Doobious Business (FULL MOVIE)

Doobious Business (FULL MOVIE)

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wow okay well i don't know okay what man i want to say something to you first bro i mean [ __ ] this documentary's been going on three [ __ ] years you know i don't hear from you two [ __ ] years you got nothing to say about it and all of a sudden now i'm in the worst time of my [ __ ] life and you've contacted me more in two [ __ ] weeks than you have in two years and then you have the [ __ ] nerve to say to me oh i could see an end in sight right now you know what the [ __ ] insight for me is right now bud is i'm gonna [ __ ] lose everything okay i don't know how i'm gonna feed my children and i don't know what i'm gonna [ __ ] do but there's no joke here bro this isn't [ __ ] funny you understand i'm out of [ __ ] business bud yeah i i wasn't referring my wife's just a disabled she's on os [ __ ] dp i got nothing i'm going to lose everything everything the i mean i don't really have anything i told you before bud this business doesn't [ __ ] get rich overnight it's 40 dollars a bag the [ __ ] weed costs 25 dollars 15 [ __ ] profit you got to pay for a car you got to pay [ __ ] insurance like are you [ __ ] kidding me it's a [ __ ] living i live in ontario housing and he lives in a rented [ __ ] apartment we earn a living we have a few extras yes but they're all gone now and how are they gone but so is my hope but i have no [ __ ] idea honestly how i'm gonna feed my kids i can't even look at my kids bro i've been up every day at six a.m [ __ ] my pants puking sick [ __ ] worried i'm [ __ ] sick but i feel like a [ __ ] crack addict right now i am sick sick with anxiety bud okay so what do you what is it that you want to [ __ ] hear chris what do you want to hear [Music] hello good day it's wednesday gonna be please thank you you have three messages you may now check hey good wednesday afternoon you've reached five one seven four zero five three please leave us a message voice or numeric we'll give you a shout back as soon as possible thanks for calling have a great day and we'll talk to you soon hey good wednesday afternoon you're rich 517-4053 yes we still use dinosaurs [Music] for you if you can get by here that would be absolutely great and give me a call let me have an idea as to what time i can expect to i have my sister visiting from new york today yeah family family family people's life stories no phone number no address how would i describe glenny glenn men is he he's the biggest heart man when people see him at first they you know it's that hard you know oh man he's unapproachable but he's really not like that and you know i mean he has his moments who who doesn't right would you say in general that you're a difficult person to get to know or um well i'll be difficult to get to know because i'm not very trusting so you know i mean it would uh you know yeah definitely i guess so i guess answered bs you know i could have a suitcase with a million dollars and you know my my wife naked on the couch and i can guarantee on my head that he wouldn't touch either one of those will is a little more out there in your face than glenn he's a little more extroverted glenn's a little bit more introverted but they make a good pair you know like when they do stuff together and they kind of balance each other right we're like ying and yang almost and he's him and you know what you gotta get him because he's got a little bit of that ocd going on uh yeah it's just you know i like i just like cert i just like things done a certain way you know what i mean and my i think my ocd's made me a successful person actually some more little things no one who doesn't like that who doesn't want things done right well i'd say that he manages a business a delivery service and he's been managing it i have to admit quite well for 20 plus years that i can as far as my memory goes back he takes it very seriously he's courteous to clients who are absolute [ __ ] is that okay i should have known better just to drive by this guy such a [ __ ] [ __ ] man nothing under the mat nothing in the [ __ ] thing the [ __ ] you guessed my blood pressure boiling man and you heard his message [Music] for [ __ ] sakes man sometimes me a little joke man they're [ __ ] lucky that we're uh uh who we are today because had it been 20 [ __ ] years ago let me tell you we'd be booting off their [ __ ] door and snapping their necks for our money and taking interest too and that's no [ __ ] joke what are your feelings or do you have any feelings either way about his chosen profession nope nothing either way no well what i probably should have said to candy before that interview was uh and i i thought of it after and she probably didn't know some of the questions she probably didn't know how to answer or if i was going to be upset or you know what i mean so then is it something that you just grew up around is it something that's not new to you or i would say more or less grew up around it so it's not a surprise when i found out it was just kind of like oh no big deal no i never really asked her she obviously has no problem with how to feel what i do she's known what i i've done from the moment i've met her how would you officially describe what you guys do uh we've well bro we bro we provide a service uh to people at their homes you know convenience and we uh we make sure that uh we're professional when we do so so you know when we come to your door we're we're professional people just like you would uh delivering a pizza or pharmaceuticals or whatever you want to call it so uh yeah i think we uh we make things happen man this is what we do this is uh this is what we do well what's the official preferred term would you say uh hmm we i guess you know it'd be i guess some form of distributing but uh you know i think uh i'm i'm i think of it more as uh as a medical you know you don't call a guy at the liquor store or drug dealer and it but alcohol is a drug i mean you know just like nicotine and smoke so you don't call the guy the variety start a drug dealer because you sell smoke so why is a guy that sells weed have to be called a drug dealer yeah exactly you know and it's less harmful is a pharmacist is a farm assisted drug dealer he sells drugs so but you wouldn't call yourself a pharmacist no no i'm not a pharmacist either no i'm calling ourselves doctors i provide a service and i provide a product i'm a businessman all right then just so i'm clear then what's the official preferred term um there's not a preferred term i don't know i just don't think willie just likes the term drug dealer yeah [Music] there's a lot of guys doing this i mean i know guys that do exactly what i do the exact same thing i don't they don't uh i'm not saying they're as good as me their products not as good i mean you you know you heard the first guy there you'll hear everybody they just rave about the product because uh my first rule is if i'm not personally smoking it i'm not gonna sell it i don't sell anything that i wouldn't want to smoke myself and let me tell you i am one picky [ __ ] sucker when it comes to smoking pot um but yeah like i said there are guys out there doing this [Music] but i've been able to raise three children and give myself a good life i'm and by no sense a millionaire or nothing i mean i laugh at the people that think uh i have clients that think this uh just because you sell a bit of weed they think you're you know like uh pablo escobar or something but that's not the case i mean you got to think at 40 a bag like really think about what the cost of the bag is and the cost of running a vehicle and insurance and so on and so forth and i mean i'm not griping but i've been able to give myself a good living and you know i'm being able to put my daughter through college and and was able to get her braces and basically provide all the things that i was never able to have as a child so i mean that that's a great feeling in itself [Music] what is it chris is here i hope from this documentary that they'll see a hard-working family man in uh in a business like any other business like the guy that's worked at general motors and put his blood and sweat and tears in 20 years and you know you see that documentary and you you see that company shut down and you see how the town has you know been obliterated by it well you know i see the end of kind of the prohibition with the marijuana thing i think that one's a little too tiny buddy let's get a bigger one yeah perfect with the hulk look at remy man it's dirt bro that's dirt to him you know what i mean like that's it's not like oh no what do we need you tell us what we need what do we need here dirt dirt where's the dirt there's the dirt all right that's the dirt we're selling this dirt today i need some more dirt from uncle willy's bag yeah maybe i would rather he didn't see it opposed to seeing it but i don't know i know he he said he calls it dirt well remy thinks right now that they're rolling cigars and he's come here and told me that and i'm just a little bit concerned that he might go to school and say something and then as it's not legal it could create a problem see i don't feel that i'm doing wrong so i'm not going to teach my kid i'm not going to tell my kid hey don't don't talk about it and don't do this and don't do that i'm kind of as long as he knows it's dirt or he thinks it's dirt not what it is i'm you know is that what you think he thinks yes i hope that's what he is well that's what he thinks that's what he says so i'm guessing that's what he thinks it is is dirt but i mean i know his i'm his grandmother but i wouldn't i would have to be concerned because kids love to talk right kids are not [ __ ] stupid so once you start like lying to them in that i think you you turn it into something that now they know it's wrong we're gonna go lock ourselves in the room for [ __ ] uh the next hour see you later you know we make them part of it man and and again i don't think what we do is wrong man when when when you just have the view like i do that it's just nothing it's part of everyday life and you don't make it into this big thing people don't make it into a big thing what do you think there'll be an age bro we have to cut that off or either explain it or do something about that i think uh i think he's already figured it out and i think the way society is uh he'll have long figured that out uh you know what world do we live in here guys come on i can understand if somebody didn't want weed in their home and they thought that was wrong that a kid's near the pot and whatever but then you gotta also look in your [ __ ] liquor cabinet and go well then you gotta get rid of all that [ __ ] too man because uh that's [ __ ] poison too how many times did you send your kid to the [ __ ] fridge to get a beer you hypocrites or a glass of wine or bring your kids to the liquor store or the wine store this is not something first of all to be shameful about uh and this is not something that's hidden there needs to be and it's a medicine it's a plan it's a lifestyle it has zero social impact okay there you go that'll be yeah i want to do it hold on hold on hold on here just wait put that in there put that in there for now until we get started i need another bag out of there if you close your kids out and you don't communicate and you hide things and you go behind closed doors you're only going to pique their interest and wonder what you're doing now you're lying now you're deceiving i'm not doing it you know i was a product of that childhood and it's not right but you're you're questionable the the bag in business now i my personal feeling is no i don't think that should happen yet or ever show the camera the bag of dirt picked up in your business do you feel that's okay candy yep you'll be okay with it mm-hmm so when he sees the we he doesn't even know that's bad and you know what by the time you grow up like every [ __ ] kid it was never in my home and i couldn't [ __ ] wait to go smoke it you got to pick your buddy all right come back over now here give me that bag of dirt uh some people might be appalled and be like oh my god that guy's crazy you should call the police uh whatever but i mean you know shame on them man shame on them for judging me or whatever you know you come into my life and you see my love for my children and that's not something that you can fake you can put yourself in a room with a child and a kid and see the way that kid is around that child and you will see that my child loves me you know what i mean as opposed to when i was a child and in the room with my mother and you could see the fear you know so okay here we go [Music] i know that he couldn't even do that just treat treat anybody let alone his children or anybody else's children the way he was treated right you know because i mean let's face it man uh most people that that are raised like that and go through [ __ ] that he's been through don't really turn out too good man do you have any concerns about glenn being arrested by the authorities or any repercussions that way sometimes i do and you discuss those with them no no no you just keep it to yourself yes i mean it happens it's part of uh doing something that you're really not supposed to and i know that more than anybody right things can happen you can go to jail you could go to jail be separated from your kids for five days or your parent or whatever the case may be but as far as getting arrested i mean that's a joke and you know you're not gonna get it's only marijuana you're not looking at life or or any major time um well i mean we've had a few uh instances over the years i mean in 20 years i guess you're gonna you're gonna have something um it is illegal so uh i've been a little more fortunate than will because i've gotten pulled over for being too happy one time you think i did i did bro i swear to god glenn was on the phone he's like bro if i didn't hear that i wouldn't have believed you man but yeah this big [ __ ] black hot boy he didn't like me man he did not like the look and the stupid i smiled at him as i'm driving by bro like you know i was [ __ ] fried he had a guy pulled over another white dude man on on the side of his window and i drove by and i'm like and i kept going and all of a sudden man he just [ __ ] right in behind me he gets out he's like he's like what's with the big grin and i'm like uh i don't know i'm happy guy man he's like licensed and all my license aren't i smiling with this [ __ ] he goes you're smiling there too i said i'm a happy guy bro he's like what are you happy for i'm like uh life like in canada [ __ ] oh hip [ __ ] i don't know i'm happy about a lot of things bro he's like uh got any drugs or anything i'm like nah none of that [ __ ] buddy i said i'm just high on life man and i did i had like [ __ ] half pound in the back man and half quarters we used to go and we would [ __ ] get the scale out and start [ __ ] you know buds are going down the seats and you're doing it as you go man and you know that's not that's not too smart neither now look everything's tucked away you notice i sprayed when i got out you know i'm on it i'm trying to be vigilant about uh what i need to do to keep this going to keep you know from being [ __ ] behind bars man well what do you what do you advise me to do you know i mean they come in and they say okay give us all the tapes um i don't even think it would get to that like that's you know like now you're talking they would have to go to a a judge and they would have to get warrants for all these tapes like i'm not rockefeller here man i'm not john gotti i don't think uh and so i i don't even know really what to say on that you know what i mean well i guess my question is then should we just with impunity just send it out to whatever well we could we could take uh we could take a step that like um uh with a little blurb watching watching this film um i don't know how you could write it watching this film uh says that you accept the contract and uh um you cannot reveal what you've seen or something i don't know it's it's just it's honestly not something i'm worried about brother it's really not man i would be the last person that would want to get in trouble you know these are the things that keep me awake at night right right right right what i mean yeah yeah okay so well let's look at family services have you seen anything in the movie where my kids are being not fed or clothed or ill-treated or not happy i mean that would be a joke i would love family services to show up any day of the week two doors down there's a girl that hooks all day leaves are seven kids home all day home alone we feed them we clothe them we buy them shoes the kids come over every day for dinner time i mean my grocery bill is 800 bucks a month because i'm i'm feeding the kids four doors down i got no problem with it but i'm just saying family services it would be the least of your worries even if there was a problem there wouldn't be a problem because we would be last on that list too unfortunately hello hello it's glenn returning your call hi glad it's councilman how are you i'm doing good thank you yourself good i'm i'm at home all day if you could pop by that would be great yeah i'll uh probably be buying the next 20 minutes okay okay one see you soon bye-bye bye hello hello it's clinton returning your call hello how are you i'm good thank you how about yourself i'm very well thanks you are i am home are you in the area okay wonderbar i will uh see you in the next hour awesome thanks you're welcome cheers bye-bye that's okay oh sorry sorry uh this is glenn yes it's glenn yes oh sorry i thought i was talking to will he's been here recently right no no it is funny though because i wonder like are people really just deaf or stupid or just so hyper focused because i mean you heard me say hey it's glenn hello laura it's glenn oh hey um uh are you in the lobby yes i'm at the door okay um i'll just hang up and then just press on the buzzer thing press number five and then choose zero six one okay okay um i've known glenn and will for at least 15 to maybe 17 18 years and to be honest i don't exactly remember how i met them it is hard to find you just can't go to a store and pick it up and so knowing them and just the feeling you get from them and how they make it so convenient and give great service um yeah i wouldn't want it any other way yeah hi hi i pressed number sign two zero six one sorry what was that i did your instructions i pressed number sign two zero six one and it just calls you back oh that's that's weird i'm gonna come down and get you okay great thank you sorry no problem and when people don't answer their phones or they do douchebag moves and they throw a wrench into your day so i would i would want to do something i'm passionate about i mean you know our our goal and our dream is to have the uh have the spread up [ __ ] north man and have that man and do and do what we love i got a call from a gentleman by the name of eddie lloyd who owned this place and he said come by and we'll have a chat so we came by and i remember me and will walking up this hill here behind me and he was standing over in the wood chat sweeping the floor with his shirt off and uh i mean i don't know if you met him but uh he's this burly looking biker guy with the tattoos and we're gonna be [ __ ] movie stars how you doing good fancy meeting you here yeah basically two years ago uh one of the boomhauers uh he went missing i heard rumors that what happened to this uncle is uh he was killed by eddie's son and they put him through the wood chipper back in the creek on your property on my property yeah so do you uh do you feel like you guys have kind of a uh paternal kind of relationship yeah yeah there just might be that there exactly yeah i do i never had a father myself first thing he says what do you boys want this place for you gonna grow some dope one night he was all drunked up and that's when he told me that he had heard that his son murdered the guy and put him through the chipper maybe that's why he was so quick to sell the property or wanted to get rid of it or whatever the case may be but he's like all right deal's done let's smoke a joint when we smoke the joint i'll show cans and the rest is history man and uh here we are ma'am uh childhood was shitty uh you know i'm not gonna give the big sob story but uh you know just uh had a mother who was a prostitute and on drugs and never around never knew my dad only child uh was bounced around to about a bunch of different housing projects in toronto growing up and uh but uh you know what that all made me the person i am today bro i think you got him right back to his heart does my upbringing have to do with my current career choice absolutely hands down a person that was loved by their mom and dad and went to school and had an education and had their college paid for and was coddled and patted in the ass along the way they usually don't get into the life of drug dealing look there's even a hole bro my childhood was a life of criminality you know we kind of grew up together my life back then i was uh partying and i was it was the hippie days that [ __ ] goes up like freaking dynamite you want to lean a light bro yeah i got you bro i got you man i got you oh whoa grant beat your chest and say fire [Music] there was never enough money even back then rent was 300 but there were still many more things to pay on top of rent so i just did some things that i shouldn't have done but i got involved with a few people who did smuggle and juggle drugs from other countries i did that for a few years i spent some time with men for money so yeah it's uh all for money i remember we lived on bellamy and i was probably about eight years old and i used to deliver the little tinfoils to all the doors around the building and i'd knock on the door and they opened the door and handed me ten bucks and i gave them their tinfoil man they got quite a kick out of that i remember everyone always being happy you know so i like to do it you know i guess i like the the sense of appreciation that i wasn't getting at home right funny i never got a cut of that either do you remember that no no i i don't know about that one no no growing up mom didn't work you know i saw her angles were always an angle on something you know how to make you know a lot of money fast i did what i did to support us and that's it and i would probably do it again if i had to redo it the viking yeah all the vikings again another angle fast cash way of making money uh like i said i we bounced around from housing project to housing project and we lived in a housing area called kataraki and uh drugs were huge around there i mean it was like a literally like a drive through 24 7. we were like 13 14 years at the time and we saw the older guys basically they were selling crack so we had no way or shape a form of getting the crack uh so what we did is we concocted our own little batch well actually a little mexican friend of mine jose he's actually the concoctor i'll i'll give him that he uh he whipped up a recipe of uh yellow candles and baby ambassador from stolen from shoppers world uh from uh the shoppers drug mart in combination with zellers and uh he boiled this little concoction on a stove and he made homemade crack without the crack in it and he'd dry it out we'd chop it up and i'd give him like five bucks a batch that's all he wanted and i'd get like you know a key for five bucks of jose's finest and uh we'd go out and we'd sell it and so what a lot of crackheads did which we found again you know what i mean is they they would get the pieces and they would bite them and i guess if they're uh you know they got the num tongue then they figured it was crack so that's where the whole baby ambisol idea came in with the old numb on the lip and once they did that little taste you know they'd buy a hundred bucks worth and i mean i could tell you hands down in my kids heads for a good year i made anywhere from 500 to a thousand dollars a day 13 14 years old went on for a good year year and a half oh boy there was some yeah there was a quite a few for a while i oh they were stealing stuff and i think there was some selling of fake drugs going on and um there was some drinking but then uh i hooked up with this guy named scoop man it was a little scotian crew that had come up from nova scotia and these guys took this [ __ ] to a whole other level man they uh they knew that you could you could send uh eighty dollars to ibm and you could order every ibm key one to ninety nine ibm would mail them right to your house a walmart was the big one walmart was brand new in all of ontario and they would at that time walmart didn't have all their cashiers at the front they had them in section so they had the sporting goods department in the back and then there was a cashier for the sporting goods they had the [ __ ] linen department of the jury department and then they had a cashier for that so it was easy to sneak over there and you know one guy would tell the guy uh oh i'm looking for something and then he goes down the aisle with you you crawl along the floor put your you look on the lock and every lock has the number of what it is one to 99 it could only be that so for the 23 you find your 23 key put it in open the drawer take your cash close it up crawl back out and bob's your uncle and i mean we hit every [ __ ] walmart from one end of this province to the other you know until one day we got there about a month later and ever excuse me and every lock out of the drawer was gone all right so they excuse me they'd obviously caught on to it oh [ __ ] i need a drink nothing you do is going to last forever especially when people are opening up their catchers during the money's gone they got to figure out ways to combat this so i remember going into places and there'd be metal plates welded on the bottom of these cash registers and [ __ ] yeah yeah or uh or the oh yeah or the locks are missing uh out of the [ __ ] like i said yeah we went in and all the locks were gone you know what i mean so that just started happening everywhere so that gig was up and then you had to come on to the next thing you know like nothing you know nothing lasted i mean in the fast game you know like they uh you come up with a way the criminals come up with a way and then the good guys come up with a way i guess that's the the whole thing that just keeps on happening but one day it was me and marvin and we were on queen street and i did a paint store and [ __ ] uh marvin's a [ __ ] heat score and they kind of caught on and next thing i know it's like hey what are you guys doing and we're dark no or he darts out the [ __ ] door and i'm in the back of the paint store you know now we got a chase on we got heroes chasing us there's [ __ ] sirens in the background helicopters dogs are barking like [ __ ] i'm down in the woods i'm all [ __ ] cut up and sweating like a [ __ ] pig trying to get back to melissa's house [ __ ] i took the woods from the waterworks to warden and came up warden man and i didn't stop man [ __ ] i thought the boats were cops and everything and when i finally got home and reached in my pocket there was a 50 [ __ ] dollar bill there man and uh yeah man 50 bucks wasn't cutting it man you know i had to give uh melissa's mom more than fifty dollars for beer and poppy tosh so i mean [ __ ] um yeah so i don't know poppy tasha sorry but uh i'm gonna drink some of my no-name drink here it's great it's no name on it i want you to see that no one's gonna sue us for this all right unless they're gonna tell me what's in there then we got people coughing and quiet so i uh so i get my 50 and i'm like [ __ ] this man i just bing right off man it just goes off like a [ __ ] explosion in my head i'm gonna rob a bank i [ __ ] make a beeline for the room i knew melissa had a [ __ ] toy uzi i stuffed it in my pants i grabbed a [ __ ] blue bandana a pair of [ __ ] girl sunglasses and a [ __ ] blue jays baseball cap and i said melissa call a cab nobody knew what was going on she calls a cab i'm like let's go we me heard marvin we get in the cab i'm like i gotta stop at a bank and cash the check we stop off at the cibc on kingston road i go in give her a note that says [ __ ] i got a gun give me all your money or i'm gonna shoot you she looks at me i do a quick [ __ ] one of those her [ __ ] face goes and uh she's [ __ ] she shovels over like i mean a pile of cash man i shove her in my [ __ ] pants i walk out calmly as a cucumber jump back in that taxi he's like where are we going sir i say toronto eaton center please take gerard or take dundas he takes the route that i say next thing you know we're [ __ ] young in gerard and we jump out i'm like okay marv we'll see you later man uh we're gonna go for a walk and uh marv leaves i'm like musa let's go down uh we go down this little restaurant or something or donut shop down in the bathroom when i get her to come in the stall i open my [ __ ] pants up and she's like wow you know i got [ __ ] hundreds and fifties and [ __ ] everything popping out and it was shopping spree time man we were back in the game man we found the next thing how old were you i was uh 16 years old yeah and we found the next thing and the next thing was robin banks man and uh and then when that cash ran out man i [ __ ] did it again and i did it again and i did it again and then i started bringing buddies with me because again the nice guy that i was like with the vicking i always wanted to help my people out you know what i mean so i like hey guys you want to make some cash this is all you got to do man uh drive me to the bank [ __ ] we'll get a car and wait in the alley you don't even have to do nothing and i'll go in the bank and get the money and i'll bring you half you know what i mean [ __ ] that that's a [ __ ] deal man if anybody out there wants to do that call me man i'll do that you know let me know at the end of it again marvin the black bastard [ __ ] bad luck [ __ ] that he is uh we sent him in a [ __ ] bank and he's in there and [ __ ] he's in there 30 minutes man and he comes out and we're like well what were you doing in there he didn't do nothing he's like yeah i was nervous i was filling out slips and this and that and [ __ ] so i'm like [ __ ] this man we're gonna do three of them today so we drive down to kipling in the queen's way and [ __ ] i'm you know he's like all bent out of shape then so i was gonna do it and he's like no no he wanted to redeem himself so he redeemed himself alright he went in he robbed it [ __ ] and he comes back and we're driving along the [ __ ] lakeshore and all of a sudden there's a car in front of me and [ __ ] uh he like stops and i [ __ ] smash into him and i'm thinking oh [ __ ] we just got in an accident this is [ __ ] [ __ ] whatever before i could even make my next thought another [ __ ] car smashes us behind and then there's one of those little four bronco brown jeeps man i'll never forget it the guy looked like a guy right out of the 80s with the hair and the mustache and he [ __ ] dives right into this ford bronco right into my window with a glock right to my neck and he tells me if i move he's going to blow my [ __ ] head off next thing i know they're [ __ ] coming out of the woodwork out of the sky [ __ ] they're coming over the highway the highway stops next thing i know we're all face down on the [ __ ] lakeshore with shotguns in the back of our necks all getting handcuffed and twisted up and [ __ ] punching the back of the head and all that and we're under arrest i got a a phone call at six in the morning from my lawyer and he said your son's been arrested for bank robbery and uh yeah that was bad it was a bad day and what goes through your mind when that happens as a parent it was terrible i'm sorry it was bad i was i was afraid for him so we get back to the station and i don't know that they [ __ ] uh know any of the other things that i did like i'm figuring they just got me for that day but uh within a few hours they knew everything else that i had done from some mysterious birds and and yeah man i was being booked on like robbery time sex and weapons times this and that and i mean they had a whole slew of charges right you know what i mean so i wasn't going nowhere that was it man you you're afraid what's going to happen now because bank robbery in this country is a i think it starts at seven years so i went to the west attention center which uh and i'll [ __ ] i'll put this hands down to anybody is far worse of a jail than any penitentiary or any [ __ ] well not in the states of course but anywhere in canada because you got uh 3 000 [ __ ] 16 17 year olds all in my shoes full of [ __ ] anger just waiting to pop off at any minute like the place was a [ __ ] zoo hands down so i spent a few months in there i got sentenced to two years i spent a few months in there and then some i thought i just did all my time in there i didn't even know and then one day uh they're at my cell saying you're getting transferred and i got shipped out to uh simcoe ontario to a [ __ ] uh youth camp man boys school with a swimming pool and cheeseburgers and a school called the spruce del youth center and i spent the next 18 months there it was a good experience man actually i kind of found myself there think who i am and what i want to do with myself and who i want to be and and that this is not for me i don't want to be incarcerated and i got it early and i always say this man if i knew uh what i know now and i could go back man i would i would have stayed there i think a lot of people probably think that's crazy man but i would have stayed there i would i would have served up my other six months that i had left and i would have stayed there what do you think that would have done for you uh i don't know it would it would it would it wouldn't have been as bad as kind of what you know because when i got out i thought things were going to be you know i had all these pipe dreams and when you get out reality sets in right you got no money and you're back to square one uh it reformed me but then life unreformed me you know um i was back out on the street and i'd take care of myself and i only knew one way how it's only brush we're good i mean i i can see when he's stressed out and when something's bothering him but that's really it he deals with it the best he can you know what i mean october 19th we got an election coming we got every uh every government has a legalized marijuana platform except for the conservative government who actually plans to stiffen it in different sentences and i got rented a school bus and i'll be taking everybody to their local riding to vote conservative anybody that would like a free bag of marijuana and a 20 voucher should be a good day go harper go a lot of conservatives saying that he should not have run this time that he let his ego get in the way like so many other leaders before him i'm worried very worried that it's not going for so well but as long as you vote i think we have a chance justin trudeau he's just not ready and i'm not ready either so that's about it he was just really um really nervous that you know if it happens they would be out of business and what were they going to do so it was a hard time for them yeah no it's uh i can't say that i'm not nervous but uh yeah any anything but a conservative government could could be the beginning to big changes to my business uh big changes so friends voting conservative means this no money no money comes out of your pocket but that message may not be resonating you know maybe we take a turn and go do something completely different i don't know but when that time does come man it's uh no it's you know it we see it and we're starting to see it so that's why now you know i'm being a little more frugal with with what i do you know even my lunch i bring my [ __ ] lunches we'll see what happens we'll see what happens he's not himself you know what i mean like at home with us he was miserable he was nervous he was upset he was worried he was it was um he was stressed how do you deal with it just leave him alone i cannot believe that a [ __ ] my life is so hanging on the balance of an election like it's [ __ ] crazy crazy in the lives of my kids i mean you know like [ __ ] this is what i've done for 20 years this is how i feed my family you know like [ __ ] you can see the look of rejection of defeat on the faces of the campaign workers they're talking about jobs that they're going to have to find after the election in the private sector because they know there will be no jobs for them amid growing crowds and rising support liberal leader justin trudeau has tried not to appear overconfident but today trudeau publicly acknowledged he's asking for a majority government and he's not holding back the liberals are now on full offense polls don't decide the election voters do just be aware today is federal election day and we are a polling station so we're going to have many visitors in the building so let's be extra aware extra vigilant and let's watch the campaign and the election process happening right here thank you let's have a great monday okay so what is it that you want to [ __ ] hear chris what do you want to hear it's over haha the [ __ ] liberals are in okay what do you want to hear now bud that's not what the goal was well what's the goal bud because to me the goal was to [ __ ] do something while we were actually being able to run a business and maybe try to [ __ ] you know make something out of it before it does all in now it's [ __ ] over bud i don't know if i got three months i don't know if i got six months i don't know if i got a year i don't [ __ ] know bud so did you think that you were going to continue on no matter what like what do you mean dude i think i was going to get you on no matter what what well that ultimately i mean i told you from the beginning right yeah that you know my initial idea for all of this was that we saw the way things were going in colorado right we saw sort of we talked about sort of the winds of change the fact that popular opinion was moving towards okay sort of decriminalization yeah and we've sat here before and even discussed you know the ways in which this documentary could possibly end okay you know what bro whatever it's neither here nor there right now man the point is i'm [ __ ] done bud i'm out of business and i don't know how i'm going to feed my kids chris okay well here can i can i just throw something out at you you can throw anything you like out at me buddy i know talking to nathan yeah those weed guys those we guys are you know let me tell you something about those guys they're in the gray area remember that they're out of business two in a year they might make a lot more money in the next year but what makes you think that the government's going to give them the licenses you know all the stuff isn't even in regulation yet so they might not meet any of the regulations and they'll be at a [ __ ] business too what makes them think they're going to be the ones it's gray area what they're doing right now is against the law when the law changes it does not just like beer's going into the liquor stores it's not going to the mom pop shop it's going into the [ __ ] lob losses and stuff those guys are going to get pushed right out the [ __ ] gates watch you'll see man anyone in gray area is gone too bud and i'm just throwing this out there yeah and i don't know what's involved in getting like just a cheap ass storefront you know i mean something small it's easy for someone to say oh let's just pop a store up here with the illegal [ __ ] product in there and hope to [ __ ] cross our fingers that the door doesn't come flying off you know that's that's another thing you gotta look at man they don't know that they're gonna give us the license to get the storefront you see what i'm saying they're not just gonna say anyone can sell pot that's it oh here you go i just we don't have money bud no i don't want to tell you but and it's killing me and it's making me not be able to function it's making me not be able to be a father to my kids and i don't see any end or hope or insight at this point i see me losing everything and not being able to feed my kids and not being able to survive and you know maybe for the average person whatever but you see what you feel to understand bro is i spent 20 years already doing that my growing up i already grew up hungry and i grew up starving and i grew up with nothing and i grew up and i don't want my kids to do that okay i want my kids to have to go through that and now for the first time in life i see that they may have to go through that and it [ __ ] kills me it kills me okay it kills me and i don't have the answers [Music] so that's where i watch the election and that's what happened [Music] all right guarantee that i'm the one that makes you go look at someone put green there bro holy [ __ ] g-r-e-e-n is that not what that says green in exclamation marks bro well as you know the liberals had a [ __ ] sweep and uh we were in shock and after about three days of getting over the shock we basically realized uh it's boom robust uh we better change with the times or the times are gonna change without us so we're uh right now we're opening up a weed dispensary uh in the whole gray area thing i mean it's still marijuana's against the law but a few of these businesses have popped up uh in the last month or two and uh if they can do it we figure we can do it and we can do it better so that's what we're doing we're just plugging away here we're hoping to be able for december 1st eastside high is out of my head so yeah east side high medical marijuana dispensary or medical marijuana clinic or well let me just say this yeah yeah yeah you just gotta have that big [ __ ] weed light in the window bro i mean that [ __ ] says it right there well that's why you could call it suck my balls on the sign man you know what i mean like even if it's something like gw medical marijuana i don't think really the name is going to matter but i think if you have marijuana in the name and medical you know what's nice about g w though yeah it stands for glenn and will but also good weed there you go there you go i gotta write that down bro you know cause that's a good one bro seriously uh yeah people ask hey what does the gw stand for good weed they're gonna love it they're gonna love it yeah i know you're you're a genius bro you're genius oh perfect i was just gonna say i cut here to the right and it would be perfect yeah that looks pretty [ __ ] good bro [Music] historic i thought it was a good idea they were so worried that they were going to be out of business so when they came up with the idea of opening up the shop i thought it was a good idea i was kind of scared like knowing that it was just one of them in the store like when they first opened up and you know he was going to be the only one in the store by himself i mean that's where my fear came in you know like what if somebody comes in and they try and rob them you know but no nobody did but um it was good it was good oh well but i'll eat that [ __ ] camera right now i'll eat it do you understand me that [ __ ] on my face chris's fault man we've already talked about my biggest concern the police coming in here and shutting the place down and arresting me taking my stuff that's it they go by the law the letter of the law so you know you think they're either basically gonna like shut it down or not of course obviously yeah they asked the mayor specifically if he was gonna crack down and he said no he will he said his words were exactly this he hopes that people would respect the law but he will not be asking police to crack down on these places i just want fair inequality if they can stay open we should be able to stay open i mean you know and that's what i'm hoping and banking on so we'll see what happens what would a dry run of a customer walking in the door sound like oh i'll be the customer you'd be behind the counter sure come on in oh hello how are you today sir great how are you doing i'm doing well right on man right on well welcome to wheat emporium if you have any questions feel free to ask so what you guys are just like selling selling weed like selling what do you guys yeah well that's pretty much the basis of it it's medical cannabis uh you get a free membership we can sign you up basically there's a few ways of going about it the easiest way why do i need a membership uh because uh right now we're uh it's a medical thing and we're just you know we're working under medical laws right now this is gwu's membership code of conduct we're having all members sign this it's basically a list of rules to be a member where you get the booth okay well i don't have no prescriptions so okay well uh you don't have a prescription for even like uh some athlete's foot cream or some cough syrup or and there's no smoking in here there's no smoking in here at all at all at all well how much can i get does it do it has to be prescribed or can i just no no no there's no the amount doesn't have to be prescribed you can buy as much as you want this is what we have here we got the mango kush we got some green crack we got some purple kush we got some ggd and we got some bio later that's the five flavors we got today we also issue receipts and we accept all major credit cards chris what kind of business could you see in here you know me and lily got an idea but casino back here downstairs downstairs a what a casino we should do like an after-hours casino back in this park a couple [ __ ] roulette tables couple do you just perpetually have to be on the other side of the law is this what it is yeah you're anarchists i think there you go i think your anti-establishment and anti-authority definitely definitely comes down to it no doubt about that no doubt arguing with that one at all this is my my changing theory on glenn's psyche but i think now that he's he's addicted to being just slightly on the wrong side of the law if this were to become legal guarantee there'd be pornos being shot downstairs or something else going on you're talking we'll see what happens i'm excited but i'm kind of like scared at the same time you know so but i've made my piece with it so all right well is there anything you also want to say before the big day tomorrow yeah uh fill me out just bail me out man i won't sit in jail get me out yeah i'll be up there 41 division it's at birch mountain eglinton o-a-k-e-s that's the prisoner's name and uh please don't let me rot thank you [Music] come on bro man just get it out but i don't care about the movie right now chris okay what did he say no originally uh we you know we said we're gonna open a store that's you know uh uh i forgot what we said head shop or something like that we were gonna do you know oh a cafe that's what we said we're gonna do originally was cafe then it went to head shop and then he's like he's not understanding and then it you know it was puff it was weak and uh he's like no no no no hands the money back he didn't want no [ __ ] part of it yeah but i've opened the store sir you know what i'm saying i've opened the store so it's going to be months before the landlord before we go to court and i get put out of here that's no no that's not sir that's not what you heard me wrong sir that's not what i said what i said is the last thing i want to do is go there did you hear me i don't want that i want to be a friend i want to be respectful i want to be i want to be honest i want to be open you understand okay okay that's fine i i was just calling you back to invite you over today that's all okay okay thank you but yeah he's not happy man [ __ ] he's gonna go talk to his lawyer i don't know man we're gonna say like [ __ ] it's illegal you shouldn't do it i can't really see that coming right you know what i mean but [ __ ] it looks so nice tonight i know bro i know so it's a beautiful story there's a lot of stress and a lot of work and talking about ups and downs and all that but you know it all [ __ ] came just together ashamed to see it all come apart man clock really would man i guess worst case scenario we would have to like you know try to get another place like wrap all this stuff up can you say it's medical it's medical it's we have a master business license and hst account for our business which is registered with the government in closing i think you'll find me to be an honest family man and we'll treat the building the business and the neighborhood with the utmost respect i have no doubt that this venture will be successful and hope to foster a long and fruitful business relationship i think that's perfect so how do we send this to them now what do we do yeah it's not like we're growing weed in this [ __ ] store you know that's one thing men [ __ ] yeah they're all in the [ __ ] [ __ ] [Applause] still not legal you know what i mean like [ __ ] [ __ ] set up a business whatever so what my business plan changed that's not against a lot bud you know what i mean willie you want to pull the paper now then buddy yeah you know you know you heard all about it at first you needed x y and z and then it was no vendors permits and it's the wild west and you know like 7 a.m hopefully the signs up the paper comes down the lights go on and the show begins the show begins man within an hour yeah yeah within an hour somebody will come through that door it might just be questions but someone will come through yeah that's right this is all happening right here on kingston [ __ ] road [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] i think it might be busy though because i think you know the lights and everything will attract people and they want to know what's going on so you know and we'll be here with our handsome smiling faces and you know here to greet you and be chair what's what's in what's the uh this is an indie tag yeah chris you want a shout out front but there's a cop with the lights fun not even looking no no no and uh so once we just went ahead with it anyway and said [ __ ] it we're doing it i mean you know he'd have to take us to court for three four months so we knew we had at least uh you know that time to uh to get in get out and then once he sees it and and sees that if there's money there's people flowing it's he wants one no he wants to open a store with us uh and he even asked me how he could do this how he could get one of these places and how he could be in business so i told him we'll be selling franchises and he'd come in and see me and we can discuss that and then he actually even bumped the rent out once he did know that it was marijuana so you know he knew he uh he could uh grind us for a few more bucks which he did and uh you know everything was was flowing nice man i mean trying to get another landlord like that or you know one that's you know hip to the game or just doesn't give a [ __ ] it's you know that's that's probably that's that is the most uh uh difficult uh task ahead right so a few have been running for a few months successfully and haven't had any problems you know i mean so we're just hoping uh we can do the same thing just fly under the radar and run it like a proper business keep customers happy you know try to give back to the community pay our taxes pay our taxes pay our hst and and be contributing members of society hst so uh hey we don't have to register now we don't have to register until we make 30 000 and one dollar really yeah b i don't think we're really going to reach 30 000 one dollar as far as whatever canada is concerned you know you don't think we're going to get to 30 000 oh i know we are i know we are yeah 100 yeah but as far as they're concerned we're not because all this revenue is under the table yeah i'm not gonna go set up a [ __ ] hst count tomorrow and then we get busted next week you know what i mean let's get a couple months in and then have the discussion the whole point behind the point that i made was that it's not an immediate concern or what's considered a small supplier you don't know if we're going to reach 30 grand you know if we're going to reach 10 grand it can end tomorrow can end today so let's get the 30 grand and have the discussion uh i called bruce on um you know bruce at home the tattoo shop i called him the other day and when he called me back the first thing he said to me is please tell me that you're calling me that you you want to hire me oh and i said maybe because it just you know the light bulbs went off we said um well um quit your job come on over we're uh we're open for business and i got some work for you he would be [ __ ] perfect but he's a such i know he's older but he's social he's got the tats he's got the long hair he's squeaky clean he doesn't look like he looks like he's a killer yeah gw was like a dream come true really i mean uh you know the whole aspect of the thing you know you know just being able to go into a store and purchase cannabis you know to help me with my ailments was really good there was this dispensary that just opened up not too far from us just really got your attention and made you feel really welcome in this store that was a business i wanted to be a part of that it just was such a welcoming vibe and i was like if you guys ever need a hand i'm here to help and i gladly love to be a part of this team if you're having any uh issues like arthritis muscle spasms tremors would be good for any one of those issues i was so pleased to walk in it was like losing my virginity they're pretty awesome they give you a hand when you need if you're looking for something specific like i mentioned as soon as i came in i needed medicinally and like okay well you know they focused me on a certain couple of types there i'm sure they've gotten to know a lot of the people within the neighborhood you know what i mean yeah whatever you'd like brother uh it's people like tom and their infirmities and the fact that this place is close and he needs it for his medical marijuana i was diagnosed with ms in september of 99 and marijuana was just something that i felt when i smoked it relieved a lot of my pain he's here every day at noon i don't think there's been one day where he hasn't been right at that door 12 noon on a scooter there's a need for a place like this in every community and there's no doubt about that i'm sure there's thousands of people out there that could use this but they're afraid it's going to be legal and they don't want to touch it i didn't want to touch it being illegal and like i said i don't want to go buy it on the street or buy it somewhere else and get a criminal record this is a blessing in disguise i would say it's uh probably about 70 percent medical i'm telling you 85 percent are sick people 15 is recreational i spent two months in the hospital with a bad back that required multiple surgeries to fix and um i've been taking opioids for decade and a half now and that is killing me you know it's like i know i've hooked on them all i see is oxycontin after oxycontin after [ __ ] percocet they come in here with balls with a [ __ ] this [ __ ] high i use it because of my back and leg pain i have sciatica and i've been dealing with it for uh probably about a year now and i got actually a really big run around even trying to get the stuff medicinally but that same [ __ ] doctor will not sign a prescription for medical marijuana like i don't get it i don't get it my girlfriend suffers from fibromyalgia and she takes she takes handfuls of pills every day as well she takes a little bit of the candies or a cookie and she is fine and on top of it it makes her happy she smiles she laughs makes her a little giddy but it helps with her pain right and if she can forget her pain for 20 minutes a day it's worth in 30 days i've become an advocate that's it i have become an advocate i got in this i'll be the first to say i got in this to make some money and just kind of stay in the business and i'm in a whole other direction man there's [ __ ] sick people here the government needs to pay for their medicine and legislation needs to be done these people need to be taken care of it's disgusting so willie how's your sphincter doing uh it's loosening up brother it's loosening up man it's uh you know i guess it's day by day you know and just you know if it happens it happens or things go down they go down but you know hey man we're doing all right and things you know the main concern was the authorities yeah yeah now things that it seems like those uh priorities have changed oh yeah absolutely yeah yeah yeah no they have absolutely brother it's uh been nothing from the authorities at all smooth sailing you know i guess you just have to embrace it and do it and keep it going and you know hope that uh you know it's uneventful man i'm hoping i don't know bros you can you don't know i don't know could be day one could be week one could be year one could be never you know what i mean we're just moving forward brother that's it man yeah yeah and see what happens once we see what happens with the legislation the changes and then we'll take it from there hopefully we can stay in the business right that's that's our our dream thank you and good morning as a result of the significant number of so-called medical marijuana dispensaries that have opened throughout the city in the recent months the city in partnership with toronto police services has undertaken the investigations of these premises where violations of the city's zoning bylaw were identified letters were sent to all the business and property or all the property owners informing them of these violations and advising them that they face possible legal actions if they allow the violations to continue they're coming i'm full of optimism you are yes i am why why because i believe in the people who believe in the cause so i believe in the people who are fighting for us and stand up for the storefront movement that's why it's hard on paper to distinguish you know this fine place from that fine place down the street which just opened up a week ago and it's just a guy like you say just trying to make a buck because they've learned and grown with it okay that's right and they actually genuinely do care you know i'm definitely in this to help people there's no doubt but at the same time i have a family to to raise and i must capitalize and like i said i'll capitalize on all angles but can you be honest with yourself will the place be open in a week i would like to hope so if you had to put a hundred dollars on a yes or no square where would you put that hundred dollars i put that hundred dollars on yes in sheer faith and delusion maybe delusion but i want it so i'm gonna put it there to make it happen okay if it doesn't happen i'm gonna put it there it doesn't fade it's got my native pouches yeah is that going to help yeah when the cops come we're gonna make it rain yeah got my [ __ ] native stuff on i'm protected by the shamans okay another day one more day maybe [ __ ] well what do you think i mean i don't know bro it's uh did they give out 20 to [ __ ] uh the people they didn't like or did they give them 20 to those who aren't doing it right or or because we're in scarborough maybe we're not affected uh uh or maybe they're like [ __ ] these guys really do it right and do it well man no well to say it they actually well we show it no but we got we joanna got the letters right he did you got one from the city and you got one from the cops you got a three page one from the city you got one from the cops too are you serious no i didn't even spoke with g-man yet toronto police service issued civil remedies for illicit activity letters to 44 locations in the letter it clearly stated that these locations were engaged in unlawful activities and if they didn't cease that actions would be taken in accordance with the criminal code of canada what's our um what's our uh what's the deadline well i guess this is like a warning and like what cease operations immediately or is it like [ __ ] you guys they were trying to do scare tactics and and send letters out to landlords so that was their first push was to uh pressure on the landlords grab them by the nuts and then uh and then they'll force us out one way or another which is pretty [ __ ] shitty considering you know it's marijuana bro

2021-09-21 22:44

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