much attention as the wii or even other Nintendo consoles. I think a toy that had more impact at the time would probably be elf of the shelf

Surprised not to see ps2 on this list

this presenter is awesome. He's perfect for his job and explained everything SOOO well. Didn't even miss a beat on the skateboards.

2013 for Tekno puppy?????? No way that was released in the early 2000s

Transformers and Cabbage Patch literally caused adult brawls in stores. No mention of Transformers, G.I. Joe or the king daddy of toys LEGGO. Also, the amount of time allocated to My Little Pony was....disturbing.

bro how u gonna have mighty morphin power rangers but then show not MMPR? looks like the space one. also those ARENT pokéman cards, those are the dumb topps cards

it's crazy to me that tekno the dog came out like 2000 but wasn't most popular till 2013!

Cool video, Wii U being included and switch being excluded kinda puts into question the credibility though. The Wii U sold 13.5 mil units and the switch has sold 41 mil and counting....

I'm only here to see if Tickle Me Elmo made the cut.

Oh honey, Tekno was far before 2013!

Awesome video!

40:08 "I can't wait to see what the next 50 years hold." 113 years old is a bit optimistic, buddy.

Is it just me or that Technodog was made earlier.I was born in 1997 I am sure I saw a toy like that before

What happened to the Nintendo ds?

okay how is 2012 the Wii U which was a huge commercial failure, and yet 2017 is some random Walmart toy and not the smash success Nintendo Switch??

Anyone else skip to the year they were born and then watched to get nostalgic?

You played with the specific toy featured the YEAR you were born? Wow, you were an advanced baby!

Guy looks like Mr Incredible's terrible boss.

ok this was a great video and I love how passionate the host is! But I feel like Tekno the Robot Puppy was at the wrong year? I had one in the 3rd Grade, brought it to show and tell and everyone thought it was so cool... but I was 20 years old in 2013.... something seems off here :O

1971 - Weebles, a fun toy for kids with an actual purpose. 2014 - Zen Egg.

Who else here was bummed that he didn’t have an actual early bird certificate package

No Frozen toys or anything form the Disney Princess line? Or Cars franchise toys? And I think video games should have been in a separate video.

Cabbage patch kids was stolen ☹️

just looking at that razor scooter made my ankle bones hurt

This man brought me joy

The toys that made us?

26:18 Says Pokemon Cards but shows Topps Pokemon Stickers...

What's your least favorite toy here. I absolutely detest Furbys and Hatchimals.

13:05 Pretty disappointed that you didn't mention how the Cabbage Patch Kids was a stolen idea and the guy you see there is not the creator but a thief. Vice has a video on it here: The Secret History of Cabbage Patch Kids | American Obsessions

Where’s Transformers, Gi joe, Lego , and Barbie.

Well Barbie was released in 1959. This only went back to 1969...

This is my top five youtube videos I've ever watched. Chris loves his job and I'm happy for him for it

Decent list. However, no Transformers, c'mon that franchise has been big for 30 years! And Wii-U? nawh bro

also, the Wii U a success.....HA Ha Ha, that's funny.

Thanks for sharing my family was once in the toy manufacturing business.

too bad there's no Sega Genesis.


This guy looks exactly like what I'd expect the curator of a toy museum to look like.

Where’s Nintendo R.O.B?

All I'm saying is to bring the OG Monster High dolls back

This dude can probably make me buy anything lmao

Who thinks these toys need to be remade (I know some have but still)

Came just to make sure Tickle Me Elmo was on here. Not disappointed!

So I've watched the new toy story movie and now this shows up on my feed

Boomer: You young people are idiots! Haha! Young people: Remember 1975

Hes gonna be real sad when he finds out those arent pokemon cards.

And Polly Pocket??????

Where are the Sky Dancers toysssssss

Everything else is pretty accurate. Wii U was popular in its first year. It was after when the sales stopped.

Guy, you put Wii U up here but not PS4... ok boo... You know what, I don't even know why I'm saying that. I can respect a Toy-nut like you guy. Keep doing what you're doing.

Interesting that American Girl doll is in the background but never discussed.

watch at 2x speed,thank me later.

Puppy surprise was around a lot earlier than 2004? I was 20 in 2004 and I definitely had them as a kid

Surprised to not see Heelys on the list, seemed like everyone had those mid 2000s

Wow. Very cool. I’ve sometimes felt a little bad for kids today because I felt like the 80’s had the best toys that kids today missed, but I’m happy to learn that they have toys just as cute and fun as I did back then!

28:20 I got a lil uncomfy here

This must be the best video ever!

Bratz dolls were sexist crap, nothing more.

I expected fingerlings to be 2017 and LOLs to be 2018 bc my 4 y/o sister didn’t get into LOLs until last year but also she didn’t watch YouTube until last year either so it makes sense.

Cabbage Patch Kids were nothing more than marketing. Me, I liked the Garbage Pail Kids cards much better, they actually required some intelligence to get the jokes.

I hated the My Little Pony animated movies/tv series. So sugary sweet and utterly moronic that I had to hate everything about them. I swear, the creators weren't even trying.

Dang bro what happened to idubbbz

I would say the GI Joe toys of the 1980's were far better than the Star Wars minis, as they were a lot more poseable and the toys were better. I had both.

It's too bad Dungeons and Dragons has fallen so far since. 5th edition is basically made to be like a videogame, where you are a one man army, and you are expected to do nothing but combat. Gone is the interdependence of the various classes, and the game is massively dumbed down to the point that any given Fighter (for example) is identical to the next Fighter.

Born in 2000, I LOVED razor scooters as a kid... you just couldn’t ride without shoes or your back foot would get burned to a CRISP on that brake

Zhuzhu pets were freaking Satan incarnate

I may not be able to skip the ads, but I can sure as heck mute them and look away.

Furbies are making a comeback! people are buying up the vintage fellas to have, or customize !

I love this guy! Great video!

calling the wii u a success is a bold opinion lol

Someone sold pet ROCK

Defo understated the importance of Tetris with the GB...

I love Chris, I want more videos with this man.

2013???? Did it get confused with 2003???

Ya the game boy was most sold toy that year, the next it should just be batteries or ac adapters lol

*NES appears* It was only really big in the US and Japan, but sure, I'll give you that one. *Game Boy appears* No denying the impact of that one. *SNES appears* Uh, what about the Megadrive that first began marketing to older kids, or the Playstation that successfully transitioned gaming to an adult hobby? *Wii appears* There's a pretty dull pattern forming, but there's no denying the cultural impact of the Wii. *Wii U appears* This video is sponsored by Nintendo, isn't it.

Hey man your hands are shaking pretty bad is everything ok

Nes was 85 chief

"Took water play to a whole new dimension" uhm..

I was enjoying this video so much that I only realized it was 40 minutes long after it ended

i didn't buy it yet, but the real life Mario Kart race track set looked neat, that might be the best seller for 2019

huh? i thought skateboarding took off cause of back to the future.

The idea behind the cabbage patch kids was stolen. Don't believe me then look it up. It's a sad story.

Were going to pick these toys on everything but sales. WTF

Thank you! Been curious about all this being born in the 80's.... Always wondered!


Why are his hands constantly trembling?

1988 o yeah

A skateboard is not a toy


No Lego or Tamia?

35:21 that kids parents must be really poor for him to have a 2000 mac computer in 2013

Team Best Girl Polly Pocket has been around since I think the 80s! Surprised silly bands aren’t here though for 2008.

As a 70's/80's kid myself I have difficulty seeing the appeal of many 90's things. :)

WiiU ? What you smokin

how was the Switch omitted but Fingerlings (which I’ve literally never even heard of) got on the list?

28:09 A police case or not. I'll let you be the judge of that...


genuinely never head of fingerlings

I predict Baby Yoda to be the top toy of 2019...FOR ADULTS!

Dude you ok?. You shaking like crazy man. You need to lay off the coffee lol

Great informational video. Funny to see so many Nintendo consoles on here. Also surprised by the lack of lego products.

I mean fidget spinners should have taken the spot over LOL Surprise and certain other nitpicks but, pretty good list.

is etna your pfp, if so, sweet disgaea is rad

I love Strong, but I’m disappointed I didn’t see the Nintendo 64 on here

32:28 i literally had that playset :(

I'm Suprised Fidget Spinners weren't the top selling toy in 2017.

Sorry.. Any "most popular toy list" that does NOT include Transformers OR GI Joe is FALSE

26:20 the one we all were waiting for. The one we clicked on this video for! Pokemon! - PoliwhirlFan#1

Here's what I remember being popular in my neighborhood as a child: 1975: Six Million Dollar Man 1976: Evel Knievel 1977: Star Wars 1978: Electronic Quarterback / Tomy Digital Derby 1979: Big Trac 1980: Stomper trucks 1981: Intellivision 1982: Girls

I always wanted the technodrome battle set and for Christmas of 89 I got a fu**ing Light bright it damaged my childhood !

Where is the fidget spinner

I still have a gameboy, I play pokemon yellow all the time

So no legos? Nerf guns? Fushigi?

I love this man so much, he’s sooo passionate about his job :)

Did you say “Eera”?

Jeremy Corbyn at 35:47. Really?

Is no one gonna bring up the fact that there is a legit racial street beat down between Bratz at 28:10?

I love how cheesy old toy commercials were.

It's so weird to me that the Wii U is on here but Lego isn't

the WiiU being the most popular toy of a year? yea right it flopped hard barely anyone bought one outside of japan so it's hard to believe that (either that or 2012 was a horrible year for toy sales)

great video, then he got to the Wii U.... ah yes nintendo's biggest flop was the biggest thing that year.......

I'm surprised how I have never heard of some of the toys shown here, specially some of the latest ones. I guess I'm out of the loop about what kids are buying these days...

I actual received a metal skateboard Christmas 1965.I was 11 and sucked at it.

I'm the big sad that my birth year has barney :(

This guy is really adorable. In like an old man who's really caring kind of way, you know?

No stretch Armstrong?!

1973 was Evel Knievel and 1974 was Magna doodle. 1976 was Pong 1977 was Stretch Armstrong. 1979 was when Star wars took off. 1984 was Hackey Sack. 1987 was the Koosh ball. 1993 was Beanie Babies and 1995 was Pogs. LoL surprise oh like loot boxes.

This guy shakes like crazy. I watch most vids at 1.5x speed. It's very noticeable. I hope he's OK.

This guy looks like the grandpa who sings rap songs in his car meme

Surprised Hot Wheels(1969) aren’t on this list seeing as it’s the best selling boys toy of all time. Or Barbie for girls.

90 percent of the material is spiraling in the ocean, crazy white people.

Hmmmm 9/10 No lego. You can't to that to my boy

born 1998. havent heard of robosapien. puppy surprise i only saw on tv. got lost at zhuzhu pets. all after that ive never heard of and/or played with before. WEBKINZ THOUGH ❤❤ that was so fun when i was young. same with neopets! sad its not on there but i guess the toys werent that relevant. i used to freeze my nemo littlest pet shop in my water bottle for school.

Bro his hands were shaking with happiness

I had a teddy ruxpin got him new for 40.00 in 1985


The only toy i play with till today are beyblades

Be honest who skipped all the way to the year they were born

This takes me back

Yes, there are still boomers that say video game consoles are toys Let that sink in

_Not sure if I agree with including board and video games..._

I find it weird that so many Nintendo titles are on here, even in generations where Nintendo was beaten out by its competitors...

“1975... the pet rock” Oh... the 70s

The 2009 up ones were either owned by me or my sister at some point in time.

1988, my year!

26:19 yo, those aren't the real pokemon cards. Blue backs only.

The first toy, there was a actual Moon lander named Snoopy, and its Command Module..of course it was Charlie Brown.

no one: not a single soul: me: *SKELATOR* *NYEHHEHEHE*

Shouldn't 2017 have been the hand spinner ?

Was the Wii U really the most popular toy of that year???! It’s largely considered a bit of a failure for Nintendo overall...

I'm surprised the PS2 wasn't on here

2011, the Wii U was the most popular Toy? I worked at GameStop and no one wanted that trash console after the first week it came out. Massive failure of a Toy, how did that win?

Oh wow. Ive heard the theme for weebles but never seen them before.

Why do you fidget so much?

This was really enjoyable and hit me in all of my nostalgias.

Bro what about yugioh cards? As far as Southern Europe is concerned, those were way more popular than Pokémon cards.

As a 70's/80's kid myself I think the 90's had mostly weaksauce popular stuff.

1984: trivial pursuit Transformers: say sike

Thanks ATARI for having introduced me to the world of video games.

I think ATARI deserved more love than it got, research is key

I loved my bratz dolls and to this day I remember that blue car with the built in radio, I thought that was the coolest toy!!! I loved Myscene dolls too lol!!! Good times! ❤️

1974: Dungeons and Dragons? Yes, it was first produced that year but it wasn't popular until years later. They only printed 1000 copies of the game in 1974. What was one of the best selling toys in 1974 (and one of the greatest toys of all time).... the Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle! Now take your meds Shakey.

this video was so good the presenter barely noticed the early onset of Parkinson's disease

I also remember the hoverboard craze of 2015/ 2016. It's like a more dangerous version of the Razer scooter craze you mentioned.

Someone get this guy a sandwich!

wasn't expecting him to say the word "SLUTIFICATION"

Either 2012 was the weakest year for toys ever and there was nothing else to pick as the most popular or this guy isn't aware of how much of a sales failure the WiiU was.

I was expecting to see Legos on this list for sure.

Wow I had so many amazing toys and dolls in the 80's this really brought me back to my childhood.

Razor scooter was rad

You can tell exactly when my country was in economical distress as the list stop aligning whit my memorie. 80s the decade where we could not get the last american toy.

Is ti curated? Or is it actull retail data

what a pedophile

Wait, where were you getting the data for this list? Or was 2012 just a really slow year because the Wii U was a massive flop by most metrics.

The Wii U was a massive failure, especially in comparison to the Wii which preceded it and the Switch which followed it. For almost its entire lifespan it was generally seen as an afterthought.

actually love the jeremy corbyn cameo at 35:47

This dude has DTs

You should do 1909-1968 now.

Out not for internet stores now, , I'd be buying every baby Yoda at toy stores to resell ..

Such a benign video.. Why dislikes? Lol

*Pushes up glasses* Star Wars action figures weren't available until 1978. For Christmas 1977, Kenner sold empty cardboard boxes with a mail away certificate for four action figures.

What about POGS?

Little bit of trivia: "Snoopy" was the name of the Lunar Module for Apollo 10. That mission was the full dress rehearsal for landing on the moon just two months later and "Snoopy" came within 10 miles of the Moon's surface. The Command Module for the flight was named "Charlie Brown". With Charles Schultz's permission, Snoopy had been made a mascot for NASA's push for more safety after the Apollo 1 tragedy that was highly preventable if they hadn't been pushing so hard.

Kind of surprised Transformers or G.I Joe’s didn’t make it but cool video either way

so you have nintendo but no ps1 or ps2 why?

He-Man in 1981?

Cool Video, but why do you tremble that much?

The German word for Weebles is "Stehaufmännchen" by the way. It translates to "stand-up man"

He looks Sick. Is anything happened to him?

His hands are shaking so bad that it concerns me

This man was the guy that fired Mr Incredible! Hope you learned your lesson boomer!


UNO is the best toy in the last 50 years!!

Hi Chris On this video I saw a toy that I had at age 5. Great Gar Loo, I ping ball shooting robot. Could you please slip him into your next video? It was 55 years ago. Thank you.

2017 and up confused me.......

I was very surprised that Transformers didn't appear on the list in the 80's.

The Wii U gets on this list but the PS2 does not? Wow 2012 must have been a tough year if the Wii U, which is arguably Nintendo's second biggest failure since the Virtual Boy made the top place.

Why are you saying Barney isn’t scary

I definitely owned a Tenko long before 2013. Is the US a decade behind the rest of the western world? lol

This was such a refreshing Video I enjoyed seeing some of the earlyer toys that perhaps my parents grew up with and those that I had fond memories of growing up

1973 was Evel Knievel and 1974 was Magna doodle. 1976 was Pong. 1984 was Hackey Sack. 1987 was the Koosh ball. 1993 was Beanie Babies and 1995 was Pogs. LoL surprise oh like loot boxes.

What the heck is going on at 28:12?!

Thanks for the tour!

no playstation 2 but than there's wii u. Stop watching immediately

Why is he shaking?

the wii u was not the best selling toy of that year. it sold so bad it was canceled shortly after release

I used to love webkins

No Transformers or GI Joe and the Wi U? This list is fired!

I dont understand you put the WII U in but didnt put Switch? What about the 3DS? Kinda disappointed at that.

Nice...I got my NES in '88 for my 9th birthday. :)

I'm surprised that the PS2 wasn't talked about. Considering it's the highest selling console of all time. Edit: Wait... You talked about the Wii U? Is this video sponsored by Nintendo?

He is shaking a lot

Um, 2013 Techno?

One really has to frame very well what is going to be considered as popular to include the WiiU in this list

wait a minute . . . *this man just skipped over the NINTENDO 64/PLAYSTATION- THOSE WERE THE GREATEST TOYS EVER MADE!*

The orign of UNO explains a lot. My family calls it crazy eights for idiots.

I think beanie babies were really the first “Pokémon” because you had to collect em all.

My sister and I got Furby when we were kids and returned it the next day. It wouldn't shut up and it scared us

nintendo appears so many times throughout the list but wheres the nintendo ds?

Really 1969

We don’t talk about 1975

And what is with the Fidget spinner? (I hope I wrote it wright)

Loving the Nintendomination in this lineup. Nintendo is "doomed"!

I like this guy.

Oh, ten year old me in 2012 loved Monster High. I collected a couple hundred of them up until 2016 or 17.

Surprised that Beyblade took the spot for 2002

But the Wii U was an absolute flop...

i find it hard to believe nintindo had 5 years but playstation and xbox not on at all once. that said good vid

There's no way the Wii U was the most popular toy of 2012. In 2018 the Switch sold more units in like 6 months than the Wii U sold in its entire lifetime, yet 2018's most popular toy is freaking Fingerlings?

Guys def not a peadophile

Hatchimals were not the start shout out to moshi monsters

Genesis does what Nintend-don’t!

I don’t remember any kids talking about trivial pursuit in 1984. It was nothing but transformers in the schoolyard.

I remember Beanie Babies being bigger in 1997 and 1998, as opposed to 1995. But, then again, I live in Iowa, and we’re late to catch onto fads.

Considering Arnold Schwarzenegger was all over our sceens I don't think He-man was "absurd", just muscular. Also I don't think anybody watched the Bionic woman haha. Some odd revisionist history even in our toys.

2019 is surely going to be the Kendama.... which is cool as it's the opposite to the growing trends...

2020 ...Baby Yoda

Skeletor got the DT’s

i played with every single toy...he talked about..age 57.

This just reminds me of every toy I wanted as I kid but didn't get lol

Kinda disappointed that he didn’t mention the Transformers

Soooo no Barbie

As soon as you said razor scooter my ankles started to hurt

great vid but where's the nintendo switch pretty revolutionary if you ask me

I'm surprised there was no mention of LEGO here

I loved listening to this host! He so obviously loves his job and loves playthings and finds them fascinating even though he's (usually) outside of the suggested age range. As an adult with a particular fascination in toys, it was a joy to hear him speak.

No no no the wii u was not a success

His shaking hands are really distracting.


Was surprise not to see Tetris here..

2019 best selling is probably the Nintendo Switch

I am very surprised the Wii U is on here but the Nintendo Switch is not.

I was having a panic attack and this video captivated me and interested me so much I forgot about my anxiety. Thanks!

Electronics don’t count as toys.

Alot of these toys identify as transmedia properties.

How is wii here and ps2 not??

After hearing what he said about the Wii U, I’m not sure I can trust the validity of what he’s saying

The ol pot herbs aren't the may west

until the millennials find something wrong with these tpys

Me: tries to shake the toy Chris:Shakes the toy Me:hey at least I am 50 years old and I don’t shake the toy Chris:okay I’m going to make a 40minute video of me showing commercials of 50 year old toys and shaking all the toys Me:how how how

My mom had to fight her way through a mob of moms in k mart to get my sister a cabbage patch kid. It was the first black Friday.

i always knew furby was a commie.

I only clicked because you so much like Willam DeFoe !!!

I really thought Spider-Man would be one of them, big part of my childhood

Did this man really just say the wii u was the best seller for 2012

Where is Sega Genesis and Xbox?

The Wii U? Ha nope.

Kind of shocking to gloss over 1984 and the release of Transformers with them being an actual toy compared to a board game.

I'm not sure how He-Man could be the best-selling toy of 1981 when it was released it 1982. 1981 is when they released the comic mini-series to launch the backstory of He-Man.


Some of these aren't specific toys but just refer to a franchise, e.g. Power Rangers, which is a slight shame, however still a good video

Forget the toys, watching Chris explain everything so eloquently was worth the 40 mins and change.

Chris' perversion has twisted his face.

Pretty sure Skylanders didn't have online back then. It was toys to life in a mostly single player video game, outside of the couch co-op multiplayer option. There was no online. Well unless you used the codes on your computer to play some sorta thing they had online, but it wasn't connected to the main game on your console.

That’s not a 1994 power rangers toy

So.....You are telling me that the Bionic Woman was MORE popular than The Six Million Dollar Man?????? And,I thought The Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle was the most popular some where in the 1970s????

And Barbie???shes been popular for decades.

The hot toy of 2019 is going to be fortnite battle bus. The 9 year olds are too strong

Honestly I was fully with everything in this video until they said the Wii U


>no transformers Bro..

Shout out Rochester NY, My little man & I love Strong Museum!!! This is awesome!

So much landfill ... sigh.

4 or 5 Nintendo... And no Sony PS at all?? ... That's odd... Is this an ad???

Ngl I thought he was Bill Nye at first

1984 - trivial pursuit? When I went to see the transformers movie in the theater in 1984 I don't remember seeing the Trivial Pursuit movie playing there, but it must have there because this guy said Trivial Pursuit was bigger.

6:59 There was no actual Star Wars toys until February 1978 , but according to this fruit, it was the most popular toy of 1977. Good to know! (and no, kids cannot play with a gift certificate). Incidentally, I'm guessing this guy was playing with barbies at the time, so I forgive him for his lack of knowledge.

Calling wii u the best selling game in 2012 made this video to lost its credibility lol

Seriously WIRED... Why is this sponsored by Nintendo? There is no way in the world the SNES, Wii, Wii U are more relevant than Genesis, PS1/PS2, PS4.

Wii-u the most popular? It was the biggest flop ever, no one even undestood what it was. This video was definitely payed by NINTENDO.

First you show the NES and Gameboy but chose SNES over the Sega Genesis! It was a million times more important than the SNES, especially when you already featured Nintendo. And then you dare to feature the Nintendo Wii instead of friggin PlayStation 1 OR 2. Both PlayStations sold more than the Wii and were more relevant. Wii was just a gimmick. And then the WII U? You mean the console that failed completely? PS4 has sold almost 10 times more and is still selling.

How can u even forget to mention G.I.JOE! thats makes this list shiiiat

But what about Bakugan.

Now I wanna rummage thru all my vintage Star Wars stuff. The original is still the best, unlike the crap Disney puts out.


Teddy Ruxbin, creepy af.

12:54 not even god can forsee them.

I picked my own pet rock in the wild in the 70s. Dangerous, yet a very rewarding experience. Edit I just played with a rubix cube today...

Did anyone else notice the Bratz dollz giving a beatdown at 28:10? Brutal.

If you enjoyed this then you're going to enjoy "The Toy that made Us" on Netlflix.

This list lost credibility when it failed to include GI Joe ARAH and Transformers two of the most popular lines of the 1980s

There had to have been a better toy in 2012 than the Wii U. It only sold like 15 million consoles worldwide in its 5 year life span... compared to the 100 million wiis and the Switch is already showing that it may join the Wii in that club.

Who else missss old beyblade the new burst ones suck

How you make your pet rock stay, mine moves when i tell it to sit. lol.

D&D, 1974??? Wow! I never knew. The first time I saw D&D was in middle school, 1982.

What about lego ??

Should have included it

G1 Transformers?

1984 is not Transformers ?

What no playstation

MMPR but is holding a space rangers

The iPod touch a toy? Yeah, no. That being said I really enjoyed the video and Chris has to have one of the best jobs on the planet. Also, the Wii U was a phenomenal commercial failure, probably Nintendo's worst if not for the Virtual Boy. Not sure how it took top spot in 2012. That baffles me.

Surprised silly bands aren't on here

If this ain’t a Nintendo-lovin’ video, I don’t know what is!

I can't like this video enough. This guy is living my dream job.

I was upset that I didn't hear Jurassic Park or Jurassic world

"The most popular toy in 1996 was the "Tickle Me Elmo"! " Turbo Man: "Am I a joke to you?"

I like this guy

He-man came out in 1982 and not 1981... You would think that "experts" at a toy museum would know this.

4:54 Me at gunpoint.

Ha boomers played with a rock as a pet

I think Amiibo should be in this list .... def more hype then the Wii U

Ben 10 where is Ben 10!?

Go back to 1950...

Wasn't that Tekno the 2000 release version?

Yeah upstate New York baby

I don't agree that Skylanders proved kids wanted to play with real toys and have them interact digitally. I know my boys just used the toys to activate the digital counterparts. They never actually "played" with the toys.

I don't have many problems with the toys chosen for this? But how much did Nintendo pay you? The Wii U was successful? Negative! I found it odd that consoles like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 4 were not in this list. A robotic dog was chosen over the PlayStation 4 for 2013...

The 2013 commercial was so not 2013

Barney was wack. Sorry to say but he was.

No bakugan anywhere. Danm i miss those tho

Uno. The game with unknown rules. Since 1972

I thought my mom was just stupid when she said she had a pet rock but apparently a million other kids were too, sorry ma

Why is lego not on this list??? Because they are never the top selling toy. If any single to is the best selling over thr entirety of this era, it would probably be lego.

Toy expert : I think this pony is going to be the most popular toy this Christmas. Baby Yoda : Hold my frog.

The Wii U was never popular, and there was no mention of the DS, PS2, Transformers, G.I Joe and other things which arent the Wii U.

Wii U was a complete failure.

1994 saw the release of Sony's Playstation. That console changed the industry, IMO. Also no mention of Sega?? The Genesis was neck and neck or better than anything Nintendo was doing in 1989, among other things. Also the Game Gear was one of the first substantial color handheld devices.... Only mentions of Nintendo here besides one mention of Atari?? Hmmm??? Is Wired in Nintendo's pocket?? Asking for a friend.

Sooooo in 1969 you didn't review Barbie then...

As much as i live hearing Nintendo on this list Wii U was a major flop

loved the video, if you guys need some REAL 1st gen pokemon cards let me know, I have the complete set, all 151.

I'm really surprised Transformers were nowhere on this list!

I’m sorry but one part of this video absolutely disgusted me. Who the flying heck, uses a toy made in 2013 and hooks it up to a 1998 iMac g3

Why didn’t he tell us about the game that killed the Atari! E.T.

He should be hired by Netflix’s “The Toys That Made Us”

Looks like a video perfect for kids

Wtf is a fingerling

Cool, I was born in Rochester!

In 2009, when "The Ugly Truth" came out... If only xD

This guys in my neck of the woods lol no Funko pops though.. not sure about the last few years

All these toys were popular for few years only, LEGO is popular since (about )1960's !

Wait what? I’m 14, I remember we used to play with Kendamas 6+ years ago. Thanks for the good memories.

@Oilerpa But I did rise to its main popularity status in the late 2000's. That's why I was surprised, but I do see your reasoning here.

Iron Scatman it was made before 1969

CiPp35 Haha. I know right? They chose the SNES over the Genesis, Wii over PlayStation 1 or 2, Wii U over the PS4... This is basically a Nintendo ad.


Idk guys I didn’t see any fidget spinners


Love the way the curator tries to humour the listener into believing that having the bronnie fan base is an exciting & worthwhile edition to My little pony lol. Besides that, the vid is a awesome experience into the history of toys

Legos are the best change my mind .....

i heard skateboards where invented in 1955 in a town call Hill Valley in California........

22:21 "mighty morphin power rangers" * shows power rangers in space figurines

What about VideoNow? I had the fear factor discs for mine

There is something off about this guy.

Its a couple he got wrong later down the line like the wii u

I was born in 2001 but I remember weebles wtf

28:09 he says "took fashion sense to a different level" shows a picture of a Bratz beatdown

Dungeons and dragons?! Gimme a break. I’ve got nothing against D&D but saying it was the biggest toy of any year is laughable.

I hate to say this but fidget spinners took over in 2015 if I remember that being in 2015 maybe 2016 anyway they were everywhere

Great video. I really enjoyed the quick delivery of the information with presenting the products as they are discussed.

Those were not even pokemon cards the host had in his hands....

Bro why do you shake so much are you okay ??

Its weebles wobble and they don't fall down, not won't fall down..

Had to double take to see if that was Jeremy Failure Corbyn

No Gundam Kits?

Did Tekno puppies released again in 2013? I didnt know

*2006 fleshlight*

he totally held up the wrong pokemon cards..

So..... nintendo wii u which was an utter failure flop makes the list, but the game changing nintendo switch doesn't.... hmmm. Maybe that's what this years toy will be now that they have the switch lite.

The idea for cabbage patch kids were stolen, that dirt bag man deserves no credit! All the credit goes to a North American folk artist named Martha Nelson Thomas; who was the original creator.

his hands are shaking sooooo much

Why no gunpla ??

on Sundays we would eat omletts made out of hatchimals the eye's made my gums bleed always cried because they would scream when we would blend and cook them

why is the Wii u on this list???

also, the Wii u was not a success it was a bomb

Puppy Surprixe scarred me for life because my parents were cheap so they would just steal real pregnant dogs and make me slit open the belly and beat it like a pinata until the puppies fell out

A cop took my Lazer Tag he pistol whipped me with it and jabbed the sensor up my as I can't walk past a grocery check out with out setting it off it haunts me to this day

I don't give 2 shits about no horses but them Little Ponys taste the best because they are so sweet

I'm really surprised there no fidget spinners or POGs.

Says mighty morphin...show power rangers space toy...

I wonder if the shaking is Parkinson's or alcohol withdrawal...

Toys really started to suck after the 90's. I don't think the iPod touch qualifies as a toy either.

What about Transformers?

Littlest pet shop was the only toy line I have ever collected as a child xD loved them

Wii U huh...?

Thank Capitalism for the variety of toys .....libs would have ruined childhoods with socialism and bread lines.

No Buzz Lightyear? No tickle me Elmo? Fingerlings biggest in 2018? Wii U biggest in 2012? This video is basically fiction at this point...

I have a van full of toys. Wanna come see?

Imagine is someone busted in and broke all his toys

NO TRANSFORMERS AND GI JOE???? But you chose Janga instead... Boo Wendy Boo

Where are the Transformers?

I was surprised I didn't see Mighty Max/Polly Pocket, but I guess whatever year it was it was second place (1995?)

This list is pretty good, but the WiiU nearly tanked Nintendo, I don’t understand how it can be toy of the year

Did anyone else notice that the Playstation was excluded?

I never realized that beyblades dated back to 2002 as a concept.

G.I Joe Toys came out in 1964, name G.I.Joe was used by war correspondent Ernie Pyle in World War 2, that died in 1945.

Ultraman live action tv series in 1966, and spin off Ultra force, came before Voltron cartoon show and Toys 1984, Captain Power and the soldiers of the future live action TV series 1987-88, which came before Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 1994 which is similar to them.

Atari Pong came out in 1972.

1977 Commodore PET computer came out in January, Apple personal computer June 10, Tandy TRs-80 in August. All could be used to play video games although video games more limited then.

Mentions Nintendo but skips Sega.

It's said Lego became the most powerful Brand Name in 2015.

TMNT comics weren't satirical, it became satirical in the cartoon show in order to sell toys. The comics were super violent.

When you see that og dranzer gt and wonder if he knows thats a beyblade holy grail

Photon same as laser tag came out at the same time.

I thought the first video game released to the public was called Pong.

The Russians sent Laika a dog into space 1957, November 3 in a ship called Sputnik 2. was alive for over 4 hours but cooling system broke down and then died within a few minutes.

come to asia where everyone has metal series beyblades

Barbie the Astronaut was in 1965, and Major Matt Mason Mattel's man in space was in 1966, so Snoopy the Astronaut in 1969 was behind the times.

I would love to watch this guy try and play Jenga

I'm guessing that counted each LEGO set as an individual "toy", because if you didnt I know for a fact that the most popular each year would almost always be LEGO, because atleast every child (Both male and female) I know in my area gets atleast 1 LEGO set for Christmas.

oh i remember getting the he-man

No Easy Bake Oven? Or Nintendo 64??

7:51 27:28

The N64 was the only Nintendo not top seller

I can’t wait to see what the next 50 years hold

who has ever babysitted your daughters tamigochi

Most of these are total garbage, one season-wonders advertised to the death on the TV. Good toys last for years and sometimes several kids play with them. I'll take a box of Lego over this crap any day.

I had a weebles pirate ship, it was awesome.

I feel bad watching his hands shake so much. Poor guy, wonder if his nerves are fried or he just drank too much coffee.

Low key thought this was anorexic bill nye

yo this guy is pretty cool

Yo my man's more shaky than a JIBBA JABBA

Ok, who gave him the wrong Pokémon cards? lol

BOOTLEG toys are the best https://youtu.be/8tydDR9jD-A

I collected the heck out of Zhu zhu pets!

No PlayStation???????

do they still make pet rocks?? i want one so badly!!! where can i buy one pleaseeee i need to know

Purple dinosaurness

Puppy surprise was introduced in 1991, not 2004. I had one, it was awesome and creepy. In the 1991 version the mother dog had a plastic face...adding to the creep factor....Also littlest pet shop was created in 1993, I also owned a set.back then..it was less creepy more cute.

where is the nintendo ds

Dungeons and Dragons was never the most popular " Toy " Legos and Hot Wheels .........Baby Alive ! and Barbi. .............all out sold Dungeons and Dragons every single year . Dungeons and Dragons is a board game more than a " Toy " . And if we are gonna include board games ...........then Monopoly , Clue , Life and Sorry should be in the mix . Who all thinks a Dungeons and Dragons game was more popular than Monopoly? The Title of this video should be " Toys that defined a generation " . And an Atari 2600 was a game console .........it was never labeled a " Toy "

dam this guy is cool af but he dosen't look so good i hope hes ok....

2019's is Mini Brands btw

The Wii was the hottest system for 2007, not 2006.

Steady up Chris... I cant see the toys when you're shaking them so violently...

I think this guy needs a drink, he shakes bad in the close ups when he's holding something

Wait, what? The Wii U? That was a massive failure, how was it the most popular thing of its year? How did you come up with this list?

dude looks like if Kevin Conroy and Willem Dafoe had a baby

I asked for RoboSapien Christmas of 2003. I got it the white one. My most memorable Christmas present ever.

WI U really ? Lol lost credibility right at that moment

The years that you remember being a kid and having those toys. The year that you were too old to play with these toys but still remember

mtg was far larger and controversial then pokamon which only increased its hype, ntm as the worlds largest trading card game it set the standards of what trading card game is thanks to wizards of the coast -> todays hasbro -> activision/blizzard entertainment. also every console rendition is nintendo or apple base going back to the magnavox he said was better then the atari when everyone knows the atari was better and only reason the atari was delayed on release was because of the goverment contracts they had for space exploration and battle strategies. as i recall lots of toy's which were far more popular in past years both in sales and trades and continued hype then many in this list. where by the way, the psp was the predisisor to the gameboy not the ipod touch as it played ps2 games on mini disks just like that of the gamecube but on a mobile devise.

2012 WiiU!? I officially don't believe anything he has told me due to this statement: the WiiU was a success!? lolol


No, Transformers or G.I.Joes during the 80s?!

Thank you skinny man child!

2019 needs a Baby Yoda Furby

Wii U was flop, nota a success! Almost no one liked

hydrolito someone who doesn't care if they get caught or not. I'd stomp on a few of his toys if he forgot them in a parking lot and I wouldn't get in trouble lol

What profit would a man have in breaking his toys? He would likely get caught because of hidden video cameras and have to pay for all the damage.

You lost me after 2010

Dude, eat a cheeseburger already!

Is he okay!? His hands are Shaking pretty badly! Has Anyone else noticed that?

My parents actually won a radio contest in just before Christmas 1985, they won either a shopping spree or a selection of popular toys. I just remember it being a particularly bountiful year. Part of the prize was a Teddy Ruxbin, which included a cassette tape, a booklet, and a video. We used to have a picture somewhere of my brother and I zonked out with Teddy Ruxbin between us. XD

my zhuzhu pet's wheels got stuck in my hair so badly it stopped working

Sorry, but 1984's top toy was Transformers not Trivia Pursuit. I should know. Can you please redo this?

No Gi Joe in 83? Thumbs down

This would have been the Christmas of Baby Yoda, but Disney screwed up and the toys aren't coming out until 2020. So, maybe he'll be next year?

Was Transformers on here ? if not …. UNSUB !

Wii U?

No Stretch Armstrong?

I loved Bratz . They felt more like the type of person I would want to be growing up and they had their own personalities ...whereas Barbie felt stuffy and like the same person over and over.I was about 9 or 10 . They got me into dolls because I was so not into Barbie , only played with stuffed animals til my mom got me a Bratz. . My favorite was Yasmin ✌️.

I'm in complete disbelief that Trivial Pursuit and Teddy Ruxpin beat out The Transformers for 84 and 85 respectively. Completely dumfounded.

The Pet Rock was pure a r t

Im suprised lego star wars isn't here

did anyone else wince seeing the kids on the skateboards without shoes lol

I refuse to believe the failed Wii U was the top selling toy of 2012.

He-Man wouldnt see release until 1982. The date stamp on the figures was the copyright.

Bro I remember Zhuzhu pets I had a fighting set which was two hamsters dressed as ninjas that had swords and they would *bump* each other in a arena

CryptoConcurrency = Beanie Babies.

No REAL man would EVER like My Little Pony. For fucks sake!

26:55 scooters? where is the playstation 2??

Fingerlings were/are hardly a new or original idea. The 1980's and Monchhichi Pencil Hugger clip-ons would like to have a word with you.

Sad that bakugan wasn't included

Forgot the 3ds

Bugs me that he was not holding actual Pokémon cards...

I wanted the transformers for 1984 but no

Sylvia here again. My last message should have said appropriate.(about the whiskey). Dumb spell check!

Real approximate, commercial with whiskey.

This guy is exactly how I imagined a toy expert would look like.

Where was G.I. Joe?

I sent this to my sons. They were born in 1968 and 1970

I live in Rochester New York



The pet rock is the winner!

69 lol

2012 must have been a bad year if the Wii U was the best selling toy....

No hate at all and maybe just asking is rude and I apologize for that but I'm wondering are you just shakey or is it medical?

1974: D&D one of the most influential toys/games in the last 100 years. 1975: Pet Rock

For 1994 with Mighty Morphin Power rangers-Just thought they might want to know that the figurine they are using for display is not a t Mighty morphin Power ranger toy. It is actually Power Rangers in space which was a few series later.

wow, that guy is a games wikipedia


y'all really went thru the 80s without GI Joe or Transformers, did ya? what planet were you living on?

Nintendo : we will pay you as long as you don’t mention any other gaming company and act like the Wii U was a success so don’t mention the switch ok. Toy guy:deal

You have Nintendo yet at least Sony PS2 and it's not iconic? That's BS

I'm not sure if it counts as a toy, but if it does, what about Magic: The Gathering trading cards? They were the first of their kind and continue to this day, much more revolutionary than the pokemon ones.

What about, PlayStation consoles? Sega megadrive? Reversible warebears and doodles bears? My pocket Polly? The light up yo yos? Pogs? And Lego?!They all need some recommendations. I bet there loads more. But I can't think of them at this time

Chris looks like a mix between Stephen Hawking and a pedo...

Jenga didn't really take off until 1989.

Sounds like a wealthy neighborhood

Screw off.

transformers wasn't a top toy? that's the one i figured would be

What about wwe toys?

This video clearly showed me when my childhood ended. Thanks, Wired.

Interesting, but many of these aren’t toys. Unless everything is being classified as a toy nowadays?

His hand is shaking when a pet rock is on his hand. So I wonder if the one is so heavy thing?

No Playstation, only nintendo consoles and the Ipod becomes a toy.

This guys is hella cool, but I bet he gets confused with a pedophile a lot. like parents always telling their kids to "Get back over here Timmy"

Once you said "1995 Beanie Babies" you didn't really have to say anything beyond that. They were a viral hit before that term existed!!

Wii U on a list of “most popular toys” and a “success in its own right”? That would definitely be good news to Nintendo if it were at all true. Apparently Wired ignored the part when this “popular” console nearly bankrupted Nintendo.

Man this guy is real shaky. "Anyone with a steady enough hand can play" he says as he talks about Jenga. Ouch!

I loved my Teddy Ruxpin.

In the early 70's, I was crazy about Aurora "Skittle" games (poker, pool)...

1995, Pogs were my jam

A big Nintendo bias here. Missing in action - SSP cars, Bionic Man action figures, Evil Knievel Stunt Bike sets, GI Joe (the small ones), Transformers (Robots in Disguise) Sinclair Spectrum, Amiga 500, Play Station, Micro Machines, Polly Pocket, BMX, Fidget Spinners, Big Track, X Box, Thunderbirds, Guitar Hero...

Dungeons and Dragons also inspired some kids to become killers

He seems quite nervous.

Chris Bensch needs a YouTube channel of his own, there's a lot to talk of the toys he'd just presented, some others that didn't get in the list, and I'm very curious of the toys that are behind him. Chris seems to really love every toy he talks about.

Rc toys

My local newspaper did a story about parents hunting for Christmas popular toys in the 90s. My mom was featured for the Furbie

bit of a creeper

I think the top toy of 2019 is Mini Brands. At my job, they sell out constantly and everybody asks if they are in stock

60s, 70s and 80s: uno, dungeons and dragons, simon, rubik’s cube, action figurines, nes and etc.. Today: Hatchimals

I couldn't see any of the toys as he was shaking so much

This Guys hands are just fricking shaking

PET ROCKS - the ultimate proof of how ultimately dumb many Americans are.

Barbie are not on the list.

Because the Barbie Doll has been marketed since march 1959.

Nostalgia is real

The Nintendo wii was my first every console

I know video game systems was regarded as "toys" back in the day and not up until about 1996 or so things started to change with video games been regarded as electronic entertainment....but it bugged me back then and still do that it was not regarded anything more then a "toy". It was fare to say such things with the Atari 2600 up til the NES as it was linked with boardgames = electronic games but with the SNES & Genesis and up, it was to advanced to be regarded as such. Now, I like toys, I really do but for me video games already back then should have been respected as its own thing due to its capabilities and different nature.

It looks like that early tickle me Elmo was possessed

i was infuriated

Chris 'Juggernaut' Bensch

Who else skipped straight to the 80's??

The voice of this guys scares me the way how he speaks is frightened and his look no way i m afraid of toys now

3:03 Are we just going to ignore that..?

Webkinz is still around today.

Well something went wrong in 2012!

the BB-8 is cool but whats not cool that for alot of people the batterys died after 1-2 years and to replace them you needed to cut open the ball with a saw or something ...


If you didn’t sing along to Barney when it came on you’re not a true 90’s kid

This is the only time I have ever heard the Wii U being called successful.

I was with you until you said “wii u”

Aha ha ha... OK So I was about 5, maybe 6 and me and my pals used to call fat people "weebles" because of how they walked XD It didnt help that about 3 doors down the "fatties" stayed, that and the fact that the rest of the neighbours all referred to them as the fatties. Oh man we were little bastards back then (although, apparently, so was everyone). I always remember the day when my granny shouted me and my sister downstairs to look out the window, because the mum, dad and 2 sisters were all trying to get into a 1970's Lada XD


There's a lot of things you can do with this stick Elmo

No Legos?

If I lived in the 80's I would be considered a pro Rubik's cuber, and I'm one of the worst cubers in my school

No Transformers?!?!

The fact they used a mondo ninja turtles in the thumb nail

Just in case, here’s a quick guide to every toy in the video by year, plus a link to click to skip right to each one. 1969: Snoopy Astronaut - 0:23 1970: Nerf Ball - 0:49 1971: Weebles - 1:35 1972: Uno - 2:18 1973: Skateboards - 2:57 1974: Dungeons & Dragons - 4:08 1975: Pet Rock - 5:13 1976: The Bionic Woman & Cher - 5:59 1977: Star Wars Action Figures - 6:59 1978: Simon - 8:01 1979: Atari - 8:38 1980: Rubik’s Cube - 9:24 1981: He-Man - 10:23 1982: Care Bears & My Little Pony - 11:20 1983: Cabbage Patch Kids - 13:03 1984: Trivial Pursuit - 14:44 1985: Teddy Ruxpin - 15:20 1986: Lazer Tag - 16:12 1987: Jenga - 17:07 1988: Nintendo Entertainment System - 17:54 1989: Nintendo Game Boy - 18:26 1990: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 19:28 1991: Super Soaker - 20:15 1992: Super NES - 20:51 1993: Barney - 21:34 1994: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - 22:17 1995: Beanie Babies - 22:50 1996: Tickle Me Elmo - 23:34 1997: Tamagotchi - 24:44 1998: Furby - 25:37 1999: Pokémon Cards - 26:19 2000: Razor Scooter - 26:51 2001: Bratz Dolls - 27:29 2002: Beyblade - 28:25 2003: Robosapien - 29:09 2004: Puppy Surprise - 29:38 2005: Webkinz - 30:00 2006: Nintendo Wii - 30:45 2007: iPod Touch - 31:29 2008: Littlest Pet Shop - 32:04 2009: ZhuZhu Pets - 32:40 2010: Monster High Dolls - 33:22 2011: Skylanders - 34:08 2012: Nintendo Wii U - 34:38 2013: Tekno - 35:12 2014: Rainbow Loom - 35:36 2015: BB-8 - 36:39 2016: Hatchimals - 37:38 2017: L.O.L. Surprise! - 38:22 2018: Fingerlings - 38:55 I hope this helps! Enjoy the video!

1974 the year the ODD got EVEN.

35:48 wait isnt that jeremy corbyn?

Finally... someone that can actually pronounce the name Mario correctly

This man is just pure good

Hey look, it’s Snoke!

Where is Strawberry Shortcake? Where is Pound Puppies? There were so many other much more popular toys you missed.

In 1968 Mattel released Hot Wheels diecast toy cars and they've been popular every year since, right up today. It's just before 1969 but no other toy I can name has had the same continuous production and play time than Hot Wheels every year for 51 years.. Matchbox/Corgi is currently owned by Mattel since 1992. Matchbox have enjoyed their continuous production and playtime since 1952.

First, agree Wii u was a huge failure at only 3 million units that year. Second. If we are going by price, then hoverboards should be on here somewhere since skateboards on here. If we are going by units, then fidget spinners won somewhere hands down xD

Where's GI Joe wiff da Kung Fu Grip?

was by man being held hostage? his hand are shaking so much


The Wii U was a commercial failure. Right around now is when the Switch (or something completely different) would of been announced if the Wii U was successful. Nintendo's biggest flop turned in to big success.

Oh man the early 2000's were a blur for me. Lol.

Im confused he pointed out some wrong facts, like the hair play dolls. The most selling barbie is the totally hair barbie not rupunzel. Power rangers was a Japanese concept not Chinese. Anywho loved this video and i love toys!

I can understand He-Man but NO Transformers???! Seriously? Every kid in the 80’s wanted and begged for a Transformer, any Transformer. Even f’in Wheelie

I dont understand tekno the robotic puppies placement,it came out in 2000

This dude's hands are so shaky it almost makes me uncomfortable

No Tickle Me Elmo? I remember people going crazy for that one year, sometime in the 1990s.

My sister and I played with Weebles when we were kids.

No Transformers, M.A.S.K, G.I Joe or Starcom, Lego, Playmobile etc? Those were the coolest toys for me in the 80s and they were huge.

I had the Elmo but was on a wait list til Feb. Tamagotchi was dumb, the knock offs were so much more fun...like dinky dino

Beanie babies in 95? I don't think so? Maybe 96 97. I know I was DEEP in the craze in 98

I sad that Voltron ain't on here

he looks like a nice guy...but i see some signs of Parkinson's :(

19 *69* nice

Wtf the whole time i was looking at that mickey mouse in the back

The PlayStation 2 deserves a good spot

this was so fun to watch, the razor scooter, tickle me elmo, pokemon cards, all of those were definitely the most popular must have toys of the year.

idk about this guy. somethings off

I had a next scooter My brother has the razor scooter

I had a Barney stuffed animal back in those days Yeah I was a Barney kid

2003: Robosapein. (shows the V2 instead of the V1) Also, 2013: Tekno the robotic puppy. (shows the first generation made way before the 4th generation which came out in 2013)

Is it me or toys for girls are pretty bad?

Surprised POG’s didn’t make the list

My buddy and me, we can climb up a tree!

Anyone else notice he was holding fake Pokemon cards?

Nope this list was not very accurate you have to do separate videos on the top boys and girls toys.

Still have all those weebles.

HOLD UP!!!!! What about pogs???? I can't believe they left out pogs!!! Pogs were way bigger than Barney, I can't believe they didn't even give pogs an honorable mention, and that power ranger was a bootleg swap meet power ranger the power rangers action figures were way bigger.

13:30 I remember Cabbage Patch kids caused several riots in stores. People so intent on getting one that people were knocked down and trampled to death. They brought out an extremely ugly side of humans.

My parents got me a pet rock, but he didn't pay for one, he just made one. It's amazing to me that this product sold so many units, considering that rocks are available for free just about everywhere. All you need is a rock, a box and some shredded paper.

@Eric Taylor You obviously didn't read the marketing materials at the time about the dangers of getting wild rocks and treating them as a pet rock :)

Seeing Teddy Ruxpins face, got my eyes misty. Great memories with him.

37:43 Also known in videogames as: "Lootboxes".

Found the Grinch!

No, poor guy might have early parkinson :/ Hope he gets many years of good health before it gets worst, that thing is the worst

I noticed that it was the year that the toy made its debut.

1984 - Trivial Pursuit was selected? Not Transformers? I can tell you that as a 3rd grader in 1984 we kids only cared about the Transformers. They were huge. I get that adults cared about TP at the time but this is a video about toys, not board games. I remember parents playing TP and we would ignore them and get lost in our transformer adventures.

I'm worried about his shaking hands :( Be well Mr. Toy Expert!

Wow, amazing information. I feel like collecting them, but it would probably cost a fortune!

Hope this guy is ok. did anyone else notice his hands shaking?

Are you dying of HIV, Cancer or an eating disorder

its all good until he said "Wii U". like really? can't shill enough huh

I can't help but notice that Mr Bensch has observable hand tremors... If he hasn't yet, maybe he should get it looked at.

The original Rubik's Cube was fully modular; you could take it apart and put it back together again right. I always thought that was the true secret of the thing. Before Teddy Ruxpin, there was 2XL, an interactive toy that used 8-track tapes, and before Jenga there was KerPlunk. South Park always reminded me of Colorforms, and that other toy with the felt (one was staticky plastic, one was felt.)

Soooo...Tekno was a thing a lot earlier than 2013...

and when I say Nintendo is a toy company, fans rages.

Where did they source the Pet Rocks?

I had like 40 razor scooters... they all broke

He’s great at describing all the history of the toys. He looks like he may have cancer or HIV, he’s not nervous. I hope he is still ok. God Bless him!

My Little Monster! come ooooon!

They forgot about Yu-Gi-Oh cards in 2002.

This presenter has an almost Mr. Rogers feeling...a kid at heart for life. Good for him to not be one of the disenchanted depressed people making up today's oi polloi

just watch "the toys that made us" ....wired ripped em off hardcore.

Tekno was a 2000 era toy but they did release an updated version in 2013 which hooks up to wifi.. the 2000 version was much more popular though.

I think some of this depends what you define as a toy. Is halo a toy lol.

spot on

2019's hot seller would be baby Yoda if they could get it to market.

@ 0:27... The year that the "first person" walked on the moon? HEY PC SHITHEAD! It was a MAN that walked on the moon! Why do you fruits insist on being so PC!

why is he shaking so hard lmao

35:48 Jeremy Corbyn ???? whats he doing in this video ??? (British Labour Party leader)

yeah, who could have foreseen Bronies decades later. My god.

I feel sorry for the guy since his hands are always shaking.

ayyee rochester ny type

The hot toy for 2019 was the OCULUS QUEST! Sold out everywhere. When Best Buy online got more in stock they sold out in less than 5 minutes. They are on back order everywhere till at least February.

Did anyone else gt zhuzhu pet wheels stuck in your hair as a kid?

No transformers???

How did the fidget spinner not make the list? Literally everyone had one.

I am mostly satisfied with this list, but you left out the Play Station 1. Also, I am a big Nintendo fan and love the WiiU, but you must be crazy to list it as it was one of Nintendo's biggest flops... then again, look at the toys out in 2012. I know there can only be one per year, but missing out on Strawberry Shortcake and Transformers seems like a goof up.

Give it up to that guy who sold pet rocks haha. I had a teddy ruxpin and the he-man figures but my parents threw them out and they are worth money now :/

35:15 Umm...Tekno the Robotic Dog definitely came out holiday of 2000, not 2013...

Wait this guy really didn’t add PS2 on here?

Transformers were the biggest toy of my childhood, but they were overshadowed by Cabbage Patch Kids at their height. Also I think Sega Genesis was a bigger deal than the SNES, and Switch is the biggest toy of 2019 after a slow build up. Or baby Yoda certificates.

Dude looks like the kinda guy I wouldn't want around a school or playground

Sony Co totally forgot about MASK. Even better was MUSCLE.

What, no transformers?

How is it that the WiiU is on the list but the PlayStation is not?

Wii-U?! Wait a minute!

who put a wig on the talking snoke doll

Ye see there was a time when everybody thought plastic was really cool!

Tekno launched in late 2000

PlayStation 2 ???

His hands shake a lot!

Pet rocks were the biggest gimmicky ripoff. At the time pet rocks were big I could just go out on the dirt road we lived on & get the exact same thing everyone else was shelling out what was a lot of $ back then.

What no playstation? If the snes is on here the playstation should be on here too. The playstation should even better then the nes ans was definitely even more influential than the wii u or even possibly the snes.

Hard to focus on what he's saying when he's constantly shaking like that. :/

ok boomer

Those hand shakes sure were distracting when he was holding them.

23:27 That dog is freezing.. get him a heater!

where's transformers?

Idk how you missed it. 23:34 1996.

i wonder how his christmas's went

No Gi Joes?

think you got the dates wrong on some of the things and where's barbie or the transformers toys or pogs or yoyos?

Its sucks 2000's mostly dominates by girls but the reason for it is the chad boys starts playing gta or call of duty on pc's and console at tge age 5

wheres lego and gi joe?

Oh so my toy is a iPod...nice

I wonder how many kids suffocated on the weeble toys

I had the robotic puppy in like 2005. lol

As a 90s kid,i mor nostalgia when he talked bout the power rangers toys

35:48 Why is Jeremy Corbyn in this video?

Seeing the pokemon cards, razr scooter and beyblades brought tears to my eyes, as being born on 95' and thinking about how time has passed got me nostalgic, dont know what happened to that scooter.

Why do I feel like the "most popular" toys at the end of the 2010's decade is mostly targeted for girls?

A little surprised batman and transformers didn't make it.

Where is the big mouth Billy bass and road rippers they were very popular toys in the early 2000's I have great memories of that fish being super loud

...Wii U is successful? Are you sure you didn't mean Switch?

Deal with it - he does.


It's not funny. Look up Parkinson's disease.

35:15 Umm...Tekno the Robotic Puppy definitely came out holiday of 2000, not 2013...

That's rude.

Okay.... so where are those little rubber bands that came in different shapes???? Not the loom thing that I legit have never heard of.

*Didnt even include 'Etch-a-sketch', 'Transformers'...*

bruh Bionicles ??

Okay, fingerlings are actually pretty cute.

Barney is frigging horrifying.

Really, no Transformers?

You can tell this guy bangs a lot of strippers.

I had celecovision instead of Atari.

Some of your dates are off. By your own description, Star Wars figures weren't even on the market until 1978, but you list them as 1977 presumably bc that's when the movie was released. Also Masters Of The Universe figures weren't released until 1982 (despite series 1 releases being stamped 1981).

Ok how are fidget spinners not on here?

he is so shaky

Only thing I'd argue against here is that each toy is tied to its release year. Toys that surprise took off a couple years later, even outshining all the new things on offer, aren't even looked at

I still remember when the WII U was released but it only feels like 2 or 3 years ago!

bruh this guy took a rock and all its normal features and turned it into a "pet", then made MILLIONS

This guy getting paid to promote Nintendo? How was the WiiU an Xmas success?

why 0he shakin tho

the fidget spinner was dramatically more popular but whatever

aaaAAA rainbow loom was my childhood!

cata coca si inna baga asta de ii tremura mainile asa rau, vai saracu"

I love this guy

Interesting doc that shows who we are and what we are by how we play. Cool.

Was I dead in the 2000s? Only heard of iphone... and that aint a toy

why is this guy has super shaky hands

My elementary school banned tomagatchis because we kept trying to feed them during class.

Fidget spinners??

I feel like he's about a year off with several toys...especially He-Man!!

Because videogames destroyed the "boy" market.

C P or Alzheimer’s?

yeah i noticed that too, looks like stroke after affect

Steam PC, but it's free.

Where is Optimus Prime / Transformers...? According to the first google result I found - they were the most popular Christmas toy of 1984...

Kind of surprised that Buzz Lightyear didn't come up for 1995, he was SUPER popular during that holiday season. But it makes sense with the TY toys.

1982 unfortunately gave us Bronies.  1983 thankfully did not give Cabbage-heads.


Yo this list is maddening lol. The totally skip over the ps1 in 95 and then choose the Razor scooter for the ps2 which is the best selling console ever. But pretty much name every Nintendo console lol.

The NES came out in 85

2020 would be baby yoda

Wow, no fidget spinners

The Pet Rock is a classic study in marketing and packaging. Dahl wrote (and illustrated, I believe) the "owners guide". Pure genius. My younger sister had one and happily carried it around in its container.

wii U ?... really ?...

guys I think he needs help they have a gun pointed at him that's why he's shaking so much


Well, we know Mr. Bensch is an avid D&D roleplayer. :D:D:D

No bionicle or LEGO smh

no love for the Sega Genesis ...

“Fingerlings”? Lol gross

The Nintendo 3ds sold better than the wii u

1968: In 2001, after concurring space travel, humanity will transcend into its next phase of being. Actual 2001: Bratz!

Fernando Torre Skateboard.

I was born in 90 and felt the same.

@Cassy Bug She's not. She said it looked as if they were marketed to girls not that they were for girls. It's the marketing and toy companies that gender things she's just pointing that out.

@Matthieu Rego Exactly what I was going to comment too.

How about not gendering everything?

tremors can just be side efects of a variety of medications, or just a thing on there own.

he's an alcoholic and the 40 minute recording without a scotch was sending him over the edge

Weebl'n'Bob's Wobbly World. That's a nostalgic old webtoon, back when webtoon men't "flash cartoon" & not "comic strip." When I think of licenced toys below bootleg quality, I think of Kenner. Remember their awful-looking Ghostbusters toys?

Huh....I always thought of NERF as a distinctly 90s toy. Learn something old every day. I remember UNO being big in the late 80s & early 90s. Anything card-based was really.... Pokemon, Garbage Pail Kids.... I remember Pet Rocks having an attempted revival when Chia Pets were popular.

Gen X childhood toys>>>>

Anyone gonna talk about how he said "Wii U" and "Successful" in the same sentence?

He should have tickled Elmo, dammit

Im so young. Ive never heard of weebles before or the nerf ball

I did not know Bronies dated back to the 80s.

Which of these toys did I or do I have? A skateboard, Nerf ball, Rubic’s Cube, Jenga, Razor Scooter, and Rainbow Loom. Notice, no electronics! Is there a list of earlier toys, 1948 - 1968?

The razor scooter could be also used as a weapon... RIP my ankles

Omg seriously. I remember having a specific way of getting on and off of the scooter in order to avoid this because I always ripped my ankles up. And the scariest thing was being next to someone while they were getting off because if they were going too fast they would spin the bottom and it would slash your ankles open

So Transformers and G.I. Joe were never popular??

Kind of sad what it takes to get kids attention now, but also good to see things like the rainbow loom

When he said "Frankie stein" I legit stopped watching, turned off my computer, and went to bed I was so mad.

I thought Techno was 2000. Didn't even know they were sold in 2013

Looks like Teddy’s tech is outdated for 2019

Even the cop wanted a Cabbage Kid’s

Look I'm not saying that the video was vad but you missed transformers and legos come on people

1969 Nice!

Pokemon were 2018 again, and beyblade was king again in 2019.

In their respective years of release, Transformers and G.I. Joe both dominated. I understand that, because He-Man came first chronologically and since it was an era of extreme gender specificity, that the focus of those years in this piece is on Ponies and Teddy Ruxpin, but it seems misleading to gloss over it all so heavily.

i dont know what you think but i think LEGO is super popluler and is my favrite toy line


why is he shaking?

The Wii U? Must have been a terrible year for toy sales.

Or Voltron

How old are you? Like 9?

Nintendo (NES) Came out in 1985. I was there...

I trusted this guy up until you told me a Wii U was a popular toy

Rainbow Loom, don't you mean Loom Bands?

6:20 that was quite the distinguishing between a "doll" and "action figure" lol

i feel like the PS2 ought to have been somewhere on this list, due to it being the most successful videogame console of all time.

I'm surprised that we didn't see Shopkins.

Did he really say Wii U and success?

Also in 1996, the holiday movie Jingle All the Way, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

2012 the Nintendo WiiU? Really? REALLY?

Once they make a baby yoday, toy....2020...Oh yes ....

hello hello...one word .....SEGA ! ! !

ATARI jaguar .......was when Alien VRS predator game , took off......but sadly the machine ....Dead

Sinnday was First , then barbie, took over......./// also there was Strawberry shortcake , toys that smell , of what you wanted .

"I can't wait to see what the next 50 years hold" - So Chris is pretty optimistic about life-extending medicine... (No disrespect, he's a nice man,)

Pogs, jewel bellied troll dolls, bedazzler kits, color change Barbie, Polly Pocket/Mighty Max, Pound Puppies, Creepy Crawlers, Sky Dancers/Dragon Flys, Tickle Me Elmo, Play-doh, LEGO, Easy Bake Oven, hula hoops, koosh balls, Bop-It, Pogo-Ball, pogo sticks, Madballs/Boglins,/Blup Balls, roller blades, skip-it, Tickle Me Elmo, Pound Puppies, Gack, silly puddy, Etch-a-Sketch, Aibo, Glow Worm, Popples, Wuzzles, Slinky, Lite-Brite, Betty Spaghetti, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, Speak'n'Spell, Monchichi, Connect 4, Twister, Pop-o-Matic Trouble, Sorry, Clue, Pictionary, Boggle, etc.

Weebl'n'Bob's Wobbly World. That's a nostalgic old webtoon, back when webtoon men't "flash cartoon" & not "comic strip." When I think of licenced toys below bootleg quality, I think of Kenner. Remember their awful-looking Ghostbusters toys? Men look back on Care Bears as brainwashers who forced you to feel things against your will. My Teddy Ruxpin turned himself on in the middle of the night & his eyes would roll back into his head. Creepiest thing I ever owned.

Huh....I always thought of NERF as a distinctly 90s toy. Learn something old every day. I remember UNO being big in the late 80s & early 90s. Anything card-based was really.... Pokemon, Garbage Pail Kids.... I remember Pet Rocks having an attempted revival when Chia Pets were popular. I remember Jenga being big in the late 90s.

That entry confused me.

1968: In 2001, after conquering space travel, humanity will transcend into its next phase of being. Actual 2001: Bratz!

how was it?

Abigail Sitter I was 9 or 10 when it came out in 2014 lol

Tekno definitely came out in the early 2000's. I had one.

30:52 how can you forget the almighty nunchuck

I think the snes was the other name for the famicon

Ok - then you left the Nerf Ball outside and it got saturated w/ rain. Then the sun baked it. Tah dah! You now have a shot put. /old //but you know, we had fun ///still trying to get this Jart out of my foot

"It's the year that first ... person... walked on the moon." It's okay, you can say "man."

After the NES it seems like every other entry is a Nintendo product, haha

We need numbers.. how many jengas was sold that year?

While holding he-man I'm afraid he might break it, my heart stops for a while.

@Robert Turnip Oh, ok. Lmao that makes more sense because my worldview had completely changed.

They don't. He meant that in the 1980s nobody could have predicted that Bronies would come about. The way he worded it might be a bit confusing.

They even left out my mom. ( ._.) what a ripoff

I feel this guy is hurting when he speaks. He doesn't seem comfortable physically talking

I like this guy

Secret Agent Furby

lol Wii U

So this explains why I had such a consumerism problem and wanted everything all the time. I was born right when all the good toys came out

He's like a skinny Stephen King... well, a skinnier Stephen King

he looks like he was a kid when the 69 toy first came out

Where’s PS4???

he put the wii u on the list but not the nintendo switch xD, now that is an lol suprise

No one gonna comment on how much this guy shakes? Must be so nervous.

Why is he so shaky?

Shade queen

The presenter (Chris Bensch?) kinda seems to have trembling hands when he is showing the toys. Kinda wondering he is nervous to be on camera or if he has some kinda neurological disease? (It's a great video though. )

I expected Amiibo somewhere in this list. I didn't expect the Wii U

28:17 though.

Im mad i didnt see AT LEAST A SINGLE lego set

Everything after 1976 will take thousands of years to decompose.

I miss my pet rock. We got separated many years ago while sunbathing on Pebble Beach.

I call bullcrap on the wii u for 2012. The wii u was a commercial failure. There had to be something more popular at the time than that.

I didn't know LOL dolls came out in 2017. I thought they were the big toy of 2019 - all the kids wanted them for Christmas.

I love the Wii U, but it bombed in 2012 Speaking with Reuters, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said, "At the end of the Christmas season, it wasn't as though stores in the U.S. had no Wii U left in stock, as it was when Wii was first sold in that popular boom. But sales are not bad, and I feel it's selling steadily."

2020 BABY YODA!!!! sorry "THE CHILD"

Wait a minute. The Wii U, one of Nintendo's biggest failures was the most popular toy of 2012, but the Switch which is one of Nintendo's biggest successes wasn't mentioned for 2017?


Old Toys seem to be very expensive and collectible, so he could be scared not to drop it or something. My Grandfather also has a lot of trouble with Arthritis so Chris could have that and has a hard time holding it.

Weebles are kind of obscure today but Nerf is still everywhere. They just put those balls in shooters now.

@The Communist Party Of Vooperia 1960, but to be fair to the guy he said the last 50 years, so that means 1970-2020. Man i must be getting old, where has the time gone? But not including the 1980's Transformers?? Bruh?

Etch-a-Sketch was a 50s toy wasn't it

What about fidget spinners or even fidget cube or ps4 or nintendo switch

Dood... eat a sammich

And the Tickle me Elmo also helped make another successful product named trigger me Elmo

The failure that was the Wii U but not the switch, ps 4, ps1, ps2, DS, 3DS, gba, or Xbox 360?

I think jenga inspires kids to become an architect and build things so that they fall over and destroy everything nearby

No spinner? No xbox360?

teddy bear :costs 69 dollars and it talks to young children parents: That's going into the shopping cart

the pet rock looks like it could be marketed to millenials

Where the fuckin Lego

Pokemon cards would like a word.

Neo2266 “Thinner” Stephen King haha

What with jojo, draco head, maby Europe. Sorry. To small Toys okay..

The way he holds each toy like it's a precious artifact makes me smile

Tekno was 2000 not 2013 wtf..

"Based on a 90's toy with a similar concept": HOW DARE YOU NOT MENTION MIGHTY MAX!! Which ripped off polly pocket...

Unless only Nintendo counts as a toy, there is no way WiiU is the most successful. It wasn't even the most successful videogame console that year.

1988 for the NES? Umm what? It was test marketed in 1985 and nationally released in 1986. What is he talking about?

1982-G.I. Joe a Real American Hero


Why does he talk about pokemon cards and then hold up what is definitely not the pokemon cards that he is talking about?

Tamagotch were way earlier, like 3 or 4 years before '97. By '97 even all the late market knock offs had died off-- in this case literally as the batteries died even if you remembered to feed, play, and water daily... edit: Ditto on the puppy surprise birthing type of doll, I remember in the early 90s, not 00s, a toy that was "how many kittens will you have?" type toy.

422 jerks downvoted because he didn't say their personal favorite toy was the top toy of X year and they don't get that their personal experience doesn't equal nationwide data for the most popular toy of a given year.

I feel like the robot dog was much earlier, 2013 is really wrong, I remember wanting one when I was younger and in 2013 i would have been well past that, I think you're at least a decade out

Where is the Commando Elite and the Gorgonites on the list? Disappointed.

I do believe this nice man (whom i have met at the Strong) has parkinsons or at least early signs of parkinsons ...i could be wrong but he is shaking an awful lot

im suprised 2012 was Wii U

"water play"

Stop me if you've heard this one, but that first Ranger toy shown wasn't MIghty Morphin'...

35:17 That toy came out in 2000 he’s about 13 Years to late. I got one of those dog toys when I was 8 or 9 years old. Haven’t seen that toy in 20 years. Also In the Commercial they had old apple computers in it too.

Hmm... Silly Bandz was probably more popular in 2009.

You know this list is BS when they mention the Wii U.

You forgot several: Easy Bake Oven, Lite Bright, Colorforms, Play Doh, Lego...come on. And no mention of Frisbee, Hotwheels, Matchbox or Barbie? Hmmmm.

Dungeons and Dragons is still amazing and 5E makes it even better!

This video should have come with a childhood nostalgia warning

Where is the Play Station?

Tickle me Krusty. "WHooa hahahahaha, hey kid! Get your finger outta there!"

I see a Game Boy I still get the same feeling I got when I was a kid, looking through the argos catalogue. I really want to play Super Mario Land 2 right this second!

or tinker toy, or linkin log

I was thinking the same thing (I own a Wii U and despite my enjoyment of it that thing was a financial failure of epic proportions to the point where it's very noticeable due o the lack of software. Even the original Wii got longer lasting software support when it got Just Dance 2020 and Wii U did NOT receive that game or any other games during that exact time and has remained dead while the original Wii at least had a little life still in it). I looked up 2012 sales numbers of the Wii U and it did apparently sell well during 2012. NOT very well (it still had a negative impact upon Nintendo, even as early as January 2013) but it did have a pretty decent 2012 (it's just everything after for the Wii U that was a financial disaster). To explain a little more.... While the Wii U wasn't exactly selling like hot cakes even during 2012, in COMPARISON to everything else it was selling better. In other words, 2012 wasn't a very good year for almost anyone. But Wii U did sell slightly over 3 million units world wide during 2012, so it had a promising start and outsold everything else that year. It's just everything afterwards which was a complete financial disaster (resulting in a very pathetic lifetime sales of only slightly above 13 million units for the Wii U). As for Switch, while it was by far a MUCH greater success than the Wii U (even during it's first year during 2017, the Switch was far more popular than the Wii U during 2012) , I guess 2017''s L.O.L Surprise made more money than the Switch that year (which I find shocking, but I guess young girls forced their parents to buy that crap up in large quantities during 2017).

Not just that, but he ignored the Transformers, how could he? In 1985 they were huge, way bigger than He Man and surely more famous than Teddy Ruxpin.

I had a slight pain in my ankle when I saw it. Lots of fun times though.

omg I got the robosapian in christmas 05!

What a cool video and topic, however, the host has got to have been arrested for being a pedophile.

it's strange to me that the pet rock became more popular than D&D the next year

They weren't called Bey Blades back in the day though, right? I remember them as"Spin Fighters" . . . https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/cw9njd/power_rangers_spin_fighters/

Where’s the LEGO!!!

Why is his hand shaking

toy of the year... 2019?... hate to say it but maybe Fortnight?

Sooo 2013 was the Wii U, but the Switch didn’t do it for 2017? 2013 was a slow year for toys, huh?

How did wii-u make it onto this list? it was a commercial flop. Conversely, the DS and DS Lite arn't on the list...

Where is Lego Bionicle >:(

this video is clearly paid by Nintendo

Great list & very entertaining! Thanks Chris Bensch & Strong Museum!

either this guy was bribed by nintendo... or he didn't consider the somewhat more advanced consoles as 'toys'. the wii-u? seriously? lolol.

Most popular should have been the most sold that year

How were there 5 Nintendo consoles on this list but not a single Playstation? I just checked and all 4 Playstations came within the top 7 best selling games consoles of all time, and not one of them made the list. The PS2 was the best selling games console of all time and wasn't on the list, the Wii U was much closer to one of the worst selling of all time and was on the list. That honestly sounds a little shady imo.

First of all, the very toy name "LOL SURPRISE" is offensive to me on a fundamental level. Second, it seems sickening that society is moving further and further in a direction of gambling for entertainment because it is more profitable for companies to sell a "chance" at getting what you want instead of directly selling it to you.

This guy looks like he is about to ask for water with sugar in it at any second.

I know. There’s some seriously 1999/2000 hairstyles in the commercial too.

Possibly, but you can have non-Parkison's tremors that are harmless.

WTF is Robosapien and why have I never heard of it. I was all about my Xbox around that time, I guess...

I can't even take this seriously as they didn't mention Gobots and Transformers. Gobots and Transformers were/are the 80s then Transformers rose back up in 2007 to Now.

I'm guessing "most popular" doesn't equate to sales numbers. I'd guess main stays like Barbie and Silly Putty outsold just about every toy on that list in there respective year.

Thank you, Mr Bensch....it would be interesting to see what the UK's favourite toys were over that self same period. Admittedly, none of the toys you featured were appealing to me (save for the Star wars action figures), but then I had an 'Action Man' (our version of your 'G.I. Joe'), manufactured in the English city of Leicester, by Palitoy.

what part u didn't understand 'Most Popular Toy' you didn't understand ? mighty max wasnt popular .

I've seen another video similar to this one, and Hot Wheels were in the 1969 spot. Some others you mention were the #1 in years prior to 69.

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