Episode #211 Business Goals, Law of Attraction and Emotion Code

Episode #211 Business Goals, Law of Attraction and Emotion Code

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are you one of those people that maybe sit back and take a look at your business and wonder why you're not getting customers or clients or referrals or maybe even prospects and you're sitting back and thinking but i'm practicing law of attraction well guess what today's show is for you today the show is for you to understand how law of attraction applies to business what you need to be doing to be more deliberate hello everybody and welcome uh welcome to the weekly bro show you can see john is away today so we'll be back together next week on the bro show with the motion code today it's a mix of law of attraction right here and a little bit of emotion code and it's all about your business goals is the goal to have prospects or clients or opportunities or sales or contracts are you curious about the vibe that you're sending well what's my thought what's the vibe i'm sending about contacts getting contracts what's the vibe i'm sending about getting prospects for customers or clients you can tell by the vibe you can tell what vibe you're sending by what you're getting you're going to see this buddy today he is the vibrational bubble this is you and it's not me this is the vibrational bubble looks like that and this vibrational bubble is housing your vibes we're going to be talking about that today on today's episode episode number 211 business goals law of attraction and emotion code we have natasha paula samuel from the uk joining us let me know that you're watching where you're watching from and again the goal today is that you'll be able to leave here with a better understanding about what can i do today to be more deliberate okay i'm natasha's in the caribbean today how decadent is that well good okay well today we're going to start off a little bit different um i'm going to give you a list i'm going to give you a list of words and i want you to give yourself a point for every one of these words that you might have used in the past you probably heard them but do you use them it's going to be a list of seven or eight words give yourself a point for any of these words and then let me know in the chat how many of these words you use and then i want to tell you more about them here's the first word is coincidence give yourself a point if you've ever used the word coincidence how about synchronicity or fate or karma give yourself a point for each word meant to be everything fell into place it was kismet it was happenstance it came to me out of the blue out of all those how many of those words have you used one five all of them seven eight i'll say them again coincidence fate karma synchronicity serendipity meant to be out of the blue kismet karma how many of those let's do a quick little uh put your number inside the chat how many of these words have you been using and then i'm going to tell you the significance of that answer and for business okay while you're giving me those answers good morning everybody and welcome episode number 211 and again today we're talking about business goals law of attraction and emotion code i also want to bring you attention next week i'm starting my five week law of attraction workshop it's held on zoom it comes with a 20-page workbook and i'm going to work through every section of my book one at a time over five weeks at 6 p.m pacific it's 12 or 9 p.m eastern i'm going to record it for my uk friends i know it's on uk friendly time and not only will you take the training with me live in facebook and zoom private zoom i'm also going to do follow-ups on clubhouse so i'm going to go the classes starts wednesday night and then on friday night for five weeks i'm going to go on clubhouse which is an audio app and we're going to have discussions about the lessons so talk about integrating the information it's going to be a total of 15 hours of me questions law of attraction and training it's two payments of 99 dollars be the best investment ever in any of your law of attraction training you can look uh in the comments below and you will see the link to join so okay gonna go back to the audience eric carlisle is using all of them so what all of them uh sylvie belini all of them natasha all of them and ellen and i are in the same boat she's saying all of them except kismet i think that could be a uk friendly term sylvie belins from the uk paula is that a common word in the uk out of all the words honestly that's the only one that i don't use ever i've heard it and i didn't really know what it meant and then i found out it meant what the rest of these mean so here's the news we have a list of these words but you don't have a title here's the title of this list evidence of law of attraction evidence of law of attraction hey this is such a coincidence i was just thinking about you it was so serendipitous i just talked about it yesterday now it's on tv i said i wanted it and everything fell into place people came from out of the blue here's the good news everybody you're already using these words you're already experiencing law of attraction if you said yes to just one of those words you are experiencing evidence of law of attraction you don't have to turn it on it's already on love hey i'm going to use law of attraction next week no it's on right now you're using it right now imagine using all of these words every day there's evidence that hey this is such a coincidence i was just thinking about you could really this is so law of attraction these words we use them to describe law of attraction here's my point you're already experiencing it it's already on like a light switch it's turned on already law of attraction's on already but what if you could deliberately have more coincidental serendipitous fake karma meant to be synchronistic moments what if you round your life that way what if you ran your life using law of attraction and then everything became out of the blue and and fate and karma what if you built your whole business on coincidences meeting the right people at the right time at the right event everything falls into place it's possible it's how i run my business it's how i've run it for 20 years i'm deliberate law of attraction this is you this is your vibration law of attraction is eavesdropping on your vibration right now and it's responding to your vibe by giving you more of whatever you have in your vibration so today my first goal was to let you know you're already experiencing it and now i'm going to teach you how to be more deliberate so i'm going to give you the definition or the job description for law of attraction it's pretty simple it's only two words that it fit on a postage stamp write this down for me match vibrations well that's the simplest job well actually there's no brain required for this job imagine no brain required hey i'm imagine i'm applying i am i'm applying for that job with law of attraction what's the job description anyway oh it matched to match vibrations oh but what if they're negative doesn't matter you're not a decider you're a matcher can you imagine having a job with no brain required here's a vibration what do i do with it match it here's a vibration what do i do with the matching all day sitting at a big machine match it match it match it and what is being matched this this is being matched i want you to remember forever the two word job description could fit in this box the two word job description well it's a one word job description now say when you say it matches it doesn't have favoritism it doesn't have prejudice it doesn't know whether it's good or bad for you whether you want it don't want it whether it doesn't care anything about you because it doesn't have feelings it's not a carer it's a matcher it's not a decider it's a matcher thinking well what's the vibe i'm saying about prospects and clients what's my vibe michael o'shea you can tell the vibe you're sending by what you're getting it's a perfect match you can tell by what you're getting is what you're sending but you know what the best news of all you can influence this vibration you can change it i want you to write this down the only way to get a different result is to send a different vibration i want to get a different result with my prospects and clients i want a different result well guess what you're going to need to set a different vibration that's the rule i didn't create it the rules match vibrations you want a different result you need to set a different vibration okay i'm going to show you a couple models here here is i'm going to take that screen down for the course coming up just hold on so i'm going to show you this look at these four boxes this this is a box of words you know the words i use caused me to form my thoughts and now i'm thinking about something and when i think about anything it causes me to send the vibe of that which is the feeling if i'm thinking about something that's ticking me off now i'm sending that by and if i'm angry i'm thinking about something that makes me angry or scared or nervous i'm sending that by now i'm thinking about my abundance and my appreciation and my happiness and all my success and now i'm setting the vibration so so far today you knew that the words you use cause you to form thoughts and then you have a feeling you're either ticked off or you're happy and you can always say oh you know why i'm really mad because i was thinking about this you knew those three boxes so far but what you didn't some of you didn't know was the eavesdropper in the room this eavesdropper vibrational bubble this is your vibrational bubble so whatever you're reading writing thinking talking about imagining giving attention to is causing you to send the vibration of that and law of attraction is matching this and you get this your results so the results that you're getting you're matching the vibration that you're sending that are matching what you're giving attention to with your thoughts and observations caused by the words so you've heard them before i've been using them my whole life i can hear them every day you can see them every day write these down draw a circle don't nod and no these words are causing you to attract negative things period why well let's do a little example here's don't knot and no and here is the bubble i don't want this to be difficult what did i give attention to don't forget i don't want my clients to cancel don't hesitate to contact me this is not a scam anybody here scamming that every time you use the word don't not a no you just included the vibration of what you didn't want to include the vibration and law of attraction doesn't know where it came from it's responding to this and you are going to say the word don't not a no oh i don't want this to be difficult and i'm not getting clients i'm not getting pros but all these don't nod and knows but i'm going to teach you how to fix that because you have the ability to reset your vibe and let's look at those four boxes again when i reset my vibe when i reset the vibe this gets reset the only way to get a different result is to send a different vibe this is today's conversation how to reset a vibe and the vibe came from what you were thinking about and what words you're using and those three words don't nod and no it's caused the negative vibe here's the new sentence you're going to use to reset those thoughts write it down so what do i want if you want to get a copy of these um i just printed these off on a photo you know at the photo lab they're quite nice put them on a little phone but but there's i think there's six little things in total if you want sylvie bernie can i get you to put this in the chat uh all graphics at this page www.clubhouseclassnotes.com www.clubhouseclassnotes.com you'll be able to see and print and you can even put it what a wallpaper that would be what a new password these two buttons is there our vibrational bubble guys there so over the next couple of days you're going to hear yourself to use the word double dot and no oh i just said don't hesitate to contact me but as soon as you say so what do i want um contact me in the next couple days oh you know what just happened the words changed i went from don't hesitate to contact me to contact me in a couple days the words change now i'm giving attention to something different the vibe changed and that's the vibe i'm just sending the only way to get a different result is to send a different vibration this is the starting place go back to your emails are you saying don't hesitate to contact me you won't be disappointed oh don't worry you have nothing to worry about this is not a scam if you're really not sure what i mean go to google and type in no football do you think you're going to find hockey no you're not you know what google does it strips away these words and brought you what you said you didn't want you're really not sure go type in no sex and see what shows up google's real good it's not very smart it's obedient it's giving you what you typed in in the search field law of attraction is vibrational google if you put these in your search in your language then you put it in your bubble and when you put it in your bubble then you attract it so that's your homework every time you use the word don't know to know what an ability for you to reset a vibe maybe in the past or you know somebody that you know they work up monday morning and they got an email somebody cancelled a sale or a client or you know a job interview got cancelled he said oh i hate when that happens and you complain about it you tell ten friends and you tell everybody said i had a cancellation i hate when that drives me crazy well guess what law of attraction is eavesdropping while you're repeating the story while you're posting and instagramming and clubhousing and telling everybody about your cancellations don't you hate that law of attraction doesn't know that you're telling other people it's responding to how you feel about when you repeat the story talk about being super deliberate about what you're going to include write this down i mind my own vibration i'm minding my own vibration it's my only job and by minding it i mean looking after it i watch who i hang around with i watch the conversations i've got really i've got vibrational boundaries natasha can you put that in the chat for me vibrational boundaries in other words i have boundaries about what i'll allow in my vibration now first boundaries the first thing boy it takes you got to set the boundary and the boundary is i'm not going to allow negativity in my boundary or when i do i'm going to pop it out that's going to be my new rule that's my new boundary but you know what the hard part is going to be is communicating it to others when others want to come to your house in your car in your office and they go on and on and on about what they don't like and guess what you cannot not hear it you cannot not hear someone else complain about what they don't like and now you're including their story and your vibration you cannot not just hear it and not have the given attention so what do you do when your friends or frankly are negative you want to first you want to mind your vibration and you're pretty high on the dial thinking okay i'm doing a good job here my vibes are hard i'm watching my words i'm attracting stuff and then your friend calls and they're really low vibration you know it by how you feel you know i don't want to talk to him he just brings me down why because he complains about he's always complaining but you know what pick up the phone pick up the phone and tell yourself i'm minding my own vibration i'm minding my own vibration and when your friend goes to complain look at it and say it oh you don't like the date you can go well tell me what you'd like instead well i said i don't well just tell me what you like oh you don't like you can't get a job well tell me what you like so what do you want what do you want write this down people will treat me the way i allow them to i want you to think of a number from zero to ten from zero to ten what is the first number that comes to your head by the amount of people that i allow to call to complain to me think of a number zero to ten oh magic you guessed it zero and if somebody wants to complain to me they say oh you know what i know you don't like when i complain about it by about my life oh okay i'll cut some slack you got one minute tell me one minute how bad your life sucks and then i want you to tell me four minutes about what you want you know what some people say oh i'll call you back do you know how much venting you can get out in one minute anything after one minute is just a repeat of the other stuff and let me tell it from this point of view and this point now that you already said it twice five times it takes a minute to get out the experience and then four minutes to include it now people might be saying well michael you said not to be negative well premier i want you to write this in the chat it's okay to send a negative vibration as long as you do it briefly i'll say it again it's okay to send a negative vibration as long as you do it briefly okay let's do a couple recaps here um natasha paul is saying i mind my own vibration right here this is your mind in your own vibration and the way you do that is you eliminate and reduce your own dope knots and nose by always resetting reframing so what do i want okay and uh sylvia bellini is saying people will treat me the way i allow them to hey listen your friends will find someone else to complain to say oh i can't call sylvia she doesn't like what i can play i'm going to call betty instead sometimes my friends will say you know after i'm trying to say you know what before i called i made sure that i was going to speak positive you know what i say you're welcome you're welcome if you want if you want to come into my bubble then you're going to need to raise your vibration to match mine and that does mean watching your words and watching your language and what we talk about i am selfish you can write this down for me cat can you write this and good morning to cat cat can you write this in the chat for me selfish equals self-care selfish i care about listen i care about this guy so much this guy being me a thing like him but this is me i care about so much about my vibration i am selfish i i care about myself not to include negative vibration premier is writing the quote here it's okay to have a negative vibe as long as it's brief now the question is how long is brief i don't know maybe in the past you'd have been off for five days and now you're down to two days that's briefer or maybe you'd be angry about something like for a whole day and now you're down to an hour that's free firm there's no judgment about how long your brief how brief your brief is there is a consequence however the consequence of holding a negative vibration longer means law of attraction can access it when it's checking checking checking checking checking do it briefer get get angry break dishes get ticked off screen yell swear get it out of your system i hate when that happens boom and give yourself a big old vibe reset i hate when this happens just drives me crazy break your dish boom say god you know what i'd like from now on i like when clients call on time boom whatever it was the contract that was the vibe reset and i'll show you again when you reset your vibe you reset the results that you're getting it is your only job is to mine your vibration okay caleb is saying hello caleb recently is taking my certified law of attraction facilitator program uh i've certified 470 people in 17 countries and i'm pretty excited to be supporting caleb and teaching others likely at his workplace on law of attraction so he's in here today a new friend kat from clubhouse is saying i care about myself to not have negative vibes i definitely made it briefer okay good stuff natasha selfish equals self-care boy that's a pill to swallow and alchemy same thing selfish equals self-care it's okay to be selfish and that's having boundaries you've got to have boundaries it's one thing to have the boundary and then it's another thing to uh exercise it right oh i've got a boundary okay good i'm just putting the uh the five week workshop it starts next wednesday today has been 22 minutes 22 minutes with me without a workbook imagine this upcoming five-week course it's next starts wednesday night september 15th it's about an hour of training using all the visual techniques uh and i know it looks like pb herman's playhouse sometimes but say yes if this is helpful and all the buttons so it's an hour of training it runs for five weeks on zoom so it's private zoom i upload the zoom to an online course so you can watch it over and over and over again and then on friday night we're going to meet on clubhouse which is audio only and we're going to have one or two hour discussion every friday after the training lesson it's two payments of 99. honestly people have paid way more than that in real life seminars and i've been training for 20 years and here is the most effective training that i've ever done and i'm using accelerated learning techniques you know when i was in malaysia i would do eight hour seminars eight hours and you saw 22 minutes my friend heidi says it's like drinking out of a fire hose being with me in a live seminar you got a workbook it's fun you do the exercises so that was good you had a workbook you saw it you heard it and you did it that i thought that was the most effective training it's not here's the most effective training watching me do it so the visual part can learn it doing it and writing it on the worksheets thinking about it during class and hearing it that's just in the zoom class then on friday night it's audio only and it's going to be conversations and success stories and things about that so you learn an hour with me on zoom and then the audio clubhouse we're going to go talk about it the total is 15 hours and today was let's be up to 23 minutes now today was 24 minutes i'm going to show this screen oh it's right below uh michael o'shea.com i'll put this graphic up

it'll appear in the right hand side okay lori is saying what is clubhouse it's an app on your phone it's called clubhouse and it's all auditory so it's a list of classes and conversations that you can go listen to okay i want to acknowledge some more um for our saying in order to change the results we should change our vibes yeah or even stronger the only way to change your results is to change your lives uh ellen who's also taking my certified law of attraction facilitator training i'm excited to have her practicing and doing seminars so what do i want is a reminder that i can control my vibration a reminder it is a blessing what a gift to be able to control this vibe and when we control it that means we're controlling what's in it we're controlling keeping the negative stuff out we're controlling by deliberately putting the vibration in kat oshman of course you're jumping in cat you're going to be first in line okay janice is saying uh questions boundary statements to another please give an example so long time i'm going to tell you a quick little story so a few weeks ago i met somebody when i knew he was at a party and we were having a barbecue thing and i overheard him say that he has a costco card and he'd love to get to costco and i'm thinking i have a car but no costco card i want to meet him i kind of already know so uh i said hey listen i got i take i have mondays and fridays off do you want me to take you to costco aka me can you take me to costco he said yeah let's do it so i never so we talked a little about the dinner party good vibes and everything so i go pick him up at his house and and costco as you know is not close to anybody it's like 25 minutes away i live right downtown so i pick him up we get on the highway he's not in my car for three minutes and now he's starting to complain about somebody wait for it i don't even know so now he's in my car complaining about people i don't even know and guess what and now i'm irritated now in my car in my bubble i am having a negative vibe because i'm having to listen to him complain about something and the voice says well michael you don't tolerate that from nobody and then the other voice said you're on your way to costco don't mess it up i was waiting for him to say turn that car around and i said oh i can't it was like a minute it was like smelling something with a horrible smell or eating something so terrible i'm so selfish i couldn't even hear it i couldn't even have it in my vibration so i'm driving the car and i took the risk i said dude you just you got to stop the story stop complaining stop talking about it i don't know who you're talking about just stop talking he said no i'm not done i said oh yes you're done for now just stop talking and i thought oh he's going to get me to turn turn this car around and i thought oh please make it to costco at least make it to costco we were quiet for about two minutes which felt like forever and just like that he changed everything and i spent two hours with him yesterday i live on an island so yesterday we'd go for a drive he'd never been north of the island where he lives so i said hey you want to go for a drive we'll go for lunch so we went way up island honestly honestly the conversation the minute he got on the car all through everything was good and he wasn't being pollyatta he just never talked about negative stuff remember the quote people will treat you the way you allow them to he'll have other friends to complain with but not with me i taught him that so the boundary is here's my boundary i'm not going to include negative commerce your boundary might be you know i i get off tick tock and twitter because i was reading and hearing and watching stuff that picked me off i thought i can i can't afford to be irritated stuff i'm the high vibe guy i gotta what i gotta mine my vibration not for me but for everybody else too got off twitter you know twitter was top not in my account but the feed people's comments i got off tick tock and now i'm on clubhouse instagram and facebook and i delete stuff if i don't like it i don't apologize and i don't explain their complaint i just delete it why because it's my vibration it's my car it's my facebook page it's my house and this is my only job is to mind my vibration okay i'm looking for some more janice that was your question hey again listen we had a great time today 29 minutes 29 minutes of this training this was about four pages of my book i don't even know if i have can imagine i'm going to have a book to show you okay well you know i go oh it's right here it's right there it's all over the place you know what that looks like but here's what i'd like to do i'd like to wrap up today i'd like to hear what was one thing that you heard today now i'm going to use the four styles you know my my other book here the nlp book it talks about the four styles so i'm going to ask this question to appease all the styles i'd like to hear from everybody in the chat one thing what was one thing that you saw today that you're going to see yourself using in the future what did you hear today that resonated with you what makes sense what got you excited go ahead give me some feedback natasha or jennifer towner's in the house hello jennifer i'm just re-scrolling see what i missed what was something that you heard today that was your aha moment your insight something that got you excited something that made sense okay here we go sylvia's first on deck i mind my vibration that was sylvia's takeaway thanks sylvia from the uk who's next what was your takeaway uh i don't know yeah we got the by the way if you wanted to download all of these you can go to clubhouseclassnotes.com it's a webpage i have clubhouseclassnotes.com okay lori uh mayo was saying that she likes the cheap of controller vibration just with your thoughts and your words what a gift that is okay alan likes my little matchbox you remember that right on this is the job of law of attraction matches good stuff let's show that that's ellen the matchbox great visual okay well it sounds like you guys got some more comments or more i've got some great value out of today i'm just saying there's anything else okay i'm going to do this real quickly now in my five-week course it's all about these three steps what you heard today is buried within some of those steps so number one step number one identify my desire well you could if you want to order something from the law of attraction you need to know what you want to order you know i've told the pizza store you don't call the pizza people and tell them all the things that you don't want that's not going to get you very far same with imagine a law of attraction had an order desk this is law of attraction can i take your order please oh yes i'd like an ideal client but i don't want one that doesn't have any money and i don't want one that counsels i don't want one that's rude i'm not very nice law of attraction thank you for your order law of attraction doesn't know whether you want that or not it's responding to that vibration so unfortunately most people aren't very good at knowing what they want they're not good at all in most cases so step number one with the worksheet i'm going to teach you how to identify your desire how do i figure out what i want and then you have it on a piece of paper okay here's my idea because i finally i finally are there's no dope knots and nose in it this is the best i've ever done that i'm going to teach you a model now it's on a piece of paper if you and your friends got together and moved and you figured out what you want on your pizza you know how a group of people figure out what they want on their pizza in one minute find out what people don't want and no onions no anchovies and no pineapple okay what if we've got boom chicka boom boom boom people would say perfect see how fast that is you can identify what you want on your pizza by knowing what you don't want so step number one same with law of attraction now i got to place the order having my pizza items on a piece of paper does not place the order step one is identify what you want on your pizza step two is call the pizza people yeah i've got to give my i've got to give attention to this desire same with law of attraction you built a list of what you want then you've got to give it attention why do i got to give it attention because i've got to make sure that it's included i can only attract it if it's included write that down i can only attract it if it's included in my vibe step number one here's what i want step number two i'm going to take this list and i'm going to include it in my vibration hey wouldn't that be nice if that if that was the only two steps some of you said i've done that michael i've made a collage i did a dream board i've been praying i've done everything to give it attention yet you have your hands on your hips saying where's it at where's that thing that i said that i wanted how come it's not here yet well guess what it's step three in my five-week workshop we spent one hour with the worksheet in step one we spent one hour with two or three worksheets for step two and step three we spent two full classes on it why read beside the book read that sentence the speed at which you will manifest your desire is depending on how much you're allowing hey wouldn't it be nice if it depended on how big your collage was oh i'm going to get mine my collage is my whole bedroom wall not available and i promise you it will reset your behavior and life forever 15 hours of me you can see the link there in the right hand side this is covered deeply there we go okay a couple more comments uh we're going to start to wrap up so any comments or questions let me know in the chat or send me a dm on facebook uh yeah so natasha's saying what makes sense to her is to remind my to mind her vibration good stuff uh premier is saying i can only attract it if it's included some people say well i how come i'm attracting this i didn't put that in my bubble well not on purpose you know i'll i'm going to show you again the reason why it's in our bubble by mistake that we don't want is because of this okay janice is saying the cards you know she really liked the cards they're visual she can take them away um if you look through there sylvie bellini put the website address to download these and again i just uploaded them to a photo lab because my printer's not this awesome and i just put them on you don't have to do that but these are nice there's like maybe 10 of them to print off okay well listen you guys were uh i had a lot of fun with you guys today thank you very much and uh total today 36 minutes 36 minutes and you could teach this to somebody today what about your friend that you're gonna go to lunch with today and they're complaining and you're thinking oh my god i wish they knew about this well help them out influence them you know when you're with a complaining friend you can buy into it which doesn't support them or you can reset them you can reset them and say so you know what i know that's pretty crappy but what would you like instead well i guess and all of a sudden they're going from what they don't want to what they do want now their vibration is changing you can't vibrate for your friends or i'd be a trillionaire can you imagine 1-800 i can vibrate for you go ahead please but you know what i can do i can influence vibration like i did today my hunches all of you are on a higher dial than you were when you met me when you came in today here's the vibration we're going to talk about this in the course in relationships this is the vibrational dial you might have been on 60 or 70 now you're in the high 90s how can you tell where you're at on this dial you can tell by how you feel if you're feeling sad and lonely and ticked off here's your vibe if you're excited here's your vibe write this sentence down for me the best way to become more positive because that's the goal my goal i like between 90 and 100 thank you that means between 90 100 in my vibration and if i'm vibrating between 90 and 100 you know what i want to attract captain obvious more 90s and 100 that's why i'm selfishly staying there the best way to become more positive is to become less negative gg can i get you to write that in the chat for me the best way to become more positive is to become less negative i'm going to teach you how to do that super style in five weeks okay um let's see suzanne is saying can you please repeat the match box okay well the two-word job description that means the the the job description or the job scope for law of attraction is two words it's match vibrations so i'm showing you the matches so you always remember law of attraction's job is to match i got a negative vibration it matches it i get a positive vibration that matches them uh laurie mayo thank you have a blessed day everyone and tina is saying uh thank you michael i received so much value from what you share i appreciate it all thank you sylvia's giving us our quotes here thank you sylvia for being on top of it the best way to become more positive is to become less negative gigi repeating it again this is a big aha it's like oh you know people say oh you're in the business to make people positive i said no i'm not i'm in the business to help people become less negative i'm in the business to help people become less than i do that both through motion code and through today's teaching michael's the law of attraction how-to guy suzanne's saying thank you okay we had a great day today john's coming back next week as you know we've done 215 right not 215 what's the title here uh 211 episodes most of them are with john except for the last two so if you haven't met him we're going to be back next week we're going to be side by side we're going to be doing some emotion code sessions on people with next week's topic thanks for hanging out everybody i appreciate you if you have any comments you can continue to leave them in the chat i usually spend the next hour after show and answer emails and comments and um yeah help you out with all that stuff okay a couple more compliments you know i have good self-esteem but i also like outside esteem everybody write this down self-esteem equals my ability to esteem myself everybody should be in that habit self-esteem is the ability to esteem myself but i'm going to let others esteem me for a moment gigi you're a wonderful giving person thank you al enjoyed the match box cool got it okay and uh barat is saying the best way to become more positive is to become less negative okay my hunch is i'm in everybody's head which is always my goal okay everybody if you want to uh well first i'm going to show you one more thing here every friday we send an email to uh everybody that wants to be notified we only send it twice friday at 9 00 a.m pacific and we send it about a

half hour before the show and if you want to be included on that email so you can know the topic and be part of our bros email list there's the email below it'll show up in a second it's michael lozier.com forward slash just wait for that i don't know what it is myself forward slash emotion oh i want to do this there we go there's john right there so it's called the emotion code featuring john and i we're live on youtube and facebook we just as soon as i put that up the address went in the chat click that on get on the mailing list and you can be notified what is coming up every week on the bro show okay everybody i want to sign off if you have any comments or questions continue to ask send me a direct message and hopefully we'll see you next wednesday in my week law of attraction course let me know i can help you let's say goodbye everybody cheers

2021-09-13 19:59

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