Dogecoin News: CENTRAL BANKS push to $2 Safemoon Update

Dogecoin News: CENTRAL BANKS push to $2 Safemoon Update

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hey everybody it's Alen let's do our daily  update on the dogecoin all of our crypto   and all of our stocks now if you like this hit  that like button i really appreciate it and it   helps the channel a lot also let's talk about  my top five stock picks at the end of the video   these are fantastic stocks and it's always good  to be diversified in crypto and stocks as well   all right let's also talk about ethereum yes  there's a new price prediction that ethereum   is going to get to somewhere around ten  thousand dollars by the end of the year   that's somewhere close to tripling maybe even  possibly quadrupling your money if you're   getting right now at that 25 to 2700 range  now right now it's skyrocketed to about 2 900   but next dip you probably should get a little  bit of ethereum what i do is every two weeks add   about a hundred dollars to ethereum and then if i  see a big dip then i'll add a little bit more to   it maybe 500 to a thousand all right everybody  let's talk about the cardano ADA and ethiopia   partnership and how that can actually help cardano  to get possibly to even double in just the next   couple of weeks then let's talk about coinbase  yes they actually acquired a new company uh-huh   this can help coinbase skyrocket even more so  right now i'm at somewhere around 306 dollars   per share for coinbase and coinbase is around  296 but i see coinbase COIN getting to about 520   by the end of the year so i think it's a fantastic  investment and those you that don't have any   coinbase stock you should absolutely put some into  your portfolio or let's also talk about africa and   how africa thinks bitcoin and cryptocurrency  is actually a really really important part of   their life and it's how they're going to invest  into their future and invest into just long-term   retirement money the last thing we're going  to talk about is how cryptocurrencies are   threatening central banks and the only thing  left for them to do is to actually just join in   and start accepting cryptocurrencies as  a permanent part of just investing so   chase bank is the very first one did not actually  accept bitcoin trading so we'll see more and more   banks and businesses following in their footsteps  and then we'll see wide worldwide adoption of   cryptocurrencies now if you are brand new to  my channel consider subscribing down below   i do daily updates on the dogecoin all of our  cryptos and stocks that way if you're subscribed   and you have that bell notification icon  turned on that bell notification will   notify you when it's time to buy into stocks  and when it's time to actually sell them off   also webull is giving out two free stocks valued  up to eighteen hundred fifty dollars that link is   in my description down below once you sign up with  webull and deposit that hundred dollars you'll   get those two free stocks and they're open in the  pre-market and post-market hours also you're never   charged for any cryptos or stocks or anything  you buy there's a lot of platforms out there   that will charge you for buying cryptos or stocks  webull is completely free and they have dogecoin   for sale as well so you can purchase dogecoin  and to keep adding more and more cryptos every   single week to their platform so really really  good brokerage now if you'd like to support   the channel or you just want to get those live  alerts the second i buy a stock or sell a stock   you can do that via patreon that's the very first  link in my description once you sign up for any   of the tiers in patreon you'll get those live  alerts and it's really important to know when   to buy or sell a stock also if your portfolio is  down or you're in the negative you need some help   you can chat with me in person we could talk about  your portfolio figure out which stocks to sell off   and hopefully get you back in the green to double  or even triple that portfolio year over year   you also get access to my discord you can group  chat with hundreds of people you can chat with me   and you can even send me a screenshot if you need  some help with some stocks that you purchased   all right let's get into all of  our stocks cryptos and dogecoin   all right let's take a quick look at our portfolio  before we get into dogecoin just so we can see   maybe the 5-10 stocks all right charge point  right now 25.50 we got in at 20 93 70 shares   and that's what's really important knowing when  to go into a stock because sometimes that dip   isn't a dip because there could be another dip  after that dip and another one and then you end   up in the negative so we're up 319 dollars  not bad well let's take a look at lemonade   90 dollars and 35 cents it actually went down  from about 93 dollars and we got in at 80 and   again that's what's important you got to put a  strike price wait for it and then when it dips   to that price that you think is good you get  into it so right now we have 10 shares at 80   but i think lemonade can very very easily get  way above 160 dollars in the next 12 months   pfizer we have 15 shares of PFZR pfizer  at 35.98 now why do i like pfizer   i use it as a savings account honestly i collect  my dividends and i always keep adding more and   more cash to it so when another stock dips  down then i'll sell off some of my pfizer   use that money that i've sold off from pfizer  and then buy those other stocks that are crashed   and if no stocks crash then i just leave the  money in pfizer and collect those dividends   year over year so right now you can  see i only have 15 shares of pfizer   at 35.98 and that's because there's been so many  dips and crashes lately i've been selling off more   and more pfizer and adding money to those other  stocks to take advantage of that opportunity   all right tattooed chef now we sold this off  if you've been on my channel for a while we   know we sold it off at 25 bucks because i  said it was going to go down over the summer   well it went down as low as 1668 so we bought  into it because that is a fantastic buying price   because i see them well over 30 dollars by the end  of the year which means we can double our money   so a good buying opportunity got  a hundred shares of it at 1668.   all right our next one is going to be golden  nugget online gaming it's at 1481. we got in  

at 1401 and we have 75 shares of it and this  company is going to do very very well over   the summer so this is still a really good buying  opportunity even at 1481. all right NOK i think i   told everybody we're going to see nokia eventually  get to 20 maybe even 40 dollars so a really really   good buying opportunity when it dipped down to  around four dollars we got into it we got in at   four dollars and two cents and we are not all  we're up almost 17 and i think this is just the   beginning i see nokia easily hitting that six to  seven dollar mark by the end of the year possibly   twenty dollars in the next five plus years so  that's a really really nice return all right neo   high conviction on NIO i have 200 shares of NIO  at 38.79 we're up 266 dollars and i believe NIO   gonna get to somewhere around 75 to 95 dollars by  the end of the year because of that chip shortage   if that has a big impact we'll probably end  around 75 if it doesn't we'll end up around 95.   all right amd is at 81.40 we got in at 79.27 we  have 40 shares of it and we're up about 85 dollars  

now amd's a fantastic company their graphics  cards their actual chips everything they make   is just amazing and i see them going somewhere  between 120 to 130 by the end of the year now   if you want to see the rest of my portfolio if  you want to see every single stock i have make   sure you join me on patreon once you sign up for  patreon it's the very first link in my description   you can see my entire portfolio what stocks i  have exactly how many shares of that stock i have   and you also have alerts those alerts will let you  know in real time the moment i buy or sell a stock   though if you want to mimic my portfolio you can  do that via patreon all right dogecoin is up 33   in the last seven days i told everybody on patreon  and on this score we're gonna have a support line   around 22 cents those of you that are on my  discord you got that alert i sent it to everybody   and if we go back we can take a look  here let's say the last week or so   we actually reached 22.63 so i was  almost right on the money with that   this is a really good buying opportunity and  then it started climbing up even at 37 cents i   still think there's a huge upside where you can  triple your money just by getting to one dollar   now we're going to reach that 50 cent mark very  very soon so that's also another huge upside let's   just take a look here 37 cents right now to let's  just say 50 cents you're getting 26 to return   your money just hitting that 50 cent strike price  all right let's move on to our next one is gonna   be bitcoin bitcoin is up 551 percent in the last  year and up about 1.4 percent in the last 24 hours   but the real winners are is going to be here is  ethereum these are new record highs it's getting   to that three thousand dollar mark which is  unbelievable an ethereum is not a cryptocurrency   it's actually like an application store that's  why people do not realize how important theorem   is there's infinite number of cryptocurrencies  that you can build off of ethereum all right so   ether could hit ten thousand dollars function  says touting network value versus bitcoins the   cryptos nerve is shifting from bitcoin to ethereum  brought which placed a ten thousand dollar price   target on eth for this year that is unbelievable  so you're talking about tripling possibly even   quadrupling your money by investing into ethereum  even at this three thousand dollar price right now   so really really amazing returns all right so  ripple is up one percent in the last day and up 50   in the last week and i've been telling everybody  get into ripple is gonna go up and look at that   fifty percent returns in just the last seven  days now cardano's the big one i need to make   a video that's coming make sure subscribe to our  channel i'm making another video on why cardano   is gonna get to a hundred dollars per coin  so this dollar 34 this is just the beginning   now if you think this is actually a lot because  i know a lot of people just like those really   really cheap penny stocks let's just look  at the last year you're up thousand five   hundred percent and these are just the beginning  stages of how high cardano is going to get   now let's move on ethiopian education minister  confirms cardano blockchain partnership   cardano builder io hk said it is beginning  to develop code and does not expect to launch   the project before 2022 so right now is  the time to get into cardano and then   sit and wait that's exactly what happened with  tesla i had tesla shares for five almost six   years they did nothing for me and then they went  from basically seventy dollars to almost nine   hundred dollar highs sometimes you have to  buy in low and then just wait until you see   those fantastic returns all right safe one is  down 34 in the last week and it's done about 14   in the last 24 hours so it's almost getting to  that strike price i'll let everybody know on   patreon and discord when it when the really really  good time is to get into safe mode it's still   consolidating and it's still not really found any  kind of a support line all right so right now we   are at 517 so we had actually all-time highs of  1400. all right moonshot is up half a percent  

and we'll see how high moonshot can get i still  have not invested into moonshot but that's gonna   be my next one i think i'm gonna throw about a  hundred bucks into it and see where it goes or   a polygon so matic is down about four percent  this is another one i'm still doing research on   those of you that are on my patreon or discord i  will let you know when i think a good time to buy   matic is and those of you that actually just want  to get into it right now i'll just put a small   amount that you don't mind losing all right so  three unstoppable stocks that can crush dogecoin   now i'm a firm believer in dollar coin but you  should also be purchasing stocks you share some   mutual funds etfs and a couple of different  stocks in your portfolio it's also really   important to have stocks in completely different  sectors that way if one sector let's say like the   tech sector crashes the other one is actually  going to go up and then you're going to still   be making money even when some of your tech stocks  are losing you money now if you need help figuring   out which stocks to get into which sectors to  get into and what the exact opposite sectors are   you can always talk to me on patreon i'll help  you out with that all right so dangerous pump   and dump is in the making so let's talk about  some three stocks that you could possibly get   into so one of them is going to be intuitive  surgical their ticker is going to be isrg   and that could be a potential stock that you  invest in aside from dogecoin all right green   thumb industries so this could be your other  stock that you might want to put some money into   their ticker is going to be gt bif and this is  an otc stock all right and then your last one   is going to be crowdstrike holdings you may want  to invest into them as well they could have some   really really good upside if you are a long-term  investor and for crowdstrike their ticker is crwd   all right so dosh content called outlook a  break of this trend line here would set the   coin on a course to rally to all-time highs  around 44.98 so we're about to go to that   45 cent mark and if we break that support line  we're heading somewhere between 75 to 80 cents   so there does coin could be set for another  rally so adding a little bit more money this week   it's probably a good idea coinbase to  acquire skew crypto data analytics platform   so coinbase is a really really large part of my  portfolio i think i'm somewhere around 12 or 13   and i keep adding more shares and averaging in now  if you guys don't know ARK invest and cathie wood   in the last 10 days of every single day they saw  coin dip even a little bit they bought more and   more of it so they are very very bullish on it and  they think coinbase is going to do very very well   and i agree with cathie wood that's why i added  it to all of my portfolios so turkey adds crypto   firms to money laundering and terrorizes financing  rules so there's even more chaos happening   in turkey lira or their official money is  actually just keeps getting devalued i'm not   quite sure where they're going with this instead  of supporting the people and crypto they're kind   of against it and that's why i've seen these  dips and this volatility in the stock market and   in the actual crypto market even more and those  were actually really good buying opportunities   so some african crypto users see bitcoin as an  alternative source of retirement income and i   think this is smart especially in countries  like africa where you can't invest in crypto   it's a very easy way to just purchase and sell  goods because there's so many different types of   money over there and a lot of people right now  are starting to actually invest into crypto for   retirement because what if you start slowly buying  into bitcoin right now and someday that 60 dollar   bitcoin ends up becoming one or even 5 million  dollars that is a fantastic long-term investment   so cryptocurrency is threatening the role of  central banks why governments must go to crypto   so a lot of these actual governments are  going to start to accept cryptocurrencies   realize this is a part of their future and  it's not going anywhere this isn't like the   early days where bitcoin was just not accepted  and it rallied up all the way to almost 20   000 dollars i believe was even over that and then  crashed back down right now i don't think we'll   ever see a crash like that even if it corrects and  goes down to 30 or 40 thousand dollars it's going   to continue upwards and eventually get to that 180  000 strike price in the next 12 to 18 months and   we can see bitcoin someday being in the millions  somewhere between one to five million dollars if   you're a long term looking out 10 to 20 years  those are absolutely possible numbers because   it's a capped coins all right let's go over some  top stocks riding the crypto wave and the first   one is going to be tesla so those who that do  not know tesla invested 1.5 billion dollars into   bitcoin and then this first quarter sold off about  300 million dollars of it that second one is going   to be facebook and facebook is actually building  its own cryptocurrency and its own wallet and   facebook is extremely under valued that's a really  really good stock to pick up right now especially   with this digital wallet and the crypto coming  they're going to do very very well in the future   i think they're super super undervalued  and if you want to have a nice safe stock   in your portfolio slower growth but absolutely  sure growth facebook is always a good decision   so business intelligence company microstrategy one  of bitcoin's biggest corporate backers and square   the payments fintech funded by billion billionaire  jack dorsey are two other goldman picks that have   invested heavily into bitcoin so we're  having huge companies etfs mutual funds   all investing into cryptocurrencies all right  our very first stock is going to be PLTR palantir   the federal government is relying on them  they're using them to figure to track just what's   happening with the pandemic this is a huge company  that now bp invested another five years they   signed a contract for five more years i believe  it was for 320 million dollars so palantir easily   10x in the next 10 to 20 years super undervalued  and i see amazing returns from palantir long term   all right let's get into teladoc TDOC here they  crashed i thought their actual financials were   amazing i love their earnings report you know this  has been a very weird week where people sold off   even though companies made really really really  good returns so good time to buy into teladoc and   i'll be adding this stock in a couple of days to  my portfolio next next one's going to be twitter   cathie wood and ark invest invested millions to  hundreds of millions of dollars into twitter in   just the last couple of days after this dip so  let's just take a look in the last five days   we've gone from about 66 dollars to about  55 22 right now so we're talking about a 20   crash this is basically a correction but i  would almost call it like call it a crash   from its actual let's just take a look here  all-time highs of 77 here puts us at about 30   percent down and our 52 week high is 80 dollars so  you can definitely see twitter crashed and this is   a really really good buying opportunity all right  our very next one is going to be peloton really   really good buying opportunity right now at 98.35  anything under 100 is a must buy all right let's   go to our very next stock here and that's going  to be arc invest arc invest is at 120 it's an   etf not a stock so it's an exchange traded fund i  think there's 56 stocks in this actual etf and at   120 this is an amazing buying opportunity their 52  week high here is 159 which i thought was also low   so 120 over 159 you're gonna get this exchange  trader fund at 25 off so a very safe amazing   company i think cathie wood is basically one of  the smartest people in the world and she's the   modern-day warren buffett so when she picks stocks  i always pay close attention to and i'm very   heavily invested into our actual ark etf all right  thank you for watching now if your portfolio is   done you need help you can talk to me on patreon  again that's the very first link in my description   once you download that patreon application to your  phone and then that discord application you can   chat with me we can go over your portfolio figure  out which stocks to buy or sell you can talk to   my entire community there's hundreds of people on  discord you'll get access to discord and you can   chat with me and everybody else about cryptos or  stocks and just grow that portfolio year over year   alright thank you for watching and i'll talk to  you either on patreon or the next video take care thank   you

2021-05-03 21:32

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