Dynamics 365 for Retail | Business Applications Spring 2018 Release

Dynamics 365 for Retail | Business Applications Spring 2018 Release

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Welcome. Thanks, for joining us for this deep dive look at Dynamics 365, for retail we, are excited to share with you what we see happening, in the retail landscape now, Microsoft is helping retailers, meet the extraordinary. Challenges, and opportunities. Facing them today and then, we'll show you some of the advanced capabilities and benefits you'll find in the Dynamics, 365. For retail solution. Pressures. On retailers are growing first. Of course we're seeing an unbelievable. Transformation, in the retail space right now businesses. Are needing to redefine, in some, cases completely overhaul. Their strategies, to deliver solutions that, cover the end-to-end, aspects, of omni-channel commerce and, smart logistics, and meet, the growing demands of consumers who, want compelling, consistent. Personalized. Experiences. We know you're facing multiple pressures, to evolve existing, business models you're, operating in a global, marketplace that's characterized, by disruptive. Technological. Innovations, and fierce competition for, wallet share and all, the while you're facing a number of challenges and, disruptions, retail. Employers, must, accommodate, a diverse, workforce with easy-to-use tools, and development, opportunities but. At the same time we must attract, Millennials, with mobile social and cloud technologies. You, know Millennials represent, over 25, percent of the population, and they're an enormous, opportunity, in retail and although, they're the first generation born, into a truly, digital society where, online sales now dominate, interestingly. Millennials. Spend most of their retail dollars, at brick-and-mortar, stores, many. Retailers face, inventory, optimization challenges. Such as high inventory, storage costs, inability. To fill orders on time significant. Margin loss and markdowns, in efficient. Fulfillment, processes, and no, visibility, in the inventory, levels across channels they're. Using a variety of, tools to address these challenges but because, the tools aren't integrated with supply chain or ERP these, retailers, are missing, out on agility, and information. Visibility, so they're operating, at a competitive, disadvantage, many. Consumer, goods companies are finding new revenue streams by attempting to create brand loyalty, through, a personal, relationship, with consumers, rather than relying on the traditional, retail channel the. Critical challenge, for these brands, to create the right engagement. Experience for consumers at scale, and then, to harness the signals from that engagement to learn improve, and optimize. Millennials. Are interested, in experiential. Environments. And choice and they show less loyalty than any previous, generation they. Want to feel valued as customers, their, feedback for good or ill is posted, swiftly, on brands, or third-party social, networks so, how will retailers, keep these inconstant. Customers, engaged, and feeling positive about their brands we, really need to nail that experience, to maximize, lifetime. Customer, engagement, and value, today's. Consumer, has information, at their fingertips 24/7. 365. The, empowered, consumer, can try buy and return at will and does, and can change brands and choices, when where and however she likes for. Retailers, the message is clear give consumers what they want when, they want it or risk, losing them and today's, retailers, must integrate a range, of touch points such. As the store online, mobile, catalog. Social, sites into. A seamless shopping, experience. Increasingly. A retailer, success, is directly tied, to their ability to provide relevant, accurate product. Information across, all these channels and to, manage that data efficiently, with unified, inventory, and supply chain logistics and. Analytics. And. Microsoft. We're constantly, looking at ways we can remove the complexity, connected, to these challenges, we. Understand, that you need tools to help your business thrive in, this fast-paced, industry, as well, as the technology to, stay at the cutting edge as you work to deliver best, products, and customer, experiences, possible, so.

Success. In this environment requires a new approach that's, a lot to manage talk. About a need for digital transformation. Well, Microsoft, we're committed, to enabling that journey for our customers, we, help retailers deliver, exceptional, retail, experiences, that elevate, their brand by offering seamless, shopping experiences, through unified, digital, in-store. And back office operations we, do this in three ways first. By optimizing. Retail operations, with a trusted, secure, platform that, enables data-driven. Business, in and provides, a foundation to better manage inventory orders, and fulfillment, second. By, empowering employees, to, provide outstanding service, at every, point along the buyer journey with, role optimized, solutions, and integrated. Data that deliver the guidance necessary, to accomplish these key business goals a third, by, creating a personalized, retail, experience, that, elevates their brand and ignites, buying behavior, using immersive. Technology, that seamlessly, engages, customers, at every touchpoint and that's. Why we created Dynamics, 365. For retail a true, end-to-end, retail, solution, delivering. Unified, commerce across, all channels and, encompassing, sales, mobility. Analytics. Productivity. And enabling. Retailers. And workers, to do and achieve more in a mobile-first, cloud-first way. Now. I'll turn things over to Mohammed Alam who's going to share details on Microsoft's, vision and approach to these challenges, and complexities, and illustrate. How we deliver, capabilities. Technologies. And solutions that. Drive intelligent. Retail. Thank, you Bill I'm excited here to talk to you about our dynamic, 365, for retail offering, with. Our retail offering we believe we've got something that's extremely unique and high value, for our customers in the market what. Dynamics 365, for retail one, of the things we offer is a completely, integrated, end-to-end, offering. End-to-end in the sense that you actually get a very, robust, set of capabilities both, for your front office your, retail back office as well as you get natively integrated, capabilities. With supply chain management warehouse, management so you can actually manage your, full value chain within. A single application as, opposed to having to integrate to multiple applications. Outside. Of the end-to-end offering, we also, offer, centralized. Management within, the retail, headquarters. Capabilities, where you can define your configurations. Your master data and. Your and. Your configurations. In a, centralized. Way and really expose, that to all the channels that you service as a retailer, as well as make them available for other applications to, consume, so you have a single management experience, as opposed to having to either duplicate, the data or have to manage it in multiple places our.

Dynamics. 365, for retail offering also offers, modern store, and omni-channel, capabilities. Omni-channel. Capabilities. In the sense that you get an out-of-the-box, call center channel. You get obviously multiple, options, from a POS perspective. Be it our modern POS or our cloud, POS, option which will kind of look at a little bit later as, well as to our commerce runtime, integration. Capability, you, can bring, in as many additional channels, as you like but still connected to the same retail. Set of configurations, and data that, powers your channels, within, the Dynamics 365, for retail, solution, the, retail solution we as Microsoft. Also offer multiple deployment. Options so you, as a customer can choose what makes sense for you we obviously have a very valuable cloud offering, we. Also announced earlier this year that we will be providing an on-prem, offering, for our Dynamics 365, for retail solution that will come later this year but beyond, that for customers that actually want to have a cloud experience, for retail but worried about the, connectivity, at the store at least the reliance, on the connectivity, of the store in case it goes down we, actually also offer very robust, offline POS, offline capabilities. Such that in, case you have a disconnected, experience, or a connectivity challenge, at the store your, store can continue to offer it and when the connectivity, comes back up you, can kind of sink in the transactions, with, the cloud solution these. Three offerings, we believe from a Microsoft perspective, also makes the dynamic 365. For retail solution, very, unique in the marketplace the. The final thing from a value. Proposition, perspective. That we, are really excited about in Dynamics 365, for retail is we, provide a solution a cloud solution as well as an on-prem later on that's. Managed by Microsoft. However, we're still maintaining the ability and the capability for, you as a customer to be able to kind of customize it and extend it and make it personal to fit your business needs in, a manner that still allows you to consume the updates, and the innovations, that we're providing from Microsoft, without. Having to conflict, with any extensions, that you've done so essentially, being, able to stay current and updated, while, making, the application specific, to your business processes. And your business needs so while we spend a lot of time I'm thinking about how do we make this retail offering unique from a product perspective to our customers, we've, spent an equal amount of time thinking through the challenges. That retailers, face in deploying, a new solution because it's not necessarily, either, a low cost low. Duration or easy, effort, for retailers to go through to change out their application, some of the typical challenges that retailers face is long, implementation.

Cycles, In some, cases needing, to change out whole sort, of sets of application, at the same time as opposed to having to kind of do it at a pace that makes sense for. Your business and in some cases either, needing, to integrate it to multiple applications, or needing to integrate it to applications, that necessarily. Don't really, work well together from. An integration standpoint, or from a compatibility, perspective. We've, also solved for I talked about it a little bit earlier the, ability, and the flexibility, the challenges that customers. Face is they while, they can get the solution and the application, from, a SAS provider or from a business application provider typically. There's still an extra last mile that you need to kind of go through to make that application fit. To your business and unique needs and that requires, in most, cases significant, amount of customizations. That you as a customer then need to maintain and continue to. If you want to continue to take on innovations, that the provider that the software provider of the SAS solution provider is. Providing, you, in this solution so, we've kind of spent a lot of time thinking about how we address those implementation. Challenges as well with Dynamics 365, for retail where, we do have a, simple, out of the box just Dynamics, 365, for retail offering, with. A level of pre configuration, that allows you to really get going in your retail operation, specifically, as, quickly and as, seamlessly, as possible, that, of course alongside the second aspect which allows you to then expand. From there and onboard, additional business processes, such as warehouse, management, and supply chain management if you want to then move the rest of the organization. On to the same set of business applications that we provide from. A dynamics 365, perspective, we've, also spent a lot. Of time thinking about. In. A in, a practical. World you're, always going, to have systems that need to integrate to other applications, in your landscape, so, we've invested heavily in our Dynamics 365, for retail and dynamics 365 for finance and operations and essentially all of our dynamics 365, applications. Allowing, you a level of integration flexibility. To a lot of other applications that you may have on pram, or online, in your IT landscape. So that is something you'll, get natively as, part of the product as well outside. Of that as we kind of step into how do you kind of cover that last mile from an application perspective and, make it truly, unique, and fit to your business needs we. Allow a lot of configurability. In the application. So. You can kind of make, the application yours. Without actually, having to write a thing write a single line of code with things such, as visual. Configuration. Profiles that allows you to adjust the layout and the landscape, of what the POS, looks like and then, assign, it to a group of users as well as. Configuration. Profiles, that essentially, allows you to define a set of configurations, and then assign it to a group of users hence. Gonna have that flexibility, without having a hardwired or write code to create. That level of specificity for, the needs of your business and then of, course all of that on top of the the, ceiling, and the extensibility, we talked about on the on the previous, slide.

As Well in which. We've kind of sealed the application, that we provide from Microsoft perspective such that we. Can keep it updated and current for. You so you can take advantage of the investments, we're continually, making in retail while, still adding extensions. On top of it to make the application yours. Or fit your need and. Kind of have the best of both worlds from a really. Efficient. Total cost of ownership perspective. So, with that what. We're gonna walk through today is some of the investments, were making in Dynamics. 365, for retail, in the spring release and I'm gonna have Anil who's, one of our principal. Program managers and retail come up and walk you through some, of the, demos. In the application, of the of the capabilities, we talked about well, start the journey looking at the unified, commerce, capabilities, which essentially, was, the omni-channel, set, of capabilities we talked about where we enable, you to be able to buy online, returned, in the, store or being able to kind of pick pack and ship across, different, stores so kind of giving you that flexibility, at a store level from, there we'll move on and look at modern. Story experiences, modern POS and then, move on to what we're calling optimized, operations, that essentially, allows you to, be able to kind of make the application yours. In an extensible, in a safe manner allowing. You to still optimize your operations, to your needs while keeping the application, current now, we're gonna move on to the Show and Tell section, of the demo where I'm gonna invite Bill back, onto the stage along with Anil, first show them who's our principal, program manager to actually walk you through some, of the capabilities we talked about in the application, we're, gonna start this journey at the unified Commerce table where you essentially see, the. Ability, from a consumer, app perspective. To be able to kind of transact, with the same set of products, and transactions. And then look at how you how, we enable scenarios, like buy online and pick up at store from. There we're gonna move to the modern store experiences, where and the modern store experiences, will show you our point-of-sale, system and how you can do pick pack and ship and fulfillment across stores at. That point we're gonna ship back on to from front office to the back office and in the back office I'd will show you how we do a fective, merchandising. In the sense we'll. Walk you through a scenario where you can set up discounts, and pry in promotions, and then make that available across, channels for. The channels to consume off of the same centralized, management and. From there we'll look at optimize operations essentially. Showing, you a scenario where you can make this application specific, to your business needs via extensions, while still, preserving and, maintaining, the, core, application, that we provide from a Microsoft perspective, so you can stay current on the innovations, and the enhancements, we're providing while.

Still Having the capabilities, that are unique to you as a customer with, that I'll invite Bill onto the stage to really do the setup for the for, the unified commerce scenario. Joining. Us now is a new Buddhist item from our retail, R&D, team who's gonna walk us through a deep dive of dynamics, 365, for retail now. Anil when I think about intelligent. Retail the first thing that comes to mind is unified, commerce so can you start by taking, us through how, we. Enable unified, commerce, within our solution Shirley, bill so. What we have over here is the that. Can actually be leveraged. By retail list and brand it and claim it based upon the requirement, and have it published to the public store like the Apple store of the Android store and have, that consumers, download, it and basically use it in their interaction, with the retailer in this, scenario over here we have got Adriana who has the app downloaded, onto her device and then, she can use the app to basically browse, and kind, of look at the products that's available from the retailer, now as Adriana is looking at the products in, in the in the using the consumer, app she, basically finds that there are specific recommendations. For her based, upon her past purchases as, well as what's available on a wish list now, she can basically navigate, through, the entire category of products similar to what the online experience would be if she were to go to the online website, using. The app she can have all those experiences. Over. Here as well now in this example over here ADNI is browsing through the products and she's looking at the woman's per category of products and as she is looking at the woman's per category of products she finds certain dresses out there which basically she's. Interested, in but she is not very sure about making, the purchase right now so, she basically finds, the details of the products in terms of pricing in terms of the attributes of the product and because, she's not so sure about making, the purchase right now without touching and filling the product she, decides to add the product to her wish, list by, adding it to her favorites, when. She does that the product gets added to a wish list similar, to a wish list there can be additional lists maintained in the app like for example the registries or any other shopping list that she needs to maintain over here now. Once. She adds the product to the wish list she can basically navigate to her wish list and she can basically see, all the products that she has chosen as a part of the wish list now. When. Adriana comes into the store she, basically gets notified about promotions. That for, the products that's available in her wish list. Very specifically, what you can see is the, retailer has actually given her deducted promotions, based upon the items in the wish list so that just, because the, customer has got a products in the wish list the retailer does not want to lose the sale and because, of which they can basically send a directed promotion, to a specific, customer based.

Upon What's available in the wish list now, when Adriana, opens, up the promotion, that's been directed for her she, can see that there's a good offer or a good promotion being defined by the retailer and then she decides to say that yep I would like to make this purchase and then she clicks on the request assistance part of it which, basically would intimate a store associate, to basically help her in making, the purchase and then have her check out the transaction, so that was really cool and you know that's that's kind of where the magic happens right where we, have all of that data from across all the different channels so we can as a retailer basically, do a targeted. Promotion, to an audience segment of one and we, know more than Adriana did she might have even forgot that she had put that item in her wish list but, we're gonna target her and pick, up a sale that we might otherwise have lost that's awesome, great so, as you ask you as we saw earlier when the ad and I walked into the store she, got a directed promotion, and then she requested assistance in buying the merchandise, now, a sales associate would come up to Adriana, and then basically look up the customer profile so, they. Would basically look up Adriana as a customer, and. As. They're looking at the customer profile they can basically have additional, insights about the customer in terms of the profile information in, terms of the loyalty cards in terms of the recent purchases, the wish list as. Well as recommended, products, now, since, Adriana, expressed, an interest to buy the floral white dress the, sales associate can actually look at the product is in the wish list that she has created and then, he can help basically talk. To a Deanna about the product in terms of the product attributes and other details including. The pricing information and, then, Adriana, can have a can, make a much informed decision into whether, she wants to buy this product or not in this scenario Adriana, decides to buy the product, and then the sales associate, basically, helps sale Deanna make the right choice in terms of the size color, and style for her choice and then, the sales associate can basically add the product to the to the transaction. Now. As they are DNA's in the store she is interested, in buying additional products, that she finds in the store the sales, Sheetz can basically provide. The, same experience that's, available in online in terms of browsing the different product categories and, then helping Indiana choose the right product, so Indiana expressed, an interest in a specific code that she saw in the store so, the sales associate, can actually bring up the product, that Adriana was interested, in in this case it was a vole button-up coat so, the sales associate can bring up the product details and talk to the product talk to the customer in terms of all the different product attributes, and specifications, for the specific product now, before the, sales associate can commit to making, the sale to the to the to the to Adriana he, wants to ensure that there is a there is enough inventory available, in the store to make that sale so, the sales associate can basically look, up the available. Inventory and as, you can see over here this. View basically presents, a multi-dimensional, view in terms of the different dimensions.

The Product is available in in terms of size color and style so Adriana, is interested, in the brown regular, color. And style and is looking for a medium size and as you can see over here there's. Not enough merchandise, in fact there is ZERO merchandise, in the store so Adriana, cannot be sold, that product right away but. What, can lose that sale not really no so, what can actually happen over here is the sales associate, can basically, book. A transaction, as a as a customer order in the system so that this particular merchandise, can either be available, to be shipped to Adriana. To, a specific, address, or it, can even be available for Adrian out to be to pick it up from a different retail store so, in this case. Adriana, is interested, in in picking this merchandise in a different store so the sales associate can say yes pickup in a store and for, which I would create a customer order and then, she's gonna specify a pickup date in terms of when she wants to go in and pick up the product and then, she picks up the product she. Picks up a date bough on which she wants to receive the product and the product is added to the transaction, now, similar, to how we basically have, experiences, in terms of browsing products, the same online experience, we also have an experience over here that will basically help, Adriana compare, different products and then make the right choice, so, I say Deanna walked into the store she was also interested, in buying some shirts for for her for her family and then, but this particular store doesn't have the merchandise, so, then store associate can basically look at merchandise, it's available across, the organization, and not just in the retail store and still, make that sale to the - - Adriana even though that specific product may, not be available in the store so. The. Sales associate can basically you. Know navigate to changing, the catalog that he is looking at and then basically choose products. From all catalogs, across all the different stores and then, help, Adriana, make the choice in terms of what she is wanting to buy now, in this example over here because, your DNA was interested in dress shirts the. Sales associate can bring up the all the different available, dress shirts that that we have in the organization and, then, basically, have, an experience, whereby we can actually do a side-by-side comparison. Of the product and then, helping, Adriana make the right choice but talking to her about the different attributes of the products in a side-by-side fashion. And so, that she can make the right choice in terms of the sale so, adriana is interested, in the regular fit dress, shirt so, she can add that product, to the transaction, so she as we add the product to the transaction, we, can also make selection in terms of the size the. Style. As well as the color if it's applicable and as you can see all those products, have been basically added to Adriana, Scott and then she is ready for checkout so. The, sales associate, before checking out the customer, would add Adriana. As a customer to the transaction. So. The card basically has the, customer, profile on the cart and this, transaction is now ready to be checked out and as. You can see that there. Are different fulfillment, methods as a customer carrier does a pickup from Houston and then, this particular product Indiana. Wants it to be shipped to her brother in a different City so, the sales associate can select this particular product and say, ship selected, and then, choose what is the shipping method choose. A shipping method and if applicable specify, a shipping charge in this case it's a free of cost shipping charge so I'm not going to specify a shipping charge in there and then, by what date Adriana expects this product to be shipped to her brother and then, she chooses a date over here and then, this particular line, is being packed for shipped to a particular, delivery, address. Now the transaction. Is ready for checkout and. As you can see we have products, in over here that has got different fulfillment. Methods or delivery, methods and as, you can see over here, the amount that we show over here is not really the complete value of the merchandise now. That again is a business rule that can be configured to say how much deposit needs to be put in should be put in by the customer, before you can actually accept. An order from a customer in my scenario over here I have got 10% deposit being set up so Adriana basically has to pay 10% deposit, before, this order can be set to a confirm status so, Indiana decides to pay for the deposit using.

The Cash payment method and she's, gonna pay for the deposit only and she's not gonna pay for the remaining merchandise, she's gonna pay it only when it's being shipped or when it's being picked up in a different store so, she's gonna pay for the deposit using the cash payment method and she's gonna pay the complete amount and then, the saintil so she can basically collect, the cash and then have, a Rihanna check out the. Transaction, fantastic. I mean that there's so much flexibility, happening, here and what, I love the most is is the. Cart that we're looking at we, couldn't have had this many items in the cart without that you know inventory. Matrix, that kind of look up and and really the concept, of endless, aisles, right we created a virtual store within our brick-and-mortar store, we weren't constrained, by the square footage available to us in terms of the merchandise, we could sell to Adriana that's right yeah great yeah and once, the order is being is been placed in the store now, the, store associates, in different stores wherever the order has been placed we will get intimated, will get notified in terms of certain orders being available in the stores for the purposes of fulfillment, so they would get notified about it and they, would be able to look at the notification, and see what orders they need to process in a given day and accordingly, have. The order ready so that when the customer comes in the, order is ready for, pickup or if the order needs to be shipped basically, have the order in ready in such a way that when the shipper comes over to pick, up the merchandise the. Whole package is ready to be shipped out and as you can see over here I have got this notification pop up over here as. You click on the notification, you would basically see there are different you, know actions, for the store there are a few orders that needs to be picked up for customers that are that are going to come to the store for pickup there are few orders that needs to be shipped to the customers, delivery, address so, in this example I will look at all the orders that needs to be picked up to to meet different customer needs and as, you can see over here at all these different orders and order lines are basically you. Know are available for a customer to walk in and pick up so, let's say this particular customer is in this case over here this particular customer a Karen, Berg is coming in to pick up a particular merchandise, so, the, sales associate, can basically select, that particular product and say, I will have it picked up and I will do all my picking process to have it ready for Karen. Berg to come in and pick up the particular product so when Karen Berg comes in basically, the order is available for pickup and the store associate can basically hit, the pickup button over here and the product would get added to the cart and then Karen Berg can actually you. Know kind of pay for the remaining amount that's due on the order and then carry the product with him so, in this case there's, a balance of $40, or dollars, that Karen Berg has to pay to pick up the product that's been available for pickup and then she pasted that using the cash payment method and then, the transaction is kind of committed. So. The next thing I would think about as a retailer, would be merchandise. Management now. You know we've got a robust, set of capabilities. In the product for product, price and promotion management, so can you take us through some of those sure so. What, you're looking at is basically the, retail HQ now, the retail HQ is a component from where basically you maintain all aspects, of the retail solution, in, terms of assortment management, catalog management defining, prices and promotions, defining. The different retail stores defining the different retail channels so, this is basically the one kind of hub from which you can basically manage, all your different retail channels and as, you can see over here there. Are different workspaces.

That We light up as a part of the retail HQ, and there, are workspaces, that are tailor-made for the retail personas, that we have for, example if you look at the pricing and discount management workspace over here now, this is basically, targeted, towards the merchandisers. Who are responsible, for the pricing and promotions, in the store so, this one single workspace basically, ties up all the different activities and all the different insights. That they need to have as a part of the day-to-day work, per se so, if you look it over here they can basically have, a look at all the active discounts, that is currently running, in the different channels they, can look at discounts. At our pending which are basically a work in process at this point of time and they, also get insights using this tile so we're here in terms of what. Are the discounts, that are expiring in the in the next few days the next few months for example so, that they can basically be prepared to say that what do you substitute those discontent, promotions with. What. You also can do over here is basically have, power, bi embedded, as a part of the workspace so, all the different charts and graphs that you would create in power bi can, be embedded on the retail workspaces, and. For specific personas, so that when they come in they basically get all the insights, that, you would have to have that you would normally would get but, going to the power bi app were safe okay, so in this case over here the user doesn't have to navigate between different applications they. Can basically leverage, all the power of power bi from within the workspace that's been configured for, their specific persona, now. Continuing, the story over here now as a merchandising. Person, I might be interested to create a new promotion, per se so I can actually use a workspace, as a landing page, and go about creating new promotions, for specific channels right from over here for, example I'm going to create a discount, for my loyalty customers, so, I can give a give, a promotion, over here called as loyalty. Customer. Promotions, and as I'm defining, this this promotions, I can, basically specify, what price groups it's applicable, for now, price groups are nothing but basically a collection of customers, or a collection of entities to whom you want to target this promotion. For it could be a collection of customers, it could also be a collection of stores or channels, to, which this particular promotion is targeted for when, this example over here because I am targeting or creating a promotion, from a loyalty customers I'm going to choose this group over here called as fabric ham loyalty. Price group and this, is the group to which this, particular promotion would be targeted, for so. After, defining the target segment for which this particular promotion is for I can, define what, products, and what variants, basically, are qualified, to be a part of the promotion, and when, you do that you can actually define that specific, products or category, at different levels of granularity you, can define it for a specific category, of products for example if I'm running a promotion for all my, fashion accessories, I can navigate to the fashion accessory, group, over here and then, add that entire category, of products, to, this particular promotion but, if you want to restrict the promotion to a specific, product or variant I can do that as well but using the specific. Product or variant over here and then having directed, targeted, promotion, for that specific, group of customers only for this specific product or variant so, as you can see over here we called flexibility, in terms of the, different kinds of promotions, that you can create the, different kinds of target, audience and target entities to whom the promotion can be directed towards and also, what products, and variants and categories, actually be a part of this promotion and as.

You Can see over here when. You try to create a discount. There are multiple types of discounts that you can create. Over here for, example you can create discounts. Like mix-and-match discount, you can create quantity, discount you can have threshold based discounts, or you can even have simple discount so there are different kinds of promotions, and discounts that you can actually configure using. The retail HQ fantastic, I mean I can see how powerful the. Merchandise management is in. Dynamics 365, for retail base configure, the system to do whatever, I want to manage my my business needs and how I want are in the business what, I love too is with the unified interface, you, showed me embedded, power bi the. Tiles, with the workspaces, I can get, the benefits of that powerful functionality but I can also mix and match the user experience, to tailor it so that it's easy and intuitive for my staff to use that's. Great thanks Neil. And then. With regard to operations, we want to help you optimize to. Reduce fulfillment, costs, effectively. Manage inventory, and run, the business better by using operational, and customer, insights, we, capture a lot of data within Dynamics. 365, for retail and across, all of the applications, that work seamlessly together within, the Dynamics, 365, family giving you a lot of signal, to analyze, to help optimize those operations, so. Underlying. All of this right is a foundation. An application. Platform that is flexible in terms of its deployment options, and its extensibility. There's, an underlying common. Data service, that supports all of this so Anil can you take us through some of how that works sure. So. If we have a pretty flexible and pretty robust extensibility. Story across the stack so, if you look at the different components that we have in the application in terms of the back-office client. In terms of the commerce runtime, in terms of the Commerce data exchange, the, POS client, we basically have extensibility, patterns, across all those different components of the application a case in point over here now if you look at this particular scenario where.

We Basically have a customer, who is the retail customer but, then all the retail cases, in terms of the customer experience scenarios, are basically, handled in a different application per, se now, how. Do you actually leverage, the power of common data services, to bridge the divide between these, two different applications and, have a unified experience for. The store associate, so, in this example over here we have a customer, over here called as Karen Berg and if, the server associate basically, wants to look at all the available cases. That are pending for this particular customer the, server associate can basically select the particular customer and then open up this particular power app now, power app is basically a application. That is not native to the impasse client, but it can be used by citizen developer, to actually do, a powerup and then deploy that in the same impulse, client per safe so the story associate doesn't have to navigate. Or jump between different applications to basically kind, of look at what's happening with a customer's cases per se so in this example over here we have the case management app which is which is leveraging the power act and pulling, in data from the common data services, and then showing the information in terms of the case information about. A particular customer so, that the solar so it can basically act, upon it accordingly. Continuing. The story over here what. We also have here is something called as the. Store. Opening hours now, just. To demonstrate how the how the extensibility, story goes across the stack the, store opening hours is an information, that's maintained, in the retail HQ, now how is that information actually surfaced in the in past client, so we have got an extensibility, story in the HQ we couldn't extensive extensibility story in the commerce runtime and the commerce data exchange, and using, all of that pipe across the stack you can basically locate, information that's been captured in the HQ, and the POS client, over here and this is an example of all the information that is being captured in terms of store operating hours that's been defined in the HQ, kind, of except in the POS client, using the extensibility, mechanism.

Across All those different components through the stack and then, customers. Can and partners can actually extend this for additional scenarios using the same extensibility, patterns, that's terrific and the, thing that resonated the most for me when, you were showing power apps you use the term citizen developer, right, and a citizen developer, to me that's that's someone like me I don't know how to write code but, yet Microsoft, and, Dynamics, 365, are providing, the tools that I can use to configure, the business and tailor. It to what I need to do without having, to call. On i.t and introduce, you know new levels of cost and complexity so. That's all that's been designed in, from the start in in our approach to, how we're building Dynamics 365, for retail that's right thank you so much Anil that was very cool the. Last thing that I wanted to cover was, gdpr or the, general data protection requirement, and, compliance, Microsoft. Is committed, to being a partner to our customers, in their GDP our journey and Dynamics, 365, for retail is designed to help you meet your DD PR obligations. You, can use compliance manager which is across Microsoft, cloud services, solution, designed, to help organizations meet, complex, compliance, obligations like. The GD P R to, understand, the customer, manage controls for Dynamics, 365, for retail and what you can do to help meet your gdpr. Requirements. Thanks. For taking the time to join us for that deep dive into Dynamics, 365. For retail and looking, at some of the exciting features and capabilities the, product has to offer now. I'd encourage you all to visit the Dynamics 365, website to, learn more and. Take. A trial sign. Up get, your hands on and explore. The product for yourself there's a lot to see and learn Thanks.

2018-03-30 16:33

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