Dressing up ( well.... ) an early Tudor lady

Dressing up ( well.... ) an early Tudor lady

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[Music] food [Music] [Music] hello everybody isabella from pridetime here and today we are looking at a very early tudor lady and her wardrobe um this feature is going to be slightly different mostly because i've been making the dressing up videos for a few good years i think the first one i made was dressing up a victorian we went showing how fast you actually can get dressed it doesn't take two hours and that was i think in 2016 or 17 so a few years back and surprisingly it was quite quite popular but um because of that everybody's doing them now which is very interesting but whenever you look at the social media everybody's doing dressing up which is great because you have lots of different uh perspectives and and different resources but just to throw us planet it works i've decided to go to my room today so today we're going to be very unladylike undressing the lady no nudity involved regrettably for some i suppose but a sigh of relief for others but we're going to have a look at what a twitter lady in the very beginning of 16th century or end of 15th century so basically the henry vii would be wearing also possibly a few first years of henry the eighth rule um and before i get on a huge thank you to nina and her friends for facebook because that has been an absolute just just i wouldn't say bye because i'm not religious but it's such a slim book but the plethora of information there is amazing um so i've created all those items based on the information here i did not use the commercial patterns they sell i drafted my own based on the button diagrams here like that but the most important thing for me it was the accounts i mean things like what kind of colors are available what kind of cloth wet wall what kind of first um loads and loads are very detailed research so if you are interested in the period this is an absolute must have and there is a king servant alternative as well although having a new book coming out regular in a month or so so have a look and check it out they do sell them in their etsy store they also sell the patterns if you rather use a commercial pattern as well as lots of stuff like this bling so i do recommend them and sneaky has been invaluable in helping me out with research and with creating all that stuff so thank you to the taylor well let's get started shall we so this is basically what a gentlewoman of a court another lady would be wearing for the outside obviously if you go out for the castle you have another mantel or a cave depending on the weather but this is your standard get up a little bit posher so possibly your sunday best of a more official or formal occasion um i'm wearing a gown with a v-neck fitted in the torso in the body and closing out the hooks and eyes the gown is in wool satin in green color green was not the most popular color for the gowns at the time it was usually black or tawny but we have some purples and green was about 16 of the colors worn at that time it was also quite popular for livery um so we can see a couple of white and green two deliveries at that time as well wool satin is an amazing fabric grounds could also be made out of velvet or brocade or satins or kind of silk sweeps and they were usually lined with wool sometimes silk um and quite often fur so this style here with holding up my scales in front this gets outlined just of silk so it's not really a lot to shovel but if that was lined with fur the effect would be quite striking i'll be wearing that gown mostly in the summer so far it's out of the way and we absolutely boil uh remember that into the times the climate was slightly different definitely much cooler and that nice way of using the hooks to hold up your skirt in front was invaluable if your skirt had sort of a puddle hem so really reaching way onto the ground and below so difficult to walk here just hooking it up very easily you can actually walk without an impediment the hooks like these were also used for hooking up long trains at the back um another feature can see a lot um or maybe not a lot in a couple of examples of historical sources um the cuts are still narrow although that fashion is slowly going going out and they are sort of placed and pinned in place and at the same time you start seeing the tablet sleeper dependency with a large cuff it's getting bigger and bigger with the um the biggest is going to be in the 30s 40s i think but these ones are still um used quite a lot and for a person who's not the highest mobility it's really quite useful to have cuffs that do not hang around and interfere with everyday movement i will have to um help my queen either early or catching around later on um to get dressed so that would be quite useful so yeah we have a couple of options with the with the bells we can change them around so let's unhook this one there you go a lot so you can have a standard girdle [Music] let's get this one out of the way you can have a tussled girdle which creates quite a nice effect or if you want another different look let's go for a leather belt [Music] with a little hook and you can hang commander or things like and the back out of it as well so lots of possibilities to to change the look um and the head gear actually is quite a big part of that um i'm wearing a paste which is the white which you can see over here which is background covered by linen and wired and that's just a one separate piece the decorative bejeweled frontlet is just stitched on or pinned on temporarily it can be removed quite easily i actually adjusted it on about 10 minutes but it can be pinned on to the front the front latch or to the paste as well it actually adds a little bit more stability if it's if it's stitched onto the paste um the veil black velvet i think almost always black um and then separately a decorative front that it goes on top of that and as i will show later on you can change the front length depending on the mood or occasion so you can go posture or rest posh or quite some build just black and again three colors available at that time so this would be really quite a lot of way to adjust your look and this also be the first thing to go off your head if you are undressing so let's take it off now this head start hairstyle is not the most flattering one i must say it's one of those things that work very well if you are using a bonnet but not very becoming on its own so you can actually see this is the paste of regulation at the back a veil on top of it and a stitched decoration and it's all just pinned on so you can swap it as you wish let's just hang it somewhere out of the way all right i think of my bling i'm not really used to wearing jewelry so i find it really awkward to have things on my [Music] fingers let's put it safely here i bet i'll forget about it [Music] of course even um the lady who's serving the queen would have servants on her own to help her undress and dress up but let's see if i can do it without [Music] too many casualties in the hair of clothes apartments sorry the cuffs are also pinned for stability let's put it out today [Music] enough the gun opens in the front and it's all watered with some velvet it opens an alternative hooks and nice it's also quite close quite fast to close as well and the fact that the hooks and eyes alternate keeps them closed for quite some time less of a danger of now let's see if i can take it this way oh yes right this is quite heavy the hem is about to set as well and interestingly the back has additional um so bustles were not only in victoria but we're best stitched on sausages i think i'll call it which are just having a wedding stitched into the pleats and you get the nice rounded pleats at the back that hangs really nicely it's much heavier to hold it and to wear it believe me all right all right so what i'm having now is a curtail which is in the garment quite familiar from our medieval videos it has changed a little bit in there in a few years getting um a wax band more fitted it can be with short sleeves on with no sleeves at all and you would use additional sleeves sometimes in contrasting colors sometimes in matching if your sleeve of the gown was pendant and open so that your wrist will be covered so again more possibilities of changing stuff up for domestic quarters um for a less monthly lady that would be a good look but maybe with let's put one of their hats on i feel naked without the hat okay so that would be a nice domestic look to sit indoors if it's quite warm and do some weaving um managing farm or whatever we remember doing at that point quite a lot actually um and this would only be indoors you would not be going out in your curtain a later status just doesn't happen but if you're sitting solo and comparing in companionship with your women that's fine unless it's too cold obviously they put some more on the fabric here is silken linen and damask and the kettles would be usually lined with black or white wool again very thin wool again very cold this one is on the half line mostly because again i'll be wearing it most in the summer interestingly enough this is actually the top of the fabric but i prefer to do reverse it just work better the kettles could be laced at the sides or at the back or at the front the side lacing um is my favorite i think i don't really like backlashing because i kind of did my own the side lacing helps a lot when you need to adapt your garment for pregnancy or if you've had a big sushi of the recovering from thursday it's just quite easy to unlace long lasers and to adapt for expanding girth so to speak people would not have women would not have specialist garments for pregnancy at that point you would just adjust what you have um there is a representation of captain american with her kettle and gown which is just unlaced in front to accommodate her growing valley as well so those were things people were doing without changing the whole wardrobe that's relatively new thing laces these ones are linen tape with nice address but you could also use plaited silk wool or linen ones which have additional advantage of being slightly elastic there you go not rubber elastic about expanding as lots of flattered things do so that would be another a possibility and it would work quite nice and comfortable the kettles were either not interlined or stiffened at all or like this one sticking with one or two layers of background as interlining that depending on basically the size of your chest when i need a bit of interlining so that definitely helps but there is no other support than that and to be honest i'm 34 f and this is very comfortable enough support let's go not moving much much more comfortable than a bra mostly because the weight of your breast doesn't sit on your shoulders but it's accommodated with the fit here um so much more comfortable than a bra can we bring these ones back please and it's just a really comfy garment um when i was fitting it in a studio we just sit in it and do the fittings in between without taking a doll because it was just nice right next part let's unlace the thing and see what's underneath i'm not sure if i can get it out of the kettle without exposing much more than youtube would allow to expose but if needs be i'll have to stop filming for a bit usually it's enough to just get out of one site and keep the other one laced most of the time that will cut the time without blading and then unleashing it's difficult to do that mirror but not impossible [Music] a little bit more [Music] now get my all i know i was a about buttons but you know there's always something now i have to preserve my dignity and take it off without exposing too [Music] much [Music] can i do it and we can hopefully so that's the inside out you can see here actually quite clearly that the fabric has been heavily pieced i use just i've got another gown to create this one that's a very period solution so the sides are pieced and in my case the backers piece as well not pattern matching this point not enough fabric but you would not be wasting your fabric at all so there we go i'm ready for bed good night well there we go the last layer something i'll be wearing only in my private chamber and basically only for sleep erlen and chamise with bound cups there you go a little about cats with buttons and loops and about neckline again with button and lube several different models were available at the time you could have a round neckline or a square one or gathered lots of varieties really the same with the with the cups the fabric was always linen and it would be washed pretty often very very easy geometrical oops cut with course at the side and gussets under arm and wall pose or stockings at that time most of them were cut cloth um stockings not knitted once although they started getting getting in at the same time all held with um a silk garter and of course another shoes again a new newly fashionable round tall sort of cow or bear poor shoe that is going to be in fashion for the next couple of decades so hey all done ready for bed a couple of words about hairstyle um [Music] this is laced in and sewn in hairstyle um using the to the tailor lacing kit and the tutorial you will find the videos showing how to lace your hair for a little bit later to the styles on the youtube but also on the instagram and the method is absolutely ingenious you can do it with shorter hair as well my hair is about to here i'm not going to demonstrate it because nina does it perfectly well on her own video so just click through um but that actually keeps all the hoods um on on your head without any problems you would wear slightly different hair style with with your pixie bonnet [Music] mostly because then the braids would be cold at the back of the head so that would be helping out the structure of the one it is slightly wired as you can see there's a wire inside just to keep the shape a little bit better it doesn't really go with the front flats i'm afraid but there you go i like to stay here as it is a slightly less less posh version of the combination with a paste frontlet and a veil um the paste is stripped of the decorative border so it's just plain white linen and it serves as a foundation for a pinned black veil and a frontlet in this case a quite a bright tawny silk velvet but even with that combination you would still have a lot of leeway because guess what i haven't pinned this one yet you can take this one off and put another one on the colors mentioned in the records are tony black and crimson we don't really see um any other colors mentioned but i think this is enough to play with and again this would be paint for a different look there you go christmas car and another variety which actually my hair is wrong style for this one i would have it somewhere here is a pointed bonnet which are really cute just that's i think would be a really comfortable headwear for every day it can be made a little bit of pocket of a veil which i'll pin in a second but it sits really nicely and it frames the face kind of cute and the same pointed bonnet this time the veil been on to it um the veils would be usually starched linen now the linen weave was much much finer than we actually have access to now so in this case it's just like cell creaganza silicon organza that is standing in for a fine tutor linen but you can see how fast you can actually change the whole look of the head the gear so yeah another option [Music] and the last item in the early head gear closet quite a lot of options as you can see is a round bonnet with a little gathering in the button at the back of the head and again it comes from different frontlets so you can use whichever of the three colors you want it can be worn without the paste or with a paste so you can opt for a round outline of the most of gabled ones and rectangular ones so just a few pieces but you really can have mix and match things according to the situation and your mood [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] well i hope you enjoyed our little foray in a very early tudor era um we originally had a castle sorted out for the shoot but we had to make these out covet thank you so um if you want to support me you can always buy me a coffee i've got a buying coffee account and many thank you mainly thanks to all of you already done so it really helps and see you in the next video bye [Music] you

2021-03-06 22:10

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