Dumped in Ewolin - NPC D&D - Episode 68

Dumped in Ewolin - NPC D&D - Episode 68

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So, there's a person doing strange sounds over there you ready to go back to Honeywood? Yeah! THEY'VE DONE SOMETHING WITH THE BUTTERFLIES EVERYBODY! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGHHHHHH! Fiddle-de-dee! What is all this madness? WHOA!!! Who is...who is working with ya? Who are you?! - Give it back you imposter! Heeheehee! - What?! Preposterous! I'm the real Mister Light! Surely you recognise me? You told me to let him go it's you who failed to specify when or where Where did he go? Follow him and find out - Alright...let's go through the mystery portal - URRGGHHHHHHHHHH... For a second time in most of your lives a millionth time for you - Jesus Christ... - You feel that same sort of *slrrrgh* sensation as you are being stretched out and then *zoop* elastic back into yourselves and you land down, is it this way or the other way? This way and you land down *Dooooosh* in a swamp That's very clever this I need each of you to make a dexterity saving throw to determine where you land in this swamp 16...

+6 = 22 22! - Bob lands down *poof* on some dry - [Bodger] 9 - I am very dextrous - wooded 9 - [Rob] 9 - [Baradun] 8 Bodger has slammed down *bssch* in some er muddy swamp over here - Baradun has *boosh* into a - 13 pond over here - 13? - And drowns 13 yeah Ha! And drowns and dies - And drowns! That's Baradun - Hits his head on a rock, drowns and dies 13 you said? yep You land down *oof* on the side of a wooden um what was once a pier that's kind of gotten all rickety and crap and you kinda stumble to the side but just manage to catch yourself on some Great and then can you roll for Poppy as well? - She's got a zero dex mod - Oh yeah 18 18... She lands the most graceful out of us all! Baaaa! - She just floats down - Just right next to you OOOOF Bleurgh! Oh! Ah! Oooooh Bleargggh! Oh no, I've got mud on my robes! Arrgh! Ergh! - And then Kettlesteam - Baaaa! *Booosh!* Ooooh Hey Kettlesteam, what's up? And you have and you have arrived in Ewolin Oh my god... I stand up and shake the water off myself Um, now you gonna have to erm afternoon brain, I have I have no idea - why we are here - None of us do I think None of you do We don't yet - None of you do - Ah okay - In character, none of you know - None of us do I've got a question What? Where are we? What's going on? Who are...you...and who are you...? HONESTLY BODGER! - Very good questions - That's a...fair enough question, I have no idea

- I don't know where we are - None of us know, none of us know No idea yeah So I...I...in... frustration and a bit of anger walk over to Kettlesteam and help them out of the puddle I do the same to Bodger and then mage hand slap him in the face *psssht* - And then after you've done that - Bodger next time I say let's create chaos, maybe don't just set fire to the first thing you see and maybe we can formulate a plan It is pretty chaotic You walk over to Kettlesteam YEAH YOU'RE NOT WRONG You go to help her out and then you realise, oh my staff - I need my staff back - I'm Bodger, I bodge I'm Bodger I bodge! And as you turn round to make your way back to the to your staff Uh oh Oh dear You see a... - where are they all? - Who said that I let go of my staff? Look, I'm still holding it Yeah look, the mini's got it right there Yeah! What're you talking about Rob? Ah sorry I need a Baradun without the staff looking confused, specifically confused Ah yeah so I-- No, I said agitated - This one's more perplexed - agitated - it's not quite the same - yeah yeah yeah yeah You see a familiar looking frog man with a staff now in his hand - jumping out of the pool you landed in - awww Aw f*** off This mother******! And running away with it *boom boom boom* - Ah, these guys - How far does he get? He's...he's legging it so He's gone it's a...

- it's a matter of chase situation - Um hammer Hammer! *Hurgh!* What's the range on that though? Except you would do you go frog's getting away, you go down to the puddle you were in and you're like, where's my hammer? - Awwwwwwww - ...sake Ahh wait what happened? What? WHERE ARE MY SWORDS? - WHO'S GOT MY SWORDS? - WHERE'S MY STAFF? GIVE ME MY SWORDS - WHERE'S OUR STUFF GONE?! - WHERE'S MY STUFF? WHERE'S MY STUFF??? Are you still cuffed? Everybody, a perception check No he's not cuffed I wasn't cuffed I think I was just kinda like held - They had him in manacles, they - Uh perception check undid them before pushing him through - Perception... - 9 - 12 - Perception... Oh god This dice tray's helping my rolls significantly Yeah yeah, er 8+ Er perception did you say? yep Okay, 12 + 5 = 17 - just 16 - 17 10 Two of you notice a couple more giant frogs *blrp* leaving the approximate areas where you guys all landed down you see another bullywug running off with a a warhammer in its hand *rwrr* Ahhhhh! We just...aw we just got that!

Oh my staff! Oh! - MY STAFF! - AHHHH! - AHHHH! - OH THOSE FROGS! GOD DAMMIT! Grrrr! GGGGRRRRRRR! AHHH! - I want my staff - Do you know what I've realised? - What? WHAT? - About those frogs What? Yeah? they are little thieves YES BODGER! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!! - WELL DONE BODGER. - You know what I've realised Bodger? Hrrrrgh You're a bit of an idiot Y'know....they, they steal our stuff! - Wait. Let me, let me look - Yeah!

no, there's nothing in there there's nothing in there - You know what I've just realised? - I'm not surprised YOU'RE A SORCERER! Whoa! - And I've just realised - Whoa! I'M AN ELF! - Oh! Whoa! - OH! And I've just realised YOU'RE A GARLIC FARMER! WHOA!!! WITHOUT GARLIC THOUGH BECAUSE THEY STOLE IT! How far...how far away from me is the one that stole my staff? Err well, you went over here so that's 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45 and then on his turn he would have jumped and then dashed so it's another like 60 so like hmmmmmmmm 100ish feet - 105? 110? - hmm Hmm...poos [Greg] Burn it to the ground Baradun - I'm...I'm considering it - Ah biscuits! - I...with spell sniper I can get him with a few things - Burn it to the ground... Ummmm... Do I still have uh some of my like other things, javelin? Yep, got your javelins and stuff - can I jav-- - they're still there I'm gonna try and hit - what's the range on a javelin? Er javelin is errrrrrrr...

one eiiiigghty I wanna say [Ben] shit [Rowan] 180 metres? feet Ah feet - Everything's in feet - but still - Can I, I'm gonna javelin that - that's like what... - little shit who ran away with your staff - 60 metres? I...I...I think I might earthen grasp him Javelin...30/120

so anything outside of 30 is disadvantage but you can theoretically hit anything up to 120 I'm gonna give it a crack alright - Er the one that's running away with your warhammer? - [Adam] It's not necessarily gonna pin him down and stop him though Yeah yeah - I want my warhammer - So as you're like 'shit where's my warhammer?' you see - you little shit! - frog jumping away and you're like 'that one!' *schhm* *Fwwggh!* Make an attack roll So it's disadvantage is it? Disadvantage cos it's outside of 30 but within 120 So 6 or... Oh god... 1! Aww noo! You've taken all our good rolls! Yeah yeah launches off and it *thnk* like high up into a tree and you've lost one of your javelins - I cast...I cast before any description of - unless you want to spend time getting it back further movement happens I cast shatter Alright, so you see it getting away you're like argh he's within 120...*schm* spell sniper I presume it's within... It's 120 with spell sniper so - just on the cusp still - so 3d8 3d8 Okay so I do 7 Can you cast that without your wand? Oh. Yeah. Can I?

Spell...that you fucking - staff - Oh yeah, true what material, what components does shatter have? VSM vsM so vocal and somatic you can still do Mmm material needs the material, what is the material of shatter? a chip of mica yep, you do not have a chip of mica so you go SHATTER! and you're like SHIT! Awww You're not getting away with my stuff! *Phwwwrrggh!* *maniacal laugh* Are you able to cast without your staff? What do you mean? *pop* my staff is... Aw god...HE HAS MY STAFF! Yeah... Do something...

Ah man I can-- Think of something mate Erm...erm...and I do - MAGIC MISSILE! - I don't know Magic missile, alright *zssuum* - what's the range on magic missile? - Can't go wrong with magic miss And...and I...it's 120 so 240 - Magic missiles, more like magic hitiles - Nice, so he's within range Ha! Shada-hee! And I'm gonna cast it at level 2 which I would have done shatter so I use four of these er so 4 8 with that one *boof* second missile *squelch* and the other two slam into a dead frog and your...your...your

staff goes *pff-pf-pt* into the Just in case someone else goes for it, I leg it over there - I'm gonna um - You start legging it that direction so wait, we're still chasing one with your warhammer? yeah, so you - I'm gonna, I'm shooting my - you're chasing...where's my guy? you're over here where's, sorry where's the guy - oh the guy who's... - who's stolen my shit he's like somewhere over here - Can I use my wand of magic missile with - Ah okay, can't see him my firearm? you can After... Bodger's one you...you're like what's he throwing at cos you didn't meet the perception check to see the guys running away - so you're like ah he's throwing at something and then - Ahh yeah - you're like - I just shoot into the - You're like 'ah! frog!' - what is it man? I gangsta shoot anyway into the-- Gangsta shooting! pew pew pew! How many charges of magic missile are you using? erm Well you...so he's got 8 or less health

so you could get away with just 3 or 4 The wand has 7 charges so I'm gonna use 4 Four charges so that's 6d4 Yeah cos that 4 doesn't mean 4 shots, that means it's level 4 magic missiles right? - Ah, is that? - yep Yeah right right and it's the level + 2 is the number of shots you get So just do level 2 then Okay so what do I roll sorry? depends, what're you? - So when you're - So I'm going 4, level 4 so level 4 means you're getting 6d4 - 6d4 damage - which is far too many Ahh okay right right right okay right er I just need - I mean you can separate them off, you can go like - ...2? 2 on 3 different frogs if you want Well but there's only one frog that's got the That we know of currently Ah yeah right Given your perception checks from before, that's the one you know about yep Alright Maybe do that then? F*** him up shoot 4? - F*** him up! - These giant frogs that are jumping off that direction okay you've seen one off with Baradun's sweet, er 1d6 - so I will need some more d6 - Alright...*tzssccdrdrdrrw* d6's from...

Can I have some d6's? - Er d6's? - Help your friend d4's right? d4's yep - Ah d4's - Square one? Do you want a monopoly one or? No, he wants the pointies Pointies - the f'king ones that would hurt your feet real bad - pyramids Yeah The ones you don't want to drop and you have one from my I've got 4 You got 4? ah no yeah but it's level 4 which means it's level + 2 so you get another 2 as well 2, 6, 8, 10 12... 13 13, so we'll say roughly 4 on each *doo-doo-dooosch* Can't even read that yeah that's the bottom one ah wait, 13? Ah, plus...plus 6 cos it's each one's a d4+1 GET BACK HERE! *BOO! POW! BOO! BAM!* *BOOM! BOOM!* AGH! THEY KEEP ON COMING! So...yeah that's enough to take out the one that's running away with the warhammer and then these two frogs get injured, they're not quite dead they're, giant frogs are hardier than - have I got here yet? - bullywugs Er well no because that would be the next round of your turn and so before that happens another bullywug *blrb* out of the thing hearing this *splrrg* down and *dwoosh* jumps across to it and grabs it and *blrb..blrgb* starts to leg it - I'm assuming this is gonna be a bit of a process - Awwww...okay

we're just kicking a can down the road - at this point, we just follow - this is essentially a chase scene Ah shit Keep shootin'! Alright, I'm chasing You are running through swampy area which for you guys is difficult terrain these guys have standing leap so it's no problem for them they can keep running and hop How dim is this forest? How dim is this forest? Well, funny you should ask at this time I would say it's probably Can I not-- light Can I not just go like this? You can indeed - And... - Ohhhhhhh! I do that, I go I was wondering if you would remember that! So as this, as that one explodes and it goes *pfffft* into the mud another frog, another bullywug comes over *blrg-eh* and it grabs it and then *wrrg* this bullywug gets *tcsssssum* sucked back towards you - actually, can I see dwarven thrower? - what do you say to him when you catch him with the? What's that? Can I see dwarven thrower, the card for it? I don't know if it's got a range you have to be in to pull it back to you Might be 60 feet long range of 60 feet... immediately after the attack the weapon flies back to your hand I'll allow it yeah I think that was before when I was saying can we just make that a bit of a homebrew yeah yeah *woooooosh* you just What do you say to the bullywug when - he like lands? - *Rnaaarrrgggggh!* Ha! I did it! It works! Ha ha!! HRGGLELELELELELELELELELELELELELELGGHH! YEAGGGH! - gets dragged back - hello...

and then the warhammer slams in and there's this bullywug hanging off of it *ribbit* You've pissed me off You just got nailed! You've crossed the line! You've crossed the line and then I...I... rip him off I throw him up in the air and I *wrr-boosh* Nice just smack him out of here Boof! Roll an attack see if it's as cool as it looks in my mind 7 Hm 7...plus your modifier is probably enough to hit a bullywug's armour when he's not expecting to get in a battle *boosh* and you crack him, he goes a bit limp and he falls into the mud *rwarrgh-errgh* and one of his legs is just kind of aw I feel bad going - Put him out of his misery? - He's not quite dead like *death squawks* - Oh no... - *Arrrkkkkk* Yours is still getting away I mag- I run - As you are starting to get ready - I guess I can-- for battle, chasing these things down you go to grab your sword and you realise your short sword's gone I LANDED ON THE DOCK, I LANDED FINE! Yep, but they rolled a percep- a um sleight of hand check while you were investigating everything else - cos you got off the dock - BULLSHIT to go and pick him out of the sludge which I was listening out for F*** and as soon as you'd gone into the sludge to pick him up and slap him - They went oooh shortsword - Ahhh biscuits... I just quickly pat myself down -Can we, can I just - how would I know? Make an investigation check Yeah, can I, I wanna stop more thievery is there a thing I can do to 2...

2?! You don't notice what has been stolen from you yet - Ah it's probably fine - You completely naked going I'm fine - If everyone's done something can I keep running? - It's probably fine You're running - but you're running through sludge which is half speed for you - Er...wait...wait so I get another 15 - yep, and he's still gaining ground on you - okay, so I can can I see the one running from me? I'm zipping up pockets and I'm This thing's getting very chaotic - You...you - Can I see the one running from me? You rolled, that's what your perception checks were for originally and that's why you saw the ones that were running away slower he'd already gotten yours and started to scarper with it one more perception check, see if you can Fucking bullshit I wanna cast magic missile again before he gets away I rolled real well so just whatever real well is Real well was it? Real well Just real well? - How much, like if you had to put a number on it - Looked like a 2 to me 7? - 7 out of? - total 7 out of like 20 something - possibly? - yeah...

Who could say? Real well Nah, you see other frogs THAT'S BULLSHIT! - I ROLLED WELL ON MY PERCEPTION - you see other frogs starting to *blob-blob* I SHOULD HAVE SEEN IT AND THEN I DIDN'T, F***ING SHIT!! 'fraid not I...I...is it my turn again? - I wanna do something! - AAAAAGH-HAAAAAA! These guys are getting away and we're going into a chase scene - *stressed Ben noises* which is like a skill check essentially, not a - a battle - [Ben] I hope you enjoy that ring Put this guy out of his misery put this guy out of his misery But you know from Ah...this guy who I've maimed you know from, you know from experience having had this happen before that they're probably taking it to a central location Yeah... - to present it to some bullywug master - to some sort of big We're not anywhere near the last time this happened are we? No That one was just outside of Honeywood Okay, let's let's take chase you...with this being like a

- skill challenge - Just hit him - each of you can decide - *pffpt* - what sort of a skill you want to use - *ewww* you finish that - finish that frog off - I just finish him off, just out of mercy ewww god Urgh What do you want to do to try and help your group as a group to to catch up to these things as they're running? Nobody can use the same skill more than once but creatively you can choose whatever you want and be like let's try and, I'm gonna do this thing to try and help so I can do big pouncy things - [Adam] I put mask of no sight on, - You can yeah I'm invisible and can't see and just run in a direction no I'm kidding! This can only go well! That's super helpful! So we're like where's Baradun? Oh where? We just hear a *THUNK* gonna run into a tree Then a *bubbling gloopy noises* and you're like, I can hear him drowning but no idea where he is Umm.... - I don't have any useful things to be honest - [Rob] Ooh Flash of Genius is useful Hmm could be - Umm...... - could be I'm not useful in this scenario, I'm very I'm very You can bend the luck of others though Yeah, anyone needs luck bending lemme know Okay so, can I do...I'm not sure if this is quite how this works

instinctive pounce yep - so when you go into a rage - as part of your if I go, I have to go into a rage to use it rage can I I dunno If you go into a rage, you get half your movement as part of the going into the rage bonus action and then you can use your movement and then you can action movement again okay so you'd get like 2.5 movements I don't... - I do it - I don't know and then you wouldn't attack At the cost of going into a rage yeah which I probably wouldn't get to, which would probably wear off cos I'm - probably not gonna - Immediately yeah I'm just gonna start Start hoofing it I'm trying to be creative but I can't think of anything Can I telepath into one of their brains and try and work out where they're going? Okay Yeah, I'll allow that, so as part of the first skill check is going to be you're using your abilities to try and read their mind rather than Yeah open a channel of connection so therefore it's gonna be your spellcasting check so you're gonna roll, you're gonna add your for you it's charisma plus your proficiency 7 7 + charisma + proficiency - Next one - [Rowan] What're they called? Bolly? Bullywugs - modifier? - Bollywugs - yep so 8 - bullywugs - and then proficiency of 3 - bullywugs takes it to er an 11 11 is not a success, you've got one failure on this skill check who else is gonna try something? I'm gonna run, I'm trying to start running - Just to start chasing - Alright, this is gonna be an athletics check so you are running Er 11 plussss 11 + your athletics 1 = 12 Your athletics should be more than a 1 Err ath...oh 6! Jesus Christ Yeah! 11 + 6 = 17 that is one success, one failure - Err I need to do something! - Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhhhh! I HAVE NOTHING TO DO! I HAVE NOTHING TO CONTRIBUTE! I'LL TELEPATH TO FIND OUT WHERE THEY'RE GOING - YEAH YEAH DO THAT! - *ngggghhhhh....*

I'm just-- ANYTHING?! - NOTHING?! - I'm just gonna run nothing I'm just gonna run A...ah...yeah RUN! GO! RRRRRRWWWWWRRGGHHHHHHH!! What else we got? - What is, what are you? - I............ am down to zero That was a d12 - but what were you trying there? - Oh god Uh I thought I was rolling athletics cos I'm gonna chase as well Okay, so you can so, usually in a skill check challenge you can only attempt different things okay You can attempt the same skill check that's already been attempted by somebody else but it's at a higher DC okay right so the point of a skill challenge is to kind of like go okay, how else can we use these things that we have creatively maybe you could make it an acrobatics check, you're trying to like brachiation through the trees instead of running along in the swamp Trying to...trying to what?

Brachiation, hand over hand swinging - like - Right apes We all knew that Have you not heard of that? Psh! I do have a very high acrobatics You could parkour between the between the Does Greg get into parkour? Yeah! There's parkour Greg, - parkour Greg - Alright, acrobatics Good old acrobatic Greg - I climb up a tree and I like, which is a thing - as we know and love him not aware he could do and then he's just gonna start jumping from branch to branch You'd been watching monkeys and acting yeah, I've been studying monkeys Yeah, he brings in his actor brain Yeah - okay, how am I gonna do this? - *chimp noises* What have I got? What have I got? Ah there's trees trees, what climbs trees? Er monkeys, monkeys, I've studied monkeys I'm gonna, I am gonna jump ooo ooo oooh! Ah! Ah! Ooh! Ooo! Ooo! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So acrobatics, +5 natural 20 + 5 Natural 20 + 5! That counts as two successes which takes you to 3 successes which is what you need - So, you guys - yesss are catching up to these Greg's acrobatics save us again! So you are actually gaining ground on these these frogs and things Aww I wanna know, how we're gonna do this in the green screen So we're most certainly running in the right direction, and following in the most perfect of straight lines I want to having err been all round the world I would have assumed I've been to Ewolin before so I'm trying to make a bit of an insight check as to where they're likely to be going in Ewolin make a...nature check Can I make an insight check? Uh, that this is a we'll get to that I wanna see, there's something you don't know about yet - that you need to first work out - okay +2...on nature 5 + 2 = nah 7 7...it's a swamp and you're racking your brains trying to think where

- where was the - it's cos you've still got your eyes closed - I take the mask off - It's cos you're wearing the...! you're racking your brains trying to work out whereabouts the swamps are in Ewolin and you're like I can't think of them, I can't think of any swamps in Ewolin which is confusing you but then you start to like work out their their...then you start to hone in on like their insight and be like okay I don't know where in the grand scheme I am but at least I know the direction they're heading so now you can make an insight check 18 + 4 = 22 22 yes you feel like they are going, beelining a particular direction and you are following you insight from that that given that you've dealt with bullywugs a million times they are taking their spoils to some sort of master mhm cool But, with your successful skill challenge, you manage to catch up to them and and catch the ones that are going with your staff and er with a little bit of help, Greg comes swinging down from one branch and lands on top of - lands on top of one that is - *Tarzan cry* I really want to do this properly Greg Greg, Greg of the jungle! Strong as he can be! Is Poppy just following me like? Those push-ups have been helping as well Yeah, those push-ups are really working out That upper body strength Yeah hard out The...the little bullywug who's like running and jumping along with your +1 shortsword in its hand uh, you land on its head and *pfffpft* drives the shortsword through Ohhh...ohhhhhhhh...

and it *hpp-ssssllp* into the er swamp and then just slowly sinks down into the I run up and *arggh-hgh* and grab your thing back - You've got your stuff back, you've got your stuff back - *Shhhnk* Ow! you didn't even know what was taken from you so that's gonna be hard to know who's got it or where they're going yeah! but you do see a bunch more frogs and bullywugs kinda jumping away from you Are we just following them? Shall we just - follow them at this point - I think so So I can, I just know I can keep up with them and yep, you guys keep going for a little bit longer until eventually you come across an old wooden shack that seems to have been a house at one point in this wood Have you got your staff back yet? Okay So we've all got our things back - except possibly Greg cos we don't - As far as you know - Yeah, I don't know what's been - know what's been taken I'd love if this is where um the bullywug king moved to As you approach the...the broken down chalet you see that it is it is an old wooden thing that has gotten degraded over time with the with the water and the oily nature of the swamp ooze and ichor put a little bit of a wall for you there Ooooooh fancy - Fancy walls! - Very fancy! Fancy! I like these walls Fancy modular Modular Realms Oooooh! Modular, so fancy Goodness gracious! And as you as you rock up you can hear them *traumatised ribbits* there's this like cacophony of frogs, of different voices calling out like oh god we're being attacked! *Rrraarrrr-rrrah* *cold-hearted laugh* and then out of, the door to this thing swings open and you see a huge, almost yak-sized - giant toad - Oh good...great great great great great in a tiny little crown holding a Ooooh look at that crown holding a holding a walking cane made out of a canvas-less umbrella he walks forwards What is it? Aww it's this guy! my people Oh it's this-- Ah god dammit! What is it my people? Oh no! He's back! *ribbit ribbit* he sees you running in Who dares enter the swamp of - King Lord Sir Conrau, ruler of - Awwwwwww...save it Urgggggggggh ruler of all of Lightwood - and he notices you - Urrrrghhhhhh! Do you know who is - My friends! - gonna hate Do you know who's gonna hate this even more? Is... Oh yeah! Everyone loves Sir Conrau (!) Ohh dob dob It's very divisive, very divisive voice My friends! - My...please - Weellllll that's a bit much friends, it's been so long since I've *cough* excuse me, sorry let me I've been going to speech therapy lessons Good and I'm trying my best to learn how to use my mouth to create the sounds of human speech It's somehow worse I...I...I walk up and go

Ah! Lord Sir Conrau! Oh I have been speaking your name all around Azerim you're now known as Lord King Duke Sire Sir Conrau King Lord...! Did you hear that my people! yeah! Good - Hooray! - I was gonna ask Make a deception check Good yeah...you're well King Lord Duke - 8 with deception - Sire Sir Conrau! not sure what King Lord Duke Sire...! - where is deception? + 3 so 11 - Duke Sire Sir Conrau 11 well, wonderful! let the people rejoice! bring out the troll so he may bask in my...my glory oh gawd And his, the same giant toad that's even bigger than he is ah yes that you saw the first time comes *Blrrh-rrrha* out to his kind of bodyguard I remember you! - but also out of the swamp and - We're a lot stronger now gloop from over here comes a huge troll that seems to be made of the same gloop that's around the swamp Ohh...

My people! Please! And then around you, more frogs starting to come in join the fray We have friends in our midst! We straight up didn't murder like 5 of them just then but okay - We have friends in our-- he doesn't necessarily know that - Shhhh shhhh shhh shhhhhh yeah My friends, we have friends in our midst please...err...what...what brings you I'm sorry She sells seashells on the sea shore the shells she sells - are seashells I'm sure - It's fantastic...it's fantastic you don't need to keep practising you're doing great Bwrrrrrra! Bwrrrrla! Where-- - My Mother makes me munch my M&Ms on a Monday morning - We're just sitting there like wiping spit off our face like Right in the eye Erghhhh...Arghhhh...Ewwwww... He's not one of mine! Ah biscuits! *pew pew pew pew* getting more and more accurate gradually with the gangsta way of shooting What the SHIT? Right, I wanna get back to Honeywood *Bullywug-English gibberish* Hey slow down Alright alright, calm down you're not making any sense Calm down Oh, hey! Thank you very much to Wizards of the Coast for sponsoring this episode now their new adventure storyline The Wild Beyond The Witchlight is out soon September 21st in America and Europe, and October 15th in New Zealand and Australia check it out in the link below and thanks for watching!

2021-10-29 23:04

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