Essential Chats doTERRA Business: Kristina Branch

Essential Chats doTERRA Business: Kristina Branch

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[Music] hello friends welcome to another essential chat with me sherry i'm super excited because i'm having fun with these and it's something i think i'm gonna keep doing um maybe different topics each month but for now we are sticking to the business building with doterra and this week's essential chat i have a guest speaker who is one of my mentors and who is the person who introduced me to doterra so without further ado i will bring her on this is miss uh mrs christina brockner hey sharon hello there how you doing doing good how about you good good so thank you for joining me and my lovely viewers this wednesday evening for our essential chat no problem so just to kind of um jump right into our chat how did you um first get started with doterra and how long have you been doing it um like tell me about your your get started story well so there's a quick little funny part to it um you had mentioned that uh you know ellie was on your your program a couple of weeks ago and ellie is the one who at least next week ellie's next okay ellie's next so you're gonna hear from ellie next week um but she's the one who i first was introduced or just kind of saw oils and she was standing outside a cheer practice with a table and some samples and um sampling a product called deep rub and for a lady who was a runner who said that her calves heard when she ran and so she put deep blue on one leg and didn't put on the other leg and she's like oh yeah i can really feel the difference and i turned to my friend who invited me janette and i said i'm out i literally turned around and i walked away i'm like yeah no not buying it um and then i had um a situation uh with my oldest son where modern medicine doctors nobody nobody could help him and my husband and i just sat there and cried because we just didn't know what to do and we weren't sure if he was going to heal and be fully functional again he had a lost feeling in his foot and i i decided to be a little bit more open and we had started doing acupuncture chiropractic i mean i was just like i was open so like give me everything you've got because when a mother can't help her kid yeah the door's wide open so i went to a class and i listened very quietly through the whole class and at the end of the class it's like does anybody have any questions and i was like me me and what about this what about this what about this what about this and to make this long story short the best i can um started him on a protocol using some of the oils and the supplements that doterra has to offer and within a month my son was 75 back to normal even the doctors were like what did you do wow so um and ever since then i i signed up as a user i signed up as a builder a sharer i signed up for all of it you you name it i i hook line and sinker that's amazing how long ago was that oh so my son was 16 and he's 24 now um that's awesome that's and and it completely like he's he's good he's golden now with that that's amazing that's such a that would hook line and sinker me too for sure the details of the story you'd be you'd be amazed yeah so during that first class or that class that you were at did she send you home with samples to like to use with your son or did you just out of influence were you like okay i'm gonna sign up and try it um i signed up yeah i know if i got samples or not quite honestly i because i i had a specific need yes and so i wasn't really i wasn't samples wasn't going to work i needed to jump in i needed him to use the products fully yeah and i'll and i'll tell you it was the lifelong vitality pack our vitamin supplements as well as uh the ddr prime for cellular support wow i've actually just started using that one myself probably the last two or three weeks i'm a huge fan of ddr prime awesome that's good to know wow what an amazing story so i'm assuming you got started with like a starter kit at that point then you're like give me give me a kit or something i i did get a kit i got the little family essentials kit um just so that i could play with some of the other oils as well but my main focus was just to give him yeah give him what he needed right yeah so out of that first kit what i was what i was kind of thinking was did you immediately obviously the oils that helped your son and the supplements were probably like your number one like okay this is my new favorite thing in life but did you have a favorite oil yourself for you right off the gate actually yes um at the time because it changes constantly but at the time i was a sodaholic oh drink soda morning noon and night um especially at night because i had a lot of anxiety um before i would go to bed for some reason i always felt like i was going to not be able to sleep tonight i was gonna be up sick in the middle of the night so i'd always drink some soda the bubbles would always settle my stomach um so i started using digestzen instead oh wow and i tried that and first no problem second night no problems and no cravings i had no cravings for the soda either and so even though now and again i'll you know i like to have a soda i do like the the bubbly stuff every once in a while but um i i don't have that soda habit anymore digest and absolutely kick that one for me that's awesome i think that um i haven't fully kicked my soda habit still love me a good sprite a couple times a week but i have actually been using fennel which is in digestion i believe it is um to curve those cravings and i just do like one drop in a large glass jar of water and my husband hates the smell because he hates black licorice which is what it smells like but you're right it completely curves that sweet craving and yeah i love it that's awesome i love it though it worked for me yeah i think about all the other like health benefits that come along with just giving up soda there's a ton yeah crazy oh my gosh these oils are amazing so did you i mean i feel like you already answered this but just to bluntly put it did you know you wanted to share the oils right off the gate i did share the oils right out of the gate i got emily's essential kit um and i got a little um a little makeup bag from target about yay big just a little like a mini train case with a little zipper and i put all my oils in there and i put a washcloth for some because i just wanted to be able to you know just get off on my hands even though it doesn't usually leave any residue i wasn't sure at the at the time i was so new yeah i would bring that thing everywhere i brought it to my son's the football games the soccer games i brought it everywhere i shared with everybody oh here smell this oh smell this oh smell this oh try this here take a little bit of that and i'd open up the case and it smelled so amazing everybody's like oh my gosh what's that what's that smell and i'm like it's essential oils would you like to sample some and eight years ago that was i mean it was really still super new and so everybody was like yes what is that what is that and so i literally just brought them with me everywhere and shared with everybody we did i didn't have any little sample things i literally just put oils on people i'm like yeah try this i love that you had a passion for like right out the gate and i actually remember you having your your oils i mean you remember my story we won't get into my stories today but i remember how you had your oils every time i seen you and eventually by them it's up to you yeah nope and eventually i did and they were game changers for me too that's why i'm here today doing what i'm doing exactly exactly your aha moment it's it's pretty impactful yeah what do you think's or what has surprised you i would say the most about like the doing the doterra as a business the doterra doing the doterra um i gotta say i wish i could sum it up with one one word or one quick sentence but i've done tupperware i've done avon i've done herbalife i've done i don't know there were some other ones in there i don't even know um they were useless useless horrible compensation plans terrible customer service from the company nobody seemed to really care about the the representative the advocate and from day one doterra has always been supportive whether it was my my upline my sidelines my even if they weren't on my team and had no reason to help me everybody was always super willing to help um customer service at home office uh in utah has always been fantastic the compensation plan they make it pretty hard to not make money so i mean they give you so many opportunities and ways to earn that if you're putting in the time and effort it's going to come back to you it's going to come back to you and so i i just i don't really have anything bad to say the business plan is was phenomenal they they take care of the representatives and they do things much differently than the other companies do which is why we're one of the most successful mlms in on the planet literally yeah what would you say has impacted you the most personally with the business um [Music] i really like having that little bit of extra my pocket i work full-time like you do the same job and i use that money to build and take care of the every stuff but i use my doterra to buy more doterra to help my family with you know replace my medicine cabinet so to speak with you know all essential oils for the most part and um and i go on trips i go on doterra trips i go to utah for a week i go to leadership for four or five days um i use the money that i make with doterra to go out and have fun it's my extra spending money it's money in my pocket and i i really enjoy having that that way i don't have to tap into what's set aside for other research or other things that i'm doing yeah that's awesome that's awesome i think like one of the things that i found um for myself how it's how it's made an impact on me is just the the new community of people that i'm drawn to i feel like i'm a very straight forward get to the point type gal and i feel like i either click with you or i don't and if i don't i just move on because i feel like i don't want to waste your time i don't want to waste my time like that's that's how i i am and i feel like with this community it doesn't really matter what person i haven't found a personality yet that i'm not clicking with and i think it's because we all have that same like-minded yes success driven like you just want to empower people and i think that that's something that i didn't really know about myself prior to this like i'm not even now as much as i love the oils and i love doing what i'm doing i'm still not like all in on the like i can't i'm not comfortable talking about like a lot of health issues like i'm just like here try this but for me that's how i share my oils and that's how i'm growing my business i'm just like try this i think it'll help here's the book and that's what i do but the community as a whole has really surprised me because they genuinely want to empower people to not only have better health but to be as successful in life as they can be and i love that i love that because just in like outside of this not everyone you don't everyone you meet isn't like-minded like they don't have that same like right drive you know i understand yeah so that's one of the things that surprised me most aaron impacted i think i needed on a personal level yeah we have pride what um what keeps you motivated because i know like for me we do work a full-time job we get up early i go to work then you come home and you're like oh i need to work my business and you've got a family i have a husband but i mean half time he's not here when i get home because he's still at work so you have a family too what keeps you motivated to keep moving your business forward you know um when we first started uh it's been things have changed obviously in the last you know year and a half and that it's been really challenging um because i'm not i'm not a social media person that's not where i feel that i shine that i get to express myself the best um live in person classes is what i loved doing i love teaching i love presenting i love sharing the oils and the information about the oils i love sharing the opportunity with people and and just um giving people options even if they're like no i i don't think so it's in the back of their mind and if they don't get it from me hopefully they'll get it from somebody else because everybody should be incorporating all sorts of um alternative ways to help your your body stay healthy and i think that doterra you know offers a really great um what's the word i'm looking for um consistent and trustworthy yeah opportunity to do that and you know i just i love to teach that's one of my favorite things i'm i'm very much looking forward to going back to in-person classes and training events and all kinds of stuff because that's where i really connect with yeah that's that's something that if he kind of leads into our next question about what what are you most excited about for me that's almost like a source of intimidation for me because i got started at the start of the pandemic so my entire existence as a builder has been on zoom or social media or you know doing this you're good at that well thank you but i know that i do need to get in front of people too and i know that classes and in-person events are a significant way to do that so for me it's it's almost a source of fear or anxiety gary if you set them up and i'm available if we do it together i'm happy to be there to support love that thank you thank you of doterra and our community and tribe is that you can usually count on somebody to help you yes yes absolutely what would you say and we're kind of wrapping up as we close in on the this hour here or half hour but um what would you say is your biggest takeaway or benefit from the business thus far out of life the business and life in general um i let's see there's there's a lot of things there's there's so many perks that doterra offers with building the business um with whether it's your your your monthly order where you you know have opportunity to get free product um but you know meeting people and and sharing um the amazingness of the oils with people that are open to alternative you know alternative medicine it's just a really great way to it's a great way to meet people it's a great way to help people it's a great way to better yourself with personal development it's it's a great way to get healthy i mean the list goes on and on of how many things you can pull from just being a part of doterra whether you want to be a builder or not there's something for everybody with doterra and i absolutely um i love it i i don't regret it ever and i don't i don't even look back i i'm a lifer i love that so that's that's a perfect transition from my final question for you what would you say to someone who might be thinking about doterra as a business i say you don't have anything to lose why not just give it a try you i mean i started with a family essentials kid with 10 little tiny bottles in a in a mini train case from target and and i went from there and then pay attention and watch there's so much more available to a builder now than there was when i first started the videos the blogs all of the things on i mean yeah they're plethora of options for you to learn and grow and reach out to whoever um you know introduced you and ask them if they're not willing they'll know somebody who is yeah so there's always be somebody there to help there's always going to be resources at your fingertips and i mean you really you don't really have anything to lose because if you're using the oils it's just you're just sharing them with people and if if that's the kind of person you are that you like to share with others and and um you know and introduce these things then there's literally there's nothing to lose in your face nobody's pushing you you don't have to hit the ground running 100 miles an hour you can be the tortoise in this race and still be successful absolutely absolutely well thank you so much my friend for joining me tonight i'm going to wrap up by uh just grabbing my oil here and applying it for my evening as i wrap up everything and say goodbye to my friends and i hope you all have a good night bye sherry bye everyone bye

2021-10-23 10:28

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