EP:028 When Your Business Destroys Your Life

EP:028 When Your Business Destroys Your Life

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I've got, a confession to make. I need. To get this off my chest. As, a business owner we all make mistakes. I've. Got to confess. Hey. Guys it's, Charlie, from confessions, of a business owner here and we are doing a special, guest episode today with Tristan, right from, evolve to grow now, Tristan, is what I would call a business Sherpa, and you've got to think of a Sherpa is like someone who helps, you climb, the mountain, that is business so, when, I think of Tristan there's some really interesting things if I say what does he specialize in, it's business, growth and more importantly, simplification. It could be a very very overwhelming, space, so. Tristan, thank you so much for joining me today - how you doing pleasure mate oh good yeah really good buddy I'll. Tell you what I'm excited for this one this should be a ripper, of a confession, on today's episode but. Just for everyone out there why don't you tell me a little bit more on my example, of what you do so what do you find you do with yourself so, what do I do with myself literally. On I'm in the business of helping people like I I just love going, out and working with people and helping helping. Them grow their business it's, it's, just so, much fun for me and and, the, reason I do it is because I've been in business myself and and, owned, a business and and heard the highs and had the lows of running, a business and know. How lonely it can be and how exhilarating, it can be and. The. Fact is that you actually need to have people around you to to, be able to grow. In both your business and your life so, basically. All I do is go out and help, other people. Absolutely. And I agree with that statement business, is a team, sport even, if you were the only one in your business is certainly, always going to be people around you and that's what makes the difference that's, what makes it fun my, god I think it would be if it was like playing a game of Tetris on your phone I'm, not sure I would get the same enjoyment out of it so, very very true statement and.

And You have to be competitive, with Tetris, yeah if it's like a game of Tetris. You. Can hit the end goal pretty pretty easily that. Business. Case on growing and changing over, time as well, definitely. So we're going to go straight, into the confession, of today because I feel like it's I'm dying to know these story now I'm very fortunate that I've got to get to know you a little bit on a personal, level as well and hear little bits and pieces of this before but. Let's. Dive into a tryst and what, are you here to confess today. So. Don't. Want to stick your head in the sand when. Things go belly up because. If you stick your head in the sand and you've got issues with business, you when you wake up you end up probably. Six figures in debt like I did so. So, today's confession, is do not stick your head in the sand because, you're likely to end up with six figures in debt like, Tristan, did so take us through it how did it all happen so. So. I as. You, know Charlie and if everyone else I I had a business here, selling, selling lycra so if you're in Melbourne there's, a road called Beach Road and there's people with right up and down Beach Road and, they're cyclists and they're I'm. Probably one of the people to buy in to put it for dressing them so they, would come to me - by cycling. Clothing. Yeah. So I built, that up over time and it was going really nicely and and. Making. Me a nice little income, and and, I, was able to travel the world and all this sort of fun stuff as. You do when you've got a successful business, but. I. Do, necessarily, have had the best work-life balance and, when, you don't have the best work-life balance you, forget, to communicate, with people that are important to you like you like, your friends and your family and you, think everything's going going along swimmingly but. Then one. Day the, people that matter most you are the person that you think matters the most to you come students says oh by, the way emerge. Is over so. Yeah. Hard, day, this is a very very, tough day that was that was a tough day in, hindsight, is probably one of the best things if not the best thing that happened to me but. In, the following. A few days and weeks and months I didn't. Know how to deal with it I didn't. Know how to deal with my personal life or all. My business life so, for. Me the simplest thing was to do, was to to, put my head in the sand and just ignore everything that was going on around me, because. Yes. Just just, that was just the level of my maturity at the time, now. Did that come out of left field were you expecting this at, all or the distance sideswipe, you this day. So. Looking, back there. Was definitely, warning, signs, but. I didn't. I either. Ignored, the warning signs that I didn't I didn't. Say them so, look in, hindsight which is a wonderful thing there's definitely, rewarding science but, it was definitely out. Of left field for me at the time. Completely. Understand, that and on this, happening I mean I'm sure many of us can relate when we hit with these big moments in some way and what it's not sure what to do was it the overwhelm, or did you feel like you just weren't sure what to do from here based on this life change so, so.

What Yeah. So basically I just. Literally I had we, had plans and all. Of our plans and had just changed the. Click of a finger they, click click. You think is kind of think so it's, like geez, we've set out our plans for the next next 10 20 years, and and, now, what. I do so, I sort, of got lost. So. When you get last year you, get confused kind, of thing and you, start. Searching for your purpose or wondering. What is your purpose. Absolutely. So, how long did you have your head in the sand for as you put it in it. Was it was about six months so. There's. Times where I I poked my head back up and had a look around and, and, still. A bit scary like like, I had staff running the business like. So the sale sales. Were still coming in the business and I'm still turning over good. Figures. But. I personal. Life and everything I sort, of had my my head in that sand that, I was scared of what, was happening in the real world for about six months, what. Happened at the business in that six months so. The business kept on kept, on turning. Over and, not a nice revenue. But. The everything. That I've been working on project wise. Ended. Up now. Going, belly-up and. Ended. Up having odds approving expenses, thinking gearheads my staff will be able to manage this and all that sort of stuff but. The. I hadn't trained them I heard systemized, and sitting. Place proper, processes, for and everything, wasn't ready to go live at that stage so I was in a massive growth phase at that, period I was implementing. A new new, website a new. A new ordering system, and. New. Products, and when, you're doing that like that they're big expenses, but if you if you're not managing a property and you don't have it all systematized, properly. It. Ends up being quite a costly expense so. I, sort. Of came to and started realizing, that I needed. To actually get on with life and and, start working in the business again about six months later but. When I when, I looked at my, my. Reporting, that's. Like oh geez. I've. Made all these expenses, but they haven't started sure I've made all these purchases, and and started, spending money over here but they, where. They res adore gone and I was definitely. In debt well I have a hundred hundred fifty thousand dollars so. Does that quite a turnaround because you kind, of sound like it was a very profitable, reasonably. Profitable, company to that point and then, to that six months there's been a turn and we've all of a sudden got debt and things like that what was the big wake-up moment to you. So. Like I had, been investing, a lot of money in, the business and it's right around, the launch, of all these investments. That. My, personal life when went to I'm, kind of thing and and. If. I have kept on going with it would have would, have been okay I would but. We. Started. Making incorrect. Decisions, in, the business and with all these investments, and because we made all these incorrect, decisions, we, had to try and fix it and it just started costing more and more money so. As. When. I when, I looked, at the reports it's like geez, we're just going backwards, here we've, got massive. Revenue but we're going backwards and and, turning. It turning at a loss that I was like we just have to change things and and and. Cut, everything to the bare bone and rebuild because you, look at you bank account and you look at your loans and you can't. Pay this back it's not a nice position of being sure. It was a very humbling, moment, when. You saw that from there so, you come back to your business after this six month period which I'm sure everyone can understand, when something like that happens in, our personal, lives but, what, was your I suppose method, to getting out of that how did you start to wait or what was important to deal with and how to tackle, the challenge at hand I so. Literally, at the start I had no idea what to do because I wasn't, in the best shape but. It. Was, about talking, to people that had been there and done that that. That, were running and had run successful, businesses, and the, simplest, thing was, minimizing. All all. Ongoing expenses, that weren't making weren't. Revenue making and profit making straightaway, so. When when really business isn't doing well you look at what's making money what's not making you money anything, that you're spending money on that's not making you money you, stop it immediately so. You can you can stop the bleeding and. So I had to go into a triage mode for.

For, A period of months and and, then, go out like, up, into that period I hadn't actually spent a lot of time with mentors, or coaches or advisors because I was. I was in my late 20s, like geez I can do this well I'm growing. At a rage and I'm running a successful business. Why. Do I need to go and get help kind of thing so, I was just a bit of an arrogant fool in, hindsight and then. I went out isn't. That funny in those moments it's like you know once upon a time I knew everything as well like I wish I could go back to being 15 at that point in my life I feel like I did know everything, yeah. That. Time yeah. Very interesting but, very very true statement and that's certainly something I reflect, back on as well these like mentors really have made such a huge big, difference in my life and, communicating. And being part of communities, with other business owners like. We sure could look back important, as we go back and put more into that and put more effort into that because I think it is a bit of the secret store so there's a big hint for the listeners there as well but, that sounds really great Tristan so you've gotten in touch with mentors, and other, business owners who have been in similar situations. And started, to win out what's working and not working from. There how long did it take you to kind of find your way out of that and was there any strategies that particularly, worked so. So. I ended, up selling the business 18 months later and, I ended up mate, selling, it to and. Making a profit out of it so, yeah. So it's about an 18-month period. For. A turnaround for the best and it, was. I, thought. I'd systemized it beforehand, and I thought I'd remove myself from the business but. There's two major. Major. Components. That had to run through me that would hold things up so it. Was about removing. My, decision-making. Capability. From the business in, empowering, the people that worked for me to make those decisions and take ownership of them and as soon as I was able to do that the business was able to grow grow, and pay back its pay. Back its debts and make profit. Fantastic. I think that's a very vital step, it's one thing to systemize, processes. In your business or have people do things on a set structure but, the decision-making, element, is such a vital one when it comes to being completely removed that's a great find yes. I literally taking, me out of the decision-making, process. Was. What was. What allowed us to drive, the business back and obviously, we.

Had To put in place a lot of a lot, of systems and procedures to, be able to do that because. If you don't the business will will, run run. The potential to go backwards again but. You. Do it properly. You. Go well. Now. You mentioned something a little bit earlier about having the I suppose financial. Inside or the reporting, to see what was and wasn't, working and I'm very interested to your view on this but, if in my knowledge with most business owners they, wouldn't have a clue, on their, financial position none, of those can't even read a P&L enormous, t numbers, are the number one most important, thing in your business everything. Comes back to numbers. Every. Single component. Anything. In your business you. Need to be able to put a number against thing you need to be able to measure it and and say if you're going backwards or forwards, like you need to know where. Your leads are coming in from what, percentages you're converting at what. Dollar value, each, lead is how, much is costing, you to get those leads how, much it's costing you to service that client so you need to be able to know. What. Is making money and what's what's, losing you money kind of thing so. Absolutely. And for anyone listening to this right now if you don't know that stop, the podcast and go work you, know that. Is one. In, having a successful, business in my mind if you need to know everything, needs to be you, need to be able to put a number against it I even, so, one. Of the big things I work on with my customers they serve work/life balance and, their, mindset, and just, asking, them questions about their mindset, and and, if they're happy or or. How, much spare, time they have I I, get them to give me an answer but then I get them to give me a score out of 10 on. Any single any question. I ask them I say, give me a verbal answer but, I say give me a score out of 10 because then we can go back and compare, it over time and see what the trends are so. And. At the end, of every single conversation, I have with one of my clients one of the coaching and consulting conversations. I say, you, give, me what are the three best things of this conversation that's very worst things and give me a score out of 10 so. That, way we can we, can then measure, it. It's. A great idea and it's a very tactful. Way of measuring success as well so, did you have these types of financial metrics in your business before. Your. Social life had a I suppose a curve, ball come at it or is this something you grew into after. You found yourself in this situation I, had. Them at a higher level but I didn't have them at the dent at level I I didn't. I didn't have the trends, in there so I wasn't I wasn't measuring, the trends and if I was able to measure the trends I would have would. Have been able to forecast lots of different things in the business. So. It's. One thing looking at the, numbers are retrospectively. But, you need to be proactive, really, looking at what's happening and trend-wise. Into the future I. Agree. A lot with that so, now, that we've gone through this journey here, where we've had this happened to our personal, life we found our way with. Our head in the sand and the six figures in debt plus you've. Then gone in and recovered, that, and more and selling, the business eighteen months later when. You look back on that experience what was the biggest lessons you got to take from it and what would you do differently with what you know now. Be. Honest be, honest with yourself and realize with, people, around you and talk, to people and ask, questions. Let's. Think it's some very good advice there and I tell you right now I think there's too many business, owners hanging, out in Egypt, and. This is my favorite dad joke by the way because, they're living in denial I. Work. About to it I'll have kids one day and yeah, yeah. But. I love that one there and it's a very very serious point in well is you know being honest with yourself in business and being very real with your situation I think, as an entrepreneur you've got to go we know almost we'd like you know rose-colored, glasses of, you know being, optimistic on how good things can be but, at the same time that can actually hinder you from seeing the real issues in business and see it's a blind spot like everyone's, got a massive plan spotlight so you can only see what's, in front of you you've got to be aware of what's happening everywhere, around you yeah. Absolutely agree on that so being honest we're going with on that one there is such an important point from there let. Me ask you this then you know you've gone on from that journey and now you're moving into this Sherpa, space where you are helping people a lot more in.

Your Opinion and this will be an opinion piece is. The thing you see most commonly as, the mistake business owners are making these days the. Mistake. That's. A good one they. Don't have belief in themselves. So. They, yeah. So, they've, got a belief that they can run it run, a job but. They don't have a belief that they or, an understanding, that they can run a business or a company. Good. Answer I like that one I would say that true right and especially I don't know if you've seen this as well but I often come across people and it's like they're doing something awesome but they're not confident, in it correct, yeah, so, they're good at delivering what. They do as a one-man. Band or, three or four people and. That's, the space I play in like the one to ten one to twenty people. There. And the they just don't have the confidence, or the belief or understanding, how to how. To turn their skillset into, into. A company or a business and remove, themselves and and offer their value, to more, people. Brilliant. So, when. You work with the business owner how do you identify what. They should be working on. They. Identify. It I ask the questions. So. It's. Simple like a little for, me it's simple because I've been, there done and done lots of extra extra curricular study since but. Nine. Out of ten business, owners if I ask them the question where. Exactly their business is going to be in one year or three years time will say they've got no idea. So. Lack of planning seems, to come into this a little bit as well yep, so they've got a dream that I want to be earning 500, K or 300, K or a million dollars and, they want to be there in a couple of years time but they've got no idea. On. Exact. Timeframe and, how they're going to do it. They. Might have it in their mind but they don't have it written down. Absolutely. So. You mentioned selling. A business as a part of this and I, mean personally. I think it's a the true entrepreneurial. Journey is to go on and sell your business like it's not the idea of every business lasts forever how did you on the experience, of selling your company, that's. A fun one. Yes. I mean selling business I. Can. What for me it wasn't, the easiest process, like everything. Happened. To signing the papers and signing, the papers was we're. All on the same page but doing the handover it's, actually it's, actually quite an in depth and detail process, and making sure everyone's. Happy and they receive. All, the IP it's. And. It. It, can, get messy, can. You tell us more about that what got messy so you're looking. At it from an IP perspective, was it just that their expectations. Were different to your expectations. So, so. I'm making sure I pay is shared correctly. An invisible. Manner and. Making sure even to, the extent of, insuring. All your books are accurate and knowing where where. Where. All your clients are and, because. If you don't have everything, documented, properly. And. And how-to. Documents. You. The people you sell to always going to be coming back to you and saying always this or where's that kind. Of thing so you need all, right like I didn't, perfectly, systemize and optimize my business so I caused, always having periods where where. It was this in the like, so all of it a document. Management system, was Google Drive and and all, the different folders and and then, and, then, the the CRM, and knowing. Exactly where everything is it's. It can get messy. It. Definitely can I would. You agree with that as well with, what you know now would you go about it in a different way do you think you could have you learned from that experience and, could sell a business differently, do you think business owners need to do stuff differently now.

If Their intent is to sell down the road so the the, second, question I ask my clients is, have. You ever considered selling, your business. So. Every day me every day and, literally. I'm sorry, I say what's your revenue now what's. Your dream revenue. So. That's question one question 2 have. You considered selling your business, question. 4 is when, will, you be selling the business every. Single business you. Have to. Now, you don't have to you, need to build you I believe you need to build your business as if you're planning on selling it in X amount of years because if you if. You build. Your business based. On the assumption that it's going to be sold you're. Going to be making it meet. The business needs and all the operations, and systems. Perfect. So it's a lot easier to sell it's a lot more valuable so even if you don't sell your business you've, been you've been working, working. On your business and, making. It easy for someone else to understand, from, Dave taught so so, if you're sick in six months time it's, easy for you to bring a manager, in because, you've already been been. Planning this for the future, well. I'm actually. Agree, with that I'm of the belief that you should always be building your business so what is ready for sale or though it can not, need you because, as you mentioned getting, sick or needing to take care of a loved one or all kinds, of things can come up when you, may not be available for your own business if, you are the bottleneck is a huge, challenge yeah. When, that point comes so. Very very wise words there will in my belief anyway. All. Right so we'll change things, up a bit here because I'm very very curious on. The other side of things and thank you for sharing a part of this story from here but, who would the business owners you most respect, like who are the ones you look up to huh. That's it that's a good one, so. There's actually a guy that. I I met, a couple of weeks ago in. The co sharing space that. I work in at. Waterman Zin chats and so, we so, people that don't know Charlie and I both in in Melbourne Victoria and, I've. Got an. Office one. Of the major shopping centers and there's, a there's a business owner there, he's an accountant, and he's, 30, or 31 and, in. The space of two years he's. Been able to gross business from from zero, up to, two million dollars in fees and. Most. Accountants. Don't, do that in their lifetime and the most impressive, thing is is. That everything, is systemized and automated, and he only needs to work in his business maybe, 15, hours a week, only. So. What do you think. I mean that's a great story in himself but what do you think created that what has he done so, well to be able to project that amount of growth and leverage, so. The growth side of things is most. Accountants. Very. Much very good at serving. Their clients and doing their job but, he's he's, worked on the business from day one and worked on his brand exposure and and, making sure he's. On the present wherever people go and. Ask about an accountant, he, will pop up on the internet, or his, company will pop up everywhere, and, he's. A very charismatic person he's. Someone that can communicate with, business owners whereas. Most. Traditionally. A lot of accountants, a very.

Backwards, In the way they bring clients in. Definitely. I would agree with that notoriously. I think accountants, a very plain. If you have it's. A very plain space it's not an exciting space and like that's at their own detriment, it could be an exciting place well he makes numbers sexy so. One. Of the one of the main things he does is is reporting. Sorry he very. Very similar to the dashboards, that that we've we've looked that Charlie that you operate. He he, sells the service where he does financial reporting, and provides dashboards, to his clients on a monthly basis, so that they can actually understand. Their numbers, every. Single month so they don't stick their head in the sand which, is which is key a lot of accountants, don't do that they just retrospectively. Look at the numbers and and and do. Do. The reporting, at the end of each quarter and the. End of each financial year so. It found a way to be a little bit disruptive then, but and cater, to the market name very very cool I like that innovation I think it's only gonna get bigger so. What are the big things in business you can see down the road but where do you see the upcoming shifts. As. An education, based market, if, you want to grow your business. Your, your, lead funnel, if. You're trying to oh sorry. I hate using the word try, because. Try. And pick up a pen for me you can't try and pick up a pen. You. Just. Did pick up a pen for anyone who's not on the video. Yeah. So. Everything. It. Needs new, front end I believe needs to be education, based and value, based so, if, you can show that. Your, two or three steps ahead and you're willing to educate, people you're. Going to be able to provide, them value and they're going to see you as an authority and then confuse, their client I, agree. I agree on that one something, I'm very very, curious on these days is I think that we're. Seeing such a shift in technology like, it's getting faster and faster some of the things that are out there these days is just getting crazy but. I don't see enough businesses. Adapting. Quick enough or even trying, to adapt quick enough and one. I wonder if you've ever heard, this saying and if you would kind of agree with it is, there's. A mother and a daughter and they're having a Sunday roast and what makes the Sunday we're especial for this family is that they cut the front and the back of the. Roast. So they intentionally have a turkey and they cut the front and the back of it and that's how it's always being done and, the daughter says to the mother and she says why, did we cut the front and the back off the turkey like why is that the way we do a roast and the mother says I don't, know I'm, not sure I'd have to ask you man and she goes to the man and she goes man why do we cut the front and the back of the turkey for the roast and then Anne goes we'll actually, we, actually had a small oven and the whole turkey wouldn't fit in so I used to have to cut the front of the back off so, when you look at it the reason they're behaving in, this certain way is just because it's the way it's always been done it doesn't, make it right but, when we look at business ago, with how fast we're moving this so much of that going on I've, got a perfect, example for, you. With. With our businesses, what's what's the traditional way people, in a service-based industry charge. Their clients, I. Think. It's three, times cost. Sorry. Luck is in when they send an invoice, when. Do they expect payment, thirteen. After before, or after the service is delivered, after. Okay. So, I'll tell you how I do do my service, my. Clients pay me two months in advance if. They want to work with me they've, got. To be paying me two months in advance if, they don't want and if they don't do that they don't get to work with me they don't get they don't get the opportunity so. Why, just because. The. Industry has, always been, paying, thirty days in arrears why, do you have to keep, doing that why do you have to abide, by that if. You you're confident, in the value that you offer and, and. How you can help your client, why, don't you change the rules and make and, play. On your ground rather than your clients grounds, I, completely. Agree and that's one that I'm seeing more and more commonly as payment, terms I must, must, admit though I do feel sorry for the tradesmen. Out there doing. Long-range, stuff like I hear of tradies all the time on my 90, days and, they, must just be crippling that's like, one of the industries I think would benefit a lot from change like you've just mentioned yes.

Yeah Definitely, that's it. On an industry, based level it will be it'll, it will take time but. If people can do it one by one it'll, eventually, happen, because why, should, you deliver service, and. Not get paid for 30 or 60 and 90 days it's just not fair it's. Absolute, madness absolute. Madness and, just, because history like the whole turkey thing just because it's done like that 10, 20 30 years ago doesn't. Mean it has to be done like that today, all. Right completely agree. All. Right I'm going over to my sheet here because I wanted to make sure we covered as some certain things from there and I think you've, got an interesting my interest and when we do having conversations. I'm always he's. Picked up how you answer because I think you answer things in a bit of a way that most people don't so. Wants to know where, do you learn from one, of the things you look to to develop yourself. And. Why not I swear yeah. Go if I couldn't Bryl. Oh I. Up and I'll up fast. Is. That, more. I up the sooner I'm gonna succeed I. Would. Agree with that I think that's a very interesting way to put it it's funny but even in this you said that it was the best thing that ever, and who was, effectively. One of the hardest days in your life I'm sure has. It helped you develop yep. That's the method for Tristan yeah. I obviously. Look. At what others doing and spend, time with others and learn from them but. I I learned from experience and. The. More I do something, the better I get at it and if. I up I know that, this doesn't work and as long as I take that on board and deviate. Slightly I know, that, I'm going to keep moving forward so, I've got I've got a wealth of experience, I've done so many different things tell me tell me many people anyone, else you know if not many people can say they've run a, seven-figure. Business they've, they've. Run an international cycling, team, they. They've, almost gone bankrupt before, before, they've even turn there any kind of things so and. And heard multiple. Heard. A multinational, company in a sense. Definitely. I think it's a huge. Acclimate. To your accomplishments. To have done that before 30 and then to be taking. It all and again after, selling a business I think even says more about it because undoubtedly, you would learn a lot from that experience so, we'll ask you a question here for anyone that's you know does have their head in the sand at the moment what's, the advice you would give them to get through that or to help that transition be, as easy as possible. Simply. Talk to someone just, go and talk to someone that's been there even. Don't. Talk to your family and friends because they're just going to want to support you go. And talk to someone outside your, immediate social. Network, talk. To it talk to start anyone else in business as long as they're making a profit and they're moving forward in their business, that's number. One thing but do. Not take advice from your immediate family oh now. We're getting a little bit controversial, do not listen to family, and friends is the the, peak that there's, a lot of truth in that though and I can already say this one, of the things I think back to in my career is that how much my parents especially, all friends cared, about me where.

They Would almost encourage. Me not to be in business because, of the risk and it's not like they didn't love me or that they didn't want things to go well because, I didn't love you, exactly. And that's the, Joe I want. To tell you this little story I think, it's an imperative one is I was actually, believe it or not on the topic of today I was going. To see my accountant, and I was way too early for the meeting Melbourne, traffic can be interesting, and I wanted to make sure I wasn't late so I left really early and, there was a McDonald's next. To the, accountant, and I, went in there and I, grabbed, a coffee, and I sat down with my notebook and did some email on my phone I believe at the time but, what was interesting is, there was this two girls sitting. Kind of in the booth next to me now. Talking quite loudly which is what I could hear this conversation, not that I wanted to but, one of them, was. Quite overweight and one, of them was, quite thin, the one that was quite thin funnily enough was, eating, chicken nuggets and the one that was overweight, we're saying look I'm not gonna eat anything here, because, I'm trying to you know improve my health because I want to have kids, it's, really important at this point where it's like she, said she doesn't want to be done was because she wants to have kids like how important, is that now. That friend when, in ordered nuggets and sat there and ate him in front of them to. The point where they kept offering, the nuggets to the other person, and she. Broke her so. All of a sudden this girl started, eating the Nuggets and I wanted, to slap the Nuggets out of her hand because I'm like you're trying to have a family no. The. Friend just kept saying things like are this, one time doesn't matter it's, only one more nugget and before, you know it they're ordering more, Nuggets and yeah yeah, that's. The start of a habit, but. This was a friend, and, I thought I remember, that moment distinctly, because I looked at it and gone sometimes, your friends I just the worst people to have around you and it's not because they don't care it's because they do so. I think there's a lot of wisdom in that yeah, definitely. Oh so. That's some hard, pill to swallow on many occasions, but ultimately, I think we all want to hang around more, people that have be and do the, things we, want out of our own life so hope to become in that experience, definitely, you're always hanging around with people that are one or two steps ahead of you and, you're.

Doing A banging the person of. The five closest, people to you if. You look at the five closest, people to you you'll pick up their habits and their mindset, and. And the way they seal off I. Couldn't. Agree more with that that's something I've noticed a lot in my own life is when you upgrade those, five, people or consciously, put effort, into identifying, those five people that can make all the difference an interesting, thing is one of those people could be the radio. So. Do you think that counts like if you listen to a lot of podcasts like this great one yes, a shameless, plug here that. Can have an effect definitely. And and the reverse effect is if you're listening to trash. Radio on the way to and from work your. Mind go, goes, down to the level of the conversation, that they're talking about I come. And I do love a bit of Suzy. Kate and baby in the mornings god that must have been like ten years ago now. Hopefully. They still are I like them I'm. Sure I'm sure they're on somewhere, they're not, together anymore, but they'll, be on different radio shows together and TV as well so. A bit devastated on the back of that but that's a really good point as well there is that you know what information, we're filling our minds with it can make a huge difference mmm. Definitely. Definitely. So. Yeah. Yeah, you need to be, careful about what you put into your mind because. You only get one shot of it so, you need to need to make make a good garbage, is. There any books or audio, programs, or CDs or podcasts, that you've you, know listened to that you think you've had a big impact on you like what's your favorite, so, I'm a weird weird, one I actually don't listen to too many books write too many podcasts, or I don't read a lot of books I've, read a few of the Richard Branson ones. And. Tim Ferriss but, I honestly. Don't. Don't. Listen to podcasts, as I said earlier I up if I come fast and then, I get success from there and then, I'll talk, to the people I find I get a lot more value, by. Person-to-person. Interaction. Than, I do from. Listening. To podcasts. Well. It, means accept confessions, of a business owner because obviously that is the greatest podcast we should always sent a course of course.

If. Different people have different learning, styles. And, it's, just my learning, style is very, very. Much interactive. And some. People learn from reading some people learn from from, from listening, some. People learn from observing my. My learning style is, from, interaction, I, think. That's a really important point as well and like for, instance you mentioned it there is like I'm an. Audio person like, I know that for me that audio is the way I consume. And actually I suppose learn, the best like, I find I retain a lot of information from audio over reading yeah, so, it's certainly true that all their learning styles a difference in what works for one may not work for another yeah. Like most people I know the. Talk business, what. So. The. The, people that are looking to grow their business not. Necessarily growing. Their business they listen they listen and read a lot, there's. People that listen. They. Don't they don't have a plan or structure around where that listen a read I know Charlie you've got a plan and structure around when you listen like when you go for your walk in the morning you've got your podcast on, so. You've got that structure around so you're you're actually growing but the people that don't have a structure around when they learn there. Are people that are wanting, to grow but aren't quite growing. Yet typically. Speaking like that I'm happy, to be proven wrong oh, it's. A it's a dangerous, statement but I will say there's not all the rules apply it's a very general statement but certainly I'll, put it out there one of the best things I did was be strategic, with what type of content I take in and when yes. Yeah you have to be strategic about everything, you do, so. Personally, what I like to do and I'll just go through my own vibe here because you've mentioned my little routine is, I like 20 minute chunks I found is the sweet spot for me and, I like to do one in the morning so get up and consume, 20 minutes of audio or maybe. A book depending if I can't get it all here and, then I'll also take a lunchtime walked is to separate, the day and that's often when I'll consume another 20-minute block, and, it's interesting because often, I get ideas in, these interviews particularly, I make sure I listen to it like a business one that's on the topic of what I'm dealing with that day and sometimes.

I Can come home with my problem solved I didn't say it that way maybe if I look at it from here, and it can change my whole afternoon the. Other times it can derail me in the whole team and then like I stopped, listening to on you. It's. It's interesting that you do in our duty, in 20 minute chunks because a lot of studies have shown that, 17. To 18 minutes is an, ideal, timeframe to be out to consume, content especially, interactive. Content, so the, fact that you've learned. Yourself, the 20 minutes is ideal, that's just. Proves that Theory, look. It's kind of fitted my day but I'm glad to fit in with this study I'll confirm the data and unless all. Right, Tristan we're getting a wrap this one up from here it's been such a pleasure to have you on the show and hear, more about your story and how you've overcome things, and a little bit more of an understanding of how you see business where. Can people come if they want to learn more about you or get involved with what you're doing so, I'm more than happy yeah. Thank thanks for having me first of all been. A pleasure and just love talking to people and talking about business so more, than happy for people to jump on my website so it's. WWF. To grow comdata. You and and. Even as an offer if people want to spend, a bit of time with me talking about their business in. Charlie, we'll will share share, one of my landing pages and I'm more than happy to spend spend, about an hour with with, them any of your guests if that's, if they want to do that as well mate that. Is a massively, kind offer and a huge amount of appreciation and thank you for being on the show it's been a bunch of fun discussing. These topics because, as you kind of mentioned is like you'll be careful who you discuss this these things with but. That's such a brilliant offer I'll make sure I'll grab a link off your mom actually included in the show notes so anyone, who is listening to confessions, of a business owner to get an hour of Tristan's, time and. Go through maybe where your biggest roadblock is or how to solve a business issue, could make all the difference so I highly, encourage it yeah, definitely. So, yeah. I just yeah, just helping people and helping them go to that next step night and and, the. Number one thing is to be truthful about who you are and what you're passionate about and make truthful about your business as well couldn't. Agree more I think that's such a great statement so we'll leave it on that one Tristan thank you so much for being with me today that's, it for confessions, of a business owner Tristan's. Right confessional. Thanks, guys. You.

2018-06-29 03:21

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