Do You Make This Trading Mistake (Video Review by Jeff)?

Do You Make This Trading Mistake (Video Review by Jeff)?

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hey what's up everybody hey welcome  back to the channel i'm trader jeff   and in this channel we talk everything  trading options forex crypto and right now   trading video reviews where we take a video we  watch it together we analyze it and then i give   you kind of my thoughts and opinions as we're  working our way through the video all right so   if that sounds good to you you know what to do one  hey subscribe to the channel if you haven't done   so yet two hit that little bell to be notified  whenever i shoot a brand new video three and   make a comment let me know your thoughts i would  really appreciate it alright let's roll that intro all right everybody hey welcome to this video  now in this video we're gonna do a review okay   i've got something that ran across my news feed  today and it said do you make this candlestick   trading mistake hey that's a interesting title  and so what i want to do is i want to actually go   watch the video now what we're going to do is this  is going to be the first time that i'm watching it   i have not watched it prior to right now we're  going to watch it together so as you know brand   new to the channel i want to start doing video  reviews and so we're going to watch this together   and when i feel something is important i'm going  to stop the video and i'm going to talk about it   because what i want to do is it's not just enough  to watch a video you might not get the whole thing   so we're going to analyze this together all  right so that sounds good again if you haven't   subscribed go ahead and subscribe to the channel  let me know your thoughts hit that little bell to   be notified when i shoot a brand new video and  let's dive into do you make this candlestick   trading mistake video together hey what's up my  friends so in today's training i want to share   with you a candlestick trading mistake that  almost all new traders make so let's get to it   the mistake is this is that you are trading  in no man's land so what do i mean by this   so for example let's say this market right now is  contained between this highs and this lows it's in   the range market goes up to the highs comes back  down to the lows and goes back up to the middle   of this range and then maybe it forms a bullish  engulfing pattern or a bullish hammer whichever   the case is and you look at this man rainer look  how bullish this is it's time to buy no not quite   why is that it's because you are trading in no  man's land the price is in the middle of nowhere   if you look at this chart you take a step back  you would realize the price isn't near the highest   of the range or the all right let's talk about  that for a minute so we want to make sure we pay   attention to this part because he's absolutely  right the last thing in the world that you want   to do and that i teach my students is trade in  no man's land now i don't call it no man's land   what i say is you know you've got resistance you  got support so you can see up there you've got   the resistance you've got the support anything  in the middle is noise we make our decisions   at resistance and support and this is a sideways  channel he's showing us now and so that's a very   important concept that you need to understand  all right so let's keep going with the lows   of the range is in the middle of nowhere and the  problem with trading in no man's land is you get   an unfavorable risk to reward and let me you know  kind of prove it to you here with a chart example   so if you look at this chart this is the chart  of dollar canadian price is content between these   highs here and there's a nearby swing low over  here and over here you notice that there's a huge   bullish engulfing pattern over here or a huge  bullish candle and traders will look at this oh   reyna look how bullish this is the price is going  to the moon it's going to pluto it's time to buy   so where do they buy the price closed over here  let's say you entered near the uh open up of the   next candle you probably go along around 1.32  oh okay let's say you get get long at this price   your stop-loss like a logical stop-loss would have  to go at least below this swing low let's say and   here 1.305 now what about just really quickly i  know a lot of y'all notice but some of you might   not he's talking about forex okay forex we're  not talking about options right here and again   i know a lot of you know this but some people  are new to this so the entry these are you know   1.320 they're pips okay and then a stop loss  1.305 so in this particular case he's risking   15 pips which again i know a lot of you  know that but pay attention to this because   right now he's spot on the market and a lot of  people they will enter in this as he calls it   no man's land so let's just keep watching targets  so if you look at target this is the nearest swing   high over here so your target is possibly  around 134. so if you look at this from a  

risk to reward standpoint you are risking this  much from here all the way down to here this is   how much you're risking and if you look at it in  terms of pips your wrist right let's call it ri   is about 270 pips and your reward  your potential reward let's call it re   is potentially 80 pips right from 8 from 1.32  to 134 there's a potential reward off about   yeah and i want to kind of reiterate this concept  and again it's the whole name of the game when it   comes to trading and i don't care if you're  trading 4x i don't care for trading options   it's risk to reward so like in this case you know  he's sharing with you and i'm just reinforcing   these concepts that you're in the middle of this  channel no good we make our decisions at support   and resistance purely from a reward to risk  standpoint if you're gonna if your rewards 80 and   your risk is 270 that's terrible so we definitely  want to make sure and again i've never watched   this video we're analyzing this together but we  want to make sure that we're trading at support   and resistance and this is a mistake that a lot of  people do they trade in the middle right the noise   80 pips so you can see you are risking 270  pips to make 80 pips and if i just take my   calculator over here that risk to reward is  a potential almost risking a dollar to make   30 cents so from a risk to reward standpoint  you can see that it's pretty darn unfavorable   especially when you're trading in the middle of  nowhere so again if you look through your past   charts whenever you see that you're trading in the  middle of nowhere just analyze your potential risk   to reward where could the market potentially  go to relative to where your stop-loss should   be your risk to reward most of the time is less  than one to one let me give you another example   so this one here pound canadian if you look at the  weekly time frame over here same thing price could   make this bullish candle close over here and  if you access assess this chart right where is   a logical place to put your stop loss i would say  you know this would be the nearest price structure   nearest swing low possibly around 167. where could  the boss market possibly go i would say maybe   into this area of resistance over here so you can  see that this is how much you how much is your   potential reward let's call it re and this is how  much you have to risk to make that reward let's   call this ri does it make sense is this something  that you want to trade i hope the answer is no so   that's the key thing that i'm trying to bring  across is that when you are trading in no man's   land the risk to reward is usually unfavorable  it's kind of like in the ocean when you're in the   middle of the ocean you're in uncharted territory  the risk is huge compared to if you're near the   shoreline or if anything happens you can just swim  back to the sand be safe and you know collect some   seashells so remember this right don't trade in no  man's land i'll explain all right i'll share with   you later you know where you should be looking for  favorable risk to reward trades where to find them   next one you are trading far away from  an area of value what do i mean by this   so if you look at this the problem with this is  that it's usually too late to enter as the market   is likely to make a pullback or a reversal so let  me illustrate to you what this means let's say   the market is in a nice uptrend a series of higher  highs and higher lows like this and if you overlay   with let's say a 50 period moving average you  might find that this type of market condition the   price tends to you know bounce off the 50ma here  once and twice and right now let's say the price   is over here the problem right when you're trading  or rather you can see as of right now let's say   this one here is the 50ma we can conclude right  that the 50 period moving average is an area of   value it doesn't have to only be the 50 period  moving average it could be an upward trend line   it could be an area of support or swing low  so whatever the case is right when the price   is let's say this point over here let me just  stretch it out for a bit at this point here it's   pretty done far away from the 50 period moving  average from here all the way down here is the 50   period moving average you can see that it's pretty  done far away and when you're entering your trades   far away from the area of value that is where the  market is all right so i just want to reinforce   this concept what he's using here in this video is  the the 50 moving average i think he said simple   moving average as his area value or support i'll  try to do my drawing items i don't know if it's   going to work but i have a little drawing tool  let me see if it allows me to draw on this screen   yeah it does so it could be the support area right  here these lows just happens to be the 50s so what   he's talking about is you definitely don't want to  enter a trade way up there because from a reward   to risk standpoint it's no good because one of the  things that my mentor taught me a long time ago is   when you're trading you need to set your stop loss  below support below support he said if you set it   above support you deserve to get stopped out so  the value area or support he's gonna probably say   if you get in it right there and set  your stop loss somewhere down here   then it's too far from a reward to risk standpoint  so you definitely want to make sure in an uptrend   that you enter at support for sure likely to make  a pullback or a reversal and if you buy when it's   far away from the area of value you're likely  to get stopped out so let me give you an example   so look at this chart over here fiverr okay  so where is this chart area of value so i   would say again in this type of trending market  conditions this could serve as an area of value   for this particular stock the 50 period moving  average right almost tested uh once here twice   three times over here so you can see over here  the 50 period moving average for this stock chart   serves as an area of value and you look at this  price over here right now at this point at 320 at   this highs do you want to be buying at this heist  yes i know it's in an uptrend but do you want to   be buying at this heist even though this market  is in an uptrend and i hope you say the answer   is no because no you don't want to because at this  point the market could be could likely right make   a pullback or even a complete reversal and where  will the pullback end chances are at this area of   value so this is kind of like a a swing down lower  from here all the way down to here that you have   to swallow it's going to be painful especially if  you're buying at 320 and the next area of value   is around 220 230 so don't trade far away from  an area of value because when the pullback comes   you'll likely get stopped out let me give  you another example this one here is copper   okay same story over here so in this case the  50 period moving average also here seems to be   acting as an area of value tested once twice three  times or if not if you're not using the 50 period   moving average it could also be you know things  like support resistance where this is previous   swing high which could i guess support so you  can see that area of value here is around three   dollars and 75 cents or 72 cents around  there so if you look at this right if you   are looking the price now breaking up to this  highs do you want to be buying at this heist   when it's so far away from an area of value  you can look at it like a rubber band being   stretched when the rubber band is stretched  the more you stretch it what's gonna happen   the stronger the snapback is gonna be right  rather than when stressed it naturally needs to   you know snap back towards this you know normal  size so same thing for this type of you know   trending market where you can identify the area of  value clearly if it's stretched far away from the   area of value you want to be careful i don't care  what candlestick pattern it shows whether it's a   bullish hammer an engulfing pattern or whatever  you know uh kachang pattern i don't care you have   to be aware of the current price structure of the  market whether is it near or far the area of value   yeah i'm going to reinforce that concept you know  he's talking about you know if it's in an uptrend   right market structure higher highs and higher  lows just like this you always want to be aware   i teach the traders they're in my school we we  focus on trading with the trend i mean we can do   counter trend trading but if you're a beginning  trader then you want to always establish a bias   right what is the market structure it's up higher  highs and higher lows and so if you're not going   to use the 50 like he said you can literally just  use the highs and lows and in this particular case   the resistance remember old resistance becomes  a new support which just happens to coincide   here so if you try to jump in and catch this  candle up here from a reward to risk standpoint   you're you're you're in trouble right and so he's  talking about the mistakes and i like this video   and i agree with his points 100 percent 100  percent so now what now so earlier i've shared   with you two common mistakes that many traders  make number one trading in no man's land number   two trading far from an area of value so how  should we approach candlestick trading if we want   to you know use this too efficiently and it's just  a one-liner one-liner and by the way if you're   enjoying this training so far smash the thumbs up  button if you don't then hit the subscribe button   let's move on so what now and it's very simple  what you want to do is to trade with the trend   from an area of value so if you think about this  this one sentence has actually overcome the two   problems or mistakes right that our traders have  made that i've just shared with you so let me   explain how this works so again see that's exactly  what i just said right i mean again reinforcing   the concept trade with the trend if you're brand  new or even you know been within the last three   years of trading i mean i've been trading  for 15 and so focus on trading with the trend   the trend from trade with the trend from an area  of value so let's say market is trending up higher   series of higher highs and higher lows comes  back down into this area of value maybe previous   resistance could become support you want to be  trading from this area of value that's one example   or another example could be let's  say market is trending up nicely   like this comes back and we test this previous  swing low over here this could be another area   of value or it could even be retesting right  a respected moving average like the 50 period   moving average that could be another area of value  in a trending market so let me share with you a   couple of examples before we conclude today's  session so first example to share with you is   new zealand yen okay so if you look at this chart  let me just share with you you can see over here   this market is in a nice uptrend forming a series  of higher highs and higher lows so let's recap   what i just said trading with the trend from an  area of value so what's the trend of this market   on this time frame new zealand yen eight  hour time frame the trend is number one ah   number two are we trading near an area of value  from the looks of this we are now at this swing   low this area of support over here another says  yes trading an area of value and number three   this is where your candlestick pattern your  candlestick knowledge comes into play at this   point you have something that looks something like  a close to a bullish engulfing pattern or maybe a   piercing pattern however you want to define it and  really the definition of the candlestick pattern   isn't as important right as the context as what  i'm sharing with you trading with the trend   from an area of value can you see the difference  between buying here and trading in no man's land   or trading when the price is far away from an  area of value big difference one more example   right let me let me give you a stock trading  example to see that this concept can be can be uh   used for the stock markets as well so if  you look at this market this price chart   trading with the trend number one yes check trend  is up number two area of value again this one over   here at this previous swing high which could  become a support test tested once and over here   tested a second time and again what candlestick  pattern is this this is where your candlestick   knowledge comes into play it looks like a bullish  hammer to me so can you again see the difference   right between trading with the trend from an  area of value compared to trading in no man's   land and trading when the price is far away from  the area of value so this is what i'm trying to   bring across right when you are trading with  candlestick patterns so let's do a quick recap   number one avoid trading in no man's land  because from a risk to reward standpoint   it's usually unfavorable and since i'm mentioning  this right let's now go back and analyze this from   a risk to reward standpoint if you look at this  potential let's say a potential trading setup   let's say you buy at 45 dollars let's say your  stop-loss is at 37.50 okay so you if you do the   math right your stop-loss right let's call it s  it's about 7.50 that's the size of your stop-loss  

what about your target let's say the nearest swing  high before it right it's here about 60 dollars   so from your entry point 45 dollars to 60 dollars  your target is a potential profit of if my math   is of me right 15 dollars your stop losses  eight dollars in that example but it doesn't   really matter what the most important thing  is because it is eight dollars but the reward   is well he has it up there you know 60 and if  you're getting in at 45.50 that's roughly a 14.50 ish so kind again doesn't look like it's bait  again going up there 60 45 well not quite a two   to one but but you know it's at least like 1.75  so what is illustrating again for a lot of you   that are new watching this is it's the concept of  entering at support there's three important when   it comes to technical analysis there's three big  big things one trade with the trend in an uptrend   we trade at support so i call it to my students  it's trend support and resistance and momentum   and in this particular particular case the trend  is up it's pulling back the support you got a   hammer or a pin bar depending on how you classify  it and then you're just waiting for that momentum   to shift but the reward the risk is it's good so  you're now risking seven dollar and fifty cents to   make fifteen dollars or if you look at it from a  risk to reward standpoint you're risking a dollar   to make two dollars can you see now the difference  between trading in no man's land and trading from   an area of value can you i hope you do because  if not right then uh you might want to rewatch   this video again and smash the thumbs up button  again so as i was saying right avoid trading no   man's land number two avoid trading far from an  area of value because this is where the market is   likely to make a pullback or reversal and finally  number three right to really trade candlestick   patterns right or to use your candlestick  knowledge remember trade with the trend   from an area of value or you might even know you  know plasticize cluster this on your wall you   know like a coat or something like that to remind  you to trade with the trend from an area of value   and by the way if you want to learn more all  right so we'll stop right there so again number   one avoid trading in no man's land okay no man's  land is in between support and resistance it's   noise okay it's noise avoid the noise right avoid  the noise avoid trading far from an area of value   okay avoid trade so support resistance again in  the middle because in this video he's trying to   iterate the concepts of trading mistakes okay  do you make this candlestick trading mistake   so we don't want y'all to do that and again i'm  not affiliated with this guy at all just i got   this video on my news feed and i wanted to watch  it and so again i wanted to share it with you and   i'll go back and i'll you know again my students  who are in my course you know watch what i do they   watch this and so i'm always trying to dissect  things and explain it in a way that people get   it i want to reiterate that the value is support  trade with the trend from an area of value the   trend is your friend right the trend is your  friend you've heard that before higher highs   and higher lows as it's pulling back it goes  up pulls back boom right there from a value   so really good video really good video and i just  wanted to analyze it together and give my thoughts   hey if you've got some videos that you like for me  to analyze hey shoot them my way send me an email   you know and i'll i'll get around to it and if i  pick one i'll give you a shout out on the air that   i got the video from you alright hopefully you  enjoyed that analysis alright everybody hopefully   you enjoyed that really appreciate it yeah i'm  gonna start doing that more often i like it so   if you like it hey reward me by subscribing to  the channel if you haven't done so yet hitting   that little bell to be notified whenever  i shoot a brand new video making a comment   also if you're interested in any of the courses  that i offer or my options elite or forex school   check down below in the description you'll see the  link to all my courses also the indicators that i   use and all the bonuses that i offer if you buy  not only my course but the indicators through me   also i be going live monday wednesday and friday  on my channel doing kind of a market recap market   review looking at stuff together so make sure  that you do that also check out some of my videos   on the ttm squeeze or my option trading playlist  you'll have a great day and until next time trader   jeff moore author of the book trading part-time  and we'll see you in the next video lesson you

2021-08-24 11:30

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