EVE Online - Regional Trading How to make ISK.Tips and Workflow

EVE Online - Regional Trading How to make ISK.Tips and Workflow

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hello fellow alex and to botan i  choose your marketplace why are we here   well it's because of you guys your subscribes  likes and comments and requests for different kind   of videos are now paying off uh it was a request  for a workflow video and i have just made one   in this video it's a long video warning almost  an hour so uh yeah there's going to be lots of   tips and tricks i'm showing you a different kind  of tools that i use outside and inside of eve to   make this regional trading business profitable  so stick around through it subscribe like and   comment because your request might come true  one day anyways let's get into the video enjoy   so welcome back we are now going to be talking  about the tools that i use and my workflow of   finding trays and doing them so anyways let's get  down to the nitty-gritty how do we work with the   trades the first tool that i use is here eve  trade dot space i'm gonna leave a link down on   the description and the card on the top there  on top corner and so you can find it anyways   so this is a tool that is easy to use you can  do a station trading even if you click here you   can just choose your station you put your sales  tax you put your broker free and your margins as   for alphas i would say put at least 20 percent  and at least 1000 volume should be used and yeah so um okay that's so you just choose the  station and click search and it starts searching   but there's probably a lot of stuff to cover it it  kind of just like looks for the stuff and reports   there but we're not gonna wait for that and  instead i'm just gonna show what else this can do so basically uh i have a station into station so  it has the biggest trading hubs already in here or   you can add your trading hub or trading station  if you have a player station you can use that   um and ending station so basically you can  just like click here dodge c ransec mr and   you put again put your sales tax and it  remembers from cookies probably so yeah this   minimum roi so then you just click search  and for the other thing you can do here   is if you want to do uh regional trading  uh just pure regional trading whoa an ad   so if you want to do a pure regional trading you  can to region to region and you put like the forge   and to if you click this it picks up all the  nearby regions so we could do that so this   if you're doing it from jita we can let that  term there uh and now i'm going from jeeta to   dixie so i did a run here and we're looking  at stuff that we can do a 5 million profit   from here you can filter i just put doe  dixie this is a regional trade so uh   this is from from geeta to um oh no actually  this is station station to station trades   so this is to amar heck rents dodeci and  so on i used five percent uh minimum roy   and for alphas i would say use 10 percent  because you're gonna be paying more taxes but of   course if you add the tax correctly then it will  calculate through that but uh for more for more uh   so it shows more stuff i put the  minimum of 5 here for showing purpose   so now i just i can just filter here and from  here you can hide stuff like net sales and   or like sale price anything that's red  is hidden and but i kind of like to   use this so that i know that okay if i'm gonna  transfer these uh things to uh dixie from jita   uh i need a 11 million to buy them and for these  51 million so if i'm gonna haul these things uh   it's gonna be 62 million and and whatnot  to buy them and i'm gonna profit around what's at six million from this so we  might as well go and buy these things now okay so let's see we copy these  and then we go to the game   and let me just uh click that away and  then we go to the game we go to the markets and let's paste them here there  we go you can see from right there   that there is um 29 of them on sale order  on buy orders so we're gonna buy 29 of these so we go back to the game and we buy these and 29 boom and then we put them in the  cargo hold soon but then uh   the other thing that i'm gonna show you is  that now that when we have this stuff bought   we will then take a look at something uh called  eve marketer actually we should have i should   have shown you uh uh actually should have check it  before you buy it so you can copy it here and then   you go to sync liaison and you check the buyers  and okay mmm dodecito dixie here so uh there are 29 here but there's actually now that when we  look at it there's better price for 52 of them   in botan which is right next to dixie so we  could actually buy 52 55 and 27 so that's 70   that's 30 so that's 80 what is it 82 82 more how  large are these okay 82 we're gonna buy 82. so   yeah you can find stuff when you go here and check  it out uh it's it's it's a great tool to combine   so now when we were just about to haul these for  uh for a nice profit uh um for a nice profit of of   2 million we're gonna actually make a lot more  when we buy those 82 more and sell them in botane okay so that's great but yeah this i combine  these two tools i'm gonna be buying let's see   i'm gonna go and buy those things now um so 82 actually the price we're  so we're just gonna buy all of these   there's not enough so we're just gonna buy buy all  of these and be done with it okay boom thank you   now we can just throw all of these we're gonna  actually go and sell these in botany instead so yeah now we found a great market in botany   so we can either leave let's see  how much cargo i took it takes in   still because we should yeah no problems we  should buy those other things too so let's see sorry about all the hassle i'm  just gonna want to show you   so we're just gonna look at these oh  these are gonna be this is gonna be a huge hmm i probably shouldn't uh buy all of these  because it's gonna be a risky haul we already have   we already have uh substantial  actually we have to check   uh check things just a second i'm gonna  check things in the background we have   50 51 million already in cargo we probably  don't want to do a lot more so we're just   gonna do this because we're gonna be  target if we have 100 million in on board so uh for a risk purpose after i finish up showing all these um other other  tools uh we we're gonna i'm gonna jump and do the   haul and then then we're gonna when i land to  botane i'm gonna show when i sell the stuff but   anyways so uh that's that's the best tool that you  can use for trading and uh to be honest um if you   look at this this is a regional trader um uh sell  orders from the forge and these are just uh uh uh too uh nearby regions so uh we  can see that for newbies especially   alphas uh there's gonna be stuff like holo reels a  lot of stuff like hola rays well titanium carbine   is something that's player made  but these that are going from uh   from a weird looking npc station to weird  looking and pc stations and you can see the 37654   so these are all just like npc trading and pc  stuff but you can see that for instance even   though you're not helping any players you can be  a narcissistic person by just doing these and it's   not narcissism but like if you want to be a solo  player and i just want to make isk i mean these   are just you can actually do this and look at the  jumps the amount of jumps so profit per jump or   you can filter these profit per jump so holo reels  15 jumps you're gonna be profiting 2.2 million   hauling these of course you need 18 uh okay cargo  but that's like the normal uh uh the mammoth or uh you can fit stuff that much stuff in there  so it's it you can just haul these back   and forth back and forth and then you can  do when you go and land here wherever the   freak this is this is like a sink lay  zone or something uh you can just uh   do another trade from do a search from here and  uh do a trade back from there to another region   to a nearby region so you can just like bounce  back and forth so another tool that i use   is uh adamforeve.eu don't go to the.com because  you will end up in buying some adult toys uh   of course i know they have exotic dancers and even  prostitutes that you can buy and sell in eve but yeah adam4eve.eu is where you want to be so you can uh you can search for margins there's   there's like so much stuff in  this site that you don't really it's gonna be an hour-long video if we're gonna  cover everything but i just look at margins and   where there's margins this is like from station to  state this is station trading so you can buy stuff   for cheap and sell for high so you put buy orders  and then you slowly the the stuff trickles in and   you sell them in the same station that's called  station trading that's a viable thing to do when   you like don't have much time to haul stuff uh  there's less margins but you're gonna need to look   for like big volume stuff especially if you're  alpha you want to do like stuff that trades a lot   so that's where you want to the margins aren't  great but of course there's like massive margins   but you can you can do find stuff that that you  can just on your own time just go to station   put on buy orders and then sell them later when  you finally get them you put them on sell orders   so because of the taxes you have to have  like especially as an alpha you should have   at least i'd say uh put at least like a uh look  into stuff like which has like more than uh   uh 20 margin and then again check those things on  your eve marketer so you can you might find stuff   here that's going to be like station tradable but  when you look at the eve marketer and you will   find that it's actually buying somewhere else even  even with buy orders you might find better buy   orders so you you buy buy low and and sell high  to buy orders elsewhere or you can fly that stuff   elsewhere and sell it with even bigger  mark more margins than in jira for instance   like this is for jitter prices here you can  hear you can change everything here it's it's   a it's amazing tool you you'll have to work  around with it uh if you guys are interested   on this tool even more we  can make videos like this and the guy oz has a good he's a station trader  streamer and a youtuber so he has a lot of station   trading info so you can check that channel out  too if you want but if you're interested we can   do more videos on this tool and this is the market  hub station i'm i'm just gonna show you guys   so this is jeeta and permit perimeter so uh holy  crap that's hard so uh and the um you can see   people are doing buy orders in in here because the  taxes are lower and then they're selling in jeta   so that's that the same thing here you you put  buy orders in a shop and you sell them in ammar   the the buy orders in amara are less so   you're the thing is that the buy orders  in in a shop and and in the perimeter   ttt they're usually lower than in jeta so peop but  but there's the volume is so much more that people   uh the fluctuation of market and everything so a  lot of people just sell here too okay and but here   you can see that adidas and and perimeter ttt is  just like superior to everything like the volumes   it's just like insane like all the rest amar  a shop dodi uh the botaine is is that the ttt   equivalent run by iqsu market and industries  uh they they have these tortillas nearby uh nearby the uh dixie and also one in loan track  and they have like these uh sotias everywhere   like every region mainly so that they're free  markets and and those are places you can always   accept trades to also or halls too because  their free markets you're not gonna get scammed   for uh hauling to these tortillas these ice chews  you markets so it's a safe place to do halls   but yeah like you can see it's it's amazing  the amount of uh the amount of volume in these   uh two big things are is just insane but uh   i was talking about the uh contracts stuff  so here's an example uh uh contract finder   um it's in the uh market and it's in the uh  contract prices so we can do a search here i i   did an anti-matter like if you are new to eve  and you don't have like a gazillion trillion   isk on your bankroll this is something you can get  into like look at this anti anti-matter charge as   blueprint so small antimatter charge these are  used to create bpcs to void i think which is like   the t2 or was it no i think it's void but anyways  so this these are used to making uh ganking uh   ammo and also a lot of faction ammo from lp stores  the blueprints or or the uh or the ammo that you   can get uh you kind of like you turn these into  those so if you have these you can create um   bpc's for attack 2 ammo and also of course cheap  ammo for yourself but the idea is that if we go   to the again if we go to the um let's see here  we are here we are come on come on come on   let's take that off from for a while if we go to the market and we put the anti-matter so here you can see let's see okay we're looking at the price of a  hundred thousand isk for the anti-matter   charge s blueprint okay so what we do is we buy that  blueprint and then from industry tab um   uh first let's check it out so we're gonna buy  that blueprint and we're gonna we're gonna go and   research that blueprint to a better version you  have to be a better version of yourself so uh   if we research that blueprint to be 10  material efficient and 20 time efficient you can create uh you can create uh bpc so blueprint copies for just like few thousand  isk like hundreds of them and you can sell them   for the copies you can sell them for  140k so you basically need to to do uh and to do copies like this is five runs  this is nothing so that's like 500 uh   500 or is it 5 000 rounds  but for here we have a 10   material efficiency time efficiency 20 and  600 runs on that and that goes for 200k of course these don't go as fast as we can see  we can look at the the volume there has been uh   i think this is uh the um let's see this is  the volume that is in sale and and those are   sold amount so you can see the volumes are not  big but they're going so you you basically if   you're new to the game and new to trading and  new to making money if you create if you buy a   if you buy these anti-matter charges  charge blueprints and you take   those bpos to the best of what they can  be and you sell that bpo as on a contract people are selling them for uh between uh five to four million what is it even 15 million  that's insane and like this is in the forge   and you can let's see 11 on sale 3 has been sold so if  you make if you buy three of these for 300 000   you research them in in the  nearby research place and then you it's gonna take like three days to do the  full material and uh and time efficiency   research to those blueprints uh  so you have spent like 300 000   isk for the the blueprints themselves  then you're gonna be used like max 100k   to research them fully and then you can sell  them for 5 million peace so you're basically doing a 5 000 investment for let's say we sell  them little we like downgrade the price to sell   them correctly or sell them faster we put  like four million here so we're gonna sell   them for 12 million so we invest 500 000 with  the the blueprints and the research costs needed   and three days and then we sell them for 12  million and you can do this as high as your   research skills or laboratory skills go you can do  a multitude of these if i think you can do max 11   research slots i'm only at five at the moment so  uh what you do is uh um let's see i can show you how to do it if you're new to the game  if you're not you can probably skip the   several few minutes but yeah view this in industry okay let's see okay so we're gonna do if we do  the full material efficiency in uh new caldari et   point research we're gonna spend uh one day and 21  hours and we're gonna spend actually six seven k   to that and uh let's do uh this on the same place  and 7k like so 14k and uh four days basically   and we're gonna turn a hundred thousand bpo  into uh four or even five million bpo so uh yeah   actually i have six research slots and i i should  really put this terming some of this stuff uh but   yeah this um this is a great way for for even  the smallest of players to do this stuff and   then if we look we can uh change here like uh sync  lays on and that should stay there and we can see we can see that we don't want to do  it in dodeci because it's only 250k   so yeah you can uh look around this stuff but then  let's see uh okay let's try uh let's try the forge   and and and guys the best thing about this is you  can do this on your mobile uh you don't have to you don't have to do it on computer  while you're playing you can   when you're offline you can like uh you can do this when you're offline so hob goblins uh these i know  they sell in jetta for 300 000   and it cost that around 20k to research them   and you can sell these i've i've been selling  these for 5 million or something but if we go to sync liaison um actually i've been selling these for uh for  four million or something but these so these are   selling five million uh as full of research  bpos so yeah uh volumes are not huge but   they're selling and and like the higher  you get like if you go to like big ships well the blueprints are gonna cost like billions  but the more and the research is gonna take   huge amounts of time so start  small on these drones missiles   ammo use this tool find where you can find  like great profits and uh just do those so this is the kind of workflow  that i can do offline this uh all of this uh trading related tools that we can  use and then we can of course look at the uh for   regional trading we can look at the the nearby  station so if you are wherever you are you can   just look around if you don't want to if you  want to choose like several regions instead of   all of them you can just like do that with this uh  with this tray tool here like do uh like do the uh let's say uh the forge and let's do a loan track which is next to next to the forge and so that leaves charming there and it's gonna  show the results soon or not sometimes there's   problems with this um probably the api is slow uh  it's it's gonna put a warning here that the the   communications with the eve online api is slow  results will take a long time but like you can   do this while just like not online so you can find  the stuff of course there's always the uh the holo   reels and and all those stuff but there's  like insane um amounts of i've i've done uh   10 to 20 million trades of something like kumak or  some crap like that it's like some statues that i   was hauling from rents to hack to hector rents  runs to hack director and from different npcs   tests into another they're quite expensive to buy  but that area doesn't have gank uh lots of ganking   uh like traps like here you can see slow results  from if servers results may take longer than   normal blah blah blah so that might happen so  yeah but uh with these tools you will get quite   good system that you can build like buy blueprints  put them on on research and haul stuff around from   station to station or within just few regions and  and while keeping the jumps at low low amounts so   it's it's it's crazy how much you can stu do  stuff offline like there there's a joke that   most of the industrialists and and traders never  even log into eve except for like few minutes they   do their research with these tools then they hop  on and uh like this like like this what i bought   it took me a few minutes to find these  items and i bought them with the help of uh   finding that there's even better price in  in botan for these items than in dodici   so i'm just gonna go and sell all of that  crap to these two sell orders that i bought   for for 380k i'm gonna net 100k  per each and i think i have   i think i have like 80 of them now on board so  yeah it's gonna be great of course taxes are gonna   make a dent but yeah this is my workflow i work a  lot of the game so you can do a lot of this stuff   when you're not like if you can't log on and play  a lot of this game for instance again like i said   if you're a new player and you uh you want to do  easy money uh i don't know what's easier than this   of course abyssals you could as an alpha you  could get into like t2 even t3 with healer but   like abyssals and you can make a  lot of money but that's a lot of   active gameplay like you have to be online  same with mining you can't get anything but   venture of course you could do gas  huffing i think that's going to be   massive profit now but the industry changes  at least right now i guess the prices will uh will tone down a bit at some point uh as a  mark nobody's gonna be buying that stuff for   the the prices they're going  now but yeah i know i mean like you can do so much offline like when you're  commuting on on your work or when you have   a lunch break or or you are watching  tv with your spouse and you don't you   don't like the show that she or he is  watching you can do like sneak into uh   eve trade.space or evemarketer.com and and  look for these items and add them for eve.eu

so you can look for all this stuff and you can  like put down notes on your phone or wherever   and then just go in log in buy their stuff put  it in your cargo hold and fly it like 15 minutes   and and you are done and you made like 8 million  in in like 15 minutes online of course but   like it's one episode run it's like five to 15  minutes so uh and you you make between like uh   a few millions to tens of millions when the  harder you get but in order to get those   hard you need to do a lot of uh skill training  and this you you basically have to have the t1   caller that you get for free and you can  do a lot of money with that just like get   right into it it's definitely gonna beat the  venture uh sitting in the in the asteroid field   a belt uh shooting rocks and then like make a   one to two million per hour just flying back  and forth to a station and then compressing the   ore and blah blah so it's it's it's active  gameplay too or well mining is kind of afk   gameplay but still you have to be in eve but for  uh trading you can do a lot of research offline   when you can't be on computer playing the game  you can do a lot of research and get the stuff   prepared look at the stuff and hope that it's  still there when you log in if not you can have   backup material stuff and you can always trade  the npc goods if you don't have anything else   if you can't find anything else there's  always the whole reels the good luck   whatever crap we can i can show you that still  as a bonus let's look at the regional markets we take that away and so so these are all npc goods that are sold in  npc stations and bought in npc stations by npcs   you can see it with these buy  orders being like these amounts   the buy orders those their npc  stations and you can buy them from   other npc stations this amount and then sell it  here so yeah you can see even in here just uh let's try okay so here you can  buy stuff for uh 96 on the station and you can jump here and sell them for  116. so it's it it's it's even in here you can look for stuff like this but uh yeah this  is like the uh npc selling for 140 we don't want a   mac we can't match it here but it can be sold some  bought somewhere else for like 160. so as this   regional market tool is regional you are better  off researching these with the etre.space tool but yeah i guess that's about wraps it up it's a long video uh  congrats if you made it this far and uh wow   maybe you should subscribe if you're not because  reaching this point is amazing but yeah i guess   thanks goes to the community please keep asking  for whatever videos you would like to see   and i will look into making them for you guys  now i'm off to fly to the dixie or actually   not though dixie and but botane and sell that  stuff and in the end you will see the results   that we just did with the stuff found with  these tools and giving you the example so   uh now i'm just gonna undock fly to botaine  and sell the stuff so we will see you there oh welcome back we are now after 12 minutes of  travel we are now uh closing in on the boating marketplace where we're gonna be selling  the stuff and we can already as we are   in uh here you can see we're in sync liaison and  we can do the market detail view and here we are we're gonna do excel these and you can see yeah we're gonna sell  these most of them are gonna go here okay so we're just gonna land into the station  now and then we're just gonna sell it and we can open up this so we had 400 million and 171 k when we started  buying this stuff from cheetah   and soon we're gonna see how much we end up with okay we're docked now so let's start selling these 52 first and then three and we end up with 415 000 so from  409 to 415 and that's a nice um   six million uh a little bit  over six million profit or uh   a rough uh 15 minute light and hassling the trades  of course it uh was more when you compare to the buying and and and researching especially  the research stuff takes time but then   yeah now we've made a nice little bank and we can  fly off or we can log off and start looking at the   trade tools and whatnot and or maybe look for a  good blueprints and then buy those and put them on   on research and put those on sale and whatnot so  yeah that's how i work these trades and my market   and my risk making workflow i hope you like  this video give it a thumbs up and let me know   have a great weekend all and  see you on the next video you

2021-05-22 07:16

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