EKU Spring 2018 Commencement: The College of Business & Technology

EKU Spring 2018 Commencement: The College of Business & Technology

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To. Eastern Kentucky University's. Spring, 2018, College. Convocation. In this. Ceremony, we, honor degree, candidates, from the College of Business and, Technology. The, academic, regalia you see evolved. From traditional, academic, and clerical, dress worn, at European, universities. In the Middle Ages in the. United, States the, use of academic regalia, dates, to the American, colonial, period the, regalia. Used by Eastern, Kentucky University, follows, the American, Council, of education academic. Regalia code, that, describes cut style. And colors, to indicate fields, of learning, colors. Representing, the two schools in the College of Business and, Technology are. Incorporated. In the banners you see leading faculty and students, as they enter the Coliseum. Entering. First and bearing the banner for the College of Business and Technology as. Miss Jalen von Rice who. Today earns her Bachelor, of Business, Administration and. Marketing. Laude. Jade. Is from Richmond and tonight becomes, a fourth generation EKU. Alumna. 11. Of her family members including. Her parents grandparents. And great-grandparents. Have received degrees from EKU the. Earliest, graduating. In 1948. After. Her graduation Jade, looks forward to continuing, her entrepreneur, venues. Career, with Lexus and Matt grupe. Entering. The Coliseum, floor from the door at the far end to my right our, faculty, and students, from the, School of Applied Sciences. And Technology. Each. Of the schools of, applied sciences, and technologies, departments. Are represented. On their banner. The. Department, of Applied Engineering and Technology is, represented. By the orange stripe, the. Maize stripe, denotes, the Department, of Agriculture. Military. Science, and leadership is signified, by science. Gold. Carrying. The school banner is mr., Joshua, Keith Grove an honors. Scholar who is graduating today with a Bachelor of Science degree, in construction management. Born. In Richmond, Joshua. Moved to Booneville as a teenager, where. We graduated, valedictorian, of, his high school class.

Highly. Regarded by the faculty, joshua says that he received much more than just an education from, EKU he. Says that EKU is, the chance of the life is excited, to live. Entering. The Colosseum for from the door at the far end to the left is, his School of Business with, its banner adorned. In drab brown. Carrying. The banner for the School of Business as. Mr., Logan Tyler Smith who, today is earning a Bachelor, of Business, Administration degree. In management, magna. Laude. Logan. Hails from Stanford. Kentucky where. He graduated with a perfect, 4.0. GPA, from Lincoln County High, School, his. Work ethic and discipline, has served him well at EKU. Logan, is Beta Gamma Sigma and also, a member of Sigma Chi fraternity, where. He served as chapter, president. He. Credits his many opportunities. Here at EKU for, his budding career, at, fests, now what she intends. Graduation. Logan. That's all so excited, to have recently been accepted into the newly redesigned. EKU. Master. Of Business Administration. Program. As. The, students begin, to enter the arena you see Harold ease such as cords. Stoll's and sashes in. Particular. International. Students, graduating from the College of Business and, Technology may. Display souls from their home countries, of China Japan. And, Spain. At this, time please. Take, a moment to silence, your cellphone's. Thank. You and, now. Please rise for the presentation of. The National colors and join, Miss Cheyenne Jennings, and the singing of our national, anthem and remain standing. As miss Jennings performs, my old Kentucky, home. Can. You. See. By. The dawn's. Early. Light. What. So, proudly. We. Hailed. At. The twilight's. Whose, broad, stripes and. Bright. Stars. Through. The perilous. Fight. For. The. Ramparts. We watched. Were. So gallantly. The. Bombs, burn. See. Gay. The. Night. That. Our flag. Was. Still. Bad. See. Does. That. Star-spangled. Banner. Yet. Hey. For. The, lair. And. No. The. Sun, shines. Bright, in. The, old, Kentucky. Home, to. Summer, the. People. Are. Gay. The, corn, tops, ripe and the, meadow. Boom well. The birds make. Music. All the, day. The. Young, folks. Roll. On, the, little. Cabin, floor all. Marry all. Happy. And. Bright. By. And, by hard. Times, come. A knocking. At the door in, my old, Kentucky. Home, good, night. We've. No. More my.

Lady. Oh. We've. No. More today. We. Will sing one. Song, for. My old, Kentucky. Home. For. My old, Kentucky. Home far. Away. Ladies. And gentlemen the Dean of the College of Business and, Technology dr.. Thomas, Erickson. Good. Evening please. Be seated. As. As. We begin, please, join. With me in thanking mish. Cheyenne, Jennings, a, 2014. EKU, alumni from, death from Danville for, a wonderful. Rendition of, the star-spangled. Banner and my old Kentucky, home one. More round of applause. And. Can. We also have a nice round of applause for the EKU, Symphony. Orchestra. Under, the direction of. Professor, Jeremy Mulholland. For, providing, music, this evening. We. Are pleased to have with us this evening the 13th, president of Eastern Kentucky, University, dr.. Michael Benson dr.. Benson, we BB we would be most pleased if you would share a few, words like. Thank. You very much Dean Erickson and good evening. On. Behalf of Eastern Kentucky University I, welcome you to the campus beautiful, as we, celebrate, the accomplishments of, today's graduates. This. Coming January will, mark my 25th. Year of working in public higher, education and. I, cannot recall how many graduation. Ceremonies, I have attended. Regardless. I never tire of this vantage point and the. Inspiring sight of the graduates, arrayed before us you. Are indeed the hope of the world and. We celebrate, you in the singular accomplishment. In. America, today higher education, is under a tremendous amount, of scrutiny. What. Is it that we offer to society are we, worth it what. Is the return on investment, is. The cost of a college degree defensible. While. America, has many deficits. Including. Trade and otherwise, I would. Argue that our higher education system, is, not, one, of them, on. The contrary we remain the envy, of the entire world, as. Students, from around the globe clamor, to. Attend any number of our institutions, of higher education. The. Times Higher Education World, University Rankings, is, a good example. According. To this list. 17. In the world's top 25, universities. That's. Two-thirds. Are in. The United States. Former. President, the University of California, Clark Kerr observed. This years ago. The. United States has, overall, the. Most effective, system of higher education the. World has, ever known. Never. Has there been the need to make a more compelling case for public, support of higher education, than, there is to, do so right. Now. Notwithstanding, it seems, that this is not new. Consider. The words of our very first president in his, first message, to, Congress and I. Quote. There. Is nothing, which can better deserve, your patronage, than. Promotion, of science and literature. The. Acquisition, of knowledge George, Washington, continued, was. The surest basis. Of public happiness, and, essential. To the security of a free Constitution. That. My friends, was. George Washington's, statement, in. 1790. So. Fast forward to the class of 2018. As we. Extend our heartiest congratulations I. Sincerely. Hope the events of today will remain with you forever, both. As a wonderful memory of your time at Eastern but also as a constant, reminder of, the, need to keep learning. Just. Because you leave the University today with a diploma does, not mean your quest to acquire knowledge to. Better yourself, to. Expand your abilities, has, been certified, and, completed. On. The contrary, as the, name of our today's proceedings, said suggests. Commencement. This. Is where the real learning just begins. Now. Is the chance to see where that Eastern degree, can take you and, it's. A chance for you to show the world just how. Valuable, higher education, is to you and. To our society. George. Washington, Carver a hero, of mine called. Education. The. Key to unlock the, golden door of freedom. Consider. What this means to you in your own individual, circumstances. Your. Completed degree from Eastern Kentucky, University, signifies, yes. Freedom. From, blackboard, freedom. From any more coursework or study, groups or exams or, research papers, but. Much more importantly, it also signifies, this, the. Freedom to choose your own path, freedom. From ignorance and, misconceptions. And fake, news, freedom. To come to your own decisions, and draw, your own conclusions. Freedom. To pursue whatever, it is you would like to do and the. Freedom to do good and to, leave a positive mark, in whatever field, of endeavor you choose to follow, what. An incredibly, glorious, feeling this, is. So. As you leave Eastern I hope you never have felt more free in your entire life, the.

World Truly, is at your feet and you. Are limited only by your own expectations, and your, desire to work hard, and invest in yourself, and. We wish you the very very best and. Please. Finally. Remember, these words of the inimitable Dalai Lama who. Said, be. Kind whenever, possible and, it. Is always possible. Congratulations. And go Colonels thank, you very much. Thank. You president, Benson. Parents. Families. And friends, distinguished, guests, faculty, and, staff thank. You for joining us to celebrate with. Our graduates, this, milestone, in their lives, as. We open tonight's ceremony, I would like to recognize some, special individuals on, the platform. Craig. Turner border breach his chair from Lexington. Juan. Castro, region. From Lexington. Richard. A faculty. Region, from Richmond. Louis. Diaz Regent. From Covington. Laura. Jackson student. Regent from, Barbourville, Bryan. Makinen staff, Regent, from Richmond, Dana. Full of the president's counsel David. McFadden from, the president's counsel and Barry, pointer, from, the bressant president's, counsel. From. The College of Business and Technology we. Have understand, associate. Dean dr., Edie Davis and our, department, chairs from. The school of applied sciences. And technology dr., Tim Ross and captain. Chad Cassidy, standing. In for Lieutenant Colonel Daryl Robinson, and. From. The School of Business dr.. Wailings, Wong and dr.. Trish Isaac's, our. Mace bearer this evening, is dr. Matthew Winslow. Chair, of the Faculty, Senate and. A. Special. Thanks to mr. John strata from the Department of Communication, the. Voice from above and, commencement. Reader for, this evening please. Join me in greeting our special, guests and expressing, our appreciation for, their dedicated, service to. EKU, and, to higher education. Tonight. Come tonight we honor, 267. Bachelor's degrees. 29. Master's, degrees and 28. Associate, degrees for a total of 324. Degree, candidates. Before. We before, we move on there is one senior, from, the College of Business and Technology deserving. Special, recognition, the. 2018. CBT. Distinguished. Senior, Miss, Christina, Greer, Newton. Christina. Who graduated, in December is, unable to be with us in person this evening, she.

Earned Her bachelor's degree in horticulture. Landscape. And nursery summa. Laude and, she, has already begun her career in McDonough Georgia. Every. Year the college has five distinguished, seniors one, from each of our departments and programs are. Recognized. By the faculty. Recipients. Are chosen for superior, academic achievement, coupled, with excellent, leadership, citizenship. Character. And service, from. This group a single, individual, is selected, to represent the College of Business and Technology as. The, distinguished, senior to be recognized, at the EKU, scholars. Assembly, as well, as today's. Convocation. Ceremonies. Christina. Is highly, regarded by her peers and faculty alike, known. To be respectful. Talented. Energetic. And very determined to be successful, she. Earned a full-time, employment, offer from, her mas Miller scholarship, internship. Which. By, the way is, one incredibly, competitive scholarship. Program, let. Us acknowledge her, accomplishments. And selection, as this year's cbt. Distinguished, senior with a big round of applause. And, Christina. If you're watching on live feed. Congratulations. For a job well done as, a student, at EKU. This. Evenings, graduates, also include many who have achieved academic. Distinction, and we're, proud of all those who are graduating with honors but. I want to recognize at this time a few groups in particular if you. Would please hold your applause until everyone has, been recognized. What. All those who are graduating, this evening from the nationally, prominent honors. Program, as honors scholars, please, stand and remain standing. Honors. Scholars. Please say Thank You what. All those who are graduating, summa. Laude with, a 3.9. GPA, or higher please stand. And remain standing. With. The candidates, who are graduating, magna, laude with, a 3.72. 3.89. GPA. Please, stand and remain standing. With. The with. The candidates, who are graduating. Laude with a 3.52. A, 3.6. 9 GPA, also. Please stand and remain standing. Now. What. All those graduates. Who are members of ek use highest. Multidisciplinary. Honor Society, by. Kappa 5 also stand. Let. Us honor all, of these outstanding. Students. Scholars with a round of applause. Okay, you. May, be seated, thank, you congratulations, as, well to all others who are graduated, with honors this evening. For. More than a century Eastern, Kentucky University, has been known as a school of opportunity. And we. Will always be proud of that distinction, I'm. Particularly, to. Acknowledge, this evening, the many first-generation, college. Graduates, who are earning a degree. This. Means that neither their parents, or anyone in an earlier generation was. A college, graduate, will. All of the candidates, who, are first-generation, in. Their families, to earn a college degree please. Stand I. -. I. - I'm, a first-generation college, graduate. And I applaud, your, accomplishment. Thank, you you may be seated. Eastern. Kentucky University a strong family ties some. Of our graduates parents, and even grandparents. Are graduated, from EKU, will. All of our, multi-generational. Candidates, along with their alumni parents, and grandparents, please stand to be recognized. Multi-generational. Candidates. Parents. And grandparents. Thank, you. Maybe, seated, this. Is also the time that we recognize, the many others, who have contributed to, the success of, these candidates, with resources, with. Encouragement, like occasional. Cajoling, love. And understanding. Now. I ask the following, to stand as you, are recognized, and it, remain standing, so that we may welcome, and honor you as a group will. The parents of the, candidates, please, stand. Will. This well, espouses, of the. Aunt of the candidates, please stand.

Grandparents. Will the grandparents, please stand. Well. The children and, other. Family members of, the candidates, please stand and. Well. The faculty, and staff who have instructed, and served these candidates, please stand. Degree. Candidates. Degree. Candidates, join me in showing appreciation, for. These very important, people in your lives with, a generous, round of applause candidates, let's congratulate. Our College, our families. You. May be seated thank you. This. Spring a member of the graduating class, has. Been, selected. For the honor of presenting a, student, convocation, address. Tonight. That honor belongs to, Kelly Christine, Armour, from, Butler Kentucky. She. Is earning her bachelor's degree, in agriculture, education. Tonight. Words. Like unique. Gifted. And involved. Hardly, describe her, level of engagement in the EKU community, in, addition, to serving in multiple leadership, roles she's a member of the agricultural. On a society, Delta. Tau Alpha. Kellis. And EKU, agriculture. Ambassador. Representing. The university, to thousands, of potential students, at the National, FFA, convention. And, Kelly. Was on last spring's winning research team for the dr. Glenn Kline, capstone. Awards, a clean. Water research project, first, presented, at the Alltech innovation. Competition. Sharing. In Kelly's special, day are her mother and father Trish, and Jim Armour the. Armors, & hanrahan, alt. Both sets of grandparents, the armors and Hanrahan's. Her aunt and uncle Caryn, and Tom moly. And her, significant, other Luke Banfield, I know, that, they are all, proud, of Kelly as are, we it. Is my pleasure and privilege now, to introduce the students, be here for this evening's, convocation. Program Kelly. Christine, Armour. Thank. You Dean Erickson, president. Benson Dean, Erickson, faculty. Fellow, students, and guests, I would. Like to start out by saying I am honored, to be speaking to you today on. Behalf. Of my classmates and myself I would, like to take this opportunity to, thank, the faculty staff. And advisors here. At EKU. Especially. In the College of Business and, Technology and. Of. Course our families, that have helped us achieve our goals I would. Also like to personally, thank my. Mom and dad for. Family friends. And boyfriend, for. Their unwavering support. My. Wonderful professors, in the agriculture, department for, deepening my love of Agriculture every, day and last. But certainly not, least my, advisor dr. McDermott. For seeing the potential in me and pushing. Me to be a better student every, day. Reflecting. Upon my years at EKU, I, have realized I think of my college, experience as, a book, a book, I initially. Thought might, have been titled, four, years of failure or how, to ruin your future in just four short years. But. My book has turned out far better than I ever could have hoped let. Me take you through the book and share, some of the lessons I, have learned from its pages. The. Prologue was the campus visit and orientation. But, the real story begins with chapter, one freshman. Year. Just. As I'm sure many other first-time, students, struggled, to adjust to college life I, really. Struggled, to find myself my freshman, year, moving. Away from home, family. Friends, and pets is a huge, adjustment add to, that the difficulties, of becoming, too accustomed to a whole new way of studying and just. A whole new way of life, fear. Stopped me from living to my full potential during in a serious I failed.

Failing, Failing. My classes failing. To make friends, and failing, to achieve my, dreams as much. As I was in love with EKU I didn't, fully grasp all the opportunities. That EKU, offered, me. My lesson, from Chapter one don't. Let the fear hold, you back from chasing, your dreams. Chapter. Two or our, sophomore, year was met with new challenges. Classes. Got more exciting, and rigorous, as we moved on from our general education courses, to, classes that related to our major, after. Sitting in my dorm room for a year I finally, decided to get involved and see what EKU had, to offer me I started. An intramural, volleyball team, with my roommates join many different organizations, such. As Agriculture. Club and the, Kentucky Education. Association and, started. Attending different school events such as football games workout, classes and Department, events, while. I still felt the nagging pressure of failing those first steps out of my comfort zone were, the first steps in overcoming, my fears my, lesson. From Chapter two don't. Be afraid to step outside your comfort zone in order to live your life to the fullest you never know where your steps may lead you. Chapter. Three our junior, year the. Story began to take a more dramatic turn the, challenges, got tougher and the obstacles required, more effort in additions. To the changes happening, in my curriculum I had moved to an apartment off-campus which, was a big adjustment, however. College, became less, about what if I fail but, instead became how successful. Can I be this. Year was truly, the turret, turning point in my college career I became. The president of the AG Club and vice president, of kea I participated. In research projects. I became. An ambassador for, the Agriculture Department and had the opportunity, to travel to Indianapolis, and, numerous. High schools to promote EKU, and agriculture. My. Lesson from chapter 3 when. You're not afraid of failure you'll, be amazed at what you can accomplish. Chapter. 4 senior, year college. Became less about an extension of high school and more about the pathway, to adult, life and our future over. The past four years EKU, has truly became our home I learned. How to step out of my comfort zone and be who I truly am with. The training and mentoring I have received here at EKU and in the College of Business and Technology I am, ready to face the challenges, in a career in agriculture, education. Chapter. 4 has a great ending we're all here today to prove it my. Lesson from Chapter four don't. Be afraid to succeed in your career because we're about to do it, looking. Back I now realized, my book was never actually titled failing, was never an option however. My. Book is not finished I know my story will continue to evolve and the title may change many times, but. What I've learned at EKU is that there won't be any chapters. Or titles, or paragraphs. That contain the phrase I gave, up. JK. Rowling, one of my favorite authors said, in a graduation, speech in Harvard in 2008, don't, be afraid to fail it can lead to success, fear. Of failure held me back for many years of my life College, helped me discover Who I am what, I am passionate about and most, importantly, not to let the fear of failure hold you back we.

All Need to take miss Rowling's advice as we move on to, the next chapter of our books don't. Be afraid to take chances don't. Be afraid to fail don't. Be afraid to succeed, don't. Be afraid to start your own business, don't. Be afraid to love don't. Be afraid to be you, EKU. Has given us the tools to succeed in life and to author our own stories, of success, now. It's time to write the rest of our masterpiece, Congrats, to the class of 2018. Thank. You Kelly. The. Future is in great hands as, we graduate, young people, like Kelly no. Doubt about it. Our. Keynote speaker this evening is Miss Jerri L is Belle Geri, earned her BBA, in accounting, from EKU, she's. A publisher. Divided public accountant. She went on to earn her MBA Xavier. At Xavier University. Geri. Is an experienced, Human Resources finance. And accounting executive, and is, highly engaged, a highly. Engaged community. Leader during. Her remarkable, career, Geri accumulated, over ten years of experience as the vice president of, human resources Lexmark. International with. Significant, experience in and. A passion, for employee, development, and mentoring. Executive. Succession, planning, diversity. And inclusion. For. More than seven years she served as the u.s. controller, and vice president, of finance, for, their largest, division. Jarius. Serves on the National GM. Consortium. Board that's. Graduate. Education for. Minorities, and the, Nature Conservancy. Kentucky. Chapter board, she's. Been elected to the Board of Directors of at Corre international, in a serving on the Audit Committee and his chairperson. Of the Compensation, Committee. Gerry, has been elected to the board of directors of sight 1 landscape, supply where. She chairs the compensation. Committee and serves on the Governance Committee. You. Can see that her love of service, to the community runs, deep, she. Has also chaired, the Lexington, Chamber of Commerce board served. On the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Board, of Directors. Kentucky. Judicial. Compensation. Commission. Lexington. Catholic High School Board, of Directors, in finance. Council the, Catholic, Diocese, of Lexington finance. Council, and the, YMCA of. The bluegrass. Jerry, has three grown children and, two grandsons. And in, her spare time enjoys. Travel, hiking, and kayaking as, we. Welcome Jerry, to the podium I have one very exciting. Announcement, you're the first to hear this she. Will be inducted into this year's EKU, Hall. Of Distinguished, Alumni, please. Give a warm EKU. Welcome, to miss Jerry his Bell. Thank, You dr. Erickson for that introduction and. Congratulations. To the Eastern. Kentucky. University. College. Of Business and Technology class. Of 2018. It. Is an honor for, me to be here with you today and to share in this wonderful. Accomplishment. That, each of you have achieved. You. Have chosen well, in eastern, an accredited. Program that's. Giving you a wonderful. Foundation. Inspiring. Teachers. And, lifelong. Friends, I know. For, me that, Eastern, is each, of these, things and that my, degree from. Eastern is, the, underpinning. Of all, my success, as. I. Stand here before you today I think to myself, what. Can I say that. Will be impactful, or, even. Memorable. What. Can I say that, will make a difference, and. What. I think about is this at. The. End of your days your life, will have been what.

You Paid attention to. That. Sounds, so straightforward. Your. Life, will, have been what. You paid attention to. So. Let's talk about what, makes this hard to do and. Important. To do as. You. Go through life making your choices I, encourage. You to make active. Decisions, not passive, ones, be. Intentional. In your, choices and. Only. Say, yes, to, the things that you want to say yes to not. To the things you think you should do. So. How will these decisions. Manifest. Themselves in, your lives in. Your. Career. Choose. The jobs that, showcase, all of, your strengths, not, your weaknesses. Don't. Let, a boss, push. You, into a job that you, don't think you would enjoy this. Is your career, and you need to be driving, it what showcases, your best, assets, and puts, your best foot forward, if. You. Do volunteer, work or community, service say. Yes to, the organizations. That you admire, the, work that they do and that you will be around people you respect and. Finally. Choose. Your life partner, well, choose. Someone who, supports you, in all of your accomplishments and, cheers, you on every. Step of the way and is. A real, partner. In all, life's matters. So. Let's come back to the career discussion, because it's what's on each of your minds, today in. The. Early phases of your career you. Will be known for your technical, abilities, relying. On much of what you have learned here at Eastern, and as. You progress through. Your career you. Will be known for your EQ. Are your, emotional. Intelligence. How. Well do you work with others, do. You work well on a team. Do. You show, empathy, are, you. A good communicator. Or facilitator. Are. You, accepting, of, diverse. Cultures. And backgrounds. These. Are, the skills that will start setting you apart in a very positive, way. In your, professional. Career. I'm. Sure at times it is overwhelming. To think about all the, decisions, you have to make. And. As I look back on my own life I see, that I have centered. My, choices around, these five FS. Family. Friends. Finances. Fitness. And faith. And as. I've moved closer, to retirement, and, into. Retirement, I have. Added another F called fun, so. If. You make good choices every. Step of the way around, your family. Friends. Finances. Fitness. Faith, and fun. You, will. Have chosen, well and, when. You look back at the, summation. Of all of, your life you. Will be happy, with, what choices you made and you will be happy, with, what you paid, attention to.

This. Is a significant. Milestone in each of your lives one. That you should be very proud of and, very. Thankful, for. Congratulations. To each and every one of you and thank you. Thank. You so much mrs., Bell. President. Michael Benson and, Provost white house will, now proceed with the formal conferring, of degrees on. Our our graduates. Candidates. As your, degree is called please, stand and, remain standing until the final group is called. President. Benson Dean. Jerry forgot Nick will present, candidates, for graduate, degrees in the College of Business. And, Technology. Well. The candidates for master's degrees please stand, and remain standing. President. Benson these. Candidates, have been approved by the faculty and I present them to you for the conferring of their degrees. President. Benson Dean, Tom Erickson. Will present candidates, for undergraduate. Degrees. Will. The candidates, for the baccalaureate degrees. Please, stand and remain standing. Will. The. Bachelors. Degree candidates, please stand and, remain standing. Will. The candidates for the associate, degrees please, stand and, remain standing. President. Benson these, candidates, have been approved by the faculty and, I now present them, to you for the conferring of, their degrees. President. Benson with, the recommendation. Of the faculty, the deans, and I present, these candidates, to you for, the conferring of, their degrees. Candidates. The long anticipated hour, has come, you. Are here with family and loved ones looking, on the. Faculty and officers of the university are gathered in witness and testimony to. Your conduct, and purpose. Therefore. By virtue of the authority granted, me by the Board of Regents of. Eastern, Kentucky University and. With. The Faculty's recommendation. It. Is now my pleasure to confer upon each of you the appropriate degree. And do. Hereby vest each of you with the rights and privileges, pertaining, to. That degree, once. Verified by final, grades your diploma will be confirmed, and acknowledged. By the Great Seal of Eastern. Kentucky, University. Congratulations. Candidates. Please be seated. Tonight. The College of Business and Technology will. Celebrate the accomplishments. Of our master's, degree candidates, with our traditional, hooding. Dr.. Prakash Nick Dean, of the Graduate Studies and, research is with us tonight for, the formal hooding ceremony. Dr.. Prakash Nick we please come forward, and, while the honored, faculty marshals. Please cry, the master's. Degree candidates, to the stage. John. Strata will now read the names of the candidates. Out. Of respect for the graduates, especially those whose names are to be called next, I ask, that you remain seated and, hold your applause until all, graduates have been recognized, and the recessional, begins thank, you. Master. Of science, Peter. Thomas, Carew. Zachary. MacLean Anderson, Master. Of Science Construction. Management. Shelly. Westwood, Master, of Science Career. And Technical Education. Ashley. Paige Allen, master of science applied, engineering and, Technology, Management. Megan. Marie baker. Master. Of science applied, engineering and, technology. Management. Louise. Ortega, lanuza, Master. Of Science applied, engineering and, technology, management. Jeffrey. Alan Kearney, Master, of Science applied, engineering and, technology, management. Charles. Andrew Bailey master. Of public administration public. Administration. Master. Of Business Administration. Kristen. Nicole wilson, master. Of business administration accounting. Joshua. Michael a bend master. Of business administration accounting. Evan. Channing, Hackney, Master. Of Business Administration, in. Business, Administration. Corbin. Taylor Sergeant Master, of Business Administration, in. Business, Administration. Jenna marie castle, master, of business administration accounting. Tyler. Paul when master. Of business administration accounting. Robert, Lee gatun Master. Of Business Administration, in. Business, Administration. Ethan. Kent Lake Master. Of Business Administration. Business. Administration. You, Vita Kurniawan. Master. Of Business Administration. Business. Administration. Ameen. Khalil Barrios, Master. Of Business Administration. Business. Administration. Coons, ow Master. Of Business Administration. Business. Administration. Beforehand. Before. We yep. Like, make there we go before, we call our undergraduate, candidates to the stage we. Have a very special, presentation. Life. Can sometimes take. Us in unexpected. Directions I'm. Sure many of you here can relate to that, back. In. 1964.

Our, First undergraduate, candidate. Tonight, was, set to graduate when obstacles, prevented, him from reaching his, goal, the. True test of character is. How we react, in the face of the unexpected. It, can truly be said that this individual, has, well surpassed, the expectations, of an ordinary, person, he. Took what he had learned at EKU, and, started. His career in mortgage. Banking, after. Learning the ropes he formed his own financial group which today, arranges. Multi-million. Dollar commercial. Loans for, businesses, all over the US as well, as Central America. After. All these years and, a careful review of his academic record it, was quite apparent that. He had earned the honor of becoming an, EKU, alum, this. Evening, mr.. Walter, Leroy Davidson. Is earning, his Bachelor. Bachelor. Of Arts and general studies Roy. Will, you please come to the stage so the president Benson may present your, diploma. Did. You just say it's your birthday today. It. He's it's, Roy's birthday, he's 85, years young today. Congratulations. You. Can certainly say that we believe in lifelong learning at EKU no doubt about it, it. Is now time we'll, move on is now time to recognize the undergraduate, candidates, from the School of Applied Sciences, and Technology. And the School of Business will. Be honored faculty marshals, please guide the undergraduate, candidates, to the stage. Department. Chairs please, showing, me here at the podium as, your department is called, John. Strata, will now read the names of the candidates, and again, please hold your applause until everyone. Has been recognized. School. Of Applied Sciences. And Technology. Department. Of, agriculture. Interim, chair dr. Eadie Davis. Kelsey. Nicole Lainhart, Bachelor of Science, agriculture. Samantha, ray Randolph, Bachelor. Of Science, agricultural, pre-veterinary, magna. Laude. Elma. Nicole Fox bachelor, of science agriculture. Laude. Bethany. Daniel, McKinney, bachelor, of science agriculture. Laude. Danielle. K Milburn, bachelor, of science agriculture. Sean. Dori. Victoria. E tilman bachelor, of science agriculture. Mica. And Martino. Bachelor, of science agriculture. Pre-veterinary. Cody. Hill bowling, bachelor. Of science agriculture. Pre-veterinary. Samantha. Jo Terezin. Bachelor, of science horticulture. Austin. Tyler, Martin Bachelor, of Science, horticulture. Jacob, a Katzman. Bachelor. Of Science horticulture. Kendall. Edward Bowman, Bachelor, of Science, agriculture, horticulture. Allie. Christine, are more Bachelor. Of Science, Career, and Technical Education. Grant. C Hagerman, Bachelor, of Science, horticulture. Matthew. Lincoln, Hinkle, bachelor, of science agriculture. Laude. Department, of Applied Engineering, and Technology dr..

Tim Ross. Martin. Frame, weaver, associate. Of Applied Science Technology. Iris. Scott Callahan, associate. Of Applied Science Technology. Joshua. K Grove Bachelor, of Science, construction. Management. Laude honors, scholar. Logan. Wesley carpenter, Bachelor, of Science, construction. Management magna. Laude. Jacob. A Lawson, Bachelor, of Science, construction. Management. Stephen. William Cummins Bachelor. Of Science, construction. Management. Laude. Boone. Lane, bowling, Bachelor. Of Science construction. Management. Jamie. Cassidy, Lake Bachelor. Of Science, construction. Management. John. Joseph McEntee, the third Bachelor. Of Science, Construction. Management. Beth. Chemic, Green Bachelor. Of Arts paralegal, silence, magna. Laude. Christian. Alexander, Bachelor, of Arts paralegal. Silent, science. Kenan. Anthony, Mackenzie Glenn Bachelor, of Science. Aviation. Allison. Marie Adams, Bachelor, of Science, aviation. Laude. Bradley. Michael, Tyra Bachelor. Of Science. Aviation, summa, laude. Kenneth. Albert, Gaines Bachelor. Of Science, aviation. Clayton. William, ton of maker Bachelor. Of Science. Aviation, magna, laude. Hali. Joe Henning, Bachelor, of Science, aviation. Magna. Laude. Kaitlyn. Michaela Willis Bachelor. Of Science. Aviation. Allen. R Lowry, Bachelor. Of Science, aviation. McKay. Is no. Get to Mumbai Bachelor. Of Science. Aviation. Laude. Cold. Barret Farrar, Bachelor. Of Science, aviation, magna. Laude. Alexander. Ber, Willie Bachelor. Of Science, aviation. Laude. Robert. Chandler, Osborne Bachelor, of Science, Aviation. Henry. Thomas Manning, Bachelor, of Science, aviation. Brandon. Edward Peggy Bachelor. Of Science. Aviation. Michael. Gerald, leisure Bachelor, of Science Career, and Technical Education, magna. Laude. Jeff. Ellen McKinney Bachelor. Of Science, Career, and Technical Education magna. Laude. Erin. Gregory, hums Bachelor. Of Science, network, security and electronics. Daniel. Joseph Hubbs Bachelor. Of Science, network, security and electronics. Kenneth. Aaron Katyn Bachelor. Of Science, network, security and electronics, magna, laude. Amberlynn. Lunsford, Bachelor. Of Science, network security and electronics. Kyle. Alexander. Walters Bachelor. Of Science, network, security and electronics. Austin. Connor McQueen, Bachelor, of Science, network security and electronics, honors, scholar. Joshua. Paul Bakken, Bachelor. Of Science network, security and electronics. William. Matthew, Melo Bachelor. Of Science, network, security and electronics. Jeremy. Kyle Sutcliffe, Bachelor. Of Science, network security and electronics. Caleb. Wallace Bachelor. Of Science, network security, and electronics. Nikolas, Alexander. Graves Bachelor. Of Science, network, security and electronics. Braxton. Guy Moulton, Bachelor. Of Arts general, studies. Erin. Jean Smith Bachelor, of Science. Network security and electronics. John. Connor shoemaker, Bachelor. Of Science, applied, engineering management. Lucas. Elliott Williams Bachelor. Of Science, applied, engineering management. Stephen. Travis, Adams Bachelor, of Science, applied, engineering management. Okuma laude. Justin. Andrew Caleb's, Bachelor, of Science, applied, engineering management, magna. Laude. Seth. Aaron gear, Bachelor. Of Science, applied, engineering management. Samantha. Jew prints. Price. Bachelor. Of Science, paralegal. Science. Anthony. Frank Acosta, Bachelor. Of Science, network, security, and electronics. School. Of Business. Department. Of accounting, finance. And information, systems. Chair. Dr., Oliver Feltes associate. Chair dr., Patricia Isaac's. Trenton. Grant clay comb Bachelor, of Business Administration finance. Nicholas. II Wallace Bachelor, of business, administration finance. Honor scholar. Derek. Franklin, Stivers, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, finance. Daniel. Lee parks, Brian Bachelor. Of Business Administration, finance. Bethany. Rachel camper, Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Neil. Eugene, Bassett, Bachelor. Of business administration, finance. Benton. Thomas, Kirby Bachelor. Of Business Administration finance. Jacob. Michael, la horn Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Seth. Christopher, Morgan Bachelor. Of Science, risk management, and insurance. Niklas. Cortland, deportee, Bachelor. Of Business Administration risk. Management, and insurance. Chelsea. Carol Martin Bachelor. Of business, administration accounting. Katelyn. M McCune Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Michael. Dane literal, Bachelor. Of Business Administration computer. Information systems. Jeremy. Isaiah, Mead Bachelor. Of business, administration accounting. Laude. South.

Bassam, Algebra. II she Bachelor. Of Science, risk management, and insurance. Caleb. Benjamin, Bryant Bachelor. Of Business Administration, computer. Information systems. Shaun. Renee, Sellars Bachelor, of Business Administration computer. Information systems. Carryin. About grace Bachelor, of Science, risk, management, and insurance. Brandon. Michael, LaBelle Bachelor. Of business, administration accounting. John-michael. Covington. Bachelor, of Business Administration, computer. Information systems, magna. Laude. Matthew. Scott Doherty Bachelor. Business administration, accounting. Christopher. Gavin, Boggs Bachelor. Of Business Administration computer. Information systems. Derek. Brandon Nichols Bachelor, of Business, Administration, computer. Information systems. Gregory. Alan Tyler, Webster, Bachelor. Of Business, Administration, computer. Information systems. Steven. Alexander slunk, Bachelor. Of Arts general, studies. Christian. Steele Rogers, Bachelor. Of Business Administration computer. Information systems. Montu. Patel, Bachelor. Of Business Administration computer. Information systems. Peskow. Richard bartylla Bachelor. Of Arts general, studies. Aaron. Trent Schmidt Gulf Bachelor. Of Business Administration, finance. Magna, laude. Jared. Matthew brown Bachelor. Of business administration finance. Magna. Laude. Matthew. David Clarke Bachelor. Of business administration finance. Nicholas. Christopher, Kubala Bachelor. Of business, administration finance. Magna. Laude. Kelly. Marie bentley, bachelor of its business administration, risk. Management, and insurance and, financial planning. Chase. Gregory colt Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Finance. Summa, laude. Brandon. Paul gay Bachelor, of business, administration accounting. Magna. Laude. Collins. Stuart Hart Bachelor, of Science, risk management, and insurance. Garret. Matthew, Johnson Bachelor. Of Business Administration risk, management, and insurance. Samuel.

Aaron Markham, Bachelor. Of Business Administration risk. Management, and insurance. Kevin. Rafe Goins that's, their business administration. Finance. Andrew. James Taylor, Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Blake. Alexander. Masters, Sharon, bachelor. Business administration, accounting. Laude zachary. Reed. Lakes Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Finance. Philip, Scott Blackwell, Bachelor, of business administration finance. Hunter. Chase Hart Bachelor. Of business, administration accounting. Silas. Anderson, Kern Bachelor. Of Science risk management, and insurance magna. Laude. Second. Lieutenant Timothy. Michael White House Bachelor. Of business, administration accounting. Summa. Laude. Betsy. Taylor, Cote. Bachelor. Of business, administration accounting. Laude. Kate. Riel Alexandra. Auric. Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Joel. Murray garroting, Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Blake. Scott Simpson Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Richard. Alexander O'Neal, Bachelor. Of Business Administration finance. Risk management, and insurance. Hope. Lee profit, Bachelor. Of business administration accounting. Risk, management, insurance come, lo de. Cristal. Amber, Meadors Bachelor. Of business, administration accounting. Laude. Don. Michael Fugate, Bachelor. Of Science, risk management, and insurance. Cory. Joseph chance, Bachelor. Of business administration finance. Benjamin. Groves dent ik Bachelor. Of business, administration accounting. Magna. Laude. Adam. Douglas, Holmes Bachelor. Of Business Administration computer. Information systems. Honors. Scholar. Molly. Nicole Pingleton, Associate. Of Arts general. Studies with distinction. John. Aaron Wesley, Associate. Of Arts general, studies. Department. Of management. Marketing. And international. Business. Interim. Chair dr.. Wheeling's. Wong. Alex. Jared Gutowski. Bachelor. Of Business Administration, professional. Golf management. Bobby. C Adams the third Bachelor. Of Business Administration, professional. Golf management. Nathan. Keith Bratcher, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, professional. Golf management. Samson. Champion, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, professional. Golf management. Robert. Sawyer Wolfers. Bachelor. Of Business Administration professional.

Golf Management. Samuel. Mark Schmitz Bachelor. Of Business Administration, professional. Golf management. Michael. Armando. Cantwell, Bachelor. Of Business, Administration, professional. Golf management. Thomas. Chappell Pittman, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, professional. Golf management. Benjamin. Flynn Colley Bachelor. Of Business Administration, professional. Golf management. Mark. Price AG, Bachelor. Of Business Administration business. Ken. Julie Anne Frazier, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, professional. Golf management. Samantha, gene Salyer, Bachelor, Business, Administration. Business. Sydney. Katherine Z bold Bachelor. Of Business Administration business. Umlaut. A. Madison. Murray where, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, marketing. Kaylynn. Rene Prince Bachelor, of business administration marketing. Summa. Laude. Joanna. Cobbs later Bachelor. Of Business, Administration, global. Supply. Chain management. Laude. Austin. Connor Hill Bachelor. Of Business Administration, international. Business. Tomoko. Aoki, Bachelor. Of Arts general, studies. Sara. Elizabeth, Franklin, Bachelor. Of Business Administration. International. Business and management, magna. Laude honors. Scholar. Alexander. H Hammonds, Bachelor, of Business Administration business. Theresa. L Smith, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, global. Supply, chain management magna. Laude. Charles. Leighton Kyle Hatfield, Bachelor. Of Business, Administration management. Brendan, Christopher, loves Bachelor. Of Business, Administration business. Daniel. Chase Hale Bachelor. Of Business Administration management. Daniel. Travis, Bevins Bachelor. Of Business Administration, finance. Management, magna. Laude honors, scholar. Doulton. Trent Stanley, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, global. Supply chain management finance. Summa, laude honors. Scholar. Donald. Edgar Johnson, the third associate. Of arts general. Studies. Matthew. Jeremiah, Douglas, Bachelor, of Business Administration human. Resource management. Carrington. O'Neill Conley, Bachelor, of Business Administration management. Christopher. David, korzenowski. Bachelor. Of Business Administration management. Shane. Terrell, Ellen Bachelor. Of Business Administration, Marketing. Sierra. League Clark Bachelor, of Business Administration, marketing. Jenna. And nicole sure Bachelor. Business Administration, marketing. Chelsea. Marie Cox, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, marketing. Laude. Porcia. Nicole. Gaspard'. Bachelor, of Business Administration, marketing. Logan. Tyler Smith Bachelor, of Business Administration management. Laude. Curtin. The an Runyan Bachelor. Of Business Administration human. Resource management. Natalie. Jane lecompt, Bachelor. Business Administration, human, resource, management. Alexandria. Katherine, noonim Bachelor. Of business, administration marketing. Jalen. Vaughan rice Bachelor, of Business Administration, marketing. Laude. Jason. Sterling Scott the second Bachelor, business administration, marketing. Militias. Sean AG. Francis, bachelor. Business, administration, marketing. Kendall. Nicole and, Bachelor. Of business administration marketing. Tyler. Lee Bryant, bachelor business administration marketing. Jalen. Kay Cooper Bachelor, of Business Administration marketing. Clinton. Alan Carter Bachelor. Of Business Administration, marketing. Blake. Cahill, higden Bachelor. Of business administration marketing. Nathaniel. William HECO Bachelor. Of business administration marketing. Joseph. Blake Henderson Bachelor. Business administration marketing. Matthew. Todd / now that's, their business administration. Marketing. Tyler. Allen, galore, that's their business administration. Business. Megan. Paige Smith, Bachelor. Of Business Administration marketing.

Christina. Chase Fane Bachelor. Of Business Administration human. Resource management. Kayo, Michael, Rogers Bachelor. Of Business Administration management. Ashley. Michelle Carnell, Bachelor. Of Business, Administration management. Kaitlyn. Brook Murphy Bachelor. Of Business Administration human. Resource management. Heather. Joy Bookman, Bachelor. Of Business Administration management. Alexander. Jackson Dodd, Bachelor. Business, Administration, business. Landen. Clay new bachelor, of science business, marketing, and education teaching. Magna. Laude. Darrin. Reid Miller Bachelor. Of Business Administration, business. Rebecca. Cheyenne, Hedges Bachelor. Of Business Administration business. Lexi. Elizabeth, Parks Bachelor. Of Business Administration business. Honors, Scholar. Nancy. Lee Ellen, Holtz Bachelor, of Arts general, studies. Autumn. Paige Pruett Bachelor. Of Business Administration, marketing. Laura. Katherine Burgess, Bachelor. Of Business Administration. Marketing. Victoria. Jade Bennett Bachelor, of Business Administration, marketing. And. Helices. Jean Graham, Bachelor. Of Business Administration, international. Business honors, scholar. Lindsey. Brook barber Bachelor. Of Business, Administration business. Joann. Dewayne, Bachelor. Of Business Administration. International. Business. Timothy. Joseph, lumber --ax Bachelor, Business Administration. Business, magna. Laude. Nicholas. James Perry the second Bachelor. Of Business Administration global. Supply, chain management. Connor. Jimmy, Hill Bachelor. Of Business Administration, global. Supply chain management. Alex. Wayne Griffin, Bachelor. Of Business, Administration global. Supply chain management. Mark. Don't Saylor Bachelor. Of Business Administration global. Supply chain management. Cody. Michael, send the cheque Bachelor. Of Business Administration business. Global, supply chain management. Alina. M Rodriguez, Bachelor. Of Arts general, studies magna. Laude. Ladies. And gentlemen how about one more big round of applause for SR. John Stroud and all those names well, done professor. Graduates. The moment for which you have worked so long and so hard is, now in hand if, you have not already done so please, move. The tassels, from the right to. The left. Congratulations. If. I could please have the family, of, our OTC, cadet Timothy, Michael white house please stand. The. Family. Captain. Chad Cassidy, will now issue the military oath of office to. Army. ROTC cadet, Timothy, Michael white house. Raise, your right hand. I state. Your name. Do. Solemnly swear that. I. Will support and defend the Constitution, of the United States. Against. All enemies foreign and domestic. That. I. Will bear true faith and allegiance, to the same that. I. Take this obligation freely. Without. Any mental reservation or. Purpose. Of, evasion and. That. I will well and faithfully discharge. The. Duties of the office on. Which. I'm about to enter. So. Help me God. Congratulations. Congratulations. To lieutenant, Whitehouse. Now. With, all our veterans, please stand and, remain, standing so that we may recognize your, service, all, veterans, of all, branches. Please stand and remain standing. On, behalf of a grateful University, we thank you for your service thank you very much. Alumni. Are so very important, in the life of a university and. We. Are. Blessed at Eastern, to have the loyal support, of more than. 135,000. Alumni. Here. To represent the international Alumni, Association. Is their vice president, mr. Bob Sullivan who. Will now offer greetings, to our newest alumni. This. Evening graduates, you're joining a very special, group of individuals. Men, and women, from all over the world who have brought great honor to this institution, by, distinguishing. Themselves in, their careers, and in their communities, in. Your time here at EKU I hope that in addition. To your academics. That you have learned the importance, of service is, my hope that you go into your communities, and into the workforce that you'll give back with access service and that. When you're settled into your careers you are considered giving of your time talent. And treasure to, your Eastern Kentucky, University, but. Being a graduate of this institution it. Gives me great pride and I'm always certain about the campus beautiful, I hope, that you will find the opportunities. To share with others about your experiences. Here, now. Spring 2018 graduates. Would you please stand. Thank. You my. Virtue of the degree conferred, upon you by the faculty, in the Board of Regents of Eastern Kentucky, University I hereby, declare, you to be members of the Eastern Kentucky University. International. Alumni, association. With, all the rights and privileges of. Membership. Congratulations. And welcome you, may be seated.

Just. Let me say Jean Dirksen, that, you always said the best family, reunions, that's who we are his, family, I'm so, proud to be graduates, this is a huge day in your life and had, to have your family and friends here makes this truly a grand, reunion come. Back and see us often go, Colonels, Thank. You Dean Eric's. Graduates. I certainly, extend to each of you my congratulations and. Those, are my colleagues. You. Depart this university, with our very best wishes and, most sincere regard. You. Leave EKU a better, place because of your service, and your achievements your, diploma. Is more, than just a piece of paper it. Is your ticket into the world of educated, persons, and an, invitation to join for. Life the. Eastern Kentucky University, family. From. This time forward the name the, traditions, the influence, of this university. Are freely, yours, just. As your achievements. Your successes. Indeed. The tenor of your life will, reflect forever, on EKU, to, the, class of 2018. You. Represent, an incredibly. Small, portion. Of the world's population as. College. Graduates, you. Have been granted an amazing. Opportunity to. Acquire knowledge and, experience, what. You do with. This knowledge and, your education. Is the ultimate, barometer, and. The state and will be the standard, by which your, life is, judged. So. At the conclusion, of tonight's tonight's, ceremony, I would like for. Each of you to, find your mom or dad or another family member or, friend give. Them a hug of appreciation. And let, them know how pleased, you are with. How much they've learned while. You've been away at, Eastern Kentucky University. Moms. And dads these. Students, are really great send. Us lots more just, like them because, we want them here to, become Colonels. Again. As we can close this evening ceremony, do join us for the after-party right next door and the Fred darling gym right, behind here, on the second floor we're. Pleased to share with you our very own ice cream kind, of Arc tradition, biz, tech blast this is the College of Business and Technology so. We have a special, flavor that, was developed, specifically, for our college, by med scoops right, here in Richmond, this. Tech blast is made from milk produced at EKU, Meadowbrook, farm it's. Chocolate, berry truffle, and of, course it's maroon, once. You've tasted fizz tech blast you will bleed maroon and white the rest of your life believe me, in. Addition, should. You start your career in Chicago Atlanta. Nashville or, elsewhere, and you get a little homesick for EKU in Richmond you'll, be able to get a little taste of Eastern chip to you our, supply chain management students, have been working to develop the processes, and procedures to, ship this tech blast to, homesick, CBT alums throughout the nation. Again. Please. Join us for the after party to visit with family, and friends and, faculty and, staff to. Add to the fund Kentucky, Pro DJ Jason henagar, will be providing, a bit of party music and don't, worry about the calories, extra. Sugar, in tonight's treats. Or. The extra sugar in tonight's trees sugar, free options, are available for.

You. Okay as the, recession begins, please, remain, standing, until the platform party, has left the arena floor now. For, one last time, let. Us recognize. What, the hearty round of applause Eastern. Kentucky University's. Newest. Graduates, and newest car. You.

2018-05-31 10:00

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