Dogecoin News: Europeans get into crypto, Banks fight back,catalyst to $1 INEVITABLE,Safemoon Update

Dogecoin News: Europeans get into crypto, Banks fight back,catalyst to $1 INEVITABLE,Safemoon Update

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hey everybody it's Alen let's do our daily  update in all of our cryptocurrencies and   stocks now if you like this hit that like  button i really appreciate it and it helps   channel a lot let's also talk about scammers  please be very careful in my comment section   i don't have whatsapp or any kind of phone numbers  if you see that that's absolutely a scammer   and then at the end of the video we're  gonna cover my top five stock picks   make sure you stay tuned these stocks can easily  double possibly even triple by the end of the year   and i've done a lot of extensive research  into them so i think they're fantastic picks   all right let's talk about india india and their  actual banks are really trying to crack down on   cryptocurrencies and to stop it so there's going  to be a competition between cryptocurrencies   and banks and this is probably going  to happen in other countries as well   so we'll discuss what impact this is  going to have on all cryptocurrencies   long term let's also talk about shiba inu the  shiba inu price right now is this a good buying   should you keep the shiba inu coins you have  should you invest more or even try to average down   your cost and where i think shibayan is going to  go into the future so we'll discuss that as well   and let's talk about elon musk reusing dogecoin  basically energy that's being wasted from dogecoin   to power hot tubs now this could actually be a  good idea for other things we'll discuss that   so if you have a miner of any kind in your house  or even in your garage wherever you keep your   miner you're going to realize that it's loud and  it generates a lot of heat can that heat being   generated by these monitors be used for something  good like powering homes or heating up hot tubs   like he recommends so we'll discuss that as well  now let's talk about china traders who are really   trying to fight this china ban on cryptocurrencies  and what they're doing to just go around it and   continue mining and using cryptocurrencies then  let's talk about irish banks they're also fighting   cryptocurrencies like i said there's going to  be a now competition and a threat to banks from   cryptocurrencies so we're gonna see how banks all  across the world respond to this new movement in   cryptocurrencies also let's talk about cardano  is cardano going to be the very new ethereum is   it going to overtake all of the cryptocurrencies  and then let's talk about some price predictions   for ADA cardano and where i see it let's say in  two years five years even 10 years down the road   or if you're brand new to my channel consider  subscribing down below i do daily updates on   the dos going all over cryptos and stocks that  way if you're subscribed and you have that bell   notification icon turned on that bell notification  is going to notify you want to buy into certain   stocks of cryptos but more importantly what to  sell out of them and keep those gains and then   reinvest them into other possibly dividend-paying  stocks that's what i like to do if i make a lot of   money on a stock i'll sell off some of it or  even a cryptocurrencies and then put it into   safe dividend-paying companies now if you  want to get two free stocks webull is giving   those out that link is in my description as well  once you deposit a hundred dollars with webull   you'll get two free shares also you can buy  in pre-market and post market hours for free   they don't charge you for buying for selling or  for even transferring your money out of webull   to your bank account so a fantastic brokerage  and i use them all the time now if you want to   get those live alerts the second i buy or sell a  stock in real time the moment i do it you can do   that via patreon that's the very first link in my  description once you click on that link and pick   any of those tiers you'll get those live alerts  when i buy when i sell stocks you'll get daily   updates also you'll get access to my private  discord you can talk to over half a thousand   people we talk about stocks cryptocurrencies and  just smart investing also you can see my entire   portfolio every single stock that's in there  when i bought it how much i paid per share and   then i can also review your portfolio so if you  need your portfolio reviewed if you're down and   losing money i can take a look hopefully get  you rebalanced back on track to double or even   triple that money year over year all right  let's get into all of our stocks and crypto now before we get started let's take a look at a  couple of the stocks in our portfolio amd's at 80   10. we got in at 78.11 so we're up about two and  a half percent COIN coinbase is a 236 we got in a   241 we're down two percent so breaking in between  those two moving on to apple apple's up 56 662   because this was the free share i got with robin  hood if you want some free shares with robinhood   that link is in my description as well moving on  to NIO 3860 we got in at 38.79 so we're basically   breaking even with NIO and my price prediction  for NIO is easily 65 to 75 dollars by the end   of the year so an opportunity to double your money  PLTR palantir is at 22.80 and i think it's getting  

ready for a major major breakout to about 45  dollars just by december of this year another   opportunity to double your money and we got in at  23.02 so breaking even again all right NOK nokia   is at 5 15. we got in at 402 so we are up 28.2  what an amazing return now if you want to see this   entire portfolio and get those live alerts when  i buy or sell you can do that via patreon very   first link in my description all right let's get  into dogecoin here at 31 cents fantastic recovery   the weekend really was a little bit of a  rally because all the stuff that crashed   in terms of just cryptocurrencies is not slowly  rebounding and we can actually see that in bitcoin   as well down from let's say here 34 33 9 to 36  so a good decent slow return same thing with   ethereum we can see it at 25.39 over the weekend  you could have gotten as low as 22.75 so this is   another almost seven percent gain if you bought  that dip and look at ripple i was telling   everybody ripple under a dollar is an absolute  must buy and you can see we right here just   yesterday 88 cents so 15 return on ripple if you  can get ripple under a dollar i would always try   to average down your cost or add more cardano is  up 2.37 the last 24 hours nothing special but if  

you can get ADA cardano around that dollar 30  mark if there's another dip i would absolutely   start anymore like i said in my previous videos  cardano is easily getting to 10 or 11 dollars   for a cardano to get to 100 which is my let's say  five to ten year price prediction it would have to   be somewhere around a 2.8 trillion dollar market  cap which i think is very very easily achievable   all right let's move on to safe mode it's not  really doing a whole lot they're just kind of   hovering around the same price the last few  days it's up about three percent which is not   really up because it's come down so much from  its all-time highs all right now moonshot don't   know why moonshot but it just keeps going lower  and lower if we take a look at the last month   it's just basically a constant sell-off here those  of you that want to let me know if we should all   be investing into moonshot if you own it and  where you think it's going to go let me know in   the comment section also if you have some great  stock or cryptos you recommend i'd appreciate   you let everybody know leave them back comment  down below and if you want some free bitcoins   i'm giving out two free bitcoins today here's  the bitcoin right here all you have to do is just   write hashtag bitcoin in the comment section  and i will mail that out to whoever wins it   all right polygon doing really well again  up a 1.33 percent now and just a steady   upward climb so this is basically our  winner from everything i've shown you here   all right aside from polygon  let's refresh our top 10 top 11   cryptocurrencies here bitcoin's still holding at  685 million it just does not want to get back to   that one trillion dollar market cap at all it's  now basically at half off from its all-time highs   ethereum down from almost forty four hundred  dollars to twenty five thirty one still i   consider this another great buying opportunity  or even an opportunity to average down your cost   all right so indian banks are reportedly  signing a three year old quad circular   to persuade users against cryptocurrencies  and we're gonna see this happening all across   the world as more and more of these banks get  threatened so this could be a potential really   kind of issue for cryptocurrencies rallying  upwards i can see them kind of hovering around   the current price maybe even going down a little  bit as this kind of instability and insecurity   goes um you know it takes effect on the  pricing and just people panic selling   now some banks are citing a 2018 order from  india's central bank which banned crypto trading   and was squashed by the supreme supreme  court last year hdfc bank and state bank   of india are two banks that have reached  out to users about crypto investments   india's banks started withdrawing services  from crypto exchanges earlier this month   so this could be another catalyst for crypto to  crash down a little bit more now those of you if   you're like me i don't really care about this i'm  a long-term investor so the bitcoin that i do have   in my portfolio the ethereum that i have in my  portfolio i'm never going to sell any of that off   if ethereum crashes to like a thousand  dollars right now all the ethereum that i have   i'm still going to keep never sell off and  then just buy more to average down my cost so   long-term investors don't really care about  these like crashes and instabilities and the   volatility generally in the market to shiba inu  price prediction ship value to double if dosh   going killer overcomes indecision so shiba inu's  value could be could double imminently as crypto   market recovers from its recent crash according to  some forecasters fx streets reports despite almost   two weeks of consolidation and that's exactly what  we're seeing we're seeing a lot of these cryptos   consolidating right now especially ethereum it's  just kind of hovering between 22 and 2500 dollars   which means it's most likely getting ready for  another breakout back to those 43 400 all-time   highs consolidation ship has overcome indecision  working in favor of the bulls after gained over 55   in market value from its bottom ship has shown  a significant market growth in recent months   gaining hype after elon musk's saturday night live  snl appearance during which he slashed going as a   hustle is so i think quite a few of these cryptos  are going to be a hustle and they're going to   have those major major long-term ones that are  here to stay like cardano ethereum and bitcoin   all right so elon musk thinks this is a great  idea to utilize energy generated dogecoin mining   now this entire idea of hot tubs you know being  heated up from mining i see that more of a joke   but they are on the right kind of mentality and  thinking just imagine all the heat that's being   generated from just crypto mining let's say you  live in parts of the world way north where it's   cold most of the year and you have these mining  rigs set up in your home they can actually   warm up your house by quite a few degrees in fact  when i had my mining ring set up in my bedroom not   the bedroom i live just like a side spare bedroom  for guests this bedroom was somewhere around 96   degrees while the rest of the house was around 65  to 68 so huge amounts of heat are being generated   by these mining rigs and they could be utilized  and not wasted right now my mining rigs are set up   in my garage and all that heat just kind of goes  out the door so hopefully we kind of figure out   a better way to mine and then utilize this heat  that's being generated so despite crypto crackdown   in china traders still betting the hard to trace  transactions let traders secretly make bets making   it harder for the government to enforce the bans  so people are already trying to get around these   bans figure out a way how to still utilize  crypto make bets and use it as some kind of a   way to actually pay for goods and also if you're  utilizing a vpn which is a virtual private network   and a lot of these countries are trying to ban  it then that's another way that they're trying   to get around these bans so top irish central bank  official voices concerns over crypto boom she said   crypto is a speculative and unregulated investment  vehicle that's absolutely true and this is exactly   what they said about the internet yes back in  the 80s people said that internet was a fad it   was going to go away and nobody was ever going to  use it right now most of the entire planet uses   internet and cannot function without it and  this is exactly what cryptocurrency is it's in   those early phases just like the internet was and  people don't really know how to use it apply it   and just make the world a better place so i think  long term when cryptocurrencies becomes you know   accepted by most of these banks countries and  places then we're not gonna see these types of   comments and people that don't believe in  it okay so cardano leads tepid crypto market   recovery ahead of memorial day fears  of nasty pre-memorial day sell-off in   cryptocurrencies may have been overstated early  indicators suggest and that's absolutely true   over the weekend we saw a little bit of sell-off  those were just buying opportunities ethereum   went down to about 2200 it's already back to let  me take a look here 51 so those fears were over   exaggerated and people are slowly buying right  back into the cryptocurrencies that they sold off   now balkan investors join crypto trading craze  yes now we're getting huge portions of eastern   europeans they're purchasing cryptocurrencies  and getting into it like i said more and more   of the world is going to find about dogecoin  ethereum bitcoin and what cryptocurrencies are   they're going to see them as long-term investments  they're gonna get on just like they got into the   stock market they're gonna get into the crypto  market and start buying up and that's when we   see those huge rallies and those giant market caps  that help us get those stocks and cryptos that we   purchased to double even triple now when it comes  to cryptocurrencies you guys know that getting a   stock to double is basically amazing now getting  a cryptocurrency to go up by 500 or a thousand   percent right now because this is early adoption  phase for crypto is absolutely possible just look   at dogecoin and they went up 120 000 percent so  right now could be that buying opportunity on   quite a few things like cardano and ethereum where  you can see cardano getting up to forty thousand   dollars the next couple of years so stefan  angelowski starts his day with a cup of coffee and   browsers online and which cryptocurrencies to buy  and which to sell the 33 year old former fitness   trainer in skopje capital of north macedonia i  think it's pronounced macedonia has been trading   in crypto since 2017 so and now he actually  went on full time and absolutely by you know   if you know how the stock market works and  you apply that strategy to the crypto market   and then learn how cryptos work and then buy  these dips you can make some amazing returns   now cardano crypto analyst says ada is this  resource for this market cycle i agree with them i   think ethereum and cardano because they're actual  platforms they're actual applications that you can   build millions infinite number of cryptocurrencies  off of that's what's exactly what you need for the   crypto world so i think cardano and ethereum  are here to stay and these are probably one   of the best investments that you can make in  the crypto world all right moving on to our   let's just go over a couple of miners if you're  interested in actually mining cryptocurrencies   so the alienware aurora r11 gaming desktop is  a good choice at twenty seven hundred dollars   over here if you wanna get the bitmain s17 pro  which i actually have i think any ant miner is   going to do you really well long term i've never  had any of them break down me they're just very   very dependable and reliable also there's so many  of them on the market already you can get on ebay   just buy a used one off of eben it'll do  you really really well if you're interested   in beginning in mining so the antminer d3 another  really good choice only 350 dollars this is a   good miner to just start mining if you're new  to the crypto world and new to mining the msi   mpg trident gaming desktop another choice and then  the whats miner m21s so this is another good great   professional mining rig and honestly i would  suggest if you're interested in getting any of   these here's a dell g5 gaming desktop and there's  a corsair uh one i 160. those of you that are   interested i would go and buy a used one on ebay  it'll save a lot of money and as crypto becomes   more popular they're only going to go up in value  all right our very first stacker this is going to   be coinbase at 236 dollars putting it 14 less  than their 250 dollar reference price coinbase   around 420 that's my price prediction by the  end of the year 520 in the next 12 to 18 months   gives you an opportunity to more than double your  money and nobody's ever gonna overtake coinbase i   just they're so secure they don't have any issues  security flaws i've never had a problem with them   over all the years i've had them all right  advanced micro devices amd if you're using a   playstation 5 xbox cs6 building a new gaming pc  building any kind of a pc you're probably going   to have huge amounts of just amd components from  the graphics cards to the processors to everything   so um my price prediction 110 dollars by the end  of the year 150 dollars the next 12 to 18 months   another opportunity to double your money all  right let's talk about regeneron so in one of   my other portfolios i have about four percent  of that portfolio in regeneron this is a very   very good long-term hold those of you that are  interested do a little bit of research into it   but right here it says regeneron pharmaceuticals  it's an american biotechnology company   headquartered in west chester county new york  i actually did a lot of research into them and   i think they're a fantastic company that's just  going to keep growing and growing year over year   let's get into our third stock here it's going  to be facebook i think i have i don't really have   to say a whole lot about facebook as more and  more of the world gets access to internet more   people will use facebook connect using facebook  and this stock is just going to keep growing   and they let's just take a look at the last year  here basically a straight shot to the moon five   years let's go all the way back to 2012 here as  you can see they just keep growing and growing   and mark zuckerberg is basically a genius that is  going to help the stock get to about 600 the next   12 to 18 months so another opportunity to double  your money now our last stock here is going to be   ark which is actually an etf an etf is an  exchange-traded fund and if you take a look here   from 52-week highs of 160 dollars we're down to  112 dollars so let's take a look at how far down   just from this correction heads ark gone down  so we're down 30 percent now kathy wood kept   buying all these dips and crashes and said that  the next five years we're going to see 30 to 40   percent return on our money year over year because  she kept buying every single time a stock crash   she bought more and more shares of it now let's  just take a look at this etf for those of you that   don't know tesla right here is number one 10.34  of the entire portfolio TDOC teladoc is at six  

percent our third here is roku then we have square  and then we have shopify in fifth place also we   have zoom here and sixth place and then coinbase  is the one that i always keep recommending you buy   this is how many shares that cathie wood has  bought that it's already almost four percent of   our entire portfolio so i'm a huge believer that  coinbase is gonna see some serious gains in the   next six months all right thank you for watching  if your portfolio is down if you want me to review   it you can do that via patreon it's the very first  link in my description once i take a look at your   portfolio hopefully get you rebalanced you can  possibly double maybe even triple that money also   once you sign up for patreon you can chat with  me we can do audio calls and you also get access   to my private discord we're moving slowly towards  a thousand people on discord we chat about stocks   crypto cryptocurrencies long-term  investing and even real estate   all right thank you for watching i'll talk to  you on patreon discord the next video take care thank you

2021-06-05 16:32

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