Hi. My, name is Marco Percy and I'm the general manager for Dynamics 365. Business, central I'm, extremely, excited, to be here today to introduce to you this great new product, we're launching it is, a modern solution for, modern businesses as we're. Launching this product I would first like to take a look at the market and typical, requirements, or the businesses in the market what, we see today is that businesses, quickly, outgrow, the basic, accounting system and legacy. ERP systems as they. Do that they. Have siloed, systems, they're not very well connected together they have duplicate, data they, have manual processes, and insufficient. Reporting, across the different solutions, all. This drives inconsistent. Operations, of a business which. Ultimately in some situations, results even in non secure processes, for, how they operate their business let's, take a typical example a. Business. Will acquire a financial, management solution, and quickly. They'll realize, they need a solution to run a sales and service organization, a typical, CRM system as they move forward they quickly realize, the, processes the need to manage a supply chain management require another system then, they will realize they, also have a project, management solution, they need to integrate with their systems add. An operations, management solution as a, look at these different silos the reporting, analytics are insufficient, for them to run a successful business. Because. Of that we introduced to you an all-in-one, business, management, solution, for Microsoft Dynamics. 365. Business, central, Dynamics. 365. Business central enables. Businesses, to connect their businesses, make, smarter, decisions faster, and start. Very quickly and easily and then grow from there as their business needs evolve, let's. Talk a little bit about connecting, your business as, businesses. Operate, they have multiple, different processes. That integrate, across the organization, to drive the top and bottom line of the business financial. Management sales. And service management project, management supply. Chain management operations. Management are all processes, that have different workflows, to integrate, with each other for the success of the business without. Having, clear, insights, across these different processes and be, able to drive. Consistent, reporting, in predictive, analytics companies. Cannot make the right decision, in the right time, dynamics. 365. Business, central enables. Organizations across, these processes, to drive these predictive, insights consistent. Reporting, and make, smart decisions faster. I like. To now invite Yannick to show us the first demo or Dynamics 365, business central and how customers, can run the processes, unify it with, this product. So. Thank, you Michael, so let me take over here and actually demonstrate. Business. Central and first, thing you see here is the, new modern, fresh, UI for, business central when you wake up in the morning here you. Get your business insights, directly, on the screen you get intelligence, about your company. In this case it says that I've closed six more deals and in the same period last year, so every, day business, central, we'll go through the data find, what's interesting, for you to know, and you, can then wake up cannot wait to get into the system and see what's news today and what we've concentrated, building. Here is actually the key, functionality. That you need within, your, roles and in this roles and I am the business manager so. We concentrated, on. Functionality. That a business manager, would like to see first. Of all we start at the top of the screen we have all the functionality, that. This role would, normally access in this case I have the finance. Functionality. I could open it and I, could go further into the system whether I want to see my journals, my sales bought just purchased budgets, and so on I could, go to cash management where, I basically manage, my payment, my cash and so on and continue. Finding. That place I want to look at but before I do that first, of all I want to scroll through see, if there's any important. Actions, or anything I should look into I can see that today we have overdue, sales invoices, and I can drill into what, we call the emphasize cues here and see, directly, what are these invoices. And once, I've looked at that maybe take an action sending, out Finance memo charges, and so on I can go back and continue on, my role center here to see that there are some sales quotes I looked at them yesterday so I'm not going to look at to them today but. If we scroll down a little bit here, we can see that there are incoming, documents for, me so if, I look at the incoming, documents this is where I get, electronic. Invoices. In and I, can see that there are two documents for me to take action on the, first, one has already been processed, in the what we call optical.
Character. Nishan you can see it says OCR, status, success. This means that the document has basically, been translated. Into machine. Readable, format so. If I go into the document everything that before. Was just a PDF file you can see that here has then been extracted. And now we know who the when there was the document, date and so on the, currency, code all that is taken from this document so I don't need to wake up and start entering, a lot of information, I can basically just, with a few clicks buttons, here do. My daily work in this case I will go and create, the journal lines for it once, that is done I can open, the record and now. It will basically show my journal, I could continue and, with, one of the things that's really, strong, in business central are the unlimited. Dimensions. So in this case I could put a department. Code and. I could say that this is a large customer so. Whatever these are, defined. By company, so the company has defined, that these are the department, code they use our customer. Codes to use you can define unlimited. For, this for further analysis. Later once. I've entered this information I, can, go ahead and either post it directly into, my finance, transactions. Or I, can, go and say edit in Excel so, let me try that and when, it opens my Excel here and now. I have a journal in Excel and I can continue, to work within Excel. On my journal. I could, change, the name here so. We give you the option, basically. To have a choice of whether you want to work within business central or maybe you're more familiar or, have users that are more familiar with Excel and they, can now continue, the work within Excel and do the changes there and once, that is done they can go ahead and publish. Those, changes, back to, business central. Now. We recorded. The entries, let's jump back and, continue. From here so. I'll go back to my role center again I'll, basically. Just, look, for further information I can see here it's been updated, with live data, when I've changed something in system my top five customers. Now updated. I can, see whether there are any approvals, for me but, I can also see, the trial, balance directly. From within my role send and see if there's anything I need to pay attention to, today, and further. Down here you, can see we have the embedded, power bi reports. So. With embedded. Power bi reports, I can of course do further analysis, and I can even directly. From, business, central. Expanded. Report which then opens up power bi and I can now work, with the data analyze, it even, further from, within power, bi so, now you can, see the same data that I just had in business central you can see it here in on the screen and you can further analyze it, from within power. Bi so. I can basically just, here go back and continue.
My Work I can, also print. My reports, either. To PDF or maybe I want to print it to Excel because, some people like to maybe. Do some, editing. To the report coloring, column, layouts and so on and hence I can go and say Excel reports, here on my row Center and basically. Take my trial balance, and now. That is done you can see here it's open my trial, balance, in Excel, and again, I can do further editing, here I can, also if somebody, hosts something I can refresh and get again live, data from within, Excel, so, this concludes, my first demo here which is really about what, you can do from within the business central. Roles and how we optimize it, to a fresh and modern UI, and made. Available also. Integration. To other Microsoft. Products, in this case I've demonstrated both, power bi and also. Microsoft. Excel. So. This next demo will. Actually start from within outlook some. Users, they, are used to work within outlook they read the emails they want to take actions, from, directly, from when their emails so instead of them, switching out for example this case to business central we, have enabled it so that you can work with business, central from, within outlook, in this. Case here I have got an email somebody, asking, for, a quote for two desks, and 16, chairs, in this case and I, could now start typing that in but as again you saw before we want to limit the number of times you have to enter data but instead focus, on productivity. So. I can. Actually, click a little business. Central icon here and the first thing I want to do is actually look into this customer, and get some information, about, this contact, what. Will happen now is business, central will actually connect, and bring. Up the information for, this customer. So. Now this screen I can see some key information about. This customer this is qohor winery I can, see that there are some past, invoices. That they haven't paid I can, also see, that there are some opportunities for them, from my Dynamics, 365. For sales I can, also see there are some cases from, customer, service so, I could open those cases, just look into it and see are they anything I should be aware of that's not really here so going back here I want to start, working on this, quote, or this request for quote here I can, click on create. The new document, icon so, I will go and, open. Up a sales quote the user here wants, to get access directly, to the sales quotes so. By doing this I can now see that the system has used intelligence, to read through the, email, and actually. Identified. That there are some names that looks like the products we sell we. Can actually see here on the screen it's as the corresponding. Item numbers and it's Adson and paris guest chair here and even. The quantities, i put in so these are suggested, lines i could go ahead and I could edit but I'm fine because. Everything, is perfect, here so as a user we build it so that they would accept this. The rest is now created, I could, just, basically sent this right, away or in, this case I now remember that, I spoke to this customer, about a discount, and I can go down and work. With the quote like I would do it with in Business, Central and at, the discount, directly, here on the screen I can, now take the next step in the process and send. This by email, so we're basically giving, the tools to the end user directly. In the product, that they prefer, to work with in this case it's, Outlook, and now. You can see the, email is generated, it's created.
As A beautiful-looking, PDF. As well I could actually open that PDF, right, here on the screen using. One of the templates, that, comes with in business central so, here you can see it's created and now, it can basically just. Go ahead and send it so. In this case we now sent the quote let's just assume the process will go on and it will be an order and we'll create an invoice and hopefully. That's all but sometimes, the customer, will then maybe call, there's some service to be carried out and this is exactly what happened in this case they, call and needed a leg fixed on one of the chairs here so. Within. Business central we now also have the. Service, or, capability. So you can see here I open, that screen, directly and I, have now created a new service, order let's, just drill into it so. With the service order management functionality. In this case you can see it's about fixing the broken leg on that Paris chair I can. Key in the repair items I can even start, planning The Dispatch and other things with service order management with, in Dynamics. 365. So, this, is the full, functionality. In, terms of service, order management that is now available here. So. We just saw a demo starting, from within outlook because, we want to. Enable the user to work within, the system they, are working in preferred to working some. Users also, start their day in, Dynamics, 365. For sales so. We've done the same thing here with business central made sure that there's a very strong integration. So. In this case I've Dynamics, 365, for sales on my screen, I want. To go and see the orders so. I open, these sales orders, created, here and, let. Me just go to the last one created, because, I know that's for coho winery and that's. The one created. One of the customers, that we have in business central so. This user opens, and uses, sales. And now, as part of the process they've, already submitted. The, sales order I can see this in the status here and that, means that it's been sent to business central so let's actually go and see if we can find this, order is called sale dose order 3 let's, see if we can find the same one business central so, I'll jump back to my, role center and now, I need to jump in and look at my sales orders so, I can very quickly go, here and just. Open, sales orders and we can see that, there is a cell, sorter for coho winery sales, order 3 and if. I open it you can now see that the information on this sales order is exactly, the same as the. One we had in dynamics 365, for sales so, we make sure that we synchronize, the customers, the contacts, the price list unit, of measure, everything. You need to, have a strong integration between, the. Best of central product and dynamics, 365. For sales so this illustrates the, strong integration, between the, civil dynamics. 365, products so, let me now switch to. A different demo. So. Now let's have a look at actually, how I procure, items, because, we looked at how we sell items, and all the great. Tools that can help us improve that path but let's also look at the end-to-end processes, for procure-to-pay. If. We start with the items you, can do this from many places within, the system but if we start from the items and open that first, of all what we get here on the screen are the embedded, power bi reports. And I get some key information about, my items, in this, case I've opened the Athan desk serie and gives some information about items. Available, and so on what we also added on this screen if I scroll down a little bit here is we added the. Sales forecast the inventory forecast here and we're, actually using AI. To calculate. This we look at past transactions. We, look at what, happened, basically, within, the system, here how much we sold and so on in which periods. And then we predict, what, will the inventory, be in the future so, in. This case I can see that I need to take action because my inventory, is going -, here so, again we, try to enable the user to take the actions, from where they are in this, case I basically can, go here as a user just create, a purchase I order, directly from this screen so. When I do this it. Comes up with the purchase order and I can now send it but. We also added intelligence, in the system in terms of giving notifications. To the user what. If we tell them right here on the screen that there, is also more items, that, are running out of stock and that's, what we can do here we can basically add, them to, this document that because this supplier normally, also sells other items, that are running out of stock so in other words showing how we improve the productivity in this case in the procurement process so. Procuring, items is one thing of course, also. Business central now comes with manufacturing, functionality. So we enabled the full suite of manufacturing. Functionality, for example my production, forecasts so let me go and just switch to my production forecast and, as, you can see here I keyed in a production forecast for this one, sole, guest here and.
I've Done it on a babe you I could, change that debut to do it months per week recorder and so on and. That production forecast, is then used to calculate, what. I need to purchase I'm, now in the requisition. Worksheet and this is where I can go now and calculate. My plan. They, see what is it I need to produce what, is it I need to buy so. I will in this case here use my forecast, and the forecast I keyed. In before was called sales, 2018. So, when I carry out this it will basically then, have calculated, what are this I need to produce to, fulfill demand, here this. Basically shows. The process of also, producing. Items that that is now available within, business, central now. We've seen how we procure items, how we sell items but of course the end of the process here is that at some point of time we've, paid the invoices. We've got also invoices, paid from the customers, and then, we need to reconcile, our bank payments, and in. This case we would be able to import, bank transactions. And will now need to reconcile, with, the entries we have within business central again, we're using intelligence. Here because, we have added what we call apply automatically. And it, will basically go, in read through all the transactions. Within the system and in this case we can see here six payment lines of six are applied, so. Here, you can see even, with the match confidence, whether it's medium, or low so that means whether it's, matched on the mound whether it's text also matched and so on so, even intelligence, in this part where we do the bank reconciliation. Thank. You Eric let's. Talk now more about making smart business decisions, faster. All. The state across different processes, within, a system is not of use to a customer, unless they can make smart business decisions, faster, the. Dynamics 365. Business central we bring all this data to the customer and use advanced, predictive analytics, techniques to bring them insights, into the business to empower them to make smarter, decisions faster, I will. Now like to invite Klaus to give us a demo of that. Thank. You Marco so let's have a look at how we bring the intelligent, cloud into business central and I'm. In my accountant, role center and I want to point your attention to, the. Chart called cash flow forecast, where. We use Kitana. Intelligence, and Asia intelligence, to look at historical data in your company and predict, the future cash, flow of that, same company you'll, see the red part here in the chart is actually a future prediction, on how your cash flow is is going to evolve as as time goes by I'm. In the business manager role Center and and. Here I want to show you what. Business, central could give you in terms of analytics, and, allowing. You to look at the data that you have in your system here. I have access to power bi reports, that, are made available to, me as a user of vista central I can. Switch between the, reports, that I have available right. Here, so. That instead, of looking at financial states I am looking at sales data if, I want to take a deeper. Look at the data I can expand the report to full screen and in. Here I have access to to various tabs in my power bi report, I can, switch to my dashboard that, allows, me to take a look at my items sold by quantity, and if I want to filter on a specific item I can do that by clicking the, item and and, it will filter everything, in my dashboard for me. Moving. On to items. Let's. Take a look. Again at where, we. Bring the intelligent, cloud in into business central as, you'll see here at the bottom of the screen I have. Item availability forecast, available, to me as I look at my items this. Is also, a catana, intelligence, that we've, allowed to take a look at historical, data to try to predict, the future availability of of my item. This. Will filter as I browse, through, the list of items and and. Show me contextual, dates are based on the item that I'm looking, at, going. To the top of the screen I again, have access to power bi reports, based, on the specific. Item that I've marked on my screen. I'm. In my customer, list. And, I've. Been contacted by a customer, that wants to buy some furniture, so. I want, to to take a look at tray research and, create. A sales, order based on on what they ask me as I. Open tray research and try to create a sales order I get a notification at, the top of the screen saying that this, particular customer, has an overdue balance if. I click show details I, can. Get a closer view of the data, available to me from vista central on this specific, customer I can look at the outstanding balance and, and. I can even take action and send a finance, charge memo, to them right, here while I'm creating my sales order.
If. I choose to go on and create the sales order. Which. I will and, they. Asked me for some. Chairs. And I. Know. That they wanted 16, yes. As. I enter that number into, my mr.. Central screen I get, another notification, telling, me that the, stock of this particular chair is is low if. I click show details I'll. Get a notification that, my inventory. Is short. And I. Can create a purchase invoice, for. This item, right here while creating my saying. So long as I. Do that I'm notified. That this, vendor, that I usually buy this chair from also. Sells, me other items, that are also, low, on stock and I'm asked whether or not I want to add them to the document, that I'm creating if. I click this it, will also fill the lines with, what I need based, on the inventory forecast, that we saw previously so. I know that I'm going to need 50, chairs so. I'll go and fill that out and I can send my purchase order to this Smith. Thank. You clothes for. Modern businesses, it's extremely, important, that they can start quickly, with their solution, it, is also important, that it can grow as their business needs grow the. Dynamics 365. Business central we, allow customer, to tailor, their businesses, to the specific, needs get. Started quickly with a new modern and refreshed user experience, and as, the business needs evolved, adapt. That experience, to the specific, needs of the different roles in their, business I will. Now like to invite ya spur to show us a demo of that. So. Let me start by talking to you about personalization. How. You can, tailor this. Essential, to your particular personal, work style and your, particular needs so. In front of me we, have the, role center now, the role center is already optimized, for. Your role, in your organization, and as, you can see we have tiles, and we have numbers that are already helping you to. Do your everyday work. But. We can take it even further and you, can personalize, the. Role Center from, writing business. Central if. You go to. Settings you'll. See that we have a menu called. Personalize in, personalization. Mode I. Can. Now drag and drop. Sections. Of the role center to fit my particular, need and how I would like things to look when I do my everyday work I can, for instance let's go into the items list and do. Some changes, there here. I can, decide, where I want my fries pane to be placed I can. Also add, more, fields by going to more and then. Adding. Fields to. My lists, by. Dragging, and dropping them into the list and when. I'm done I just press the done button and now my, this essential, experience, has been optimized. To my particularly, work style my, particular, needs now.
Let Me talk to you about the. In app designer, the. In app designer, gives. Me the opportunity to. Not only create. Personalization. For my personal, need but, to create customizations. For everyone, across, my organization you'll. Find the in app design of the same place as you find their personalization. In. The settings menu that will take me into the in app designer mode and from. There I can do many of the things I just showed you with personalization, I can drag around fields, and. I can rename. Areas. And. So. Forth but when I'm done doing my changes, things, are a little bit different just when I press to stop designing, button that's when business central will take the changes, I just created. Convert them in to an, extension you can even, take an extension, and do code. Changes, and integration. Work with, the extension. And. This. Takes me to the last part I would like to talk to about EPS. Or, in. Eff sauce you, can find, extensions. That are professionally, created by. Thousands, of partners and those extensions. Can, be integrated to the Microsoft, power suite such, as power apps for, creating business applications, across devices, or Microsoft. Power bi. For. Doing business intelligence. And, smart. Decision-making, and flow. For creating, workflows. And, integration. Across, different, systems since, it's possible to extend the solution, with apps from Microsoft, app source our. Customers, can, choose to work with our global network of partners that have deep industry, knowledge and, expertise, and help, customers, customize, the solution, for, individual, organization. Needs. Thank. You aspir we. Are extremely, excited about Dynamics, 365, business central we, believe it offers a collection of unprecedented. Capabilities to, customers, to, run their modern businesses successful, we. Suggest you contact your local partners, who can give you a deeper information about Dynamics, 365, business central we're. Extremely excited about this and we're looking forward to your success stories, with, business. Central. You.
2018-03-29 18:26