Downfalls and rises in trading | At the Table by Urban Forex Ep.004

Downfalls and rises in trading | At the Table by Urban Forex Ep.004

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all right guys welcome welcome  welcome welcome to another episode of   'At The Table with Urban Forex' my name is  Navin Prithyani and today we're talking about   the downfalls and the rises in forex. What are the  difficulties when it comes to trading forex what   are the lifestyle differences in forex and  Armand came up to me a couple of days ago   asking me several questions, I was like 'You know  what, why don't we bring this up into the podcast ?'  But one of the concerns was if you ask all  of us any of these type of questions will it   deter people from getting into the forex market  or will it encourage them? So as always whatever   we do at Urban Forex we're like 'Well you know  what? We'll just say it as it is and we'll let you   decide. We'll let you decide. sSo we have everyone  here on the panel we have Ian, Lucas and Armand.   And Armand, you know with the set of questions that  you have let you take it off from there.   - Oh are you guys ready to be grilled?  - Waiting for this all day long That's what I like to hear but don't worry this  is not you know, school where the teacher is going   to ask you all kind of nasty questions. Um so the  first one (unless you're looking forward to that) - I was actually - Let's pretend you weren't, I think that's better. So the first one is  

"When you started trading did you also think  you would be hitting home runs all the time?" Maybe Ian you you want to take this one? - Yeah of course By home runs I mean like having those big number trades like trades that keep on going and going like the profits never stop did   you also also think that you would have this? Oh yeah if you watch any youtube video out there I just remember even back in the day like  uh I'd watch their screen then I look at   my screen and I'd be like "I see this giant  green candle it starts at the bottom of my   screen it ends at the top of my screen". I'm like  if I were to actually get in here and make it   to here I mean I'd be done I wouldn't even  have to trade like for the rest of the year   so yeah green that looks like a spaceship  basically like a rocket launcher  yeah i thought well that must be norm right like  that must be if i'm going to be a trader that's   that's an everyday occurrence so . - Yeah and and if you're seeing it like that I'm sure   someone else is seeing it like that also and  they'll probably, even I in the beginning I was   thinking if i do this every single day then  I'm probably going to be a millionaire soon   that's that's like how everybody is  going about there these days.   

But what's the hard reality? - Yeah exactly I was just gonna ask that like 'and then what ?' Yeah well the hard reality is what? They  do take off like a rocket unfortunately   we didn't know these are tesla rockets they  turn around and come right back down you know and if you're lucky they land and you  know it's just a break even hit but   if you're unlucky they explode and you know it's  a blown up account yeah exactly yeah yeah   So you know how did you deal with that after you  figured out 'okay this is this is not realistic to   always think it's going to go to the moon straight away?' Ian yeah let's let's have you take it away   Oh yeah right off the bat obviously when I when  you first get actually going into it you you start   realizing hey this isn't happening  on a daily basis you know once in a while   yeah you'll catch one of them for sure but  you also get lots of lots of losses hoping for   that too but, I think though the reality  that that said in with my training I found   the correct education and the proper route to go  and I found that you don't actually need those   big huge screen size candles to actually be  successful in this in this industry if you   learn how to navigate read the market  correctly even just the the smallest   little moves just to the nearest levels and  like things you wouldn't even think that   maybe don't look so significant or look so flashy  you can it's still that consistency i mean it's   it's more than enough to have a successful  trading career so that's one thing i learned that   it's not all, you don't need the big flashy candles all the time. - So it's not the spaceship rides   but rather the actual tesla rides? yeah exactly  -Okay, Lucas you agree with that ? yeah that's for sure I think one of the  main problems especially these days are with   you know people trading on instagram people  showing their trades on social media showing how   much they make especially with recently we  have those um coins just rocketing to the moon   I think that gives a lot of people  like false impression of how   how trading really is so yeah I think everyone  has to be really careful about what to expect   and those are not moves we expect and actually happen every day. - Wait wait they're not ? - Unless you're not telling us something unless  you're not telling us you're hiding something Okay well let's let's go over to the next  question so some people say that a normal job   would take their soul away not everyone says this  but some people but they still do it because it   earns them you know decent money or at least  steady money but trading it can also take away   money from you so why did you still become  a trader? Lucas? Yeah i think that's a   fairly good point because you often hear people  saying i'm gonna quit my job i hate my boss   i'm gonna be my own boss and then the  last thing and when they start being a trader   then only they realize the true boss is the market  because sometimes you you make a right trade   but the market still takes away the money from  you uh you know where a right trade could be   a losing trade and um a wrong trade could  be a winning trade so sometimes it's tough   so it's not like a normal employment where  you just come in you clock in and then you   get your salary um it's a little bit  more different than that i would say   what do you guys think? Navin, what do you think about that? - No I absolutely agree let's   see the thing with the job is you can do a  mediocre job and still get a paycheck at the end   of the day you do a mediocre job in forex they'll  take money from you it's basically as if you're   working on commission but with a condition of if  you don't do a good job you pay for it you see so   it's it's in the short term yes unemployment looks  rosy and safe and everything but in the long term   the benefits really outweigh being a trader but  the short term is really painful as a trader it's   very very painful because while you're  learning and going through the process   every time I personally was like should I just go  back to work like isn't that safer like should I just do what my mom and dad was saying and go back  to work? Like why am I pursuing this weird thing   which looks like a casino? And it feels  like a casino because I can't seem to   get that consistency down so it's like it seems  all random so is it even worth pursuing so it's   one of those things that you have to overcome  that initial stage which can take years for some   people some people take six months but it's  definitely not one month it's definitely not   two weeks it's definitely not anything less  than that you know it's definitely not yeah   it takes time because it's a skill and  you know the end result is always 100   performance based if you perform you get the  paycheck if you don't perform you're paying   for it but that's that skill that takes a bit  of time to build. Okay um let's have a   look at the next one 'In trading there are some  investments to it, like for instance you need to   have like at least one device with a big screen  and some people have a bunch of screens but the   biggest cost is not money related and probably  hidden, what would that be for you? um Lucas?   oh yeah um i think for most people when they think  about starting trading they think about the money   required to you know invest in their education  and then that's pretty much it and and i'm i   suppose like the capital you need to start trading  with yeah but there are a lot more hidden costs   involved you know like costs like um time you  have to take off during the weekends just so you   have to study the traits you have took during  the week you know let's say if you're trading   um throughout the entire week i'm sure  you're going to be really tired by the end of   the week on friday on saturday you're  probably gonna sleep in a little bit by the   time you wake up well for me at least personal  experience i'll be around waking up around 12   eat my dinner uh sorry my lunch so that's  like one start doing my post analysis   for four or five hours sometimes and that's  that goes my saturday afternoon and i'm   dead tired after that and then i don't  have any more time to spend with my friends   my family you know i get to see them maybe once  a week that kind of thing so i think there are   a lot more costs like that hidden costs i  call it that uh people usually don't see but those are you know stuff that it's it's  costly but if you are willing to pay for   that cost it's it's worth it it's 100 worth  not sure what you guys think about that but   i don't think if you're able to pay that cost do  try trading it's a really worthwhile career okay   ian what's what's your experience with that yeah i  have a i don't know if it's i guess it's unique to   everyone on the panel here but i do have uh  family kids um you know so as much as forex is a   a 24 7 market you know in quotes you know it does  operate that but like there's also certain times   of the day that are best for trading opening hours  usually london open new york open all that so   there is a bit of scheduling i'll say  with the whole thing that you have to like   um it's a balance right like i've had to like  i schedule family time and this but i'm always   making sure i'm around my training for the  hours that are appropriate for my trading you   know sometimes that means you know i eat dinner  in front of the the computer screen you know i   think we've been on many calls where i'm sitting  there stuff in my face while i'm never looking   at the charts i don't know what he's talking  about i have no idea what he's talking about   but in my opinion and and that does mean i miss a  few family dinners you know that i make up on the   weekend and stuff but um from my experience  in the long run it's all worth it because   um you can somewhat pick and choose those times  but yeah you sacrifice a bit here and there   but in the long run you're still free like so to  speak like you still call your own hours you can   choose to trade there's any number of opens so  i can it's just a matter of having that balance   um and then in the long run i think you have an  overall freedom that not many people who have a   nine-to-five job have you know uh in the long  run so a bit of yeah you just have to be time   management is all but yeah the rewards are well  worth it so yeah i was just i was just going to   summarize it like that if you can manage your time  well and you can also get used a little bit to the   trading routine and create a good routine for  yourself then it's very manageable but it takes   some getting used to especially if you're used  to a very strict nine-to-five schedule and after   that you know there's no more responsibility uh  for work can navigate anything to add to that   um yeah so i i agree with both of them um as  Lucas pointed out the cost with social life   that's a huge huge cost and i think when you're  younger you definitely feel like oh that's okay   it's not a big deal but it is a part of life that  one should not avoid experiencing you know you   should have your friend circle you should  even even though they might be [ __ ] but   you should still have your group of friends  you need to hang out with have a good time sorry about that but but for the mo for the most  part i think it is very important and that is the   biggest cost it's not the financial cost money  just comes and goes all the time but that cost   of the social life can can have a big role in  it but that balance of well if i go hang out   that's taking away time from me becoming a better  trader okay and trading is not something like it's   okay i'll do it on the weekends and then i'll  become good i'll do it once a month i'll be good   you can't be good i always like to compare  trading to a surgeon if that surgeon doesn't   get experience then i don't care how educated  that surgeon is he's not touching my body if he's done one surgery per year it do  not come near me like there's no way so   it's it's like that you want to be accurate  you want to be precise you want to know   what you're doing you want to understand the  different variations in market but the cost   is there so that's the downside of it plus side of  it okay so i'll i'll give you the opposite side so   i know because it sounds all gloomy and stuff  doesn't it but there is an opposite side of it   there the opposite side of it is that risk of  how long it may take to get to the other side   okay and sometimes you don't even know what  the other side is because it just happens   one day and you're like oh yeah oh it's been a  while since i've been stabilized yeah you don't   there's no such thing as oh from this day onwards  i became profitable there's no such thing exactly   you just noticed that overall you're like  oh i'm still net profit oh i'm bigger net   profit oh i'm more net profit  okay i'm doing well i guess so   once that happened i started to realize i now have  the ability to take care of friends and family   like i was never able to do before and that to  me meant more than me just hanging out with them   for a couple of hours over some drinks now we  go out for drinks i reserve half the half the   bar i fly them in we go to private islands like  the the door has opened up to a whole new level   that they get to enjoy we get to i get to enjoy  it as well so but to get to that level i've gone   through blood sweat and tears as well so it's a  pro and con it depends how you like to live you   want to live a balanced life or you want to live  the extremes um i'm an extreme type of guy i want   the best of the best or nothing you know it's one  of those types so okay um i i can confirm that okay let's let's go to the next one so this is a  true or false statement um and also explain why   For many people trading remotely is part  of what attracts them to trading and the   less material or devices you have to carry around  the better but can you trade from a mobile phone   only and can you be that remote warrior  while you trade just from your mobile phone?   Lucas? - Well the way you put it sounds  sounds pretty cool a remote warrior but i i wish i could but i guess false why you can you you can  actually do some parts of trading   on the go on your mobile but i  think you know the overall analysis   looking at the calendar for news release that  kind of stuff i think i think one have to do it on   their screen their laptop at least on their laptop  um get all the analysis done and then perhaps   managing the trade on the go that's  just me i think everyone is different   for me i can't do it on the go okay before i react  to that wait wait a minute wait a minute. - Oh [ __ ]   Let me show you guys something let me show it  yeah i'm about to share my screen here for a   second here but just give me a second here  okay all right i don't know if you guys can so I have pictures of Lucas trading remotely  of when i've taken me when i've taken him with   me to these remote spots and he has tried  remote trading hands-on okay so so this is   this is a picture of Lucas up on a mountain  on the french alps trading on the grass   uh so Lucas what's your experience with this  particular one before i open up the photo album   oh the view is great but not the view  on my laptop because of the glare   so there's a glare issue you're saying um how  about from the beach how's the glare there well for those of you guys who  are watching this on youtube   look at my face it's not a happy face  and what you guys don't see and feel   is that my laptop is actually burning  and it's about to explode anytime soon so so this image we're looking at right now  is Lucas trading from the beach in Maldives   you know that dream that everyone keeps showing  on instagram where they you just see feet and   a laptop and then saying I lived a good life I'm  a forex trader, Lucas used to ask me about that   back in the day i'm like you know what come with  me let me show you how it is to trade from a bit   you tell me so i took him to the beach he's like  i can't see anything it's so hot i can't focus   and sometimes there are hot girls  just walking around wandering around   there's no way to focus man with all that going on but just just to be clear i i didn't have  that problem i was able to focus just fine   hot girls did not distract me. - I cannot confirm  that. - my girlfriend is watching this webinar all right um by the way uh if you remember  that seven star chef that made our food there   uh Gia Como i believe uh he's still there  and he sends his hellos this guy was like   a scientist when it comes to food so he was  preparing our food on the island there and   what he used to do is mix up the human body's  anatomy with the type of food you need to eat   it was very fascinating to hear by him and he came  up to Lucas and he's like here's what i'm going to   make for you he came with us like here's what you  need to eat that's like i thought this is a luxury   place i'm supposed to choose what i want he's  like no no no you eat what i give you it's like   so really great guy really great guy  i'm sure i'm messing up the way i'm   saying his name he might poison my food  next time around but great guy great guy   there's it's his name's right here here  como by the way lucas he says hi um last   time i talked to him he said hello then you see  him again say hello we'll do we'll do it yeah i have in here also this is ian   in Dubai so this picture that we're looking at  is Ian in Dubai uh with me at a place called Opso   just overlooking the water fountains. - That's the  best pistachio latte that in the world

so so Lucas and Ian have this war between which  place has the best pistachio latte and for   those of you guys who are like what the hell is a  pistachio latte that was me too i didn't know what   a pistachio latte was until i moved to dubai and  they're actually really really good they're really   really good so this is Ian also as you can see his  face there's also a glare um he can't see it well   as much as i can on the laptops in front of me  this happens time and time again i have one last   picture this is lucas again uh he's in dubai  right here this is out near the beach side but   we are in the shade a little bit and same thing  because i'm the one teaching it i can tell what   times when people can focus and i can clearly see  that Lucas is on Lucas and Ian their focus levels   are the lowest when we're outside uh what would  you guys say to that would you guys agree yeah   same for me like any environment where there's  any kind of distraction doesn't even have to be   a pretty location uh i just i just can't focus and  i i think somebody in the comments or in the chat   uh put it right just now saying uh you need to  be in an environment where you perform best and   so I think that's that's the message generally  yeah so what about for the rest of you guys you   guys agree that uh as as beautiful as it looks for  a picture is it worth trading from outside not not   completely outside i would say you need to be in a  focused place to do your analysis and research and   then once that's done you know then you can enjoy  the perks you know after so i think it's for me   to balance a little bit there exactly, I think  uh what I'm, what I'm about to ask   is what probably everyone is thinking in  this chat room or anyone listening in or   tuning in they're probably in their mind thinking  answer the damn question can we be remote or not   what will what's the answer to that what is the  yes definitely yes so if you're talking about   actually both for traveling and for using your  mobile phone you can combine that and do both   or let me you know answer that in one answer and  so you need to find a good location where you can   focus then you do your pre-market analysis on  your you know laptop or maybe at least an ipad   and once you've done that you're ready you know  what you want to do in the market you have a game   plan basically and maybe you're already in a  trade and then you can manage it from a mobile   phone while you do those other things that  come with you know trading remotely you can   walk through that city or go to that museum but  you have to keep at least your mobile phone so you   can manage your trade from that so yeah it can be  done it does require some practice but definitely   can be done yeah i agree i agree every time i've  traded from my phone i can almost assure you 90   90 95 percent of time i've had losing trades  managing the trade from the phone is a whole   different story yeah it's it's a must to prepare  in an environment you're comfortable with   and then you can just look at your trade on the  go once you know everything that you need to do   but to prepare for a trade on your phone that is  a myth a myth you find me someone who can do that   i will i will find a hole in where he's messing  up with and he's taking you for a ride i will   tell you that right now there is no such  thing as trading from your phone because   you don't see the whole picture no never it's  impossible to go through all the time frames   look at the correlation and everything  impossible yeah you'll always miss something   uh but it's the same it's like a  surgeon doing surgery on a cell phone from what i see i need you to  cut right there three diameters   to your left oh i didn't see he had a problem  there and and he's saying that by the beach so he's playing candy crush while  he's getting sand into your wound   so yeah so there is freedom there is a lot of good  things about uh you know so armor you were trying   to bring that up about is it as rosy as it's shown  online in the world of marketing yes it is rosy   like that but there are downfalls to it that if  you can handle that part the rosiness can be done   the beautiful stuff of being remote being  your own boss um all these questions you've   asked yeah that all can be done it's just uh  not in the way the average person might think   yeah it all comes with some preparation and  and dedication also yeah yeah absolutely so   what we'll do now what we'll do now is i'll  bring this up into a chart so what we're going   to do is i'm going to turn this podcast into  a webinar okay we're going to end the podcast   here so those of you who are tuning in thank  you for tuning in whether it's from uh apple   itunes or on google or on youtube um or spotify  wherever you're yeah we have to mention spotify   so wherever wherever you guys are tuning in from  thank you for tuning in to this episode four   we're going to take this into a webinar if you're  interested in understanding what's in the webinar   we're going to be talking about similar topics  but on a chart format so the link will be below   in the description somewhere if you ever need  to log in if not you can always reach out to us   at Urban Forex all right yeah so shall i take  over from here was there any more questions nope   that was it that was it all right here we go  so thank you guys for being here on the panel   thank you Armand for asking all the questions great  stuff hopefully in the future i'm going to see if   some of you other guys have some questions as  well and all of you guys tuning in if you ever   have questions just simply ask us you know  you never know if the next question will be   answered in the next episode or not so uh feel  free to ask us thank you guys until next time

2021-06-18 21:55

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