Welcome. And thanks for joining us today for this deep dive into what's new in Dynamics, 365, for finance and operations we're excited to show you all the new features and capabilities that. We've been working so hard on in the new release but. First I'd like to start today by tell you a little bit about the imperative of digital transformation for. Competitive, businesses, at Microsoft. We work every day partnering, with customers, on successful, transformation, journeys, we've, engineered solutions. That help businesses engage their customers empower. Employees, optimize. Operations, and really fundamentally. Transform, their products and services it. Research, shows us that the top, 25%. Of digital leaders have a significant. Advantage over the bottom 25%, of digital, laggards, even, with IT spending, the, same digital. Leaders post higher gross margins, revenues, and profits, than digital laggers, digital. Leaders operate, better with customers, with more personalized, experiences, they understand, better the impact, of investments, with quantitative, evaluations. And KPIs and they. Develop, better products, and services, so. What are some of the trends happening where digital transformation, is taking place to. Start with digital, leaders increasingly, have dedicated, teams thinking, strategically about, how to leverage data technologies. And processes to, innovate and outperform. Soon. IOT, is going to save consumers, and businesses over, a trillion, dollars a year in maintenance services. And consumables, and digital. Leaders are investing, in the connected, factory to reach new levels of, productivity, and efficiency, most. Significantly. Technologies. Like IOT, AI and, advanced, analytics are enabling, companies to innovate new business models with digitally, enhanced, products, and services, data. Capturing. It analyzing. It learning, from it is the, key to competitive, advantage in differentiation. Dynamics, 365, for finance and operations enables. This kind of digital innovation providing. A unified, real-time. View of global financials, and operations, empowering. People to make informed decisions faster. Letting, businesses, adapt quickly to changing market demands and driving, business growth. We help business, leaders address, their challenges and achieve their goals now, some, of these challenges, have been around for decades you know CFOs, are looking, to increase. Margins. Increase, revenue, and profitability. CEOs. Looking to drive out costs, and improve efficiencies, and CIO, is managing, the return on their IT investment, but. Some of these challenges, are new, having been introduced, by the digital, transformation taking. Place in industries, across the globe, CFOs. Need to analyze, data and use predictive, analytics, to identify opportunities. For, new products, and services and to innovate new business. Models and ways to compete co. O--'s have, to deal with unprecedented. Volumes. Of data billions. Trillions of data points being gathered across their operations, coming from digital products coming from the connected, shop floor coming from customers, and look, for ways to take that information and, streamline. And optimize the. Global, supply chain and CIOs. More than ever before are strategic, partners driving. This growth and transformation in, companies they, have to be nimble supplying, Data technologies. Analytics. That are going to enable continuous. Innovation. And change to, manage this imperative, across the connected, enterprise next. We'll, hear from mohammad alam the general manager of dynamics 365. For finance and operations taking. Us through the detailed capabilities, of the product and the exciting, new features that have been introduced, in the latest release. Thank. You bill before, we get into the details of what's coming in the dynamics, 365, for finance and operations spring, release I do want to take a few minutes and talk about kind of what our long-term overarching. Vision, and strategy is for finance and operations, as. Bill talked about, from. A digital transformation perspective, what we believe at Microsoft, is there's core, sets of signals, coming from the product, side from the customer side and people side that are really, what's, enabling, and being the catalyst for digital transformation, across industries, and certainly for specific, companies as well and at. Microsoft, we obviously enable, all those three loops of digital transformation through. A set of applications that we have on the product side on the, customer side through customer engagement, applications, marketing, sales and service and on the people side with our Dynamics 365, for talent application, what. We're going to focus on today in this discussion is how, we're enabling the digital, product, feedback loop via, our finance, and operations set, of applications, on, the.
Digital Product, feedback loop if you just look at the, processes. That impact. The product feedback loop these are processes, that largely haven't, changed, over the course of the last two decades so these are things like product. Design planning. How. Do you manufacture the product how do you get the product to the right place and then kind of how do you enable that with a set of finance capabilities, in your application, as well as commerce capabilities. The. Transactional. Capabilities that, essentially, enable. These business processes. Originally. Haven't, changed, over the last two decades as well sure, they've gotten a lot more automated, they've gotten a lot more usable and they're a lot more connected across the spectrum of the supply chain and we, have that too in the Dynamics 365, for finance and application, and we'll continue to invest and innovate, on those but. More of what we hear from our customers is when, they're looking for new. Applications, or transformation, on the product, side of their organization. While, they're obviously, interested, in making sure that the transactional, capabilities are. There that's, not increasingly, what they're worried about what they're worried about is in the application, and the partner that they select, is that partner, helping, them really, take advantage of, the trends, that are really impacting, the product. The whole set of feedback loops but particularly on the digital product feedback loop and those, two trends that we continue, to hear a lot from our customers are the trends of product, as a service, and disintermediation. Product. As a service essentially is a new phenomenon. That with the ability, to get real-time live, signals, coming from the product, back to the organization it. Allows, you to kind of have both eyes and insights on both the usage of the product and the health of the product, both of those in turn then allows you to think about different business models, that you can really go to market, with, such. As not just being in the business of selling your hard good or a hard product as a one-time sale to your customers, but offering, that more as a service, and have that lifetime relationship, with the customer, not, just for that version of the product but then obviously continue to innovate expand.
And Kind of grow the presence, and that relationship, and partnership with the customer, aka, product. As a service, right, and then this, intermediation, is, sort of a another. Loop that kind of feeds into the same thing which is even. If you're not in the business of directly, selling, or touching the customer, either from a sales or a service perspective. Disintermediation. Through. This digital, product, feedback loop and signals, allows, you to get actual data both. From a product, perspective its, usage, perspective, and customer satisfaction perspective. That allows you to really fundamentally improve, both how you build the product how do you service the product and essentially kind of then opens up a set of additional business model or revenue, lines capabilities, as well that customers. Are actively thinking, about so. From a finance and operations perspective what we're rallying around is how do we enable these, two trends, holistically. In the application. Atop. What we have from a transactional, capability, perspective, and that's kind of what our long-term vision is, and for, us when we think about what does it take to enable. Product, as a service and this is a disintermediation trend. It's, a set of capabilities that, build on top like, I said for these transactional, capabilities enabled. By signals, that digital signals coming both from the product and the ecosystem. Let's, take an example of a couple of those signals and how you actually run those processes, right so if you look at signals. Coming from the live product, those signals, are so valuable, that enables a bunch, of different things but if you look at just three examples of that you, can leverage those signals to really understand, from a product quality perspective that both your processes, is the raw materials, the. Transportation. And the logistics around it is really holding. Up to the expectations. Of the quality, that a customer, expects, and you can get that from, the signals that are coming from the live product and then obviously make any changes, that you. Need to in a much more agile fashion, than historically, what organizations, have been able to another. Signal, or another use case that you can enable with the signals coming from the product is predictive, maintenance that, we enable through our connected, field service solution, which is if you're getting the signal that the product, is really not performing, up to the expectations. Of you, as an organization, and certainly the customer, then you can do some predictive maintenance around, it before either the product breaks down or, the customer becomes unhappy, again to protect that lifetime relationship. With that customer, and then finally another scenario that you can really enable from. A business model in the revenue line perspective, is if you're getting those signals from the product, now, you can go back to the customer and say hey in this product and as this product, as a service, world we'll, bill you on how much you're consuming, the product as opposed, to that upfront so you can actually kind of have more consumption, based billing and for. Product, as a service to enable obviously in the fine insight it requires changes, such as either minimally. Subscription, billing but ideally. Depending, on kind of what the product and the service is consumption. Billing which is what that signal, would allow you and enable you to do if. You look at capabilities, such as connected, products, that bill talked about earlier as well all of those signals coming from the equipment. And the machinery that's on your factory floor allows, you to make sure if there's a particular part, or an equipment that's about to go down that you can take the predictive maintenance to, protect, the commitment, that you have for, your end customers to when you light up that service. Or when that product gets delivered to them for them to be able to kind of get value out of it so, when we think about product, as a service, product. As a service versus not just a set of capabilities but, it's how these capabilities, light. Up holistically. In the application, across Dynamics, 365, set of applications, that allows you to really enter into new business models and that's what we from. A finance and operations perspective, long, term are focused, on is in. Partnering, with our customers, and allowing, them to really move into these new business models and take full advantage, of the trends, that is, disrupting. Not, just companies but large industries, at a scale and at a pace that we've we've, not seen before. So. Let's step back and go a step deeper as to what's specifically. Coming in the spring release we, see our spring release focused, largely around six key core themes, and those core themes are, business.
Productivity In analytics, extensibility. And customization. Improvements. That we're making in the supply chain application. Cross. Application. Integration support, ability, and compliance. And Trust and why, these themes are important is our investments, in productivity, are aligned with how, you as, a customer can continue, to get more value. Out of scarce. Investments, and resources, that you have in your organization via. Things. Like smart, and intelligent recommendations. That come in from your usage of the application, to both better the process, as well, as really kind of centered around how you can really get higher business, outcome or business value, from, those processes, as well through, the capability, that we're calling optimization. Advisor and. Capabilities. Such as alerts, and notifications where. You, can really, set up the application to, manage your processes, by, exception. And not have to touch all aspects, of the process if everything, is going well if you move over to the extensibility, side there's. A huge value prop here that we're enabling in the spring release in that we're. Essentially, locking, down the application from. A over, layering, perspective, such, that you can still extend. The application, and make it fit to your specific, needs but do it in a fashion that really protects, the update. Ability, of the application, on an ongoing basis. Allowing. You to stay current with whatever investments, we're making both in the platform, and the, application, side so while. We, will still enable developer, experiences, for you to extend the application to, our extensibility, framework, which. Now separates, those extensions, through what we provide from Microsoft, as the application, code held it's allowing you to kind of stay updated, and current on a continuous, basis with us without having to do a whole lot of. Merging and upgrading, in the in what, used to be the historical sense, but. We're also enabling, low code and no code extensibility, through, embedding, what, we have in power apps which you can kind of build purpose-built, applications. And really embed them alongside your finance and operations. User, experience, so the user doesn't really see the the, seams but they can get a much more fit for purpose experience. Within the native application, I won't, go into that much detail for the rest of them but I do want to touch on the integration, aspects, and the support ability on the integration, aspects, really what we enable, with Dynamics, 365. Is a, choice for you as a customer as to you can start your journey with these applications at. A pace and from a point where it makes sense to you but if you have these applications, together they will work nicely and, adopt, the same data that that. Accrues. From each of the application, and that's really what we're enabling with these cross. App integration, scenarios with, finance and operations and field, service with finance and operations and project service with finance and operations in talent, and we're, enabling that in a way where we know what we enable, is across app integration, is not. Necessarily. Always, going to be complete, so we're enabling that in a way that as a customer, you have essentially, a low code no code configurable. Experience, to be able to kind of really. Adjust, and tweak, those integrations, to the way that makes sense and best fits within your organization.
And We'll take a deeper look as, to how that integration works a little bit later in the demo and then support ability is the last part that I'll touch on which is now. That you're trusting us to really run your mission-critical. Applications in, the cloud what, are we doing, both to. Enable, you to get a high level of responsiveness, from us in case there's an issue but really more of what we're doing to make sure we can proactively keep you healthy, both, from a issues. And support perspective as well as monitoring, an alert perspective, and we'll take, a quick look as to what are those investments, that we're making in the product so. I'll kind of stop there and then hand it over to orici Basu, who's our principal, product, architect and the finance and operation, side and he'll walk you through in-depth, and. Show a demo of some of these core capabilities, that were landing in the spring release. Thank. You Mohammed now. What I'm going to cover is take you, to, each of these individual, themes the, first one is business productivity and analytics, our. Customers, are looking for a very easy and configurable, ways of managing, their businesses, by exceptions, as well, as have the applications, make smart recommendations. On how to, either optimize, the configuration. Or even the business process, itself in, this release what we have done is we've addressed both of these scenarios by. Allowing users to set up event based exceptions, on dates and, modifications. Which allow them to focus better on their business, rather. Than focus on the underlying platform, we. Also have provided some of the capabilities via optimization. Advisor which, is essentially, an intelligent. In-app assistant, that, is based on usage and telemetry, and makes, real-time, optimisation, recommendations. And get smarter, over time as the. Customers, go and use their environments, let. Me go and do a demo, in each of these individual, areas. The. First demo I'm going to actually do for you is basically. The automated business notifications. This, automated, business notifications. Allow users, to go, and configure, alerts and notifications in. The system based, on changes, based, on status, change of certain fields or even due date alerts, this. Helps the user stay, on top of this vast ocean, of data that's, been thrown at them every day and, be. On top of these things let. Us take a scenario where. We have different, people working, on the purchase order document, and they need to get alerted based, on state changes, or due dates. The. First scenario is that of a purchase manager and the purchase manager needs to get notified, whenever, a new purchase order record, is created, so.
We Select the purchase order click. On the new alert rule and then, the purchase manager can select, a recording, has been created or deleted the. Purchase manager can select whether this is a personal, alert or this is enabled organization-wide. Or is, it up for, specific, records in a purchase order or all orders the. Purchase manager can select a specific date till, which the system will keep on alerting as well. As alert, options, like, will it be a notification or a pop-up or an email message, once. The purchase manager, has configured this they can set on ok and the system will monitored and alert. The purchase manager whenever, required, let. Us take a different persona we. Have the purchase warehouse, receiving. Agent and they want to get notified whenever they're expecting, purchase order deliveries so. In this scenario the. Agent can go select. A specific purchase, order and click, on alert. Now. What they want to do is instead in the selection, of the field they, can select on. Delivery. Date, then. The scenarios they want to get notified, one, day in advanced, when, a purchase delivery, is to you so, they select the delivery date and they, can select when, it is due in a specific. Day they have an option of different. Calendar. Day to months, and weeks so, they will go ahead and select one calendar day they. Can define whether it's for, specific. Codes are all records, an, end. Date for the alert as well as the alert options as notifications, are pop up and when, this to date alert is set they can go ahead and click on OK and the system will start monitoring the data this. Demo will walk you through what the optimization. Advisor does in the application, the optimization, advisor basically, is an inbuilt, in-app, experience which, basically lets, or provides. The user recommendations. On write and optimize, business settings what. Often happens, and what we've heard from our customers is that during. The implementation, time people set up the system and later they forget about it, but in reality what happens is as the, data increases as business, process changes, the, configurations. And setups really need to change to adapt to the new scenarios. Optimization. Advisor leverages. A lot of machine learning and other advanced, technologies which, monitor, the system the usage the business process done by our customers, and then, advise the customer on what, are the right settings, at a specific point of time which, will generate the maximum output I want. To take another deep dive into the optimization advisor. Optimization. Advisor prevents. Incorrect setup and data from affecting, system performance how. This does is basically monitors. Your system and as your data and business process, changes over time it goes, ahead and does recommendation. We. All know that system performance and availability is, basically, negatively. Affected, by setup. And data. In correctness and wrong, configuration, at, a specific point of time the configurations. May be correct today but, as your business scenarios, change the, configurations. Need to change too and that's something which people, often, forget leading, to a not-so-good experience, by the system, what. We have enabled using the optimization, advisor is the system or the application. Intelligently. Monitors, the platform, the usage data and then, based on time to time and changes in business scenarios, recommend. Optimal. Settings for different business, processes, to the end user what. We've also enabled, is an extensible, platform which. Will let our power users and the engineering teams to, go ahead and configure, or customize, add new, rules which, are very specific to that specific, business organization.
Let. Me walk you through the optimization. Advice and in this release you can access the optimization, advisor for. As a workspace, item, on the home page. When. A user clicks on the optimization advisors, they are taken to this workspace. Where they can go ahead and see the recommendations, which the optimization, advisor is giving to the user and for each. Recommendation, we can have more information, as well, as take actions, from the recommendation, so. Let us take one recommendation. The. System is recommending, to the. User to go ahead and look at the warehouse location, directive, for, fixed location to, view more information I, can click on this icon and the, system tells me there are location. Directors which are inefficiently, configured, and it tells me those specific, details now. To take actions, based on the recommendation, I can click on take action and I, will be taken to the configuration, page where, as a power user I can, go ahead and make those changes recommended, by the system, let's. Take another rule let's. Say, scheduling. Resources, more accurately by looking at route optimisation, run time to. View this recommendation I click on more, details and the system, provides me with a graphical, interface on, optimizing. Route operation, runtimes and similarly. Like above I can go ahead click, on take actions, to go ahead and make the recommended, changes in. The system and in this case this was automatically, done by the system the, next theme I'm going to deep dive on is extensibility, and customizations. We've. Heard our customers, and we, understand, they are asking, an ability. To make the application fit. To the unique needs as well, as the combined, ability of not having to worry about, doing expensive. And laborious upgrades. To, stay current in order to benefit from all the innovation, that we are releasing onto the application. Basically. Reducing, the TCO what. We've done in this release is basically move away from the over layering to, the use of extensions, so, that we can service the application, without, disrupting, customers, and minimizing. The cost of moving, to subsequent releases and still. Preserving, the customers ability, to extend the application for, maximum, fit to their business and. Also added features to go ahead and allow, customers, to add, business. Changes, and modifications in. A low code or no code fashion, as well, as via the extensive, developer, experiences. In. This demo I will walk you through the embedded, power apps features industries what. This does is empower, our customers, to, use literally. No code to, embed apps inside. Microsoft Dynamics, 365, for finance and operations so, they can actually work seamlessly between application. Boundaries, while, still remaining within, the application, system let, us take a simple scenario you, have a warehouse and orders, are being shipped from the warehouse to end customers before. That the, users actually, send out the orders they need to put a tracking number into. The order package and then send it via the courier and to, get this tracking number they, have an app which they built on power apps which interfaces, with external system, the.
Powerup In question is out here it's a very simple app which accepts, the from and to location gets. The weight which can automatically, come from the weighing scale and then, generates a tracking ID which can be put into the packing slip of the order so let, us show you how to do it, going. Back into Microsoft, Dynamics 365, I click. On the. Sales order because, I want to embed this app on the sales. Order details I select. Any sales order and go. To the details view and here, I want to embed the app so. I click on the options, and I, say personalize. This form which brings up the personalization, wizard, and I. Go ahead and click on insert and instead, of field I click, on power app and now. The system, asked me which part of the form do you want to go ahead and embed the perhaps I click, on on the top because I want it to be on the top bar, then. I have to put in the name of the power app I. Call. It Microsoft, shipper and I, have to have the app ID the app ID is the ID which is generated, by power-ups to identify, the specific application. In my, case this is the app ID, then. I have to select what is the input data source for the power app now, this input data source, for the power basically, is the data which, you want from Microsoft, Dynamics 365, for finance and operations to be sent over to power apps so they can accept, it process, it and sends details back so. I will go ahead and select an address data. And. Here. I have the post. Address which is basically the delivery address of the order I define. The application, side as wide or thin Alex elected thin and then, I define whether. This is applicable for all legal entities or specific. Legal entities I just select all legal entities and click on insert and, click. On the close button after. The insert we have to go ahead and refresh the form. Once. The form has been refreshed I click, on the specific sales, order. Go. Into the details and in, the pick and pack where I want to send the warehouse. Details, I click, on the powerup icon on top and I can see the Microsoft shipper app, and. I click on this the app opens, in, app and I, can see that 1 2 3 white road Los Angeles California has, been transferred, from Dynamics. 365, to, power apps as an. End user I go and put in the weight of the package as 5 click. On generate shipping, label where I can get the shipping label generated. I can, copy it and then close, the app and then I can proceed with the pick pack ship and sending, it out. This. Demo I will take a deep dive into the, feature on user-defined. Fields this, has been a very important, task for all our customers, to, ensure that they, can add or modify their, business data without, writing code or without, requiring a developer, help this, user-defined. Free features now let's power users, who have the right access to the system add, data. Into. The databases without, writing any code and have, it show up on the user interface real. Time so. Let me go ahead and take an example where as an user I want to add the, industry, field on my suppliers, data so, I select a specific supplier, I click, on personalize. This form and insert. A field, once. I select that it, will give me the option of where I want to place the fields so I select the, top tab and then. The system will basically show me all the existing fields that I have in the system but. It, will also give me the option of creating a new field I click. Create a new field and then. It asked me to select the table and I'll go ahead and select the vendor it will, ask me for a name I. Will. Select a specific name. Prefix a label. And. Then. It will ask you for a data type and for, the specific demo, I will select a pick list and, once. I select the pick list it will ask me to go ahead and define the values for the pick list so. I'll enter some values. And once. I'm done I'll, click, on save, click. YES on the confirmation modal. Window, and now. The system is going ahead and making the changes to my field I click, on insert and real. Time I can go ahead and see this industry, data I can. Refresh the form so, that I can go ahead and see the effect.
Once. The data has been created the field automatically, shows up on the form and I can see it on this Acme office suppliers where, I can go ahead select the industry and will show me the values which were just created, I can go ahead select, any value and click on save. As mentioned. Earlier this, release we have made significant. Investments on, the platform, by sealing it thereby, enabling our customers to be on the latest and the greatest with, minimal, impact and, downtime we've, added the extensibility, request, features, and lifecycle services, which, lets developer, send. Requests, to Microsoft, for, doing extensibility, and also. Provides them a single, place where they can monitor all the extensibility, requests, and the, responses, sent by Microsoft, to access, extensibility, requests you need to log into a Dynamics, 365, lifecycle. Services project. Which, has been set up by our organization once. You're in the project you click on the support tab. When. You click on the support tab it will take you to the Support Lifecycle page. Here. In. The Support Lifecycle page, you will see the different support options the, one new one which you will see is extensibility, request. To. Create a new extensibility, request, click on the icon. Here which, will. Open up the extensibility, request, form and. First. Thing what you need to do is provide your name and. Your. Contact email. Once. You're done then you have to define what extensibility. Requests, type you're looking. For there. Are different options you can have extensibility. Options, regarding, constructions. Extending. In arms methods. Metadata, changes, method, changes platform, requests, select. The one which is applicable to you and. Once. You select one you have different options where. We need a lot of details so we can process them so given the element name the. Priority, which is important. To you. The. Enum details as well as impacted. Express trust methods and other details which are dependent, on this extensibility, request, once, you are done and filled. In the fright details click, on submit, and then you can actually go back and monitor, all the requests, that you've generated and submitted to Microsoft, seamless. Stara integration. Summers are looking for ways to adopt, change in a pace which, keeps us with the rapidly changing business requirements. They. Can onboard applications, on demand and as and when their business requirements and to, enable this we, provide configurable, tools which, allows them, to onboard, Dynamics, 365, for finance and operations and other services, at their, own pace and still. Providing, the framework which helps them integrate. These applications, by using configuration. Thereby, maximizing the. Value of their business processes, and tailor. In, this demo I'll. Walk you through how dynamics. 365, for finance and operations work. Seamlessly with dynamics, 65, for field services, as, mentioned. Earlier we. Are focused on enabling, our customers to, complete the digital feedback loop and what. Digital feedback, loop basically means is how. Do I get connected, to the my users who are using my products, as well.
As Get their telemetry data and see how ways we can improve the product as well as provide proactive service, to end users to enable. Digital feedback, loop we, have integrated, dynamics, 365, for free services, as well, as finance, and operations with out of box templates, so, they can work and exchange data seamlessly, so, product feedback from, the field can come in to Dynamics 365, for finance and operations and back-end transactional, data can be sent to the front-end, customer service applications so, they are up to date as to what, the customer services are doing the. First thing you would like to do is go, to the data integration workspace, in power Apps admin, center and create. Four, different projects now, in this release we have enabled, four. Different templates, which, specifically, tie-up with dynamics 365, for finance and operations and dynamics. 365, for field services the. Templates you would like to go and configure our accounts, invoice, products. And work orders so. Accounts will for formfield services, back into operations. Products. Will move from operations, into field service and sales work. Orders will flow back from field, services into operations, and the invoice will be generated, in Dynamics 365, for finance and operations and update. It onto the field services, side of the. Application, so let's. Take each of these into account so, one of this application, I'm going to open it and it says the customers. Are, integrated. And mapped with the, customers, and operations. Once. These templates, are set up you can go ahead and schedule these templates, and they, will run at regular intervals, based on your schedule now. What this does is first. The products, are synchronized, so. I go into dynamics 365, for field. Services, I click. On sales and then. Once a synchronization of products, happen I select on the products, I select. The right filter, and. Here. I can go ahead and see all the products that have moved from Dynamics, 365, for finance and operations on to the field services side. Once. The, products have been synchronized I click, on field services, and once, in the field services, I can go ahead and look at all the, work orders that are created. Once. The work orders are created in the field services, I have this contour ski shop which I had created a little while ago. The. Contours of ski shop order is for repairing the facilities, at contoso, once. The contoso world, work order details. Are here and the, synchronization runs, I will be able to see the same work order inside Dynamics 365, for finance and operations let. Me go back into the finance and operation the environment, where I have the sales order and I, can select on the same sales order. Which. Gives me the, same contoso ski shop so now we see using the integrator and the data integration out of box templates, the. Sales orders have been synchronized, between both these systems as well, as the invoice, for the sales order once, its invoiced into Dynamics, 365, for finance and operations the, same will be available, in to Dynamics 365, field services, enabling. The closed data feedback loop, in. A crowd world where Microsoft is responsible, for maintaining our customers, environments, customers. Expect a very high level of reliability and transparency, so, they can literally focus, on their business rather. Than on the infrastructure, that's powering their businesses, and that, is exactly the, features we have enabled in the series which, led our customers, to that. One. Of the key features we have enabled in this release is telemetry. Based knowledge based recommendation. Which, basically goes ahead and scans, the customers, production, environment, and then. Wants. The customer, in case there are any critical. Alerts, faut. Fixes, or patches, that need to be applied to, ensure that the environment is up and running and is reliable to. Access this feature, log in to Dynamics 365, for finance and operations project, in lifecycle, services.
Select. The production environment and, click on full details. When. You log, into the details page you will see a new tile called critical x + + update now. What this does is this, feature monitors. Your application, production, environment, and wants. You, in case, there are any critical, patches updates, or hot fixes that are available and need, your immediate attention and thereby. Enabling, our customers to. Always ensure that they are on the latest and the greatest. Microsoft. Runs on trust and. Our customers, who do business with us expect, the same and they. Expect, us to enable them to scale globally and remain, compliant, globally, in today's, rapidly changing business scenarios, and requirements. Thank. You so much for taking the time to explore, with us the great new features in, the latest release of Dynamics, 365, for finance and operations I'd encourage. You to visit the Dynamics, 365, website to learn more maybe. Even sign up and take a trial and get a hands-on, experience there's, a lot to explore. You.
2018-03-29 23:33